The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 28, 1909, Image 6

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IRA L. BARE, Publisher
i A Boiling Down of (he More Impor
lant Events Here and There
An empty ballon, tho envolopo of
which had burst, descended near Lu
beck, Gormany, during a Btorm. It Is
thought that tho aoronaut had fallen
Into tho son.
Schcfkot Pasha, commandor of tho
constitutionalist forces, has been ap
pointed inspector general of tho first,
second and third nrmy corps, or in
other words, of nil tho troops in tho
capital and European Turkey.
King Alfonso inaugurated tho Rogln
nl Exposition at Valcncln, Spain. It
was followed by a flower foto In tho
streets of tho city.
Princo LldJ Joassu, tho 13-yoar-old
grandson of King Monollk, was pub
licly proclaimed heir to tho Abyssinian
throne In tho prosenco of many chlofs
and 20,000 soldiers.
A dostructlvo ftro at Kingston, on
tho warf of tho Hnmburg-Amorican
lino doatroyod tho ontlro dock, which
was 130 foot fong. Two-thirds of tho
cargo of tho steamer Prlnz Joachim,
valued at $72,000, waB destroyed.
That all of tho mombors of hlH im
mediate family had survived tho Ar
menian massacres was tho encoring
word brought to K. K. Krlkorian
(Grogory) an Omaha Armenian, in a
letter from his brother. Of all IiIb
numorpua rolntivoB only ono mot
Without any nourish of trumpets
Japan has tnudo considerable strides
in tho mattor of airship building, and
while the utmost Bccrccy is main
tained thero is reason to bollovo that
nu inventor of somo roputo has re
cently patented improvements that
aro calculated to startlo aorolsts all
over tho world.
It was loarncd at Autar, Asiatic
Turkoy, that tho local governor re
ceived from Constantinople on tho
day following tho outbroak of antl
Christian rioting nt Adana a mossago
BugjjpMIng tho killing of Armenians
as -precaution against Insurrection.
Tho president's wlfo will put aside
social duties for a tlmo in tho inter
est of her health.
Govornor Hughes votood tho Allen
bill, which proposod a bond Ibbuo of
$2,000,000 to provldo n pension of $G
por month to votornns pf tho civil war
who served for at least ninety days
and who wero enlisted in this Btnto.
A flro at Akron, Ohio, doBtroyod
$1,600,000 worth of property.
UnlUBt discrimination botweon whlto
and colored passengers paying tho
Bnmo faro Is npt logally pormiBBablo
by a railway according to n decision
of tho lntorstato commorco commls
Mr. Brynn 1ms arrived homo In Lin
coin and will remain for ton days.
Mrs. Holon Kelly Gould waB granted
on Interlocutory docrco of dlvorco from
Frank J. Gould by Justlco Gornd, In
tho Bupromo court.
Abbott Lnwronco Lowoll, who for
tho last ton yoars haB boon Eaton pro
fossor of tho sclonco of government at
Harvard, Iibb assumed tho presidency
of tho university as tho BuccesBof of
Prosidont Elliot without coromouy.
Owing to tho Oklahoma doposlt guar
antoo law, which wont Into offoct in
Pobruary, 1008, thero has boon a do
creaso in tho Btato during tho year of
slxty-Bovon national banks.
Resolutions wero passed by tho
houso authorizing tho secretary of war
to loan cOta and tents for tho thirty
third national onenmpment of tho G.
A. R. at Salt Lako City.
Govcnor Hughes of Now York signed
a law Increasing tho penalty for oxtor
tlon of blackmail from llvo to ten
A now tariff sheet is being propared
by transcontinental railroads which
will affect tho country west of tho Mis
BiBslppi, Will tako offoct July 1.
President Taft spoke nt Petersburg,
Va on tho occasion of unveiling a
monument to Gen. Hartranft.
Nord Aloxls, doposed prosidont of
Haytl, will soon cotuo to Peru, Ind.,
for n visit, as tho guest of James Tur
ner, colored. Turnor Ib woalthy and
haB invited tho ox-president to spond
tho summer in tho United States with
Exports of tho United States navy
nro bonding every effort toward por
footing wireless equipment, both tol
ophono and tolegraph, for use by the
vobsoIs of tho navy and tho naval
sboro Btatloua.
Tho town of Alger, O., was almost
entirely wiped out by llro. Tho loss Is
estimated at $60,000.
Schcfkot Pasha, commandor of tho
constitutionalist forces, has boon ap
pointed inspector-genera! of all tho
troopB in tho capital and European
Secretary Balllngor has received tho
resignation of W. Scott Smith, super
intendent of tho Hot Springs rosorva
tlon, Arkansas, to tako offoct Juno 30.
Without a dlsBontlng voto tho Wis
consin assembly concurred in tho
senate bill fixing tho ponalty for kid
xiaplng at life imprisonment,
It to tho outcomo of tills yoar'a crops
not thrift rovlfllbn, that Intercstn tho
people, says Jim Hill of tho Great
Northern. v
President Taft 1ms appointed Lieu
tenant Commnnder Leigh Cnrlylo Pal
nior to act as naval aldo at tho Whlto
House. Ho succeeds Lieutenant
An nmendment to rostoro Dlngloy
tariff rates on razors was lost In tho
According to tho flguroB presented
tho world's stock of gold tins Increased
about ono-half In tho last decado and
doubled In tho last quarter of a cen
A now freight rato Bchedulo from nil
tho torltory oast of tho Missouri rlvor
to nil the western cities not located on
tho Pacific coast will go Into effect on
tho transcontinental lines July 1.
The United states illrlglblo balloon
No. 1, othorwlso known as tho Baldwin
air Bhlp, arrived nt Fort Omuha
Ono hundrod nnd soventy mules
wero burned to death In a flro at tho
Kansas City stock yards.
Thos. A. Crclgh, past department
commuuder of tho Nebraska G. A. It.,
died In Omnlin a fow days ago after
five days' illness from pneumonia. Ho
was taken sick whllo attending tho
stnto encampment at York.
W. J. Furse, privnto secretary to
Gov. Shullenbergcr, announces in a
letter to R. Inslnger, chairman of tho
board of control of the nntlonnl Irri
gation congress, that delegates havo
been appointed to represent tho Btato
of Nebraska at tho sovontoonth sos
Blon In Spoknno, Aug. 9 to 14. .
A friend of Potroslno, tho Itallnn do-
toctlvo, was assassinated at Now York.
Tho Great Northern railroad has
offered a roward of $10,000 for each
robbor In tho recent train holdup.
Speaker Cannon says It will tako
100 degree tomporaturo to got action
In tho sennto on tho tnrlff bill.
President Taft attonded tho funeral
of Mrs. Mary Loulso Dalzoll, wlfo of
Representative John Dalzcll of Pitts
burg, Pa., who died In Washington.
riiare was a largo attondanco in
Omaha of tho funeral of Lorenzo
CrouiiHO, former Boldler, ploncor, leg
islator, Judgo, congressman and gov
Brlgndlor iionornl John B. Korr, ro-
contly detnehod from command of tho
mounted sorvlco nnd post at Fort
Rlloy, Kas., Iibb been placed on tho
rotlrcd list of tho nrmy on hio own
Ensign Edward Guorrant Hargm, of
tho United StateB navy, a nophow of
the noted Judgo Hnrgls of Kontucky,
was declared by a Jury to bo afflicted
with "dopresslvo Insanity." Ho must
bo taken enro of by his fathor.
Roproscntntlvo Klnknld invltod Secre
tary Balllngor to visit North Platto Ir
rigation district this summer, nnd Mr.
Balllngor promised to do so, nt n dato
to be fixed inter, when ho Is on his
way back to Washington nftor IiIb
summor vncatlon.
Thoro wero 1,932 fowor fatalities to
passengers and omployos in railway
accldonts during tho cnlondar yenr
"1908, than in 1907. Comparing tho re
turns of 1908 with thoso of tho llscal
year 1900,07, tho decrenso In fatalities
was oven moro gratifying, bolng 2,173,
or 43.4 por cent.
Thcso postmaBtors havo boon ap
pointed: Mallard, Palo Alto county, la.,
Arvln C. SnndB, vlco A. D. Johnson,
removed, Pnlmor, Pocahontas county,
Martin A. Hanson, vlco R. II. Borroy,
resigned. Spragg, Rock county, Nob.,
Georgo R. Sago, vlco G. Spragg, re
signed. Spring Ranch, Clay county,
David M. Roush, vlco J. D. Morehouse,
JnmoB J. Hill, tho railroad nmgnnto,
called on President Taft. Ho ox
prcsBod tho bollof that If tho tariff agi
tation was cut off short nnd tho orn
torlcnl stoam in congross shut off, the
country would begin a great orn of
prosperity at nn enrly dato.
That seventeen republicans havo
pledged themsolves to voto for tho
compromise Income tax bill Is tho
claim put forth by Senator Cummins,
loader of tho republican movement for
this legislation. "This menus that tho
bill Is Ukoly to pass at this tlmo,"
said tho senator. "Though of course
accldonts may happen. '
Bocnuso nobody wants to bo post
master tho postolllco at Glenroso, Mc-
Phorson county, Nebraska, will bo dla-
contlnuoU. Roprosontatlvo Klnknld
has beon so notlllcd.
"Civic bottermont of cities" will bo
tho Btnr to which tho Iowa Federation
of Women's Clubs will nail ItB ling
during tho coming two yonrs.
Samuel Avory was mado chancellor
of tho Btnto university of Nobrnska,
Tho prosidont Btruck a populnt
chord In IiIb recent spcoch at Char-
lotto. N. C.
Miss Helen Taft, daughtor of tho
president, haB accopted an Invitation
to unveil tho monument oroctod at
Gettysburg, Pa., In momory of tho
soldiers of tho rogulnr union nrmy,
who participated In tho Gettysburg
Tho Illinois logtslnturo thus far has
beon unable to oloct a United States
Ella Wheeler Wilcox hollovos in a
hundred years nil drudgory will be
done by machinery.
Hoilry H. Rogors, Now York, Just
doconsod, was G9 yonrs old.
Lieutenant 'Genoral Stoessel nnd
Roar Admiral Nobogatoff wero par
doncd by Emporor Nicholas.
Mrs. AnulB, wlfo of tho man killed
by' Capt. Halnos, will go on tho stngo
.in vnudovlllo.
St, Joseph lawyers voted to Invcs
tlgnto tho charges against Fedoral
Judges Philips and McPhcrson,
William Williams nns ueon ap
pointed commissioner of Immigration
Tim president nominated Waltor E,
.Clark, a Washington nowspapcr man,
to bo govornor of Alaukn.
Four Men Concerned In Work Are Be
lieved to Be at Present
Hiding In Omaha.
Omaha Overland Limited train No.
2 on tho Union Pacific was hold up
by four masked robbers on tho Lana
Cut Off at 11:20 Saturday night, tho
train crow and mail clerks subdued
Bunfl, and B8Ven sac,ks of S1b
tcrcd mall taken from tho mail car
by tho robbers, who Jumped Into a
watting nutomobilo and escaped.
"Ono of mo features of tho holdup
was thai tho train was held loss than
flftoon minutes," Bald Mr. Foloy, who
was at his homo, but soon hurried to
his ofllco to henr tho roports of tho
train crow.
Tho plnco whoro tho train was hold
up was on tho country road botween
tho Northwestern crossing and tho
ovorhend bridge, Just west of South
Omaha, less than a mllo from tho
weBt Bldo of Hanscom park. Tho
train had Just crossed tho big fill
ovor tho Little I-npplo when tho rob
bers climbed over tho tender Into tho
cab nnd ordered tno cngino crow to
run tho train a llttlo farther beforo
stopping, 'ino stop was finally ordor
ed on tho county rond.
Tho Limited was coming Into Oma
ha over the Lane Cut Oft and hnd
roached a point this sldo of Seymour
when two masked men crawled ovor
tho tondor Into -no cnb of tho onglno
and forced Engineer Elllck R. Mlckol
John and Flromnn Herman Prawl to
throw up tholr hands. After thoy
hnd boon Boarched for woapons thoy
wero told to run tho trnln a llttlo
further and stop, tho place of stop
ping having been planned with refer
ence to tho waiting automobile
third robber soon appeared on
tho bcoiio and was Joined by a fourth
us soon ns tho train stopped. Taking
tho cngino crow along with thom tho
robbers wont to tho mall car and
found tho door open. Thoy llred a
couplo of shots nnd brought tho eight
main clerks to tho door of tho car,
whoro thoy wero soon confronted with
guns and lined up and sonrched for
Tho robbers, nftor lining up tho
mall clorks, forced tho onglno crow
to carry seven Backs of registered
mall to tho waiting nutomobilo, and
as Boon nt? tho soven sacks wero
londed, tho four Jumped In tho nuto
mobilo and started for tho north..
Lnto but moagor clues, all tending
to snow tno men who rooocu ma man
car of tho Union Pnclflo Ovorland
Limited on tho boundary lino between
Omaha and South Omaha at 11:30
Saturday night aro In tho city of
Omaha havo boon found by Omaha
police and rnllroad dotoctlves.
Theso ofllcoro bollovo tho train rob
bers aro In Omaha, and that perhaps
at tholr leisure thoy sorted tho Boven
sacks of registered mall tnkon from
tho car whllo In hiding Sunday. Tho
nmqunt of loss is not known and will
not bo for several days.
Coney Island Still Does Business.
Now York. Two hundrod thousand
persons, according to estimates, wont
down to Conoy iBlnnd Sunday to
watch tho pollco clap on tho lid, as
threatoncd by Mayor McClcllan's re
cent declaration that tho Sundny clos
lng law would bo onforcod. Thoso
who oxpocted a clash botwoen tho law
and tho showmen woro disappointed,
for no friction whatovor occurrod. All
nmusoment resorts ran as usual and
only six arrests woro mndo during
tho dny. Two woro poddlors and two
woro for violation of tho exclso
One Hundred Engines for U. P.
Dunkirk, N. Y. It Ib roportcd that
tho Union Pacific railroad hns placed
an ordor for 100 engines with tho
American Locomotlvo company nnd
that thoy will bo built at tho Sche
noetndy and Brooks plants.
Big Reward for Robbers.
Omaha. Assistant Superintendent
Foloy says: "Tho Union Pacific will
glvo a roward of $5,000 for tho appro
honslon of each of tho robbers who
hold up tho Overland limited Sntur
day night."
Famous Engineer Is Said to Be Slated
for the Position.
Washington Whllo It Is Impossible
to Becuro any confirmation of tho ro
port that President Taft will tender
tho post of minister to China to John
Hays Hammond, It Is bellovcd horo
that such an offor will bo mndo,
Whothor Mr. Hammond would foel
that ho could leave his business Inter
osts In this country and tako up IiIb
resldonco In Poking without serious
detriment to tho former has beon tho
Bubjoct of much speculation.
Fairbanks Is at Toklo.
Toklo. Forntor Vlco President
Charles W. Fairbanks and pnrty ar
rived horo from San Francisco. Mr
FalrbankB will bo rocolved in audi
onco by tho omporor.
Kermlt Gets Third Buffalo.
Natborl, British Enst Africa. Tho
Roosovolt expedition Is still huntlni:
buffnlos on tho Nairobi river, and
Mr. Roosovolt and his sou Kormlt
Biicccedod In bringing down tholr
third animal of this kind.
Lawyers Appear Before Board of
Tho state board of equalization held
its first open meeting to listen to tho
rguments of Tax Commissioner A.
W. Scribnor of tho Union Pacific and
T. A. Polloys of tho Omaha & MInne
npollB railroads. Both tax commis
sioners mado showings in nn attempt
to prove to tho board that their roads
wero assessed too high compared with
other property in the stnto, and tho
Union Pacific endeavored to show
that its road was assessed out of pro
portion to other roads in other states.
Mr. Scribnor insisted that tho stato
of Nebraska was realizing tnxes on
property of his road to which It was
not entitled. Ho mndo tho statoment
that tho Union Pacific owned stock In
auxullary companies outside of tho
property of tho Union Pnclflo proper
to tho amount of $47,370,460, Invest
ments In stocks of tho markot value
of $284,GGG,G9G, bonds to tho valuo of
$31,823,200, making a total holdings
of $3G6,8GG,24G owned outside of tho
railroad property. He insisted this
amount was not ' aBsossablo in this
Btato. Ho argued also that tho board
Bhould vuluo tho proporty strictly on
what tho property Is worth and on the
samo baslB its frolght rates should bo
ilxcd. After deducting tho outside
holdings, ho said his own company
was capitalized on a not valuation of
$C3,G10 a mllo, markot value. In Ne
braska ho Bald tho board had fixed tho
actual valuo of tho main lino at $107,-
COO a mllo, and tho branch lines at
$4G,000 a mllo.
In comparison with this valuation In
Nebraska, Mr. Scribnor filed tho fol
lowing, showing tho valuo of other
roads In other states:
Iowa Burlington main lino, $00,000
por mllo, all doublo tracked; Chicago
& Northwestern main lino, $02,800
per mile; Chicago, Milwaukee & St,
Paul main lino, $44,000 por mllo;
Rock Island main lino, $45,200 per
Knnsas Santa Fe main lino, 485
miles, of which 200 miles Is double-
tracked, actual vnluo $51,773 per mile;
Union Pacific main lino In Nebraska,
actual value $107,600 per mllo; Union
Pacific nnd Omnha & Republican Val-
loy in Nebraska, 428.3 miles, actual
vnluo $4G,000 per mllo.
Mr. Scrlbner argued that other
property had not beon assessed on
tho samo basis as had railroad prop
erty, and he filed with tho board a
statement of land sales with the as
sessment of tho land namod In tho
deeds to show that tho assessment
wns below tho real sales valuo of tho
land. His table allowed tho following
comparison of the sales valuo and tho
asseBsor'B valuo of the land In ques
tion, by counties:
Average Assessor's
Mines vmue
Vuluo. Por Aero.
Hoono $40.75
IlUfTulO 38.Su
Butler '.. 77.03
Cheyonnu 10.GG
Colfax 78.80
lister 10.33
Dawson 29.43
Douul 11. 50
Doilco i 7G.98
DoukIub , 90.78
, 66.80
liroeloy 2S.z:i
Hall 18.7!)
Howard 31. 62
Keith 12.47
Kimball 7.41
Lancaster 67.03
Mncol 12.74
Ma ill firm 54.41
Merrick 47.71
Nance 43.24
Platto 88.80
Polk (10. SO
3arpy 76.90
Saunders 80.71
Sliormun 25. Gl
Valley Z'J.IG
Avery Heads Schoolmasters.
Chancellor Avory of tho Unlvorslty
of Nebraska was mado president of
tho Nebraska Schoolmasters' club,
which hold Its forty-sixth annual
meeting at the Lincoln hotel. Georgo
L, Towno was mado secretary and
Declines the Secretaryship.
ChrlB Gruonther hns declined tho
position of secretary to tho stato bank'
lng board. Tho plnco was offered to
him, It Is reported, by Govornor Shal
lonbergor. Tho Job pays $3,000 a year.
Nebraska Dentists.
Tho Nebraska dentists closed tho
best session In mo history of tholr
organization at tho Tomplo building,
Nenrly 400 practitioners attended tho
thlrty-thlra annual gathorlng of tho
Will Be Admonished.
Foreign candy manufacturers will
probably recelvo nn admonition from
tho olilce or tno ueputy rood commls
slonor In a fow days. Prizes aro bo
lng put in pnekngos. Several salad
and catsup makers have disregarded
tho orders of tho ofllco.
Will Fight Excise Board.
It has beon rumored that tho clubs
of tho city will light tho mandnto of
tho oxclso bonrd that thoy must close
tholr bars. All of thom havo been
personally notlllcd by tho chief of po
llco that thoy must bo rendy to closo
their bars on Juno 1. Such notlcos
woro served on tho Elks club, tho
JJngles, two Germnn societies, nnd
two negro soclotles. It Is'expoctod by
officials that a restraining order will
bo asked for towards tho last of tho
month. City Attorney Stewart and
tho oxclso board want this to bo done,
Thoy wish to find out tholr powers In
tho mattor.
Stake Races Filling.
All the stnko races for this year's
stato fair will soon be tilled. This is
nssured from tho lottors which wero
received by Soorotnry Mollor up to
last wook, moro than 100 horses bo
lng ontorcd for tho eight stake ovonts
Tho stake racoB aro tho 3-year-old
trot, tho 2:35 trot, the 2:21 trot and
tho 2:15 trot. Thero nro four races
for pacorB, tho 3-year-old, tho 2:30
2:22 and 2:14. Tho stakes amount to
$7,000, all of tho races bolng $1,000
events, oxcopt tho 3-yenr-old races,
which aro for $500 each.
Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit
ical and Othor Matters Given
Due Consideration.
A dog, supposed to bo afflicted with
rabies, was killed In Beatrice last
Soward will havo four saloons
henceforth, nnd after' July lBt thoy
will closo nt 8 p. m.
Mrs. Cronkhito, a prominent and bo-
loved woman of Nebraska City, drop
ped dead a fow days ago.
Julius Solfert of Ploasanton, Buf
falo county, was adjudged insnno by
tho insanity board and will bo taken
to Lincoln.
John Roltf, a laborer employed In
tho quarries at Cedar Creek, was
found doad In his bed at tho boarding
houso. Honrt mnlady Is supposed to
havo been tho cause.
For tho second tlmo within a fow
months tho nrmorlos of tho Nebraska
nationnl guard havo been draped In
mourning in momory of nn ex-gover
nor, nnd commandor in chief of tho
Benjamin Heddondorf, tho 18-year-
old boy who shot nnd killed W. C. Dil
lon in his cabin near Stamburg, March
10, waB found guilty of murder in tho
first dogreo nnd sentenced to llfo Im
prisonment. J. B. Douglas nnd G. W. Hassctt.
who walked from Tecumsoh to Grand
Islnnd to attend Btato meotlng of
tho Building & Loan association, cov
ered tho distance of 150 miles in threo
and a half days.
Secretary Miller of tho Stato VoK
unteer Flromen'8 association an
nounces that tho dates fixed tot tho
annual tournament aro August 24, 25
and 2G, and that Hebron will bo tho
placo of meeting.
Caloy'B bnrber shop In Coznd was
broken Into by two young men whllo
Caley was on tho sidewalk In front.
They woro pursued by tho town mar
shal In an nutomobilo and overhauled
about a mllo from town.
Miss Eliza C. Morgan, who, for
twenty-six years, was tho preceptress
of Mount Vernon dormitory of tho
Poru Normal, has sent President Crnb
tree word that sho will attend tho
commencement exercises thero on
Juno 1.
Andy Potts nnd Charles Osborn,
two Omnha confidence men, who got
$250 from Charles Dressier by tho
ancient express packago game, plead
ed guilty in dlBtrlct court at Fremont,
and woro sentenced to two years In
tho penitentiary.
Governor Shnllonbergor nnd Adju-
tnnt General Hnrtlgan went to Fair
bury, whoro both addressed a good
roads meotlng. Tho govornor spoke,
on tho value of good roads in tho stnto
and tho adjutant genernl on highways.
In towns.
The child of Fred- Wilcox, living
north of Sutton, ws fatally burned
whllo burning trash In tho yard. Tho
girl wns at homo alone nnd tho flames
got boyond control, burning her so
severely that sho died beforo help
could reach her.
Alleging that hlB character and rep
utation havo been damaged to tho ox-
tont of $2,000 by reason of tho stories
which tho defondnnt has circulated
concerning him, Vernon McPherson of
Chapman has brought suit against
Fred Frel of Chapmnn for defama
tion of character.
A verdict of $5,000 against tho Ne
braska Tolophono company has been
won by Sadlo M. Latta, formerly an
operator In tho Unlvorslty Place office
of tho company. Miss Latta sued for
$10,000 for Injuries received whllo In
tho employ of tho company by tho
falling of nn nrc lamp nbove her desk.;
Mrs. Stella Colo of Lincoln was
drowned In tho raging waters of Ante
lope creek, which has overflowed Its
banks and becomo a torrent, through
heavy rains. Tho woman, when tho
water camo in tho house, grnbbed her
baby and mado a . bravo attempt to
save her own and her baby's llfo
by rushing through tho waterB. Tho
baby was roscuod alive.
Miss Ruth Loroy, who was married
to I H. Worloy in Portland Inst
weok, and who was murdered by hot
husband tho following day, was a do
mestic in tho fnmlly of Dr. E. W.
Lamb, who lived In Lincoln until re
cently, whon ho moved to Sprague,
this state, whenco Miss lxjroy went
on her bridal trip. Sho became ac
quainted with Worloy by correspond
onco. Louis K. Sunderlln,, a former Tekn
mah boy, has beon appointed by tho
United States government ns special
land ngont to InveBtlgato land frauds
In tho stato of Orogon, at a salary
of $2,280 per annum. Ho has been
located at Portland, Ore. Mr. Sunder
lln propared for college In tho Toka
muh public schools. Ho graduated at
Georgo Washington university in
Washington, D. C.
Tho Btnto board of health has ap
pointed throo oxnmlnors under tho
law passed last winter for tho certifi
cation of trained nurses. Tho board
of health comprises Governor Shnllon
bergor, Stnto Superintendent Bishop
nnd Attornoy Genoral Thompson. Tho
nurses appointed as an examining
board aro as follows: Miss Catherine
Wolbast, superintendent of nurBos nt
tho Wesloyan hospital at Unlvorslty
Placo; Miss Victoria Anderson, nu
porlntondont of nurses In tho Metho
dist hospital at Omaha, and Mlsa Anna
Hardwlcko, head nurse at tho state
orthopedic hospital at Lincoln.
Items of Interest Taken From Here
and There Over tho 8tate,
Stanton Iiiib decided on proper cele
bration of tho Fourth of July. .
A now bank is soon to open nt To-
Tho Union Pacific is building a now
depot at Columbus.
Tho college at Bellovuo was dam
aged to tho extent of $100 by hail
Severnl mild enses of smallpox
havo appeared at Holdrcgo.
Tho railway commission ordored
tho Union Pacific to erect a depot at
Tho Farmers' Lumber company of
Unadllla has been incorporated with
a cash capital of $25,200.
After two weeks of drouth, six Nor
folk saloons reopened, having secured
Burglars mudo a raid on several
houses In Springfield. They, however,
Becured but llttlo booty.
John Ruppert was fined '$75 nnd
costs In the district court at Co)umbus
for the illegal selling of liquor.
Tho flro dbpnrtment of Boatrlco will
havo charge of tho Fourth of July
celebration In that city.
Falrbury Is highly pleased over tho
selection of that placo for tho next
stato encampment of tho G. A. R.
Rov. G. W. Crofts of West Point
died Inst weok. For eight years ho
wns pastor of tho Congregational
church at Beatrice.
An unknown man was killed a quar
ter of a mllo west of Denton. Hlo
body was dragged forty rods under
the box car of a Burlington freight
trnln, nnd wns terribly mnnglcd,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Clyde, living near Pax
ton, aro accused of maltreating a 4-year-old
child that thoy had taken
Into tho family. They woro arrested
and tho child taken from them.
O. A. Cooper, who has been ongnged
in tho milling business in Humboldt
for thirty years, says that ho paid last
week, for tho first time in his life,
$1.30 por btiBhel for wheat.
The vlllago board of Republic City
has amonded tho pool hall license, so
that anyone wishing to open a busi
ness of that kind will have to pay
$500, $400 occupation tax and $100 to
tho school fund.
While engaged In fighting tho flro
which destroyed his barn, grannry
and corn crib, Georgo Lllllch, a farm
er living southwest of Tecumsoh, suf
fered painful burns to his fned and
In Beatrice n man wns granted n
dlvorco on charges that his wlfo
struck and knocked him down and
then Jumped upon him." Tho woman
waB also churged with lntlmncy with
several men.
During a severe electrical storm tho
barn on the E. Bundy farm, about nlno
miles southeast of Dickens was struck
by lightning and entirely consumed,
togothor with some harness, hay, grain
and sheds.
Ed Molloy. en route from Chicago
to Twin Falls, Idaho, with an eml-'
grant enr, wns struck by nn engine In
tho yards at Sunderland. Ho was
cut about tho head and received other
hurts, but Is expoctod to recover.
At Jansen tho baby of Mr. and Mrs.
John M. Carsten was probably fatally
burned by boiling suds from a wash
ing machine., Tho accident occurred
while its mother was temporarily ab-
sont from tho room.
In tho district court nt Kenrnoy
Porry B. Deots wns awarded a verdict
of $1,275 against tho Union Pac;flc
m account, oi uamnges sustained whllo
unloading sheep at Gibbon. Tho train
was moved whllo ho was unloading.
Tho city council of Grand Island
has called a special election of tho
voters for tho Issuance of $17,000 in
paving intersection bonds, denomina
tion 1,000, 5 per cent, optional to tho
city nftor five years.
Mrs. Coburn, who sued tho Burling
ton railway and tho American Beet
Sugar company for $25,000 on afr
count of tho death of her husband,
will get $5,500. Negotiations wero
begun In tho federal court at Lincoln.
It was oxpected that tho suit would
bo .settled nnd tho caso would not go
to tho Jury.
Nobraska onjoys tho distinction of
graduating tho largest clnss, from nn
advanced course, of any stato normal
In tho country. Tho cIusb of 1909 of
tho Peru normnl numbers 174, the
largest In tho Institution's history.
Tho largo majority of tho class havo
beon elected to good positions In tho
best schools of the stato.
An answer, propured by Edson
Rich, has been filed by tho Union Pa
cific In tho suit brought by tho stnto
and tho nowspnpor owners who had
exchanged spneo for mileage. Tho
road contends that tho exchange of
mllengo at tho rato of 2 cents per
mile for advertising space In newspa
pers at tholr regulnr rates is not an
Infringement of tho nntl-pass act or
tho 2-cont faro act.
Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Marshall of
Beatrice aro distressed ovor the
strange disappearance of tholr son,
Karl, ti young mnn 20 years old, who
left several days ago taking with him
$150 belonging to his father. Ho left
a lotter saying that ho was going to
St. Louis, with tho avowed purposo of
ondlng his llfo in tho Mississippi
rlvor. Tho young man was In poor
M. E. Mooro, a workman In a
wagon shop at Alnsworth, hnd two
lingers nearly cut off and tho third
and fourth bndly cut and torn, while
working with a bnnd saw operated by
a gasollno onglno.
Tho barn of Hubert Rood, six miles
west of Cedar Rnpjds, caught flro.
Thero was destroyed the horso barn
worth $2,500, tho cattlo barn worth
$2,000, six hend of horses valued at
$1,200, all harnoss and machinery
stored In tho bnrna and tho grannry
and corn crib, containing 500 bushola
of corn and over 1,000 bushels or oats.
Total loss, $0,000.