The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 23, 1909, Image 5

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"Vanishing Mcctu," n utory of "wliiit
might liavo Impnonutli" opens In WnBlt
Incton witli the Unlteil stntcK and Japan
ticnr war. (Jtiy llllllcr, nocri'tnry of tho
Urltlslt embassy, unil MIbs Norma ItQb
crts, chlot nldo of Inventor Huberts, aro
introfiucnl iw Invorn. .Innnn ilrclnrcs vur
nml takes tlio Philippines. Uuy Miller
HinriH for iJiiKinnil. Norma lioocrw
tpavpn WiiHhlnirtmi fnr I ho Vlorliln coast.
Hawaii Is captured by tho Japs. All ports
nro. cloned. Tokyo learns of missing Jap
ancso lleot and whole world becomes con
vinced that United States has powerful
var agency. Hngland decides to send
a fleet to American waters as a Canadian
tirnlprtlnti nrulimt wlmt thn Drlllnh SUD-
fioso Is a tcrrlblo submnrlna Hot Ilia. Hit
ler Is cent with a messagp. Fleet mys
teriously disappears. Thn kaiser Is miss
ing. King Edward of England Is con
fronted by Admiral Hevlns of tlio United
States. The IJrottdnaught. biggest of Eng
land's warships, Is discovered nt an Im
passable point In tho Thames. Tho story
tin ur irnM imek in il tlmo many months
beforo tho war brcnlts out, and Inventor
Roberts visits tho president and cabinet,
telling of and exhibiting n metal produc
tion. This overcomes friction when elec
trllled and Is to bo applied to vessels to
Incrcur.o speed to over EO miles nn hour.
A r-ltv fnr tlin 111 n nil f II I-1 II TP Of ttlO mVS-
terlous discovery Is built on tho coast of
Florida. Dr. Iiobcrts' nrst niicmpi 10 eiec
trify plates proves a failure
CHAPTER XV. Continued.
"It's all right this tlmo," tho In-
ventor assured him. "Wild current
and wet lloor beforo, badly inoulatcd
handle, too. All fixed up now. "Won't
hn nnv accident this time." and so on,
making the final inspection of his ap
paratus ns ho talked. Norma roviewou
her father's work, to bo certain that
all was woll, and then at a nod from
him took her station at tho other mon
Rtcr which had not been used hither
in. Thnro wan a simultaneous move
ment ou their part, and, as if suddenly
'endowed with n soul, tho lights onco
moro flashed hero and there, glnrlng
at them with sinister contempt
Frankonstelns under control!
Tho admiral, fascinated by tho mys
tnrv of science, stared at tho white
haired old man who wan calmly watch
Inc his nlay of colors, and then nt tho
clrl who with cciual solf-nosscsslon
and coolness manipulated tho strange
currents beneath her hands. They
werovanlmatcd as by one mind, throw
ing thol lovers and switches to and
fro nt Identically the sumo moment
without looking at each other, and tho
clink of tho closing currents camo In
tinlsnn. Not until thou did they step
back from their stations and intor-
chango what seemed to tho admiral
mutual dances of conKratulatlon.
"That assistant of mlno 1b a won
der!" was nil tho old man said as ho
camo ovQr. dragged a Btool up beside
that on wiucii tno omccr sai, ami gieo
fully rubbed hi3 hands together. "Sho
thinks moro clearly than T do."
nrockton. who1 had Ikon tonso as a
violin string and had almost forgotten
to broatho, drew a long urcatn and
looked at tho clrl. who had been lean
inc acalnst tho wall as though ox
hauBted, but was now watching tho
slowly cooling metal. Ho would have
asked nuestlons: hut tho Inventor
turned to him and with nn air of
trlitmnh said:
"I wish you woultfi Invito all thoso
who wore hero when wo mado tho first
tost. Then you will have tho cxplnna
tlon unless I um again mistaken."
Tho admiral obeyed, and oven as tho
cooling sprays wero sifting over the
great pieces or metal tnoy camo troop
ing In from tho work which they had
resumed. Thoro wpro men from tho
draiichtlnc rooms with pencils behind
tlihlr nars. engineers from tho outside
with shirt sleeves rolled up and for
gotten dlagrnms under tholr arniB, and
one man camo from tno laboratory ao
sentmindedly carrying a test tube,
balancing It eo that ho might 81)111
tiono of tho llnuld which it contained.
Norma was now resting calmly aeulnst
iinn of tho mieo dead machines.
In a tono of unusual gravity Hob
orts addressed them. "Boys," ho bo-
can thoy wero all boys to him "you
have witnessed tho accidental dlscov
rv. I beliovo. of tho most nowcrfiA
force tho world has over known. You
havo boon fortunate. In moro than
70 years of llfo I, who havo spent tho
time In strango studios and stranger
work, havo had no prlvilego ho great.
Yqu havo all been kind to ray daugh
ter and to me, and I am glad you aro
hero now." Ho paused for a moment,
seeing with Introspnctlvo eyes all tho
great events of his Wo. Then, recall
inir himself from this review, ho turned
to Jenkins as a kindred spirit, and to
a boyish officer who stood near at
"You two." ho said, indicating them
with his hand, "may havo tho honor of
nicking un thoso mates.
Thoro was nn Instant of breathless
aslonlshmont. Jenkins was tho first to
recover, and unhesitatingly walked
forward. Tho younger man draw
hack as though ho had received an
order from an insano man consigning
him to inglorious death. Tho voice of
tho admiral nut an end to tho wait.
4 "do ahead!" he said qulotly. "Thoso
1 nlatos may weigh tons: hut if Dr. Rob-
r crts tells you to pick them up, you
go and try it."
A. .1 II ... . I
Norma Was' Now Resting Calmly Agal
"With tho absolute precision of train
ing, tho ofllcor's heels camo together
and his hand to his cap In quick sa
lute Ho strode to tho plates, and
stood opposlto Jenkins, while tho spec
tators craned forward, spoculatlng as
to what freak of madness was. to bo
demonstrated. Jenkins, grave and un
questioning, looked ncrosu at his com
panion, nodded to him, nnd togothbr
they stooped nnd caught a handhold.
Together they gathered their muscles
ns If for somo prodigious oxorclso of
strength, and simultaneously strained
To, tho nmnzomont of thoso within
tho room the great masses of metal
camo up with such ease that thoy wero
lifted breast high without percoptlblo
"Higher, higher!" called tho old in
ventor, uprlnglng toward thom and
gesturing with his hands. Tho platos
roso until thoy woro held with finger
tips, nnd breathless susponso en
chained tho spectators.
"Now stand from under! Let go of
them! Let gp of thom!" yelled Hob
orts, dancing up nnd down In excite
ment; but tho men still held on as if
rendorcd powerless by astonishment
"Stand from under!" commanded
tho admiral; and discipline again mas
terlng them thoy ohcyed, springing
back in tho apprehension that tho two
Immense platos might by somo necro
mancy como crashing down nnd disap
pear through tho lloor. With some
thing almost llko a sob, so great had
been his mental strain, Jenkins stood
transfixed. Tho admiral gave a asp,
and with ono hand poised In tho air
stood llko a statue. A hatnmor fell
from tho hand of ono of tho engineers
standing bohind, nnd tho man who
had beon tightly clutching tho test
tubo opened his fingers nnd lot it
crash to tho floor. In this tinkling
sound of broken Glass on cement, an
other gavo a sharp ejaculation and
took au involuntary stop forward.
They had witnessed tho first posl
tlvo oxhlbltlon of truo lovitatlon, t
solid body suspended In tho air with
out support. They had seen In times
past with complaconcy, knowing that
It was depondont tipon optlcnl illusion
tho conjuror's trick, mystifying to tho
outward sonso but readily explainable
in tho light of Investigation; but hero
beforo thom, boyond tho rango of
charlntanry, in perversion of nil known
physical laws, thqro hung motionless
In tho air, dependent upon itself for
its flotation, u groat mass of metal
that but u short tlmo beforo would
havo beon boyond tho power of tholr
combined strength to lift.
And standing placidly beneath it,
enjoying their surprlso and supromcly
triumphant, stood a quiet llttlo old
man smiling up at his daughter, whoso
hand ho was holding.
An Invincible Arm.
Tho officers, still doubting their
senses, stood before this uncanny
nst One of the Huge Dead Machines.
manifestation llko men in a world of
unreality. From without, for some
unaccountable reason, tho varied
clamor of Industry had subsided to
silence, and tho soldiers' song wns
flnlshod. Even tho yellow light of tho
afternoon which filtered through the
window panes appeared strange, Bpec
tral, and unearthly. In tho shadow of
that masslvo thing which hovered
above thom, Nature scorned bont on
tho revocation of her laws, and for un
Instant their senses reeled m tne
strugglo for comprehension.
Old Hill" Hoborts broke tho spell.
Ho reached up and touched tho tip of
finger to tho mass and moved It
gontly toward them with no moro cx
ortlou than would bo necessary to
push a toy balloon, horo was no
lovity In him when ho nddrcsscd thom,
but rather tho slmpld grandeur of ono
who hnB wrented from Nnturo ono of
her greatest powers, and was now pre
paring to harness It for all tlmo, n
slavo to peace, progress and tho wel-
faro of his fellows.
"My frlonds," he said, "by tho dis
covery of an alloy of motal and metal
loids wo havo created n new sub
stance, which when qn electrical cur
rent of certain potentiality is passed
through It becomes intensely radloac
live; Infinitely moro So than rndlum
Through theso machines," and hero
ho waved his hand at tho twin appa
ratus In tho roar, "my daughter nnd
I havo produced electrical manifesto
tlons hitherto "unsuspected nnd un
known. Tho metal Itself, while radio
actlvo to a certalu degree, does not be
como Intensely so without tho nppll
cation of tho excitant current." Ho
pulled the plato down till it rcstod on
tho floor, nud stood upon It, whllo
thoy, Btlll awed, waltod for his further
"This morning, by 'nn accidental
contact which lasted until tho pinto
had torn Itself looso and broken tho
current, I saw to the full tho possl
bllltlos it contained. Tho impact of
tho emnnatlons, or rndloactlvo cor
pusclos, against tho-sheet of Insulation
and tank at tho bottom drovo It
through tho floor and Into tho ground
because tho corpsuclcs which flow off
in tho other direction woro unimpeded
froo nnd harmless. Had tho oxcltant
current beon maintained, tho plato
would havo hurled Itself Indefinitely
toward tho center of tho earth."
Tho ofilcorB gavo n gasp of some
thing almost approaching Incredulity,
with tho exception of Jenkins, "who
noddod his head and excitedly rubbed
his hands.
Hoborts picked up n scrap at his
feet and hold It toward them. "For
years I experimented upon and per
fectcd thlB," ho said. "It Is an insu
latlon which will pass no current of
electricity, and which no known heat
can destroy, To-day by accident I
learned that It wan also un Impervious
scrcon to rndloactlvo emanations. In
tno second experiment I so charged
tho alloy In my lower plato thnt it
merely offsets gravitation, nnd put my
sheet of insular substanco between;
nnd thero wo hnvo lovitatlon. Thoso
two plates aro working against each
other wltft nearly equal forco, tho bal-
nnco being disturbed only In ratio to
"The solution of tho flying ma
chine!" JcnklnB shouted excitedly, and
Roborts, appreciating tho engineer's
quick understanding, Bmllcd and re
sponded: "Yes, Just thnt."
"But what will furnish Its propul
sion?" usked Jenkins, whoso mind
was traveling over tho possibilities of
rapid flight. Tho others evinced tholr
Interest by craning forward.
"It will furnish its own," tho sci
entist answered, "bocauso by the uso
of tho apparatus behind it wo enn
cxclto its radioactivity to any degrco
that might bo safe. Moro plainly, tho
moment tho current qxcltes nnd thoro
foro increases tho power of tho lower
plate, a lifting energy could bo exerted
which would destroy, tho equilibrium
of lovitatlon and drlvo tho plates into
tho-nlr with n force corresponding to
tho strength or character of tho cur-1
rent. Or, on tho other hand, If tho
upper plato wns similarly excited, thus
liberating its corpuscles, tho plato
would bo driven toward tho earth.'
Tho ndmiit.l, who had been slowly
following this dissertation, seemed
suddenly to havo grasped its entiro
meaning, nnd thrust himself out from
tho group with both hands extended
nnd'geptlculntlng rapidly. "Then all
you havo to do," he- Bald, "Is to put
on either end of your airship a free
board mado of this metal, capable of
excitation nnd Insulated on Us inner
surface, and you would thereby bo
ablo to drlvo your craft In cither dlrcc
tlon at any speed you might wish!"
"That's It exactly," answered. Rob
erts and Jenkins in unison. Tho In
vontor continued:
"I can bent a freeboard, howovor,
becanso I shall apply my electrical cur
rent In such n way as to send all tho
corptiscles of radioactlvo matter In
nny direction I may choose. I could
with this alloy even croato magnotB
of unknown power. I can built a. craft
In sections where magnets and radlo
actlvo surfaces will alternate."
Ho was growing excited ns tho mag'
nltudo of tho scope of his dlBcovory
dawned upon his Imagluntlon. Norma
calmed lilrtt down; but tho admiral, In
fectcd with thoso visions, took up tho
strain nnd enthusiastically expatiated
to his companions. To him tho skies
wero already filled with flying ships
that wero to swoop down over nn cnO'
my, drop terrific bombs of high ex
piosives, ana tnus sweep tho sens
But future ovonts, ho was to learo
cannot bo predicted with certainty.
"Woll, well!" ho said, briskly,
What next?"
"Your engineers must asBlst mo In
drawing plnns. Wo Bhall want great
qunntltles of now material and cicc
trlcal equipment, nnd must havo them
soon; because when, wo cet well un-
der way wo should bo ablo to croato
two or three of theso radlopluncs each
Tho great plates woro locked In.
and tho group repaired to ono of tho
offices, whoro for hours tho Inventor
elaborated Ills scheme or control, tho
mochanlcal means of which woro to ba
worked out and drawlngB mado by tho
engineers. And aB they tolled over
their plans, thoro spread from mouth
to mouth throughout tho strango col
ony tho Bory of tho marvolous con
ception, ujtll even tho most prosajc
workman found himself dreaming and
speculating over his task. Before dusk
had crowdod tho light from the skies,
tho Columbia, under a full head of
steam, picked her way out to meet the
ocean swollB, and headed for Mlnrai,
whoro alio was to Bend a messugo to
Washington, calling for strangely as
sorted supplies and notifying tho nnx
Iouh naval mon that tho dry dock
would not bo needed.
Sharpened Feminine Barb.
Difficult subjects requlro careful
handling, and for this reason a room
clerk nt a woman's hotel must havo
special qualifications, says a New
York letter. Ono of tho many appll
cants to approach a clerk of this class
was a young, prepossessing woman
who, a fow dayn ago, walked to tho
dcBk nnd hesitatingly askod If a room
could bo had at moderate prlco.
"Would you llko u room nt a dollar
and a half a day?" With a startled
look sho roplled, "I want ono at thrco
dollars a week." "Wo havo rooms at
that price, but nono vacant. You can
see thnt tho ofllco Is full of guests,
tnd It is not prohablo that wo shall
havo such n room as you dcslro until
ono of our guests dies or gets mar
ried." Sweeping tho olflco with hor
eyes, tho young woman roplled, sweet'
ly, "Oh, then, It Ib hopeless!"
Left Thousands of Veterans with Kid
ney Trouble.
Tho experlonco of David W. Martin,
a retired morchant of Bollvnr, Mo., Is
Just llko thou
sands of others.
Mr. Martin Bays:
"I think I have
had kidney dts
caso over slnco tho
war. During nn en
gagement my
horso fell on mo,
straining my back
and Injuring tho
been told I had a
kidneys. I havo
floating kldnoy.
I had InteiiBO pain
in tho back, headaches and dizzy
spells, nnd tho action of tho bladder
very Irregular. About thrco yenro ngo
1 4rlcd Doun'B Kidney Pills nnd insldo
of n compnratlvoly short tlmo was en
tirely rid of kldnoy trouble."
Sold by nil dealers. GO ccntH a box.
Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Others, may havo suld tho samo
thing, but this rather unsympathetic
comment Is attributed to tho lato
Judgo Hoar: "Aro you going to at
tend tiro funeral of Qon. Butler?" a
friend asked him. "No," was tho
calm reply. "No, I am not going to at
tendbut 1 heartily approvo of IL"
A Iraiiirntlo IJre Ilemeilr
Compounded by Experienced I'liyslrtans.
Conforms to 1'tiro Food nnd Drugs I.mvs.
Wins Friends Wherever Used. Ask Drug
gists for Juurino kyo liemouy. Try mu
rlno In Your Eyes. You Will Llko Murine,
Doesn't Entertain.
"Did you say ho wbb a lecturer and
"No; I merely said ho waa a lec
Pcttlt's Eye Salvo for 25c
relieves tired, overworked eyes, stops eve
nehes, connected, inflamed or sore eyes. All
druggists or iiownru urou., xiuunio, iM. jl.
Tho half of' tho world that gets
along Ib unablo to understand why tho
other half Is always Bhort.
Lewis' Single Binder stralcht fie cigar Is
good quality un tho time, xour ucaicr or
Lewis Factory, Peoria, 111.
Stealing away from bad company in
Jusliflablo larceny.
Cured by Lydia E. Pink
ham's VcgefableCompound
ir . . "IT T Tf..Wl..lT.JI.V
JSOJUUilUti, J.1mJ. XlUUl bUUb.Uj'Ulu.U.
Plnkham'o voRotablo Compound has
rven mo -now mo.
Buffered for ten
years with eorloua
female troubles, in
flammation, ulcer
ation, indigestion,
nervousuoso, and
could not sleep.
Doctoro gavo mo
up, as thoy cold my
troublos wero
chronic. I was in
despair, and did not
caro wiioiucri uvea
or died, when I read about Lydia E.
Pinkhnm's Verrotablo Compound; bo I
besran to tako it, nnd am well again nnd
roliovcd o nil my Buffering." Mrs.
OrcrmnE .TonnY. Ilox 40. Marlton. NJ.
Lydia 13. Plnkham'a'vcgotablo Com
pound, mado from nativo roots nnd
herbs, contains no narcotics or harm
ful drugs, and to-day holds tho record
for tho largest number of actual cures
of femalo diseases wo know of, and
on fllo in tho Pinkham laboratory at
Lynn, Mass., from women who hayo
neon cureu. irom aimosc every xorm or
female complaints, inflammation, ul?
Irregularities, perlodicpains, backache,
Indigestion and nervous prostration.
Every Buffering woman owes it to hor
solf to glvo Lydia E. Plnkham's Vego-
lame vompouna a trial.
If you -would liko special advico
about your caso wrlta a conllden-
ttai letter to hits, i'lniuiam, an
Lynn, Mass. Her advico is free,
and always hclpf uL
Positively cured by
these Little Pills.
They also relievo Dl
tresfifromDHpepnla.Iu. digestion oudTooHcarty
Eating. A perfect rem
edy fur DlrilncBB, Nuu
nen, Drowalnens, Uud
Taiite In tlie Mouth, Coat
ed ToniruA. Fain In the
They regulate tba UoweU. Purely Vegetable.
Gonuino Must Bear
FaO'Similo Signature
ClttnK. and baaaUnc th. bal,
rromot. . lowrl.nt ffowtlu
Mover FalV t? or Gray
Ouroa KaTp dlwaM. fihalr falUn
f0o,amHlXUat Drufirtu
I 4 a"a0n
n pi as.
You Need a Tonic
it you feel languid and depressed
all the time. The bdst thing to
help nature build up the system Is
This great tonic is not a false stim
ulant ss many o the so-called ' 'spring
tonics." It Is1 a natural strength
giver. For all run-down conditions
o the health It is an invaluable rem
edy; Imparts new life and vigor and
builds up the entire cystcm.
SoW by AU Leading Drugglth In too
slee lotllct, 50c oni 35c
Western Canada
Another 60,000 set
tlers from the United
States. New dis
tricts opened for set
tlement. 320 acres
oflnnd tocachsot
(lor, -1C0 free
homestead nnd 160 at $3.00 per acre.
MA vat rich country nnd ii contented riros
perou people. "Uiriift JtDut n rttftiiiltmt
ef .i AWfan.i Kititvr, Mthoi visit t li'titern
Catiiiita, in Augutt. JVOS, iiik mm iuw'ratio.
Mntiy havo paid the entire cost, of their
farms and had a balance of from $10.00 to
$20.00 per aero as n result of one crop.
Spring wheat, winter wheat, onts, barley,
flax and peas arc the principal crops, while
the wild grasses bring to perfection the
best cattle thnt have ever been sold on
the Chicago market.
Splendid climate, schools nnd churches
In nil localities. Railways touch most of
the settled districts, nnd prices for produce
nre always good. Lands may also be pur
thascd from railway and land companies.
For pamphlets, tnapi nnd Information re
Kardlnir low railway rate, apply to Superin
tendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Cunndn.or
the authoritcd Canadian Government Acentt
801 K.w fork Lite Dalldln. Oatsba. Nttatta.
Tho Benson I Iffako and Boll Mora Men's $3.00
& $3.60 Shoos Than Any Other Manufacturer
U ttu r gtr tb. v.anr tb. Intti ef Ou m.t
conipl.U ore inlutlon of tnlnl txpwU ul tkUltd
KatMtmaE.ri m m country,
and t
Tb. Mixtion of th. ItUWt for etch put of tb. ho.
sd rr 4ttll of th. mUna In nm I
4ttll of th. mailni afUr by th. twit .aorautr. tn U. itM Iniaitry
III Mold l0W TAB hot ell
' yon hoc t innuly W. u. Souila. ana. '
i. nail., you would ti.n nnftnUrd why tlir
Ton would ti.n nnftriurdwhy HifytoMUiir
ahap., nt Mtur, iua longer than axy tuttr main.
Nil Method of Tanning the Soles makes thtm Mora
Fttxlvli and Longer Wearing than any dtherft.,
Stioo. for Hrpy Mcmiipr of tli Pftmlly,
Men, IIyWoinpii, nntl Children.,
For a!" try alios itreUrrn nycrywhere.
PflllTinU I Mone Krntihw without W. U DonsUa
uHUIIUIl 1 iinni'i mid prlco alamrxd on boltoiiv,
Fatt Oolor Eytl.t. Uied ExtJulTdy, Catalog malltd fro.
W. U DOWLAS, 167 Spark El., UmUoo, Kau.
This Trade-mark
Eliminates AU
in tho purchase of
mint materials.
It is an absolute
guarantee of pur
ity ami quallly.
For your own
protection, see
that It is on the slds of
every keg of white lead
you i)uy.
m TtlallyllBlKUit.Ktwrortt
Coils vOs-Me pit nen tar sei
liin.twnni1rru1frruaof tliAcentrjnr.Tleldlnizfmnil
IV to 10 tou. of hay wrarraandloUo( jwuturti
ililpa. lttinplyifrow.,Krowa.grow.t Cutlttodayl
InIln4 WMk.ltlookaror u UHiner niii.i
.r. nn iipfiwa&nd llmiriah An .verv nhm. un Tory
rannln Amarin. (.utapnsairii iururiniaui.
bottom land, of F-frrpI, Ui reed ctlo trm at I
nf1 fin I,, faniliattnd rMfllvfl taiDDlO OI thtHI
wondarf u I Braia.nlao of Hpel ta, tlie cerwl wonder, I
Iiofrre. ur rain iau anu w
farmieeduOTolty neTcraeeiiliy yoa beor. I
ISALZER SEED CO., DoxW La Cross. Wit. I
No Matter
rhat Liver or Dowel medicine you
are using, stop it now. Get a lOo
box wee It' at treatment of GAS
CARETS today from you dru&it
and learn how easily, naturally and
delightfully your fiver can be mado
to work, and your bowel move every
day. There's nu Ufa la every box.
CASCARBTS are nature's helper.
You will a the difference! 883
CA8CARST8 toe n box for a tfeek's
treatment, nit drugilata. Bi(rgut aeller
in the world. Million boacs a montb.
r, MrlNTOSn j)leirated
BlTliBdlatrUef. Bo'o f "
eUlw. lco Hat and irtlcularatuaila
fin amwItuttAn.
S1J Walnnt HI., l'hlladolphla, I'tu,
mauufneturnrn nf tmaMta nnd
Miln mnV nrs
or iih) uennino
btamped "McIbtotUi1 Happjrtr,
bloodhounds', M,.
hound. IrUft Wnlfliotinda llriiluiirod. Htamp fur
cutulotf, ItuokuiMxl Jiumiuls, .eslnstn,Ky.
U)7 "uil! Thompson's Eye Water
W. N. U., OIV1AHA, NO. 16-1909.
Tba alck are curwl. and all other la
njr lu.uia
Qlv on
all form, of auterapar. Uf remoay eter iwn ior ran. in ioai.
Una bottta guarantoed to care ona raaa. too an'' II a bnttlet 10 and
110 doaon of dru(ral ta and narnta. deal.ra, or een t capreu. mid by
rnanufacturura. Cut ahowa bow to Mulllc throat.
ItooklotulTMriorjtblDK. Local aKnta wanted, lrgct acJIIna
IK horaaromadrlnail.tanoa tweltaTiiara.
OO..tiiiaiiiia4BiiiriiUu, Oohn, Intf., U.V.A