Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. Hiinflouii'TioN hates : One.Yoar. cash In advance Matratnr'fl anle the Kilmer nuartcr scc- Nonths, cash in advance went Enterod at Nottli Platte. N6raka.'PoiUjnicor'uu"kJ" as second cias matter, TUESDAY APRIL C, 1909. Judge Grimm, of St. Louis, who is . i i - -1 r 1 1 . l. .. I .. .1 I prooamy a gnm uiu iuiiow, im ruiu Jonn McConneli, or Somerset, re that a wifo has no right to ransack the 'turned last weok from Illindis with fif- pockotB of her hUBband'a clothes for money, evon if tho husband donica her monoythttsho soroly needs. 1 hough the average woman does not take the HDorty to ruie nor i us.mnu .f. eJ nitre rc many instance wnero wou,u " J"'";1"" '" n" '", It appears from tho report of the Illinois Railroad and Warehouse com- mission that tho 2-cent furo. law has hclnod and not hurt tho roads. Under thU law their nnisenper roVcniio win of onnAftftni' ( u. .i ,. J .Ma..!. 4u ..... t T, . ""'"""" "uo ' , 1907, while freight revenue fell 6 If ti f . f . . j f 1 1 neavny. ittno companies uro bk 1 1 . A I . n . I . .. 1.. ... ,... . 1 . I vnroHiL'niuK iu tiiivu um niw hilw iuu i courts on the ground of bohig confisca tory. This is what the Missouri rail roads did with a similar law, and thoy won. Dut they havo no intchtion of putting rates of faro back to tho old level of 3 cents. Springfield Repub lican. IN THE last houru -oLtho Nobraskn legislature, a bill was passed limiting tho hours in which saloons shall keop r . I.. n. . !.. ....,11 ui.i in.m ouvu.i ... t..u ...U......K ...... eight In tho evening. Aa might bo expected this raised quite a protest from tho saloon men and their friends, nnd especially from Omaha nnd South Omaha, who immediately wjred tho governor not to sign tho bill until thoy could presont their Bide of tho proposi tion. This tho governor consented to do, and appointed eleven o'clock yes terday forenoon as tho timo for hear ing tho protests. At this writing tho outcome of tho conference has not been lenrnod. Tho daylight saloon is but a stop toward prohibition, and the saloon mon might ns woll take tho doso and look ploasant. TllF. census dopartment has issued n bulletin on tho decreasing slzo of fam ilies and it has lod to extended dis cussion. Ono paper in commenting on tho subject calls attontiod to the fact that in all civilized countries tho birth rato is decreasing. That is truo of England as well as of Franco, and it is true, though jn a loss degree, of Germany, nnd it is true of very sparse ly Battled Australia as well as of tho United States, in Urge portions of which tho conditions of living nro ap proximating to those of Europe. But in all these countries the death rato is decreasing. Tho slaughter of tho in nocents Is checked. Not so many bab ies ore born, but moro that aro born ics ore corn, uui moro tnnt aro uorn havo n chanco to reach ndult yenrs. In 1 Jl I .. 41... t... 1 i ijuiiuiiki vvuy Ik uuu ui liiu uuiui' ean countries thnt thoso which havo the lowest birth rate havo tho lowest death rate, and, conversely, whoro tho most babies are born, there tho most babies di. The Laic Legislature. This is tho way Mia Omaha Boo speaks of tho lato legislature which adjoqrned Saturday: Of tho lato legis lature from which Nebraska has just happily escaped with what was left tho least said tho bottor, bocnuso not much can be said about It that is good, Coming aftor the provibua ropubli canilcgislaturo, whoso magnificent work was acclaimed with approval by fair minded peoplo of all political parties and forced encomiums oven from tho most partisan opposing organs, tho lato demo pop loglslnturo shines most bril liantly by contrast. Nebraska has had many legislatures of which it could Hcarcely bo proud, but wo doubt if it has ovur had an us semblngo of lawmakers including so many disroputables ns this, so cut up into cross-working factions, so helpless to solve tho problems before them re quiring constructive work, so com pletely in control of tho corporations .lobby in nod outaido of tho leglala tlvo 'halls. . Just how much damage has been dona by this aggregation of statute tinkers and spoils-mongers cannot yet .be estimated, but must Wait upon tho inventory of tho output of the domo pop jaw foundry which ahull flimlly find a lodging placo in tho statute books. In one thing alone tho Into legislature will havo something to point to, and that is tho huge quantity of half-baked luws on which it bus put its lubol. Wo feci perfectly aufo in Buying that had tho logislaturo enacted appropria tion bills and gono homo without do ing another thing Nebraska would havo boon far bettor oil' nnd our peoplo would havo hud roal cause for rojoicing. Wanted. COO head of cattle to pasture or by tho year; 50 brood mures for four yours on snare, Good wator, dipping vnt, and dehorning and branding chutoa on ijancb. M. II. Puvis, Uoruhoy, Neb. COUNTY NEWS Mr. Barbeo, Into of Lexington, has purchased and taken poscssion of the hotel at Maxwell. r Wm. Deatty, of Brady, while in North riatto lait W06K, purcnasBO at aumin- . . . . it.. . . lion 01 ianu in tnc norm pan ui uiu t it Knowlei. late of Somerset nrc- Iclnct, hns trndrd his land in the south part of the county for a flixteen thous and dollar fruit farm noar Grand June- Hon, Colo. . - tccn j,ca(i 0f rcKifltorod HareTord cattle wh!ch ho purchased from a loading breeder in that atato. Thj ,o Qf SuthorInml ,)avo Btnrt, n boost which they hopo will give Uoir tQWn R populnti()n of one thouiand by tho first of next year. Hero's hop ing they will bo successful. Among the Lincoln county residents who havo lately purchased or will soon purchaso automobiles aro Wm. Gregg, Maxwoll, Leo Scott and A. W. Lar Ron, of Brady, A. B. Yates, John Mc- Neil, Sam Thomas and Adam Hoatson, of Sutherland. In a year or two tho furmor8 f , , , , b h " 0f their pleasure riding In a gasoline enra DON'T EXPERIMENT. You Will Make No Mistake If You Follow This North Pintle Citizen's Advice. Never neglect your kidneys. If you have pain in the back, urinary disorders, dizziness and nervousness, it's timo to net and no tlmo to expert' merit. Those nro all symptoms of kid ncy trouble, nnu you should seen a : - " 10 "'"" l" l"u Doan's Kidney pills is tho romody to uso. No ilccd to experiment. It hns cured many Btubborn cases in No. Platte. Follow tho ndvico of a No. Platte citi zen and be cured yourself. Mrn. J. F. Filllon, Sixth St., West, North Plntto, Nehr., snys: "Doun'a Kidnoy Pills nro n marvelous curntlvo power and I beliovo them to be worthy of my highest recommendation. I suf fered for three yenrs from a dull, grinding ache through the small of my back nnd kldnoys, nnd a torriblo bonr- ing-down sensaiition through my loins. Tho passnges of tho kidnoy sccrotions wero nlso too frequent, causing mo con- pidorable annoynnco. About a year ago I wbb advised to give Doan's Kidnoy Pills a trial and I procured a box nt A. F. Stroitz'sdrug storo. Thls'remedy litiiiftri inn i mm run nrui irrnnirinnnnirr restoring my former good honlth." For Salo by nil Dealors. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Now York. Solo Agents for tho united Stntos. Remember tho name Donn'B and tako no other. . Eatrayed Ono dark red and vvhito heifer no horns: one light brindlo cow with horns. A rovvnrd 1b offered for information lending to their recovery. Address J. N. Unrlllo, North riatto. in 1 H f 1 n 1 111 KakftlT T filfrfifil toriYl WlVP " ' " Painted, per hundred JMn B Wilcox Department Store OKtlKK OP 1IKA1UNU ON IM'.TITION KOH a rruiiN 1 si knt or AiiMUMSTitATOii ini( or . nriirnsKa, I, liu-dlii County, (" In tht) County Court. Antll 1st, 1009, In tlui mnttur ot llio cstuto of Louisa lltllltl. I I'CUIlM'll . On rondlnif nnd lllliiir tlui liotlllou of Prod Hum, prayliu: Hint tlio ndiuliilHtratlon of Mini ivsiaui mny, nu urtinted to nim nduilnlstrator. n Onurod. Tut Mar d. MOD. at V o'fliiok n. in., Is nnsliruud for lioarlmr Hnlrt liotnioii, wiion nil uursoiiB lutoruNtcd In saltl muttor limy tiiuiour nt a couuty court to bu Imltl lu mid for hMd t'ounty. and show cbunu why thu jiraycr of tlui iotltlour nhould not Ih Krnutt-d, This notion to Ihi imhllslii'd for nK Niit't'uNslvo iiulillcatloiiH In tho North I'latto Trlhuiio prior to May d, 1UUU. aH-3 W. O, ICuikii. Countv Judco. 1'UOHATK NOTIOK. In tho matter of tlui ustatu of Hatiuiul Vuuk lioiutur, duounsud. lu tho county court of Lincoln County, No hraHltn. March 3Ut. WW. Notlco Is hurehy clvcn, that tho crodltors of Hald decnased will inunt tho nilmlnlstrator of Haul nt o, U)foro tho County Judiru of Lincoln county. Nohrnslca, at thi county court rtMiui, In said county, ontlio Ith day of May. KKW. and on tho Ith day of Novumhor, IIHK), nt V o'clock a. m. each day, for tho our ivuso nt iirtwontlni: Ihclr claims for examina tion. ndjUHtmtmt and nllowaucu, Six months nro allowed .for creditor to iircxtnt tholr claims, nnd ono year for tho nduilnlstrator to Niittlu said ontnto from tho Uthdny of Kohrii ary, Itiuii. This 'notlco to bo DiihllshiMl for 1'lnht miccdvsIvo imlillcntlonN, In thu North Plntto Tribune, nrlor to May 4th, IWAi. m)-8 V V. Pi,iiHt, County Judiro. CONTKHT NOTICR. Dormrtniciil of tho Inlci lor, Dulled Stales Land Olllco. North I'latto, Nobrnslta. April ft, WW. A Milllclent conlost nllhlnvlt imvlncbeon lllurt In this olllco by t'lmrlus T, lircaeh. con- iCHtaut, aualiisi liomeHtend entry No. Willi muuo ,111110 n, linn. lortheHwMof htH'tlon 17, lunii.sinii v.runuo oc, uy iieorKO w. umitf COIl testee. 111 which It Is nllcccd that tlcork'o ons novel-esiainiHiieil Ills rosl..- uiisnKi tainii inat no nau novur cuilivnlo.. or Imiirovcd any portion o tho same, nnd that m iniN wnuiiy ui niioiieii Niiio tan. ror moro iniiuhix nioiuiis nnu ono nay iitsi imst: that '..aid allckfca aKsonco n not ilim in i,iu umployuient In tho army, navy or murine corps i f the linlted Stntos durliur any war In which the l'n led states has boon oiiL'niroil. Sold parties nro hereby uotllled to appear, ro- hih)ihi nun oner rviiiunco uiiiciintr saui aileun I011 nt 10 o'clock n in. 011.111110-1, WO.) beforu tlui lteulstur and Itoci'lvnr at tho I'nltod Stutoti .nuu uracil in norm rinite, miurnsKu 1 no ham ciiiHOhiuni naviiur, in a proper mildnvlt, .tiled April 6, 11W, M)t forth facts which hhnw that ufter duodillvuuco iHirsonnl service oMhls notice can not I hi made. U Is hereby ordered nnd directed that mioIi notlco iMjBivon uy duo nun nrojvcr puuucatiou. , J. E, Kvanb. HcBlbtor, YOUR HAT Mar Ha a StylUh One, Hut It MnUci Trouble. A man usually buys a hat that's style," but the modern hat lor men nn lata to answer xor. Daldhenda' aro -crowlns more numer ous every day. nats maxo exccncni tirecdlnir nlaccs for tho parasitic ccrms which sap tho llfo from tho roota of the. hair. When your hair begins to fall out ana your Fcaip is run or uanurun it is a sure sign that theso countless Borms nri busily at work. There Is but ono way to overcome the troublo and kill tho germs that way Is to npply Ncwbro'H Ilorplclde to tho scalp It will kill tho germs and hoalthy hair Is suro to result. Sold by leadlntr druggists. Send 10c. In ntamps for samplo to The Hcrplcido Co., Detroit, Mich. McDonell & Graves, Special Agents. iPvHiGHT.Anaex THOSE WHO EAT Our 15 rend. Cakes and Cooklea nro always satisllcd, nnu thoy become reg ular customers. Wo uso the best ma terials, and employ tho most cleanly methods. Trv our 25-cont meals best in town for tho price. ENTERPRISE BAKERY, . Mrs. Jennio Armstrong, Prop. , lhe L. IddlllffS Lo. COAL Rock Springs Lump and Nu Maitland Lump and Nut Hanna Lump and Nut Colorado Lump and Nut Pennsylvania Hard Coal (in Stovo and Nut Size) Blacksmithing Coal We carry the largest assort ent of high grade coal in the dt Try us with your next w m Call Phone 7. We have it. The C. F. Iddings Co COPVWKT THE BEST SADDLER IN THE BUSINESS is nono too good for ojir harness re quirements nor is tho best tnnned leather to be found in tlio market. We aro Bolicitoua aa to turning out high class liorno iroods nnd our cpnstnntlv in. creasing orders and sales speak well of "Ut IIUIllbJT til 1UIIIII IfMl IflUIIUttU Ul iVX Harness nnu norso cioining. A. F. FINK. NOTIOK l'OK PU1IL1CATION. In tho District Court of Lincoln Countr noiirnsita. Kuirmio W. l'Ickott. I'lalntllr. vs. Rrnnuia 11. Pickets Carollno llovl nnd WUllnin Plum. mor, llnfendnuts, Notlco or snlo in Partition, Notlco Is hernhr irlven thnt In l)iirHiiniiiii nt a decree mid order lu tho District Court of Lincoln County. NobrnHkn.mndo In thnalmvn untitled action tiiKin tno xutn dny or I oliru nry, UHiU. tho undorslgnud refereo dulv an lHilnti'd tn said causu and nftor taklmr thn oath prescribed by law and given bond In tho sum aim manner ami witu sureties ns pro vided by law, nnd npprovod by tho Court nnd ny ll. ni. url nit's, judge or said Court. I. i.v II Maluard K. Crosby, the said roforoe. will of for at public miction nt tho east front door ot tho Court llouso In tho County of Lincoln. Statu of Nebraska,, to th hlghosl hltldet for cash tho following described property which was ordered to bo hold by said decree by hixld court, to-wiit lot ono (I), two t3) nnd three (3) In block twontythreo CSS) In tho orlglnul town of Maxwoll, Lincoln County, Nebraska Said nam win do iioiu unit sum property sold as aforesaid nt 2 o'clock p. m., Central Standard tlmo on Saturday, tho xth day uf May. liw. nml said anlo will bo hold open for n nerlod of one hour from nnd uflor tho biiltl time of . o ciock p, ni. on saiu uaio Dated this 2nd duy of April. 1 Mainaup K. Ciiosiiv, Itoferco, OltDKIt DK 1 1 1 ; A 1 1 1 N( J ON PKTITION KOlt M. II. MA IH All.MUMM IICA LIUN- Statu of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss In the county court April 3d. 1W.. In tho matter ot tho ostnto of llrldgot iiiniouey, ueccaseu. ..On reading and tiling tho petition of O. K. iwuer, praying ror u summury miminlstra lion of said est a to. Ordered, That April -"Ith. WOU, at 1) o'clock u. in , Is usxlgucd for hearing said petition, w lion nu persons interested in said matter may appear al a county court to bo held In nnd for said county, and show -nii.u why tho prayer of iietltlouor should not I hi granted. This nuiluo to lie nublUhed for six successlvo publications In tlio North Plallo Tribune prior to April Sfitii. lWe. V. 0. KLDKK, ott-3 County J udgo. tVUi'liilmMir ' Notice to Boys. Notice is hereby civen that any boy found using air guns or 22-calibrc guns on tho streets of the city will be promptly arrested This applies to all, nu no exceptions win be made. 1. 1j. MILTO NHEItOKIt, Sheriff. PKOfESSIOML CARDS J. S. TWINEM Homeopathic .Physiciun anu burgeon. OfTke: McDonald Bnnk Mullding. Phono 183. A. . I. Amos, M. I). Mario Ames. 1. I). DOCTORS AMES & AMES. PhyBicinns nnd Surgeons. Office: Over Stone Drug Co. Phones: Office 273, Residence 273 G EO. II. DENT, Physician and Surgeon. Office: Over McDonald Dank. I Offico 130 Phonea j Residence 115 D" L. C. DROST. .Osteotmthic Phvsician. Rooms 7 nti'l 8. McDonald State Bank Building, Phono 148. W ILCOX & HALLIGAN, Attorncy8-at-Law. Office Store. over Schatz Clothing Phone 48 rp C. PATTERSON. JL. Attorney-at-Lnw, Office: Cor. Front & Dewey Sta. OUR EASTER GREETING ia an invitation to riue in ono of our high-claBa carriages. Tho driving season ia about hero and, you probably noed a now carriage anywuy. If you secure ono ot ours you will havo ono that ia as en fo as it ia handsome, and as low in price as it ia high in class. A. M. Lock. Harrington & Tobin, Wholesale Hay and Grain. . . . Parties desiring- to settle their accounts may do so by calling1 at our office. Room Keith Tjheatre building. GO TO P. M. SORENSON FOR Furniture Repairing AND CABINET WORK. Also Woodturning. WINDOW SCREENS .... A Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. T. F. WATTS, AUCTIONEER. My services aro worth all they cost. If you co to a cheap man you will probably fail to sell or ho compelled to son at a sacrifice, rne only rea son any auctioneer is cheap is bo cnuso his services aro not worth much. For terms and dates writo or wiro at my expense I'hone E5fj4. NORTH PLATTE PANT ATO RID M II. R. REESE, Prop. Ladies' und Gents' Clothes Cleaned with French Dry Cleaner. . Satisfaction Guaranteed, Goods called for nnd delivered. Over Mrs. Huff man a Millinery Store. Phono -150. KARL GERLE Merchant Tailor, Invites your inspection of his fint line of samples of goods for Sprinrr and Summer Suits, Overcoats nnd Trou sers, which will bo mado to order in a most un-to-uuto and satisfactory man nor. Shop over Schatz & Clabaugh'i score. W.,R. M ALONE Y, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER A full lino of Cnsket8. Robes, etc. Colls nnswercd promptly. x Day Phone 126, Night Phone 482. I'ROHATE NOTICE. tn thn matter of tho estatoof Marr I'hllllDS. deceased. ... In tho county court of Lincoln county. No braika. March 3th, 1WU. Notlco Is berobr ulvdn that tho creditors of said deceased wlllmeot tho Administrator of said estate, beforo the County Judcn of Lin coln county. Nebraska, at tho county court room, in said county, on tnoyuui nay or April, 1SHW. and on tho 2tb day of October. WW. at 0 o'clock n. tn. cacfl dhy, for the purposo of pro emliiK their claims for examination, adjust ment and allowance. Six months nro allowed for crodltors to present tholr claims, and one year for tho Administrator to settle sold es tate, from tho Hh day or March. WW. This notlco to bo tmbllslied In tho North I'latto Tribune for f successlvo publications prior to April xutn, nw, W. 0. ELDER. m30-S County Judge, Sheriff's Sale. II v vlrttin of an order of snlo Issued from tho district court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, unon a decreo of foreclosure ren dered In said court whoreln Martin L Mo- OullotiBh, In plaintiff and Lucy M- Ilaldwln Is defendant, and" to mo directed, I will on tho 10th dav nf Anrll. 100J. nt 0110 o'clock p. m.. at tho cast front door of the court bouso In North I'latto. Lincoln County. MotirasKa. sou at public auction to the liiKlicst bidder for cash, to satisfy said decreo. Inter est and costs, tho following described prop erty, to-wltt Southwest quarter (swH) section eighteen (IS), township fifteen (IB) N., ranco thirty-two a), W. 0 p. m. in Lincoln countr. Nebraska. Dated North I'latto. Nebraska. March 4th. nmv. mti-5 I. L. MtLTO.nEiiOEii. SherllT. TAX NOTICE. Ctf. No. S3."1. To Louis Stockdttlo: Vou nro heroin- uotllled that on November fith. W). L. A. Wight mircliascd at nubile salo. for taxes for tho year IW tho following doscrlbcd tract of land, to-wlt: Tho west M of section 13, town shin 11. north, ranco 33. west. In Llnrnln Coun ty, ftourasKn. tau land was taxed in tho namo of l-otils stockdaie. Tho tlmo of redemption will explro aftor July 13th, WW, and prior' to August w. nw. wnen tax ucod win be nuniicd ror. Dated I) arch DUth, WOU. lj. A- M10IIT. SIIEIlll'l'-S SALTS. Ily virtue of nn order of salo Issued from the district court or Lincoln county, Nebras ka, unon a decreo of foreclosure) riiilered In said court whoreln Martin ,L. McCUllougli Is plaintiff nnd Minerva A. Chaso ot al aro dofendnnts. and to mo directed. I will on the Intl. dny of April WOO, at 1 o'clock p. m. at tho cant front door of tho court bouso in Nortn I'latto. Lincoln county. Nebraska, sell at i.ubllc auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest and costs.tho followlngdcscrlbcd property, to-wlt: ot bnlf of nor hoast Quarter and cast half of uorthwest-nunrtorof Section 17. Township I'.', u an go in. west or o r. .m. Dated at North l'lntto, Nob,, Mnrch 10. iWJ, I. U. JllLTONDEIlOEIt. niW-0 Sheriff, Sorlnl No. 012820. Notlco for Publication. DoDartmont of tho Interior. U. S. Land Office at North I'latto. Nob. .March nili. idou. Notlco Is hereby given that Alwln Zauler of North I'latto, Nebraska, who, on July 1st nw2, mado Homestead entry wo. uw.l, serial No. u 'in. for south half northeast quarter anu lots l and i. section 4. Townshln l. north Itnngo 32 west of tho Sixth Principal Meridian, hns Hied notlco- of Intention lo maue unni tlvo year proof to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, boforo tho Kcgistor and uocoivor at North I'latto, ixoi.. on tno tan day or May, iuuu. Claimant names as witnesses: Ohnrln Mover. William Faka and Josuuh Evnrlanc of Dlckcn.s. Nob., and William Carman or Wnllaco, Nob. "mu-o J. k, n.VANS, Iceglstor. Serial No. OlSMI. 'Notice for Publication. Dcpartmontof tho Interior. U. H. Land Olllco at North l'latte. Nob. ' March !. 1909. Notlco is herobv clven that Lnslln II. Sims or wolllieol. Nebraska, who on .lanuarv mado Homestead Kntrv No. 11)330. Serial ao. uiej'.i ror h swm. iiom swm. swm sow section -H. townshln II north, rnnirn :m. west Oth principal meridian, has 11 lod notlco ot litsi intention to malto l nal tlvo venmroor. to es tabllsh claim to tho land alxivo described, bn roro inoregistor anu receivor at worth l'latte, woiirasKa, on tlio soventcoth day of May Claimant names as witnesses' Albert Mck Ics and .loo Koester. of Wcllllent. N'obr.isUn and James lttblet anil Alnxnniler MnnDnnnlrl or worm l'latte. NebrasKa. m-J-ti J. K. Kvans. Ileglstor. Notice of Incorporation of North Platte Chautauqua Association. Tho namuof said corooratlnn shall lie. tlio North I'latto Ctiautautiun Association. Its nrlnclnal nlaco of business shall 1m In tlio pit v of North I'latto, Lincoln County, Nebraska. tho general nature or tno business to bo transacted ny said corporation shall bo for the puriKJso of maintaining and operating nn institution ror entertainment, instruction nnd culture. Ilterarv. scientific, r.lvlc. rollir- ous and moral, by lectures, classes, concerts ami otncrwiso a long uiiaumwiua lines. Tho amount of authoMzetl canltal sloi-lr no tborl.ed to lm Issued by said association shall do tno sum or siu.ouu divided into four bun dred shares of J2.V,00 each. Said nssoclatlon may commence business when fciOoo.OO of said capital stocK lias neon subscribed. said association will begin business on the 1Mb (lav of rebruarv. IW.K anil tormlnntn On thu 31st dav of I)inninlMr. 111.11. tiiili.u unonep dissolved. Tho Indebtedness of said nssoclatlon shall not exceed two-thirds of Its subscribed can ital. Tho nlrnlrs of said association shall bo con ducted ny a president, vice president, sccrc inry, troasurer. anil a bonrd or nlno direct ors. NOIITH PI.ATTK ClIAUTAnOUA ASSOCIATION Ily '! O Patterson, President, .... . Wilson Tout, Secretary. North Platte. Nob... lVbruary IMh, ItW, Serial No. 0135(1. II. K. No. lUIOt. NOTIOK OP PUBLICATION DKI'AltTMKNT Of T1IK INTKUIOII. United States Land onlrn. At North I'latto. Nebraska .I'obruary 20. 1W!1, Notlco Is hereby given that Oeorco Moran. of North l'latte. Nebraska, who. on October KHIi. 1WW. made homestead entry No. lUltll, for soiiiueasi quarter pection ai, Townsliip 10 ltaugo 21) W tllh Principal Meridian, has f notlco of Intention to inaUo llnal ilvo i N file year nroof. to establish claim to tho land alsiv descrllxd, Isiforo tho register and receiver, at North I'latto, Nobraska. on tho luth day ot April, i w.'. Claimant names as witnesses: W. II Combs nnuuarileld uutliuriessor ISorth Platte. Ne braska and James Coolov mid 10. W. Wrlirht or Aiyrtio, nou. ril-6 J. K. Evans. Ueglster. NOTICE 01' INCOItl'OKATION. Notlco Is hereby clvcn that on tho 22nd dnv of January, 1W., Articles of Incorporation wero died in tlioouicuor tho County Clerk of Lincoln vjouuty, ftonrasxa, incorporating tho llershoy Telephone Company, Till) lllai'o of trnnsni'tlnir rim Imulnnwu nt said corporation shall Ik) lu tho village of llershoy, Lincoln County. Nobraska. Tho general nature ot tho business to bo trans acted by said corporation is tho owning, conducting and ppuratlug of n general telo- luiouo exchange nnu tuiopnouo toll lines, with tho power to acquire any lines In exis tence and to establish and build now mil connect Ing lines, nnd to acquire such real es- wm ns may t necessary ror tuo purposes of snld corporation. l no authorized capital stock of said cor poration Is the sum of I Ivo Thousand (fVHU) Dollars and that said corimratlon Ix'gan busi ness on tho 1st day of 1'olirunrv. Iinm. Snld coriKirntlou Is to continue fur a period of Mny mu) yonrs rrom said 1st day of Febru ary, low. Tho highest amount of Indebted ness for which said coriMiratlon shall bo liable shall bo two-thirds of $5000.00, Tho business ot said corporation shall Ihi conducted by a board of Directors, not ex ceeding l'lvo (ft), In numlior to Iks selected by the stock hold ors. Tho o 1 cers of said corporation shall lie a president, vtco-presl- dent, secretary and treasurer and such other olllcorsor managers as shall Ihi authorized by the stockholders. Hershey Telephone Co. by Attest; J. w. ADuorr, Secretary. NOTICE Notlco?- hereby given thntpn tioth dar of January. WW. J K. Crow. J. L. Shuck. Ocorgo A Walker. Oeoriro II. Slnglo and Arthur Con nor associated thoniselvcs togothcr as a body corpornto,.undortho name and stylo of Tho South Mlilo Jiuiuai leieDiioiiu uiuiviu. principal placo of transacting tho business of said company shall bo In tho city of North l'latte. Lincoln county, Nebraska. Tho gen eral naturoof the business to bo transacted shall Iw to construct, own, operate and main tain a main telephone nno in uncoi 1 u m t, Nebraska, fromthocltyof North l'latte to tho southeast cornerof Section 10. Township 11. Hangoao, together witti lateral and branch lines and extensions of tho main lino, and for such purposo may own, lease, soli and convoy such roal estate as may bo necessary or Inci dent to the proper nnd profltnblo conducting of said business, and to do and perform such other acts and things as may 00 inciuont mm necessary to thomnin powors oi 1110 corixjra ,1,,., Ti,a ,n,itin. nf thn cnmtal stock ftUtli- orlzcd lsri.WO 0". divided Into shares of iW.OO each. Of which said capital stock not less than JHOO.OO shall be subscribed nnd fully paid up, upon tho organisation 01 1110 corpornviou. The dato of the commencement of tho corpor ation sLall lw tho 1st dny of Kebrunry. 1W9. nnd tho dato of Its termination snail do 1110 ii ,tiv nf i-'i.iifiiarf . itrAl Tho ifghcst amount of Indebtedness or liability to which tho cor poration Is at any time tosunjeci iisch snai; not exceed two-thirds of Its paid up capital Tho' affairs of said corporation aro to bo managed by n lmard of flvo directors, to gether with n President, Vice-President. Secretary nnd Treasurer, together with such other and Miliordlnnto manngnrs, agents and servnnls nssntd officers may nppolntand hire. Signed March sin, nw, . .1. K. Cnow. J. L. Shuck. Okoiiok A. Wai.keh, OrontiK 11. SiNOLK, m9-4 Aimiuit Connou. NOTIOE. Notlco is hereby given that on tho 23d day of March. lIV.i. W. II. Ellis. Henry P. Hansen. Emanuel liubartt. Krank Li. Macomnor ana Julius Moeenscn associated tncmseivcs to gether as a body corporate, under tho namo nnd stytoor circio inn xoiopnono company. r ho uriucmai placo or transacting tno uust- ness of s&ld comnanv shall 1m) at tho Ellis school house, located on Section 18. Township in, north, or Kango ,w, west in Lincoln county, Nobraska. Tho general nature of tho busi ness to 1)0 transacted shall bo to construct, own, operate and maintain a main telephone lino In Lincoln and Mcl'horsou Counties. No braska, extending rrom tho north limits or the city or North Platto, to a selected point In Section SI. Township 17. north, ot Kango ll. west or tlio Dili r. Al.. together with lateral and branch lines, and extensions ot tho main lino, and for such purpose may own, lease, soil nnd convey such roal estnto as may bo necessary or incident to tno prontabio anu proper conducting of snld business: and to do and perform such other act and things as may bo Incident and necessary to tho main powors ot tho corporation. Tho amount of tno capital siock authorized is r-'.wo.w di vided Into shares of f-Xl.W) each, of which capital stock not less than 24 shares shall be subscribed at tho organization of said cor- wraMon tnreo-iirths or winch snail no paid n at tho tlmo or subscribing. Tho dato or tho commencement of tho corporation shall bo tho 1st day of April, TO, and tho dato of Its termination shall bo tho 1st day ot April, 102U. Tho blgtest amount ot Indebtedness or liabili ties to which tho corporation is at any tlmo to subject Itself, shall not exceed the sum ot &0O 00. Tho affairs of said corporation are to bo managed bv a board of thrco directors. together with n President. Vlco-Prcsldont. Sccrotary and Treasurer, together with such othor and subordinate managers, agents and servants ns said omcers may appoint anu hlro. Signed March sith. lira. W. 11. EU4B, HknuyP. IIansicn, EMANURL llOIIAItTT. I 'n A Nic L. Macombeii, .Ini.ius Mogknsen. Probate Notice. In tho matter of tho estate nf Ernest Telltz. deceased. In tho county court of Lincoln county. Ne braska, March SUth, 1U0U. Notlco Is licrcliv given, that tlio creditors of tho said deceased wlllmeot tho Executrix or said estate, boforo tho County Judgo of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at tho county court room In said county, on UioSOth day of Anrll, im, and on tho ,Ust day of October, WOO. atO o'clock a. m. each day. for tho mir- Dosoof presenting tholr claims for examina tion, adjustment and allowance Six months aro allowed for creditors to nresont tholr claims and ono yoar for tho Executrix to settle said estato from thn 20th dnv of February. WOO. This notlco to bo published in tho North I'latto Tribune for olcht suc cessive publications prior to April 0th. lfW. mau-s W. O. ELDER. County Judge. Serial No. 01008. NOTIOE KOtt PIIULIOATION. Dopartment of tho Interior. U. S. Land Ofllce at North Platte. Nob. March 2U. 100P Notlcu Is berobr clvcn that William Dnnhlrn. of North Platto, Nob., who on Nov. 10th. 1003 mado Homestead Entry No. 10770. Serial No. U1U0M. north half northwest ouarter. north half northeast quarter, section X4, township 15 north, rango 31 west of tho sixth principal meridian, has tiled notlco ot Intention to make llnal Ilvo yoar proof, to establish claim to tho land above described boforo thu Ileglstor and Kecolver at North Platte.Nobraska.on tho aist day of May, 1000. Claimant names as witnesses; Hugh Gaunt, James Ilcchan. oeorco Macomhcr anil Dennis McKllllps, all of North Platto Nob. mao tt .1. k. Evans. Ueglster. SIIEMI'T'S SALE. Ily vlrtuo or an older of salo Issued from tho district court of Lincoln county. Nebras ka, unon a decreo of foreclosurn rendered In said court wherein William Paddoot et al are piaintius anu tuo rioutii riatto lxan and Trust Company Is dofendant. and to mo di rected. I will on tho -'4th day ot April 1000. at 1 o'clock ti. ni.. nt tho east front door of thn court house In North Platto. Lincoln Couuty. Neb. sell at public auction to tho highest bid der fori cash, to satisfy said decreo, Interests and costs, tho following described property, towlt: Southeast U, of Section 8, Township 0, Kango 32. Dated North Platto. Noli. March 1(1, 1000. I. L. Mn.TONiiEFo:u. mlO-B Sheriff. OHDEItOP 1IEAIUNO ON PHOI1ATE OK KOUEION WILL. Stnto of Nebraska, I Lincoln County. I ss In tho county court March ldth, 1000. ,.Jn.thP Jnatler of tho estato of Stuart Mitchell, Deceased. On reading and tiling tho potltlon of O. Janet Potrlkon Mitchell, nraylng that tho nstrument filed on tho lth day of March. 1000. and purmrtlng to bo a truo copy of tho probate In Northumborlaln county, stoto of Pennsylvania, of tho last will and testament of tho snld deceased, my bo proved, approved probated, allowed and recorded as tiio last '.till and testament of tho said Stuart Mit chell, deceased, In this county of Lincoln. Nobraska. Ordered, That April 7tli, 1000, at 0 o'clock a m., is assigned for hearing said potltlon when all persons Interested In said matter may appear nt a county court to bo bold In anil for said county, nnd show causo why tho Prayer of petitioner should not bo granted. this notlco to lx) published for six successive publications In tho North Plntto Trlbuno prior to April 7th. 1000. W- O. Elder. Ccunty Judgo. PUOIIATE NOTIOE In the mattot of tho estnto of Thomas Han raban deceased. In tlio County Court of Lincoln county. No braska. March 80th, lOOO, Notlco Is hereby given, that tho creditors of said deceased will meet tho Administratrix of said estate, boforo tho County Judgo of Lincoln county, Nobraska, nt tho county court room lu snld county, on tlio 3th dny of Anrll. 1100 nnd nn tint St ,1n. nt fi.i...- num. ntu o'clock n. ni. each day. for tho pur jk)so of presenting thelrclalms for examlna- nuii, uujn.iiiiii'iit uuu allowance Six innnHiu nro auowed tor proflltlirw ti nvKutil l..,t claims and ono yoar for the Administratrix to ?i, est?10- 'rom tho 1st day of March, HUU:.TWV,u)th;o!a ,,H lWl!ed In tho North Platto T rlbuno. for eight successive publica tions prior to April 30th. low. mul. W. O. ELDER, mS''' County Judgo. Estray Notice. Taken up on about November 1st, 1908,on section 30, town lB.raiifjo 32, by tho undersipned wlio there resides, ono white and black heifer about two years old branded ; ; on left hip, and under crop on both ears. Tho owner must ca I, provo property, pay ch'ar;es and take animal away or it will bo disposed oi according to law. W. B. MCNEEL.