The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 12, 1909, Image 5

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Need Re-
Setting? I
I Do . . .
They should have frequent attention, as the prongs
are likely to wear away and there is danger of
losing a valuable stone.
We Do Our Own Diamond Setting,
Carry in stock a fine line of Diamond Mountings
for ladies' and gentlemen's wear.
Leave your Diamond with us for re-mounting and
repair and you can have them the same day. No
danger of their being lost in transit.
U. P. Gives Up Coal Lands.
A settlement has boon affected by
tho secretary of the interior of the gov
ernment suit ngainst the Union Pacific
company involving coal lands in Wyora-
ng estimated as worth $1,600,000.
This land is said to have been acquired
by the company through what is known
as "dummy entries".
.Tho land involved aggregated 4,500
acres and after numerous conferences
he company decided not to defend the
suit but reconvoyed tho land to the
government and also paid nearly $33,
000 for the coal mined therefrom.
The company haB discontinued min
ing from the land, which has been
withdrawn from entry until Juno 1
next. Besides rcconvoying tho land
and paying trespass damages, tho com
pany loses tho $91,200 paid for the
This is one of tho cases included in
former Sucrotary Garfield's lettor to
congress, showing lands worth over
$100,000,000 under investigation or in
U. P. Watch Inspector.
For Sale
Ono side board, extension table, six
dining chairs, one child's folding bed,
ono child's high chair. Mrs. C. M.
Newton, G15 west 4th street.
Ask yor
Graduate Denlisl.
Office over tho McDonald
State Bank.
Mrs. A. B. Yates, of Sutherland, was
the guest of relatives in town last
First class second hand Organ to
trade for a good milch cow.
Workman & DEwvYBEitKY.
Tho building and loan directors held a
special meeting tho early part of the
week and approved and granted loans
to two applicants.
Tho annual danco of tho city firemen
will be held April 12th and not March
12th, as has been stated from certain
sources. The danco occurs the Monday
evening following Easter.
Yesterday was tho most quiet day
North Platto has experienced in
months. Scarcely a half dozen people
were visible at ono timo on Dewey
street from one to fivo o'clock.
Sam Richards has been spending this
woek in Lexington conducting an auc
tion at the Banks & Richards storo and
appearing in the district court in a cueo
in which ho is interested.
We notice by tho Choyonno Tribuno
thatO. M. Robertson, a former chief I
clerk in the district foreman's office,
has let tho contract for tho erection of
a dwelling in Cheyenne.
Corn is selling for fifty-threo to fifty
fivo cents per bushel in the local mar
ket, a carload Belling at tho latter price
Tuesday. As a result of tho high prico
more corn is being marketed in this
city at present than for several years
Additional equipment has been or
dered for tho Star Bottling Works in
anticipation of increased business. By
furnishing a suoerior lino of goods to
his patrons, Mr. Porter built up a big
trade last season, and confidently ex
pects a large increase this year.
Given away for a short time only at
Lamb's, North Side, a full size can of
Calumet Baking Powder with the pur
chase of a sack of flour.
In criticizing tho action of Chairman
Elder and Chairman McDonald in call
ing mass conventions to nominate city
officers, ono faction says it is a schemo
in tho interests of the waterworks,
while anothor faction says such conven
tions will easily be controlled by the
municipal ownership advocates. And
there you aro soma fellows are al
ways suspicious of the othor follows,
and are therefore never satisfied.
For Sale Residence Property. "Nino
room house, good lawn, sidewalks,
fences, good barn and other out build
ings. All new. Splendid homo. In
quire of L. C. Swan or call at 7:20 W.
2nd St.
:er Finish
Than the Natural Grain
Caneniilli'lioobtnlnnl on door, eld floors
niul woodwork by nsinc CluN'amrl ttlto
varnish niacin In oil colon) and our new
patent emlnlnt prucci.
Kiuy work for tho immtciir. No technical
training necessary
Made by The Ohio Varnish Company
Cleveland, O.
Stone Drug Co.
Prescription Druggists
Klrst Door North of
Klrst National llanlc
Andrew Weinberger, of Omaha, is
visiting relatives in town, having ar
rived the early part of tho week.
Maurico Guilliame has accepted a
position with tho RuBh Mercantile Co.,
assuming his duties yesterday.
Your furniture needs varnishing and
repairing before house cleaning. See
P. M. Sorenson, shop 107 E. 5th St.
Chas. Whyman, late night baggage
man, loaded his household goods
yesterday, and leaves today for Brule.
Wnntcd pure bred white Plymouth
rock cockerel. Address L. Maccy,
North Platte.
Rural route carrier Sturgcs is con
fined to tho Iioubo by In grippe, but the
substitute, Mrs. Sturges, successfully
made the routo in tho storm yesterday.
Snow began falling yesterday morn
ing and continued at intervals through
out the day, thu3 giving moisture that
will make crops more reasonably cer
tain this season.
Wanted First class woman cook.
Inquiro at tho Entorprise Bakery.
Supt. Tout, of the city schools, goos
to Sidney tonight where he will officiate
aB judge in a dcclamotory contest bo-
twecn the high schools of that place
and Alliance.
Ladios' fancy nnd plain lislo and silk
hosiery. Now line, just in at Wilcox
Department btore,
Perry Carson, Billy Hatfield and Jim
mie Weeks spent Wodnosday hunting
in the vicinity of Paxton. Thoy re
turned with twenty-fivo ducks and two
goese. Tho othor two boyB commend
Billy as a retriever.
Dr. C. M. Hoadrick, specialist, will
visit North Platte, Wodnesday March
17th, Pacific hotol. Consultation free
Mr. Forbes, who recently worked for
Workman & Derryberry, has returned
from Lincoln and will again make North
Platto his home. Ho has moved into the
houso adjoining tho homo of Rov,
Tho attention of tho public is invited
to the new lino of stationery at Rinc-
ker's Book Store.
E. T. Tramp has purchased four lots
at Koystone, on the North river branch.
and if business conditions in that section
warrant, will erect a cement block
building this summer and establish
branch house.
Georgo don't forget to got one of
those model Shirts, only $1.00 at
Wilcox Department Stoke.
Tho high school basket ball team, ac
companied by Principal Ringer, journ-
oyed to Sidney Saturday and mot do
feat at tho hands of tho high schoo!
team of that town. Tho ncoro was,
however, close and tho game through
out a rattling good one.
Best nnd Cheapest Firo, Lightning
nnd Tornado Insurnce written By Bratt
& Goodman, Tho Leading Insurance
All regular services in tho Christian
church next Lord's day. Tho biblo
school convenes at 10 a. m. The atten
danco in tho bible school is increasing
and the interest growing. All are urged
to attend this service. The pastor is also
anxious that each momber of tho church
bo present at tho morning service
Special attention will bo given to tho
need of the work. Preaching in the
evening at 7:30. All invited to come
L. C. Swan,
It Saved His Leg.
"All thought I'd lose my log," writos
J. A. Swenson, Watcrtcwn, Wis., "Ton
years of eczema, that 15 doctors could
not cure, had at last laid mo up. Then
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured it sound
and well." Infallible for Skin Eruption
Eczema, SaltRJmcm, Boils, Fover Sores
Burns, Scalds, Gut b nnd Piles. 25c at
Mogul Coffee is tho best.
The Rev. Wm. J. Davidson, D. D..
Chancellor of Nebraska Wesloyan Uni
versity, will preach both morning and
evening in the Methodist Episcopal
church on March 14th. All aro invltea
to come and hear this masterful speaker.
For Rent Eight room houso with
modern improvements. Inquiro of
E. A. Cary.
Saloons or no saloons will bo tho
jssue in the city election nt Lexington.
Mogul Coffee in the morning makes
you feel good all day.
For Sale.
100 head of cows, steers and heifers.
Can bo seen at tho former StureeB
ranch 8 miles northwest of North
Platto. Alex Brown.
The County Option Bill.
Lincoln Stnrr Temperanco peoplo of
Nebrnska who holpcd last fall to dofcut
Georgo Sheldon and a mnjority of tl o
republican candidates for the stato leg
islature, received their reward Tuesdsy
nf ternoon when the democratic members
of tho senate put to death that county
option measure' for which tho tempor-
nnco forces had lontr worked and prayed.
Those good folks know moro about
tho game of politics than they did bo-
foro that notablo session of Tuesday
afternoon. Senator Myers, of Rock coun
ty, told them a few things, and they
lmd no difficulty in obsorving others
when the representatives of the party
which Elmer Thomas and others of hia
organization had holpcd to put in power
voted against the bill.
Every republican sonntor savo two
voted fdr tho county option bill. Every
vote ngainst tho mensuro Bavo two was
cast by a democrat, and thoso confident
members of the majority, of whom tho
gnllarics expected much last fall when
they assisted in defeating Sheldon and
his running mates, sat thcro silent and
smiling whilo the supporters .of tho bill
talked against timo nnd prefaced tho
slaughter with their elegant words.
How good are tho memories of those
county option peoplc7 Two years from
no , when this question is an issuo
again, will thoy forgot the things that
happened on that March Tuesday after
noon when thn democrats stuck tho
knife into tho measure? And two years
from now nt tho lust moment, in tho
timo when the roorback is born nnd red
lights flash in the pan, will they again
turn toward tho domocratic party whicii
has just fooled them once and which
will as easily and jovially fool them
again if it can7
Estrayed from my farm ten miles
northwest of town on March 7th, four
cows ono dark red, ono light red with
horn brokon oil, one light brindlc, hoavy
with calf, and dark nrindlo with horn
off; no brands. A reasonabio reward
will bo paid for information leading to
their recovery. Leave word at tho
Tramp grocery or addroBB J. N. Carl
islo, North Platto.
A Boquet of American Beauties in "A Knight for
a Day," which will he presented at the Keith
Theatre, this (Friday) evening. .
Even the young folks can remember .when all soda
crackers were bought from an open .box or barrel.
At that time they were only used because there was
nothing better.
But now the perfected soda crackers t
in their moisture and dust proof packages are a
staple 3-times a day food. The fact that nearly
half a million packages are eaten every day in
the year shows the popular appreciation of
a clonal
5 froof H
Packages jgjjp
Stones Drug Stbro.