The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 11, 1909, Image 3

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,10" Wk
Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit
ic3' and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
Friend hns decided to havo a bin
celebration on llio Fourth.
Tho McCook band has been engaged
for a two days' engagement at tho
Hastings Chautauqua.
Tho Midwest Liro wants moro gen
eral and local agents. Write to N. Z.
Knell, president, Lincoln, Nooraska.
I Tho fund of $75,000 for tho new
KJhlld Saving Instltuto building at
Omaha haB been raised, and tho work
of construction will soon commenco.
Gov. Shnllenbergor delivered tho
address of tho thirty-eighth annual
commencement of Peru Normal be
fore the largest class In tho Normal's
I Tho now Homo Tolophone company
system at Deatrlco and Wymoro has
passed Into tho hands of tho Lincoln
.Telophono and Telegraph company,
Miown as the automatic.
I Taylor, tho Mlndon man who last
September assaulted and murdered
his slBtor-ln-lnw, has been found
guilty and sentenced to hang. Ef
forts will bo made by his lawyer for
a now trial.
County Treasurer John Ward of
Gage county, owing to continued 111
hcnlth, has departed for his ranch
near Cody, Wyo., whero ho will spond
tho summon His family will join him
Micro latu in Juno,
: Johnny Schneider, 12 years of ago,
'1b In tho county Jail nt Hastings,
awaiting a hearing on a chargo of bur
glary. Ilo was caught In a building
jtvlth n glass cuttor. cold chisel, small
Uhaminor, knlfo and other articles In
Ids possession.
. New Haven (Conn.) dispatch:
lAmong tho students who will receive
tho bachelor of laws dogroo at Yalo
.law school commencement, Juno 25, Isr
Chnuncoy Church Jones of Trenton,
Nob. Ho is a B. A. graduate or Doano
xnllcge, '04.
: John Duhr was kicked to death by
'.a horse whllo adjusting Its harness,
on his farm near Pauline. Ho was
struck several times on tho head and
about the body and was unconscious
when picked tip by a farmer who
.wont to his aid.
I Local democratic workers mot at
'Kearney and porfected preliminary
.arrangements for a dollar dinner, nt
"which 200 guests are expected. The
dato was llxcd for June 19, this bolng
.the only dato available on which Gov.
(Shnllenbergor can bo present.
Tho Midwest Life of Lincoln now
hns $1,000,000 of insurance In force.
3t is nn old lino company doing busl
noHS only In Nebraska. It offers lib
oral agents' contracts to reliable men
with or without cxperlenco In the sale
.of Insurance. Write N. Z. Snell for
'. Tho vlllago treasurer of Chapman
has been enjoined from paying out
any of the funds In his caro. This Is
tsi development In a troubled state of
municipal affairs caused by two vll
lago boards claiming to have tho le
gal legislative powers. Tho Injunc
tion was Bocured by Wllliom Cor
nelius. A largo numbor of persons nt tho
.Electrical Show In tho Auditorium
'building, Omaha, recently witnessed
ono of tho most remarkable demon
strations of "wireless" energy hereto
fore made In any country In fact, a
feat not accomplished before In tho
world's history, so far ns Is known
when Dr. Froderlck H. Mlllcner, ex
perimental electrician, Union Pacific
Railroad company, Omaha, turned on
the lights In tho building, tho impulso
being sont from tho Fort Omaha wire
less tower, six miles distant. This
demonstration was made posslblo
through tho courtesy of Colonel Glnss
ford, Signal Corps, U. S. A. Tho
wireless Impulso operated on a spe
cially constructed coherer (which is
A-ory dolicnto and will recolvo tho
faintest Impulse) similar In construc
tion to that ubc(1 about a year ago on
tho electrically controlled (by "wire
less") truck In tho Hhop ynrdB of tho
Union Pacific, nt Omaha. By means
of n lnrgo solenoid switch, which Is
closed when tho Impulso passes
through tho coherer, sovonty-llvo horso
power wore turned on and tho Audi
torium lighted. 13y means of a simi
lar mechanism tho powor was turned
off nnd tho operation ropoatcd sovoral
times in other words, tho local cir
cuits In tho Auditorium wore closed
by wireless impulso from Fort Omaha.
Tho public is beginning to ronllzo tho
Immensity nnd tho Importnnco of tho
work bolng dpno by Union Pacific rail
road in its efforts to safogunrd tho lives
of Its passengers and tho property of
ohlppors, via its lines, and, by roason
of tho experimental work bolng done
by It, what an Important factor It Is
in tills country's progress.
While Honry Soymour Is noting ns
secretary of tho stato board of assoss
niont, several parties have mndo ap
plication for tho Job mndo vacant by
tho death of Chris Schavlnnd. Frank
Holvoy of Nobrnska City, who was tho
head of tho publicity bureau of the
republican state committee, is ono of
tho persons who hns nppllcd for tho
place, says a Lincoln dispatch.
Katlo Tlmni, aged about 22 years,
committed Bulcldo in her room nt 10G
South Eleventh Btrcot, Omaha, by
swallowing carbolic acid. It is thought
that jealousy caused her to tako her
life. Her parents ilvo In Fromont.
sacro threats If tho Shoriat laws were
lgiP? - ii jam, ifflMgP '
i 1 ""l tm mm m mmmt mmh khm mm ann mmhm bm an w r-mvmmamrj ivm
not restored. Mohmcd V. Bald of
courso they would bo restored. Thoro
never hnd been any doubt about It In
his mind nnd he declared himself deep
ly grieved that so trivial a matter
should so thoroughly arouso his noblo
In fact Meluned V. Is a whnlo of
good nnturo and tact, say his cour
tlors, nnd when all 1fo falls well nd
Justed, well chosen words to his coun
trymen turn the trick.
Dcspito tho fact that he Is n broth
er of Abdul Hamld, tho deposed mon
arch, ho has few of tho traits of tho
latter and promises thnt ho will never
plead 111 health when debtors press hard. That
mode of meeting bill collections gavo Abdul
Hamld the nnmo of tho "sick man of Europe."
Contrary to Abdul's policies Mohmcd V. has
shaped his plans In bucIi a manner thnt Tur
key Is to bo given nnd, It is said, is now being
given a thoroughly economical administration
with tho people nt tho helm to n largo extent.
Tho first two months of Mehmed's reign hnvo
seen him an object of worship by tho people
and tho change In the ordor of things from
the old way so thoroughly welcomed by tho
Turkish populnco In general thnt the sultan
ovldoncod his bollcf In tho sincerity of his
people by appearing on tho streets upon sovor
al occasions when tho snmo action by his broth
or would hnvo produced a vacancy in tho royal
Commercially Turkey Is ono of tho world's
richest countries and Iobb than a hundred
years ago was ono of the grcnt world powcra.
Its ships wore then on every sea nnd lorded
over by no one. A contrast was presented In
tho last quarter of a contury when demonstra
tions before tho porto wero constantly planned
and ofton executed for tho Bole purpose of
frightening tho sultan Into paying his debts.
They soldom frightened him that far, hut at
least extracted promlso of payments on account.
The oxtent of the Ottoman empire today
1b over 1,500,000 square mllos, whllo back in
1890, before Turkoy lost mnny of 1(B posses--slons
through tho despotic rulo of Abdul Hnm
Id, tho realm totaled l,G92,lfi0 square mllos.
Its population today Is 43,000,000, well scat
tered, thus giving nmplo opportunity for agri
cultural oporatlons. '
It Is said that to-day through tho slavery
Inws and henvy taxation opposed by tho for
mer ruler there nro 40,000,000 acres of uncul
tivated land In Turkey. Think of tho vast
revenue from tho soil which Is yenr aftor year
absolutely going to wnsto. Much of this land
is in tho possession of the crown nnd whnt
little duty was squeezed from it usunlly went
into tho coffers of tho brother of tho present
In evidence that Abdul Hnmld wns a wise
financier and a merciless mastor nro offered
tho discoveries of tho cnblnet membors who
wore selected an advisers to Mohmcd. In tho
palace nnd in tho grounds surrounding thoro
wns unearthed ovor $10,000,000 In coin, and pa
pers wero found which showed the former sul
tan to have $15,000,000 in the banks of Ger
many, France, England and America. Tim,
was the state of affairs which Mehmed found
and it gavo him and his court a pang to think
of the enormity of Turkey's debt whllo his
brother Abdul had been silently; but porslstent
ly tucking away tho country money In his
own prlvato pockotbook and. Turkoy with a
debt which tho world says wtll novor bo paid.
But thanks to tho Young J.'urks, Mohmed's
sound business policing W1 -.a surrounding of
loyal BubJectB, the word has gono out from tho
head of tho Turkish cabinet that tho debt will
bo liquidated as fast nB money Is piled Into
tho Ottoman surplus fund.
A lowering of taxation rates Is also prom
ised by tho new ruler. In yenrs past tho taxes
upon tho peoplo of tho empire hnvo been so
steep that thousands uponHhousnnds of them
hnvo mlgrntod to America, othors going to
countries In tho vicinity of Turkoy, wherd tho
yoko placed upon tho subject's head la not
nearly bo heavy.
It was proved conclusively thnt Abdul Ham
ld hlmsolf ordorcd tho Moslem fanatics of
Asiatic Turkoy to wlpo out tho cntlro Arme
nian rnco and with tho advent of Mohmcd V.
to tho throno everything within human powor
wns done to stop tho How of Christian blood,
with tho result that with tho exception of n
few roving bands, tho enrnngo makorB wero
almost Immediately hauled from their crimson
Then nt orders of tho new sultan tho rollof
work In tho strlckon dictrlcts whoro tho torch
and sword hnd reigned but a few days before
commenced with marvelous results. It was
estimated that 40,000 Armenians hnd been
Blnln during tho fow days which Intervened bo
tween tho order of Abdul Hnmld nnd tho suc
cessful termination of tho revolution in tho
deposition of tho despotic monarch.
That wns tho flrBt stop In tho Turkish house
clennlng and It hns been followed by othors of
greater Import to tho subjects of tho sultnn.
Tho minister of the interior hns personally
toured tho provinces nearby nnd also tho out
lying districts with a vlow towards learning
tho wants of tho citizens. A thorough reorgan
ization is still In progross nnd already rosults
are beginning to show themselves.
Reasons for Abdul Hamld issuing tho fate
ful secret order for the massacre of all Ar
menians are assigned to his desire to stom
tho tldo of growing strongth of tho Young
Turks nnd give nnothor bit of play for tho
Idle hands to accomplish In ordor that tho do
structtveuess might be turned In n direction
other than Ylldlz Klosh.
To all Intents and purposes ho succeeded. As
far os destruction wont Abdul Hamld was suc
cessful, but the terrific wave of opposition to
his rulo refused to spend ltsolf In tho mnssa
cres In Aslntlc Turkoy. TIiub ho brought about
Ills own downfall.
nut to-Jay a different sight than that of the
previous quarter contury of retrogression
greets tho eyes of tho visitor in Turkey. Pros
perity is !n tho nlr. Tho spy systom, so thor
oughly organized by nldes of Abdul Hnmld, Is
practically abolished. Under Abdul's reglmo
men feared to whisper their beliefs at their
own flresldos for fear a spy listened without or
fraught with even moro dangor for fear
members of their own families wore In tho
pay of the sultan.
Christian words at that tlmo woro punish-
able by pciialtlos moro
soverothan somo of Hiobo
which nro ndmlnlBterod
for ninnBlnuRhtcr In this
country. To bo confined
In a Turkish dungoon for
any longth of tlmo prac
tically meant death be
cause of tho vermin, lnck
of food nnd Insanitary
Tho task which Moh
mcd faced was that of re
organizing perhnps tho
most corrupt government
In tho world. It wns n
government In which
graft reigned openly nnd
unquestioned. And from
tho ilndings nt Ylldlz Klosh, tho formor sultan
was tho kingpin of his follow grnftors. Tho
subjocts woro tho only onos who did not grnft
nnd they wero tho oiicb upon whom tho grnft
lng wns lnMlctnd.
Tho peoplo in Constnntlnoplo, nccordlng to
coiiBUInr reporta forwarded from Wash
ington, highly respect tho now rulor nnd
their hope for a now order of things hns not
boon dissipated, for. tho roglmo of tho present
occupant of tho Ottoman throno hns ousted
tho most pornlcIoiiB grafters of tho old mon
archy and honest men form tho now ministry.
Capitalists are scanning tho situation In Tur
key with englo eyes for they renllzo that tho
opening of tho country to outsldo llnnnclorlng
will produce Investments which cannot bo
overlooked. Tho Ottoman cmplro Is ono of tho
largest of tho old world. It ombrncos exten
sive territories In southonstorn Europo, west
ern Asln and Northern Africa, grouped mainly
around tho enstorn waters of tho Mcdltorrnn
enn nnd along both sides of the Red sen, tho
west const of tho Perslnn gulf nnd southorn
and western shores of tho blnck sea.
Revolve In your mind tho vnrlous assort
ment of Industries which tuny bo carried on In
Hint fertile country nnd then ask yoursolf
whothor It Is any wonder thnt lots of Ameri
enn money will go to aid Turkoy by bolng In
vested in its industries.
Tho rojuvonatlon of Turkey is going on from
tho Insldo ns well as from tho outside. Tho
powers of tho world want to givo Turkoy a
chnnco to rotrlovo itself nnd thoy ronllzo that
tho new sultan must bo doponded upon. Every
official action which goes forth from tho pal
nco Is quickly communlcatod to tho govern
ments of Europo and America. In fact tho
whole world Is Just now sizing up Mehmed V.
Ho Is bolng watched an closely as If ho woro
out on parole.
Mohmcd Is believed by tho Turkish peoplo
to bo In somo munnor a descendant of Moham
med, fiitlior of tho religion which reigns su
premo within tho confines of tho Ottoman
omplre. It wns that fact which kopt Abdul
Hamld on tho throno for so long a tlmo whllo
Turkoy longed for his llfo blood and thousands
of plotters woro prnylng for a chanco to effect
his demise.
Finally, however, Mm peoplo of Turkey took
the view that It was tho ofilco of sultan which
they honored and not tho occupant of that po
sition. So tho Young Turks party was formed
with tho prlmnry Idea of restoring tho consti
tution of 1870. Tho decrepit ruler, after many
promises of a "New Turkoy," gavo thorn tho
constitution thoy wished. Then by machina
tions known only to himself and perhaps ono
or two mombors of his court, ho took away all
tho grants, still leaving tho subjects In pos
session of tho constitution of 1870, which than
amounted to nothing moro Minn nn empty
"Glvo us tho old
mnn's hand," shout
ed tho Yoting Turk
soldiers tho morn
ing of April 13, Just
boforo they Invad
ed tho sacred in
terior of tho sub
llmo Porto. Those
words which woro
nlso spoken to nn
American corro-
spondent by tho
leader of tho army
of Investment, told
a long story. Thoy
told tho corro
(spondent thnt tho
TurklBh people no
longer rovcrcd tho
person of Abdul
Hnmld because ho
happened to bo n
descendant of their
prophet. Thoy Woro
tho sharp ovldonco
Mint tho people had
takonit upon them
boIvob to worship
their rights and tho
sword, emblomntlc
of sultnnlc powor,
rnthor thnn tho
mnn who woro tho
sword, tho crown and occupied
tho raiment of n groat monarch.
So Micro was llttlo surprise ex
pressed iu other cltlos of tho
world when tho iicwb "Tho Porto
has fallon," was Hashed ovor tho
wiros. Tho end of despotism In
Turkoy was In sight, diplomats at
Washington snld.
Tho following day enmo tho ofllclnl bulletin
from tho head of tho church announcing thnt
tho ruler had boon unseated, his office turned
over to his brother and making grnvo charges
against Abdul Hamld, now nn old man.
"It is tho will of Allnh," Blghod tho old
mnn, his shnuldors scorning ovon moro stooped
ntter tho strenuous ovents of two dnyo,
Carassa Effoudl, a member of tho deputation
from tho national nssombly, which convoyed
tho fetvn (announcement) to tho Ylldlz palace,
tolls a graphic Btory of tho dramatlo scene
which closed six centuries' domination of tho
boundless power of tho Padishahs. When tho
deputation arrived at tho pnlnco tho bcciio was
ono of utter desolation. The Investing army
had cut off tho wntor, gas and electric sup
plies nnd hnd stopped tho Ingress of food, so
that all tho palaco olllclnls already woro suf
fering from hungor and panic.
Whllo waiting to bo Introduced to tho sul
tan tho membors of the deputation carefully
examined their holsters nnd pistols, nnd, nc
cordlng to Cnrnssa, had Abdul Hamld shown
an armed hand ho would hnvo been shot on
tho spot. Aftor much delay tho unwolcomo
visitors, surrounded by 20 black eunuchs, wero
ushered Into tho sultan's iTpnrtment, whero
stood tho sultan's son, Prlnco Abdur Rnhlm.
Presently tho sultan entered In a bowllderdd
manner. Ho wns dressed somewhat negligent
ly, ns though his clothes had been hastily
donned, In civilian uttlro. His arms hung at
his Bides and his hands trombhyl,.
Aftor a silent salute Essad 'Pasha pro
nounced In slow tones tho decroo of deposition,
nt which tho sultnn shuddered.
.Thoro was n painful silence, followed by
nn equally painful colloquy, lasting n quarter
of an hour. Abdul Hnmld appealed for his
Ufa and for tho lives of his family. Ha pro
tested his devotion to tho peoplo and his In
nocence In recent ovcntB.
Tho youthful prlnco burst Into tears, and
nftor vain efforts to restrain his footings, ro
tired behind a screen, whero ho broko Into
bitter sobs, For a moment tears trembled In
tho sultnn's eyes. Then ho supplicated tho
soldiers In attendance to swear that thoy would
not tako his llfo. Tho deputation brought tho
Interview to a close nnd Abdul Hamld humbly
Biilutcd them ns they departed,
Why the Muscles Grow Tired
Nearly half tho weight of tho human body
consists of'musclcB which connect the bonos
nnd, by contraction, movo them into vnrlous
positions. In tho best steam engines only one
tenth of tho potential onorgy of tho fuel Is con
verted Into mochnnlcnl work, but tho muscloB
utilize In work from !i4 to 65 per cent, of tho
onorgy of tho food nnd probnbly much moro,
uh the experiments which furnished theso
figures woro porformod with muscles removed
from Mid body, not with living muscles richly
supplied with blood. Tho less tho contraction
of n muscle the greater is its efficiency. A
Htonin engine which is maintained In good con
dition works hour aftor hour and day after
day, always consuming tho snmo quantity of
coal In performing tho snmo amount of work,
With tho muscles, howovor, it 1b different.
For tholr wnsto products from combustion
accumulate nnd cause fatlguo. Tho poison of
fatigue gradually Is washed away by tho blood,
and In light and Blow work It Is carried 'off as
rapidly as It is formed by tho activity of the
muscle, whllo In heavy, violent, or greatly pro
longed labor It accumulates In tho muscles.
It Is tho sonsntlon of fatlguo thut causes us
unconsciously to select the easiest way of do
ing things for oxamplo, to nscond a mountain
by a winding rnthor thnn by n Btralght path,
although wo thus Increase the total quantity of