There are Two Important Things To consider in buying a Watch. One is the make of THE WATCH and" tho o'tlr-is THE JEWELER who sells it to you. The riiht kind of a Watch is worth -all '"it costs. . ' . " ' , The right jeweler is the one that has the best makes of watches 'and who will advise you honestly as to the selection of the movement and case best suited to your needs, and whose guarantee is unquestionably good. . We honestly believe thee are no better watches made than the kind we handle: On our integrity we have builded up the business we now enjoy and on our integrity vye hope to still increase our business. Let us show you some of our good watches and tell you how low you can buy a good one. , The Jeweler. The Union Pacific Railway Company has shown confidence in our ability as watch men by placing their time service in our hands. Let us have charge of your time service. SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists First Door North of First National Hank Mrs. N. A. Davis will entertain the Presbyterian aid socioty Thursday afternoon. Wall Paper and Picture Moulding at C. M. Newton's. Dr. D. T. Quigley went to Omaha last night to attend a meeting of the state medical association. Mrs. M. II. Douglas went to Lin coln Sunday to attend the state chapter of tho Order of Eastern Star. For Ren. Two roomB for light house keeping at 115 East A street. Inquire at Enterprise Bakery. Miss Ida Ottenstein was hostess Inst evening at the regular session of tho Monday Evening Bridge Club. The Wednesday Musicalo will render a Chopin program at tho home of Mrs. E. A. Cary tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. Callio Davidson loft this morn ing for Lincoln to attend the sessions of tho state chapter of the 0.' E. S. Tho Baptist aid society wiil meet with Mrs. Norman Loudon, 320 So. Chestnut, Friday afternoon. A large attendance is desired . DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Denlisf. Office over tho McDonald Stato Bank. Base Ball Meeting. Pursuant to a call, a number of sub scribers to the base ball fund met at the Commericul Club rooms last evening and discussed the quastion of securing grounds. W. T. Banks was present and submitted to the meeting the proposition formorly published in theso columns. W. E. Shuman was also present and submit ted proposition to sell suitable blocks in Trustee's addition. These propositions were considered, but no definite action taken. On motion a committee was appointed, with Thos. Green as chair man, to either lease or buy grounds, and was given full power to act in tho matter. Other membors of the com mittee are Messrs. Porter, Salisbury, Elder and Clabaugh. The committee haviug the subscrip tion list in charge reported $G50 sub scribed with probably $50 more in sight. This is sufficient to accept the Bank's proposition and cquipp tho team, but not cnouoh to buy grounds and make tho improvements. Tho committee appointed will at onco get busy, and within a month tho um pire will call "play ball". Wrestling Mtch. Manager Kubik, of the opera houso, has secured anothor wrestling match for Thursday evening of this week, the principals in which will bo Chris Pearson, the Swedish Champion, and Frank DuCray, of Lincoln. Both of theso men have defoated Oscar Was sem and are ovonly matched. Tho winner of this match will moot any of the three well known mat artist, name ly Gatch, Beall or Farmer Burns. There will bo good preliminaries by local talent. Ladies will be admitted free to this contest. SKfieonly Baking PowcZk f mad fr0m ' GraP , The Cadets. Everybody knows that tho North Platto high school supports a cadet company, but few know what they are doing or what there aim is. Tho object in this work is to teach the boys accur acy, order and respect for order and not to make soldiers of them. Wo feel that only those who can obey orders are fitted to give them, and so tho of ficers are chosen from thoso who have tho fewest demerits. That tho boys aro beincr benefited in tho work can be readily seen by anyone who will take the troubl to come and see tham drill a few times. Tho Board of Education will givo tho company sovnral duys for encampment and will pay part of the exnonsas. leavintr tho remainder for tho boys to pay. They will endeavor to do this on next Friday evening at tho Keith theatre when thoy will givo an entertainment. Cadet. . For Sale. Some great bargains in citv nronortv offered today by Bratt& Goodman. One six room house, nico lot, lawn and shade, cement walk. A good renter. Price cut to $1300.00. Must bo sold thin veek. Wo have sixteen other properties, 3 to 9 room houses, Bome modern, rang ing in price from $725.00 to $0000.00 lo cated in different parts of tho city. Any of theso can bo sold at one-third down, balance same as rent. Seo us before you buy. We havo just what you want and can savo you money. Bratt & Goodman. Kills to Stop The Fiend! Tho worst foo for 12 years of John Deye, of Gladwin, Mich., wasa running ulcer. Ho paid doctors over $400.00 without benefit. Then Bucklen's Ami ca Salve killed tho ulcer and cured him, Cures Fever Sores. Boils, Felons, Ecze ma, Salt Rheum, Infallible for Piles, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Corns. 25 cents at Stono's drug store. For Sale A German Imported zither. Mrs. W. E. Shumun, Phono Ml. To Our Fellow Citizens. . . . . . . A yyo are bettor ntteu to supply your Bpnng anu summer suit. WhvY Bo cause we havo the only abiolutely iresn, new, atocK or doming in town. uvcry suit guaranteed. SCHATZ & Cl.AnAUOII. Buy Wall Paper of C. M. Newton. Mr. andMrs. Chas. Ell loft this morn ing for a brief visit in Omaha. Mrs. E. C. Huffman, of Omaha, formorly Mrs. Mills of this city, is in town transacting business and visiting friends. Investors seeking gilt cdeo 8 per cent first mortgage loans based on low value should seo Bit att & Goodman. Baled hay on track nt this station is worth around $10.50 a ton, a prico that ought to bo satisfactory to tho growers who havo been holding part of their crop. Keg Nail $2.90 baso nt Wilcox Department Stoke. Clark Buchanan has been in Omaha for a couplo of days taking troatmont for his eyes, which of lato have been troubling him considerably. ChaB. Ell and Lto Tobin will attend tho state convention of thn Knights of Columbus which will bo held at Omaha May 11th. These gentlemen will rep resent the local council. Dr. Finley and assistant of Omaha were in town Friday and performed an operation upon Mrs. John Horrod for tho removal of an abscess. The patient is now reported to bo doing nicely. Your furniture needs varnishini? and repairing beforo houso cleaning. Seo P. M. Soronson. shoo 107 E. 5th St. Col. C. II. Carter and wlfo, of Grin- nnll, Iowa, aro guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Clabaugh, having arrived this morning from a tour in the west. Col onel Carter is n cousin of Mrs. Cla baugh. New goods aro arriving continually, nothing old in our -entire stock. Let ub show you our now Bandeaux, Dutch Collar Pins and Baton Hat Pins. Dixon, The Jeweler. On account of members being out of town, a quorum was not present at the meeting of tho board of oducation last night. The board will hold a special meeting Boon, organize and elect teachers for the coming school yoar. For Sale Tho N. A. Davis rcsidonce property, 210 W. Third street. Inquiro at house. Th county commissioners, accom panied by others, -are today inspacting the road lending to the stato experi mental farm, This road has been In very bad condition, and it is hoped tho commissioner will mako a movo toward its betterment. We want yoo to know that w have had over twenty years exporienco In our line and arc in n position to givo you the best service. Dixon, The Jeweler. Messrs. Stryker and LowiB, who pro pose to locato an nlfalfa meal mill either at Hershey, North Platto or Gothenburg, were at Hershey last even ing and met a large number of farmers at a meeting that had been called. Tho matter was discussed but no definite action taken. Another moeting will bo held at that place Friday evening. For Sale South half of northeast quarter Section 14, Twp. 14, It. 32, 80 acres under Pnxton and Hershoy ditch. Write L. L Brown, Evanston, Wyo. A Temperance Move. Tho state superintendent of the anti- saloon lcaguo came to this city Satur day. Sunday morning ho spoko in the Baptist church and on Sunday night ho addressed a crowded house in tho Meth odist chuach. Ono of the things that made that a notable gathering was tha enthusiasm manifested. Near the close of tho service when Dr. Coma asked all who would ngroo to do all they could to mako North Platte a "dry town" to rise, tho whole audienco jumped to thoir foot. A citv nntl-sa- oon league was elected, consisting of fifteen citizens. A number of these persons met on Monday night and for mally orgnnized by olecting tho follow ing officers: President, J. II. Van Cleave; secretary, E. W. Mann; treas urer, W. T. Banks. Committeos wcro appointed on program, law enforce ment and legislature. This lcaguo will carry forward the work in a steady, systematic way for tho best interests of North Platte. A Spring Top Co&i , .CopyntM 1909, , Tha noutr of KurpeaheeMt Que jo The Winter Overcoat has completed its service and now is the time for the Spring Top Coat to re ceive its due considera tion. Have you a Spring Top Coat, Sir a Coat just as you would have it? Perhaps you haven't. Then, in that case, we would have you investi gate our handsome new styles. All the smartest and best in Top Coats you will find here of all styles and fabrics, Silk or Serge lined. Our price scope $12.50 $15 $20, $22.50 to $25.00. When looking for Good Clothos, como hero by our Clothes you 'shall know us. Weiigand & McDonald, Good Clothes Merchants. Hail Insurance. In thc.old reliablo St. Paul. No bet ter. None cheaper. Twenty-five year record and never failed to pay a loss. Buatt & Goodman. Commissioners Proceedings. Board met pursuant to adjournment present Kocken and Walter, county commissioners and county clerk. Claims woro allowed as follows: George Macombar, road work Dist 28, $3.00. George Macomber. road work Dist 27, 15.00. Frank Macomber, road work DlBt 27, 15.00. Davo Macomber, road work Dist 28, 3.00. Davo Macomber, road work Dist 27, 12.00. Oscar Daniols, loss of horso, broken, og, 100.00. R. L. Gregory, road work Dist 58 75.00. Fred Simants, road work Dist 30, 100.00. Ro Welliver, road work Dist 27, 15.00. Molvin Wollivor, road work Dist 27, 3.00. Frederick -Leach, road work Dist 8, 106.60. Hattio Lusk, nursing, 5.00. R. C. Langford, error in tax 23.90. Sophia Andorson, care of Emma Ander son 27.00. C. A. Lowell, Balary, 59.00. I. L. Miltonberger, salary 100.00. North Platto Electric Light company 157.77. North Platto Tolophono Co., 120.55. North Platto Waterworks Co., 58.50. , Jacob Millar, road work, Dist. 38, 100,00. M. K. Novillo, rent, 48.00. Chas. McDonald, rent, 3G.00. Joseph Wilson, salary and expenses, 128.70. Wm. Ebright, salary. 100.00. G. E. French, tax refund, 11.99. Fremont Watts, road commissioner, 2.00. Bond of Arthur Toops, ovoraeer Dis trict 27, approved. Road No. 307 came up for final action and the. board not consideriug it neces sary for the public good, as thoro is a section line road south of said section, thcroforo samo is dlsallowod. Adjourned until May 4th. For Sale. My rcsldenca nroporty on west Sixth strcot at a sacrifice. M. B. Cryderman. All parties aro warned against depos iting refuse on tho U. P. right-of-way north and wost of tho Field lumbor yard, as said land is within city limits. Syl. Friend, Chief of Police. Notice for Bids. Notice lo hereby given that tho secre tary of tho Board of Education of tha School District of tho city of North Platte will recoivo bids up to and in cluding the hour of 6:00 p. m., of tho 15th day of May, 1909, for the erection, completion and construction of one eight room school building in the Second ward on Block 156, and tho erection and com pletion of one eight room school build ing in tho Third ward on Block 52, all in tho city of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, all labor to be done and materially furnished by tho con tractor. - Tho successful bidder to givo bond in the sum of $15.00 for tho faithful performance of his contract. Each bidder to accompany his bid with n certified check in the sum of $500.00 to assure that ho will enter into tho contract, should his bid bo accepted. All work to bo dono and material to be furnished in accordance with tho plans and specifications now on file in tho office of tho secretary of said board and such plans and specifications to form a part of tho contract. Tho board reserves tho right to re ject any and all bids. E. T. TnAMP, Sec'y. New line of Gift Books, Pennants, Fountain Pens and other articles suit" able for Commencement gifts. Kincker s Book Store. The Only Way to bo safo Ih to place your fire, light ning, hail and cyclone insurance with Bratt & Goodmun. UNHAPPINESS DISPELLED. Men and Women Unanimous About It, Many women wcop and wall and refuse 'O bo comforted hnrtjKn thnlr nnrn tnnir. nlficont trosaes havo becomo thin and laacu. siany Incllno to profanity becauso tho flle3 blto through tho thin thatch on thnlr rrnnlumn. tt will ho nows to tho miserable of both sexes, to learn that Nowbro's Herplcldo has been placed upon tho marlcot. This Is tho now Bcalp gormlclda and nntlscptlo that acts oy uestroying tno 0erm or microbo that Is tho underlying of all hair do OtrUCtlon. IIornlcMo la a nnw nrnnnm. tlon, mado aftor a now formula on an entirely now principle. Anyono who has tried It will testify ns to Its worth. Try It yourself nnrl lift onnvlnrnrt OnM lejdlnir drutrRlntH. Sond 10o, In utamps iui aumiHo io iierpiciuo co.. Do trolt. Mich. SMALL MtDonell ft Graves, Bpetial Agents, T-k Biff Shoe Math New Styles in Women's Low Shoes. Dependable Footwear Cor rectly Fitted Almost as important as the crown itself, the aoDearance of . ...... your shoes will either make ar mar the beauty of your costume. Yesterday has Gone, TomosTow May Never Come, Hence Today is the Time to look at our now line of Tan, Greon and Patont Leuthor Oxfords lGHT.AnHE.CT THOSE WHO EAT Our Bread. Cakes and Cook inn am nlwaya satisfied, nnd they becomo reg ular customers. We use the best ma terials, and employ tho most cleanly methods. Try our 25-cent meals best In town for tho prico. ENTERPRISE BAKERY, Mrs. Jennio Armstrong, Prop. PROHATE NOTICE Tn Hia mRtlnr nf tlia n.i .4n of T tt i deceased. In tlio County Court of Lincoln county. Ne braska, May 3rd, 1000. V..H,,.. I . . 1 I I 1 - . ,1 . ... m uuiuuy kivuii, mat wio creditors or said docoasodwlll meet the Administrator vomiui wiuiu um iMjuniy juuku or courtroom in salt) county, on the SUtdayof Mm. KWl'l nnrl sn 1 w. .... . I . . 1 a f. 1WW, at 0 o'clock a. tn. each day, for tho pur pose of nrosontlnir thelrclalms for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months aro allowed for creditors to present their claims and ono yoar for tho Administrator to sottlo said estate, from tho 1st day of April im. This notice to be published in tho North IMatto Tribune, for oluht successlTe publica tions prior to May, Slut. 100U. W.O.ELDER. m'8 County Judre. NOTICE OF" SETTLEMENT. The State of Nebraska, I . Lincoln County. f" In tha County Court. In the mattor of fUo estate of Frederick or Ferdinand Bukraw, decoded. To the credt tors, heirs and others Interested In tho estato of Frederick or Ferdinand Sukraw. Take notice, that Mary M. Bukraw. admin istratrix, has tiled in tho county court a re port of herdolniwas administratrix of said estato and it Is ordered that tho samo stand for lioarlnir the Hh day of May.A.D. 1C00, be foro thu court at tho hour of 10 o'clock a, m at which tlnio any ponon Interested may ap pear and except to and contest tho same. And notice of this proceeding Is ordered given for six successive publications In tho North Witness my hand and thosoalof tho county court at North l'latto this 4th day ot Miy Yf; O. EwJct, Cotrnty jutf. A. l), JVW.