The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 27, 1909, Image 1

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NO. 27
Division 88. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, cordially
invite you to attend their
Twenty-seventh Annual May Party
which will be held atLoyd's Opera House, North Platte,
Friday Evening, April 30
The committee confidently expects this party to excel all past May Parties.
Special features will be introduced during the concert, which alone will'be worth the
price of admission. An entirely new scheme of decorating will(be carried out this
year, and is certain to prove pleasing.
Tho backward spring
poor spring pasturago
and farmors have been
an unusual amount of
liny has been worth about
ton, the feuding of this hay
usic by Hart's Orchestra
which insures a fine concert program as well as good music for dancing.. Manager
Stamp, of the Keith theatre, donates the use of a Steiger & Son Piano for this
The concert will start promptly at 8:15, central time.
THOS. ORTON, Chairman Arrangement Committee.
Anna Hardy haB sold to D. L. Parker
for a consideration of $2,000 the south
west quarter of section 35-13-34.
Henry George, who lives on Brady
jsland with his brother Fred, is recover
ing: from a severe siege of typhoid fever.
J. C. Wilson, a valley farmer,
brought in yesterday a fino bunch of
beef cattle which ho had sold to Henry
A deed filed yesterday conveys from
W. H. Potter to E. B. McConnell the
southwest quarter of section 35-13-34
for a consideration of $3,250.
Quito a number of out-of-town people
will attend the Engineer!' May Party
Friday evening, among whom will bo
several Union Pacific officials.
Secretary Brotemnrkle, of the Y. M.
C. A., will occupy the pulpit at the
Lutheran church next Sunday, Rev.
Seibert being absent in Kansas.
The peoplo of Wellfleet and vicinity
have taken preliminary steps in a move
which they hope will result in more
direct telephonic communication with
this city.
The wedding bans of James Guynan
of this city and Miss Margaret Pollard,
of Schuyler, were announced at St.
Patrick's church Sunday morning.
The Keith theatre picture show will
open tonight wiih a bonefit to the citv
band, which will give, a concert in front
of tho theatre prior to tho opening of
tho show.
The Vienna Restaurant will sorve a
turkey supper to attendants at the May
Party Friday evening. Supper will be
served immediately following tho mid
night hour.
The city officers-elect will be inducted
into office on Tuesday evening of
next week, which with the considera
tion of the saloon applications promises
to make a busy session.
M. Keith Neville has sold to W. F.
Campbell, of Garfield precinct, two of
his houses erected last year on Second
street for $3,500. Mr. Campbell ex
pects to move to North Platte next
year and become a permunent resident.
Tho homo of Georgo Aichey on South
Ash street was broken into Friday
evening during the absence of the
family and a gold watch, and several dol
lars in money stolen. Entrance was
gained through a window that was pried
W. C. Reynolds is making a number
of improvements to his Dewey street
property, including an outside iron
stairway and a metal ceiling in the
room occupied by Rineker.
Form a Excelsior Springs (Mo.)
paper it is learned that Judge Hong
land, who is now at that resort, de
livered the principal address at the Odd
Fellow's anniversary celebration at
that placo last evening.
The local Odd Fellow's will celebrate
tho ninetieth anniversary of the order
this evening. Grand Master Miller, of
Lincoln, will be prosent. All Odd Fel
lows, members of their familios and
their friends aro invited to attend.
The attendance at the Crystal the
atre Friday evening and Saturday af
ternoon on tho occasion of the benfit to
the Sunshine society, was vory large.
The society's share of the receipts will
be used in furnishing the rest rooms on
Locust street.
The Grand Island Independent says
Honry Schuff has complotcd plans for
his now rostaurant building in that
city. It will be GGx99, tho ground floor
to bo used as a restaurant, tho second
floor for rooming purposes. The'intorior
finish will bo modorn, including a tilo
O. V. Clark of Columbus, Nebr.,
arrived Ust Friday morning and suc
ceeded II. B. Dart as U. P. agont ai
this point. Mr. Clark was an older
man on tho systom then Mr. Dart and
thus Harry will take his old position
us third trick operator. Brady Vindi
cator. Tho Nichols school, taught by Misses
Kate McGovorn and Isabella Doran, of
this city, closed Friday evening with
appropriate exercises, followed by n
basket supper. Under the tutorship of
these young ladies the past term of the
school is pronounced to havo been very
has resulted in
and stockmen
forced to feed
hay. Aa loose
$7.00 per
has been
qulto an expencu to cattlo ownors.
International Secrotary W. H. Day
and State Secretary J. P. Balloy will
visit North Platte next Thursday and
meet in conference with Secretary
Brotcmarkle and the board of directors
relative to tho local work. Following
this conference some good nows for
the local association may bo ready for
A number of conductors of tho
Union Pacific have been let out at this
point in the last few days and it is re
ported that quite a few have been let
out in Omaha. Somo are freight con
ductors and othors passengor. Tho
cause for this action was not learned
ut this point. An investigation has
recently been held ut tho metropolis.
Grand Island Independent.
A vory largo, enthusiastic and highly
pleased audienco witnessed tho Hanford
production of "The Winter's Tnlo" at
the Keith Friday evening. In the dual
roles of Leontes and Antolycus, Mr.
Hanford gavo evidence of his ability,
and in his more tragic p rts as king re
ceived unstinted applause. Miss Drof
nnh in hor defensive plea in court gavo
emotional acting that has never been
Hurpassed on the local stage. Tho
stage sottings were exceptionally good,
especially the closing scene of tho last
act when the statue of Hormiono turns
to life.
Your furniture needs vnrnishing and
repairing before houso cleaning. See
P -M. Sorenson, shop 107 E. 5th St.
C. O. Weingand returned Saturday
afternoon from a trip up tho North
River branch. He spent several days
in Lewellen, Oshkosh and Lisco. He is
very enthusiastic over conditions in
that sections and is of tho opinion that
tho people of North Platto should wake
up to a full realization of what the de
velopment of that country means to
this city. As ii n indication of the im
provements that aro being made, Mr.
Weingand states that the Oshkosh
Lumber Co. has received forty-two cars
of lumber sinco January 1st in addition
to lime and cement.
Farmers' Attention!
Wo wish to call your attontion to tho
fact that the National Fire Insuranco
Company of Hartford, Conn., backed
up with assets of 88,257,350 has com
menced to write HAIL INSURANCE in
this state this year. This is one of the
strongest fire insuranco companies in
tho United States and they aro writing
HAIL INSURANCE at tho lowest pos
siblo rates.
Represented by Temple Real Estate
& Insuranco Agoncy, 1 and 2 McDon
ald Block, North Platte, Neb.
Miss Kate McGovorn will spend tho
summer vacation with friends in Liv
ingston, Montana.
F. R. Ginn returned Saturday from
Omaha, whero he had bean transacting
business for sovoral days.
Mrs. W. H. McDonald, who has been
tho guest ol menus in umaha for a
weok past, will return homo tonight.
Miss Bessio Graham left yesterday
for Parkersburg, W. Va.. whero sho
will spond tho summer with relatives.
Valentino Scharmann loft yesterday
for a visit with his son C. F. Schar
mann and daughter Mrs. McCaw in
Major and Mrs. Lester Walker will
leave tho -early part of next month for
n two or three weeks' stay at Excolsior
Springs, Mo.
Henry Waltcmath is able to bo down
town after being confined to the house
for a week or so with inflammatory
J. E. Quinn, who had been at tho
Baldwin works in Philadelphia inspect
ing engines for tho Southern Pacific,
returned home Friday.
Dennis Redmond and Ernest Mc
Grow, formor North Platto boys but
now on the road for wholoanle houses,
wcro visitors in town yestorday.
W. C. Dolan, of Maxwell, transacted
business in town yesterday. During tho
past season Mr. Dolan has corn-fed 2G0
head of cattlo and several hnndrcd
Rev. J. F. Seibert left last night for
Atchison, Kas., to attend n meeting of
tho board of trustcos of a Lutheran
school of which he is a member. Ho
will be absent ten days.
G. II. Rosentettor, who lives in Box
Elder canyon, was in town yesterday.
He informs us that for three months
his wife has been troubled with valvu
lar heart troublo and that ho will take
her to Omaha in a few days for hospital
Pushing the Work.
Up to Saturday ovoning tho track
layors on the North River branch had
reached a point twenty-seven miles
west of Oshkosh. Sinco tracklaying
was resumed, seven miles have been
laid, or an average of about 4,800 feot
per day. One hundred and seventy
laborers are engaged in track laying
and 120 are surfacing. It is expected
that trains will bo running into North
port by July 1st, and that when that
point is reached there will bo a daily
train oorvice; thut is a train each way.
It is not considered probnblo that
when the road reaches Northport that
work will ceaso; it is almost certain
that before fall trains will bo running
into Gering, and it may bo that the
work will be pushed on toward Medi
cine Row. Nothing has, apparently,
occurred that would tend to cauto tho
company to abandon its proposed line
to Medicine Bow.
The routo is so favorable as to grndo
and distanco, as compared with the
present main line, that the present day
economy practiced by railroads as to
time and fuel, makes the Medicino Bow
short line one to bo desired, as trans
continental competition grows sharpor,
such route becomes almost a necoBsity.
Candidate for Rc-EIection.
Shoriff Miltonberger informs The
Tribune that ho will bo a candidate for
re-nomination at tho primary this fall,
and tho opportunity is takan to make
this announcement in order that othera
may know of Mr. Miltonbergcr's intentions.
Enroute Home from China.
Rev. Alfred A. Gilman, wife and son
arc now enroute homo from China,
whore for sevon years Rev. Gilman has
been in tho missionary service. He
has been given n year's leave of ab
sence, and will visit his parents and
sisters in this city for two months and
then go to Now Jersey to visit at the
homo of Mrs. Gilmanrs parents. Barr
ing delays, Rev. Gilman and family
will reach North Platte May 13th.
Got those window screens made now.
P. M. Sokknson. Shop 107 E 6th St.
In Service Forty-three Years
P. J. Gilman has been notified that
iio has been placed on the Union Pacific
pension list. His pay dates 'rom No
vember 1st, 1903, and he will receive
his first check May ICth. Mr. Gilman
camo to North Platto In the spring of
16G7 and for three years was in the ser
vice of the read as brakeman botween
North Platte and Omaha. In 1870 ha
became a telegrapher at the local office.
Ho continued in that vocation until last
November when ho was compelled to
relinquish that position by reason of ill
hoalth. For ton years prior to hia res
ignation ho was manager of the consol
idated offices, and bofore the consolida
tion ho was manager of the Western
It is now reported that double track
ing on tho Union Pacific between Wat
son's Ranch and North Platte will not
begin until tho completion of tho North
River branch to Northport, which will be
about July 1st. The 300 laborers em
ployed on the branch will bo used on
tho double-track work.
The County Fair a Success.
Tho county fair givon in tho high
school building by the students Satur
day evening proved a success as an
aniUBomont featuro, and gratifying
financially, the rccoipt being in the
neighborhood of $80.00. Different at
tractions were to bn found in each of
tho eight rooms, in tho arrangement of
which considerable ingenuity was dis
played. Several of tho foatures ware
particularly good.
Many North Platte People Suffer From
Nervous Trouble and Don't
Know Why.
Thousands of cases of kidney troublo
show few outward symptoms excopt
nervousness, depression, languor, irri
tability and an inclination to worry over
trifles. It is generally due to the pois
onous action of uric acid on blood and
nerves and can't bo cured except by
curing tho kidneys. Doan'a Kidney
Pills cure theso ills by curing the kid
neys. North Platto women are learn
ing it.
Here's a local case.
Carolino Smith. Eiarhth and Pine
fats., North natto, Nob., says: "I can
recommend Doan'a Kidney Pills aa a
most effective remedy for kidney com
plaint. During tho past six years I
suffered terribly from thin troublo. At
timeB my feot and limbs swelled to
twice their natural size and on this ac
count it was impossible to wear my
shoos. My back ached constantly, I
was nervous, rested poorly and usually
got up in the morning fcofing tired and
completely worn out. About a yoar
ago my gonoral. health was greatly run
down and nothing I took Boemed to do
me the least bit of good. When Doan'a
Kidney Pills were brought to my at
tention I procured a box at A. F.
Strcitz's drug store and in a short time
after commencing their use, the back
acho and weakness through my loins
was removed. Now since using five
boxes of tho remody I am completely
For Salo by all Dealers. Price 60
conts. Foster-Milburn Co., Now York.
Sole Agents for tho United States.
Romembcr tho name Doan's and
take no other.
Every mnn who has any thought of ap
pearance wants n now Spring Hat ami
the men who nre moat particular want
The Gordon Hat
If you are a judge of hat style
and hat quality you will select
the Gordon if you
vou had better select
don, for the name is a
tee of best
authentic stvle.
New Shapes
New Colorings
are not v
the Gor- (f
quality and (?)
But the same matchless quality
The Gordon Hats
"THE CITY OF YESTERDAY," at The Cryatal all this week. An electrical reproduction of the great
San Francisco Earthquake and Fire. A wonderful toenic production.