Cane Granulated Sugar lr L. Rare. Editor a'sd Publisher. 18 pounds $1.00 Poultry Wanted. Farmers who have chickens for Bale should see us. Highest market prico paid in cash. J. L. Stingley, North Platte Meat Market. nnttsntiiPTinN rtATKfit Ono Year, cash In advance I'-15 Months, cash In ad vanco 64 cts KEITH THEATRE OIIAB. H. 8TAMt Manager Kntorod at North Platto. Nobraska, Postoffice at second clam matter. FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1909. Republican Mats Meeting. A maBS convention of the republicans is hereby called to "meet at the court houso Monday, March 15th, at 7:30 o'clock, p. m,, for tho purpose of nom inating a candidate for muyor, city clerk, city treasurer, city engineer polico judge and two members of the school board. Those nrcocnt from each ward will meot after tho convention and nomi- nato ono candiduto for councilman from each ward. 0. E. ELDER, Chairman, I'ro Tern. Rather discouraging reports of the wheat crop comes from tho cast part of the Rtrtto. In somo sections it Is estimated that from two-thirds to three-fourths of thefcrop haa boon killed. It remained for Senator Ketchum, of Thayer, a man who novor took a drink of intoxicants in his life, to cant the deciding vote against the county option bill in tho state senate. Not all tern perate people aro prohibitionists. In tho district court at Lincoln Tues day, MIsb Ruth Lcavitt, daughter of W. J. Bryan, was granted a divorco from her husband, W. II. Lcavitt. Mrs. Loavllt und her mother appeared in the court of Judge Cornish and both alleged that Lcavitt had not contributed o tho support of Ilia wife. Thoro was no de fense. Mrs. Loavitt was granted the custody ot the two children. Tulip Patent Flour per sack $1.35 Gothenburg Patent Flour per sack 1.35 Gothenburg 0. K. Flour per sack. 1.30 31b pa l Swift's Silver Leaf lard. . .40 5-lb pail Swift's Silver Leaf lard.. .65 G-lb pail Swift's Premium lard 70 Perrio Viaus Maplo Syrup per gal. 1.25 Corn Syrup 10-lb pall 40 Lewis Lye per box .08 Diamond C Soap, 8 bars 25 Pearl White Soap, 7 bars 25 Gold Dust, 41b pkg 22 Paddle Bluing 10c size 07 Paddle Bluing 5c slzo 04 Kingsfords Silver Gloss Starch per pkg uo Kingsfords Corn Starch per pkg.. .08 Best Gloss Starch por pkg 05 Best Corn Starch per pkg 05 Snpolio per pkg 9c, 3 for 25 Ammonia per bottlo 09 Seeded Raisins 12-oz pkg 08 Cut rants 12-oz pkg 10 Bulk RaiBins, largc.pcr lb ,.. .08 Cocoanut, the best, i-lb pkg 15 Cox's Gelatine 13c, 2 pkgs 25 15-oz can K. C. Baking Powder 13 25-oz K. C. Uaklog Powder 20 5-lb can K C Baking Powder 80 Pumpkin, per doz $1.10, per can.. .10 Hominy, per doz $1.10, per can... .10 Kraut, por doz $1.10, por can .10 Sliced peaches (in heavy syup) per can 20 Standard Corn,percaBO 1.60 por can .08 Standard Tomatoes, per enso 2.25. per can 10 Soaked Peas, per case 1.40,pcr can .00 FrcBh Peas, per doz 1.10, per can.. .10 Cove Oysters large can, 8 oz 15 Covn Oysters small con, 4 oz 08 Sugar Cured Bacon, per lb 16 Salt, best grado, per 100 lb 75 Friday- Evening, March 12th. Knox Gelatine 13c, 2 pkgs 25 Roval Baking Powder 1-lb can Dr. Prico's Baking Powder 1-lb can 10-oz can-K. C. Baking Powder.... .45 .45 .08 H. H. FRAZEE'S New Musical Sensation A Knight for a Day Book and Lyrics by Robt. B. Smith. Music by Raymond Ilubbell. Authors of "Fantana" and "Mciicana" poar pTund".0..:?..?.8 06 The Musical Sensation Oyster crackerB wooden boxes per pound 06 Full Cream Cheese per lb 20 Shredded Wheat Biscuits. 13c per pkg, 2 for .25 Grape Nuts, por pkg 13c, 2 for . . . .25 ' Mothers Oats, loi-go size, per pkg .25 Duke's Mixturo tobacco 16-oz pkg .35 Horse Shoo Tobacco por pound 45) Yankco Girl Tobacco 18 oz plug.. .35 Kerosene oil per gallon 15 of the Century. lilt; Oast of Favorites. Including Eugene Moulan j n f f . ClIH-l Cash counts. Buying groceries or any other kind of troods on time costs you greater interest than any bank in the country would charge you. Then it saves that dispute about your account. If you don t believe it give it a trial. Wilcox Department Store. Elsie Herbert Gertrude Hutcheson Isabelle Winlockc Eleanor Irving Chas. Wilson T, Cameron Jas. MacCormick Sam Austin AND THE FAMOUS American Beauty Chorus. Tho "Ten English Dancing Madcaps." A Scenic and Electrical Marvel. PROFESSIONAL CARDS T S. TWINEM, V . Homeopathic Physiciun and Surgeon. Office: McDonald Bank Huilding. Phono 183. A.J. Ames, M. I). Mario Ames, ,1. T- DOCTORS AMES & AMES. Physicians nnd Surgeons. Ofllco: Over Stone Drug Co. Phones: Office 273, Residence 273 fiEO. B. DENT, u Physician and Surgeon. Office: Over McDonald Bunk. 1 Office 130 Phones f Residcnco 115 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. Rooms 7 and 8. McDonald State Bank Building, Phono 148. WILCOX & HALLIGAN, Attorneys-nt-Law.. Office over Schatz Clothing Store. Phono 48 T. PATTERSON, Attorney-at-Law, Office: Cor. Front & Dewey Sts. W. W. COVELL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Dooms 7 and 8 Ofllco I'liono MS3 Keith Thoatm lhdldlng Residence Phouo 05 NOTICE PRORATE OF WILT Tbo State of Nobraska, ( ua Lincoln county, r In the County Court. In the matter of the cstatoof Ernest Tolltz, deceased. The Stato of Nebraska to Uio heirs andnoxtof kin of the said Ernest Tollts do-ccascdi Take notice, tuat upon tiling or a written Instrument purporting to bo tho last will and testament of Ernst Tolltz for probato and allowance. It Is ordered that sala matter bo set for hearing tho 16th day of March, A. I). 1P0!', lwforo said County Court, at tho hour of 0 o'clock a. in., at which tlmo any person In terested may appear and contest tno samol and notice of .this proceeding Is ordered pub lished for six successlvo Issues In tho North Platte Tribune, a seml-wcokiy nowspapor published In this state- in testimony wiicrcor, i navo norounio soi my hand and thoscal of tho County Court at North Platto this 20th day of February, A. I). 1809. f2:i-0 AV. C. Ki.df.h. County Judgo. NORTH JLATTE PANT ATORIUM THE county option bill was killed in the senate Tuesday by a vote of seven teen to sixteen, Senator Raymond of this district voting for tho bill, na did also five democratic members. A poll of the senate mado soveral days ngo showed u closo vote and tho optionists wero encouraged, aB success in tho somite would havp strongthuned their fight in tho houso, Tho result in tho senate moans that tho present legisla ture will not pass a county option bill. The bank guaranty bill passed tho houBo Tuesday by a vote of sovonty- twoto twenty-threo. Tho bill is nd mittcd to bo weak; in fact few of the legislators aro satisfied with it, and it1 is likely to be tostod in court when enacted. In speaking of tho bill the Boo says: It was talked at the begin' ning of th? session that the democrato would pass an unconstitutional act and then u republican supremo court would bo forced to declnro it null and void. This would Hiinblo tho democrats to go on tin stump again this fall and with thi HHtno fuko issue attempt to elect til-mi doinoi'iatic supremo judgoB. If ta bill it unconstitutional, as some of Uh best defendants fear, it will be the fauh of tin legislature, which spent $309 In legal services to seo that it com pli d vlth Ihu constitution. Before the Battle. Tho importanco of tho congrossiona battle tor vvnicn tno lines are now forming cannot well bo nverostHntod ,. . .. .1 i t i . . t o m msiy suppose me ucci.nvo uattit of th spec in I session is to nice aroum ine tariu Din. i no uc.istvu battlo, oi nt least tho decisive play for poBltiot will occur next Saturday or at the latest next Monday buforo any tariff bill is introduced. Tho houso rule nuoptou wnen tno new congress organ izei will alTecct legislation moru than any other act of tho session. If th usual motion to continue tho old rules prevail, then Speaker Cannon and his committee on rules will dictate lvgislu tion as in tho past. If the insurgonti win or wrest ral concessions from the hcrularcy, then popular opinion will have flomn pluy in tho houso. Tjtrn line-up promisen to be clusf That tho ttpiMtkcr knows he has a fight on his htnd his coming r ccption to tho new members roveuls. If the in BurgontB hold thoir 21 men tngother they will win by ono voto, If promises of warm commitloo berths seduces -one of them into the Cannon camp, the in surgents will lose. In caso tho insurgents win, two changes will bo made in the rules. Tho opoaiter win no longer appoint com mittees, the main sourcu of his auto cratic powers. The members wil be divided into lit teen geographical sec tions and each division will aolect a member of a committee on committees, This committee will name the stand ing committees of tho houso, and tho speaker will then be a presiding ofllcor, no more. A second change will provide that on a certain day of the weok any member may call for consideration of any bill on ' the calandar. Undor the present rules the mombor must have the epeaker'u consent to take such iUpn. Theseangea do not break down tho means of editing legislation. They only break dcAn the power of threo or jfovr men to dilute legislation, Lin eoln Journal. Puckarue Island. Poto Jurgcnson has moved to the farm on tho south sido ho recently pur chased of Frank Shiors. Mrs. Laura Woodburry and children wont to North Platto Tuesduy evening where sho will spond a weok with her parents before returning to hor homo in South Dakota. Miss Vera Morant, of Gothonburg, was tho guost ot Mrs, u. ftl. uraKe the past week. Born March Gth to Mr. and MrB. Arthur Burko u bouncing baby boy. Mother and son aro doing nicely. Ed Stewart has changed his mind about farming the Gregg place on thr Bland, and has moved to Mr, Wagner place whoro they will farm togothor this year. Tho party at Dunham Drnke'a Thurs day night was woll attended and nil re port a flno tlmo. Mrs. Frod Ericsson, who had boon critically ill with pneumonia, is con valescing. John Rolirn has moved his family to the farm ho purchased nt tho point of tho island. Dorus, tho llttlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Stovone, had tho mlsfor tuno ono day last week to fall off a lounga in such a manner ns to break hor itrm. Unfortunately it was tho samo ono she hud broken last summer. Dr. Sweatland is tho nttondlng physician. Mrs. Minnie Marcum departed for hor heino at Cody, Wyo., Monday ovon- ng nf tor a three months visit hero with relatives. Henry Dlscoc is suffering from blood poiBonlng in his hand, caused by a barb who n rntch, Miss Trossa Woodbury is visiting at Mrs. Henry Discoo's this weok. Frank Robs is moving to tho farm ho purchased of Oscar Johnson. Jos. Rose will try tho bachelor's life us soon ns Frank Ross vacates tho farm Thoro will be a dance nt J. D. Drako's Saturday night, tho 13th. Everybody invited, Boat Salo Opens Wednesday Morning. Prices $1.50, $i.qo and 75c. The C. F. Iddincrs Co. COAL 11. R. REESE, Prop. Ladies' nnd Gents' Clothes Cleaned with French Drv Clenner. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. Over Mrs. Huff man's Millinery Store. Phono 450. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. Tho State of Nebraska. ( oa Lincoln county. In the County Court In tho matter of the estato of Lewis Keller, deceased- To tho creditors, heirs, legatees and others interested in tno cstatoof Lewis Kolloy. rnko notice, mat .101111 1;. l-vans lias filed In tho county court a ronart of his dolnira as admlnlstratorof said estate and It Is ordered that tho samo stand for hoarlnir tho SOth day of March. A. I). 1100, beforo tho court attiio Hour or uo clock a. m., at wnicn tlmo any person Interested may appear atid except to and contest tho samo. And notlco of this proceeding Is ordored given in tho N'nt-lli 11 n f In T1! Imtiii n Bntnl.nnAlh' nnwu paper for six successlvo publications prior to March 20th, 1W. Witness my hand and thosoalof tho county court at North Platto this WlU day of Febr uary a. v. f 23-0 w. C. Ei.nEit. County Judeo. Porlal No. OlSSfl. II. E. No. 10101, NOTICE OF 1'UHLICATION DKPAHTMENT OP THE INTItltlOll. United Ktntes Land Olllcn. At North Platto. Nobraska. February 20, 1009. Noticu is nereoy eiven mat ueorso .Moran. of North Platto. Nebraska, who. on October 10th. IWi. mado liotnestoad ontrv No. IV 01. for southeast quarter Section" SI, Township 10 N., Hancu W W 0th Principal Morldlan, has filed notlco or intention to mauo unai live year proof, to cslabl sh claim to tho land above described, Iks fore, tho regtstor and receiver, at North riatto, Nobraska, on tho lvtti day of April. 100U. Claimant names as witnesses: w. 11. uomus and Garfield Quthorlcssot North Platto, No- hraska and James Cooloy and E. W. Wright ot Myrtle. Nob. E3-0 J. E- Evans, Itcglstor. Harrington & Tobin, Wholesale Hay and Grain. . . . J Parties desiring to settle their Rock Springs Lump and Nut accounts may do so by calling- at our office. Room Keith DON'T FORGET tho blanket for your horso cold or even chilly or wet days might cost you tho horBO or a veterinary 's bill. Don't for- pjqt, cither, that wo carry a fine lino of horso blankets and other cquino equip ment, durable, attractive and reason nlitv nrlcnd. IlnrnoBS continues to bo our main line, but wo have, too, about menu, oi nign grade coal in tne Kills Would-Bc Slayer. A; merciless murderer is Appendicitis with many victims. But Dr. Kinp.n Now liifo Pills kill it by prevention, Thoy Kontly stimulate stomach, liver nnd bowels, rnvontintr that cloRginfr that Inviton annendicit is. curinc Constination MillioiinnesH. Chills, Malaria. Hcadacho und Indigestion, 25c at Stonoa Drucf atom. Myrtle News. MrB. Will Lano is undor surgical trealinont in North Platto. John Santos has recently had u tolo phono installed in his house. Rev. V. A. Mitchell, of Davenport, Okl., visited from Snftirday until Tues day with his son and wife, Roy Reynolds and family aro visiting in Maxwell. Arthur Morritt is working for Mr Hines, having begun March 1st. 1110 suppor at Mrs. Hudson's was woll attended and every ono reported n good tlmo. Tho proceeds wero $U..1G Mrs Rololgh Roynolds visited at Arnold Inst week, hor mother bringing hor homo Sunday. Maitland Lump and Nut Hanna Lump and Nut Colorado Lump and Nut Pennsylvania Hard Coal (in Stovo and Nut Size) Blacksmithing Coal We carry the largest assort- Theatre building. everything olso you need for horso out fitting. A. F. FINK. r . city. 1 ry us with your next order. Call Phone 7. The C. F. We have it. Iddinsfs Co. T. F. WATTS, AUCTIONEER. My services aro worth nil they cost. If you co to n cheap man vou will probubly fail to sell. or bo compelled to sen at n sacritice. xno only rea son any auctioneer is cheap is be coubo bis services aro not worth much. For terms and dates write or wiro at my expense, Phone E5q1 CONTEST NOTICE. Department of tho Interior. United States Land Ofllco. North Platte, Nobraska. Foby. . 1MX. -A sufllclont contest aflldavlt havlnir been (lied In this ofllco by Charles T. breach, con testant, aealnst homestead entry No. 13170 mado Juno 10, 1C07. for swH of section 17, township u.rango na, uy ucorKO w. uraiir con testec. In which It Is alleged that said Gooriro W. Gralir has never established his rGslJqnce onsald land; that ho has never cultivate,, or Improved any portion o tno same, and that no lias wnony au naoneo saui lanu lor moro than six months and ono day last past: that said absence from land was not duo to his cmploymont In tho army, navy or marlno corps if tlio United Stales. Haul parties are ucrcoy noimcu to appear, rcsoonu nnu olTcr evidence touching said alienation at 10 o'clock a. m. on April 6. lltoy boforo tho Itcglstor and Kccelvor at tlio United States Land unico in North riatto. Nebraska. Tlio said contestant havlnir. In a DroDor aflldavlt. filed Foby 4. 1WM. sot forth facts which show that after duo dllleenco personal sorvlco of this notlco can not bo mado. It Is hereby ordored and directed that such notlco no civon uy uuo and proper publication. j. fO-8 E. Evans. Kctrlstor. ALL KINDS OF MEN smoko tho ForoBt King cigar. Taste is not a mattor of social position the clerk appreciates a good smoke as woll ns tho merchant. No better at tho prico than tho Forest King cigar. Price 6 centB. J. F. SCHMALZRIED W. R. MALONEY, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EftlBALMER A full lino of Caskets, Robes, etc. Calls nnBwered promptly. Day Phone 120, Night Phono 482. KARL GERLE Merchant Tailor, Invites vour inspection of his fint lino of samples of goods for Spring and Summer Suits, Overcoats nnd Trou sers, which will bo made to order in a most up-to-dato and satisfactory man nor. Shop ovor Schatz & Clabauorh's store. NOTICE. Associated Land Company, a corporation, and w. w. uyan. nrst and real namo uiv known, dofondants: Will tako notlco that on tho 8th day of March. UKM, Frank Stanloy, plaintiff herein, filed his amended petition In tho District Court of Lincoln county. Nobraska. airalnst said defendants, tho objoct and prayer of which aro to have Section za. Township 10, KaiiL'o 32, In Lincoln county, Nobraska, hold for tho'tiaymont of a certain Jndirment. which plaintiff recovered aualnst tho defondant, thu Associated Land Company, In tho Dis trict Court of Douclas county. Nobraska, on tho 12th dayot December. 1908. which Judg ment is ror too sum or tvw.w and costs or suit: and for a decree, adjunirinir that the de fondant. W.W. Kyan, first and roal namo un known, holds tho title to tho above described Iniwl In trust for tho defendant. Associated Land Company, and that said roal cstatols In fact tho property ot tho Associated Land Company, and torconoralequltablorollotand costs or suit. You aro remit red to answer said amended petition on or beforo tho lUth day ot April, 1UUU. Dated March 8th. 1009. mll-4 FRANK STANLEY. Plaintiff. A Step Ahead i Estray Notice lunuii uti uii nuuub nuvcu.ucr xbi., nn't tilL-c nnr winrr fnr it mno .1 o . 1 r. no I... I " w " ' - iuvo,uu ouuiiuii uu.iunu iu,tnnuu oi, uy - e t nr ., ...iMn.i , L 'i Come, see for yourself. We white and black hoifor about two years are now located at 509 Dewey oiu urnnueu 1 1 on icit, nip, anu unuer crop on both ears. Tlio r owner must n t.. . 1 1 can, prove property, pay cuarccs anu tako nnimal away or it will bo disposed or according to law. w. ii. Mc rs 12 EL. as street, known Racket Store. Watch windows Wednesdays Saturdays for sales. NOTICE. Notlco li herob.v ul von that on tho 30th day of January, lWKi, .1 K. Crow. J. L. Shuck, Qeoriro A. Walker, Oeortro II. Klnelo and ArthurCon nor assoclatod themselves together as a Ixxlv corporate, under tho namo and stylo of Tho Minn siuo .Mutual xoiepnono (jompaiiy. Tlio nilnelnal tilaco of transaetlnir tho business ot said company shall bo In tho city ot North Matte. Lincoln county. Nebraska. Tho sen- oral nature ot tho business to bo transacted shall bo to construct, own. ooorato and main' tain a main telephone lino In Lincoln county. Nebraska, from tho city of North Platto to tho soutneasi corner or tecuoii iu, xownsuip 11, KaniroSO. together with lateral and branch lines and extensions ot tho main lino, and for such purpose may own, lease, sell and convoy such roal estate as may ho necessary or Incl- InUrnn'r (lent to tho proper and prolltoblo conducting j uiiiiouii a of said business, and to do und perform such other acts aiwuunirs as may w incuioni and our and nocessary to tho main powers of tho corpora- tiio amount or too capital siock antn- All ordors nmountinrr will bo dolivored. Hon. orlzcd Is .CKXI.OO. divided Into shares ot i 10.00 each, of which said capital stock not less than jiiuu.w snail no suoscrioeu anu runy paid up, uiKin thu oriraulzatlon ot tho corporation. The date of tlio commencement of thocornnr- tn nun ilnllnr atlon si. all Do tlio 1st (lav or t'uuruarv. mr.i, and 1110 tiaio 01 11s lerminntion suan u inn 1st day of February, 102(1 Tho hlulieiamouut oi imiouieuiiess or iiauuiiy 10 wiuen mu cor1 The Bee Hive Store, 609 Dowey Strcot. poratlon Is at any time to biibject Itself shall stock. not exceed two-tfilrds of Its paid up capital Estrayed. Estrayod from my farm ton miles northwest of town on March 7th, four cowb one dark red, one light red with horn broken oil, ono light brlndlo. heavy with calf, and dark brlndlo with horn off; no brands. A reasonable reward will bo paid for Information leading to their recovery, Leave word at the Tramp grocery or address J. N, Carl isle, North Platto. !GHTAnE,C THOSE WHO EAT OurHrend, Cakes nnd Cookies aro nlways'aatUflcd, nnd thoy becomo reg ular customors. We use tho best ma terials, and employ the most cleanly methods. Try our 25-cent meals best in town for the price. ENTERPRISE BAKERY, Mrs. Jennie Armstrong, Prop. GO TO P. M. SORENSON FOR Furniture Repairing AND CABINET WORK. Also Woodturning. WINDOW SCREENS A Saecialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. The affairs ot said corporation aro to be managed by a board ot live directors, to gether with a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, togothor with such other and suliortllnato managers, agents and servants assaldotllcersmay appoint and hire. Slimed March 8th. W. J. 1C. Cuow, .1. L. Shuck. Okoikii: A. Walk nit. Okoiiok li. Simile, in-1 Annum CONNOH. Porlal No. dl282(l. Notlco for Publication. Department of tho interior, V. Sv Land Ofllco at North Platto. Nob. March 8th, won. Notlco Is horoby Riven that Alwln Zauler of North Platto, Nobraska, who, on July 1st lWi. mado homestead entry Nd. 11373, Serial No. (H'Ue. for south half northeast quarter and lots 1 and Section 4, Township 12, north, Kumro Si west ot the Sixth Principal Meridian, has II led notlco ot Intention to make final tlvo year proof to establish claim to tho land alwvo described, boforo tho UeKlsler and Kecelver at North Platte, Nob., on tho Hthdayof May. UWJ. Claimant names as witnesses: Charier .Meyer, wmiam cacua anu josepu i-;vurianch ut Dickons, Nob-, aud William Garnian of ( Wallace, Nou. PKOHATE NOTICE In tho County Court of Lincoln countv. No braska, February 0th, l0y. ill the matter of tho estato nf Fred Onlse. deceased. Notlco Is horoby clven. that tho credltorsnf said deceased will meet tho Administrator I of said estate, boforo tho, County Judeo ot Lincoln county,' Nebraska, at tho county court room In said county, on tho 8th day of siarcu, uvj, anuon tnoBin uay oreoptomber, lUOil, at 0 o'clock a. m. each day, for tho pur posoot presontlnk,' thelrclalms for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months aro allowed for creditors to nresenr. their claims and ono yoar for tho Administrator to settle said estate, from tho Sth day of Sep tember, iws. This notlco will bo publlshcdtln t ho M or tli riatto Tribune, for olL'lit nulillea- Hops successively prior to tho 6th day of .Huron, iwu. W. O. ELDER, fO-8 County Judco. i ORDER OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR A 1'rUtrs Tfll KiST Ub ADB1IN18TRATR1X. State of Nebraska, county of Lincoln, ss, In tho County Court March 1st, 100U. In tho mattor of tho estate nf Tlinmni Ilanrahan, deceased. readlntr and llllnir thonotltlon of Mnrln A. Thompson, praylnir that tho administra tion of said ostato may bo granted to hor as administratrix Ordored. That March 23, 1P09, at 2 o'clock p. in., is assicnod ror hoarlnir said petition when all persons Interested tn said mattor may appear at a County Court to bo held In anu ror said County, and show cause why tho prayer ot petitioner should not bo trrantod. This order to bo published for six successlvo publications In tlio North Platto Trlbuno.prlor to March 23d. 1W. W. O. Emikii. m2-0 County Judiro. ORDER OK HEARING ON PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR. State of Nobraska, Lincoln County, ss In tho county court February 20th. 1W, Iu tho matter of tho estato of Samuel Funkhouser deceased. On roatlliic and lllltiirtha petition of Susan Funkhousor, praylnir that tho administra tion of said estato may bo crantcd to William E. Funkhousor as administrator. Ordered, That March ltltli, 1009, at 9 o'clock a. m., Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons Interested In said matter may appear at a county court to bo held In and for jiald county, and show why tho pravor of petitioner Miould not Ik) granted. This notlco to be published for six successlvo publications In tho North Platto Trlbuno prior to March 10th. 1009. W. C ELDER, 123-3 - Comity Judgo. ORDER OFHEARINO ON PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR. Statu of Nebraska. Ifi Lincoln County, fM Iu tho County Court, March 8th. 1909. In tho matter ot thu estate of Eliza McHovcrn, deceased . On reading and tiling tho petition of Man Weeks praying that tho administration of said estato may bo granted to Hubert A. Donelson, as administrator. Ordored, That March 31st, 1009. at 0 o'clock a.m., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons Interested In said matter may appear at a county court to bo held In and for said county, and show cause why tho prayer of tho petitioner should not bo granted. This order of hearing to bo pub lished In tho North Platto Trlhuuo for six successive publications prior to March 81st. luoy. mU-3 W. O. Kf.iiKii. Count v Judgo. J. E, EVANS, Register. Sheriff' Sale. My vlrtuti of an order of salo Issued from thu district court ot Lincoln County, Ne braska. uiKin a decreo of foroclosuro ren dered In said court wherein Martin L. Mc Cullough. Is ptalntllT and Lucy M- llaldwln Is defendant, and to mu directed, I will on the 10th day of April, W-K at ono o'clock p. m., at tho east front door of tho court house In North Platto. Lincoln County. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decreo, Inter est and exists, tho following described prop erty, to-wlti Southwest quarter (wK) section olghteon (IS), township lit teen (15) N., rango thirty-two 012), W. Op. in. in Lincoln county, Nebraska Dated North Platte, Nebraska, March 1th, 1P09, mis-5 I, h. MiwoiniEnnrn, sheriff.