The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 04, 1909, Image 6

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    i uaniiw
With the World
Selections from
Addison Sprig gs,
By 8
Laying aside his paper, Addition
HprlggH loaned back in liln chair nnd
indulged In Bolomn thought. Gradual
ly lie. became posacscd of the con
vlrtlon that ho had u duty lo nnrform
Ho had Just read a "Household Hint"
In which it wan candidly stated that
mere wan nioro sustenunco In Ave
cents' worth or peanuts than In n
pound of beef. Having pondered for
a time no reached for his hat, saying:
"I havo no right" lo keep this knowl
edgo from tho oppressed and unen
lightened masses. It may he that I
havo It within my power to become n
liberator. Ipdccd, I may havo been
sent Into tho world for the purpose
of lifting tho populace out of bondage.
Who known that tho chance which
placed tho pago containing that Item
beneath my oyo was not providential?
If tho horny-handed Hon of toll may
by purchasing a five-cent bag of pea
nuts for his loved ones bo relieved or
the necessity ot submitting to the ar
rogance) of tho butchor wo shall havo
u social upheaval such as has nover
hitherto been upheaved. It Is my duty
to act."
Clapping his hat upon his bond, Ad
dison Sprlgga went forth for. tho pur
pose of preaching tho value of tho
peanut and thereby dealing a death
blow to tho meat trust. From a de
scendant or tho Caesars ho purchased
H bug or peanuts ror tho purposo or re
lieving distress and making such
demonstrations n8 might ho necessary.
Ho had not procoodod rar when ho
perceived a poorly 'dressed woman
who waa entering a butcher shop. Fol
lowing her insldo, ho waltod for her
lo give hor order. A largo, rod-faced
man with bloody hands, after sawing
through a bono, nudo a fow deft
flourishes with a long kniro, and then
Jlung a hunk or beer upon tho scales.
A Look
By R. K.
Tho crocus now beglus to blow, or
to put It in more plcturoaquo phraso,
its lamp of golden beaut Is decorat
ing tho wind-swept meadow, whom It
gleams through tho casual snow-drirt,
until tho two suggest In. combination
a poached egg to tho lively imagina
tion or the, poot. Tho short-haired
dog is mado happy by this sign that
winter haB nbout mado ready to wrap
the drapery ot tho buckwheat cako
nnd sausago nbout itselt and give uh
a chnnco to llo down to ploartunt
dreams ot tho coming days when 'the
coal bill must dwindle Into next to
airy nothingness.
Tho Circus Poster Will Shortly Dec
orate the Wayside Barn and Fence.
Tho skates, tho bob oled and tho hot
drink nro hung on tho willow, and
tho sealskin cap and uncquo aro Reek
lug tho camphorated pog or the pawn
broker. Tho anclont shanghai is
spreading hersolf over Bo many eggs
that sho looks ns llattened out as a
pancake, nnd seomu In great danger
of overstretching hor ligaments, or or
.getting herself Into proper shnpu to
bo frlod. And sho thus keeps on
trending as if sho would finally out
aprend the sproad-onglo, and in so do
jug bocomo ellgtblo to Rhino on nn
American coin, Prolty soon tho, young
ducks and tho.anomones will dot tho
grass as they wobblo about in tho
jiyaclnthluo whlskors of tho zophyr,
which comes hurtling along full or
tender messagen or lilacs and rhubarb,
plo, Tho banging throb and thud of
tho carpet boaters' vnnil wlil soon rip
plu on tho kalsomlned bosom or tho
wind, and tho bluebird will gurglo
and garglo forth Its mvoetest lay from
tho dainty draporlOs of tho land. Tho
whitewash will shortly bo browed,
and tho ethioplan is already greasing
his arm and preparing it ror business
oven ns Is the baseball pitcher, who
Is now in picklbMn tho mud bath or
tho hot springs. ,4, .
And how iio wow.k'naw all this?
Why, vo know it because- a subtle
mysterious something or othor which
wa cannot put down In cold wordB
tolls us that tho circus poslor will
Great Humorit
ibc Writings of
Matters of Mirth.
the Toiling Masses
E. Klser.
"Just 80 cents' worth," ho said.
"Anything else?"
"Madame," said Mr. Spriggs, hold
ing out a double-Jointed peanut, "do
you reullzo that you nro Indulging In
a- roollsh waste or your husband's
hard-eurned cash? Does it occur to
you that In making this purchaso you
"Permit Me to Call Your Attention to
This Edible."
are proaontlng and I speak advisedly
wnon I say presenting 75 contn to
tho glutted possessors of nrniliitrirv
Ho paused ror tho tllimngn nf rum.
mlttlng tho woman to got a full un
derstanding ot. his ImnroflHl
She gasod nt him as ir nho remained
In doubt, while, tho butclinr. with i.iu
cleaver in his grasp, leaned across tho
counter with a look that
caused a leBs determined man than
shortly decorate tho wayside barn and
fenco, and that the freshots or sprang
medicine will Hood tho' land in 'tho
very near ruluro. Tho tennis court Is
beginning to tuko on a ilnor greeu to
tell us that the mince plo and pork
chop uro about past duo. And then
comes tho blaBt or Martins discoursed
In hlu linost manner on his brand now
trumpet. ur is. it tho horn of the
An Exhibition of Nerve
By Peter
The other night I had a toothache
1(11(1 Stayed aWilktl in nun Imur If flt
The ramlllcutions of thnt tooth must
navo uoea llko tho roots or a black
berry vino for tho ncho Involved nil
that portion or my anatomy lying
nbovo my shouldors. Along nbout two
o'clock In tho morning I decorated tho
territory adjacent to tho offending
molar with a cout or Iodine till tho
gum was blistered, and tho ntmosphoro
adjacent with sulphur. And then I
had a toothache plus a bllstor. Well,
tho night wore away but not so tho
pnln, and I decided to make nn early
call on a near-by dentist. la accord
ance with this determination I pro
seated mysoir at Dr. Pullum'a olllco
door, and wns rcqolvqd by tho young
lndy nttondant and given a chair in
tho midst of Bovoral other sufferers.
"What tlmo Is your appointment?"
Bald she us she handed mo tho mom
lug paper.
"I enn't toll you," replied I, "I forgot
"lo wind It Inst night and it isn't run
ning." You seo I can bo fncotlous oven un
der distressing clrcumstuncea.
And then I continued: "This Is nn
omergeney case nnd cornea la tho class
or first aid to tho injured.1'
"Oh, I understand," said sho, "Tooth
ache." In tho course or nn hour I was ush
ered Into the operating room and took
my t)laco In tho ratal chair. Dr. Pulluin
tundu a preliminary examination with
a miniature crow-bar heated to lncan
dcBcenco, as It seemed to mo.
"It will bo necossary to kill the
nerve," was his verdict.
"All right,' said I; "go ahoad with
tho murder."
And then ho sank a shatt ia tho
tooth to a depth ot about four root
with a drill that buzzed llko ti cast
Iron hornet In tho throos or a brain
storm, Again ho had rocourso to tho
crow-bar, or some other similar Instru
ment ot torture, nud artor n season or
exploration drew out tho nerve bo
tweoa hla fore linger nnd thumb.
And then thu excitement begun.
The norvo bit him on the hand and
wriggled out ot ids grasp onto tho
lloor. Ho tried to step on It but tho
thing eluded him nud took retugo un
der a stand. . Then ho took an um
brella and poked at it and only suc
ceeded ill overturning tho Btnnd, on
........ - ----- 7-
bosldes a chQlco-uBsorlmont of dentul
which wore uevorai boib ot raise teoth
instruments. One of tho setn ot raise
"Best Kjiobvn
Addison Spriggs to await a more fa
vorable opportunity ror tho enlight
enment or tho tolling masses. But ho
was thero to do his duty as an emanci
pator, whether it happened to bo a
propitious timo for emancipating or
"Permit me," ho continued, "to cull
your attention to this edlblo, and t
may say delicious, nut. When I Bay
that flvo cents' worth of peanuts will
afford to you and your children an
much nourishment as a pound of beef
I nm but stating n fact which sclonco
has demonstrated. Will you, then,
continue to encourago those who load
tho innocent bovlno to tho shambles,
who wantonly slay for their own mr.
grnndlzcmcnt, who shnmelessly foster
n taste Tor blood, and who dcniaml
un outrngeouu profit ut our expense?
(Jive buck tho pound, or, I should say
two pounds, or ilesh that this man
would thrust unon you. ami tnkn tn
your dear oncB two bags or peanuts
such ns I hold In my hand. You Bhull
not permit this man to nress a ormvnl
or thorns upon your brow. You have'
It in your power to clrcumvnnt tim
soulless corporation or which this per
son is tho hired creature."
Iio would havo said more, but tho
hired creature laid down his knlte,
walked around a chopping block nnd,
grasping Addison SprlggB in tho two
most convenient places, helped him
to leap rroin whero ho stood to tho
mlddlo or tho Bldownlk. Thero his
Teot slipped In tjuch nn unrortunato
way as to make it ItnposslLlo ror him
to avoid falling upon his back in the
unattractive gutter. Owing to tho
fact that his peanuts wcro scattered
when ho wont down ho found whoa ho
succocdcd la getting upou his feet
again that ho lacked materials for
making further demonstrations;
whereroro ho roturncd to his office
Arm la tho conviction that tolling
masses that Insisted upon standing
around and waiting to bo saved did
not deservo saving.
(Copyright, 1909, by W. a. Chapman.)
vender that pierces tho air like a
schoolboy'B shriek when school Is out?
Wo do not know exactly which it is,
Tor tho reason thnt It seems llko both.
Wo listen and listen and rojolce, for
tho notfs Beom to shapo themselves
into light nnd airy syllables which
echo ia our hearts:
"Shad! Shad!! Shad!!! Fresh shnd,
hero you uro!"
And ho wo know that Hliortly now
Tho birds will In tliu grove pipe;
And man, proud mun, will vury soon
Tula down tlio dimh old utovo pipe.
luopyngiii, uy w. a. Cliapumu.)
tuoth bit at tho norvo, but in tho con
ruaion it escnped through tho debris
and lodged in the gizzard ot tho dental
chair. Just then tho young lady at
tendant enmo In to seo what the riot
was nbout. Sho saw and with a Ilttlo
Bcrcnm hopped up on a ennebot'tomod
chnlr, and gathered her dlrectolro
skirt about her.
"Don't bo a fool, Miss Cooper," said
the doctor, "do nnd get me Rudolph's
ammonia gun."
Miss Cooper oboyed with consider-
Then He Took an Umbrella and Poked
at It.
nblo alacrity, ovldently considering
colorlty or movemout as tending to
promoto her safoty. Presently hho re
turned with tho gun nnd lmndlng it
to her employer boat n hasty retreat.
Tho doctor stooped down and taking
carotul aim at tho aervo, which on
twined Itsoir In tho vitals of tho chair,
pulled tho trigger. Instantly thoro was
a muflled report and I, oven though re
motely In range, was moved to toars
by the acrid fumes discharged from
tho gun. Howovor, through tho mist
I was able to seo tho doctor grinding
tho norvo to dust bononth hla heol.
And then oxcopt for my smarting eyes,
I felt hotter and thanked my bonofac-
tor warmly for giving mo relief.
"Tho norvo of tho thine!" mnMo.!
ho In rospoiiBO, nnd I wont out ro-
1 . I A I . 1 . 1
"uuuiiK mm my grautuuo was rathor
coldly received.
(Copyright, 1300, by W. a. Chapman.)
The first costumo is both smnrt nnd userul and Is a style well-suited to
Gorge. Our model Is In navy blue. Tho plaited skirt Is cut In comfortablo
milking length, and has tho plaits stitched down about halfway. Whlto cloth
U used for tho waistcoat fastened down tb
tonholes. .Tho fronts or coat nro cut away and seml-flttlng, fine braiding com
I plotely edgos coat, while buttons and cords add further trimming. The sleeves
i uro olbow length and qulto loose, they are trimmed to match. Hat or stretchea
i satin, trimmed with beads and feathers.
Materials required: 8 yards Berge 4S Inches wide, 3 dozen buttons 1 doen
yards cord, 4 yards coat lining.
Tho second Is a nrlncpfm Rlmnn? rlntii nn am-n ,ii, m t. .
-- ib mibiii, uimer uu usau.
straps or material trim tho tront or skirt part, two box-plaits aro arranged
tinder tho strop In rront. Braiding trims tho back and sides of bodice part
r.leo tho rovers and cuffs, which nro or eome light cloth, the buttons are of
tho same. Hat or light felt trimmed with ribbon and roses.
Materlnls required: C yards cloth, 40 inches wide, 4 buttons 4 yards lln
ing, 1 dozen yards braid.
Permanent Dark Mark Made If the
Neck Garniture Is Worn
Too High.
Tho Tad or wearing extremely high
collars will havo a hurtful effect upon
tho flesh of the throat unless Bpeclal
caro is given to prevent it, because
through stoppage of circulation, n con
dition brought about by high collars,
a permanent dnrk mark comes, and
somo remedy to obvjnto tho trouble
must be employed. It Is not expected
that n girl will Bolect a neck dressing
that Is a misfit. But sho may take the
happy medium of ono that Is not too
close to her throat. For example, if
13 Is tho usual size, it is tho part of
wisdom to take 13 when tho holght
ot tho llaon Is excessive. It Is pre
cisely tho same theory that causes ono
to wear longer boots when tho toes aro
excosalvoly pointed.
In order to preservo its roundness
nnd sortness tho throat must have
somo air and freedom of movement.
Undoubtedly an aid to rreshness Is
occasionally to chnago tho Btylo or
collar worn and for a day to uso ono
thnt Is not extreme. This relaxes and
tones muscles that may havo become
Cnshtnore, serge or any cloth, as
long as It is the sumo as imcd for
skirt, would make up well for tho over
bodtco. Three tucks aro made on ench
shoulder both back and front; thoy aro
stitched down a fow Inches. A mate
rial Btrap Htltched at each edge and
trlmmod with embroldored spots edges
tho opening and Is also taken down
tho front over tho fastenings. Tho
oversleeve is trimmed ia tho samo
Materials roqulrod: l?i yards 40
luchos wide, 2 buttons.
Even the Veils Have Fringe.
Tho crazo for fringe has reached
veils, and all tho big new ones nro
hoavlly bordered, sometimes with ono
row and sometimes with two, If tho
veil is ot tho changenblo chiffon a
stunning effect In color is produced by
tho bordor of fringe having precisely
tho same hues. On tho frailer net
veils, which cover n wldo rnngo In col
or, tho rrlngo matches tn shade.
I 1 1
Scheme Very Much In Fashion and
One That Is Quite Easy to
Carry Out.
U the girl who Indulged In a scanty,
slimly cut shenth gown last winter
wants to change it a lilt to gtve moro
or tho classic suggestion, bIio can do
this by using two volls as drapery.
Tho Idea is very much ia raahioa
and is onsy to carry out.. Tho veils
themselves nro often used by high
priced dressmakers instend or buying
chiffon cloth and hemming It. Tho
volls havo a selvago which makes
them quite effective.
Ono or the nttractivo ways of
draping them Is to catch ono at each
shoulder, drawing it up under tho
arm nnd rastenlng on top with a paste
buckle. The edges lower down may
bo lightly caught together over tho
arm a Ilttlo nbovo tho olbow. This
gives filmy but straight drapery rrom
shoulder to hem which puts one in tho
picture this sensoa.
Again, na extra loag veil Is drooped
across tho back and caught at the
back or each shoulder with a bucklo
and tho ends left to hnng straight.
Are a Distinct Improvement on the
Tight Garment That Ex
tremists Favored.
Tho nbsurdly narrow skirt that ono
could hardly step ia and that was only
wora by the extremists, fashionable or
otherwise, has hnd its day. All the
now skirts havo width at tho hem.
Even tho street ones aro throo and four
yards wide, nnd tho houso ones nro
from Blx to seven yards at the horn.
They nro not lined or stiffened or
worn over petticoats, but thoy have n
graceful fullness. They nro not. held
back by elastics, nnd give no appear
anco of tho grotesque
Thoy nro finite ample, easy to walk
la and moro graceful oa every ilguro
than tho extra tight ones.
Thoro are all sorts ot rumors that
tho new skirt nt tho Pnrls races will
bo ten yards wide, but ir ono listened
to ail rumors these dnys no ono would
buy a gown with uny feeling or so
curity. Linen and Canvas for Book Covers.
Attractive adjuncts to tho living
room uro magazine covers mndo from
heavy linens nnd crnttsman's canvas.
For tho pbBtcard albums tho latter fab.
rlc is preferred. Both matorials can
bo hnd in a variety or colors, and an
nppllquo or cretonne is n popular form
of decoratloa.
Book covers la n cool gray llaea,
adorned with a spray of purple or
chids cut from cretonne, aro pretty,
and bo nro those in terra cotta crafts
man's canvas, displaying n swastika
cross cut from cretonne in dull ori
ental colorings.
To Keep Rugs Flat.
Girls who havo n habit or shuffling
their feet, thereby Incurring frequent
Bcoldlags for kicking up rugs, will find
llfo plensuntor It thoy cut triangles of
medium weight cardboard, and sew
them on tho under sldo or rugs at each
If You Suffer with Your Kldneya nnd
Back, Wrlto to This Man.
O. W. Wlnnoy, Medina, N. Y., In
vltes kidney sufferers to wrlto to him.
To nil who cncloso
poslngo ho will re
ply, telling how
Doan's Kidney Pills
cured him after ho
hnd doctored nnd
had been in two dif
ferent hospitals for
eighteen months,
suffering intenao
pain in tho back,
lameness, twinges
when stooping or
lifting, languor, dizzy spells and rheu
matism. "Before I used Doan's Kid
ney Pills," says Mr. Wlnnoy, "I
weighed 143. After taking 10 or 12
boxes I weighed 162 and was com
pletely cured."
Sold by all dealers. CO cents a box.
Fustor-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y.
"I hopo It don't rain; It'll take nil
do starch out ot my dress."
"Yes, and ir maw sees you In your
best dress Bhe'll tako do Btarch out
of you!"
Big, Painful Swellings Broke and Did
Not Heal Suffered 3 Years.
Tortures Yield to Cutlcura.
"Little black swellings were scat
tered over my fnco and neck and thev
would lcavo Ilttlo black scars that
would itch so I couldn't keep rrom
scratching them. Larger Bwolllnca
would uppear and my clothes would
stick to the sores. 1 went to a doctor.
but the trouble only got worse. Bv
this tlmo It was all over my arms and
tho upper part or my body In swellings
as Jargo as a dollar. It was so pain
ful that I could not bear to llo on mv
back. 'Tho second doctor stopped tho
swellings, but when they broke tho
Places would not hnnl. T hnueht
or tho Cutlcura Remedies and In loss
than a week somo ot tho nlaces wore
nearly well. I continued until I had
used three Bets, and now I am sound
and well. The dlseaso lasted throo
years. O. L Wilson, Puryear. Tonn..
Fob. 8, 1908."
I'ottor Drue Chcm. Corp., Solo rropi., BoCon.
The Irreparable Loss.
"What has hnnnened to mo?" nsiroii
tho patient when ho had recovered
trom the effects of tho ether.
"You wore in a trollev car nccfrinnt
Bald tho nurse, "and It has been found
necessary to amputato your right
Ho sank back on tho niiimv k.
bing aloud.
"Cheer u." said the
him on tho head, "you'll soon learn to
get along all right with your lott
"Oh, It wasn't tho loss nt Mm
itself that I was thinking or," sighed
tho victim. "But on thn rnrnnn..
was a string that my wifo tied arouna
u to reminu mo to get something for
her this morning, nnd now I'll n0VCi
be able to remember what it was."
How Father Looked.
Mr. Blakeslee was nuttlnc hlmRoif tn
readiness, clotheswlse, to attend an art-
ernoon tea with his wire, when his
small daughter appeared on tho scene.
As no slipped into his frock nnat tim
child looked up and said: "Fathnr. iin
you know, whon you wear that coat
you look Just llko a minister?"
Then, noticing tho hatbox on tho
stnnd near by, sho added: "And when
you put on that hat that goes with it.
you look Just llko a back driver." De
lineator. How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars lienard for nn
caaa ot Catarrh Itiat cannot bo curvtl bv H&ni
Catarrh Cure
. ... , , r f ntn.vnY & co.. Toiio. o.
We. the undernlencd. linve knowu v, j, fhenev
for the lait 15 yeiiw. nnd bcllevo him perfectly lion,
onblo in all bmlnci transactions and financial!
aula to carry out any ouiuratlono mado by hu firm
,.. v . Wholesale DrumUtf, Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, art Inc
directly upon the blood and mucout surfaces ot the
system. Testimonials sent free. I'rlco 73 ccn'a Dei
bottle. Sold by nil Druicclsts. w
Tako Hall's Family l'llls for conitlpatloa.
One of Fashion's Follies.
A lady came on nn odd-looking bng
tho othor day In ono ot tho raohlon
nblo London shops. It was In expen
sive leather, and seemed too largo for
nn ordinary hand-bag; also It had a
curloua opening cut nt ono side to
wards the top. "Ladles uso it for
carrying their Ilttlo dogs," tho sales
man explained.
Important to Mothors.
Examine carefully every bottlo of
CASTOItIA a safe and suro remedy for
infantsand children, and see tbtt it
Signature CsrffM&fa
In Uso For Over ;0 Years.
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought.
No Escape.
"Tho smell of smoke certainly does
make mo III."
"Thon why do you allow your hus
band to smoko so much in tho houso?"
"I might ns well. Whon my hus
band Isn't smoking tho chimney is."
Smokers hnvo to call for Lewis' Sintde
Binder cigar to pet it. You-: dealer or
Lewu' Factory, Peoria, III.
Two Is company; threo a soulless