or ' vx THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE IRA L. BARE, Publisher TERMS $1.25 IN ADVANCE NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA Now Is the time to have your straw at cleaned. For the unite of peace give the wom en tho ballot! Why. Jeer at tho spring poet when wo all feel the snmo way? Soon will be warm enough for the 'open-window cornet player. TTho milliners have solved tho prob lem: (What shall wo do with our ex wnstouaskcts? ( It must bo much plcnsnntcr to pilot a war balloon before hostilities begin than nftorwnrd Now the prlco of liberty Is quoted at tho market rnto of a sulllclcnt sup ply of DrcndnouRhtH, ' London Tiunplnlns of a shortage of doctors. The diploma mills must bo nioroj exacting over there. . V 5 . : ! . (,A wlso roan will enjoy every plena nnt day to tho fullest extent, for ho never! knows what Is coming. 'Tin! tnxicab Is after aliTfn nutomo bile, and It does not hesitate to run over tho Innocont pcdcutrlnn. An English .peeress has written a cookery boolr. I'orhnps tho reac tion from tho HUffragotto crazo Is coming. t S 5 t ' $h0 treasury department, It Is said, -Is about" to havo now designs prepared for trio nickel flvo-cont pieces nnd tho more, or less coppery ono-cont coins. , It possible- tho. designs should , bo. drawn so as not to rcsemblo In any degroo tho designs on the now five dollar gold pieces. Encn succeeding generation Is hot ter than tho Inst. That is why wo do not burn witches nor own slnvos. And wo do many things which our children's children will think criminal nnd silly. Our youngsters have overy Indication of living In a better tlmo than wo havo seen. If tho Chlcngo pollco havo enp turcd tho leader of tho Muck Hand In thnt city, they havo dono an oxcollont work. It Is snld that this man has given information concerning his fol lows. Ho was nrroated In tho net of taking money from an -Italian physl ' clati, who had been threatened by tho gang.1 yA looker-on in Venice Illinois, not Italy might well bo surprised that tho recont spanking of thrco boys in ih at peaceful vlllago should bo so elaborately treated by, the metropoli tan press. Tlmo was when this wns an' almost daily obscrvonco In every homo In tho land that boasted young barbarians nt play. "Tho old order changeth." A railroad posts In Its suburban cars warnings ngalnst "disembarking from tho curs In tho .tormina! yards." TIiIb, as tho Frenchman observed, is moBt -well; but might It not bo worth whtlo to join with U an admonition to tho cnroless suburbanite tp cenBo disembarking on tho port sldo of tho trnlns at stntlonB whoro tho platform lies to starboard? . , . . , ,, Tho coast artillery companies nt Fort Washington, Md., clulm tho world's record In mortar firing, having hit a targot moving nt tho rato of flvo .miles nn hour six times In ten shots at a distance of from -1,000 to G.000 yards, and tho ton Bhota woro fired In JeBs than C"8 minutes. With mnrks manshtp reduced to nn exact sclnnco tho lovlatlmn battleships will havo to be wary. b .... ; An American company Is to bo formed to cnpltnlizo an expedition to search In tho ocean for tho hidden treasures of Capt. Kidd. As a htdcr that piratical gentleman Is still hold ing tho record. Ho would bo worth lils weight In his own gold at this day, when othor hidden treasures nro be ing dragged to light by probes, Inves tigations, and, other forms, of "trust-busting." How culpably Ignorant of tho early history of our country tho children nrd being kept Is freshly Illustrated by norrio examination papers fllod nt a re cont collego examination, In which It was stnted that Clon. Grant nnd Ad miral Fnrragut commanded In tho British army and navy during tho rev olution. Apparently good work will bo found for overy post In detailing comrades to Inspect the duties of ihe children In the schools. r -fr?- - Z z?L-iZ2tr J - .... Tho Now York tnxlcnbs having HoV como established tho inevitable result follows thnt tholr proprietors lire fool ing around for tho highest charges that tho traftlc will benr, This Is bo usunl as-to cronto llttlo surprise: but tho public would llko tqr oncq to ,soo how It Bcopia to encounter a, nubile Nflrvlco novoltv that Is condiirtmi nn tho effoto notion of discovering the lowest prices thnt will ylold blggor profits by multiplying tho trnJIlc. the recently restored gulllotlno, and whenever there Is to bo nn execution the Apaches flock from nil districts of the city to witness the ghastly sights Silently they stand, gazing at tho grim Instrument of death, until the condemned Individual is brought forth. Then Jeers nnd howls brenk forth from tho crowd, and as tho knife falls tho Apaches rush forward tp dip tholr haudkorchlcfs In tho blood. Those they prcsorve as souvenirs, or sell them to the degencratos ol tho upper classes. Strangely enough, tho mnlo Apa ches nearly all look alike. They are hollow-cheeked, dark-haired, furtive- eyed, shambling of gait and sallow of complexion alwnys easily recognized nmong the throngs on tho streets. Tho women on the other hnnd, as a rule, are handsome, spirited nnd In' telllgont. They dress well nnd glvo ospecial attention to the caro of their hair, which they never cover with a hat. All of them, men nnd women, profess to follow some trndo ns a safeguard against tho occasional raids of the pollco on their haunts. Official Paris Is somewhat (lis mayed by the rapidly growing men ace of these Apaches bands. The number of robberies nnd murders at tributable to them is increasing monthly, nnd ns tho victims very often nro travelers from foreign lunds, the crimes uro having nn appreclitblo effect on tourist business. To Enjoy ilio full confidence of tho Well-informed of tho World and tho Commendation of tho most eminent physicians it was essen tial that tho component parts of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna should bo known to and approved by them; there fore, tho California Fig Syrup Co. pub lishes a full statement with every package. Tho perfect purity and uniformity of pro duct, which they demand in a laxativo remedy of an ethical character, are assured by the Company's original method of man ufacture known to the Company only. Tho figs of California are used in the production of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna to promote the pleasant taste, but tho medicinal principles arc obtained from plants known to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effect's always buy tho genuine manufactured by tho Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for salo ly all leading druggists. HOW CARELESSl 'FLAG DAY." My Mrs. Edward Dunroy-Reed. The general observance of Juno 14 as "Flag Dny" suggests the thought Tnxlcabs ha,v,o Increased their rates 'in Now York, but tho old reliable cropstown horse- cars still Jolt along for a nickel. Italy hns got tho Drendnougbtltls, too! A bill has been Introduced in tho chambor of deputies calling for two 20,000-ton battloshlps. When they get two thoy will foci louesnmo with out four and with four It will bo nbso- ...lutcly. necessary to, .havo six, And so the dreadful complaint contlnutes to grow and fastens Its Insatlablo money Bucking tentacles upon tho nation. NE morning not long ago a well-dressed foreigner, evidently nn Amerlcnn tourist, was found dead on the pavement in n sldo street of Paris. Twisted about his neck was n dirty handkerchief with which ho had been stran gled; ho hnd been brutal ly kicked and beaten, and In bis chest wero several knlfo wounds, nny ono of which would have killed him. Tho unfortu nate mnn had been stripped of nil money, Jewel ry nnd other valuahlos. "Les Anaches." said tho pollco, stolidly, "lio should hnvo known better than to go'prowllng about alono nt night." And In tho pollco records nuother murder whs put on tho scoro of tho thugs of tho "gny cnpltnl." Pnrls Is not proud of hor Apnches, nnd the rest of tho world hns known llttlo of these criminal bnnds, thoigh thenter-goers In mnny American cities during tho Inst season were glvon a gllmpso of ono phnso of their life In tho skillful but re volting "Apncho dnnco" Imported from tho French muslo halls. Yet tho story of tho origin, de velopment and deeds of theso outlaw gangs Is fascinating, If not edifying. Nearly ton years ago thoro nppcared suddenly In tho undorworld of Paris a young woman so beautiful and animated that slio nt onco attract ed general attention nnd admiration nmong Us other denizens. Hor head wbb crowned with n great mnss of lovely reddlsh-gold hair, on ac count of which Bho wns promptly nicknamed "Cnsqne d'Or," or "Golden Hclmot." Suitors quickly flocked about tho girl nnd In tlmo sho selected from nmong them as her protector ono Lecnt, known nmong Ids comrades as n clover thlof and n bold lighter whom tho police would be glad to have behind tho bars. All wont well for a tlmo, until thoro came on tho eceno a more uttrnctlvo scoundrel, nnmed Mnudn. Protty, fickle Golden Helmet promptly transferred her affections to tho newcomer, and then the trouble began. Lecnt, tho forsnkon, vowed vengeance on his successful rlvnl and summoned his followers to his aid. Manda also had no lack of friends, nnd soon all tho thugs In tho district of tho Hnlles or markets had ranged themselves on ono sldo or tho othor. Mnny n blopdy battle was fought In the streets between tho two bands, cheered on by tholr female frlonds, and pot a fow mon woro slain In these nnlllcts. Finally In ono of the tlcrcest of tho encounters Lecnt himself was killed, and Golden Helmet shouted aloud In Joy. Hut her triumph was short-lived. Another leader for Lccat's band, known na "Lo Mnnchot," sprang up nnd tho feud was continued with lncronsed fury. Ono night Lo Mnnchot caught Manda off his guard and plunged a knlfo deep Into his back, and for weeks tho stricken lender lny In hospital near to denth. Ho recovered nt laBt and was bolng taken In nn nmhulniieo to n coll when tho blood thirsty Lo 'Mnnchot, seeing IiIb victim escuplng from his vengeance, broko through tho pollco gunrd, leaped Into tho vohlclo and stabbed Man da to death. For this murder Lo Mnnchot Is now serving n life sentence. Golden Helmet, mndo notorious by tho succes sion of bnttles and crimes which hor attractions hnd lnstlgnted, now sought other conquests, and decided thnt tho drama was her forte. Only tho Intervention of tho police prevented her exploita tion by nn unscrupulous variety hall munnger. Golden Helmet then speedily snnk out of sight, but tho rlvnlry for her favor had lasting results. Always tho Apaches havo ono "queen" whoso rule over thorn Is .nbsoluto If temporary. Ono of tho most notorlousof theBO was "Chlffonnotto," who reigned Inst year. Sho was 23 years old, UU nnd graceful, and would havo been a beauty save for the loss of ono eyb nnd tho presence of mnny scars, tho re sults of her numerous boulovnrd battles. Sho was elaborately tat tooed and was mighty proud of that adorn ment. Chlffonnette'sca reor enmo to an un timely end last Now Year's day, when she engaged In a desperate light with another woman whom sho hat ed. Cheered on by a crowd of her mnlo and female subjects, tho queen Hnnlly stnbbed hcrnntngonlst to denth with a stiletto, nnd now sho Is a prisoner In St. Lnznre. This yenr's queen of tho Apnches Is Pope. Sho Is only 18 yenrs old nnd ns protty as n picture, but ns fierce as u tigress nnd n fit lender for tho wretch es by whom sho Is adored. Tho comparative Im munity from arrest and punishment on. joyed' by the Apnches is duo to' their really won derful organization. They form a community by themselves, apart from all tho rest of ParlB, with their own laws, courts nnd executioners; tholr secret passwords, nnd nlraost their own lnngunge, for tho argot they use Is practically unintelligible to others. Merciless toward their victims, thoy are no Icsb morcllcss in punishing thoso of tholr own number who are convicted of treachery. A few years ago ono Palnblnne wns nccuBed of being In lenguo with the police. Ho wns for mnlly brought to trial, tho Judge being a loader known as "PEspagnol." The chnrgo against Palnblnne was not fully proved, but hiB loyalty was so doubtful that he was sentenced to exile. Rising from his chair In tho obscure dlvo where tho trial was being held, ho hurled his knlfo nt 1'Espngnol with unerring nccurncy, nnd the Judgo foil dend with tho blade In his henrt. Tho pollco rushed In nnd cnrrled Pnlnblnnc to prison, tho Apnches mnklng no effort to snvo him. Another nllegcd traitor was Albert Durln. Ho was condemned to death and two Apaches tied him to the rails of n tunnel of tho Delt Lino railway of Paris. Ho was found before a train passed nnd rescued. How mnny traitors hnvo been executed by their comrades It Is Imposslblo to know, for only In such enses as tho foregoing do tho pollco learn about tho operations of tho "tribunals." Tho Apacho highwayman oporatos swiftly nnd skillfully, nnd lono strangers In tho streets of Pnrls are never safe from his attacks. His favo rite method, known as "lo coup du Pero Fran cols," Is to stranglo his victim by twisting a handkerchief about his neck. After robbing tho senseless mnn, tho thug frequently will kill him with tho knlfo, for tho Apaches seem to delight in wanton murder dono in what thoy chooso to consider an "artistic" way. If tho criminal is arrested, a score of his companions spring up apparently from tho very pavement, and unless tho pollco nro In force they nro speedily routed and tho prisoner Is rescued. An observant visitor in Paris may see Apaches, male and female, on almost any street, but It is in tho Place do la Roquetto that they are to be found In crowds on ocnslon. There is set up thnt "Old Glory" wns mnturo nt Its birth. But its Infancy dates bnck to tho earliest recorded American history. At tho tlmo of tho birth of "Tho Star Spangled Ilanncr" tradition and verified history had marked some 800 yenrs since the advent of tho first European upon Amerlcnn soil. The Norsemnn nnd the Daneo Inndcd upon the northeastern shores of this continent several times between the years 986 and 1300, as Is proven by tholr own records. In 1492 Columbus planted tho flag of Spain on Ho Thoro was nearly a bad Arc at tho theater. She How was that? He Tho villain lit a cigarette and tossed tho match into the snow! TORE HIS SKIN OFF In Shreds Itching Was Intense Sleep Was Often Impossible. Cured by Cutlcura In Three Weeks. "At first an eruption of small pus tules commenced on my hands. Theso spread later to othor parts of my body, and tho itching at times was intense, so much so that I literally tore tho skin off in shreds In seeking relief. Tho awful itching Interfered with my work considerably, and also kept mo awako nights. I tried several doc tors and used a number of different ointments and lotions but received practically no benefit. Finally I set tled down to tho uso of Cutlcura Soap, Cutlcura Ointment and Cutlcura Pills, with tho result that in a few days all itching had ceased and in about thrco weeks' tlmo nil traces of my eruption had dlsappoared. I have had no trou- blo of this kind since. H. A. Kruts koff, 5714 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111., Novembor 18 and 28, 1907." Fottor Drug & Cbem. Corp.. Bolo Prop., Uoiton. Succinct. Justice O'Halloran Have you any children, Mrs. Kelly? Mrs. Kelly I hor two living on' wan married! Judy. lied, AVenk, W'carr. Watery Etn Relieved by Murlno Eye. Ilcmedy. Com pounded by Experienced Physicians, Con forms to I'uro Pood nnd Drug Laws. Mu rlno Doesn't Smart; SootheB Eye Pain. 'Pm Mltclnn In Vmi. T.I . . - a 1 I.... A girl never likes to admit aha was kissed unless she wasn't. 4 First Flag to Float Over North American Soil. "lli'd C'roHB nf Rt. Oi-orRe," tho banner of Wohnrd Coutr ili l.lon In lift.', nnd planted at Labrador by So ImHtlan Cabot In H97 ns tho royal onalsn of Henry VII. the Island of San Salvador, ono of tho Bahamas, and ngnln In 1498 nt tho mouth of tho Orinoco In South Amerlcn; but tho llrst flag to float over tho soil of tho North American contlnont of which his tory tells wns planted on tho shore of Labrador In 1497 by Sebastian Cnbot. Tho first stage of evolution wsb marked two years before tho settlement of Jumestown, when .lames I. of England, in honor of tho union, placed tho diagonal white cross of St. Andrew with the red cross of St. Georgo, both upon a bluo field. This is tho first blending of tho American national colors known to history. Tho rod, white and blue is therefore as old as tho country, ns it nppeared In tho lings which floated over tho Virginia settle ment nnd was tho flag of tho Mayflower and of Plymouth. Lewis' Simile Binder straight 5c dear. You pay 10c for cigars not so good. It's a safe rule to pass up two-thirds of human philosophy. OPERATION 1ER0NLY CHANCE . WasCured by LydiaE.Pink- ham'sVegetable Compound 4 Ailrtnn fin "T niiffflrprl untold misery from a femalo weakness and disease, and I could not stand more limn a mmuto at a tlmo. My doctor said an operation was tho only chanco I had, and I dreaded it almost as much as death. Ono dav I was reading how other women had been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham'B Vege. table Compound, nntl rtep.Idnd to trv itnPnwi T lmfl tnlrnn nnn liotilo I 41 JJUIWAU A .v ii..wa. w..w TOfialinffni- nnrl nrW T am COmtHBtOlV cured." LekA V. IlENnv, Route No. 3, Adrian, Ga. . , . ,,, Why will women tako chance3 with an operation or drag out a sickly, half-hearted existence, missing three fourths of tho Joy of living, when thoy can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound? For thirty years it has boon tho standard remedy for femalo ills, and has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with such ail. menta as displacements, Inflammation, ulceration, llbrold tumors, irregular!, ties, periodic pains, backacho, indigos tion, and nervous prostration. If you hnvo tho slightest doubt that Lydia B. Plnkbnm's Vep;o- f table Compound will help you, write to Mrs. Plnkhnm nt Lynn, Mass.. for advlco. Your letter will bo absolutely confidential, and the odvico f roo. a- 4