The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 16, 1909, Image 4

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    SPRING OF 1909.
Notice for Bids.
Tho Buildinir Committco of tho First
Presbyterian Church, North Plntto,
Nebraska, deairoa bids for Installing a
stem heating apparatus in tho new
church building in this city. SpccifU
cations may be obtained ot tho office
of Butler Buchanan in this city. All
tiius must be jueu by noon or April
are prepared to fill your every want in
Hardware and Furniture
1, 1009. Building Committee Ok The
Fiust Piieshytekian Church, North
Platte, Neiir. ,
Fashionable Comedy Event
of the Year.
Reliable Goods at Reasonable Prices
Saturday MA OAiL
Evening, maiui uJUl
i I
We are now showing the late fashions
respectfully invite the
Watch Our
for New Goods.
Jeweler and Optician.
Wo Want Your Repair Work.
x..drs. brock & crook, 8
8 dentists.
h y.
Ovur First Notional. I'hono US
Room toront in modern house, Inquire
at 4U1 west I'ourtli.
Mis, Will Curcy. who had boon in
town ;. for two weeks, roturncd to
Omuim Sutnmny night.
Wanted Man and wifo to work in
grading camp. W. D. Waldo.
Mrs, Will Joffora and MrH. Joseph
Ottman loft this morning for their
homos in Ugdcn, going via Uonvor.
For Ront Furnished room with
privilege of, bath. Nice location. 520
west Tiinu Btreot.
Asst. Sunt. Roth was in town for a
brlof period Saturday, His official duties
keen him on tho roau tno greater part
ot the time.
Bratt & Goodman have buyers for
city property.
Prof. Burr, government Boll export
nt tho experimental sub-station, ru
turned "thin morning from a month's
visit in Washington, D. C, and Lin
coln, Nob.
Your furniture needs varnishing and
repairing boforu housn cleaning. See
P. M. SorenHor, fchop 107 E. 5th Stv
Co. Sunt. Gl)right, visited thirteen
schools wlillc in thu southeast part of
tho county lnt't week and found tho
teachers doing very satisfactory work.
A number of tho Mx-month schools aro
now closing.
Wanted puro bred whlto Plymouth
rock cockerel. Address L. Macoy,
North Platte.
Tho Catholic Indies will givo a 10
cont social on Wednesday, March 17,
St. Patrick's day, nt thu homo of Mrs.
J. I. Smith. Aprons on sale during
aftorn6on with Hpocial lunch in the
ovoning from G to 7:110.
Tho ladles of thu Episcopal guild will
aim to collect and ship to Chicago u
carload of old magazines, books and
papers. Parties having such, and do
siring to aid tho guild in earning money,
will plonso phono 331 or 393 and a
wogon will call.
Tho attention of tho public is invited
to tho now lino of stationery at Rlnc
kor's Book Store.
A local resident has been nsked by
tho American Wireless Telegraph
Company to become its rosidwnt agent.
With the solicitation is the statement
that North Plntto will bo ono of the
twolvo stations to bo established west
of the Missouri river this summer.
Tho Ideal Shirt in tho latest spring
The Hun Clothing Dept.
"Jack" Peysnr, of Omaha, is visiting
menus in town. 110 was .mrmeny on
tho roud for a clothing house, but is
now looking for an opening in buslnoss
of some kind. He is favorably im
pressed with Nortji Platte's present
and its future.
For Sale Resldenco Property. Nino
room house, good lawn, sidownlks,
fonces, good barn and othor out build
ings. All now. Splendid home. In
quire of L. C. Swan or call nt 7:20 W. .
2nd St. r ' I
ladies to call.
For Rent.
80 ucro imnroved farm 3 miles west
of city. $125.00.
14 acres best Sugar Beet land ad
joining city. Cash or crop rant.
Largo pasture with living water ad
joining city suitable for town herd.
Also oinar innus. neo
Bratt & Goodman.
L. W. Walker left last nhrht on a
business trip to Omaha.
Tnnnrnnrn ntrnlnnt flrn Hirlilnlntr Inr.
nnrttS nnil wtndatnrm wrlffon nf nhnnn.
est rates by Brutt & Goodman.
Vlncont Ilascall. formerly of this
city, Iwb been appointed assistant
secretary of tho Lincoln Icaguo ball
For your spring suits you should ro
mcmber The Huh Clothing Deit.
Dr. O. II. CroBslor wont to Grand
Island this morning to attend the
session of the stato dentnl association
for the Northwestern division.
Wanted -First class woman cook,
inquire nt the Enterprise Bnkcry.
A special train will be run to Koy
stono tomorrow morning for tho accom
modation of thoso who desiro to attend
the Pnxton alo of porsonal property.
For Rent Eight room Iioubo with
modern improvements. Inquiro of
E. A. Cary.
Tho Professor's Melody is tho tftune
of tho play to bo given in tho Keith
Thoutro noxt Friday ovoning. It is
a throe net comedy under tho auspices
01 tno ingh school
fFn1lfliifr nf linun hnll uliv nnf. nrtrnn
ize n city lcagun of thrco toams, hang
- r ionn.H on AfV i
uii u (niinn ui ani ui 4ouv, iihvu u tsuriuti
or ten games with ouch team and at tho
1 - r . 1. 1 1 1 1.1.
uiiii 01 iiiu ouunuii uiu luiiiu nuviiig uiu
highest porcentogo to take tho purse?
For Rent Furnished rooms. Mrs.
W. S. Leon, 320 So. Dowoy.
Wo sorvo our own best intorost by
recommending the most reliable lino to
our customers and that is Brandcgeo
Kincnid & Co. hnnd tailored clothes,
the spring lino now roady for your in
spection. Wc flhow nothing but the
newest, modost and striking patterns.
A few moments of your timo would be
Yours for business,
The Htm Clothino Dept.
Miss Holon Mny Allen, who is training
tho playrs in tho High School play, is a
grnduato of tho Boston School of Ex
pression and has boon a studont in tho
New York Dramatic School. Sho waH
Doan of tho Department of Oratory and
Physical Culturo in Highland Park
College for threo years and has taught
Expression in Boston. Miss AUen
comes to us highly recommended and
is doing good work with tho pupils
undor her charge. Keith Theatro Fri
day, March 19, 1909.
Wanted Pupils in piano instruction.
Miss Mnry Strahorn, 109 wost Second.
Suporintondont Charles Waro of tho
Union Pacific has writton to tho stuto
railway commission stating arrange-'
ments havo been mado which ho thinks
will insuro freight service to points
north of Columbus, Grand Island,
Kearney nnd wost on the main lino to
North Platte, satisfactory to tho Lincoln
jobbers who have been complaining of
delayed shipments to this territory.
Delay was caused by tho agent not
loading to conform with tho freight
Sco our spring display of genuine
Alligator Hnnd Bags; direct from.
Florida. Dixon, Tho Jeweler.
Arthur McNamnrn and F. E. Billiard
returned last night from their trip to
Florida, Havana, Washington and Now
York and roport a most cnjoynblo jaunt.
Mr. McNamora was favorably Improssed
with'tho south and especially Havana,
which for "high llfo" is only surpassed
by "dear old Broadway." In Washing
ton they wore for tho grentorpnrtof tho
timo tho guests of Alox Stownrt and
wore royally entertained. In Now York
they wero mot by Lon Graves and en
tortuinfd by him for soveral days.
They vro present nt tho Inaugural at
Washington and wero given a com
manding position by Sonator Burkatt.
Wanted to Buy.
300 bushels Kherson outs, soinn milch
cows', brood bqwb nnd chickens, Ad
dress or phone D. A. Goodrich, on the
Wnllnco ranch, R. F. D North Plntto.
in Millinery and
Ladies and Misses spring suits and
jackets nt "I ho Leader
O. W. Nonlo, of th Kearney normal
school, visited menus in town bunuay
Teacher's examinations will bo held
next Saturday at Brady. Wallace,
Sutherland. Wollflcot. and at the
county superintendent's ofllco in this
For Rent Furnished rooms. Inquire
nt U4 west sixth strcot
Tho supper by the Christian ladles
Suturday evening was liberally patron
ized, oyer two hundred people being
sorvod. Tho necdlo work nnd candy
booths were also well patronized
Conductor Austin Tnylor, of the
Omaha-North Plntto run, has let the
contract for the erection of a two-story
houso and a largo barn on his tract-of
land in tho valloy north of Pnxton
Wo hnvo just received our spring
stock of "Queen Quality" shoes,
nvfniwla ntwl rl unnu fl'li,i T.nnrln?."
Uil. lit UI, IIIIU ,U,t,'U, . IIU UVUUVI
Eight grade examination papers are
now being sent out by Co. Supt Ebright
to the ono hundred and seventy
thrco pupils of tho rural schools who
havo announced their intention of
taking tho axamination.
Ladios and Misses tuilored suits and
jackets worthy of your nntronnge.
few monents of your timo would be
The Hud Clothing Dept.
Houso furnishings, carpets, rugs,
mattincs. onnnue shades, stair rods.
pash rods, tapestry, ioungo covers nnd
portiores, ropo portieres una luco cur
tains. Extra new line just received nt
Judgo Elder issued two marriage
licenses yestordav. Ono to Felix Gilirun
and MrB. Liza Knox, who gnvo North
Platte aa their residence: tho othor to
ChnB. B. Ganyo of Pnxton and Grace
L. Uago of Valyrang,
Lost On February 27th between
Myrtle nnd North Platto. a suit case
Finder leave at this ofiico and reccivo
Tho tickot nomlnntod bv tho renub
lienn convention last evening ought to
suit ovorybody. It is composed of
good men nnd tlomocrnts ns well ns re
publicans aro recotrnized in its comno
lition. In city politics partisanship
ncem to bo cutting less figuro each
Rev. W. II. Kerns, synodical mis
sionary, will conduct Services at the
Presbyterian church next Sabbnth
morning nnd ovoning. A goofi ntten
dnnce of tho connreirntion is desired
A special annual offering will bo taken
in tno morning for Homo nnd Foreign
Minnio Cnrr filed hor petition in tho
district court yesterdny prnying for n
divorce from hor husband J. R. Cnrr on
tho grounds of extremo cruelty; that nt
divors times sho was onten and na
saulted, nnd Hint ho used nbusivo nnd
obscene lnngungo. Tho couplo were
mnrried in tins city reirunry liuth
Eight por cent money to loan on rcn
estate. isratt k uoodman.
Miss Helen Mny Allen, graduate o
the Boston School of Expression now
coaching for the declamatory contests
and High School piny mny romnin in
North Plntto nfter hor work Is flnlshod
in U10 public schools if enough interest
Is mnnlfost to wnrronr starting classes
nnd privrte lessons
C. C. Hunfor arrived this mornincr
from Ogden nnd will visit friends for a
f Mir .11,1 l.inl,l,i,if nl li, Isill ,.,
.wit iii.j, tint, iiiviiiviibiiujr mil 11 iuiy
geeso nnd ducks. Charley hnn not been
in tho host of health for n year pnst,
nnd this writer would not bo suprised
if ho decided to locate in North Platto
within tho next twolvo months
W. C. Patterson and C. F. Prry
went to uruigoport last night to mnK
preliminary nrrangements for a grud
Ing contract which they hnvo securei
from Kilputrick Bros. Tho work con
sists of ten miles of road bed for tho
North River branch between Lisco nn
Bridgeport which wns nbt fully com
pieteu by the KiipntricKB,
Wall Paper & Paint Store.
Just oponcd up n new stock of wall
jiRper, second door n'tn ot Urystnl
Theater. Como in nnd mnko n selection
enrly. Paper hnnger furnished whon 1
desired, All orders phoned to store will ,
recoivo our prompt attention. J
Pnlntora & Docorators. I
MR. JOHN CORT Presents
in the Biggest Success of
His Remarkable Career
"The Substitute,"
A Comedy by B. M. Dix und
E. G. Sutherland
"Better than 'The Man on tho Box"
Minneapolis Tribune
Seal Sale begins March 1 8th .
Prices Si. 50, Si, 75c, 50c
What Grade of Canned
Fruit Do You Use?
We have every kind from the
cheap grades to the finest
quality packed. The price de
pends on the quality of the
fruit and the weight of the
syrup. Here are a few of our
regular prices by the can. If
you want to buy by the dozen
come in and we will name you
quantity prices.
Riverside, per can 15c
Mt. Hamilton, per can 20c
Teopoe, per can 12ic
Mt. Hamilton, 18c, 2 cans for 35c
J. M. per can 20c
Advo, per can 25c
C"be. 1-lb enns. nor can 10c
Cube. 2-lb cans, nor can 15c
J. M. Sliced, 2-lb cans, per enn 25c
J. M. Grated, 2-lb cans, per cnn....25c
Advo, 1-Ib grated, per can 15c
Advo, li-lb sliced, per can 20c
Advo, 2Mb sliced, per can 35c
Uocktml, l-lb sllcod 13c, & cans ....25c
Mqjnvc, halves, por can 15c
Mt. Hamilton, halves, per can 20c
Mt. Hamilton, sliced, per can 20c
I. M. sliced, per can 25c
Advo, sliced, per can 30c
Advo, halve;, per can 30c
Riverside por can 15c
Mt. Hamilton per can 20c
J. M. Apricots por can 25c
Advo Apricots, per can 30c
Teepoo per can 121c
Mt. Ilnmilton por can ,20c
J. M. Pears per can 25c
Advo, per can 30c
Wilcox Deportment Store
lliinlr nihn? '"Fflfilinc
tired? Not ns spry as yout
Keep your henlth good
nnd vou need not icar
old ngo.
Mnnv mrn miHiiiKG
Kidney Trouble for signs
of advnncing ago. You
aro not so old as you think
nisnrilnrnil Kid. I
noys mnko you feel old
boforo vourtimo. Nyal's
Kidney Pills will tone up
and mvigornto your kiu-i
noys; tney unman youri
bnckncho and start you
ight toward good health
Price 00c
Schiller & Co.
I'nmlly DrumiUtH
F igirian
MARCH 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th.
19 lbs of Sugar for $1.00.
Cream Flour, per sack $1.20
Gold Cmwn Flour, persnck 1.30
St. Louis Flour, per snck 1.40
Purity f lour, per snclc 1.45
f lour win do nigner. buy an you can
uso in next few weeks. S por cent on"
in ten sacks lots.
Tea and Coffee.
20ct Good Cheer CofTee, 7 lbs for $1.05
25ct Frontier Coffoo, 5 lbs $1.00
7 lbs of Snap CofTee $1.00
50ct Red Cross Ton, 1 lb package.. 40cts
25ct package Ncbin Tea 20cts
3-3lb sacks table salt lOcts
Canned Fruit and Vegetables.
25ct Bartlett pears, 6 cans 95c ts
25ct black and whlto cherries 5 cans 95cts
20ct apricots, 4 cans 55cts
20ct plums, 4 cans 55cts
50ct gal can peeled peaches per can 40cts
50ct gal enn Bartlett pears por can 40cts
45ct gal can apricots, per can 35cts
35ctgnl can apples, per can 30cts
35ct gal can sweet cider per can. ..30cts
lJct can tomatoes, lUcts per can, per
dozen...... $1.15
lOct can corn, 8cts per can, por dozen
. w
12Jct can peas, 10 cts per can, per doz
en : $1.15
2 enns tnblo Peaches for 25c
Large cans Pumpkins, Squash, Sauer
kraut, Hominey 10 cts
Large can Sweet Potatoes 2 cans.. 25 cts
15 ct Red Kidnoy Beans 2 cans... .25 cts
15 ct Succotash, 2 cans 25 cts
15 ct cn Lima Beans, 2 cans 25 cts
Dried Fruit.
15ct fancy dried punches, 51bs. . ROcts
20ct fancy dried apricots, 4 lbs... iOcts
20ct fancy dried Bartlett pours 41bs 50cts
zuct lnncy pitted plums, 4 lbs 5Ucts
15ct fancy nectarines, 4 lbs 50cts
Largest fancy prunes, 5 lbs 50cts
Largest looso raisins, 3 lbs 25cts
Tl,e Thor Electric
dries throughout the world.
Come and Examine this
Workman b
Soda Crackers, Cookies, Etc.
20 lb box Soda Crackers per lb. . ..G cts
20 ib boxes best Oyster Crackers
per lb Gets
20 lb boxas best Ginger Snaps
per lb G cts
5cttiox Soda Crackers 6 for. ...25 cts
10 ct box Soda Crackers, 3 for.... 25 cts
25 ct box Soda Crackers, each.... 20 cts
All kinds cookies, 2 lbs 25cts
Fish and Oysters.
Largo Salt Mackerel 2 for 25 cts
Smoked Salmon, 2 lbs 25 cts
G Smoked Bloaters 25 cts
6 can Oil Sardines 25 cts
3 largo cans mustard sardines 25cts
3 small cans cove oysters 25cts
3 large cans covo oysters BOcts
f amily wmtef ish 70 cts kit
Soap and Wash Powders.
8 bars D. C. soap 25 cts. ..$3.25 per box
7 bars White Russian soap 25 cents
$3.35' per box
8 bars Swift Pride soap 25 cts.... $3.10
per box
Pearl White Soap 7 bars 25cts
4 lbs box Gold Dust 20 cts
6 boxes Rub-no-moro powder .... 25 cts
6 boxes Pearlino 25cts
Smoke Bacon by piece 15 cts lb
Picnic Hams 10 cts lb
Mixed Nuts 3 lbs 50 cts
Puro Sugar Candies 2 lbs 25 cts
25 ct can K. C. Baking Powder
per can....: 20 cts
25 ct can Calumet Baking Powder
per can 20 cts
25 ct can Royal Baking Powder
per can 20 cts
3 pkgs yeast foam IOcts
Gum, all kinds, 4 packuges IOcts
Matches, 3 boxes '..IOcts
2 gal pail syrup 80cts
Red Onions, por bushel $1.25
Sandhill Potatoes, per bushel GOc
Eggs, per dozen 15c
100 lb sncks best grade stock salt..'..70c
Rock Salt, 100 lbs 75c
Larger quantity, less money.
Washer &
For several years we
have had calls for a
Washer and Wringer
Hint- rmilrl Yn lnorl K,r
other than hand power. S
Today we find both of I
these long felt needs in
The Thor Electric j
Washer and-Wringer.
It works by electric
ity for about two cents
per hour and -washes by
the same tried, proven
cylinder principle used
by all the large laun-
Labor-Saving Machi
can be mndo doubly enjoyable by hav
ing un ensy und comfortnblo riding
vehicle, whether it bo a runubout, a
huggy, a trap, u surrov, or anything
your fancy dictates, You never had u
morts rclinblo, stylish or handsome stock
to chooso from than wo hnvo right now
ready for your inspection. All now und
up-to-dato stock, with nil tho improve
ments. A. M, Locltv