Stflt0 tthtorlcfclfccic' cicty Jlortlt fjfattr TWENTY-FIFTH YEAK. NOilTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, JUNE , 1909. NO. 88 Better do as the crowds have done, take advantage of our Dis count on Shoes. Men's Summer Underwear 19c each. $1.00 Table Linen 79c I5( Curtain Swiss 11c 50( (orset (overs 39c 10c Gauze Vests 8c $1.00 Corsets 79c Satisfaction Guaranteed Goods cheerfully ex changed or money refunded. PECIAL SALE NEWS. If you have not been one of the crowd that has kept us on the jump since our sale opened last Saturday, you have lost money. We haVe put out new lots and have fair assortments left in others. Silks and Dress Goods. We have decided to put our en tire stock of Silks and Dress Goods on sale: All 50c Silks 39c All 75c Silks 59c All $1.00 Silks 79c AU$1.50 Silks $1.19 All 50c Dress Goods 39c All 75c Dress Goods 63c All $1.00 Dress Goods 79c All $1.25 Dress Gopds 98c All 1.50 Dress Goods $1.19 Wash Goods. All of our new printed Wash Goods in the latest patterns, Lawns Dimities, Batistes, etc. 10 cent quality 6c 124 cent quality 11c 25 cent quality 19c Ladies' Shirt Waists. All styles, long and short sleeves tailored and fancy. ' $1.00 quality 79c 1.50. quality $1.19 2.00 quality $1.58 2. 50 "quality 3 . .$1.98 3.00 quality $2.48 GROCERIES FOR ONE DAY ONLY. Saturday, June 5th, we will sell Kg-g-O-See, per pkg 7c (Uniy b to a customer.) Walter Baker's Chocolate per pound 34c (Only ono pound to a customer.) Jlb pkg Advo 50c Tea per package. . 19c (Only one to a customer.) Jello or Advo' Jell per pkg. ... 7c (Only two to a customer) Dutch Cleanser per can 7c Rex Lye per can 6c These special prices will be given only when bought in person at the store. SHOES We will give you a discount of 25 cents from the regular price of all shoes selling for $1,25 to $2.00 and a discount of 50 cents a pair on all shoes selling higher than $2.00. This includes all of our WALK-OVER Shoes or Oxfords for men and our WHITE RIB BON Shoes or Oxfords for ladies. Ladies' Wool Suits. $18 grade $12 $20 grade $13.34 $25 grade...?..; $16.56 $30 grade $20 $40 grade $26.67 Ladis' Skirts. We still have fine line of up-to date Skirts at a saving of $1.00 to $2.50 each if bought now. Lot 1 Values to 4. 50 , . .$2.50 Lot 2 $4, S5 and $6 value.. .3.50 Lot 3 $6 to $10 values.. . 5.00 Lot 4 $6 to $7 values 5.00 Lot 5 $8 to $10 values 7.50 Lot 6 $12 to $15 values. ...10.50 Muslin Underwear. Night Gowns. ioo grade. 79c 1.25 grade 98c 1.50 grade 1. 19 Underskirts. 1.25 98c I.7S ....i.39 4.50 to 6.00 3.69 SPECIAL IN Groceries FORcSATURDAY ONLY Summer Dress Goods ' from 6 cents up. Men's Dress Shirts 39c $1.00 Bed Spreads 79c Men's Summer Underwear 39c Men's Hats? Lot 1 Reg. price 50c 39c Lot 2 ;Rcg. , price--1.60 to ..1.50 89c Lot 3 Reg. price 1.75 to 2.50 1-49 ale Continues Until June 13th. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA 50c Wool Dress Goods 39c 15c Gauze Vests lie NOT JOB LOTS But the best of mer chandise priced to MOVE QUICKLY. tw N ha a TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS The Star Burn handles gasolino, which can be purchased in any quantity. Mrs. II. S. White is recovering from a two waaks' siege of inflammatory rheuthatism. Katharine Cook has sold to A. M. Barry all of section 1G-1G-28, for a consideration of $4,160. Mrs. W. M. Cunningham was sovcrc ly burnod tho early part of the week by overturning a pot of teu. R. W. Hills, of Logan, Iowa, has purchased of C. N. Carson section 15-15-30, for a consideration of $0,400. F. P. Hoy, of Garfied, whs in town Wednesday enroute homo from South Omaha, wliare he marketed cattlo. For Rent Six room house on West Second street. Lawn, shade, garden and electric lights. Geo. E. French. In the game of ball Wednesday after noon betwent teams captained by Ralph Clabaugh and Louis Kelly, the latter won by a scoro of seven to six. Estroyed From slaughter house ono two year old mulley heifer, branded 0 J on right shoulder. Finder notify and receive reward. Fred Marti. Ralph Garman and Henry Hanson have been notified that the Oakland cars ordered by them have reached Omaha and will arrive in North Platto in a day or two. The $-10,000 bonds recently issued by tho North Platto school district havo been registered and elsowhore Secre tary Streitz invites bids for their pur chase. Fred Frcdrickson has sold to Dr. H. C. Brock, lot 2, block 152, just west of tho Andv Westbure residence on west Fourth street for a consideration of $900. Dr. Brock purchased tho lot for a building sue, Fred Pierson, the Sutherland real estate man. spent yesterday in town He savs he has sold more land during tho past month than in any previous month. This weok ho sold nine tracts of 1G0 acres each to eastern men. J. C. Thomas, who had been visiting his sister, Mrs. J. G. Beeler for a coup le of months, left yesterday for his home in Cuba. I I. Ho was accompan jed by Myrtlo Beeler, and at Lincoln nill be joined uy miss renna uecier, Personal Mention. Dr. F. W. Miller was n visitor in Grund Island Wednosday. J. G. Beeler leaves tomorrow for Chi cago, where he goes on legal business. Miss Kate Seyferth is expected homo tonight from a two weeks' visit in Lin coln. Mrs. Irving'Arey, who had been vis iting rolativos in town, returned to Omaha yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Perkins are visiting friends in Denver, leaving for that city Wednesday morning; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Muldoon were at Ogalalla Wednesday cvnlng at tending tho wedding of Miss Iloxie. Lester W. Walker loft Wednesday night for Chicago to conclude tho re organization of the electric light com pany. Miss Nellie Bratt returned Tuesday evening from a visit with friends at i Lincoln and with her Bister at Omaha. Bert Barber, a student at tho stato university, who had been spending sev eral days in town, left today for his homo in LewC'lIon where ho will spond tno summer. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Lawhead left last night for a thirty day visit to tho Seattle exposition. Enroute they will stop at Oduen and Portland, staying in tho latter city during tho Rose Carinval. Mrs. C. P. Dick and daughter and son Leonard left Wednesday morning for a visit in New York state. Leonard will remain about two wcoks, whilo the two ladies will remain durning tho summer. For Sale Fresh milch cow. ef Mrs. M. McFarland. Inquire The mother of the late Olo Davis is expected to arrive from Portland, Ore., tonight or tomorrow morning. E, A. Timmorman opened his saloon on east Front street yesterday. In spunking of tho new building to be erected, Mr. Timmerman said that nothing would be dono until tho cloud on tho titlo to tho real estato was cleared. ntvnrpfl nnfloa nn JnpUnt: for thr nrna ent term of court are Anna Heinzlo vs Hi. is. iieinzlo, Muriel Ashcr vs Arthui Asher, J. C McGowan vs. Eva McGow an, James Laughlin vs. Emma Laugh lin, Lucy J. Miller vs. Jacob Miller Annie Simpson vs. F. A. Simpson. New Round House. Blue prints have been mado for a now forty-fiva stall round-houso for North Platto, to bo located west of Locust street. It was the Intention to erect a ton-stall houso at that location, but as thiswould necessitate two turn tables and two sots of employos, it was lator decided to do away with the present houso and erect a new and larger ono. Notice Teachers- In the Nebraska Stato Junior Normal folder the Lincoln Co. Toacher's Insti tute is announced for tho first week of the Junior Normal. This is a mistake. The Instituto will bo July Cth to 9th at tno timo ot and in connection with tho Chautauqua, WILLIAM JSHRIGHT, County Supt. Children s Day for Foreign Missions. Sunday, Juno 15th, 8 p. m. at the Christian church, tho puplln of the bible school will render a beautiful cantata, antitled "THE) CENTENNIAL CALL," this year making tho ono hundredth year since Alexander Campbell and others sec on iooc tno movement lor tho res toration of apostolic Christianity as taugni in mo umio. An extra eltort is being put forth for a mighty united moyo ofalI tho Christian churches of tho country for larger things. Attend this evening entertainment. You will bo both beneiitcd and entertained. Ad mission free. Everyono welcome. A Creditable Recital. A very interestinir and creditable re cital was given boforo a large uudiunco at tno Keith thoatro Tuesday afternoon by tho pupils of tho Dominican Sisters. Tho procrram consisting of eicrhteon in strumental and llvo vocal selections was exceptionally well rendered, each num ber showing much study and careful preparation and each participant do serving special mention. Tho Sisters are to bo complimented for tho thor oughncs8 of instruction displayed in eucn pupil, i noso taking part woro Missis Florenco McKny, Irma Huff man, Kathenno and Evangeline Her rod, Bertha Votaw, Helen Glcason, Graco McGerr, Lucille Stamp Gladys Hall, Carrio Marti, Sara Cressler, Gert rude Rebhauson. Minorva McWilliams. Hildcgardo Clinton, Mario Doran, Irma Clinton, Irene Richards, Mary Strahorn anu wnuuo Moiiyneuux. Worth of Sterling Silver. In refined homes every where can bo found choice prices of sterling silver table Burvico. Good silver waro is highly prized for that distinguishing feature of beauty and oleganco. Wo are displaying many new patterns this soason. Wo want you to come to our store and seo tho new things. Dixon, The Jeweler. man who is employed in tho oorvico of the Union Pacific us brakoman. Speculators take notice. Wo havo 1G0 ocres of land for salo at $800, See us. Payne Investment Co. House for Sale. Want to build on lot, and will sell old houso cheap. Call ut 102 S. Sycamore St , or phono 208. Wendeborn-Cover Wedding. At oight o'clock Wednesday evening at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wendoborn, their youngest daughter, Miss Emma, became tho bride of Guy A. Cover. For this occusion tho rooms had been prettily decorated in green and white, and the nrchway benoath which tho ceremony occurred was banked with pa'ms. To u wedding march rendered by Mrs. Fred Wein gand, tho couple 'preceded by Vera Stevens as ring bearer. Miss bdith Wendoborn as maid and Ed Sluder as host man took their station at tho appointed place, whero tho ceremony was porformed by Rev. J. F. Soibert I ho bride woro a gown ot Japanese silk, with a veil and carried whito roses. Following tho ceremony congratu lations wero oxtended by the eighty guests present and tho latter wero then seated at two long tables und served with a suppor that proved very enjoyable, Misses Mayme Lannin, Tillio Huxoll, Frances Nichols and Kosa Cook assisting in tho Berving. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mtb. Ruy Stifr, Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo Stiff, Mr. and Mrs. Hesnin, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawless, of Gothenburg, Miss Rosa Cook of Sedcwick. Misses Mary and Bertha Johnson, of Sutherland, Miss Mayme Johnson and Johnson Ditto, of Brady and John Spies, of Omaha. Tho wedding presents wero variod mid beautiful. Tho couple loft on a night train for Nampa, Idaho, whero they will visit tho parents of the trroom for two wcoks. Upon their return they will occupy tho now wendoborn houso on west Ninth, which Mr. Lover had previously fur nished for tho reception of his brido. Mrs. Cover was born in Nowell nrc cinct, and moved to tho city with her parents several years ago. She is a bright, attractivo vounir woman and en joys the esteem of a largo circle of menus. Mr. Covor in a worthy young $40,000.00 Tho school district of the city of North Platto in tho county of Lincoln, slato of Nebraska. School Bonds. Scaled bids will bo received by tho undersigned secretary of tho school district of tho city of North Platte, Lincoln connty. Nebraska, until G o'clock p. m. Saturday, July ad, 1909, for $-10,000.00 registered school bonds of said district. Said bonds will be issued in denomi nations of $1,000.00 each numbered from onoj to forty inclusive dtod Juno 1st, 1909, mature twenty years from date, but payable at tho option of the district uftor 10 vears. Bonds will bear four I'll nor cont in terest, payable semi-annually, oh June 1st and Docomber 1st, at tho Fiscal Agency of tho State of Nobrasku, Now York City, N. Y. All bids must bo accompanied by acer- fled chock for $500.00 made payublo .to tho order of F, L. Mooney, Treasurer of said district. Tho right 1b reserved to reject uny and all bum. Uono by ordor of tno Hoard or iuu- cation this 27th day of May, 1909. A. F. Stueitz, Secretary. Hershey News. Ralph Ware is recovoring from n slicht attack of the measles. bd ISwell transacted businosa in Uor- shev last week. The Methodist ladies aid society will meet with Mrs. Everett Wure Weuncs day, Juno 2d. Lunch will bo served ot noon. Mrs. M. H. Donglas of North Platto visited friends in Hershey lhursday. Dr. HRdlor und wife and Miss Mvrtlo Vaughn woro shopping in tho county seat Friday, Hum I'owles transacted business in Hershey tho latter part of last week. Miss Florence Koch loft Sunday night for Omaha whero sho will meet hor father and brother who proceeded her sevoral days with cattlo for market. Mr. and Mra. Henry Hollingsworth have adopted a five months old baby cirl from the Keurney orphan's homo. A. F. Beeler and family, Including Claude Khinklo, spont a pleasant uoc oration Dav ut Fort McPherson. Ed Leypoldt and John Murrry took their ttams and went to Big Springs to work for soverul weeks. Thoso who uttonded tho ball gamo between Denver and North l'latto rrl day ware A. A. Lister, A. F. Beeler, Rogina Beeler, Ruba LiBtcr, Valera Brown. Ellen Krong, Blanche Ganson. Loy Eyerly, Clarence Trent, Will Brooks and Mr. and Mrs. John Show. The cultivation of com and beets was begun tho latter part of last week. w. J. binnKio roturned irom JJenvr Friday morning. Mrs. A. B. Goodwin and children are ponding soveral days at the home of D. M. Leypoldt. Mrs. Mary Carpenter, daughter and nelco are visiting Mrs. John Murray. Carl Wickstrom wont to Denver and Choyonnu Monday night on business, George L. Mudd shippod two carload of hogs to Denver today. Ho accom panied them. Myrtle News. Mr. and Mrs. Raleich Reynolds drova to Arnold Saturday to vlBit Mrs. Rey nold's parents. Bculah Neale has roturned homo after spending a few days in North Platto. lt. WuiR'oy was called to consult with Dr. McLuay in tho case of John Burn ido, who is a little better at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Walz planned r sur prise for Johnny Thursday evoning, it being his 21st birthday, by inviting in a numuer oi young tones to spend tho evening. Tho evening was spent in playing games after which refresh ments were served and tho guests de parted wishing Johnny many happy re turns of tho day. Clifton Ncalo was a North Platto visi tor Saturday and Sunday. Kelly Ambler returned Monday from a viait at Hastings and other points of interest. James Hudson marketed hogs in North Platto Wednesday, Tho ladies aid will meet with Mrs. Mitchell Thursday, Juno 11th. Children's day will bo observed at Mt. Zion Sunday, Juno Gth. Women Who Are Envied. Those attractivo women who aro lovely in faco, form and temper are thai envy of muny, who might be like them. A weak, sickly woman will be nervoua und irritable Constipation or kidney poisons show pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched comploxlon. For all such, Electric Bitters work won ders Thoy reulato Stomach, Liver find KidneyB, purify tho blood; giva Btrong nerves, bright eyes, puro breath, smooth, velvoty skin, lovely, com plexion. Many charming women owe their hoalth and beauty to them. 50c at Stono Drug Co,