The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 11, 1909, Image 4

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    New Novelties
Collar Pins, Belt Pins,
Hat Pins,
Fobs, Neck Chains,
Jeweler and Optician.
We want your repair work.
Program Changed
Monday, Wednesday '
and Friday
Wednesday and Thursday.
Magic Dico.
Buying a Ladder.
Tho Eroiom of a Soldier.
Song "Dear Heart."
Prices 5 and 10 Cents
l nns nRnrw x, rnnnw ??
?5 Ovor Vint Notional. Phono 148
MossrB. Stroup and Salisbury went to
Keystone Joday in tho lattor'B car.
Chas. McDonald returned this morn
ing from a business trip to Kansas City
and othor points.
Roy. George Williams will movo hii
family from Lexington to North I'latto
this weok.
W. C. Patterson wont to Paxton this
morning whom ho hns an outfit grading
a sidetrack for tho Union Pnqific.
For Salo Tho N. A- Davis rosidonco
property, 210 V. Third stroot. Inquire
at house.
Tho Girls' Club of tho Presbyterian
church will moot Friday o.vening of this
week with Mrs. Uutlor Duchnnau.
Clark Buchanan has roturned from
Omaha, whori he wont to havo his
oyns troatcd. Ho reports considerable
Buy Wall Papor of C. M. Newton.
Fathor Toves, of Lexington, has beon
assisting Father Carroll in tho forty
hour devotion, and Fathor Feonoy camo
down from Sidnoy at noon today to as
sist in tho services this afternoon and
this evening.
Frank Stuart, who graduates this
year from the Highland Park school nt
Des Moines, Iown, is homo fora week's
visit. Frank has bueri -ono of loading
students of the collogo, holding tho
secretaryship of tho society of engi
neers and twico oloctcd treasurer of
tho Y. M. C. A.
Somo of our for bbIo bargains adver
tised last weok Bold liko hot cakes.
Othars tako their placos today. Ono
4 room houso, good lot, always rented,
cut to ?G50,00, must bo Bold quick.
Don't miss this. If this don't suit we
havo othora that will. Don't buy boforn
aoolng us. Wo can aavo you monoy.
Biutt & Goodman.
No room for argument if
we fit you With the shoes you
need for the spring and sum
mer wear.
Shoes that are backed by
reliable manufacturers guar
anteed the kind that have the
style and shape built into
You will find them reason
ably priced all the new
shapes and wrinkles in foot
wear are shown in this line,
The city band will hold a rogular prac
tico at tho court houso this evening.
Mrs. Will Turpia will entertain tho
Indian Card Club tomorrow aftornoon.
Second hand kegs, all sizes, for salo
at tho Star Bottling Works.
At tho meeting of tho Elks last even
ing J, B, McDonald was elsctcd alter
nate delegate to the annual convention
of that order to bo held in Los Angeles.
Got thoso window screons made now.
P. M. SoiiENSON. Shop 107 E Gth St.
Weather forecast: Showers tonight.
Fair and cooler Wednesday, Maximum
temperature yesterday 74, ono year ago
74; minimum this morning 51, a year
ago 40.
Boys Play Suits and Rompers at
Wilcox Depahtment Stoiib.
Dave White, formerly associated
with A. P. Kelly, arrived from South
Omaha last night and will accept a po
sition with Tho Telegraph. Mr. White
is a mighty good fellow and we are
glad to havo him again becomo a resi
dent. Tho Beatrice Creamery Co. will pay
cash for cream.
A plato glass in the east window 'of
tho postoffke building was almost punc
tured yesterday, presumably by a
mlsslo from n sling shot or air gun.
This is tho second plate glass that has
been broken within tho past two weeks
by the small boy and his sling ahot or
air gun.
Buy "Finck's Detroit Spociai" Over-aljs-overy
garment sold contributes
to tho homo for disabled railroad men.
SCHATZ & Clahaugii, Sole Agts.
Tho now engino nt tho electric power
houso haB been placed and Is ready for
use. Manager Walker will bo ablo to
furnish a day current within tho next
week. Quito a number of usera of
gasoline engines will throw them out
and put in electric motors.
For Sain Eggs for setting from pure
bred white plymouth rock chickens. Ad
dress Wallaco Quinn, Routo 1, North
Platto, Neb.
Mrs. Frank Dickerson loaves this
woak for Omaha whero sho will visit
friends nnd upon her return will take
up a rosidenco in Hershoy, where her
husband is employed as manager of a
lumberyard. J. F. Munroo hns rented
tho houso vacated by Mrs. Diekcrson.
Tho board of education hold an ad
journed meeting Saturday evening and
elected three additional teachers. Those
olectod wore Miss Bertha Henderson,
Miss Nollio Hnrtman nnd Miss Mabel
Donehowor. Tho romnlndcr of tho
teachers will bo elected nt an early
meeting of tho board.
For Salo Intornntional 3-horsa pow
er Gasollno Engino; good condition.
Roason for soiling want to put in olcc
trlp motor. Inquiro at Star Bottling
Yesterday was tho fortieth anniver
sary of the completion of tho Union
nnd Centrnl Pacific railroads tho driv
ing of tho golden spike. Tho event
was celebrated at Omaha with big
doings, nnd among tho attendants at
tho celebration were Chas. McDonald
and son Will nnd W. L. Park, now
general superintendent of tho Union
Plonty of 8 per cont money to loan
to help . secure a homo or vnlloy
form. Seo Bratt & Goodman.
Judge Hoaglond brought bnck with
him from Excelsior Springs a gold
honded cane presented to him by tho
Odd Fellowa' lodgo of that nlaco. On
tho occasion of tho nintioth anniversary
of thoordor, tho Judge, upon invitation,
doliverod an address boforo tho Excel
sior Springs lodge, and tho mombors
wero so Highly pleased that they pro
sonted him with tho walking stick.
For Ront Mrs. Will Tui-pie's furn
ished cottage. All modorn. Inquiro of
Bratt & Goodman.
At a mooting of the baso ball asso
ciation last evening Tom Green was
elected managor of tho team. For
sovoral days past tho work of getting
tho grounds in shapo has been in
progress-, nnd considerable cor
respondence in regard to a schedule of
games for tho soason hag been hud
with Grand Island. Kenrnov. Lex
ington, Sidnoy, Julosburg and other
The Fire Insuranco Companios ropro
sonted by Brntt & Goodman irot struck
by somo of tho late prairlo fires, throo
school nouses, somo cnttlo. horses and
other property. Mr. Goodman is now
out adjusting these losses, which will
nil bo paid dollar for dollar. If anv of
our former friends nro not insured, it
will bo to their interest to seo theso re
liable agents who represent ten strong
lire, lightning, tornado nnd hail insur
anco companies. Delays are dangerous.
Hciuity Doctor Emlorac Herplcldc.
Women who mnko a business of boau-
tlfylnir other wnmm onmn niiu .....
knowing what will brim? about tho best
u'sium. iicro nro amors from two, con
cornlnc Ilornlcldo:
, ,l ..c,m reeommpml Nowbro's "Hernl
chip, mi It stopped my hnlr from fulling
ntul. as a dressing It has no supor-
'(SlKnp.n Uortlm A. Trulllnnor,
.,.. .. . "Complexion Specialist,
'tm .lo-Hnon St., Portland, Oro."
"Artcr using: ono bottlo of "Ilorplcldo
my hair hn stopped fnlllnjr out. nnd my
Benin I nntlroly froo from dandruff,
"(Slinod.) Ornco DodRo,
"Bounty Doctor,
"105 Sixth Bt., Portland. Oro."
; Bold by loadlntr druirulsts. Send 10c. In
stamps for sample to The Ilorplcldo Co..
notrolt, Mich.
MeDonoll '& Grayes, Special Agents,
Beginning May 12th and
until May 25th, I will hold a
special sale of all Millinery.
All trimmed hats will be
closed out at a discount of
thirty-three and one-third per
cent. Villa VViiittaker,
Wilcox Dept. Store.
John Guthcrless Dead.
John Guthcrless died last niht nt his
home ten miles northeast of town after
an illness of six months, resulting
from a stroke of paralysis. By his
death a wife and eight chlldron aro left
to mourn a kind and loving husbnnd
and father. The deccncd camo to
Lincoln county from Shelton about
twenty years ago and took up the
homestead which had since been his
homo. Ho was a school teacher by
profession, and taught in tho schools
of Buffalo county and in this county.
Ho was of English birth, refined and
courteous in manner, and was highly
ostcemed by all who knew him. Ho
was a member of the A. O. U. W.
iodgo, taking out a membership in
Anchor lodge at Shelton beforo moving
to this county.
The children who havo been bereft of
this loving father are Mrs. Loren
Purdy, Mrs. Earl Davis, Miss Maudo
Guthcrless, of this city, Fred who
resides in Illinois, nnd Tom, Garfield,
Amzioand Harry, thd latter four living
either in this city or nt home.
Arrangements for the funernl havo
not at this time boom made, awaiting
word from the son in Illinois,
Chns. R. Broternitz's statement how
promptly nnd satisfactorily tho Colum
bia Fire Insurance Company, repre
sented by Bratt & Goodman, settled its
This is to certify that I hnvo this dny
recoived draft for $200.00 from Colum
bia Firo Insuranco Co., by Bratt &
Goodman, Agents, being payment in
full for cattle burned to denth in prairie
fire on May G, 1009. I lost ten head nnd
3 hnnd wero badly damaged and only
had $200.00 insurance, but was paid all
I was insured for.
The settlement was entirely satisfac
tory and cash as soon as claim was
made. (Signed) Chas R. Drcternitz.
Basket Supper and Entertainment.
The Modern Brotherhood of America
will hold an ontertninment nnd basket
supper at tho K. P. hall on Wednesday
evening of this woek. Tho following
program will bo rendered:
Song Bess and Elaine Bundy.
. Recitation Evangeline Gough.
Song Lillian Eaton.
Instrumental Solection Mrs. Eaton,
Recitation Vera Gough.
Following tho program thero will be
a basket supper. The public is cor
dially invited to be present.
Funeral Notice.
The funeral of tho late John Dwyer
will bo held from St. Patrick's church
at nine o'clock tomorrow morning and
interment will tako place in tho family
lot in tho North Platto cemetery. The
Knights of Columbus, tho A. O. U. W.,
the city fire department nnd tho local
lodge of International Association of
Machinists, of which organizations tho
ueceascu was n member, will attend.
Members of Tato lodeo No. 64 A. O.
U. W. will meet nt the K. P. hall at
oight a. m. Wednesday for the nur
poso of attending tho funeral of the
lato John Dwyer.
T. M. Cohaoen, M. W.
Card of Thanks.
Wo wish to extend to our many
menus our sincere thanks for the
beautiful flowers and tho many acts of
loving kindness shown us during tho
illness and death of a beloved wifo and
mother. John Sandall and family.
A MAN can't work in
telligently when his
feet hurt.
If your shoes pinch the
toes, squeeze the heel or
press down on the instep,
they are certainly not our
comfort shoes.
Our comlort shoes are
made over foot conform
ing lasts they-re stylish
outside and smooth and
comfortable inside.
The leathers, the shape
and the shoe making a
combination of shoe com
fort. Our comfort shoes cost
you no more than the
kind that hurt but they
wear longer and they
look much better.
The Shoery.
i We Want You to Test Us
You have an unusual
better than the other fellow.
smart dresser.
. W '.WUiH'i,'Uj "T V list . 11 .. -'J j. -fHmilllV ' 1
jn fty
We are also showing the best line of Hats, Shirts, Ties, Underclothing i
union and two-piece garments, short and long lengths, Shoes, etc.
Your furniture needs varnishing nnd
ropairing beforo houso cleaning. See
P. M. Sorenson, shop 107 E. 5th St.
There will be a demonstra
tion on
Perfection Wick
Blue Flame Cookers
at Workman and Derryberry's
Saturday, May 15th.
Quickest on Earth
Workman & Derryberry
Don't Rear Up
nt tho suggestion that you take an
occasional drivo in a rhr from this
livery stable. If you don't tako it for
tho pleasure, tako it for tho good it
will do you to get out in tho air. You
can hire a rig hero for about tho price
of n good tonic. And taking a drivo
is a lot pleasantor then taking medicine.
A. M. Lock.
chance to make better use of your $15 to $18 of clothes
They have all the SNAP
Saturday, May 8th,
Ladies' Spring Suits.
We have about twenty, suits left from our spring
purchase which we will close out at a discount of
thirty-three and one-third per cent.
$35.00 Suits 11
c .e for SiJ.jj
r"a - $20.00
r5-oos:- $16.67
$20.00 Suits (tiJ 1 1
g for M S.SS
These are all high grade goods. Styles are
right up to the minute. Colors assorted in black
and ths newest spring shades. We will make alter
ations on any of these but will make a reasonable
charge for the work. Don't wait but come now
while we have your size.
Wilcox Department Store.
Notice of Formation of Lateral
Sewer District.
To all persons interested:
Notice is hereby givn that on March
29th, 1909, thero was filed with tho city
council of North Platte, Nebraska, a
petition praying thot a latoral sewer
district be formed from tho following
doscribed blocks, fo-wit: blocks 1, 8
and 9, all in Miller's Addition to North
Platto, Lincoln County Nebraska,
Said lateral sawcr to bo constructed
of ten-inch sower pipo with proper flush
tanks, man-holes and appliances, com
mencing nt center lino of tho allay run
ning through said Block 1, intersecting
with tho main sower on West ''A"
street, extending thence southornly in
tho center line of said alley, through
to the Limit
money tnan ever oeiore. 1
We are giving special at- w
leiUlUU 11UW 1J UlUUlCb til
these prices putting
better values in them than
you can get anywhere in
town more than we ever
gave before. We have
the co-operation of Mil
ler, Watt & Co. in this
matter, makers of
Anas 1 varf a a viviiiu
for men and young men,
t. ..i ;
ui.ui wmuii mere is nu
equal, either in style,
make or fabric. Then
there are better clothes
at $20 to $35 for the
fastidious or for the busi- 7n
iness man or man about
town who cares. Then
the "Princeton Special"
for the young man who
wants to look just a little
AND VIM that mark a
Until May 23d
the ubove described nronertv to tho
north line of East "D" street.
That the council has sot said matter
for hearing on the 8th day of June,
1909, at 8:00 o'clock p. m., Official
Timo, at tho office of the Mayor and
City Council, in tho court houso of said
city. AH parties interested ar hereby
notified to bo present at tho above
named tima and place, and show cause,
if any, why said lateral district should
not bo formen as prayed, and special
assessments thereafter levied as pro
vided by law. unon tho ronl oafntn nn.
stituting said district for the construc
tion nnd maintenance of tho same.
Dated May 11th, 1909.
Tuna C PiTTPnonu nr ..
Attest: Chas. F. Tush-lb, City Cleric.