The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 16, 1909, Image 1

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Stat tlhtorlcH Soclclf ,t.
)o mi
to lUffW AND lUUIll I ntYYO v
John D. Calvort of Denmark and
Minn Sploitoff of Curtis wero united in
marriage by Judge Elder Wednesday.
The front of tho Hinmnn block on
Dawoy street is being painted yellow,
making quito a contrast with surround
ing buildings.
Maurice Fowler attended tho Brsnni
gan horso sale at Columbus Monday.
One bunch of twenty heavy animals
sold for an oven $5,000, nn nvorngo of
$250 each.
Moro moisturo fell Wednesday night,
followed by cool weather yesterday.
Spring is somewhat backward, but it is
bettor to have a low tcmperaruro in
April than in May.
Tho Payne Co., which has a local
office in this city, will soon place on
tho market a large tract of land in the
North Platto valley in Cheyenne
county. The land ia owned by Omaha
Tho Fredonia (Kan.) Citizen pro
nounces tho Hallowell Orchestra tho
best musical organization that has ever
visited that town. This orchestra will
appear at the Keith noxt Tuesday even
ing, April 20th.
Gat thooo window scroons made now.
P. M. SoriENSON. Shop 107 E 5th St.
Rather a small audience attended the
Dixie Quintette entertainment at The
Keith Wednesday evening. The selec
tions of the colored men were well ron
dered, especially tho solos by tho bnsso
profundo, who was recalled several
Tho Indian Card Club met at the
homo of Miss Kcllihor Wednosdpy and
elected Mrs. M. H. Douglas to the
membership. Tho club will resume its
Wednesday afternoon sessions, which
were discontinuad during tho Unten
Tho turkey supper served at tho
Vienna Monday night for tho attend
ants at tho firemeji's bnll has boon
highly complimented. Oyer ono bun
hred persons wero served. It is tho
intention of Mr. Weil to serve a simi
lar supper on tho night of the Engi
neers May Party.
The Tobin Mcrcantilo Co. shipped a
baling outfit this week 'to Oshkosh
where COO tons of hay purchased by tho
firm will be baled nnd'shippod to Den
ver. Contractors say that contracts for
new residences aae not being made as
rapidly as was expected. Lost year
tho contracts for all the larger houses
wero mado after May 15th, and this
may bo caso this season.
Found An Eastern Star pin. Owner
may have same by paying for this
notice and calling at tho Stono Drug
John Hinman has boon awarded the
contract for tho LeMnstcrs building on
cast Sixth street, and has started in to
maku tho cement blocks. Tho erection
of the building will begin within thirty
In keeping track of tho increaio of
tho local population, wo overlooked tho
arrival of a young man, weighing
twelvo pounds, at tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Sebnstian Schwaigor. His arrival
has been duly recorded in Tho Tribuno's
"whooper er up for 10,000" book.
The bachelors' (?) who wero enter
tained by Mr. and Mrs. Julius Pizcr
Tuesday evening enjoyed several hours
at cards and music, followed by a lunch
that "hit the spot." The guests wero
shown tho residence from basement to
attic and tho homo is certainly com
modious and well arranged.
Tony Wclliver, a former North Platte
boy now living at Fresno, Cal., writes
his sister Mrs. George Wilson that
April 30th will bo obsorved as raisin
day nnd asks that alio request all her
friends to buy raisins on that day. Out
in California raisins are a drug on tho
market, and a wide spread movement
has been started to get people to buy
one or moro pounds of raisins on the
day designated and thus relieve the
glutted market.
A Lexington paper says: Rev. Mr.
Williams of the Presbyterian church,
will preach his farewell Bermon next
Sunday, having accepted a rail to tho
North Platto church. Mr. Williams
has been in the city for four years and
has mado a host of friends among nil
tho citizens of the town irrespective
of church affiliations. North Platto
Becures a preacher that will be helpful
to the entiro community.
TP HERE is a difference here
t between old men's nx& young
men's styles and it is a mighty sight
more than ctaim-deep.
are built by makers who study, you who
know what you want who understand
your figures, your ideas and your price
reach. Clothes made with such graceful
shapes -already in the garments that
they'll improve a bad figure and set off a
good one. They're real young men's clothes.
The label in tho coat moans that i you'ro tn'-r ciisapf oinled
you won't be disappointed onglt they're wrong, just give
back tho clothes and get back your money.
weingand a Mcdonald
' Bcattic Appointed Principal.
On recommendation of Statu Super
intendent Bishop, Dr. J. A. Ueattie has
been re-appointed principal of tho Btuto
junior normal school to bo held In North
Platto this summer. Dr. Benttio held
the samo position in 1007 and also last
year. Tho members of tho normal fac
ulty have not yet been named, but such
announcement will probably soon bo
Scored a Success.
Tho Colorado Springs Evening Tele
graph of March 30th said: '-The Hallo
well Orchestra entortainmont was ono
of tho best musical treats ever given
in this city. Buono Atkinson sang "For
all Eternity" and was recalled by en
core several times."
The North Platto Elks havo engaged
this company for noxt Tuesday even
ing and they will nppuar at tho Keith
James Chambers Dies.
James Chambors, a veteran of tho
civil war, died ot his homo in the north
west part 'of town Wednesday night
from a complication of diseases after
an illness of a year or moro, at the ago
of itbout Rovcnty-fiveycars. Ho leaves
a wifo and several grown-un children.
Prior to moving to North Platto tho
deccaied had lived on a farm northeast
of town for fifteen or moro years.
Vaudeville at The Crystal
Ray Raymond, formerly of West's
Minstrels, has been engaged for the
rest of this week at Tho Crystal. Ho
puts on high class dancing nnd
MiBsGladya Vnnn willalBo appear tho
remainder of tho week.
With this double bill of vaudeville
patrons of the Crystul aro receiving a
big slice of amusement for their money,
Real Estate Sales.
Emily Blake has sold to Joseph and
William Swigart tho northeast quarter
of section 31-33-32 for a consideration
of $3,500.
Albert Stoinhauscn has purchased
of Mae Weeks lot 3, block 85, North
Platte, for $800.
Anton Stenner has sold to Christum
Sodacott lots 1 and 2, block 1 Hirmuy
second addition to North Platte, for
twelve hundred dollars.
Loo Tobin returned Wednesday night
from a brief business trip to Grand Is
land. Miss Margaret Waro, who had been
visiting friends in town for a few days,
left for Blair yesterday morning.
Otto Thoclecko went to Omaha yes
terday wheroho will transact business
and visit his parents for n few days.
Miss Gertrudo Winn returned to
Wood River yosterdny after a week's
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Will Lnndgraf.
Judge Grimes has returned from Ban
ner county, whero ho hold a brief term
of district court the early part of this
Miss Hazel Neu came up from Kear
ney yestcrdy and will accept tho po
sition of stenographer in the office of
Wilcox & Halligan.
Fred Brau has rented his farm north
west of town and left Wednesday night
for Sioux City, where ho will visit his
daughter Vina and perhaps make his
future homo with her. Ho was accom
panied by his daughter Emma.
File Articles of Incorporation.
Tho North Platto Gas and Electric
Co.lias filed articles of incorporation.
Tho capital stock is $250,000.00, di
vided into 2,500 shares of $100 each,
and tho stock is to bo fully paid up
within one year from tho organization,
either in cash or property. Tho naturo
of the business is for genoral lighting,
heating and power purposes.
Tho incorporators aro L.Walker, K
E. Bullard, Harry Dixon, A. R. Cum
mings and M. E. Springer.
Clever Crook at Kearney.
The merchants of Kearney were "shy-
locked" out of n fow dollars Tuesday
by a young man giving his namo as
Frank Walkor. Mr. Walker first mudo
his appearance at tho Farmers bank,
whero ho deposited tho sum of $C0 and
procured a check book. Ho then pro
ceeded to tho grocery stores, where ho
bought a small bill of goods and gave a
check for $5, receiving tho balance in
change. This scheme was worked on
every groceryman in town and on three
hardwaro stores. If thero was any
question ho would toll thorn to call up
the bank nd seo if he did not havo an
account. After ho had mado his rounds
ho went back to tho bunk and with
drew his account nnd disappeared. Tho
trickery was not discovered until some
of tho merchants got uneasy about him
not calling for tho goods. In several
of the places ho approached them by
saying that ho owed them Rome money
for goods that his hired man had bought
and wanted to pay it. After the mer
chant had looked ovor his books and
found no such an account thereon ho
was ready and willing to fall in.
Hallowoll's Harp Orchestra will give
an entertainment at tho Kaith theatre
next Tuesday evening under tho
auspices of tho B. P. O. E. Thero nro
sevon members in tho company, each a
finished artist on tho harp, violin, cor
net or trombone. Tho company will
furnish tho music for a dunce that will
bo held at tho Masonic hall following
the entertainment.
Engineer Parker, formorly a North
Platto resident, but now running an
engine out of Rawlins, has been viiit
friunds in town for & few days.
Mr. Rowc, traveling inspector from
tho office of Julius Krutchsnitt in
Chicago, arrived Wednesday night and
yesterday inspected conditions at this
Engineer Winkowitch, who has boon
spending a month nt Excelsior Springs,
writes that ho ban been much benefited
and will probably return home next
At tho Enginocrs' May Party April
30th tho. customary concert preceding
tho grand march will be given. The
program will consist of throe orchestral
and two vocal selections.
Frank Maryott, station r ngent at
Oshkosh, who had been transacting
business in town for n fow days, re
turned homo this morning. Ho was
accompanied by Mrs. Maryott.
About one hundred Italians arrived
n town Wednesday night and woro
sent out on tho North River branch
preparatory to beginning track laying
from tho present end of tho road
through to Northport.
John Wild, n sixtoen yoar old boy
living near Chapell, was thrown from
his horse Tuesday whilo waiting for a
train to pass and ho foil with one arm
across tho track, tho wheels cutting it
off. Ho was also badly bruised about
tho head.
Tho wifo of engineer J. C. Schley,
who was killed in tho wreck at Borie,
Wyo., last Novomber, has mado settle
ment with tho company for five thous
and dollars. Tho citizens' committco
which investigated tho wreck found
that S".hloy failed to properly manipu
late the nir on his angine.
Garfield Items.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Gill, of Callaway, spent
several days with their daughter Mrs.
D. P. Meyers.
Born to Mr. und Mrs. James Honry
on April 2d, a nine pound boy.
Mis Susio Campbell, of Schuyler,
was homo during her Bpring vacation.
D. P. Moyera nnd Albert Philpot
wero Callaway visitors Friday and Sat
Tho special school meeting that was
called on April 10th for locating a sit'
and building a new school house in tho
west part of the district, was defeated.
Almost all tho farmors havo com-
miineed putting in their oats.
Everett Smith wi'l move in a fow
days on his homestead in Willard.
Mr. and Mrs. Whotzel und Mr. nnd
Mrs. Randerson visited at A. J. Good-
onow's last Sunday.
C. C. Siver lias been shingling his
Among those who visited Gandy last
Saturday were Mossrs. Brummott, L.
P. Smith, Goodenow, and Mrs. Iko
Swept Over Niagara.
Th's terriblo calamity often happens
because a carolesu boatman ignores tho
rivor'B warnings growing ripples und
fustor current Nuturo's wamincs aro
kind. That dull pain or ache in tho
l)ck warns you the kidneys need at
tention if you would escape fatal mnlu
dieB Dropy, Diabetes or Bright's (lis
cao. Tako Electric Bitters at. once
nnd seo backacho fly and all your best
feelingB return. "After long suffering
from weiik kidneys nnd lamo backbone
SI. 00 bottlo wholly cured rno." writes
I J. R. Blnnkonship, of Bolk, Tenn. Only
1 50c at Stone'H drug storo.
A judgo in Iowa refused to hold a
man accused of swearing at a baggage
man. Tho judgo held thut swearing at
baggagemen was justified. Trunk own
ors will perticulnrly enjoy traveling
through Iowa in future. Thoy will bo
able, without foar of law, to square
many long-standing accounts with tho
smnshing frntornity.
For tho first timo sinco tho Spanish
wur the United StntoHariny is recruitei
up to its full Htretigth in all of its
branches, nnd in every" recruiting stat
ion in New York, Brooklyn and Jcrsoy
City thoro is prominently displayed on
tho bulletin boards u notice signed by
tho adjutunt gonorul of tho army order
inrr tho rajrultinir officers to confirm
themselves, until further orders to tho
re-onnstlng of Honorably discharged
Women's Shoes.
OUR New Spring- Shoes arc
sure to charm every woman
that takes a look at them.
Here are the values and styles
that are not met with in every
Shoe Store perhaps none hereabouts.
See our $3, $3.50, $4 and $5
(in now Spring lasts, in Lacoor Button stvUs
-Patent Kid. Vici, Colored Kid, Suodo, and
Gun Metal Calf. Soma colored tops with
dark leather vamps. Cuban heels modium
or narrow toes. Theso shoes would easily
soil for Ono Dollar moro.
We have singled out but a few
of our good things in Women's
Shoes when our store is fairly
blooming with choice Shoes at
at the most reasonable prices.
The Best Shoe Store.
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital -Surplus
Stockholders' Liability
Guarantee Fund for Depositors $220,000.00
(Not considering quick assets and cash resources)
E. F. Secbcrger, C. F. McGrcw, J. J. Halligan,
F. L. Mooncy, Arthur McNamara.
In tho Automatic Rofrigerator, tho nir from tho food chamber goes direct
to tho ice, tho impuritios are thoroughly cooled and tho air passes again to the
food chambcru.
As tho currents of nir in food chambors all flow upward and thoro is no
downward movement, hero can bo no condensation or dampness, or mixing of
food odors ABSOLUTELY NONE. Thero is a solid partition between tho food
and ico chambers except at extreme top and bottom.
No air cun got from tho food to tho ico chamber without going tho entiro
height of tho food chambers, thus assuring proper tomperaturo nnd perfect
circulation in all parts of food chambor, this would not bo possible with the
open work partion.
situhted between tho ico und food chumber. Not at ail in tho way.
No extra ico, drinking water always nico nnd cool.
Come in. Wo will bo pleased to show you tho moat up-to-dalo rofrigerator on
tho market.
Workman & Derryberry, Agents.
I Double Bill at The Crystal. You should see it