THE SENATE ACTIVE 8ESSION3 HENCEFORTH WILL BE GIN EARLIER. MORE RAPID WORK IN VIEW "Insurgents" Said to Be Causing De lay, TheGlvlng More Trouble ' than the Democrats. Washington. Beginning Mondny tho dally sittings of tho senate will commonco nt 10 o'clock In tho morn ing, Tho hour hns been advanced In tho hopo of expediting llnnl action on tho tariff bill by more rapidly dispos ing of tho long speeches ns well ns of tho detailed discussion of tho various disputed schedules. Tho considera tion of tho measure has developed .groater opposition . on tho part of n dozen or so of republican senntorH than was expected, and tho support ers of tho bill feel that every possible effort must bo mado to exhaust their criticism and bring the bill to a vote. So far, howovor, thoy hnvo rccolved no encouragement from the "Insur gents," and tho republican lenders aro quite In tho dark as to when tho end may bo reached. Indeed, thoy aro ilncHng less dlfilculty on thnt point in denllng with tho Independent republi cans and the opinion Is freely ex pressed thnt but for this antagonism n day might soon bo set which would decide tho fate of tho measure. Tho discussion this wcok will denl with tho various paragraphs which Imvo been passed over, but there will bo n few speeches on tho general tariff question, including one by Sen ator Dopow, which probably will bo delivered Monday. Senator Clay has prepared and will deliver, probably on Tuosdny, an elaborate speech criticis ing tho sugar schedulo and undertak ing to show that It Is In tho Interest of tho sugar combination. Tho razor Bchcdulo will recolvo first attention Monday nnd Senator Simmons will conntlnuo his efforts to have tho rate lowered. Senator Bailey will contlnuo to press his domnnd for a voto on tho income tax ns a featuro of tho tariff 1)111, but it 1b an opon secret In tho senate that ho Is not now nearly so confident of n successful result of such n voto ns ho was in tho begin ning of tho agitation. Indeed, ho has confided to sonjo of his friends his conviction that somo of tho advocates of such a tnx hnvo been "picked off" by tho enemy. Tho general opinion among the supporters of tho Income tax policy is thnt tho cause in tho sonato has been materially weakened by tho decision of tho president not to press Tor tho tax. At any event, It Is not probable that a voto on .the question will bo reached this week. In tho house, an nttempt will bo mado to pass tho Phlllpplno tariff bill on Monday and tho Porto Rico bill on Thursday. The latter mensuro will Ijo reported Monday. Both bills will nrouso discussion, but It, Is not be lieved thoro will bo any stubborn op position to either, and tho committoo having them in chargo aro conlidont of disposing of each after a day of de bate. THOMAS A. CREIGH IS DEAD. Pneumonia, Due to Exposure at G. A, R. Meeting at York. Omaha. Thomas A. Crelgh, past commander of tho O. A. R. Nebraska, died at his homo, 112 North Thirty second nvonue, at 7:45 Sunday morn ing nftor nn illness of but flvo days of pnoumonln. Mr. Crelgh was taken 111 with n cold whllo attending tho de partment encampment of tho Grand Army of tho Ropubllc nt York, Neb., Wednesday of last week. All of the surviving past department commanders of Nebraska now In tho state will bo present nt the funeral Tuesday, having so Blgnlilcd their in tention by wire. Grnnt post No. 110 will have imme diate charge of tho services, of which post Mr. Crelgh was former comman dor and one of Its most active nnd be loved members. Tho Women's Roliof corps nnd Ladles of tho Grand Army of tho Republic will participate In tho services, as will also repreaentatlvca of tho Masonic fraternity. BRITAIN CATTLE SHORTAGE. Charge That United States Exporters Are Holding Back Stock. Liverpool. Owing to tho shortage of American and Canadian cattle land ed nt BIrkonhend nnd nllogntlons that tho United States was withholding supplies with a view to raising prices, tho Liverpool Chamber of Commorco Is urging tho Board of Agrlculturo to romovo Immediately tho embargo on live cattlo from the Argentine Repub lic. Prominent Surgeon Dead. Now York. Dr. GornrdiiB H. Wyn koop, nn eminent Now York surgeon nnd ono of tho first physlclnns In America to perform tho oporatlon for tho removal of tho vorlform nppendlx, died Suudny, aged CG years. FOLKS URGES LOCAL CONTROL. New Yorker Holds This to Be Most Effective In White Plague. Washington. Tho Nntlonal Associa tion for tho Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis brought its mooting to a closo Saturday. Homer Folks of Now York In a paper said that tho most effective work to control tuberculosis Is to follow tho example of tho nn tlonal association In forming local or ganizations or commltteos to tako tho responsibility of securing county and municipal control of thn disease NEBRASKA NEW8 AND NOTES. Items of Interest Taken From Hera and There Over the State, Juanltn tribe of Red Men has been organized in Grand Island. Humboldts now (10,000 Methodist church was dedlcnted last Sunday. Loulsvlllo granted saloon licenses simultaneously Increasing tho salary of tho town mnrshnll. Tho Knnsas City Commercial club mado a tour In tho Republican valloy. Thoy woro on business bent. William Kruso, living near Wymoro, sold his 240-acro farm tho other day for $105 per acre. Julius Moyor, for forty years n resi dent of Omaha, suicided In ono of the parka of thnt city. Mrs. Henry Frohmnn, a former Fre mont woman of prominence, died re cently In California. Tho Cairo State bank has Increased Its authorized caplLil stock from $10,000 to $25,000 with $15,000 paid up. Farmers of Cuming county aro util izing tho comcnt Industry In tho erec tion of now farm buildings through out tho county. , Stanton Methodists Bent $100 to bretKVcn nt Ponca to assist thom In rebuilding tho church recently de stroyed by an lncondlnry flro. Tho order of Eagles of Auburn hns disbanded nnd Is moving In tho direc tion of disposing of tho furnlturo of tho lodgo room. Quite n number of wolves hnvo been killed in Johnson county of into. Richard Glbb, a young farmer living east of Tecumseh, dug out and cap tured a mother wolf and eight whelps rccontly. Raymond, tho 12-yenr-old son of D. F. Smith, was drowned In Lake Kear ney at Kearney. Whllo playing on a raft with othor boys his foot slipped nnd ho fell fn. The body was recov ered. Tho building commlttco of tho pro posed new United Brethren church nt Crab Orchard Is asking for pro posals on tho contemplated structure It will tnko tho plnco of a building1 recently burned. Ex-Congressman Ernest M. Pollard states that present appearances IndU cato that Cass county and tho south eastern portion dt Nebraska will havo nn unusually- largo crop of fruit this year. Tho spoclal election to voto bonds to tho amount of $20,000 for tho con struction of a now Bchool building was hold in Cambridge. Tho proposition carried, with a largo majority, thero being only cloven votes against It Frank Koohlor, a young man of family, was shot and seriously but not fatally wounded by Mrs. Olllo Jay of Grand Island. Tho shooting was dono at a party where convlvnlty reigned supremo through copious draughts of beer. A groat many automobiles aro be ing sold in Johnson county this spring. Tho machines are being sold to tho farmers as well as to persons who live In tho towns. During tho next fow months thero Is n great deal of this buslnoss that Is going to somo concerns. At tho special election hold In Table Rock for tho purpose of voting on tho proposition of .issuing $1,500 In bonds for building a city hall, tho bonds, which required a three-fifths majority, were defeated, thore bolng cast for tho bonds fifty votes and against tho bonds flfty-olght. Tho almost lifeless body of Joslah Carmean was found In tho horso bnm nt his farm, three miles south of Beaver City. Mr. Carmean was horri bly mangled and bruised, evidently by kicks from a horse. Tho base of tho noso near tho loft oyo was torn looso nnd tho forehead mashed in. Harry Junes, a United States navy deserter from Pensacola Island, was caught at Grand Island by Chlof of Police Lowell. Disguised ns a negro he wns caught in Kearney nnd re turned thoro about a month ago by Shoriff Milton Bergor. Lowell recognized him as tho samo ono again. Ho will bo again returned. A number of farm buildings hnvo burned In tho vicinity of Leigh. Tho residence of Knrl Motzger, with all its contents, burned to tho ground. It was a total loss. Tho large barn on tho farm of Adolf Groteluschen was ontlroly destroyed by lire. Sovon head of calves, several sets of harness and a largo amount of hay wero lost. Tho granary, filled with corn, also burned. A half section of unimproved lnnd nbout soven miles northeast of Dick ons wns sold a fow days ago to a man from tho east, who has Just located thoro, for $5,000. Eastorn peoplo nro beginning to ronllzo that It doesn't pny to rent whon thoy enn got good Nebraska land nt thnt prlco, and con siderable lnnd is changing hands. The falluro of tho WeBtorn Union to deliver n messago to A. D. Morrlott will cost tho corporation $473,23, Ho meant to ship cattlo to Chicago and wired a commission houso asking about prospects. A reply was sont stating that tho ranrkot was 10 to 20 cents higher. This was never deliv ered and ho sold in Sioux City at a lower figure The supromo court holds that ho can recover. F. G. O, Nelson, living on tho August Ost fnrm, south or Platts mouth, sayB that on March 10 one of his cows came homo bringing a black cnlf. On April 19 tho samo cow brought homo a amnll rod cnlf and rofuBed to admit that It wob not her offspring. Again tho Dakota, Kansas & Gulf railway proposition hna come to the, front. Tho Kearney mombors of the board of directors havo received let ters announcing a meotlng nt Kansas City, at which meeting will tuko place tho letting of the contracts for construction. ALL NATIONS SEE IMPORTANCE OF AERIAL WARSHIPS "W"W" -rITIIOUT a dollar of up m lm I P ro l r 1 n 1 1 on directly mM available for tho W W worU, tho aeronautical f f division of tho signal corps of the army Is about to begin Its summer campaign for tho study of nerlal navigation. Tho fact that $20,000,000 or more nro now being expended nnnunlly by this gov ernment for tho construction of bat tleships mny bo making tho United States ono of tho foremost naval pow ers of the world, but the further fact that not a single penny hns been sot nsldo by congress for tho building of airships or for tholr operation or de velopment la causing this couutry to bo loft fnr behind tho nations of Eu rnpo In tho mnttor of military aero nautics. Notwithstanding tho fnct thnt tho signal corps, with tho approval of tho secretary of yar, has asked congress for a modest allotment of funds with which to equip Itself with tho means of studying and experimenting with tho subject, tho lawmakers havo al ways turned a deaf car to tho nppoalB. Now, at a tlmo whon Germany, France. Great Britain, Russia and oven the weaker nations, such ns Italy und Spain nnd Bolgtum, nro de voting large sums of money and tho tlmo nnd experience of exports to tho solution of the problem, tho nccom pllshmcnt of which has been man's dream for ages, tho United States finds Itself hnndlcnppcd, and Its prog ress estopped becuuso It has boon Im possible to obtain a mengcr appropria tion to carry on Its work. Tho only encouragement which tho signal corps hns thus far found In Its nttempt to keep pneo with tho development of aeronautics In othor countries Is tho unolllclnl announcoment of President Taft that ho will udvocato a suitable appropriation by congress at Its next "Dirigible No. 1." session for tho ubo of the wnr depart ment In the purchase of dirigible bal loons and aeroplanes. Signal Corps at Work. In spito of tho dlscouragomont oc casioned by the lack of monoy the signal corps Is going ahead with tho means at hnnd, and oxpects to mnke somo substantial advancement In bal looning during tho coming sumnior. Five officers, Llouts. Lnlini, Fulols, Winters, Bamberger and Dickinson, nnd 17 men of the corps havo been assigned by Gen. Allen to tho aero nautical detail, nnd will conduct what ovor oxporlmcntnl work is dono. Nono of tho men has ovor mndo an ascen sion, nnd tho samo Is true of two of the officers, Llout. Lahni is tho only recognized pilot, by which is meant, nccording to tho rule of the vnrious aero clubs, ono who has made not less than ten nsconslons, nt least ono of which must havo been alone, nnd ono nt night. Untlor this rule. Lieut. Lnhni, who recently mado a success ful nscenslon from Fort Myor, Vn In tho government's spherical balloon, Is tho only officer who can qualify. Asido from two sphoricnl free bal loons, ono of 540 cubic motors and tho other of 1,000 cubic motors ca pacity, tho government possesses ono dirigible balloon. Just now tho men of tho sqund aro bolng trained at Fort Myor in tho work of handling the spherical balloons, in learning how to fill them, nnd fnro for them. Within a few days they will bo ndvancod to tho work on tho dirigible, known hb Dlrlglblo No. 1. ThlB bnlloon wns built for tho department by Capt. Thomas S. Baldwin, undor specifica tions, and dollvored to tho signal corps lost August. The monoy with which It was pnld for camo from tho fund allotted in tho regular annual appropriation to tho board of ordnance and fortifications. Description of Balloon. The balloon Is 120 feet long nnd Is onpablo of making 20 miles an hour. Tho gas bag is spindlo shnpod, 00 feet long, maximum dlumoter 1!) feet six Inches, and has a volume of 20, 000 cubic feet. A ballonot for nlr is provided Inside tho gaii bag, nnd 1ms a volumo of 2,800 cubic feot. Tho material for tho gOB bag Is made of two layers of Jnpnnese silk with a layer of vulcanized rubbor betweon them, Tho enr is mado of spruco and is 60 feet long; 2V feet wide, nnd 2 feet high. It hns n 20 horso powor motor. Tho propeller Is In tho front end of the car and Is connected with tho cnglno by n steel shaft. It Is also built of spruco and turns nt tho rnto of 450 revolutions per minute. A fixed vortical surface Is provided nt tlto renr end of tho car to mlulmtzo veer ing, nnd n horizontal surface attached to the vortical rudder at tho renr to mlnlmlzo pitching. A double hori zontal surface, controlled by a lover and attached to tho car In front of tho engine, serves to control tho vertical motion, nnd nlso to mlnlmlzo pitching. . The position of tho enr very near to tho gns bag Is ono of tho features of the balloon. This Is calculated to re duce the resistance of tho suspension, nnd places tho propelled thrust near tho center of resistance. This nlrshlp hns n total lifting capacity of 1,350 pounds, of which 500 pounds nro avail able for passengers, bnllast and fuel. When Its official trials woro had It succeeded In attaining a speed slight ly less than twenty miles nn hour over a moaRurod course. It olso had an on durnnco run lasting two hours, during which npproxlmntoly 70 per cent, of Its maximum speed was maintained. Thus fnr this dlrlglblo has served during tho comparatively short tlmo It hns been In tho possession of tho signal corps, a very Important pur poso In Inltlntlng olllccrs of tho corps In tho operation and construction of a dlrlglblo bnlloon. During tho greater part of tho coming mouth tho dlrlglblo will bo put Into uso for prnctlco pur poses nt Fort Myer. Later In tho summer It will bo sent to tho Signal school nnd Stnff collcgo at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., whero tho ofllcors nnd men thoro will bo glvon n course Signal Corps, U. S. A. of Instruction in Its mocliaulsm and operation. Plant at Fort Omaha. In nntlclpntlon of tho government's tnking up tho subject of noronautica on a scale comniensurato with its Importanco a completo plant has boon constructed at tho signal corps post at Fort Omaha, Neb. This plnnt com prises n steel bnlloon houao 200 feot long nnd largo enough to houso u dlrlglblo the size of tho now French military airship known ns La Ropub llquo. An electrolytic plant has been instnllod capnblo of furnishing 3,000 cubic feet of gas an hour. Various othor appliances havo also boon added, but unfortunately tho corps has no balloon to oporuto at tho plant. There is, howover, somo doubt as to tho wisdom displayed In erecting this plant at Fort Omaha, owing to tho disadvantage caused by tho pralrio winds at times. All things considered, tho most of tho experimental work In aeronautics conducted by tho army Tor tho present will bo nt Fort Myor, whero tho conditions are good both for oxporlmcntB with dlrlglblca und. with neroplnnes. Compared to tho progress with dirigibles which has boon mndo In Oermnny, Franco and England, tho United States Is prnctlcully at a standstill In this rapidly advancing form of military preparation. Devel opment In tho sclonco of- nerlal navi gation is going on with such strldos thnt it Is nlmost Impossible for this government, with its single small dlrlglblo, to keep pace with tho ex porlmonts in other countries. Ger many la regarded as further advanced thnn any of her slater countrlea in tho way of making the dirigible n prac tical military necosslty. Already thrco of her principal cltleB along tho French bordor uro oqulpped with balloon defenses, and a fourth will-bo similarly equipped within the coming summer. During tho past year tho Gorman government expend ed moro than $1,000,000 In tho pur chase and dovolopinont of dlrlglblo bnlloonB, German Types of Airships. Thero nro throo typos of alrahlps which tho GormaiiB nro developing. One, tho Gross, Is tho design of Mnj. von Gross, who commands tho balloon bnttallon nt Tegol, near Berlin. Tho second is tho Pnrsoval, which Is be ing developed by Mnj. von I'arsovnl, a retired officor of tho. army, and tho third is tho famous Zffppdbj, tho de sign of Count Zeppelin, also A retired army officer. Tho first bnlloon of tho Gross typo mndo its inltlnj ascension nbout two years ngo. As' n result of tho suc cessful experiments with tho first of this type, MaJ. voti Gross has qulto recently brought out a perfected air ship built along tho samo lines, but with grcntly Increased volume nnd di mensions. Tho lntest has a volumo of 17C.O0O cubic feet nnd is driven by two 75 horso powor Daimler motors, and hna a speed of 27 miles nn hour. Tho most remarkable porformnnco of this nlrshlp occurred last fall, whon It loft llorlln at 10:25 In tho morning, cnrrylng four passcngors, nnd re turned tho next day at 11:. 10. having covered 17G miles In n llttlo moro than 13 hours. This Is the longest trip, both In point of tlmo and dis tance, over mndo by any nlrshlp re turning to Its starting point. Tho Parsovnl Is owned nnd con trolled by the Society for tho Study of Motor Balloons, TIiIb organization, composed of capitalists, was formed practically at tho commnnd of Em peror Wlllinm, who 1b very much In terested In nerlal navigation. Tho so ciety has a cnpltnl of 1,000,000 marks, owns and controls tho Parsovnl pat ents, nnd Is rondy to construct Its typo of balloons for tho government or for commercial purposes. Will Build Airship Garages. Lnst fall tho crown prlnco of Gor ninny mude a trip In tho Zoppollu No. 3. Tho emperor ImB decorated Count Zeppelin with tho Ordor of tho BInck Eugle, nnd Gorman patriotism nnd en thusiasm hnvo been so aroused that tho Gorman association for nn nerlal Proparlng to Start a "Dirigible." The In Its Tent at fleet hns been organized in sections throughout tho country, it has an nounced Its Intoutlon of building 50 garages for the housing of airships. Franco Is not fnr behind Gormnny In the matter of supplying her army with dlrlglblo balloons. Thero nro two French types, tho Pntrlo and tho Ucpubllquo. The Patrlo, tho third of Its typo, was first operated In 1900. It waB developed by an engineer named Julllot, employed by Lebnudy Broth ers at tholr sugar refinery In Paris. Tho second French typo 1b tho Re publlquo, which is 200 feet long nnd 35i) foot In dlnmetor. It has a lifting cnpaclty of 9,000 poundB, of which 2,700 nro available for passongors, fuel nnd ballast. Tho best It has been nblc to do was to cover 125 miles in G hours in nn unfavorable wind. The English budget this yonr car ries an appropriation of $100,000 for military aoronnutlca, and a keen In tel est la being takon in the subject, so much so thnt thoro hns been n vigor ous protest mndo by those officers who hnvo tho subject In hand ugainst tho Hinnllucss of tho allotment for tho work. Compared with tho five ofllcora and the 17 men which tho United States has detailed for aeronautical work In the army, whole bnlloon bnttalions nro mnlntalned by Germany, Frnnco nnd Russia, and u company by Eng land. The French battalion consists of four companies with a factory and an experimental station at Meudon. Tho German battalion has thrco com panies of trained officers and men with headquarters and a school at Tegol. Russia, which only recently purchased a dlrlglblo of ono of tho French typos for mllltnry purposes, has nsslgned thrco bnttalions for 11b study and operation, and Is content' plating some oxtcnslve Investments In this moana of wnr preparation. Italy nlso purchased n dlrlglblo Inst year, and has flvo officers and 80 men ns slgned to the study of aeronautics, Spain Iiiib also acquired a small dirig ible, and even Belgium Is ns fnr ad vanced na la tho United Statoa in this respect. Where United States Leads. In tho mnttor of aeroplanes, or heavlor-tliun-nlr machines, howover. the United States Is somewhat ad vanced. Tho two machlnoB which tho government has contracted for, to bo paid for out of tho funds appropri ated for tho board of ordnance nnd fortlllcntlons, nro duo to ho turned ovor during June, tho Herring mn chlno on Juno 1 and tho Wright brothors noroplnno on Juno 28. Tho contract prlco of the former is $20,000 and tho amount to bo paid for tho ti tor Is $25,000. Technical dollrory of both machines has boon made to the signal corps at Fort Myer, and, so far as tho Wright brothers nro concerned, they completed a part of tholr trials last fall before the ncoldont which re sulted In tho death of Llout, Solfrldgo and tho Injury to Mr, Orvlllo Wright. Slnco thnt tlmo Mr. Wilbur Wright has beer, continuing hla experiments In Frnnco with success. Although tho wnr department has not yet boon officially advised, It Is expected thnt tho now noroplano of tho Wright brothors will bo dollvcred on tlmo, and that Its trials will occur nt Fort Myer during tho month of July. Tho conditions of their contract roqulro n mnchlno which will hnvo n speed of 40 miles nn hour, nnd In ltfl trial flights remain continuously In tho nlr for at least ono hour. It la dcslgnod to enrry two persons with a comblnod wotght of 350 pounds, nnd also suf ficient fuel for 125 miles. Tho trials lnst year Indicated thnt tho mnchlno would bo able to fulfill tho require ments. As soon ns tho noroplancs aro deliv ered at Fort Myor and tho trials com pleted to tho satisfaction of tho mili tary board of aeronautics It Is tho pur poso of tho signal corps to train tho bnlloon detachments in tholr opera tion. Opinions of Exports. Discussing tho development nnd fu turo of ncronnutlcs, Lieut Lahtn, who Is tho signal corps expert, and is de voting his entlro tlmo to this branch of the service said: "Tho military art up to tho tlmo of the formal entry of dlrlglblo bnlloonB Into the field of posslblo operntlons hns boon conducted practically in n plane whero tho nrmlos concerned havo boon confined in their move- Center Picture 8hows tho Airship Fort Myer. monts in tlmo and plnco by tho physi cal charactor of tho torrane. "Tho dovolopinont of two typos Is considered ndvlsnblo. Ono compara tively small, of 50,000 or 100,000 cubic feet capacity, to bo used principally for scouting purposes, and to n limited extent for cnrrylng explosives for demolitions or for Incendiary pur poses, such ns tho destruction of bridges ami supply depots close to tho mobllo army or const-dofense fort resses. "Tho second type desired lit the dlrlglblo la for burden-carrying pur poses. Tho lnrgor tho airship tho greater tho speed attainable, and the gronter Its radltiB of action. Thoro Is no rensou to doubt that airships of 500,000 to 1,000,000 cublo foot capacity may bo dovoloped ultimately to reach a speed of 50 or 75 miles an hour." In speaking of tho aeroplane, MaJ. Georgo O. Squire of tho signal corps, who has given n great deal of tlmo to a scientific study of noronnutlcs, said: "If tho United States had possossed In 1898 n single dirigible balloon, even of tho size of tho ono now at Fort Myer, which cost less than $10, 000, the American army and nnvy would not havo long remained In doubt of tho presence of Cervera'B fleet In Snntlago harbor. "Tho world Is undoubtedly growing moro humiino year by year. Wo havo arrived at a conception of tho prin ciple of an efficient army and navy, not to provoke wnr, but to preserve poace, and It la bolloved that, follow lug thla principle, tho perfection of ahlpB of tho nlr for military purposos will materially contribute, on the wholo, to mnko wnr loss llkoly In tho futuro thnn In tho past." In Favor of Soap and Water. Tho Rochester (N. Y.) City Federa tion of Women's Clubs Is working in aid of the nntl-tuberculosls movement, for tho closing of stores at six o'clock on Saturday nights, nnd tho plnn to use the State Industrial school as n stato prison. It was said at this con vention thnt soap and water properly applied aro better than nil the disin fectants, but that disinfectant makers would not like this to bo said. At the Court of Madrid. Miss Marjorlo Ido will havo chargo of her father's house, now that ho hna been nppolntod minister tit Madrid. She will not bo accorded the honors of a minister's wife, but sho will havo a very dignified position nt tho head of her father's houso. Sho waB nlso in the Philippines with her father, ns was her slstor who boenme Mffii Bnurk3 Coekrun soon nftot'i