The Best Thread 4c Per Spool. The Best Prints Per Yard. The 20 Per Cent Discount Sale HT- 1 nt LtADcK The Twenty Per Cent Discount "Sale which opened at The Leader Monday is meeting with wonderful success. The public is carrying olT goods. Evidently they realize the bargains which this store is offering. Jusb think of such discounts so early in the season on all our seasonable merchandise in Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Silks, Wash goods, Domestics, Dress Trimmings, Lace and Embroideries, Hosiery, Underwear and Novelties of all kinds at a discount of twenty per cent on every dollar. Ready-to-Wear Department. In our ready-to-wear department Ladies' Suits and Tailored Skirts, Jackets and Rain Cdats, Long and Short Silk Coats are offered at a discount of Twenty per cent and on some of the goods a discount of Fifty per cent is given. This department is especially worthy your attention. Clothing Department. Never before have we sold so many suits as we have this spring, and people are surprised at the values they receive for their money. We carry a big stock of cloth ing and gents furnishings, and at no other store will you find such great values. Shoe Department. The shoes are moving fast. One table full of high grade Ladies' Shoes, worth up to $4.00 per pair, broken sizes, to close at $1.85. With all other shoes a pair of hose will be given free, where the shoes sell for $1,00 or upward. Carpet Department. Carpets all wool, half wool, cotton chain, cottage carpets, hemp, saxony, ax minister, velvet and Brussels. Borders to match carpet. Stair carpets, art squares in all sizes, rugs in all sizes. Just think the best all wool carpets at 65 cents per yard down to 25 cents per yard. Velvet and axminister carpets worth up to $1.35 per yard at $1.00 per yard. e 36 in. L. L Muslin I 5c j . Per Yard. i Millinery Department. Judging from the number of Hats we are selling daily the people appreciate the value we are giving them for their money, 1 . ! .1 i j i' aim is eviuenue uiiai our uais : are fifty per cent cheaper in i i price than elsewhere. LINOLEUM Linoleum 8-4 and 10-3 at 52 cents per square yard, regular price 70 cents; 12-4 Linoleum regular price 75c per yard, at this sale for 60c per yard; 12-4 regular 65 cent quality at 52 cents. FILLING FOR RUGS ALL SIZES. . Twenty Per Cent joff on Curtains of all kinds. Sash Curtains 25 cents a pair and upwards. Window shades at 25 cents each. This Sale continues but Fifteen Days. The discount applies to cash purchases only. The Leader, J. PIZER, Proprietor. Best French Ginghams Ilk Per Yard. A Word About Clocks Wo haven't spoken about Clocks for n long timo nnd all tho while wo huvo ono of tho rarest assortments wo Imvo over naked tho pcopls to look nt. Thcro aro a great number of sortn of Clocks, and wo think wo miiBt have just about all of them. Ono of tho sort that won't let you oversleep in tho morning costs $1.25. Will last for years, too. Those pretty little gold affairs are especially suitable for presents. Wo havo a lot of dainty designs in them. Thoy cost from $1.00 up. Kitchen Clocks fivo or ton yoars nccuratn running In them, for $3 or more. Marble Clocks nnd Regulators cost more monoy, of courso, and nro worth it. If you'vo n Clock need, seo us. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician. Wo want your repair work. jj DRS. BROCK & CROOK, jj Over First National, l'lionn 118 c.1 ft Mrs. J. M. Moonoy is a visitor in Denver, leaving for that city yester day morning. Alfalfa, Cnno, Millet and all kinds field nnd garden seeds at llershey's, 6th & Locust Sts. W. W. Whito-not our W. W. W.- hns filed his application for a license to opn a enloon nt Brady. Stamp's theatre orchestra will go to Gothenburg May 4th to piny for a ball to bo given by tho flro department of that town. Tho Chicago Symphony Club will pass west this evening in u special truin running as second section of No. 1. Tho party will toko supper at tho Puciflc Hotel. Noxt Tuesday Loxington will voto on tho question of licunsa or no license It promises to bo a warm day for Lexing ton. Tho Sutherland Fro Lance Bays Miss Laura Rhodes, of this city, who taught in tho Sutherland schools tho past year, has accepted n position in tho Kimball schools for next year. N. J. MnndaniB, president of tho Latin company, Bays that sinco April 1st he has supplied the Union Pacific company with 2,000 Italians, Austrians and Bulgarians. Thoso mon havo been employed largely on track work. Tho llttlo touch of spring woather yostorday sot tho cement sidowalk con tractors at work. Thoy havo been wnlt Ing for warm wonthor for sovornl weeks, and now that it has to all indications--arrived thoy will puBh tho work rapidly. For Snlo South half of northeast quarter Section 11, Twn. 14, U. 32. 80 acres undor l'axton anil Hershey ditch. Writo L. L. Brown, Evanston, Wyo. Tho North Platte visitors at Excolsior Springs seem to bo doing romarkablo wo'l. Goo. Winkowitch sayB ho fools llko a now man, Charley Daikins hns not tolt so well in yoars, Billy Ryan continues to improve, and Judgo and Mrs. Iloagland nnd Mrs. Baro aro each being benefitted. Don't bo fooled. There js but one American Fonco handled in North Platto, and that is handled by Wilcox Dupaktment Stoiik. Manager Walker received word yes terday that an export mechanic is now enrouto to North Platto for tho purpose of setting up tho new englno recently received by tho electric light company. When this cngino is in place tho com pany will begin furnishing n day current. For Sale. My rosldonco proporty on west Sixth street nt a sacrifice. M. B. CUYDBRMAN. The city band will givo n concert in front of tho Keith thentro noxt Tues day evening, and citizens will havo an opportunity of knowing tho progress the boys havo made during the winter re hearsals. That thoy will render a fino program is not to bo questioned. We writo insuranco at tho lowest possible rates for tho strongest com panies. Why not got tho best? Tkmi'le Ural Estatk & Insurance 1 and 2 McDonald Block. AGENCY. Twonty-ono farmers marketed hogs in North Platto Tuesday nnd the totnl sum recoived by thorn was in the neigh borhood of two thousand dollars. W. C. Landry, of Gandy, marketed nino that brought him $190.08. Tho hogs that aro boing marketed are a littlo light in weight; this being duo to the high price of corn, furmors not caring to feed moru of tho grain than is actu ally necessary to put the hogs in mnr kotnble uhapo. The prices pnid this week has been $0.35 and $6.10. New line of Gift Books, Pennants, Fountain Pens and other articles suit able for Commencement gifts. Rincker's Book Store. At tho council meoting Tuesday even ing it dovoloped that tho present may or and conncilmen aro in favor of ovontually rooting all saloons nnd bill inrd halls off Dowey street. Such a change cannot.of courso be made this yrar, for there- aro no buildings on tho aido streots which tho present Dewey street saloons could rent. Other towns havo ruled saloons off the main thor oughfaros, nnd North Platto sooner or later will probably follow tho same plan. For Rent. Nico new six room cottago south west of court house. Good six room cottage, barn, out buildings and 2 acres of land in culti vation ubout fivo blocks south of 1st. ward school. Buchanan & Patterson. In tho county court yesterday fore noon Annie Gillcspio filed a complaint in the county court charging Goldic Nunn with taking and carrying away $3.50 belonging to F. T. Gillespie. For Sale Pure bred Plymouth Rock settings, 50 cents. Mrs. W. E. Shu man. Phono 321 . Tho Indian Card Club was pleasantly entertained by Mrs. E. F. Sooberger Wednesday afternoon, the members meoting for tho first timo sinco prior to Lent. Mrs. JoncB won tho fork and Miss Nell Hartman was awarded the consolation emblem. To Our Fellow Citizens. We aro bettor fitted to supply your spring and summor suit. why? Be cause we havo the only absolutely fresh, now, stock of clothing in town. Every suit guaranteed. , Sciiatz & Clahaugh. Thinking it Over? You'll surely need a new pair of shoes to complete that spring- outfit. Take a look over the smart snappy lasts we're showing before you buy. We make a specialy of young1 men's styles for young- men and men who stay young-. GRAHAM & CO. Most makers of young men's suits forget that the wearer is still growing. are cut so full that thev fit as well at the end as at the start of ser vice. Made with snap and ginger. They never lose shape because cloth and canvas are both reshrunk by the London Process and are HAND MADE. TEMPLE OF FASHION HOME OF QUALITY A r EVER, SATIS FACTION SQUARE DEAL This label means that the garments will never sag or stretch at collar or breast. This is the place to buy them and get what you pay for. TRY US ONCE. The Star Clothing House.