EASTER GIFTS. We have a new and pretty line of Easter Gifts. Hat Pins, Belt Pins, the new Shirt Wait Sets, Neck Chains . with Cross, Prayer Books and a great many other articles suitable for the occasion. Let us show you. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician. We Want Your Impair Work. DRS. BROCK & CROOK, DENTISTS. Over First National, l'liono 118 8 8 V. Zr.. Ray Murray will spond Easter with his parents in this city. Miss Eunice Babbitt is home from Lincoln to spond tho spring school va cation. Your furniture needs varnishing and repairing beforo houso cleaning. Sec P. M. Sorcnson, shop 107 E. 5th St. Wanted Pupils in Music. Inquire of Miss Church, 401 west Fourth streot. Hugh McGovorn returned to Denver this morning after visiting friends in town for a week. For Solo A Smith-Premier Typo Writr in good working ordor. Price $10.00 Buchanan & Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moonoy and child are visiting relatives at Lexing ton, leaving for that placo at noon yes tcrday. IlatB remodeled or trimmed over very reasonable at Mrs. G. S. Huffman's. Chasi T. Drench, of Moorehcld, was in town yesterday, having a contest be foro tho U. S. land office. Thero was faulty BTvico nnd it was necessary for him to start anew. Fpr Rent Six room home, first door cast of Commercial Hotel. Inquire nt 405 W. 3rd St. Alox Fcnwlck received n telegram Sunday announcing tho birth of daughter to Mr. and Mrs. R. B. West at Basin, Wyo. Mrs. lWest was for merly Miss Nora Fenwlck. I Honoy BncB for Sale. Inquire at lOll'WGthSt. . The admission to tho Dixio Quintette the colored vocalists and instrument alists, will bo 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for. children. Scats can bu ro soryed without oxtra charge. All trains on Bchodulo time at the Union Depot Thursday ovning. Hear tho Dixio Quintette nt tho Keith theatre April 14th. All tho old negro melodies, in addition to Banjo, Guitar and Mandolin selections by' colored men who can sing nnd play in a manner that will plcnso you. For Sale Alfalfa hay, bright nnd cloan. J. C. Hupfor, West 12th St. K. C. Barton, of Omaha, visited friends in town yesterday. Mr. Bar ton spent tho early part of his life in North Platto, removing to Omaha in 1882. Ho Btill finds, howovor, a num ber of former acquaintances in town, Whoro are you going Thursday ovon ing? All roads load to tho Union Do pot. Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Wilson stopped over in town Sunday with Mr." and Mrs. O. II. Weil whilo onrouto from Grand Island to Sidney, where Mr. Wilson is associated with his father-in-law, E, W. Zelbort in tho restaurant business. Men meat us face to fnco aud bo convinced tht wo havo it. Schatz & Clauauoii, Clothiers and GentB' Furnishers. Do You Want to Make Money? Tho only wny you can got tho most profit out of raising hogs is to fonco your farm nnd let thorn. Rather up tho waste for you. In fencing tho only way to spend your monoy is to buy tho best That is American. Eighty per cont of nil the woven fence made and sold in tho United States is American, that should provo tho quality. Car just in at WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. Wonderful Invention HAUDLY DESCRUIE3 THE New Dustless Electric . Vacuum Cleaner. Lotus do youf houso clonning by tho now dustless process. Wo cleiin your carpets, rugs, mattresses and uphol stered furnituro without removing them from the houso by tho now Snnj tary dustless process. For demonstra tion dull at 34 west Gth, or phono '100. WALTER CRONEN. Fire Boys Elect Officers. An election of officers for tho North Platto fire department waB held at the First ward hose house last evoning. The result was: Chief, Chas. Sandall; assistant chief, Norman Loudon; secre tary, Maurice Guilliaume, 'treasurer, Theodore Lowe. Those1 selections will be confirmed by tho city council at the first mooting in Mny. Mr. Sandall has been aosistnnf. chief during the past two years, and he has had the expor- enco which is nucesary for the making of nn efficient chiof. To Our Fellow Citizens. Wo arc better fitted to supply your spring and summer suit. Why? Be cause we havo tho only absolutely fresh, new, stock of clothing in town. Every suit guaranteed. Schatz & Clahauoh. Body of Henry McGlone Found. Tho body of Honry McGlone, who disappeared fro" Pocntello, Idaho, about two months ago, was found in the river nt that placo n few days ago. This information wos conveyed in n letter rccoivod from Pocntello yester day by J. E. Weeks. Tho deceased was for many years a resident of North Platte, lenving for Pocntello ten or twelve years ago. Whllo hero he worked in tho Union blacksmith shop, where he entered as an npprcntlco. Ho was n brother of Will nnd "Fogarty" McGlone. A Bargain. , Rend this and net quick. A good six room1 houso, nil in fine shape, corner lot, outbuildings, close in; south Dewey street. Must sell at once. Price only $2000. D. E. Momma.. t Light Vote. Tho city election is being held today but up to noon little interest was displayed and tho numbor of votes cast was light, this boing duo in a meu8iiro to the snow and rain. It is probable that a tnoro lively intorost will be manifested toward evening. The polls will remain open until sovon o'clock eastern time. Tho christian peoplo of tho city re gurdlessnf denomination affiliations are cordially invited to unite with us in tho three hours,' service or any part of it at tho Lutheran church on Good Friday from noon to 3:00 p. m. John Seiuert, Pastor Lutheran Church C. F. ClIAl'MAN, Rector Church of Our Savior. Lyo and sinkers at the lunch counter, Union Depot, Thursday night. Tho Railway Commission will not ul low rebntos at the Union Dopot Thurs day evening. For Sale A National G hole Rano. $25.00. Geo. M. Gkaiiam. Tho Baptist aid will meet Friday afternoon with Mrs. Mary A. Baker on South Dewey streot. Sam Richards, who had been trans acting business in Lexington for a week, rcturnod to town todny. Tho Methodist nid socioty will meet on Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Besnck on 702 cast Fifth Streot. Tho Wednesday Musicalo will hold n business mooting tomorrow afternoon at tho home of Miss Carrie Bolton. Thoro will bo Initiation Thursday evening at tho meeting of tho Eastorn Star. All members are urged to attend. Lorn Bailey Is improving the np poarnncoof his placo of business by laying n now linoloum nnd making other improvements. ASTE FOOT WE OUR EASTER SHOE SHOJV IS READY. You will cortrlnly tnko pleasure In seeing theso handsome Shoes, and wo will certainly tnko tho grcntor pleasure in showing them to you. Then, if you buy your Easter Shoes hero, thore will be anothor pleasure in storo for you in the way of satisfaction afforded you, by your correctly dressed feet. Come Here for High and Low Cut Shoes in all tho new spring models, for tho men ami Women who know. Some of tho styles wo uro just now showing for the first timo. Wero wo to quoto a string of rcnsonnblo shoo prices, thoy would conviheo you of nothing, until you seo tho excellent shoe values that go with the prices. So wo say Come in and See Wo'vo choico footwear, also, for Boys, Girls, Missos, and Children -with a splondid shoo survico to assist in making a right selection. SOL HODES, The Shoery. Judge Neville Dies Last Evening. Judge William Neville, father of M. Keith Neville, died at his home in Douglas, Ariz., last evening at six o'clock from a paralytic stroke A telegram received by Mr. Neville yes terday morning stated thnt his father had suffered the stroke, followed by another latter in the dny that he was sinking nnd a later ono told of his death. Mr. Neville, who hns been con fined to the houie by sickness (for Bsvcral days, stated this forenoon that the remains of his father would prob ably bo brought to this city. For many years Judge Neville was a resident of this city, and had n state wide reputation as a lawyer, and states man. Ho was prominent in state poli tics, and held the office of register of the United States Innd office in this city. For Sale. Household goods of all descriptions. Apply nt tho J. B. Jeter residence, 601 west Fifth street. Memorial Day at McPherson. Judge J. S. Hosgland, of this cltyj will hnvo charge of the Memorial Day exercises this year at the McPherson national cemetery. Tho exercises will be held nt 1:30 p. m. Sunday, May 30th. Ho hf s secured as spenkcrs for the oc casion Hon. Eli A. Barnes, Dept. Com mander of the G. A. R. of Nebraska, and Hon. O. E. Abbott, cx-lieutennnt governor of tho state. These two, with Judgo Hoagland, will deliver tho prin cipnl addresses. Messrs. Abbott and liarncs will ar rive in town tho Saturdny night preced ing, and will be the guests of Judge Honglnnd. They will drivo to tho cemc tery Sunday morning nnd return to town in timo to bo present at the memorial services at the Keith theatre Sunday evening, May 30th. For Sale. My residenco property on west Sixth street nt a sacrifice. M. B. CltVDERMAN. Married last Evening. A quiet but very pretty wedding oc curred Inst evening nt the parlors of the Ilinmnn lodging houso when MIsh Sadie Barnett. of Leniwwns united in mnrrlago to James H. Ilnney, of Mul Ion, Neb. To tho strains of Mendelsohn's wed ding march, plnycd by Miss Josephine O'Hnre, tho party entered the parlor, the bride accompanied her by uncle Edwin Huffman, nnd stood in n bower bencnth n largo wedding bell, whilo Rev. J. F. Seibort, of tho Lutheran church, performed tho ceremony. Tho brido was attired in a trnvcling suit of brown mcssoline nnd was at tended by her cousin, Miss Mabc Huffman, who wore a suit of brown chiffon cloth. The groom was attended bv William Quinn. Immediately fol lowing tho ccromony a luncheon was served. Tho young couple loft this morning for n visit with relatives in Kansas. More Moisture. Sufficient snow to well cover tho ground fell last night, and moro has today. Tho fall today has boon of thb moist vnrioty aud melted as it fell. An thus thero is a further increase of mois' turo in old mother earth, and the crop prospects gsow moro roseate. For Rent. Five-room cottago six blocks west of the tinnkn. Six room dwelling, bnrn, outbuilding's nnd 2j ncros garden, within four block of I' irst ward school. Buchanan & Patterson Your Easter Shoes. Our Easter Shoes. AN INFERNAL MACHINE. Its Fearful and Deadly Work In tha Dremerhavcn Explosion. The greatest fntullty ovor caused by an iiifernnl machine Is known as the Hreinorhavoii explosion, nnd It occur red near tlio end of 187t", when a fol low who called hlj.i olf Thomas nnd wan said to be nn American tool: up his resldonio with hi family In Brem en. Ills fltion-e were at n low ''). ami to replenish them lie conceived the Iden of se'idlny to America pome worthless but highly Insured pnckixes of rds. I5y the twine vessel he In tended to ship nn Infernal ninchhic, which was to hnvo exploded n f"w dnyH after the vessel luul left pert The explosion occurred, however, JtiBt beforo the pneknro wns put on bonrd. cauilng terrible loss of life. Thomas, wIiobo real immo wns unit! to ho Aloxniuler, charged lils machine with nitroglycerin, whMi lie Ird pro cured Jn America nnd pu reinsert tho clockwork nnd the case containing tho mnehlne In Oermnnv. The hammer of the eloekworlt, which was to net in six days after leaving port, wns to strlko n blow of thirty pounds weight. In his confession later Thomas snld that when testing the clockwork tho ham mer smashed a mnhognny tnble. lie sent tho contrivance to Bremer- linven to be whipped on tho Moscl for New York via Southampton. lie him self took passage to the hitter port, where ho had arranged to ship his cases of rubbish for Now York. The Mosol wns to leave Bremerhnvcn on Saturday, Dec. 11, and on that day the Infernal machine wns sent to the dock, which -wns crowded with porters, nnssencers nnd their friends. For some reason Hint hns never been explained tho heavy ease slipped from the crnne on to the wharf as It was being lifted up the ship's side, and the chnrgo witu Instantly exploded. Death nnd destruc tlon were dealt around, 128 men, wo men and children being Instantly killed, while fifty-six others were, ter ribly wounded. Thomas was waiting on hoard tho shin to receive his case nnd see It stowed nwny In the hold, but rlsht nft cr the explosion ho went to hlx cablu, locked tho door and Rhot himself In the head with n-revolver. He lingered for several days In tho hospital nnd made a full confession be foro he died. Exchange. African Pygmies. The pygmies of Afrl -. -ys Cnptnln Guy Burrows In hlft "Land of the 1'yg mlcs," are masters In the nit of hunt lug. They enn kill even elephants with their little hewn nnd arrows, blinding the animal first by shooting at ItH eyes. Onco he Is blinded they never leave him till he falls. A pygmy. hnye no hesitation In miylng, eats, as a rule, twice as much as will sulllce a full grown man. He will lake a stalk containing about t-ixty Imnnnns, scat himself and eat them nil nt u meal, be sides other food. Then lie will Ho and groan throughout tho night until morning comes, when he Is ready to repeat the operation. Ladies' Jacket Stylo 27It Is made from fine ounl ity striped covert cloth, trimmed with strapping, buttons and soutache braid colors light tnns and grey. Price $10.00 WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. Dirt, Dirt Plenty of dirt In any qunntity needed. Wfil till lotB in cometery und tnko care of same. Will furnish monumonts, grave stones, copings and all. ' Wo will also dellvor ICE to nil desir ng it. Phono 4 18. mai-amo J D W. LINCOLN. 1 TEMPLE FASHION J SATIS - HH SQ1ME F CT!0BK DEAL i BEST EVER Let this STAR shine for you that you may be happy, prosperous and well dressed at a SMALL COST. The Star Clothing House. EASTER In our Suit and Millinery Department1, the great offer which we have made in our Suit Department at $18.50 and $22.50 is certainly meeting- with great suc cess. Everybody that knows anything about quality and Style, and the cost of making a suit, can easily realize that these garments cannot be made within $15 to $20 of the price which we offer them. Come quick for they move fast. ' ,In our Millinery Department you will find the most up-to-date styles at prices that will save you from one-fourth to one-half what others ask. Don't fail to see our display of Men's and Boys' Spring Suits. They are certainly fine and cheap. THE LEADER. 1 The Thor dries throughout the world. Come and Examine this Workman b 1 iweryil. ior I , AT THE HOME OF QUALITY W WEEK C Witf Electric Washer & Wringer. ' For several years we have had calls for a Washer and Wringer that could be turned by other than hand power. Today we find both of these long felt needs in ie Thor Electric Washer and Wringer, j It works bv electric- i ity for about two cents per hour and washes by thesame tried, proven cylinder principle used by all the large laun Labor-Saving Machine. Derryberry Weat LEADER.