f I V New Novelties IN Collar Pins, Belt Pins, Hat Pins, Fobs, Neck Chains, Bracelets. LET US SHOW VQU Clinton, Jeweler and Optician. We want your repair work. KEITH THEATRE PICTURE SHOW Program Changed Monday, Wednesday and Friday Program Monday and Tuesday Merchant of Venice, Honest News boys Reward, All for a Necklace, Songs "Pawnee," "Stnllo on Me." Program Wednesday and Saturday Shoridan'fl ,Ride, Quarry Man, King's Pardon. Song "When tho Whipporwill Sings, Marguerite." Prices 5 and 10 Cents i DRS. BROCK & CROOK, DENTISTS. g h Over l'lrst National. IMiono 148 Tho Luthuran aid socioty wil' meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Fred Huxoll. Olaf Johnson nnd family, of Brady, visited friends and relatives in town Sunday, having mudo the trip in their automobile. Perry Carson spent Sunday in Lex ington and yostorday in Gothenburg, attending tho May party in tho latter placo last night. Tho Knights Templar have appointed a committoo to mnko arrangements ,for tho observance of Asconsion Day, which occurs May 20th. Wm. Adams, of Sidney, has been visiting his daughter Mrs. Loiter Turk inirton for a few dayn while enroulo to Excelsior Springs, Mo. Ladies! you can get a flno hat at The Leador at a vary low price. lints that ordinarily sell for $5 and $10 can be purchased for 2,98 nnd $3.98. Seo dis play in window. Salo begins tomorrow. Mrs. W. A. Tanner, of Lexington, has boon visiting her parents for a few days, arriving in timo to attend the May Party. Sho waa nccompanied by Miss Wolford, who returned Saturday. Alfalfa, Cane, Millot and all kinds field and garden seeds at Hershoy's, GUi Ac Locust atB. Tha infant child of Mr. and Mrs. C, B. Herrick, who live a mile west of town, waa found dead in bed Saturday morning. Deatli was duo to aomo af- fection of tho heart. Funornl servicos woro hold Sunday. Don't bo foolod. Thero ia but ono American Fence handled in North Platte, and that is handled by Wilcox Department Store. Ethol Loudon was taken to Omaha last night whoro she will submit to an operation for the removal of a birth mark from her forehead. Tho cuticle on part of tho forehead will bo removed and replaced with that takon from ono of her limbs. I havo for sale choap, u pair of black two year old colts weighing about 1000 pounds each. Thoy can bo scon at tho BJankenburg ranch. For particulars teo tho undersigned. I nlso have u hand mado breast collar carriago harness, good as now. J. II. VanGleave The first of a series of social functions by tho Elks will be hold next week, and will be a dancing and card party- waltzes and two steps for tho younger people and cards for the older, Buffet refreshments will ba sorved. Tho at tendants will ba limited to members and their ladies. Remember tho cadet ontortainment Friday evening. Tho high school has given Boveral affairs this year, and there is.no apology to offor for this ono. It is for tha purposo of rnising money for tho oncampment at Gothenburg and we think ovory ono should attond. uno price is within tno roacti or every , one and you cannot afford to miss it if you are in tho least interested in f he Mrs. W. S. Leon returned yesterday morning from a visit wi'Ji Omaha friends. Miss Jennie Geiger returned to her homo in Julesburg last night after a visit with North Platte friends. Change of program at the Keith theatre picture show tomorrow even ing. Three good pictures and two Illustrated songs. Harry Dixon left yesterday morning on a business trip to usnxosn nnu other towns on the North Platte branch. The L. O. T. M. Guards will give a public social tomorrow afternoon at the homo of Mrs. W. T. Green, 015 east Svcond street. Big Millinery Sale begins tomorrow at Tho Lender. Lato creations in pat tern and street hats at less than one half the selling price. Everett H. Evann left Sunday for Douglas, Ariz., where ho will act as counsel for M. K. Nevilto in settling tho estate of tho latter's faher. If you want tho best quality in canned goods, get th Kamo brand at the Tramp urocery. W. A. Gaunt hns moved his family to the Bcyerle and Langford ranch which he rtccntly purchased. Mr. Gaunt will later cease work as a village blacksmith. Elsewhore the Board of Education advertises for bids for the construction of tho two school buildings. Bids will be received up to six o'clock p. m., May ICth. Boys Play Suits and Rompers at WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. C. E. MatBon, tho Lincoln lawyer who will open a law and real estate ofilco in North Platto, will roprosent the Lincoln Development Co., the owneriof tho Bignall town site. For Sale IIoubo and lot No. 820 west hlxth street. Also three lots on South Pine. Inciulro of John States. 220 cast beconu street. Thero nro many things to see but not many that you will- enjoy more then tho cadet entertainment next Fri day evening. Not a dull moment from start to finih. General admission 25 cents, reserved seats 35. The newly elected city officials will take the oath of office at the council meeting this evening, nnd tho applica tions for liquor licenses and druggists permits will como up 'or! action. Tho session promisos to be prolongod until after midnight. Don't buy a watch until you havo seen tho best. Wo aro in a posjtion to show you just a little bettor watch than you can buy elROwhera at just a little better prico. Dixon, Tho Jowoler. G. W. Rhoadcs, who returned from Lo Angeles u few days ago, informs uo that ho haa purchased n rcsidenco proporty In that city and will keep roomers. Ho will, if possible, sell his home in this city, coming hero for that purpose. Mrs. Rhoadcs did not return with him, as was stated Friday. uomomuer. every cent cash rur chuso entitles you to a ticket on the clock in our window, which would bo an ornament in any homo. SCHATZ & ClABAUGII Tho C W. B. M. auxiliary will meet at the homo of Mrs. A. G. Jacobs Fri day attornoon. instead or the usua program, Miss Mills, a returned mis sionary from India, will givo an inter esting address on tho work in that country. Miss Mills will also speak at tno unrisuan cnurcn I'riuay evening Found. Pocket book containing monov: owner can havoBomo oy lnuontltylng property r.nu paying lor this nonce. " For Every Living Thing on the Farm Humphrey's Vetorlnary Snecifics.. 500 papa book on tho treatment and caro of horses, cattlo, sheon. doers, hoirs ana poultry maucu tree. Humphreys mcu. VjO., o Ann street, New xorlt. For Rent. Now seven room house with bath, six uiockb rrom uanKa, second ward. In quire at 723 West Oth St. Con Walker. ii Millinery S A L E At The Leader 8 We have just received from the Theodore Ascher Co., one of the leading- millinery houses of Chicago 380 Tailored and Dress Pattern Not one in the lot worth less than $5.00 and some worth up to $10.00. We have divided them into two lots No. 1 vour choice $2. 08 and No. 2 vour choice Si.o8. Each lot is on a table and all vou have to do is to make your selection, bee millinery display in window, come quick before they are all gone. ft cacn ioc is on a laoie ana an you nave tu uu ia iu i Sale opens Wednesday, May 5th. Don't delay but Hats. TO Why pay $5 or $10 for a Hat when you can buy one for less than half the money? And you will get the latest styles when you buy of us. LEADER, JULIUS PIZER, Prop. THE E323 ft ft The younger set will give a dancing party at the opera house this evening. Miss Evelyn Daly will go to Omaha tomorrow torcceivo further treatment. Got thoso window screens mado now. P. M. Souenson. Shop 107 E 5th St. Parties who milked cows in my herd n tho Pealo pasturo last summer aro hereby warned such nction will not bo tolcratod this summer. Carl Scott. Tho Catholic ladies social will bo held at the Dr. McCabc residence to morrow (Wednesday) afternoon, May 5th, with special lunch after 5:80. Wo aro right nf ter all of tho watch saleB in Western Nebraska and we think wo merit it for we aro showing tho vory best watches at tho lowest possible prices. Dixon, Tho Jeweler. Inspector Ensign, of tho intor-stato commerce commission, spent yesterday in town nnk examined tho safety appli ances on 1G8 cars, each of which he O. K'd. He was accompanied by Dick Rivits, of tho U. P. car department. For Salo Fresh cow and. calf gen tle, good milker. W. T. Wilcox. Mrs. M. C. Harrington, of Denver, who has been visiting relatives in town will return hemo tomorrow. vSho will bo accompanied by Mrs. Leo Tobin nnd children,, who will spend a couplo of weeks in Denver. II . M. Hall, 8tnte bible school o van goliat for the Christiaa church will visit our sohool next Lord's Day and preach both morning and averring. Every mem ber of tho school is' urged to be on hand and all are invited to hear brother Hall. Mrs, Hall will accompany him in interest of C. W. B. M. work. J. H. VanCleave, Supt. Snaps Offered Today By Bratt & Goodman. 52 vacant lots scattered in different parts of the city, prices ranging from $100.00 upward. Some nf theso can be sold at $10,00 down and S10.00 monthly. This is tho chanco to start a home. THIS WAY SIR! FOR THE BEST MEN'S SHOES. Spring and Summer Necessities. Hardware, Lawnmowers, Garden Tools, Wash Machines, Grindstones, Grass Catchers, Knives. Refregerators, Glasses, Pictures, Furniture, Picture Frames, (made to order.) Art Squares, Rugs, Mattings, Curtains, Draperies, Couch Covers, Window Shades. Plumbing and Heating. GINN & WHITE. ZlWhen we say the "Best in Men's Shoe" that's exactly what we meam IZYou can rest assured that no uncertain Shoes ever set onto our shelves. "We sell the sort of Shoes concerning" which we do not hesitate to say "If the shoes go wrong, bring- them back." "Perhaps you do not know much about this Shoe torc and the goodness of it's shoes. ZlTest us when ready for some of your footwear wants. Sol Hodes. The Shoery. For Sale. Ono Pe-cheron Stallion ten years old, weight 1,700, two coming two year old black Percheron stallions. These ani mals are of excellent quality, and will sell or trado under good guarantee very cheap. Address A. E. Marlatt, m 80-6 Maxwell, Neb. A Better Finish Than the Natural Grain Gin easily bo obtained on doors, qld floor nntl woodwork by nsinR Clil-Nnmcl (the varnfch mudo In nil colors) and our new patent graining process, .Kasy work for tlio amateur. No technical training necessary Mado by The Ohio Varnish Company Cleveland, O. Stone Drug Co. Stepping well to the front. Well in the lead for vour patronage this spring by showing exclusive footwear styles at our usually low prices. You will surely need a pair of these handsome ox fords that we are now dis playing. We have them in every sue and of the best leathers. Just the thing for tender feet. now about a pair tor you today ? GRAHAM & CO. Wall Paper. Having been somewhat handicapped in our removal has made us a little late in' getting our Wall Paper Stock in, However, we have it all in now, and a nice line. .Call and let us show you; v C M. NEWTON, ODD LOTS OF Ladies9 and Misses' Skirts. We have placed on our bargain tables two lots of Misses' Skirts for girls from io to 16 years, and three lots of Ladies' Skirts in assorted sizes. Lot A consists of Misses' Skirts worth from tf 4 -if Si. 50 to $2.00 each,, closing price 1 I Lot B, Misses' Skirts, is made up of Skirts i in worth from S3.00 to $3. 50, closing price r4rO Lot No. 2, Ladies' Skirts light and medium weight Skirts worth up to $4.50, closing ff P"ce Lot No. 3, Ladies Skirts, light and med ium weight cloths, worth up to $6, J rf closing price. 0DU Lot No. 4, Ladies' Skirts, all of light weight stylish cloths, assorted colors, g f worth up to Si 0.00, closing price 3UU These Skirts should not last loner at the orice we have put on them. So call early while the assort ment is unbroken. Wilcox Department Store. ( high school,