The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 06, 1909, Image 7

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The feast of the Muharram In some parts of British India Is not always
the innocent pastime It Is supposed to be. In preparation for the festival a
number of the devotees taking part In the procession paint themselves black
and yellow and pose as tigers. These tigers often are drawn from the local
regiments of militia and it Is their business to precede the biers of silver and
tinsel that are so nececsary a part of the proceedings, carrying wooden staves
and dancing. They halt before the houses of wealthy Mohammedans and In
dulge In mimic fights, which sometimes result in fierce encounters. Some,
times Afghan enemies appear on the scene and then blood is spilled.
Pneumonia a Chief Cause Tuberculo.
sis Fatalities Do Not Increase
with Population Figures
Given for 1007.
Washington. The bureau of the
commit lias jiiot published Ub olRhth
minimi report on mortality HtatlstlcB,
which presents the figured for the cal
endar year 1007, together with com
.paratlvQ daja for the years 1903 to
1906 Inclusive.
The statistics plvoti In the report do
not cover the entire country, but only
that pprllon of the United States
known nR tho "registration area." This
area Includes tho states In which the
Ihwb requiring tho registration of
deaths have been accepted as giving
practically complete mortality returns,
nnd those cities In non-reglstrntlon
spates In which satisfactory roturns
are required by the local authorities.
The registration ara In 1907 Included
115 states, tho District of Columbia nnd
7C other cities.
The aggregate population of the reg
istration area for the calendar year
1907 la estimated at 41,758,037, or 48.S
per cent, of total estimated population
of continental United Stutes lor that
Tho statistics for 1908 will cover
two new registration states, Washing
ton and Wisconsin, nnd as a result of
this addition the registration area will,
according to the estimates, lncludo for
the first time a majority (51.G per
cent.) of the total population.
Tho total number of deaths reported
Tor the registration area In 1907 was
t'i87,0:i4, corresponding to u death rate
of 10.5 per 1.000 of estimated popula
tion, in 1900 the rnto was 10.1.
Among tho foreign countries for which
rates lor 1 o available Australasia
(lO.ti), Denmark (U.r.). Norway (13.7),
Sweden (14.4), the Netherlands (14.8)
and tho United Kingdom (15.0) hud
lower rates than tho United States In
that year; while Belgium (10.4), Prus
sia (17.9), Franco (19.9). Italy (20.8),
Servlu (24.1). Hungary (24.8) and
Spain (26.2) had higher rates.
Tho largo cities with highest rates
"were Denver. Col. (180.0); New Or
leans (332); Newark. N. J. (291.0);
Washington (280); Cincinnati (2C0.8);
Haltlmoro (263.2), and Jersey City, N.
J. (261.6). Tho highest rates for cities
with loss than 100,000 Inhabitants
were for -San Antonio. .Tex. (633.2)
and Colorado Springs, Col. (580.5). In
jthe easo of cities, as well ns states, tho
health resorts are credited with moro
than tholr due share of deaths from
;thls disease.
The high rates In larger cities In
1907-worc- for New Orleans, 24; Don
ver. Col., 23.5; Kail River, Mass., 22.5,
and Washington, 20.3. Tho low rates
were for St. Joseph, Mo., 9.2; Minne
apolis, 10.1, and St. Paul, 10.6, in Mln
necitn, nnd Omaha, Neb., 12.4.
In tho enso of 'every registration
stnto tho death rates were larger in
cIIIjk Ihnn In the rural districts.
The total number of deaths report
ed from nil forms of tuberculosis for
the year 1907 was 76,650, un Increase
of 1,138 over tlio number reported for
1906. When the allowance Is mado
for t.i Increase In population, how
ever, ho death rnto declined slightly,
fulling Vr J 184.2 per 100,000 In 1900
to 183,6 In 1907.
There were decreases in the rntes of
six out of tho 10 causes listed, the six
being diarrhea nnd enteritis, d;ph
Iherln and croup, typhoid fever, old
age, tuberculosis of lungs and con
genital debility. The incrcaies In the
rates for Influenza, pneumonia an.l
heart dlseaso wero decided.
Of all tho deaths in the registration
nrea In 1907, 11.2 percent, wero caused
by the various forms of tuberculosis;
9.8 per cent, by pneumonia (all forms) ;
S.6 per cent, by heart disease; 7.6 per
cent, by violence nnd 7.1 per cent, by
diarrhea and enteritis.
Illinois Man Aetontahes Authorities' by
Proposing New Industry.
Little Hock, Ark. Arkansas is nno
of tho most versatile states in tho
union for Industries In tho propagation
of dlfforent species of animals, hut the
climax Is to be ronched by u young 1111
nolsan of enterprise who wishes to pur
chase a HuQlcIont amount of swamp
land In the, stato to start a coon and
skunk ranch. Commissioner of Lands
L. L. Coffman has rocclved a letter
Horn a resident of a small town In Illi
nois, requesting Information as to the
price of lands of this character which
would bo suitable for tho purpose of
rasing coons and skunks.
Not being woll posted upon swamp
land, he being fmm tho hills of Arkan
sas, Commissioner Coffrannf referred
tho writer to tho county clerk of Green
county, who. ho stated, would bo
pleased to glvo Information upon such
Arkansas has ostrich, buffalo, snake,
deer, elk, goat and many oihor kinds of
ranchos, but Commissioner Coffmnn
says a skunk farm Is a now one on
To Save Gen. Grant's Cottage.
Albany, N. Y. Tho legislature will
ho asked to mako an appropriation of
$6,450 for tho purchase and preserva
tion of tho cottage In which Gen.
Grant spent tho last days of his life,
and the woodlands about It on .Mount
Mac.Gregnr, near Saratoga. Commis
sioner J. S. Whlpplo of tho Btate for
est, fish and game department Is In
terested in tho project and already has
obtained on option on tho property.
Course on Long Island to Bo Open to
All Inventors by May 1.
New York. New York Is to hnvo t
race course for Hying machines. It 1b
to bo on grounds controlled by tho
Long Island Motor Parkway, some
where between Hempstead and Farm
ingdnle, and will provide ample room
and facilities for'all types of dirigible
balloons nnd henvler-than-alr ma
chines. Negotiations between the Aero Club
of America and tho Parkway assocla
tion huvo been going on for nomo time,
and at. the meotlng of the club's board
of directors recently announcement
was made that the lease had been
signed. Committees were named, nnd
It is expoctnl lhat the grounds will bo
In readiness Mny 1.
Sovoral buildings will be erected to
bo used as machine shops nnd shelter
for Ihe mnehlnes, and tho grounds
will bo marked off so thnt accurate rec
ords of nil flights mny be made. The
course nnd buildings will he under the
control of the Aero club nnd will be
available for any Inventor who has a
machine that gives promise of flying.
H is something that aeronauts and
nvl Uors of New York have long been
striving to get, and It Is expected thnt
the course will become national In its
character nnd that many Important
records will he made there within tho
next two or threo years.
Vealthy West Virginian Refuses to
Take Oath as Banker.
Huntington. W. Vn. llecauso of bis
scruples against tnklng an cnth, Col.
13. II. Snddulh, for years prominent in
the coal Holds of scut horn West Vir
ginia, has refused to become tho presi
dent of the First National bank nt
Welch, to which place he was recently
Sudduth, who has been one of the
chief promote of many of tho lead
ing business ventures in the southern
section of the stnte, has religious
scrupled of a most pronounced char
acter. "I would neither make oalh nor af
firm," ho said, "and was considered
unqualified for the office. No other
reason, thank God, only that I would
not disobey tho commandments of tho
"Matthew says: 'Hut I say unto you,
nwear not at all. neither by hcavon,
Tor It Is God's throne, nor by tho
earth, for It is his footstool; neither
by Jerusalem, for it Is the city of the
great King. Neither shall thou swear
by tho head, bocauso thou canst not
mako one hair white or black, but let
your communication bo yea, yea, nay,
nay, for Nvhutsoovor Is more than those
comcth of evil."
One of the Important Duties of Physicians and
the Well-informed of the World
is to learn ns to the relative standing- and reliability of the leading nmnuinctur
ers of medicinal agents, as tho most eminent physicians nrc the most careful un to
the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well
known to physicians and tho Woll-Informcd generally that the Califwm 1 Syrup
Co., by renson of its correct methods and jKrfoct wquiptnent and the c(ho;tl'chnnrctcrr of
itu product, liao attained to the high standing, in scientific and commerciiil circles vhlcli
is nccorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that tho name of the
Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy.
apical to tho Well-Informed in every walk of life and nro essentia! to iwrmancnt suc
cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would
enjoy good health, with its blessings, to the fact lhat it involves the question of right
living with all tho term implies. With proper lcnowlcdgc of what is bout each hour
of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may le made to contribute
to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but
as in many instances ti simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the
proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feeln that it is alike important to present
truthfully tho subject and to supply the one prfcct laxative remedy which has won
the appoval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Wel-7n.9rnn-,l,'l?cca,l!'
of tho excellence of tho combination, known to till, and the original metiio'd Of manufac
ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only.
This valuable remedy lias been long and favorably known under the name of
Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of
family laxatives, und as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, nro well
known to physicians nnd the Well-informed of the world to bo the Ix'St of natural
laxatives, we have adopted the moro elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir ol
Senna as more fully descriptive of the rrMrlv, but doubtless it will always bo
called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs und to get its beneficial effects always
note, when purchasing, the full name of tho Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup ol
Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by tho California Fig. Syrup
Co. and the same heretofore known by the namc-r-Syrup of Figs -which has given
satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists througlioiit
the United States, in original packages of one size only, tho regulur price of which
is fifty cents per bottle.
Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the
Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C, that tho remedy ia not adulterated or
mis'branded within the meaning of tho Food nnd Drugs Act, Juno 50th, 1906.
Louisville, Ky.
San Frnneisco, Cal.
U S. A.
London, England.
New York, N. Y.
Much of Hlo Work Done Before He
Goeo to His Office at Nine A. M.
Washington. I'hllander C. Knox,
tho secretary of state, is one cnblnet.
ofllcer who It Is understood does not
appreciate the title of "Mr. Secretary."
Ho prefers being called "Mr. Knox."
Among other democratic tendencies of
the now premier is his hublt of early
fining. Six o'clock is rather a late
tjiuo for him to get up, to thnt before
the usual olllce hour ho has porfornicd
n large amount, of work. Since tak
ing the state portfolio ho has arrived
ut Ids desk dally at nine o'clock or
earllor. He will continue his practice
of taking papers homo with him to bo
studied and acted en In tho early
morning hofore he goes to his office.
An Interesting Incident In connec
tion with tho selection of George W.
Wlckersham for attorney gencrnl Is
being commented on by employes of
the congressional library who wero ap
pealed to for biographical mattor con
cerning him. Although the library Is
rich in mnterlnl hearing upon public
nnd professional men of Now York,
nothing could be found upon tho
career of Mr. Wlckersham. It was ex
plained by employos of tho Ubrnry
that when Inwyers take little part In
public affairs and when thoy aro not.
pi eminent In the political world rant
tor concerning them Is not easily accessible.
A certain smnll boy of six Is rapid
ly assuming manly ways. Not long ago
IiIb "room" at school planned an en
tertainment. Thero wore-to bo little
eongs und recitations and a myste
rious grab-bag. The smnll hoy waxed
clotptent concerning tho coming glo
ries of this show, and moro especially
tho part ho would take.
On the morning of the entertainment
hlB mother cuggosi.od that ho should
takehls llttlo sister, aged four, with
him. He hung his head.
"Don't you want to take her?" his
mother asked.
"No, 1 don't," ho answorcd. ,
"And why not?"
Tho reply came quickly.
" 'Causo thoro ain't nono of th' oflier
fcllora hns to bring tholr children."
! Gm Embroidery
Hotel for Working Girls
Four Dollars a Week Will Pay for
Board and Room in New York.
Now York.r Tho now hotel for work
ing girls, to bo run under Ihe uusplces
of tho Federation of Women's Clubs,
has been oponed. The hotel, which Is
cnlled tho City Federation hotel, occu
pies tho big, old-fashioned three-story
house at 402-4(54 West Twenty-second
streot. Tho building has been rcmod
olod Inside.
Tho hotel Is Intended for working
girls who mtiko small wages. No girl
receiving moro than sevon dollars a
week can bo a guest. Thoro aro four
big rooms on tho top floor, each con
taining six bed3. On tho second lloor
nre two rooms with six beds and two
with four beds each, and nno room on
tho parlor floor has four bods. Tho
girls will bo charged four dollars a
week for ono of tho bods on tho par
lor floor and threo good meals a day.
Hoard and ono of tho beds on tho two
other floors will bo given them for
$3.50 a week.
Tho hotel Is In charge of n matron.
Miss Frances Van Duzer, who will live
In tho hotel. Tho financial part of the
ontorprlso is taken cure of by a stock
company within the federation. Mrs.
Hello da Itlvorn. president of the fed
oration; Mrs. Clarence Hums, vice
president, nnd Mrs. Adelaide Grim-
shaw aro the committee In chnrgo of
tho hotel.
All tho girls living In tho hotel must
l)o in l)od and have their lights out by
ten o'elock.
Egyptian Mummies and Mammoths
Are New Compared with Bird.
New York. A cornpleto Bkoloton of
a prehistoric duck, estimated by I)r
H. C. Humpus of tho American Mu
soum of Natural History to bo 3.000.
000 years old, has Just been acquired
by the museum. The specimen Is so
woll preserved that tho greater part,
of tho skin of tin head, body and legs
may be seen. It was found near
Lanco Creek, Wyo.
"Mummies of Kgypt 3,000 or 4,000
years old," said Dr. Humpus, "are con
sidered to bo of respectable antiquity,
nnd still more venerable are the mam
moths found buried In the frozen tun
dras of Siberia and Alaska, but even
the mammoths teim of thousands of
years- old are only creaturca of yester
day compared with tho antiquity of
this mummy."
Tho HrltlBh government runs n co
coa factory, supplying tho needs of ita
70,000 sailors.
Cure That Cold To-Day.
Nearly nil drucifixtx and dealer now
have in Flock liine h I'lcnwiiit Tablets (lax
ative), for ('old iiiul (irip. mid they will
break up a cold quicker than any other
letnedy, A trial will egnvineo you, an it
Ii.ih tlinitimilH 1 f other. Avoid MiflVriiig
ind Hive doctniri' hill' by ordering to-day.
IM cent a box. Sample free. Address
Orntor F. Woodward. U Hoy. N. Y.
Sex Question.
nenhatn -Tho paper tolls of a
woman whoso dress was made of post
age stamps.
Mrs. Honhnm-l thought postage
stamps wero used only on mall matter.
"nrown's Hronolilnl Troches" ulvo roller
tu Hronclilnl and I.uiik Trouble. A wim
ple rnnoily, L'fi contH 11 lmx. Hiunplo m-nt
frco by John I.llrown &Son,llontoii,MiisH.
The facoa of uoniu men look llko
accidents und some others look llko
Mm MttntUnrn of K. V. OIIOVK. IJmxI tlio World
uvcrto Cure u Cold In Onihur, iU
No man will become n dritnknrd IT
ho knows how to mako 11 home run.
."Mm. 'Whitlow' Soothing Kyrup,
Forelilldren teetutoit. softou the Kiiraii, miner. In
(.munition, slluys psln, euros wind colic. U5os bottle.
Truvcl expands tho mind, but con
tracts tho pockethook.
Fltn any cewlntr
machine Docn nil
kinds of Embroidering
bctterthanbyhand. Savon
half tho ellk. timo and labor.
80 slmplo that a child cm oper
ated. Sells at CO cents. Sample
attachment r.ont prepaid for 25c,
Btnmpi or silver.
Azentn Wanted Everywhere
SUto and County rishta for sale.
011 Citizens National Bank Building
L03 Angeles, California
This Tratlc-mark
Eliminates All
(n the purchase of
paint materials,
t is an absolute
guarantee of pur
F'y ami quality.
For your own
nrotoction. see
that it ia on the side of
every keg of white lead
you buy.
1802 Trinity Bolldlni. Ntw YciV
HH I'cr Salter's calaloe puce i:g,
t.niccst Kroner of oniuii nnd. vrt-nlulilol
seeds In inn world. 111k en I a ton fieoi nr. I
srliil tOc In bUinim mid roccivn cululos srnil
inn kernuls uucli nt imloiui, cirrnls, ctlrry, I
racllslics, iv eiich leltiio, riiulmnii, tnr-l
..'-, i'a. )iaintujt ,, iiJiiiAiuva. 1 uu .uuiurin,
12m clmrmlnu flower onvds, in nil
Kernels, easily, worm 91.00 of any nun's
lhonuy. Or. send 20g nnd wo wjU mid ono
like, of Kurllcst I'oup U'J)..y Swuct Com.
SALZER SEED CO., DoiW, La Crows, Wis,
QObTi Acae ofWhpnt
vfsk. v nivi sizi Lana
VUiy bushel a per
ncic have bee n
mown General
in any other part o!
the continent. Under
new iri'tilntinns it la
possible to secure n homosienil of 160 ncrc
free, and additional 160 actus at $3 per acre.
"The development of the country ban made
marvrloun Mrlden. It In n revcliitlon, o rec
ord ofconqoeflt by settlement Unit Is rrinnik
nble." fijfMi from comstviirfaiitofa NjIMiuI
mitor, vilhinisiM CjuJ.i Ui AugustUsl.
The groin crop of 190(1 vlll net many
furmcru $20.00 to $25.00 per ncie. fJmln
rulslniJ, mixed fnrmlni; uml dairying are
the principal industries. Climate is excel
lent; sociut conditions the hvutj railway ad
vantages uncpml!cd;scliio!n, churches und
mnrkets close nt band. Lund may ul:io bo
purchased from railway and land companies.
lror"Lnt UestWesfpamplilcIn, mar unit
Information ns to bow to si cum lowest riiU
way rates, apply to Superintendent ol imml
rrotlon, Ottnwu, Canndu, or tho uutliorlied
Canadian Government Acenti
V. V. DnKHf.TT,
ID1 New lath Life Biiltdln(, tlmtba. Nebrttls.
1 Ln Eh 5
"I have suffered with piles for thirty
six years. One year ago lust April 1 be
euu taking Cascarcla for constipation. In
the course of n week I noticcu the pile:
began to disappear and at tho end ol six
weeks they did not trouble me at all.
Cascarcts have done woiulero for mo. I
ant entirely cured and feel like a new
man." George Krydcr, Nupolcon, Q.
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taj to Onod.
Do Good. Never tjlcketi, Weaken or Gripe.
I0c,25o, SOo. Naur Bold In bulk. Tho Ken
ulna tablet ntampod CCU. tilKitusteedtn
euro or your iaony back. ' 920
W. N. U.,' OMAHA, NO. 13,1D0a.
A fliivorlnir Hint In lined tlirmnnonn li-imm
or vhiiIIIh. )y illHHi)lvliiKri'nii''.ltmlHUKiir
III wiileriind itddliiK Jluplmnc, n, dolMoua
Kjrnp U niiulo uml a rjrup In Her than maple,
ltnplelno UkiIiI l)jriKjirH. I r not send JJ fur
3oi.Lxit.unil roclpobook., M.ulflr.
Ask for the
Baker's Cocoa
this trade
Don't foe
u. a. rat.
misled by imitations
The genuine sold everywhere
SSL?.lSSXPJJl,LtI,D,h,e,r ,nd 'i,,eW9i? "J" S,.h!r .0n9 ,0e D"kao "'n't all rlbtfi. Th dre In cold water tr.tter tbtn mi other the Yen can d.
OflJIHriaent without rlpplnoipert Writ lor ho booklet-How to On, Bleach and Mix Colon. MONRO O0Oto