THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE IRA L. DARE, Publisher TERMS; $1.25 IN ADVANCE NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA NEWS NOTE A Boiling Down of the More Impor tant Events Here and There Foreign. Moqt of the vIllngt'B In tho vicinity of Marash havo boon destroyed by tho fanatical Mohammedans, and tho scat tored populations aro Hocking In Marnsh. Up to tho present tlmo 14,000 pooplo havo como In and must bo fed by tho relief committee. A brief dispatch received at tho stnto department front tho American legation at Tangier repents a telegram from tho consular ngent at Megador, Morocco, who Bays that tho rumored capture of American travelers near Agadlr Is untrue. Tho French Htoamer Admiral Hniiio lln, arriving at Victoria from Ilavro via tho Orient, brought iiowb of a severe earthquako In Formosa, cnuB Ing largo loss of life. Many villages collapsed In tho northern part of For mosa,' and reports wero coming In from resident governors at Talpoh nnd Kcelung of much Iobb of llfo In tho various districts. Ten thousand dollars has boon raised by tho Turkish relict commit too or which Amorlcan Consul Gen eral Gabriel 13. Ravndnl nt Beirut, In chairman, for affording usslstanco to Americans In Turkey. All tho governments oxcopt Ger many which havo been sounded by tho United States on tho subject havo nu sontcd In principle to tho wish of China for a conference to consldor tho question of raising her tariff rates. Tho parllmontary commission which Is taking an Inventory of tho contents of tho Imperial palaco at Ylldlz has learned that Abdul Hamld deposited, during rccont months, consldorublo sums of money In Now York banks through n confidential agent. It ap pears that Abdul Hamld ban In tho neighborhood of $10,000,000 In Gorman banks. Slnco tho proclamation of tho now sultan thoro has boon a general fooling of socurlty In Tarsus. TJ9 HooBoyclt expedition Is still In catnn 'on tho ranch of Sir Alfred Fofiao. at a point near Machakoo. All thd members of tho party aro well. Fifteen hundred Japanese employed on tho Honolulu sugar plantation went on strike for higher wugeu, and It Is oxp.ectod that tho movement will Bproad to tho other plantations whoro Japanese are employed. According to a Holgrndo telegram Prlnco Uurnholm Eddln, son of tho for mor Btiltnn of Turkoy, Abdul Hamld, intends to organize a rising In Albania. General. Tho chamber of deputies of tho now Turkoy voted to Bond tho two Turks to co-operate with an American com mission of Inquiry Into Adnnn atroci ties, Sonator Bnlly In a llorly sonnto speech declared that tho only way to dlssolvo tho stool trtist Is to imprison its ofllcors. Tho International Aeroplane club lias been organized at Dayton, Ohio, tho objoct bolng to commemorato tho homecoming of tho Wright brothers each yoar. Ex-Gov. Crounso, who died in Omn ha last weok after a llngorlng illness, was born In Schoharie county, N. Y. Ho served during tho civil war as a captain of light nrtlllory, bolng BO' voroly woundod In notion. Coming to Nebraska In 180-1, ho served succes slvely ns a member of thu territorial leglslnturo, Justlco of tho supremo court, member of congress, assistant secretary of tho treasury under Pros ident Harrison, and governor of tho Btnto, bolng olonted In 1893. Ho wns n republican in politics. Mr. CrouiiHe is survived by four chlldron: MrB. G, M. Hitchcock, wlfo of tho present con gressmnn from tho Omaha district; Mr. William O. Crounso, associated with Mr. Hitchcock In tho publication of tho Omaha World-Hornld; Mrs GeorKO Mclntyro and Miss Mario Crounso, both of Omnhn. His burial took placo at Ft, Calhoun, bcsldo his wlfo, who died In 1S82. Tho owners of tho Cnuon ranch In ToxnB havo unlonded 10,000 shoop In tho Iji Sargo pasturo nonr Kaw City. Ex-Governor Crounso of Nobraska died at Omaha nftor a llngorlng 111 noss, Illshop Charlos II. Galloway of tho Methodist Episcopal church died at Jackson, Miss., of pnoumonln, At u mooting of tho Ynlu chapter of Phi Ilota Kappa at Now Haven Robert A. Tnft, son of President Tnft, waB elected president. Diplomatic relations botweon tho KOVornmontB of Colombia and Vono zuola havo boon roaumed nftor n break of Bovoral yonrs. A big poBtal strlko Is on In Paris. Sponkor Cannon snyB It will tako 100 dogrco temperature to got action in tho senate on tho tariff bill. President Tnft attonded tho funornl of Mrs. Mnry LouIbo Dalzoll, wlfo of Representative John Dalzoll of Pitta burg, Pa., who dlod in Washington. Paris strikers nro under control of tho military authorities who aro pre pared to mass 50,000 troops In Pnrls in a day, 5! DEN5EDI Patten, tho wheat operator, has re turned to Chicago from Colorado and will again buy and sell wheat. Speculators aro taking advantage of government effort to Irlgato arid regions of tho country and aro now buying up land wherover tho govern ment decides it will run n ditch. Twenty persons aro missing, nnd all of thorn nro belloved to havo been drowned when a gasoline launch sank In tho mlddlo of tho Ohio river nenr Schoenvlllo. Schuyler Rolloy Logansport, Indiana, set a death trap for chicken thlovos and met death from his own dovlco. Dr. Manuel Amador, first president of tho republic of Panama, died re cently nt tho ago of 75. Congressman Klnknld of Nobraska, lins received Information that tho O'Nolll postonico will bo advanced to second-clnss on tho first of July, and that tho Morrill ofllce, In Scott's Muff county, will bo ndvnnccd to third-class at tho snmo tlmo. A training school for snddlors and battery mechanics In tho army will bo established nt Rock Island, III. About tho only hope for changes In tho tariff bill Is through tho president. llrnd D. Slaughter, army paymaster, died in Omaha at tho ago of GO. James K. Hnckot, tho actor, Now York, filed a voluntnry petition In bankruptcy, giving his liabilities nt $120,457. President Tnft hns appointed Tho mas J. Aklns as postmaster at St. Louis, Mo., to succeed Mr. Wymnn. Mr. Aklns 1b assistant treasurer of tho United States at St. Louis. Tho electrical show nt Omaha was opened by President Tnft by wlroloBS mossngo sent to Fort Omaha. Earnest offorts to got clear of tho government's clutches for nllcged violations of tho oleomargarine law aro bolng mnde by tho Cudahy Pack ing company. Washington. Ex-Governor Charles Magoon of Cuba was at tho capital to suy good- byo to Sonator Ilurkctt nnd other friends In congress and loft for New York, from which port ho will snll for Antworp to travel through Europo for tho next few months. Governor Ma goon, on tho advlco of his physician, will tako tho waters at Nauholm, and after a course of troatmont thoro will visit Italy and tho Vlvlora, returning to Amorlcn late In Soptombcr. In nil probability Postmastor Gon- oral Hitchcock will bo in attendance ut tho mooting of postmasters of No braska to bo hold at Lincoln Juno 8, 9 and 10. Persistent hainmorlng on tho part ot the so-called progressive senators, aided unexpectedly by Senator Root, brought an admission from Sonator Aldrlch that tho schedulo relating to wlndown glass ought to bo rocon structed, and at tho end ot tho speech by Sonator Burkott tho chairman of tho finnnco committee asked that tho schedulo bo passed over for purposes of revision. Manufacturers will not bo ablo to put any fictitious nnmo upon tho ar ticle which thoy manufneturo It n bill Introduced by Representative Camp boll of Knnsns becomes n law. Tho measure provides for a lino of $1,000 and an lmprlnonmont penalty for ovory violation for each caso In which a manufacturer places any other but his own nnmo on an article that ho produces. Owing to tho fnlluro of congress to provide funds for tho construction of n gns plant and boiler house at the Fort Moyor aorodomo, General .Tamos Allen, chief oillcor of tho Slgnnl corps, has been forced to chnngo his plans for tho aeronautical trials and tests nt Fort Mycr this summer. The commissioner of tho gonoral land olllco hns issued a proclamation doclarlng that tho Bollo Fourcho land district, with olllco nt Hollo Fourcho S. D., will bo rondy for business July 1. This will bo ot great bouoflt to farmers under tho government project as thcro is a great deal of business with tho land olllco on account of nmondlng entries to comply with farm unit mnps, payment ot wnter rights nnd application for water. Preparations nro being mado for tho guarding of Prosldont Tnft'u summor homo at llovorly Cove, Mass., while tho president Is thoro this summer. Porsonal. Prosldont Chnrlos W. Eliot ot Har vard university, wnB Invested with Insignia of tho Order of Rising Sun bestowed upon him by order of tho emperor of Japan. Nominations sent to tho senate by tho president included tho names of Oscar S, Straus ns ambassador to Turkoy and W. W. Rockhlll ns am bassador to Russia. Dr. Maurice L. Egan, Amorlcan mlntstor to Denmark, will retain hi place. A political report of Interest to tho Third district ot Iowa 1b that A. I). Sumnor of Wntorloo will bo a candi date for momber of tho houso to suc ceed Representative Charles Pickett. At tho roquest of tho Atlantic Un ion, Whltolaw Rold, tho Amorlcan nni bnssador, and Mrs. Rold will boou glvo at Dorchoster houso London, n big rocoptlon for Australians. Tho highest hotel In tho world Is to bo built In Now York City. It will bo thlrty-ouo Btorlos, and cost $2,000,000. Wilbur nnd Orvlllo Wright, tho American noroplanTsts, havo roturned from the sconos of tholr European trlumphB. Capt. HaliiB ot Now York, who killed Win. E. Annls last August, was found guilty ot manslaughter. A guard will bo provided for Presi dent Tatt at his summer homo nt Hovorly, Mass, Tho Illinois legislature continues balloting for United States senator without results. Tho coromony of girding tho aword for tho now sultnn of Turkoy occurred ou Sunday at Stamboul. AFT IS GUEST OF CHARLOTTE PRE8IDENT ATTENDS MECKLEN BURG CELEBRATION. HE MAKES TWO SPEECHES Anniversary of "First Declaration of Independence" Is Occasion of Threo Days of Entertainment In North Carolina. Charlotte, N. C President lis prosenco and participation, gave his Indorsement to tho celebration of to the one hundred and thirty-fourth nnnlvcrsnry of the Mecklenburg declaration of Independence, nnd con sequently tho ontlro stato is rejoicing. Tho chief cxccutlvo camo on tho last of tho thrco days of celebration, nnd his address was a main fenturo of tho carnival program. Military mancuvors nnd drills, band concorts, athletic nnd baseball con tests and numerous addresses onter tnlncd tho swarms ot visitors from nil parts of this and adjoining states. Tho Charlotte flro companies opened tho affair Tuesday noon with an ex hibition, and then a troop of regular cavalry drilled nnd n bnnd concert wns glvon. Baseball followed, and in tho ovonlng tho Charlotte drum corps and threo bands amusod tho crowds. Governors' Day Program. Wednesday was designated as gov ernors' day and tho main ovent was tho delivery of addresses by Gov. Kltchln of North Carolina and tho chief cxccutlvo of several other states, nt tho fair grounds. Theso wero pro ceded by a big nthlotlo moot nnd fol lowed by a cnvnlry drill, mllltnry mnnouvers nnd bnnd concorts, with nnothor ball gaino thrown in for good mensuro. Two events mado tho ovonlng not able Tho llrst waB a May musical festival at tho Auditorium which en listed tho services of n number of excellent soloists nnd n largo and woll trained chorus. Tho second was an illuminated pnrado given uy tho Order of Red Men. President Taft Arrives. Just nt ton o'clock Wednesday morning tho booming of a 21-gun sa luto by tho Chnrlotto artillery noti fied tho people that President Tntthad arrived on his special train. Nearly- all tho inhabitants nnd tho thousands of visitors wero at tho station, and SB Mr. and Mrs. Taft alighted from tholr car they wero grootcd, with a jnlghty roar of applause A special rocoptlon commlttoo took tho distin guished guests In charge and conduct ed them to tho Solwyn hotol, whoro thoy woro welcomed by Gov. Kltchln, Senators Simmons and Overman and tho mayor of Chnrlotto. After mooting nil tho committeemen nnd tholr wives, Mr. nnd Mrs. Taft, togothor with Mrs. Stonomall Jack son, tho governor and mayor and oth er distinguished visitors, woro escort ed by n guard of old soldiers to a re viewing stand nnd witnessed n grnnd pnrado of nil tho mllltnry nnd civic organizations that could tako part In tho colobratlon. Mr. Taft Speaks Twice. A second lnstnllmont of tho music festival In tho Auditorium was gracod by tho presonco of tho city's guests, nnd thon all roturned to tho rovlowlng tnnd, whoro President Taft delivered fin auarcss. his worus woro listened 10 wan cioso attention and iroquontly .elicited loud applause. Lator In tho afternoon tho prcsldont mado a spooch to tho colored peoplo and tho students of Blddlo university. From 8 to 9:30 In tho ovonlng Mr. and Mrs. Taft held a public rocoptlon In tho parlors ot tho Solwyn hotol and shook hands with thousands of people. Mllltnry drills, band concorts and other entertainments wero provided for tho crowds nil Wcdnosdny otter- noon and evening, and tho great cclo bration closed In a blnzo ot glory. Old Controversy Renewed. Tho pooplo of North Carolina, whoso proudest boast has boon that their ancestors woro tho first Amer icans to throw oft tho yoko ot Urltlsh rulo, now rojolco In tho fooling that Prosldont Tnft has recognized tho Justlco of tholr claim, but tho century old controversy has broken out afresh Many historians rofuso to nccord to ;tho plonoors of Mocklonburg county tho honor that is thus accorded thorn Theso historians ulludo to tho story as "tho Mocklonburg myth," nnd there by nrouso tho anger of North Caro llnniiB. According to thoso unblnscd Invos tlgntors who havo looked most deep ly Into tho mnttor, tho Mecklenburg ors did hold n public mooting on May 31, 1775, and did adopt resolutions qulto abreast of tho public sontimont of that tlmo, but not venturing on tho Held of independence furthor than to say that theso resolutions wero to romnln In full force till Groat Ilrltnln resigned Its protonslons. In 1793, or enrller, somo of tho actors In tho pro coedlng8 ondenvored to supply the rec ord from memory, unconsciously In tormlngllug somo ot tho phraseology of tho Declaration of July 4, which gavo tho resolutions tho tone ot pronounced Indepondoncy. Probably through nnothor dimness of memory thoy nfllxed tho dato of May 20, 1775 to thorn. Case for Mecklenburgera. Tho enso for tho Mocklonburgors 1b sot forth nB followo: In 181S thoro nroso a groat rlvnlry between Masaa cluiBotts and Virginia as to which com monwonlth should recelvo credit for thu Philadelphia document, und t'ho controversy was brought up In con gress. It wns nt this tlmo that David son, n representative In congress from North Carolina, announced that Meck lenburg county hnd declared her in dependence 13 months beforo tho pro mulgation of tho document in Phila delphia, i While tho statement created some surprise It resulted in an invoivtlga tlon Into tho fncts as to tho Mocklon burg declaration. This inquiry was mado by Nathaniel Macon, who ropro scntcd North Cnrollna In tho sonnto, and through Gon, Josoph Graham and Representative Davidson Sonr.tor Macon recolvcd from Dr. Josoph Mc Knltt Aloxnndcr a full account of "tho ovent," which Dr. Alexander said ho had "copied from papers loft by his father." This statement, which in cluded tho May 20th declaration, Senator MaconNsent to Raleigh, N. C, and It was published In tho Register on Friday, April 30, 1819. Dr. Alexander's Story. Dr. Alexander rotated at length how tho farmers of Mecklenburg county In tho spring of 1775 had called a con vention to bo composed of two dele gates from each settlement in tho county to moot May 19 to dovlso moans for tho assistance of tho "suf fering peoplo of Doston and to extrl cato themselves from tho Impending storm." "Official nows, by oxpress, ar rived of tho bnttlo of Lexington," ac cording to Dr. Alexander's report to Senator Macon, and tho inlluenco of tho nows from Lexington, ho added, rcsultod In tho unanimous adoption ot tho Mocklonburg declaration ot inde pendence. Tho declaration as wrltton by Dr. Urevnrd, and approved by tho conven tion on May 20, 1775, reads: "1. Resolved, That whosoovcr di rectly or Indirectly nbottod or in any way, form or manner countenanced the unchartered and dangerous inva sion of our rights, as claimed by Groat Britain, Is an enemy to this country America and to tho inherent nnd Inalienable rights ot man. "2. Resolved, That wo, tho citizens of Mecklenburg county, do heroby dls solvo tho political bands which havo connected us to tho mother coun try, nnd heroby absolve ourselvos from nil ullcglanco to tho British crown nnd abjuro all political connection, con tract or association with thnt nation, who havo wantonly trampled on our rights nnd liberties nnd inhumanly shed tho innocent blood of Amorlcnn patriots at Lexington. Declared Themselves Free. 3. Resolvod, That wo do hereby de clare ourselves a free nnd Independent peoplo, are, and of right ought to be, n sovereign and Bolf-govornlng asso ciation under the control of no pow er other than that of our God and tho general government of tho congress, to the malntonnnco of which lndo pondenco wo solemnly pledge to each other our mutual operation, our lives, our fortunos nnd our most sncrcd honor. "4. Resolved, That as wo now nc knowledge tho cxlstonco nnd control of no lnw or legal olllcer, civil or mil itnry, within this country, wo do hero by ordain nnd adopt, as a rulo of llfo, each and ovory ono of our former laws, whoroln, nevertheless, tho crown of Groat Britain novor can bo consid ered ns holding privileges, immunities or authority therein. "5. Resolved, Thnt it is also further decreed that nil, each and ovory mill tary ofilcor In this county is heroby reinstated to his former command and authority, ho acting conformably to thoso regulations. And that every momber presont of this delegation shall henceforth bo n civil officer, viz., n Justlco ot tho pence, In tho character ot a 'committeeman,' to lssuo process, hear nnd dotermlno all matters of con trovorsy, according to said adopted laws, and to prosorvo peace and union nnd harmony In said county, and to uso ovory oxortlon to spread tho loyo of Uio country nnd flro of froedom throughout Amorlcn, until a raoro gen ornl and organlzod government bo es tnbllshcd In this province." More Light. By tho extraordinary contortions of hor nock ho concluded that she was trying to got n glimpse of tho back of her now blouso; by tho tonso lines and scintillating Hash about her lips ho concluded thnt hor mouth was full of pins. "Umph goof suff wuff sh off- spog?" sho nsked. "Quito so, my dear," ho agreed. "It looks very nlco." "Ouff wun so gsph mf ugh Ight?" was hor next romnrk. "Perhaps It would look better you did that," ho nodded; "but It fits very nlcoly nB It Is." Sho gasped and emptied tho pins Into hor hands. "Pvo asked you twlco to ralso tho blinds so that I can get more light Jnmes," Bho exclaimed. "Can't you understand plain English?" Angels on Horseback, Thoro aro many ways of cooking oystors. "Angels on Horseback aro woll known, but I Bhould hope not very woll liked. It Ib a barbarous con Junction, thnt of bacon with oysters n tremondous cnmpllmont to tho ba con. it 1b true, but an Insult to tho fish. Nor can I pralso tho steak and oy sters so dear to ninny. But ns nn ingredient in a beefsteak plo nothing but pralso can bo spoken of tho bi valve. Thero nro oysters In that most delicious of pies, tho ono thnt cooks for 24 hours nnd keeps n man up alt night to boo that it does not leavo off boiling. Nood I sny that 1 rotor to tho world famous pudding nt tho Chcshlro Cheeso? Tho Gontlo wqtnnn. Woman Rules. "This la tho womnn'a century," says a suffragette. As ovory century has bcon slnco the nppuarauco of Evo. THE RATE IS VALID Slb;y Law Is Upheld by Referee Sul livan. Tho 25 per cent reduction In express rntes made by tho Sibley lnw Is hold valid by Roforco John J. Sullivan In n roport filed In tho Bupromo court of Nebraska. This sustains tho conten tion of Attorney General Thompson on bohalf of tho state. Tho roforeo finds that the Sibley act Is not confiscatory as npplicd to the business of tho arlous oxpross companies and as a conclusion of lnw recommends that udgment bo given for tho stato. The roforeo Is also master In chancery tor tho federal court at Omaha In suits ponding In that court arid ho will fllo tha samo roport with Judgo W. H. Mungor. if the supromo court adoptB tho re port It will mean n Bavlng of about $370,000 a year to tho peoplo of Ne braska and little or no reduction In tho profits of tho express companies. Tho II vo companies doing business In this state last year collected from tho pooplo of Nobraska $735,000. Tho Sibley act was passed by tho leglslaturo of 1907. Attorney General Thompson sought to enforce the law nnd filed an nppllcatlon for an Injunc tion to restrain tho companies from violntlng Its provisions. Tho com panies took tho enso to tho federal court and it wns romnnded by Judgo T. C. Mungor on the ground that tho stjto wnn the boIo party nt Interest nnd therefore tho federal court had no Jurisdiction. Tho supremo court granted n temporary restraining or der against the companies April 15 nnd slnco thnt tlmo the net hnB been in force. Tho Bupremo court appointed Judgo John J. Sullivan referee to tako testimony nnd roport findings of fact nnd conclusions of law. Tho refcreo hold hearings In Lincoln, Omaha nnd Now York City. Attorney General Thompson will fllo n motion In tho supremo court for Judgment upon tho referee's roport. Tho companies will probably fllo ex ceptions to tho roport nnd tho caso will then havo to bo argued beforo tho court or submitted on briefs. This may occupy considerable time. In tho mcantlmo if tho federal court should lUnd for tho companies tho nttorney general will havo a strong point in roservo In tho supremo court of tho United Stntes. Ho will assail tho Jurisdiction of tho federal court on tho ground thnt tho statx is tho solo party at Interest nnd thnt therefore tho stnto court nlono hns Jurisdiction, There nro llvo Identical cases, In volvlng tho Adams, Amorlcan, Wells Fargo, Pacific and United States Ex press companies. Tho finding by Judge Sullivan in all Is tho samo. In tho Adams caso his finding concludes: "My conclusions of law nro as fol low: "First That tho Sibley act, so far ns it affects tho business of tho Adams Express company, 1b not confiscatory, "Second That n Judgment on Us merits should bo entered in favor of tho stato and ngalnst the company." Award of State Printing. A majority of tho stato printing board has awarded contracts. In each caso the lowest bidder received what ho wanted. Tho bids wero opened somo tlmo ago, but official awards wero not mado till last week. All of tho big Jobs- oxcopt tho report of tho Btnto board of agriculture go to print- orB out of Lincoln. Tho houso Journal was awarded to Clallln ot University plnco, tho sonato Journal to tho ork Blank Book company, and tho session laws to Tim Sedgwick's company of York. Tho Ord Quiz received two con tracts. After Bird Killers. Doputy Gamo Warden Gcllus has started on a campaign against foreign ers who slaughter song birds. Rail way laborers, ho claims, kill tho song and insectivorous birds tor food. Saloons Out of Business. All saloons In Lincoln closed downed In accordanco with law, on Monday night. Most of tho barrooms woro dismantled early In tho ovonlng. Ac cumulated stocks will bo shipped back to wholesalers. Tho saloonkeepers who remnln In Lincoln, say they will unlto with ofllclnls In striving for tho enforcement of the prohibition law to tho lottor. His Organs Reversed. Tho caso of Charlos Schuppol, a la borer In tho brick yards at Yankeo Hill, hns mystified Lincoln physicians. His heart Is on the right side of his chest, whtlo his liver is on tho left sldo ot tho abdomon. Ho Is 40 years of -ago and In excellent health. Clubs Given Dry Notice. Chlot of Police Coopor notified all tho clubs of tho city that after Juno 1 thoy must discontinue to sell intoxicat ing llquorB nnd that thoy must not havo any stock on hand after that date. This action Is In accordanco with Instructions from the oxclso board. Contest for Mayoralty. T. J. Doylo, attorney for Robert Ma- lone, said that as soon hb ho could consult his client ho would begin a suit to contest tho olection ot D. L. Lovo for mayor. Burlington Man Promoted. II. E. Byrnm, genernl superintendent of tho Burlington railroad for tho Ne braska district, has received notice of n promotion In tho form of n transfer to Chlcugo hoadquartorB as assistant to Dnnlol Wlllnrd, second vlco presi dent of tho systom. Ho will bo suc ceeded horo by W. B. Troop, now gen- oral superintendent of tho Iowa dis trict with hcadquartors at Burlington, In his now capacity Mr. Byram will bocomo a faqtor In tho operation of tho whole Burlington oystem. His Ne braska oxperlcnco will bo of help. NEBRASKA IN BRIEF NEWS NOTE3 OF INTEREST FROM, VARIOUS 8ECTION8. ' ALL SUBJECTS TOUCHED UPON Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit ical and Other Matters Given Due Consideration. Androw Carnoglo notified tho Nor-; folk library board that ten thousand, dollars is available for tho construe tlon of a public library thcro. At tho farm of Frank MteDermott In Cameron townBhlp, Hall county,; barnB and contents to tho vnluo or nbout $1,800 woro destroyed by lire. Insurnnco 1b only partial. In sontonclng two drunks Pollco Judgo Ellis ot Beatrlco, stated that from now on parties brought beforoj him on tho chargo of indulging two frcoly will bo given tho limit in tho mnttqr of fines. C. M. Chamberlain of tho defunce Chamberlain banking houso nt Tocum-j sch appeared in dlBtrp,t court nnd gavo bond In tho sum of $1,000 for IiIb nppcaranco nt tho October term of court. For sovoral months tho merchants of Republlcnn City nnvo been missing from tholr Btores, grocorles, Bhoes and clothing. After n quiet watch two men wore nrrcsted who woro found with tho goods In their possession. Superintendent W. P. Stockdalo. who has boon nt tho head of tho WIs ner city schools for tho last eight years, has been elected superintend ent of tho schools nt Madison at a snlnry of $1,250 for tho first yenr. Mrs. Mnrgnret McKcrnahan of Bolle- vuo, who was a tornado victim a year, ago and was mentnlly deranged by her physical Injuries and tho loss of her homo, attempted sulcldo by sotting flro to her clothesr Sho died of horl burns a fow days lator. Arthur Gricss, tho 12-year-old Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Grless of Sutton wns bitten by a dog. By its, actions it was fcarod tho dog was; affected with rabies. Tho child has boon taken to tho Pasteur Institute In Chicago for treatment. Tho houso occupied by L. WJ Huddlcson northeast of Ponca nboutl ono mile, wns destroyed by lire. Tho wind was blowing n galo and carried tho flro to the barn, which was con sumed also. Thcro was no insurnnco on Mr. iluddlcsons goods. After nn inquiry lasting all night, tho corner's Jury at Hastings failed to fix responsibility for tho death of 9 year old Tommy Stoetzol who was, killed with a shot from a rusty nrmy, musket In tho home of his fathor, Thomas Stoctzel seven miles souths west of Holstoln. Flro of unknown origin totally de stroyed tho electric light plant oft Cambridge. All tho machlnory, dyno-j mo3, motors, switchboard, Webor gas) producer and engine aro totally do stroyed and turned into scrap metal;' also tho storage batteries that sup plied tno daylight current. At Grand Island Mrs. Jnnoy Jay, who shot Frank Koehler, alleged In! solf-defcnso, nnd seriously wounded him, was arraigned on tho chargo ofi shooting with Intent to wound and bound over to tho district court waiving preliminary examination, la' tho sum of $500. Arrangements have been effected byi which Fairmont will havo tho advant- ' ago of n chautauqua tho coming sum mer. A group of business men and! farmerB voluntarily subscribed Bums to bo used as a guarantee fund in caso tho salo of tickets does not meet tho necessary expenses. Tho 3-year-old daughter of Bruce Mansfield nt Arlington, while playing in tho kitchen whero her mother was washing stepped backwards and not noticing a tub of boiling water behind hor, fell over tho edgo of tha tub receiving Injury that It Is thought will prove fatal. Bill Hicks, tho man who has boon In jail In Clny Center charged with, assaulting nnd robbing Robert Mc Keown, n bncholor farmer living two miles north of Saronvillo on tho night of April 22, nppcarod in district court and pleaded guilty. Judgo Hurdf sentenced him to tho penitentiary for sevon yenrs. An employe of tho Pullman Car company refused to sell W. H. Cowglll a seat ticket from Columbus to Omaha for CO conts nnd tho purchnser was obliged to pay $1.50 for a ticket. Tho agent did not know that tho pur chaser was ono of tho stato railway commissioners, or did not caro if ho did know it, but In roturn his com pany reaps a suit for violation of tho stato law. Chief of Pollco Lowell of North) Platto has gono to San Francisco, tak- Ing with him Henry Jones, n deserter from tho "United Stntes nrmy. Sov ornl wcoks ngo ho was captured thoro and taken back by Sheriff MUtenborg or, who rocolved a reward for bo do' Ing. Jones again mado his escapo by lenvlng tho U. S. Intrepid and swim ming nshoro. Sovoral shots wero fired at him, but nono took effect. I Tho month of April was tho record month In tho Cuming county trensur or's office In tho collection of taxes, ovor $83,000 having been paid In dur ing that tlmo. The grand lodgo, Ancient Order oC United Workmen In session at Lin coln, elected ofllcors as follows: Grand Mastor Workman, A. M. WnlN Ing of David City; Grand Poroman, W. E. Lounsberry of Aurora; Grand Ovorsoor, Goorgo S. Havvley of Re publican City; Grand Recorder, Fred C. Whittlesey of Grand Island; Grnnd Rocolver (Treasurer), Robert P. Falk, tier of Hustings.