The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 23, 1909, Image 6

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    Semi- Weekly Tribune.
Ira L. Enrt, Editor Mrl Pabliihsr.
Yaar, cash In advance II.
Month, cash In advaac ..... Hc
RntoreA at North Platte. Nebraska, Pot (office
second class matter.
FRIDAY APRIL 23, 1909.
Pages 9 to 12.
A Mild Profit.
Tha Saturday night dance seems to
ht quits tho atyla in tho vicinity of
Fort UcPhtnon and attract" people
from Ung aMstancss. Tha writer has
no more objection to Saturday night
daneas than any other, but in moat
ommanitif s tha hour f midnight it re
garded, but not ho in thii community.
Tht participants seem to hava no ro
spctt for law or morals, God nor man,
but their disraf ard ftr the Lord's Day
would net be ao repugncnt to the writ
er and I dare say many of the other
parent! of the community of tho eaner
sort, if that polltting fluid, alcohol, did
not perform cueh an important part,
but when the boya yet in their ttens,
and tome scarcely itarted in them, come
under ita influence until they have to bt
put in "cold storage" and other boyi
and ffirla not yet in their teen witness
ins nek debauchery, and seeing it
sanctioned by parents of the "would bt
respectable sort", what can parentt
faepc for er expect when their boys and
girls reach thatporiod in life when the
naturally wfll seek associations of their
acquaintances and perhaps bo allured
by the beguiling influences of the "Ball
Room", there to bo enthralled by soci
ety'a greatest enemy "Intemperance"
whiskey, tho bail roosi's partner and
agent of the devil.
Parents, and some whose boys have
been touched by that blight of man
hoed, and others who may be, will we
it and see all that is good in mnn, hit
moral nature, taken from him and givi
our aona and daughters to fill tho rankt
without a protest? "Quit you like men,
bo strong." S. S. Reynolds.
A distinguished European professor
who haa sojourned in this country about
ninety days haa arrived at the critica
and analytical conclusion thai Amcri
eana are much given to chasing the dol
lar. That is .rao in eno aonso, that
Americans want dollars and then more
dollars mainly for the delight of play
ing the game and demonstrating what
dollars will do in making more dollars.
Europeans who settle hero and Ameri
canise are just as eagor for the dollar
as the native-born, with the difference
that they sticlc closer to the dollar than
the native American. Another foreign
class comes to tho United States to
chaie the dollar in a different way. In
order to get tho dollar they take the
mtllionare's daughter with it and be
f tow upon her a worm-eaten title that
is of no account on this oarth or hero
after. Kearney Hub.
Lawson of Boston is now trying to
arouso the country against tho "das
tardly conspiracy of reckloss gamblora'
in wheat. He proposes mass meetings
and predicts that tho streets of Amerl
can cities will be given over to riot and
bloodshed unless something is done to
suaress tho "ravenous gamblers". Ap
parently Lawson'a own gambling agon
ey, Bay State gas, dqes not speculate
in wheat or was short of that market
Bpijngfiold Ropublicnn.
The will of tho late Charles E, Ellis,
together with the gonoroslty of hi
widow and daughter, leaves a fund of
; $2,600,000 for tho founding of a college
land industrial school in Philadelphia
( for fatherless girls. The widow waived
i her claim to the third of tho estate and
theMaughter voluntarily fakes only a
small bequeat, loaving practically tho
entire fortune for the purpose dea!g
For Sale Eggs for setting from pure
bred white Plymouth rocK chicKens
Address Wallace Quinn. Route 1
North Platte, Neb
Your Home
is not complete without a
Come in and let us show you
why they are not just as good
but the best.
Wikox Department Store
ft ' t A A' ft 1r 1e 1e
f raest neuter.
Copyright, 1909, by American Froaa Asso
ciation, "Did you ever hear," asked tho pub
lisher, "how 'A Hand In the Dark' waa
boomed? It was not only tho best
Keller of ita season, but It sold 800 per
cent better than any other novel pub
lished In Ave yenrs.
"I wan Just starting Into the bnet
ness then and mighty anxious to make
a strike thnt would put me well on
my feet, especially no to capital. I
rend a hundred manuscript novels se
lected from a thousand read by my
assistants and out of the hundred se
lected three that I concluded to take a
risk on. They were all dend failures.
They weren't high grado literary
works either. I knew enough not to
put out thnt kind of stuff to make
money on; but, even with stories on
the 'ground floor,' I couldn't make It
One dny a meanly looking chop came
Into my office and said ho wlflhed me
to go Into a scheme with blm for pub
lishing a novel. I told him that if be
had a manuscript to submit I wonW
have It rend.
"You're beginning nt the wrong
end,' bo snld. 'The story Isn't of any
Importance. It's mnklng it market for
It thnt counts. Make your market first
and you can select your novel with
your eyes shut.'
There was something so brazen
about this thnt It attracted my atten-
Uon. I called for his plan, and he gave
It. He admitted that he ran a risk of
arrest, and I agreed with blm, but
neither of us thought bis arrest would
be a very serious matter or Injure the
nale of bis novel. I took a week to
consider It, then told tilra that he
might go ahend, but my part wonld
depend upon whether be succeeded In
attracting the attention or tne pnunc
to his book before It was Issued. He
consented to this, and the deal wns
'It wasn't long before I began to rc
eclve orders from dealers In various
places for one or two copies ench of a
novol I was to Issue called 'A Hnnu In
the Dark.' I knew that this waa tho
namo of the novel 1 had agreed to
publish, but had never ccn tho manu
script. I put tho orders on flic, pay
!ng no more attention to them. Very
soon ninny of them were lncrenscd,
new ones also coming in. I begnn to
get lottcra from people mostly wo
men asking when 'A Hand In the
Dnrk' was to be published and a rc
quest to Bend n copy aa Boon us it was
Issued. These orders also kept grow
ing till I hnd received a sufllclcnt
number or them to pay nil tne ex
penso of publication.
"I now begnn to think of getting out
tho book. Calling for tho manuscript
I rend It and hadn't gone over fifty
pages boforo I regretted my contract,
I couldn't back out, for the fellow had
fulfilled his only condition of making
a market. The stuff wna tho worst I
ever rend. I delayed having the plates
made, hoping for somo way out of tho
trap. But the orders continued to
como In. I noticed they were moro
scattered than those pertaining to any
book I hnd over published. The In
dividual orders vVoro enormous, nut I
saw at onco that trouble was brewing
for mo ns well na for tho author,
though I hnd nothing whatever to do
with his scheme for making a mar
ket. Homo of tho letters were covert
threats, but most of them Indicated
anxiety In greater or less degree to
get n copy of the novel.
"At Inst I mndc a dato of publlcn
tlon, On tho morning of the dny an
nounccd an enormous crowd of people
waited before tho storo till tho doors
Hhould open. I was obliged to push
my way through a struggling mans of
humanity to got Into my own ofllce,
Tho binders bad disappointed me, and
I wns unable to furnish the book. I
hnd n notleo tacked up outsldo to thnt
effect nnd thnt It would bo rendy tho
next dny. How many people went
awny on seeing tho notice I don'i
know. From a window I saw a uum
ber of men approach, smllo and leave
but most of tho women stayed till tho
notice was put up, some muttering,
borne melancholy. I learned afterward
thnt the dealers ull over tho couutry
wcro besieged In a similar manner,
though tho smaller the town the less
UiG demaud.
"I hurried lily' binders, desiring to
get tho book out as Boon as possible I
expected ovcrj daytb hear of tho nu
mors nrrcst, nnd If ho wero arrested
feared I would bo enjoined by court
process from publishing tho book. I
wouldn't hnvo enred to bo stopped
from Issuing It hnd It not bcon for tho
fact thnt thoro wns now a small for
tunc In It.
"Well, the next dny I got It out
Clerks wcro kept busy nil dny selling
single copies over the counter besides
those shipped' to tho dcnlcrs. In three
days wo hnd sold 300,000 copies. Then
there wns a lull, n slight Incrcnse, and
tho snlea died down to, nothing, Rut
thoy commenced ngnln when it was
nnnounced thnt 'A Hand In tho Dark'
Svns n 'boat seller,' nnd, taking nil tho
Bales together, both I nnd tho author
mndo n mighty good thing. Some dls
appointed persons threatened to prose
cuto both me nnd him, hut thought
better of It before tnltlng netlon. Tho
scheme put me In bnd odor with my
Tallow customers for nwhlle, but I'i
ndded largely to my capital nnd went
into io iue editions of imunenlly ro
Bpoctuelo books,
. "Tho scheme? Oh, thnt wns slmplo
Tho author wrote- several hundred
thousand letters, each with nn llleglblo
signature, hlritlng nt some secret of
tbo person addressed or somo one near
jnnd denr which wns revealed in
Viand In the Dark.' "
.... HHfLHI? RTC?LJ1I ART? ,
How She Earned
Her Living.
o -
(Copyright, ItOV, by American Prf Aao-
I am not well satisfied with myself
for my Interest In Molllo Jenkins. In
the first place, she Is but seventeen;
am thirty. In tho second place, sho
hadn't a cent In the world, being de
pendent upon her nunt, Miss Amelli
Southworth. In tho third place, I have
a notion that sbo Is a trifle too smart.
Miss Southworth bns a little Income
which will dlo With her. I wonder If
Molllo Isn't trying to got all she enn
of It Into her own possession, against
tho day of ber aunt's demise. Lastly,
It is to my interest as a clergyman
that I shall marry, and my congrega
tion arc looking for mo to take a suit
able helpmeet. I shudder at the
thought of announcing an engagement
to them to a little chit ltko Molllc.
Miss Southworth Is a maiden of sev
enty. Mollle lives with her, nnd Mol-
He's method of earning her living In
to amuse her nunt. Tho aunt is only
to be amused evenings by playing
bridge, of which she Is very fond.
Bho wns in her younger dnys an Influ
ential member of my congregation and
la still an Important member from tho
fact of her age and long connection
with tho church. Since It Is neces
sary that I show her due nttcntlon I
show It In playing brldgo with her,
It la in this way that I have become
interested In Mollle, who always has
a hand nnd sometimes plays dummy.
Miss Southworth Is a native of Eng
land, where old Indies don't think It a
sin to play cards for money. She In
lata that bridge Is but a poor game
without a small stake, nnd on stttlng
down to tho game I found myself In a
position either to offend her or do what
Is with us In America an unclcrlcal
act play for n tenth of a cent a point.
Being expected to piny with ono of the
oldest nnd most respected members of
my congregntlon, I yielded.
Ono evening Miss Southworth, Mol
He and I wore playing bridge. Mollle
held n succession of good hands nnd
wns scoring points. Indeed, her luck
rnn so steadily thnt If the clrcnm
stances wcro otherwise I should have
looked for trickery. Miss Southworth
was beginning to get Irritable. She
had lost 07 cents, nnd there wns no
chnngc of lupk In sight. Mollle snld n
good dcnl about there being no fun In
a ono sided gnme, but went on win
nlng. Presently Miss Southworth,
while Mollle wns dealing, said to her
"Oo upstairs!"
Mollle turned red ns a beet, rose
from the tnblo nnd without n word
left the room. Her nunt snt fanning
herself nngrlly, I wnlted develop
ments. Thoy came In time.
"Did you sec what she was doing?"
she noked me.
"Good grnclous!"
"Only seventeen, nnd she enn dcnl a
pack of enrds to put n good band
wherever sho likes."
"But what was her object? Sho wob
having splendid hands."
"Il'm! She dealt thorn to herself."
I scttlod up my score, paying 34
cents, nnd bnde my hostess good even
"You won't sny anything about this?"
she Bald.
"Certainly not."
Nor wns I likely to tell that I hnd
been playing enrda for money nnd one
of the players hnd chented. For tho
noxt week or two I lived In drend lest
tho mnttcr should leak out. I suffered
In another wny. Somowhero down In
my henrt there wna n disappointment.
One day I met Molllc on tho street
If tho act wouldn't have been notice
nblo I should hnvo crossed before
meeting her. Sho spoke to me smll
lugly nnd snld:
"Auntie Is wnltlng for you to come
In again nnd piny brldgo."
"Il'm!" I stnmmercd. "Who Is to tnko
the other hands?"
"I am tho only ono unless some one
happens In."
"Have you nnd your nunt made up
"Oh, yes. Sho haa forgiven me."
"n'ml Havo you forgiven your
She looked up nt mo with an lnno
cent expression thnt would have gono
to my heart except for tho sin
"There's nothing to forgive."
"Didn't you deal yourself good
"Not Intcntlonnlly. They enmo to me
by luck. But you know nuntlc enn'
stand to lose. When she docs she gets
rallied nnd can't sleep. When sho
caught tne I wna dealing her n splen
did no trump hnnd nnd nhc would have
had everything her own way."
"I see. What evening would your
aunt llko to have me call?"
"Any evening: we're always at
"Very well. I'll bo there tonight."
It'a n dnugcrouB thing for n mnn to
think ovll of n, woman who attracts
him nnd tl.on find thnt he has been
mlstnkcn. Not only a gront relief enme
to me, but there wns something do
llghtfully kind in little Mollle's trying
to client her nunt Into n night's Blum
ber. Somehow 1 couldn't forget It. I
wns on my wny to my study to write
my next Sunday's sermon, but when
I sat down to work my pen would
tvrllo nothing hut "Mollle."
I hnvo done It. Mollle Is to be my
wlfo. 1 don't know how my congro-
gntlon will like the mntch, but If they
don't I fnucy I enn get another church
It will not bo neccBsary for her to enrn
a living by denting an old woman good
, bauds at cards.
It is a pleasure to drive, but a mis-step often break weak or inferior straps, serious
accidents follow and pleasure turns to pain.
Every Strap in Our Harness
is carefully selected and you run no risk of poor material when you buy a' driving or
farm harness of us.
We have a very large stock of harness also a large assortment of piece harness or
Workman & Derryberry
We Sell Other Things Too.
Percheron Stallion.
Marmont weighs 1800 pounds, dark
bay, star in faee.
Will make the season at the owner's
farm one mile east of tho Nichols
school house.
Terms $15.00 to insure live colt, or
$12.00 to insure maro with colt.
When mares are disposed of or re
moved fromtho county service fee
becomes due at onee.
Chang Raid 311.
The commiialontr atmointcd to viaw
for the purpose of making change in road
311, across section 10, town 9, range 29,
ns follows: Commencing wktre now
road now crosses east and wost half
section line of said section 10 and follow
said half section line as near as practi
ce west across canyon cm it inttrecets
with old road now traveled, then follow
said eld road up canyon till it inter
sects with said new road going west up
said pocket, and the vacation of that
part of road 311 between points to be
coverod by tne above petttton, has re
ported in favor of tho above petition
with the following changes, the road
should all bo north of the east and
west half section line and continue to
the west bank of canyon then follow
west bank of canyon to where it inter
sects old road as now traveled, (about
20 rods north of said half section line)
then to follow old road as petitioned
All objection thereto or claims for
damage must bo filed in tho County
clork's ofllce on or bofore noon on the
23 rd day of June, 1909, or such road
will be established without roference
Dated North Platte Nebr., April 20,
1909. F. R. Elliott.
County Clerk.
In the District Court in and for Lin
coln County, Nebraska,
In tho mattor of tho application of
Anna Altenbern, Guardian of the es
tato of Carl E. Altenbern. Benjamin E.
Altenbern, Elsie L. Altenbern and Dav
id W. Altenbern, minors, for license to
sell real estate.
Notice is hereby given that in pxr
sunnee of an order made by H. M.
Grimes, judge of the District Court of
the 13th Judicial District of Nebraska,
tn nnd for Lincoln county, In the state
of Nebraska, and made on the 16th day
of February, 1909, for tho sale of real
estate hereinafter described, I will sell
at the cast front door of tho court house
in the city of North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, on the 22nd day of
May, 1909, beginning at the hour 1
o'clock p. m., central time the follow
ing described real estate to-wit: south
west quarter (swi) of section thirty
one (31) in township thirtoen (13) north
of range thirty-thrra (33), wast of the
Gth P. M., situated it Lincoln county,
Nebraska, to the highest bidder upon
the following terms, to-wit: all cash in
Said salo will be called at the hour of
1 o'clock p. m., centrat time and will
bo held open for tha peripd of one hour
Dated this 20th day of April, 1909.
Anna Altenbern, Guardian of the Es
tate of Carl E. Altenbern, Benjamin
E. Altenbern, Elsie L. Altenbern and
David W. Altenbern, Minors.
By L. E. Roach and E. II. Evans,
8M Her AtWmf Bi
A Speedy Horse
Baker Perfect Barb Wire
Painted, per
hundred . .
. . .$3 1 5
Wikox Department Store
State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, as.
In tho county court, April lOtli. 1909.
In the matter of the citato of Asa P. Lowe,
deceased. On reading end filing the petition
of L. E. Roach, praying that the administra
tion of aald cstato mar bo granted to somo
suitable person as administrator.
Ordered. That Mar 12th. UW. at 0 o'clock A.
M Is assigned for hearing said petttton,
when all persons interested In said
matter mar appear at a county court
to be held In and for said coun
ty, and show cause why the prayer of peti
tioner should not bo granted. This order to
bo published In the North Platte Tribune for
six successive publications prior to May 12th,
1900. VY. C. Elder, County Judge, a 20-0
In the matter of the estate of Eliza Mc
Oovern, deceased.
In the county court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska. April 19th. 1000,
Notleo Is hereby given, that the creditors
of said deceased will meet the administrator
of said estate, before the county Judge of
Lincoln County, Nebraska, at the county
court room, tn said county, on the IStb day of
May, 1P00, and on the 15th day of November,
1VW, at 0 o'clock A.M. each day. for tho pur
poso of presenting their claims for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months
are allowed for creditors to present their
claims, ana one year ior tne administrator to
sottlc said estate, from the Oth dar nf March.
1009. This notice to be published for eight
successlvo publications In the North Platto
xrinune prior tn Hay into, ivw,
aio-8 w. p. KtiPtw. County' Judra.
In the county court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, Htato of Nebraska, County of Lincoln, ssi
To tho heirs, creditors and to all persons In
terested In the estate of HusanC. Keith, de
ceased. a
On reading tho petition of Roy n. Tabor.
trustco of tho estate of George W, Btowart
praying mai uio regular administration of
said cstato bo dlsnensod with as nrnvldi-d liv
Pecs. 53U2 to KW of Cobber's statutes, 1WJ7 as
It la hereby ordered that you, and all per
sons Interested In said matter, may, and do
appear at tho county court to be hold In and
for said county, on the 10th dv of Mar. A.
D., 1W at 9 o'clock A. M to show cause, If
any mcro uo. wuy tne prayer or tno peti
tioner should not be granted, and that notice
of tho pendency of said petition and that the
hoarlng thereof he given to all norsons Intnr-
cstcd tn said matter by publishing a copy of
mis ortior in mo norm riaito xriouno, a
seml-wcokly newsDapor printed in said coun
ty, for six successive publications prior to
said day of hearing.
. Witness my hand, and seal of said court this
ivui day or April a ii ivw.
a aj-8 W. O, EMn. County Judge.
Matter of application of J. C. Don for liq
uor license.
Notice is hereby srlven that .T. a. T)an illil
upon the Stst day of March. A. D 1009, file his
application to the City Council of North
Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, for license
to sell Malt. Spirituous and Vinous Lltiuors
in uuuaing ao. locaiea on nortnwest cor
ner of lot i, block 103, corner Dower and
Front streets in tho Cltr of North Platte.
Lincoln Gonntv. Nebraska, from Mm flr
Tuesday of May, 1U0O, to the first Monday of
may, iuiu.
It thoro 1)0 no objection, remonstrance or
protest filed within two weeks from April 20th
A. D. 1WK), said license will bo granted.
J. O. Dew, Applicant.
. Matter ot application of A. E. Tlmmtrmao
for lltiuor license ,,,
Notleo liboroby given that A. E. Tlmmer
man did upon tho 7th day of April, A. D.
1IW, ale his application to the city council ot
North Platte. Lincoln county. Nebraska, for
ltcenso to sell malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors on the east half of lot 1, block 103 in
tho city of North Platte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, from the first Tuosdar of Mar.
1009. to the first Tuesdar of May, 1U10.
If there be no objection, remonstrance or
protest, filed within two weoks from April
Utk, A, 1J. tV0&.tfJjgeM9J"J.bactAnUU
n w. laanaiwjKK vtsirTIVWjt..
Matter of application ot Luke F, Haloy for
Liquor License.
Notice Is hnrehr riven that Luke V. Tlilnr
did upon tho 8th day ot April. A. D. 1009. fila
nu application to tno cur council or north
riaito. Lincoln county, Nenraaxa. ror license
to sell Malt. Spirituous and Vinous Ltnuors
on east 22 fcot, lot 8 in block 115 in tho city
oi norm riaito. Lincoln county, neorasKa,
rrom tno tirst xucsaar or may, ivw, to the
first Tuesday in May, 1010.
If there bo no objection, remonstrance or
Srotcst filed within two woekg from April
th. A. D. 1009. said license will bo granted.
l,ukb i'. 11AI.BT. Applicant.
Matter of application of Charles T. YVhelan
for Liquor Llccnsn.
Notleo Is heroby given that Charles T.
YVhelan did upon tho 80th day of March. A.
D. 1P00, fllo his application to tho city council
of North Platte, Llnclon county, Nebraska,
for license to sell Malt, Spirituous and
Vinous Liquors on east 23 feet of lot 4 and
west Si feet ot lot 3 in block 103 on Front
street In tho city of North Platto. Lincoln
county. Nebraska, from the first Tuesday of
May. 1009. to tho first Tuesday of May, 1910,
Ifthero bo no objection, remonstrance or
protest filed within two weoks from April
Both. A. D. 1009. said ltcenso win bo granted.
Ciiaiimb T. Wiinr.Ax. Applicant,
Mattor of application of Fred Waltemath
tor liquor license,
Notice is horoby given that Fred Tfalte
rnathdld upon tho 8tti day ot April, A. D.
1009. file his application to the city council of
North Platto, Lincoln county. Nebraska, for
license to sell Malt, splrltous and vinous liq
uors on tho south 21 feet pf lot 4, block 103. in
tho city of North Platto, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, from tho first Tuesday of May. 1P00
to tho first Tuesday of May 1910.
If there bo no objection, rcmonstranco or
protest Hied within two weoks from April 20,
A. D. 1000. said licence will be granted.
Kbid Waltbmath, Applicant.
Matter of application of II. J. Hebhauson
for Liquor Llconse.
, , t , NOTICE,
Not ce Is hereby given that n. J. Robhan
sen did upon tho 23d day of March. A.I).
1009, fill his application to tho Cltr Council
of North Platte, Lincoln Countr. Nebraska,
for license- to sell Malt. Spirituous and
in.uoV8ML1JS0,?!.0.lJ BOTTpowey street In tho
City of North Platto, Lincoln Couuty. Ne
braska, from the first Tuesday'of May. 1009.
to the first Tuesday In May, 1910,
If thoro be no objections, remonstrance or
protest filed within two weeks from Anrll
20th A. D. 1009. said llcenso will bo granted.
II. J. Rkbhauskn, Applicant,
Matter of application of Alonzo D. McDon
ell for Druggist Permit.
.. . . NOTICE.
Notleo Is hereby givon that Alonro D. Mc-
1009. file his i application to the city council of
North Platte, Lincoln county Nebraska, for
Druggist Pormltto sell nralt. splrltous and
vinous liquors far medicinal and mechanical
purposes on 523 North Dowoy street In the
city of North Platte, Lincoln county. Nebras-
ulMSyMr.? of M,y 10
If thoro lw no objection, remonstrance or
Sronsti?.d w,' ,,ln lw, "foks from April 20th
A. D , 1909, said permit will bo granted,
Alqnzo I), MoDomkm.. Applicant
DruggUt pirmf""U0B01 Ed"r 8cl""er for
.. . . . NOTIOE.
Notice Is horoby given that Edgar Schiller
? u.W? U.'P 8lh, dof April, A. Di im.m
i 5,ViD,i,?,MSn t0 l" council of North
Platto. Lincoln county. Nobraska. for drug
gist permit to sell Malt. Spirituous and
Vinous liquor for medicinal and mechanical
purposes only on OOi north Dowey street in
b c Uy of North Platto. Lincoln county"
urEAro,?mtno fm Tuesday of May
1009. to tho first Tuosdayof Mar. 1910.
ni,f.?roiMHno , cct'n. rcmonstranco or
20? f a ii'iwwm'VL two wP..ks from April
ln, A. D. 1009sald llconso will bo granted.
Kpoaii ScniiiUcn. Applicant.
drug0efrtoRUt.Ul,C'kUn 01 J' B"t
, , . NOTICE.
Notleo Is hereby given that J. if atmi ma
upon the 17th day ot April, A D. Ml Tfiio hu
aypl cation to tho city council Tf North
Pltte, Uncoln coun y, Nobraska, for llceni
In May. moT " w' loulu Tuesdar
niEfM n,.?.?". monstrance or