The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 06, 1909, Image 6

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"VHtilMlilnfr KIpcIh," a ntory of "what
fnljtlil Imvo happened," opnn In Wattli-
iiixiwii null lliu Drilled niMll'" II Oil .llipilll
mi tlio verire of war. Ouy I Ulllcr. noc-
t'f.lliri' f.f llirt llrlllf.f. . .....I fcfl.,..
- ... mi ....ii.i, i.iiiuiin0j i nun nimn
ft 01 inn IloboilM, dilef utdo df Inventor
iii"i mo iiiii utiu'cu uh invcrK. .lupau
tlpcliircH war uml tikm llio I'lilllnniricn.
Htiy llllller HltirtM for HiiKlmiil. Nonnn
I llilil.rtu aullli ...till...... Unl.M
Wiinliinrcton on inytrrloiifl expedition for
tin .rap. All iort nro t-loccd. Tokyo
iNirrm of iniHiiiK JnpnncHO llert mid
.....i.t i -.. i. ...... i ii..i
TiiHIi- III ll lll'l llllll'n CIHI llll'l'll lllHl
I'nllMl Htutp.'i Iiiih noma powerful wnr
mcnrji iviiki'iiiii ucciuph to npiKi n. iicm
to American vnlir an a Crinadliin pro
intlnn nKRlimt wind the ItrtllMli mippoxn
is i. n-i.iitiu miuiiiiii iiiii iioilllll. lllliirr in
kIcu K,Dt' tu Cuiinda, to Htteiiipi to ffcren
iiirf wuy iiiiuiiKii unci icilll lllll-H Willi 11
iiiismiiIsT. IlrltlHli fleot (IcpiirlH ii mid tnla
KivliiKn of I-irIIhIi. Kloct inyntcrIoiinly
ilKuppcnni. miller tnnkcii a failure of ef
fort tu deliver incftn.iKo to the prrrtttent.
Wnr between Great llrllnln anil (ionnnny
i inrr-iui'iieo, i im nnipi.r iiiHiinpuurH.
Klnrr Kihvnnl of lCnclatid In confronted Uy
Admiral IIovIum of lltu United HIhKix. and
upon prnmlslrur t" prcnont tile nilimlni?
JlrlUMi mliiilral, tlio inoniiicli MRi-eim tn
............... ii...!... .... ....... !. i.i
m i iniifiuiiy iiuvilllf oil llilll Willi 11 11117 ml
lcr wiyH will inii-over llio uitutit of war
mid end all conlllctH. Tlio DreiidnullKlit.
niKKrri in I iiiK'anii n warHinim, in uik-
iiivrrril ut tin Inip.mHtililo point In tlio
i uuimit., iinii'ii in iiiii iiirHicry i'i nio
l.l....i... mi i.. i..... i. . II.....
iiiimiiuiii. I iiu Ifitfljr kui'i uiiiuk. Ii' h iiiimj
ninny tnonthii lic-forr tlio war liriuiliH nut,
and Invnntor ItolirrlK vIhIIh tlio prPHldiint
t ..i . .. in i ... i. ii in.... ..
iinu rnninvi, luilini; ui, nnii I'Miiumnt; u
lii'iiil iri;uni:iiuil.
Tlii ntlinrn Iniittnil niii-nrH- nt llirun
rtB the prORlduut liuld thoin, woiulorlni!
what cottnccttoti tlio two llttlo Btrips
or mct.'U could portsliily luivo witu tlio
ili'IuiiKo or a lmtlon m;tilnBt a tniiltl
tnilo of Imltlu nlilps. Nothing lint Hol
th kuowtt nhlllly pruvuntcd thnm
from looking upon liltn an a cranl;.
Tlioy ltint!Ctc(l (ho ohJontH lioforo
them In tiirii, pawiln llioia from hand
to liaiiil wllh Manic looltn. Only tlio
iiocrutn'ry (if war, who in his oarllor
yourH had hcou il tmlalliir(4lut, jdiowcd
any hIriih of mirprlm) or aitiazeiuont.
Ho tttrnod oxcltodly away and rrosscd
(ho room to .xnhla IlKht, ir,ulni;t which
Kluro lio liold tua IJKJo.piulp. ttu'iiiK
uL It (lxcdlv. Tlio Inventor nmllod. nnd
the othorn renewed tholr Intorf'tit. Tlio
Hi'ototary Imrrleu haclc. IS
"What on oarth In It. Dr. ItiilmrlH?"
ho nuhed, and thou without waiting
for an oxplanntlou continued: "I novor
waw a niotnl (hat. looked or felt llko
it. What la It?"
"Oontlcmon," nald the Inventor, re
covering tlio alnh and hatancltif; It In
hlti handB. "Ihat Ih a now nlato Hint
can ho mado cheaply and (illicitly. If
It does what tho lahoratpry IohIb show,
It will, whon applied to crtilHorn which
can now Btcam 520 Icnota tin hour, inaho
CO l.notH nn easy j;alt for them."
Thero wan a Ranp ot astonishment
lunoiintliiK ahnont, to Incredulity
anions tlioso who crowded round, and
tho tielentlHl, onJoyltiK tlio effect ot IiIh
wordti, umllod nnd iimolicd. A mo
inonfH patiso ensued while tho pos
filhllltloH cf tho dlHcovery dawned on
(hem. Thoao who htjow htm leant wcro
nKiiln quoBtlonlitK Ida unnlty, and (hen,
nn If nil at onco thoy could wait no
lotiKor for him (o oxplnln, thoy hurst
Into a choniB of quentloiiH, which ho
did not anawor. Ho waited until no
volco wan heard, and then hogan.
"Thnt pinto practlcnlly ovorcomoR
frletlou. My asalatant, my dtiushlor
Norma, nnd I havo mado uovoral IcrIk
hetoro I cntiio hero with It. Thoso
were cant nnd tested Intit night. I am
not i;oInK Into nolentlllo dolalln; hut
thlH piuclt I'll .make plain: A Bhlp
coated along corlaln lines with thnt
luotn), oloctrined only to ft point whore
Hint would not sink Tor lack of mipport,
can reduce hor nkln friction catiacd
hy tho wator to a point whoro hor
npcml would ho BomcthltiK hlthorto tin.
known. It would, ot course, tnenn
lighter armnmontB, hocaiiBo tho light
er tho dead tonutiBo tho greater tho
huoyancy. nut a cruiser with a few
Ioiik range, high oxplowlvo guiiH, that
win travel at tho rato or -10 or fit)
tulles an hour, or ti Hubtiirirlnc Hint
can malco that speed for I't hours at
n stretch, would play havoc with any
navy in tho world."
Tho rpo;n won nllyo with excited
mon uow iiB tho full force or his Rtnto
meat camo In nil ltw clenrneBB. If
that unknown niotnl had that proper
ty,. and uutHclont lighting Hhlpa could
ho armored wlflt It In Hmo to moot tho
doninnrtB mndo upon Ihotu, tho bobh
would bo whipped Into tuihjectlon and
IoglonH of IroojiH transported hoforo
they could bo Interfered VI th. Tho
president hlniBolf had lost his calm
iickk and was gripping tlio arms or hlB
chnlr. Tho Boctotary or the navy,
having Uio pmctlcnl point or view,
camo out of hla trance, tuul tumppotl
out n question:
"How long would It take lo equip a
oruiHor with thosu plntesV"
lloberts turned toward him. "Do
ponds on tho plant, Tho plnlOB enn bo
cast and electrified just uu rapidly an
you could cast shoctH of plain Iron
mid turn a current Into them; but I
- . w -V. MIVHI) 1.1IW & I
wish to oxporlmont a little further
Unit and try them out on smno old gun
boat that wouldn't amount to much
Tlio room wfiB again filled with
babel of sound, ns tho ofllcIalB heim
an ttrKtilnent: but on ono point thov
wero agreed. Tho tnau boforo thorn
was bo woll known thnt tho govern
ment Wnu taking no great hazard In
(morning mm ovory ntoiins within it
power, to carry out IiIh work, nnd,
. " ' , 'It w.-ir tllllf It
lie could do what ho believed, and otl
that thoro Beotued no room for doubt,
tho solution of tho approaching war,
or any otlior, was In tholr hnnds. Tho
president nlono pat burled In thought,
bin brows drawn Into a frown.
"Oentlemen," ho Bald, and thoro wna
that In his volco which demanded at
tention, "I should llko to ask Dr. Itob
ortB a few qttoatlons. I wish to know
If tills work of his can bo enrrled on
so Bccrotly thnt no other power not
one, nor ovon (ho people of this cotitp
try can become awnro of IiIb discov
ery; If ho can fiuggost a moans for
Huch concealment; If his work can bo
dona so expeditiously,,, with full gov
ernment Bitpport, that within threo
months from to-night tho American
navy can bo ro equipped as to mnko it
tho most powerful in tlio world; nnd
whothor he realizes tho Importance of
such haste."
Tho sclontlst I brew his half-finished
stogy Into tho ash receiver boforo him
nnd became grave. He was tho dig
nlllod, thoughtful mnn again, weighing
his words nnd Bpeaklng with delibera
tion. "Mr, I'retiidont," ho answered,
"I am not completely beyond tho ex
perimental stage; hut I bollovo I can
plan such tiecrecy nit you doslrc, and
with tho aid or men and monoy make
tho United States navy Invincible in
loss than three months. I would al
most stake my life and reputation on
The President Walked
it. Hut wliv. mnv I nsk. do von do-
slro to keen It from tho world'H knowl
edge thnt you havo such power?"
Tho president walked up nnd down
the room with IiIh hands behind hit;
hack tin if In a dream, while the oth
ors waited for his reply. "Hecauso
wo aro facing war with Japan, a skill
ful, udvujiccd and cunning enemy, and
inero muRt lie no risk or Its discover
ing our secret. Its Btilett aro every
where In the laud. Hostilities urn to
bo courted In this emergency rather
tlmn duellned. provided thoy can bo
roniletod harmless to ourselves and
humane to our ndverHarloH. To talk
or power without demoiiBtmtlng it, Is
ns lillo ns a hrnuuart'ti honHtlnir. Tu
maintain ullonco and then prove abil
ity, Is to mnko one's action doubly
He Btnrted to say moro. his bin som.
her , oyes -glowing with sotno now
thounht. and then, as if afraid nf bin
own conceptions, stood expectantly bo.
roro bis liroiong frlond who was fa
cing him. "Hill, lllll!" ho wild, brok
only, "do you seo what depends upon
youV Why, mnn, tho nntlon itself, tho
llvus of thousands or fathers and an
nrniv nf nni- linva vna mriNi ii..... nii
" J ..O, lllil iiiiiii mi
that, tho peaeo or tho world! Uood
Hod, nt tin I Try to roallzo wlint you
havo, and wlint wo can do. If tlmso
two pieces or metal will do all you
think thoy wlllj"
Hla long unKiilnlv nrms reached nut
nnd ho put llu hnnds ujion tho smnllor
man's sliouldcrB. Tlmno within tho
room nwoko to n realization of the
muKulttido or tho Dower thnt wnn nns.
alblo. nnd stood lu awed sllcnen. nnno.
tators or n tnblontt. From tho brond
MbWM W If Iff UI M ' HH (IIU ll IJlill
swcop of tho rlvor without camo tho
HI""""11" llllifflll
ailing whistle of a belated stentner,
coking Its way through tho fog thnt
ad scttlod down. Tho measured
amp of a patrolman In front of tho
tige wnite building camo reverborat
lg to their ears, cast back from the
mpjy street, and thus they stood, con
rltitf their attention on a llttlo. wlz
nod old man who had grasped ono of
Jaturet's secrets and wis now ofTOrlng
t as n nation's salvation. In this light
e loomed to gigantic proportions, anil
eetried jiousessed of Titanic power.
JDllvlous to tho othors In tho room,
iltf restless eyes gleamed and probed
.hose of his friend.
"Paul." ho ald In an oddlv eon
Uralnod voice, dropping back to tho
boyhood phrase. "I can mnko eood.
I'm at my country'H service, and I've
mndo no mistake In 'vhnt I said. Ho
Bwung Bharnly round to tho otlmi-K.
nnd his clenched hnnds swopt tho air
In a BUdden freuzy of determination.
no was tno enthusiast onco more, dar
lug, drcnmlng, positive nnd sannulne
"Send mo tho two best engineers
lu tho navy and tho two best supply
men to-morrow morning. I'll tell
them what wo need and thoy can toll
mo how soon they can deliver It where
i want it. I'll want irachlnory and on
paratus, supplies and assistants.
Money and men! Money and men I
They can't boat us! They can't
beat us!"
Hlo hands camo back to his sides.
Ho folded the precious dIccob of tnotnl
into thvlr covorlngs, wltllo tho othors
Btood silently by, and, as If abashed
by his own outbtirtit, bado thorn a curt
"Good night," and walked from tho
room. Tho others, with tho burden
of lcllccnco upon tlicin, Hied after
him ono by one, contemplating the
strange chnngo which might, bo
wrought by this night's work, nnd
wended their way to tholr homes.
The fog settled down closer nnd Im
partially sprend itself over tho
river, tho "NVhlto House and tho patrol-
Up and Down the Room.
mnn on his bent, but until the dnwn
enmo stenlthlly peering over It all the
president wrapped in thought sat at
his desk and In imagination saw In
vluclhlo Bhipa or war bound out to cer
tain victory. And nil his hopo was
founded on a war for peace.
The Dlrth of a City.
I.Ike criminals nl'rald of tho light,
and seeking the cover of darkness, a
score or the most distinguished men
or the United States, occupying Its
most responsible positions, and boar
lug the burden or government, came
to tho White Houbo, which loomod
massive and apparently untenanted.
They camo singly, obeying tho In
structions given them, loft tholr con
veyances at a distance, and wnlkod
uuutteuded to the dark portals, which
opened and closed behind thum. All
wore nwaro or tho portentous renson
for their visit, and tho ltuportnnco of
the utmost secrecy. Observant Indeed
would havo boon the forolgn spy who
could have surmised that they wero
gathorlng to dlscusB a plan Involving
tho defense of tho nation, or the ac.
ceptanco or a challenge to wnr.
Thero wero only two visitors who
camo togother, tho Invoutor nnd his
daughter, and thoy woro tho last to
ontor tho room, where thoso who pre
ceded them wero divided Into groups
round four olllcors of tlio navy, who
woro nnsworlug questions, quoting fig
ures and voluutoerlng details which
worn not writton. Tho men at tho
head or tho nation wero propnrlng to
plunge headlong into what under less
lmmodinto monnco would havo seemed
R con of roily ready to submergo them
nnd their country. ,
- ------ i
The cntranco or Norma was tho
signal for an abrupt halt In tho con
vocation, nnd some or those who were
not entirely familiar with tho part
which, she played In her father's work
looked at her disapprovingly.
He, interpreting these glances, In
troduced her as his assistant, nnd con
cluded by saying: "I can t do anything-
without hor. She knows moro
about my work tlian I do myself, and
na far as I know Bhe's tho only woman
living who can keep her mouth shut."
They smiled at his manner nnd cyni
cism, whllo tho president tendered hor
a seat at his sido and waited for the
others to resume tholr chairs.
"All or you aro ramlllar now with
the possibilities of the Invention
offered by Dr. lloberts"
"And his daughtor Norma," inter-'
Jected tho inventor.
Tho president accepted tho altera
tion and continued without a halt
"and havo gono over tho reports of
tho four most expert mon In tho
United Staates, who havo passed the
day with tho inventor and his daughter
In their laboratory, aro convinced of
tho merit nnd practicability of the
dlscovory, and havo prepared state
ments or what supplies would bo
needed,- the tlmo In which they could
bo obtained, and their approximate
There was a look or acquiescence,
and the Becrotnry or tho navy, who
hnd boon paying no heed whntever to
the elder executive's romarltB, rustled
tho reports In his hand us ho turned
another pugo to scan its contents. The
room became still acain. and tlm
flpoaker went on.
"Dr. lloberts tells us thnt ho does
not regard himself as lievond th i.
perlmental stage; but further experi
ments cannot decrease known vnlnns.
nnd may perhaps add to them. This
Invention as it Btnndu, In tho opinion
or the rour men who Jiavo passed tlm
day lu testing It, Is HUfllclcnt to en
able us within three months to com
bat succcsBrully any nut Ion which
might begin hostilities."
Norma looked at her father ndinlr.
ingly; but he seemed obilvlouu to all
tuoso round him. and Hat absorbed In
tllOURht. Ills OVOS lived In n lilntiV
Btaro or concentration Into space, and '
tno tiiutnbs or his clasped hands re
volving round each other nlmlcsslv.
Tho president reached over to a mass
or papers boforo him, roferred to Bomo
of them In quest of data, and then
looked very crave and earnest ns he
contmuoii in a. lower volco:
Extraordinary times ' demand n.v-
traordlnnry measures. AVe are with
out preeddont, and aro confronting an
emergency of Hitch lmmenso import
that tlioso of us who woro hero Inst
night believe It Is a time when all
rules. OlllClal routine nnd roiriihir mntli.
oils must give way In behalf of nulck
accomplishment. Wo have no tlmo lu
which to sook special appropriations;
but must take It upon ourselves to
levy upon tho varioim budgetB which
nro now open for tho considerable
sums of monoy necessary to prosecute
this work."
Ono or two, who wero evldentlv late
arrivals and hnd not heard tho earlier
discussions, looked at each other with
some hesitation. It was hard to drop
rouuno nnu (tin into i ii. nat on'H
treasury on such rfliort consideration.
Tho high dignity of tho presiding of-
ncor, nowovor, forbade any Interrupt
Hon, and ho went on unchallenged.
"Tho ahsoluto preservation of our
secret is recognized by nil as a vital
necessity, and to obviate all leakages
tho membors or the army and navy
board suggest that our work bo car
rlcd on in -ono of tho moRt secluded of
tho Florida keys. On tills they pur
pose to erect a plant adequate to cast
and perfect this motnl on which we de
pend, nnd as rapidly as possible apply
It to tho vosboIb or our navy, which
will be Rent thero as quickly as prepa
rations can bo mado Tor their recep
tion." Norma, who had not been lnformod
of this part or tho project, gavo a
Btart or protest, foreseeing that she,
too, would havo to Bharo In this Isola
tion and become an oxile until the ex
periments wero concluded. Her father
turned a questioning look toward her,
and then reached over and patted her
hand In sympathy. The president was
steadily summing up tho situation.
"The navy department will attend
to purchasing supplies, Including ma.
chlnery nnd crude motals necessary
for tho first work, whllo Dr. Roberts
will place his orders for apparatus,
nnd all will bo consigned to the collier
Penobscot, which will trnusport them
to the chosen spot. Tho gunboat Hnr
per will accompany hor, nnd will bo
the first boat to bo experimented upon
und equipped with tho now plntes.
Itear Admiral Hroekton will bo as
Blgned to hor command for tho pres
ent. These two Bhlps will Bail from
Now York harbor, together with a
small transport which will carry such
engineers nnd mechanics ns tho navy
department may select for a work of
this importance. Communication will
be maintained by such moans as seem
best to Admiral Hroekton, and moro
inn and supplies will be dispatched
from tlmo to tlmo ns required. It Is
needless to sny thnt the entlro experi
mental work, tho casting- of tho plates,
and tho gonornl supervision of every
thing, will bo under tho direction of
Dr. ltoborts."
"And his aBnistant," tho Inventor
ugalp intorjected.
Deep Breathing,
A woman who has learned deep
broutltlng almost always Is a good
sleopor, for norvos and mind nro kept
In healthy condition by tho good chest
expansion. Then, too, thoro Is an ab
senco of fnclal wrinkles and lines, and
sho Is apt to koep hor rreshnoss long
after tho tlmo that most women loaa
Twenty-four Carloads Purchased for
Lewla' Single Binder Cigar
What 5 u nrobablv tho Miriest lot nf
all fancy grade tobacco held by any
Single Hinder Cigars. Tho lot will
make twenty-four carloads, and is se
lected from wh it is considered" by cx
jierta to Lc tho finest crop raised in
many years. Tho purchase of tobacco
is suflicicnt to last tho factory more
than two years. An extra price was
paid for the Gelcction. Smokers of
Lewis' Single Binder Cigars will appre
ciate this tobacco.
-Peoria Star, January x6, zpog.
,.3he Earned It,'"
Mabel liked candy. However, Bhe
was not ullowed nearly as much us
she would like. Ono day her futher
told her that she could have three
pieces If she would kiss a visitor who
wus coming to dinner. As soon an the
front door was opened she rushed up
and Implanted tho kiss with much
gusto, nnd then turned to hor father.
"Now, papa, glvo mo tho candy for
kissing her."
Starch, ltke everything- else, Is be
fng constantly improved, tho patent
Starches put on the market 25 years
ago aro very different and Inferior to
thoso of the present day. In tho lat
est discovery rwinnrf. Mtnroh nil In.
Jurlous chemicals nro omitted, while j
the addition of another ingredient, In
vented by us, gives to tlio Starch u,
.strength and smoothness nover ap
proached by "other brands. .
Breaking the News Gently.
A good example of the extremely
courteous in public correspondence
was tho notice sent to Charles Jamos
Fox that ho was no loncor n mnmhnr
or the government of George (ho Third. '
It read thus: "Ills gracious majesty I
has bben plenaed to Issue a now com- I
misEion. in which your name does not
What a Woman Will Not Do.
There in iiuthlng .1 woiunn would not do
to regain her lo.t heauii .Slic (.ukIU to bo
fully ns zealous in preserving nor guod
luuU. The herb drink called June's fam
ily Medicine or Lane's Tea is the most ef
ficient nid in preset ving u beautiful xkiu,
and will do more than anything oUu to le
nt at e tliu rose to faded cheeks. At all
dt-UKgibts' and dealers', 25c.
mo nsslstnnco we got is seldom snt
lsraotory. The best way Is not to
need it.
A pcHniinNt needs Garfield Ten, tlio Herb
laxative which regulates tlio liver, corrects
constipation und brinys good health and
good spirits.
A good sermon is often spoiled by a
bad dinner.
Lewis' Single Binder Cignr has n rich
taste. Your denier or Lew' Fuctory
1'coria, Hi.
Tho professional tramp nover punc
tures his tire.
, Vp Allen1 1'iMit-lCiiHo
It Is what it is "cracked up to be," if
it Is Ice.
been purchased by Frank P. Lewis, of
Pcoru. for the manufacture of Lewis'
from woman's ailments aro invited to ivrito to the names and
iiddresses hero given, for iiositivo proof thut Lydia E. Pinkhain's
. .0wv.v. v.w.j.w,vi uui;n UULU
. iiniiiiivmii
Chlcaeo, I1I.-..MM. Alrenu Slierlluir, 11 Lat-
lou Stroet.
t.Imlley, Iinl.-Mrri. Slay Pry.
Kluiloy. Katm.-Mrii. Stolla Olffont IJn.iman.
Hoott. N.Y.-.MM. 8. .1. Uurber.
t-'ornwallTlllo, N.Y.-Mm. Wm. Ilouzliton.
B lllwaukiio, Wis. Mrs. Kiuiuu Uuie, S33 lit
.St., German.
. t'hnncnof T.lfo.
boutli Bonil, Ina.-llM. Prixl Certln, 10H S.
I.afayetta Utreot.
fioati, Kputitoky.-Mrf. I.Irrlo ItoUniut.
Jlruoktlolil, Mo.Mr. tiuraU Louiliruorit, IM;
8. Market St.
raturson, N..I.M. "Wm. Somorvlllo, 101
llamtmryti Atoiiuo.
I'lillaJellilila, 1'o.mMm. 1C. 1'.. Oarrett, 27
.Ni)rtU(liirnet Htroet.
Jiowaskum, VI..-.Mr.. Carl I)ahlki.
Miiternlty Trouble.
Worcester, .Miui, Mm. Itosylva Cotd, U7
Soutbante Street.
luJIanaitolU, lad..Mn. A. Y. Anaron, 1207
K. Pratt Street. '
Ills ltuu, la.Mn. VT. E. Pooler.
Atwater Htation, O.-.Mra. Anton Stuclhamir.
Cincinnati, Oblo. Mm. K, It. MaUdocUi, iilii
Ulltiort Atoiiuo.
Mogmloro, Oblo.-Mm. Loe 5lttiiRe, Itox Ul,
Dewlttvlllo, N.Y.-Mm. A. A. (Ulfl..
JounttoiYii, N.Y.-Mm. lloiuor K. Heaaian, 108
K. Main Htreet.
Ilartoutlew, HLiIr. Peter Langonbaliii.
If ll)l M ll'll-l
Itampateail, Mil. Mn. .lo. II. Damlr.
A.lrln. lid l..r IT....... II....... V.
AUrlaii, Oa.-Leua V. Honry, Uiuto S'o. .1.
AU'llton utreet.
TiuIhtIIIo, Ky.-MM. Sara Ixe,3ta3 Fourth St.
ttoutb Wett Harbor, Maine. -Mm. UllUn
Itobblm, Mt. Deaort I.litlit Htation.
Detroit, JUob. -Mm. Frieda Uotouau, C4t
MeMrum Arenue, Otrman,
. .rnlo TtUplnceuientl.
Mojler, 1IU.-MM. Mary Hull.
IJiioiiler, lud.-Mm. Klltia Wood,It.F.T.N'c.4.
.Melbourne, Iowa. Mr. Clara Watoruiauu,
IL V. I). No. 1. '
llanlitown, Ky,Mr. Joep1i nail.
Lowliton, Malno. Mm. Henry Cloiitlor, CO
Oxfonl Street.
Mlnunapolls, Mlnn.Mra. Jobn O. loldan,
'JUS Second Htrwt, N.
Shamrock, Mo..Iole llara, It.F.I, No. 1:
Marlton, N.J.-Mr. Geo. Jordy, Itouto No.3,
Chetter, Ark. Mm. Klla Wood.
Oollla. Oa.-Mr. T. A. Crlbb.
Pjidlctou,.lnd. Mm, May Marihnll.Il.'R.ti.
vi'iuuiiutsu, -tcu. jirn. nemo .Mosianuur
m , 1
the , pojor of lydia K. InkhmnV Ve
diseases. Not one of UiesoAvomcn ever received compensation to any
fonn for tho use of their names in this advertisement -but ; arowfft
ing that wo should refer to them because of tlio rood they may
do otlior auiforinff wimen to prove that Lydia R PlnlUmnSi
Vegetable Opranound Is n ivliable ami honest medicine, unt tlm "tho
quaint Oath Taken In Court.
What is regarded as the quaintest
oath still In use Is that takon by tho
high court Judges in tho Isle of Man,
the terms of which are as follows:
"By this hook and tho contents there
of, nnd by the wonderful works that
God hath miraculously wrought In th
heaven above and Hie earth beneath in
six days and six nights, I do swear
that 1 will, without respect of favor or
friendship, loss or gain, consanguinity
or nihility, envy or malice, execute tho
laws of this isle Justly between party,
and party as Indifferently ns tho her
ring backbone doth lie in the midst ot
the fish. So help me God, and tho
((intents of this book."
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury,
i mfrniry IU urrly ilratroy Urn itnse of amell
nid completely iltfnnKi? tho whole )itcra vrbeu
entrrtiuc It ihroimli the mucous urtaL Such
vtlclM itmuld never bo uacd r.xcvpl on iirrcrli
tloun Irotu rrputiblit pliyglclA'in. us tho tUmtce thrjr
will lo in ten fuld to ihe (tuod you can poMllily de
rive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, nunutiictuml
by F. J. Cheney & Co., lukilu, O.. cunUlns no Bier
cury, and U liken Internally, tillD directly upon
tho blood nnd rnurou turrr ut tho i)stern. lu
buying Hall's Catarrh Curo tm turo you tret the
renulor. It is taten Internally and tnado In Toledo.
OliU). by F. J. Cheney A Co. 'rxatlcrumlAtJ tree.
Hold I iv DriivKlots. Price. "In. tier bottle.
'lake lUIl's Family PUIS for cuniUnatlou.
And it Was Overruled.
Judge Hoar nnd Gen. Hutlor wero
opponents In a enso of a now trial. Gen.
Butler quoted: "Eye for eye, 'skin for
skin, tooth for tooth, yea, all that a
man hath, will bo give for his life." To
which .Judge Hoar replied: "Yea. tho
devil quoted that onco before In a mo
tion for a now trial"
Positively cured by
llicsc Llttlo Pills.
They nljo relievo DIs-trt-SHlrom
itljf est inn and Too Hearty
Hating. A perfect rem
edy for Dlizltiewfi, Nau
sea, DroWHluesM, Had
Taste In tlio Mouth, Coat
ed Tontriie, Pain In the
They rejrulate tlio Dowel. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
D'i''im I' Jou own Oir, or MINIMI
'SU'.,.tl-?..!n.'lt,7.'.,u wl" '"r cikb, urlto ui
?.V?X,..?.,,M.:S !JyKSTI(IATJlN CO ,
JOO Illborntu Uliljf., San I'ruui Uco, Cat.
XllUUlU 1113.
I'alnful Vorlu.U.
OojUeii, Ata.-.Mm.W. T. rinltoii, lloutoNo.3.
Uilcnco, Ill.y Mm. Wm. Tally. 4C5 Ondeii At.
1'uw 1W, .MIcU.Mrn. Emuiu Ilriiper.
I'lushliiit, Mlcli..Mni. Hurt Ixyil, K.1M).
No. it j cantof 1. A. Siiuborn.
Coffoovlllo,.MlE3.-Mrii. S. J. Jones.
ClnclnuHtl.Ouio.-Mrs. Flora Ahr, LttaErnit
Clovolmiil, Ohio Mlsa Llzzlo StelKor. mm
I. I Tl.t tvr.nt.n L.' I.I
lorsf'urKi'unii.-MM. Luo HlUlard, I.
HayUoliI, a.-Mr.s. Maymo Wludlo.
lferrln,lll.-Mr. Cliiu. Folkel.
Wliicbti-ter, Iiiil.-Mra. May Deal.
J yor, luit.-Mr. Win. Oberloh, It. P. D.Xo. J.
Halt nioro, Md.-Mr. W. H. Jforil, lm
ilowuo Htreot.
Hoxbury,MaM.-Mrfl. Francis Merkle,13 Field
Clark.Male, Mo.-Mlis Anna Wallace.
OuysTlllo. Olilo.-Mrs. Klla Mlcbael, H.F.DJ
Dayton, "Wji. -Mrij. Ida llalu, Dux t!5, .N
tloual Military Homo.
Lebanon, Fa.-Mr. Harry L. lUttIe,SOI.eJi.
man ritroet.
fiTUos.Tenn.-Minnle Hall.
8t. Ovarian Trotililn,
Inpennes. IiuI.-Mm. 8yl. U. .lerauld.C03X.
Tenth Street.
Gardiner, Malne.-MM. S. A. WlUlams, It. V.
l.No. II ; Itox 3'J.
rjilladelphta, l'a.-.Mrj. Ctus. Boell, 2107 K.
Oarnet Htreet. '
wnn . ';n"'n Weal;nc.
wa '' Cou"--31"- Ktta JtonoTftu, Dox
Itockla id, Malne.-Mrs. W1U Youufi. C Col
umbia Avenue.
Krle, I'a.-.Mrs. .l. 1. lJndl a h, It. V. U. No. 7.
1 0US1'?iU pa--. v! 1 UoydVaiOl
Seventh Atuhuo.
vrCii?.,i.0,1,fr"S,.r.gT' A. Dunham, Ilox v,2.
vZ, H."?,5'.r' 1 ."i1- Mary .lane tiiatto.
lemia, V. Va.-Mra. liiuuia Wlieatoa.
Tfervuua Prostration.
Oronogo, Mo.-Mm. Mao MoKnlcht.
Canidon, N.J.M. 'lHUo Waters, 451 Liber
ty street.
I'lUladolpbla, l'a.-Mrs. dohu Johnston, 210
plegcl Struct.
iili 3,'Te""'"Mn' atllry Woo,l K.F.D.
;Bfi"-r?,rV.AJ.Il..Yo,ir Beaton.
. i.-jiii. vuiia. uarciay, itl'-.l).
....,v,,,,,, , i. jirs. ujia. uarclay, ICl'M),