Semi-Weekly Tribune. Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. BOHBORII'TION RATEfll Ono Yo&r, cuh In advanco , 11.25 Months, cash in advanco 65 cts Entered at North Flatto, Nobraska. I'ostofflce as second class tn attor. FRIDAY MAY 21, 1909. Commencement Exercises, Tha Commencement exorcises of tho high ichool will be hold next weak, at the Keith thcatro, oponing with the baccalaureato icrmon Sunday evening. Tha several churches have dismissed the evening sorvico in order that tha congregations may attend tho Sunday evening servico at Tho Keith. uov. r avorlgtit will deliver tho ser mon and Ravs. Chapman, Soibert, Porter and Williams will assist in the sorvico. There will be five vocal selections. The class day exercises will be hold at una r.eitn Monday and Tuesday ev enings. The program will bo as fol lows: MONDAY EVENING Piano Waltz, Moszkowski, op. 34, tforyl Jeter. Invocation Rav. Porter. "Country Lifo"-Paul F. Arnold. 'Panama Canal"-Frank A. Baldwin Cornot Grand Fantasia, Jane", Earl Stamp. "Pretty "Tho Chomistry of Foods"-Adelbcrt L. Donnor. "Amusements in tho Colonies", Alice Cunningham. "Joan of Arc", Elizabeth Weinber ger. Vocal "Tho Bandolera", Arthur Boyd. "Tho Story of Iliad", Mario Sails bury. "Tho Story of Aoneid", Hazel Lierk. Vocal "It was not so to bo", Irena Richards. "Thomas A. Edison," Robert P. Dick. High School Quartatto "Tho Swan and tho Water Lily." Abt. Tlgho, Dover, Casey, and Arnold. TUESDAY EVENING. Piano Solactad, Miss Mary Strahorn. Invocation, Rav. Seibort. "Vlgilando Ascendimus," Roy V Loudon. "Preparing for Poaco," Maudo L. Owens. Vocal Selected, Miss Henderson. "Educatioh-A Nation's Defcnso," Lillian M. Rltner. "The Tale of a Cornot," Grace E. Sholton. "Class History'' Vorna M. Soron son. Vocal-"Bcdouin Love Song," Pin- suti, Elmor C. Ringer. "International Arbitration," T, Charles Thompson. TheiCommoncemont exercisos proper will beheld Wednesday evening. Tho program will be: Solcction Orchostra. Invocation Rav. Chapman. Clans Song High School pupils. Class Addross Dr. Wm. G. David san, Chancallor of Nebraskan Wesleyan University. Violin Solo-Prof. Garlisch. Presentation of Diplomas F. E, .Bull hrd. Selection Malo Chorus. The members of the cIbhs nro: Paul F. Arnold, Frank A, Baldwin, Alice Cunningham, Robart P. Dick, Roy B. Loudon, Mauda L. Owans, Lillian M Ritncr, Marin Salisbury, Grace E. Sholton, Varna M. Sorenson. T. Chae. Thompson, Elizaboth Weinberger, Add bort E. Bonner and Hnzel Lierk. Hcrshcy News. small grain is recuperating to somo extent sinco tho recent violent winds L. P. Krong is contemplating tho erection of h two story ccmont hotel. Whon finished this will bo one of tho finest buildings in Hcrshoy. W. T. Miller and son Raymond hnvo purchased ninety acros of land in Sec tions 9 and 1G, Town 14, Range 32, for tho consideration of $3,G00. Carl Wickstrom loft for Dunver and Cheyenne Tuesday night. Ho will bo gona several days. A social danco was given at tho homo of John Waro on tho north sido Wed nesday evening. RofreBhmonta wcro sorved and each one spent a very do lightful nvening. Waltor Smith who has been visiting at tho homo of C, E! McClain left on No. 4 for Omaha Sunday night. The liersney xeicpnono uo. lias ox tended its line nine miles south of Hor ehoy and has mado an addition of twen ty phones. Contractor Delay has finished laying a cement walk for Eshleman, Wick strom, Ganson, Abbott and Eves, This is a fine improvement to tho north side of town. Ferdinand Hollingsworth arrived last Saturday from California. Ha will visit his paronts and othor relatives for somo tlmo. Earl Brownflsld, ass't cashier, has built a large addition to his homo in this town. Ed Ewell of Grand Island, transacted business in Hcrshoy tho foro part of the week. Mrs. Will Dymond has roturncd from an extonded visit with relatives in Wisconsin, The residence belonging to M. S. Kebby, profossor of the town schools, is nearing completion. It will bo oc cupied in the near future by Mr. an Mrs. Fred Dickerson. Mrs. R, B. Miller was shopplne in North Platte Saturday. Tho rival barber shops owned respec tively by Chas. E. McClain and- Burt Lile are doing, good business. Both shops contain up-to-date furniture and fixtures and success will attend tho one who docs the most satisfactory work. W. W. Young's hardware store under tho management of J. F. Gannon is doing largo business, the best ever done in Hcrshay. Mrs. Sydney bmlth, ol i'axton, ex pects to soon mako her home in Her- shoy. She will orcct her home on the lots east of hor son-in-law Chas. E. McClain. Mr. Wickstrom, Sr., visited his family in Donvar the first of tho week. Rev. Chamborlin, presiding elder, will dolivor a sermon at tho M. E. church Sunday evening, May 23. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Jepson and Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Mudd were North Platto visitors Tuesday. Roy Robinson of North Platto tran sacted business in Hcrshoy Wednes day. Mrs. D. David Carson, nee Miss Gort- rudo Smith, of Donvcr, arrived in Her- sliey Thursday evening. Shu will visit Mrs. Margaret Eves and friends for short timo. D. M. Leypoldt want to Oahkosh on business Wednesday. He has pur chased several carloads of hay there. On May 31, 1909, a school meeting will nga'n bo called to vote on tha issu- anco of $5,000 bonds for tho erection of a now school house at Hcrshay. Mrs. Dr. Sadler is expecting her sister from Sioux City, Iowa, Saturday. Mrs. J. W. Abbott is enjoying a visit from Mrs. Georgo Emery, of Denver, Arthur Harvey is erecting a two story house in tho east pnrt of town. Believing that tho business conditions of tho country will soon bo normul. the railroads of tno country nro aguln plac ing orders tor cars. Last wcck and this week tho orders placed aggregated 7,300. of which numuor the Missouri Pacific's share was 2.000 and tho Now York Central'B 3,000. Won't Slight a Good Friend. "If ovor I need a cough modicino again I know what to get," declares Mrs. A. L. A qv of lion Is. Mo., "for. after using ton bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery, and seeing its excel lent results in my own familv and others, I urn convinced it Ib the best mcdicino mudo for Coughs. Colds and lung trouble." Every one who trios it I feels just that way. Relief is felt at onco and its quick euro surprises you. l'or uronchltlH. Asthma. Hemorrhage. Croup, LaGrippo, Soro Throat, pain in chest or lungs its supremo. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Stono Drug Co. Notice for Bids. Notice is hereby given that tho Secre tary of tho Uonrcl of Education will re ceive bids up to and including the hour oro p..m., ot tho 27th day or Mav. 1900, that boing tho postponed date for opening bids, for tho erection, con struction and completion of one eight room scnooi building tn tho second ward on Block 1GG, nnd tho orection and completion of ono eight room school building in tho Third ward on block 52. all in tho city of North Platte. Lincoln County, Nebraska, all labor to bo done and material furnished by tho con tractor. Tho successful bidder to clvo bond in tho sum of $15000.00 for tho faithful performance of his contract. tiach bidder to accompany bin bid with a certified check in tho sum of $500.00 to assure- that ho will enter Into tho contract, should his bid bo accepted. All work to b'a done and material to be furnished in accordance with the plans nnd specifications now on filo in tho oillco of tho Bccrotary of Hald board nnd such plans nnd specifications to form a part of tho contract. i no nonru reserves tho right to re ject any and all bids. A. F. Streitz, Sec'y. Your Home IS not complete without Peninsular Range Come in and let us show you why they are not just as good but the best. Wilcox Department Store NOTICE. Intra E, at tin t Illreli, defendant, will tako notice that on tho nth day of Mar, lOOo. tho plaln- tilt Harold Hlrck trlct Court of Lincoln County, Illl'll Ills petition uil liU petition In the DIs ) col II County. Nebraska. against tho said defendant. Intra R lllrelc, tliooujoct aim prayer ot winen arc io omnia a dlvorco from thu Bald defendant, for tlio said dofondant lias winruuy ami intentional ly deserted said plalntllr for moro than two your prior to tho Hth iay of May, loot). You art) reoulifd to answer said petition on or about Monday, tho 0th day of July, IlAtlOIin RllICK, nilS-J Ily A. Muldoon, IHsAtty. f, Do You Want to Me Money? The only way you can got tho most profit out of raising hogs is to fenco your farm and let them gather up tho waste lor you. in tcnclng tho only way to spend your money is to buy the bcBt That Ib American. Eighty per cent of all the woven fenco mado and sold in tho United States is American, that should prove tho quality. Car just ip at WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. GO TO P. M. SORENSON FOR Furniture Repairing AND CABINET WORK. Also Woodturning. WINDOW SCREENS .... A Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. Don't Rear at tno suggeution mat you take an occasional drivo in a rig from this livery stable. If you don't take it for the pleasure, take it lor tho good will do you to got out in tho air. You can hiro a rig hero for about tho prico of a good tonic. And taking a drive Is n lot pleasanter then taking medicine A. M. Lock. Something Choice. for the connoisseur in fino tobacco. rolled into a woll-mado clear, is ono of our "Forost King" that you can buy for nvo cents, J. hey arc tho most delicious ana Bausinctory Bmoko that you can buy lor double tho prico anywhere. Try one. it win bo a treat. J. F. SCHMALZRIED A SPRING DRIVE is ono that is ulwuys pleasurable and inv igorating and those who wish to indulge in it should see that their harness is O. K., and if it is necessary to havo n now ono buy it boiore tho warm days of Snrinirtimo como and you will havo tho beneilt of it for tho season. Uur stock is worthy of your inspection. A. F. FINK. W. U. MALONliY, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND E.NBALMER A full lino of Caskots, Robes, etc. Calls answered promptly. Day Phono 120, Night Phono 482. NORTH PLATTE PANTATORIUM II. R. ROOSE, Prop. Ladies' nnd Gents' Clothes Cleaned with French Dry Cleaner. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Goods called for and dollvered. Over Mrs. Huff man's Millinory Store. Phono 450. KARL GERLE Merchant Tailor, Invites your inspection of his fine lino of Bamplos of goods for Spring and Summer Suits, Overcoats nnd Trou sers, which will bo mado to order in a most up-to-dnto and satisfactory man nor. Shop ovor Schntz & Clabaugh's dtOTO. Up copvwKiMy i. PROFESSIONAL CARDS T S. TWJNEM. V, Homeopathic Physician nnd Surecon. ! Officei McDonald Bank Building. mono ma. A. J. Ames. M. I). Mario Ames, 4. D- DOCTORS AMES & AMES. Physicians nnd SurgeonB. Office: Over Stono Drug Co'. Phones: Ofllco 273. Residence 273 pEO. 13, DENT,- J Physicinn and Surgeon. Ofllco: Over McDonald Bank. Phonos I Office 130 l hones Residenco 115 D R. L. C. DROST. Osteopathic Physician, Rooms 7 nnl 8. McDonald State Bank Building, Phono 148. WILCOX & HALLIGAN, Attorneye-nt-Law. Oflice over Schatz Clothing Storo., Phone 48 rp C PATTERSON. 1 . Atorncy-at-Law, . Ofllco: Cor. Front & Dew" b. MARMONT 50790 Percheron Stallion. Mnrmont weighs 1800 pounds, dark lit V , Dial 111 lUUUi Will make the season nt the owner's farm ono milo enst of tho Nichols school house. Terms $15.00 to insure live colt, or iz.uu to insuro maro with colt. When marcs are disposed of or re moved fromthe countv servico fee becomes duo nt once. CHAS. TROVILLO. Owner. Dirt, Dirt, Plontv of lirfc in nnv imnnlilw nnnrlnrl will till lots in ccmetorv nr.rl tnlcn enra of same. Will furnfsh monuments, (rrnvo nlnnrtn pnninrra nnrl nil itr ...sit I , " . , vo win aiso ucuvcr tun; to an desir ing it. f hono 44. mawsmo J. D. W. LINCOLN Notice of Formation of Lateral Sewer District. To all persons interested: Notico is hereby given that on March nuth, l'JUU, there was tiled with tho city council of North Platte, Nebraska, a petition prayinK tnoc a lateral sewer district bo formed from tho following described blocks, f.o-wit: blocks 1, 8 unu u, all in Miller's Audition to North Platte, Lincoln County Nebraska, Said lateral sower to be constructed of ten-inch sower pipe with proper flush canua, mnn-noics anu appliances, com' moncinK at center lino of the nllcy run nine through said Block 1, intersectinc with the main sewer on West 'A street, extending thence southernly in tho center line of said alley, through tno above described property to tho i.orth line of East "D'' street. That the council has set said matter for hearing on tho 8th day of Juno. 1909, nt 8:00 o'clock p. m., Official Time, at tho oflice of tlio Mayor and City Council, in tho court house of said city. AH parties interested nre hereby notiitcu xo no present at tho nbovo named timo nnd blace. nnd show cause. if any, why said lateral district should not Do tormon as prayed, and special ns8CHSinont8 tnorcaitcr levied as pro vided iy law, upon tho real etnte con atituting said district for tho construe tion and mnintennnco of tho same. Dated May 11th. 1909. Twos. C. Pattekson. Mavor, Attest: Chas. F. Templr, City Clerk ROAD NO. 318. To nil whom it may concern: Tho Commissioner nppointed for tho pur poao of locating a public rond has re ported in lavor of tho same with slight chanco as follows: Commencing nt tho 1 section corner between sections It nnd 4, T. 13 N, of Range 30 W., being indentical with S. E. corner of lot 5 of County Clerk's Subdivision of Lot 1 and S. E. N. E. i of Section 4, T. 13 N, Range 30 W., running thence north of section Ijne to tho S. E. corner of Lot 2, thence west between lots 2 nnd 3. to n road now traveled and having peon traveled for moro than 10 years and having been dedicnted to adjoining lot owner by W. L. Park, former owner and proprietor of said land, thenco north on said traveled road to tho north line of said section 4. That part of said road aloncr section lino nnd between lots 2 and 3 to bo GO feet wido nnd that part now traveled and having been loft as a road by W. L. I'ark to bo CGft, wide. A road leas then 50 feet wide cannot be graded properly. All objections thereto or clniniB for damages must bo filed in tho oflico of tho county clerk on or before noon on the 12th day of July, 1909, or such road .will bo established without roference thereto. Dated North Platte. Nebr,, May 7, 1909. F. R. Elliott " mll-4 County Clerk. NOTICE. Harry E. Donlon will toko notico that on tho 23rd day of March, 1909, P. H. Sullivan, a Justice of .the Peace in and for Lincoln County, Nebraska, issued an ordorof attachment for tho sum of $8.25 in an action pending boforo him, wherein Albert E. Timmermun is Plain till nnd Harry E. Dcnlnn is Dofendant. That property of tho Defcndantconsist ing of money in tho hands of tho Union Pacific Railroad Compny, a corpora tion, has been attached under said order. Said causq. was continued to tho 18th day of Juno, 1909, at 10 o'clock a. m. AlhehtE. Timmeuman. The Best Stallion In Lincoln County can be found at the- Birdwood ranch at Birdwood Siding. All parties desiring- to raise good colts call at the Bird- wood ranch and inspect the lorsc the only registered full-blood Pcrchcron stallion in Lincoln county. D. A. Goodrich. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of tho Interior, United States Land Ofllco. North I'latto. Nooranka. April 5. IIW0. A Hilfllclent rnntnat nfllilnrlt. Iinvlnir lonn nied In this ofllco by Oliarlcn T. Drcadi, con testant, against homestead nntrv Nn. M17fi mado Juno 10, 1W7, for tho swW of section 17, township U.raniro 82, by Qconro W. Cralir con- testi'c. in which it is alleged that Ucoreo W. Oralir ban never established bis rcsL.'W on said land: that be lias nover cultivate or improved any portion o' tno same, and that bo has wholly at" ndonco said iani. for moro than six months and ono dav Inst nuati f lint aid. alleged absenco was not duo to bis employment In tho army, navy or inarino corps i f tho united States durlnir any war In which tho United States lias been engaged. Said parties aro hereby notified to appear, ro spond and offer ovldcnco touching said allega- ion aiiuo'ciocx a m.on.iuno4, iwj boforo tlio itegisicr anu Kcceivor at tno United states Land Ofllco In North I'lattc, Nebraska. Tho said contestant having. In a proper aflldavlt, tiled April 6, MOU, set forth facts which show that after duo dillgenco personal servico ot this notice can not bo made. It Is Hereby ordered and directed that such notico bo given by duo and proper publication. au-o j - r kvans. llcelster. NOTICE. Notico Is horoby given that tlio undnrslirnnd havo organlzod themselves as a corporation nnder tho name and stylo of North I'latto Oas and Electric Companyi with tho prlncl- ai piaco or .imsincss in tno city or Mortn 'latto. Lincoln Countv. Nebraska, and Mm gcnoral nature of tho business to bo trans acted Is to own. acqulro, construct, maintain, equip and operate buildings, machinery and plants for tho purpose of generating and sup plying eieciricuy anu gas ior illuminating, heating nnd manufacturing purposes to other corporations, private or municipal, and to individuals, and to generato and uso electric ity and gas for power, heating and lighting anil allothor lawful purposes and dlsposo of tho samo to other corporations, prtvato and municipal, and Individuals and to do and pcriorm all things which may bo requisite or necessary tor carrying on tho said business. The amount of tho canltal stock Is $2.O.0OO. divided Into 2MW shares of tho par value of $100.00 oach, to bo fully paid up within one year from tho organlzrtlon ot this corpora tion tn cash or In proporty ot tho full value of iDO,000.O0 or partly In cash and the bal ance in proporty ot tno run value ot such balanro and tho highest amount of Indebted ness slfall not oxceed tho sum of flCO.dOO.OO. Tho affairs ot tho corporation shall bo con ducted by a Hoard of Directors composed of llvo members, who shall olect a president, vlco-presldcnt, secretary, treasurer and such other olllcors as may bo fixed by tho bylaws. IiKICr.STEll Wai.keii I'rank E. Hum aud llAiniY Dixon Al.VItEI) It. Cumminos MATIIKW E. Sl'ltlMflEll Incorporators. OltDEK OK IIEAItlNG ON OKIOINAL l'UOIIATE O .MVILL. State of Nebraska, I . v Lincoln County, t ss In tho county court May 11th, 1009. In tho matter of tho estate ot Sarah E. Slack, Deceased. On reading and filing tho petition of Wil liam V Hlrgo. praying that the Instrument filed on tho 10th dar ot May, 1000, and pur porting to bo tho last will and testament of tho sild deceased, my bo proved, approved probated, allowed and recorded as tho last will and testament of tho said Sarah E. Slack, deceased, and that tho execution of said Instrument may bo committed and tho administration of said cstato may bo granted to William W. Hlrgo, as executor. Ordered, That Juno Itb, lttW. at 0 o'clock a in,. Is assigned for hearing said petition when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a county court to bo hold in and for said county, and show cause why tho prayer ot petitioner should not bo granted. This ordor to bo published for six successive publications In tho North I'latto Tribune prior to -Juno 4th, 10OU, W. O. Eldeii. County Judgo. SUMMONS HV 1'UHLIOATION. To Henry Klecmoyor. and Kleomoyor his wife, first name unknown. Casper Kleomoy cr. and lCtcomoycr his wife, llrst name un known, Krcd Klcemeyor, and Kloomoyor his wife, first namo unknown. Jetty Klcemeyor, Henry Miller, Lizzie Dulan. Mary Jonos, Louis Miller. Trcd Miller, William Miller. Sim Dulan, Jones, husband of Mary Jones, first namo unknown, Fred Echtenkamp. Wil liam Kchtenkamp. Henry Echtenkamp, Jet ty Smith. Ed Smith, Laura Osmoyor and Os meyer her husband, llrst namo unknown. Etty Lutklnholder and William Lutklnholder Defendants. You and each of you arc hereby notified that tho undersigned plalntllf. Wilhclmlna Klepo, tiled her petition against you and commenced an action in Mio District Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska. tho object and prayer ot which aro to obtain a decreo In partition of the following described premises situated In Lincoln County, Nebraska, as follows, the northwest Quarter of section thlrty-llvo and tho southeast quarter of sec tion twenty-four, In Town ten (10) Itango thlrtythreo (33) west of tho sixth principal meridian. You are required to answorsald petition on or before Tuesday, tho first day of Juno 1000, or said petition will bo taken as true and tho proper legal orders will bo taken in partition of said promises as prayed In said petition. Datod this l'.!tli day of April luov. Wimim.mina ItiEVE. 1'lalntItT. Hy r. W. Ilvnu, her attorney. NOTICE OF SALEBY GUARDIAN. In tho District Court in and for Lin coln County, Nebraska, In tho matter of tho application of Anna Altenbern, Guardian of the es tate of Carl E. Altenbern, Benjamin E. Altonbern, Elsie L. Altenbern and Dav id V. Altenbern, minors, for license to sell real estato. Notice is heroby given that in pur sunnco of an order made by H. M. Grimes, judgo of tho. District Court of the 13th Judiciul District of Nebraska, in and for Lincoln county, in tho stnto of Nebraska, and made on the 16th day of February, 1909, for tho sale of real estato hereinafter described, I will soil at tho east front door of the court house in tho city of North Platto, Lincoln county, Nebrnsko, on tho 22nd day of May, 1909, beginning at tho hour 1 o'clock p. m., central timo tho follow ing described real estate to-wit: south west quarter (swj) of section thirty ono (31) in township thirteen (13) north of range thirty-threo (33), west of the Gth P. M,, situated it Lincoln county, Nebraska, to tho highest bidder upon the following terms, to-wit: all cash in hand. Said solo will bo called at tho hour of 1 o'clock p. m., central time and will be held open for the period of ono hour thereafter. Dnted this 20th day of April, 1909. Annn Altenbern, Guardian of tho Es tato of Carl E. Altonbern, Benjamin E. Altenbern, Elsio L. Altenbern and David W. Altonbern, Minors. By L. E. Roach and E. II. Evans, a21-4 Her Attorneys. I'HODATK NOTICE. In tho matter of tho cstato of Eliza Mc Govern, deceased. In the county court of Lincoln County, No braska, April lUth, 1W Notico Is horoby given, that tho creditors of said deceased will meot tho administrator of said estate, lieroro tho county Judgo of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at tho county court room, In said county, on tho isth day of .May, Ji'iw, anu on mo iiu uj ui nurvuiuui, WW), at 0 o'clock A M . each day. for tho pur poso of presenting their claims for examina tion, adjustment and allowance Six months 1 1 1 i..,l.1ltn.a In tiMiannl. tlinlr claims, and ono year for tho administrator to settle said cstato. from tho Bth day of March, 1W. This notice 10 ou puousneu iuruignt .niirtnealvn milil trn(lnn In Min North lMatta Trlliu'no prior to May 15th. 1W9. a ZU-B .J. r.i.DKii. vuumy juuKu. NOTICE TO OKEDITOItS. In tho matter of tho estate of Lena Potcr son, deceased. In tho county court of Lincoln County, No braska. Ma.v 1Mb. 1W. 4l k , Notico Is hereby given, that tho crodltors of said deceased will meet tho administrator of said estate, boforo tho County Judgo of Lincoln county. Nobraska. at tho county court room. In said county, on tho lUth day of Juno. 1W. and on tho lUth day of November, nw. at 9 o'clock a. m, each day, for tho pur poso of presenting their claims for examina tion, adjustment and allowance Six months aro allowed for creditors to prcsint their claims, and ono year for tho administrator tp settle said estate from tho7th day of April, MXW. This notico to bo published In tho North I'latto Tribune for eight succcsslvo Issues prior to Juno 10th, 1009. mio-8 W. C. Ki.nKit. County Judge J 1'KOHATE NOTICE In the mattci ot tho cstato of Louisa Iluiid, deceased. In tho rvmnty Court of Lincoln county, Ne braska. May ard. 1000. Notice Is horoby given, that tho creditors of said deceased will meet tho Administrator of said cstato, boforo tho County Judge ot I.liii-nln countv. Nobraska. at tho county court room In said county, on tho .list day of May, iwj and on tho 1st day or uccemoor, 1WJ, at 9 o'clock a- m. each day, for tho pur pose ot presenting tholrclalms for examina tion, adjustment and allowance Six months aro allowed for creditors to present tholr claims and ono rear for the Administrator to settlo said estate, from tho 1st day ot April iuuu. Tins notico to uo published in tno nortu I'latto Tribune, for eight successive publica tions prior to May, Slst, louo. W.O.ELDEIt. m3-8 County Judge. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. Tho State of Nobraska, lua Lincoln County. BS In tho County Court. In tho matter of tho estato ot Frederick or Ferdinand Sukraw, deceased. To tho credi tors, heirs and others Interested in tho cstato of Frederick or Ferdinand Sukraw. Take notice that Mary M. Sukraw. admin istratrix, has (lied In tho county court a re port of her doings as administratrix of said ostato and It Is ordorod that tho same stand for hearing tho aith day of May.A.D. KOO, bo foro tho court at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. in., at which tlmo any person Interested may ap pear and except to and contest tho same Aud notice of this proceeding Is ordered given for six successlvo publications In tho North I'latto Tribune, prior to May 2tith. 1000. Witness my hand and tlioscal of tho county court at North I'latto this 4th day of May A. D. 1009. m 4-8 W. O. Er.DEit. County Judge. NOTICE OF lUItDWOOD IltRIOATION DISTRICT. Notico Is horoby given that tho assessor in and for tho II I rd wood Irrigation District ot Lincoln county. Nebraska, has completed his assessment book and delivered tho same to tho secretary, and tho board of directors of said district Is horoby called to meet at tho ofllco of tho secretary In Hosodalo precinct, Lincoln county, Nebraska, ou Saturday tho 20th day of May. 1000. at 1:00 o'clock p. m., on said dato, to sit as a board of equalization, and will recclvo and bear objections to tho assessment, and will remain In session as long as may bo necessary, not to oxceed ten days, during which tlmo all objections to tho val uations and assessments will bo hoard and determined. Dated this 18th day of May. 1009. W. 11. MoNeel. Secretary. OHDEK OF HEAIUNO ON I'KOHATE Of FOItEION WILL. State of Nobraska, Lincoln County, ss. In tho county court Slay 15th. 1000, In tho matter ot tlio estato ot Andrew II ay, deceased. On roadlng and filing tho petition of Llzzlo T. Hay, by hor attornoy, praying that tho lustrument, lllcd on tho 15th day of May, 1000, and purporting to be a true copy of tlio last Will and Testamont ot tlio said Androw Hay, deceased. Ordered, That June 7th, 1009. at 10 o'clock a. m.. Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all porsons interested In said matter may appoar at a county court to bo hold In and for said county, and show cause why tho prayer of petitioner should not bo granted. This notico to bo published for six succcsslvo publications In tho North I'latto Trlbuno prior to Juno 7th. 1009. W. C. ELDER. ml8-3 County Judge. Notice of Amended Articles of Incornc poration. To whom it may concern: Notico is hereby triven that at a meet ing of tho stockholders of the North Platte Telephone Company held April Gth. 1909. Article IV of tho Articles of Incorporation wns amended so as to read as follows: Articlo IV. Tho authorized capital stock of said corporation shall bo the Bum of Ono HundredThousand Dollars ($100,000.00), which shall be divided into shares of $100.00 each, nnd each share shall repre sent nnd be entitled to one voto at all meetings of the stockholders and may bo voted bylthe owner or by proxy. Said ca p ital stock mny be increased from time to time as the business may require by a two-thirds vote of nil the stock existing at tho date of voting. Said increase of capital stock to bo subscribed and paid as required by tho Board of Directors. Signed April Gth, 1909. North Platte Telephone Company. By Alfred E. Grantham, President. Notice .of Formation of Lateral Sewer District. To all persons interested: Notico ia hereby given that on May 4th, 1909, thero was filed with the City Council of North Platte, Nebraska, n petition praying that a lateral sower district bo formed from tha following described blocks, to-wit: Blocks 4, 5, 12 and 13. all in Miller's Addition to North Platto, Lincoln County, Ne braska, Said lateral sower to bo con structed of ten-inch sowor pipo with proper flush tanks, manholes and appliances, commencing nt center line of the alley running through said block 4, intersecting with the main sowor that Is to bo constructed on West "A" Streot, extending thence southernly on the center lino of said alley, through the abovo described Eroperty to the north line of West "E" treet. That tho Council has set snid matter for hearing on tho 8th day of June, 1909, nt 8:00 o'clock P. M Oflkinl Timo, at tho ofllco of tho Mayor and City Council, in tho court house of said city. All parties interested are hereby notified to bo present at tho nbovo named timo and placo, and show cauBP if any, why said lateral district should not bo formed as prayed, and special assessments there-after lovied as provided by law. upon the real eitato constituting said district, for tho con struction and maintenance of tho same. Datod May 11th, 1909. ThoB. C. Patterson Mayor. Attest: Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk.