The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 05, 1909, Image 2

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IRA L. DARE, Publisher
Boiling Down of the More Impor
tant Events Here and There
no uri'siui'iu nun nuuiiiuiuu iu
I ... 11 lMUfn.. ..
in v II niiriM in iiiii cijiiiiiiinniijii nil
utril In rot, alitor thft llfHiln fif tllO
III1 ll.iillC IMS VOlUtl IU IBllllll III
agricultural bill an appropriation
$25,000 for digesting, compllliiK and
Idl. I.. IL J .... I.. I
cjiuml3.)lon on country 1 1 ft .
protect against tho establishment
poutni Livings minus was regisiuruu
Ih the house eoinmlttco on POSt-
rrn nv inn-nun mm uw iuiii
J Mill v itiVIt J' v v.r v-
m ii m 111 .
tnfrmrnt r.i ma iiniwiiKViiui iiisr n
(urn mill Hmtiii'in win u iinuiunu
i ....1.11,.
ported b tho houso coinmttloo on
lltnrv affairs
t houso rejected tho sennLo
. . ii ii . i-i
tn .....1 liiillnliil 1111 Itinrnnuni?
lnrlcs of president, vlco prosdont,
enker and Judges.
Mr. McCumber mado an oxtomlcil
occh In tlni HPiiato on tho right ot
......... n (Iw lnw1rttf1ei frw ttrwl
g grain entering Interstate com
crce. "With Ita war jinlnt on, tho Iiouho of
. .... 11... Odl, 1...
ll V ll.Vt V I. 'H HIM ..a...,
I . .1 . .. il . .1
nullum II1ILIIJ1 1LI17I1 II1II1IY lllllun w-
.1 II. . 1... I .... I I . II.
Inllnn lill iirnvlillni' for HllllirV III-
- 1 ' ' ' (.1 .
m .1.. . ., . . 1. .. ..I....
l.'Ulll.n 1UI Lliu Jil i niuuiu, ni" i
.... . .1 It... 1...1I..I......
I'DIUVIII, wiu njiuuuui, iiiu jiiuiw... j
. . .. m ..ill ..
ii mr inn rrnnimii in inn u an ui
ulnr.fioprotnrv nnd fourth itHHlKtant
Tho Bonato passed tho compromise
11 providing for tho reinstatement
colored HoldlorH,
Boforo tho closo of tho Hlxtlcth con-
una it mini uuumuj. ui ul-iiii im.i
ibsldv. law will bo enacted by con-
resH, If now plnnn of Iioubo leadorH
rn Bimnnnnrni.
Tho coming hunting trip of Pres.-
niir i f ui 1HM vi' i l if i i i i iiiil wiih nrmiuiiL
i - . 1 A M ..I ....... 1. ...-1.4
liliukti t villi iiuilkvii iw iiiivn it" "
. . . M . Ill I
iirii nr t in AvnniiHn nr i in nxiintiiLinn
r. Mium (111.) voluntoorotl tho on-
i iihi'ii iiii mini i iitu i! nan iiiiiiiiiit
IIIII. I'llIIIIl llll IT II I IIMnl'Il.
Secrotary J. P. Hanson, of Kro-
I1T1T I .( Ill 1 I IIIII IT 1111 I'lllll. lllllt ILIIIIUILIU'11
ii niwiuiur iiriiwii in niiuiiiii 11111 nit
aim nn nr run iiiit if mil lfivurniiniiii
1 1. .i i ... 1 1 ... .. i.. K. . .i
iiiii lit iLiiiiiL:!! iiiiiTi in luiin iiiiiii iiuti
or rim nmimiiH uukl ana mini uuai
t lin T'lnttn rlvnr.
An nmoiulmont was Incorporated la
tin tllnlnmntln mul conHulur annro-
ho Bonato nrovIdinK that horcaftor
ui nuw iiiiiuiiuiiiiui a nnuii uu i-iuiui'ii
.. i . i ... 1 1 . . .. .i
mlnnn llin nnmn nhttll lm nrnvldnil for
'iiv im nnr in pnimrnsH. i iiih wiiiiui
.. .... i . . itii.i.. ... i.i
Inn nr rnlH nir mi Aninrlcnn loiriitlon
o nn nmliiiKHV.
Soiiato committee added a provision
o tho agricultural bill for a denatured
tilnnlinl crlll ill fjnlirnalrn iinpuiltlinlil V
Tlio sulicommlttco of tho senate
i:unniiiuuu on jiuiiciury iiuh unruuii tu
report that tho prcaldont'H action tu
permitting the morgcr of the stoel
compnnlcs Is unruithorlzoil,
lly a vote of 02 to 2 tho sonnto do-
cldod to rotnln tho olghteon ponslou
nconelps. lncludlm? Ilea. Mnlni'H. Tho
liouno had voted to couso date nil tho
agencies In Washington.
Tho Biuidry civil hill which Iiuh been
roportod to tho houso carrion liberal
appropriations for Iowa. They rolnto
chiefly to continuing work on public
buildings under authorizations mado
In previous bpshIoum, rentals for tem
porary hulldlngB while poulolllceH nro
being constructed and tho lllio.
The agricultural appropriation bill,
carrying $13,77.1,27(1 an tucrouBo of
$889,460 over tho bill uh pasnod by
tho ltou. e, wiih reported to tho bou
ate, The forest servlco soourod an
Incrcnso of $500,000 for II ro protec
tion. Gcnerai.
Ooorgo Honhng ot tho lrlsh-Amerl-Iran
nthlotle club, brolto thu world's
'record for tho llvo mllo run at tho
Htnto armory athletic moot at Troy,
N Y,
II. Ilarriman celebrntod his sixty
first birthday in n (pilot mnnnor at
San Antonio, Toxas, Ho spoilt tho
morning In pistol and rlllo practice.
E. It Woodward, superintendent of
tho Multnomah amateur athlotlc
club, Portland, Oro., shot nnd fatally
wounded himself.
More than 10,000 rubhor mill opera
tives in Now England, who have boon
idle for a month have been openud
up again.
Prominent cigarette Juniors
throughout tho country hnvu doeldod
to abolish cut prices on stuudurd
brandy of clgurettes.
At the recpnt election In New York
r.oino count Ion largely voted "dry."
A nig said to he worth more than
?.")'),0n(i, and to bo the Attest In tho
world, wwi presented to the While
House ft a gift to the nation by a
rich Armenian.
Greeks at South Omaha wero
nobbed mid driven from their homes,
many of them being severely beaten.
The situation between Austria-Hungary
nnd Servlit Ih again glvlrrg rlno
to unenslness.
An attack by Hurton on Rnlncy
of Illinois was the feature of the ses
sion of the house leecntly.
R. Mead Hhumwny, the Nebraska
murderer, was granted a. stay of exe
cution until March fi by tho supremo
court, the announcement being tnadu
while ha was jiroparlng for the gal
lows. IJemand for tho Immediate creation
by congroiis of a permanent tariff
commission was voiced In resolutions
udopted by th National Tariff Com
mission conference convention In In
dianapolis. President Roosevelt will make no
more appointments during his torm.
With $800,000 In gold pieces, fresh
from the government mint, to pny tho
odlcers and men of tho Atlnntlc float,
tho Yankton loft Washington to Join
the Hoot.
An assault on it whlto woman
caused a mob to collect In Ottumwa,
la., and u race riot Is feared.
Presidont Roosevelt lias written n
letter to Chairman Ilalo saying that
IIomonwny'H report on socrot servlco
work contains many falso und mis
leading statements.
Congressman Klnknld is not hopo
fill for tho passage of Ills bill-reducing
nmount of Improvcmenti. required on
Klnknld homesteads.
Congressman Hurton mado n sen
sational reply to chargoa nuulo by Mr.
Rnlnoy against tho financial deal for
the Panama cannl.
A bill wnu favorably roportod In tho
sonnto for an additional federal Judgo
for Nebraska.
Rottirn of tho Atlantic squadron
was tho occasion of big demonstra
tion at Hampton Roads and Presi
dont Roosovelt praised tho men nnd
A call for a caucus of tho domoc'rntrt
of tho next house for 10 o'clock Tues
day forenoon, March 15, was issued to
day by Representative Clayton, chair
man of tho presont democratic organ
ization. This caucus will soloct a
democratic candldato for appakor to
bo voted for two hours lator and also
candidates for othor olllccs of tho
Sonator Cainblo wont boforo tho
appropriation commlttoo of tho sonnto
In behalf of an appropriation of $100,
000 for n now water systom nt Fort
Meado, S. 1.
Senator Hurkott had up with tho
postmnstor genornl a petition of cltl
ezna of Uethany for tho establish
ment there of n branch olllco of tho
Llnc(ln postofllco. Tho poBtmnBtor
general called his attention to tho
section of tho law providing that no
subalatlon could ho established in any
town of loss than 1,500 Inhabitants
and that in this petition tho citizens
had mado u statement that tholr po
pulation was 1,200.
On tho recommendation of Senator
Dawson, Dr. H. R. Dean has ifcen ap
pointed pension examining surgeon
at Muscntlno, lit. vlco Dr. C. 0. Moy
ridge, deceased.
Tho romarkablo fenturo of tho "In
augural fouvenlr" used by tho com
mittee in charge of tho inaugural
ceromonltm Is a biographical sketch
of ProHldonl-oIcct Tart by President
Roosovelt. It lias peculiar slgnlll
canco In view of minora tlint havo
been published to tho offoct that fric
tion existed between Roosevelt and
Tuff. The keynote of tho prosldonftt
sketch may bo found In then words:
"No one of better training, no man of
more dauiitlosH courngo, or common
boiibo and higher chnractor has ever
como to tho proBldency than Wlllitim
Howard Tnft."
That a dual dotormlnatlon should
nnd will bo obtained from u court of
last resort its to the quostlon of label
ing whisky under tho puro food lnw,
Is tho opinion expressed by Attornoy
General Ilonnparto In ; lottor to Presi
dent RoosovoU.
The Aldrleh bill, providing menus
for tho ro-onllslmont of negro soldiers
who wore dlcsharged without honor
on account of participating In the
Drowmtvllle nffray. was passed by tho
Tho senate passed tho dlplonintlo
and consular npproprlntlon bill, car
rying $:t.Clt:,a8(!. The house provision
vesting lu n vlco consul genornl Judi
cial authority in civil and criminal
cuBes, hortytoforo vested u tho consul
general of China, wits stricken oitt.
and tho Lodge amendment appropri
ating $100,000 for grounds and build
ings for tho American ombnssy at
Paris wits laid on the table.
Myron T. Horrlck of Ohio Is said
to bo out of tho cablnot race.
Prominent surfniglsts ot London
woro sontencod to term In prison.
Tho question of woman Biiffrago will
bo put to n vote lit Washington Rtnto.
Willi tho soloctlon of Franklin Mac
Veitgh for secretary of tho treasury
tho Tnft cabinet Is mado up.
President Roosevolt was vlolontly
abused lu the houso by two republican'
Gov. Sliullonborgor of Nebraska sets
tho precedent of retaining tho three
heads of state Institutions who are
Unolllclal nniiouucemont inado at
Columbus, O., says that J. M. Dlckln
son of Tonnosseo Is to bo secretary
of war In Tuft's cablnot.
Secretary Wilson arguod for u de
natured alcohol plant at Lincoln.
Number of Men Long Prominent In
Both Houses Will Retire With
Close of the Session.
Washington. The Sixtieth congross
will como to an end Thursday noon
with tho inauguration of Tuft and
Sherman. Until that tlino business
In both the senate and tho houso will
be in a hurly-burly condition, with
conference roports on appropriation
bills tho principal order of business.
All of tho big supply bills have been
passed by the houso and nil but tho
sundry civil military nendemy nnd
gonoral deficiency bills hnvo passod
tho senate. The supply measuros in
conforonco nro tho legislative, exe
cutivo and Judicial; tho pension,
army, agrlculturo fortification nnd
rivers nnd harbors appropriation bills.
An effort will ho mado in tho senate
by Senator Hoyburn to hnvo tho con
foronco report on tho pennl code bill
adopted, but somo opposition is antici
pated. In tho house It Is expected tho
question of changing tho rules to es
tablish a calendar day for tho con
sideration of bills will bo taken up on
Monday and on Tuosday an effort will
ho mndo to pass tho sonato bill pro
viding for tho granting ot subventions
to mall-carrying vosbcIh botweon
United States ports und South Amer
ica, Japan, China nnd .Australasia.
Tho passage of tho bill will bo stub
bornly resisted. The Appalachian
nnd White mountain forest reserva
tion bill will recolvo first attention
from tho houso Monday. Tho sonato
will meet in speclnl session on Thurs
day to consider nominations.
Twolvo senators nnd sovcnty-Bovcn
rcprcsontntlvcs, who aro members of
tho present congress, will bo nbsont
when tho Sixty-first congress tisscm
bios In special sesskin in March 15.
In tho re-election of Mr. Hopkins In
UllnolB nnd Mr. Stephonson in Wis
consin tnkes place, It is posBiblo that
tho number of senatorial absentees
will bo nugmonted to fourteen.
Of tho Bovcnty-sovon roproscntntlvcs
who rotlro on Mnrch 3, ono, Mr. Hop
burn of Iown, who has served twenty
two yenrs In congross, nnd nnothor,
Mr. Shormnn of Now York, who be
comes vlco president, has served
twenty yenrs in the houso. Mr.
Cousins of Iowa nnd Dolcgato Smith
of Arizona havo sorved sixteen years.
It Will ,Be That of Inducting Taft
Into Office.
Washington. All othor cvonta of
tho week will bo ovorshnttowed by tho
Inauguration at Washington of Wll
litim Hownrd Taft, twonty-Bovcnth
president of tho' United States, On
Thursday while President Taft graces
tho ball that will bring tho tnnugurnl
program to a brilliant closo, Mr.
Roosovelt, rellovod of tho burdens of
state, will bo surrounded by his neigh
bors of Oyster bay nnd Mr. Uryan will
bo the guest of honor nt a dollar din
nor In Pittsburg.
If ho Is pormlttod to follow tho
plnns chosen, Mr. Roosovelt will go to
New York Into Thursdny. nnd thonco
to Oyster Ray, whoro a homo-romlng
demonstration has been arranged.
Oath of Office Will Be Taken Upon
It by T?.ft.
Washington. Willlnm II. Tnft will
tago tho oath of ofllco us prosldont of
tho United Stntes on tho century-old
Hlblo which belongs to tho supremo
court of tho United States and by It
kept In custody. There Is a touch of
sontlniont In this decision which Mr.
Tnft announced with tho stnteniPtit
Unit had ho become n member of the
Riipremo court his oath would havo
boon taken on Identically tho sumo
A Million Dollar Scsalon.
Washington Now that htlllon dol
lar sessions of congress nro tho rule,
little othor than npproprlntlon legls
lntlon can ho onnctod during tho short
sessions, and tho ono to end this
week Is no oxcoptlon to tho rulo. Tho
upproprlatlons for the sosslon prob
ably will ho tho largest on record,
even excelling tho $1.00S,000,000 pro
vided for nt the tlrut boshIou. As only
ono of tho tlfteen gonoral appropria
tion bills of this session has been sent
to tho prosldont for signature, an ac
curate statement of tho nmount Is Im
possible. First Chinaman Elected,
lthnca, N. Y. Tonfu Hit of Wu
Chough Sleu, China, was elected to
tho Phi Hotn Kappa fraternity at Cor
nell thlB week. It is tho llrst time
that n Chliinman was ovor oloeted to
tho highest honorary Bocloty nt Cor
noil. Crisis Near In Mnncluirln.
Peklu AdvlcoB recolvod from Har
bin stnto tho situation there nrlslng
out of Russia's Inslstouco that It ad
minister tho local municipal govern
niont on account ot Its railroad Inter
ests, is rapidly noarlug a crisis.
Ethel Not Engaged.
Washington An omphutto denial of
tho report that tho prosldonl'B
younger dnujhter, Miss Ethul, Is on
gaged to marry Third Assistant Sec
retary of Stuha William Phillips was
given out hero.
Other Matters that Were up lor Con
sideration the Past Week In
the Legislature,
Finance Bill.
The house finance comniltU-e has
completed Its budget bills for nil but
tho special upproprlatlons for build
ings and kindred subjects, and for
those things which are spoclully ap
propriated for in the bills which cre
ated tho need.
Uy this bill the governor's olllco Is
to havo Incidental expenses togethor
with tho executive mansion of $7,900
for tho blonnluin, the commissioner
ot public lands nnd buildings ? 1.G00,
tho nttornoy general $10,000 to on
force tho rules of the railway com
mission and the .lunkln net, tho ox
pensM of tho stnto banking board
ure to bo $11,000, tho Btato historical
society gets tho customary $15,000,
the puro food commission $15,800 ex
clusive of the commissioner's salary,
tho national guard $51,800, Peru nor
mal excluding salaries and now build
ings, $30,000, the stnto uuiverslty
$115,000 divided into permanent im
provonmonts $100,000, expenses of
farmers institutes $20,000 and tho
North Platte '.sub-station $25,000, tho
Kcurney normal gets $24,700, tho In
stitute for, t ho blind at Omaha $49,
OGG.OO, the boys' industrial Bchool at
Kearney $85,500, tho gtrlB Industrial
schols nt Geneva $32,750, tho homo for
tho feeble minded at Ueatrlco, $90,
5U0, tho Lincoln hospital for the In
sane $171,300, tho penitentiary
draws $130,200, and tho soldiers'
homo nt Grand Island $123,230. All
these nro exclusivo of salaries and
buildings that mny be ordered by Bpc
clal bills.
How to Get the Franchise.
Tho houso passed Shoemakcr'B bill
which is Intended to hold In check
the tendency of foreigners In this
Btato to bo registered as Intending to
becomo citizens nnd then voting on
the Btrcngth of this dcclnrntlon.
Shoemaker would mnko It necessary
for any foreigner herenftor coming
to tho Btnto to liecomo a full-fledged
citizen before voting, and thoso who
havo already taken out tho llrst pa-'
pers tt contpleto tholr transforma
tion within five years or have tho
frnnchlso taken from them. Tho chief
section of tho bill follows: "Every
male citizen ot the United Stntes, ot
the ngo of twenty-one years, who
shall have been n resident of this
stnto Blx months next preceding tho
election and of tho county, precinct or
ward, for tho term provided by law
shall bo an elector: Provided, that
persons of foreign birth who shall
havo declared their Intention to be
como citizens couformnhly to tho
laws ot tho United States', and nro
now voting, may continue tho exer
clso tho light, of suffrago until Btich
tlmo ns they mny havo resided In tho
United States llvo years, when they
shall take out full citizenship papers
to bd entitled to voto at nny succeed
ing election."
The Oregon Plan.
In tho sonato houso roll No. 1, pro
vldng for tho Oregon plan for tho
direct election ot United Stntes - sen
ntors, was rocommonded for passago
by tho Bcnnto commlttoo of tho whole
on Thursday, by u straight party
voto of 19 to 12, and sonato file No.
100, Introduced by n republican, Sen
ntor Thompson, somewhat similar in
nature, wan indefinitely postponed by
a similar vote.
Tho houso bill provides that n can
didate for tho legislature can, If ho
chooses, havo ono ot two stntcmonts
placed after his nutno on tho ballot;
that ho will support tho people's
cholco for United Stales senator, or
that ho wll consider their choice, ox
prosed by u vote, us nioroly a recom
mendation. Senator Thompson's bill adds a
third stntoment, that the candidate
may pro'mlso to voto for his party's
choice for United Stntes senator. Tho
bill wont through with llttlo argu
ment. Senator Myers, motion thnt it
bo Indetlnttoly postponed being voted
down by a voto of 1!) to 12. Sonator
Tlbbots moved that the sennto bill
bo indefinitely postponed.
Fine for Trading Stamps.
Senator Dlers Introduced a bill pro
viding for a ilmW from $20 to $100
for tho uso of trading stamps or pre
miums for tho boosting of trado.
Backing Bank Bill.
According to ono of tho senators
all of tho democrats In tho sonnto,
with tho possiblo exception of one,
aro strongly backing tho bank bill
prepared by tho banking commlttco.
Ono man thinks that n higher capital
Btock should bo required for tho ml
mission of new banks into towns to
dlscourngo tho formation of too many
Indeterminate Sentence.
Senntor Hrown of Lnncnstor coun
ty introduced into tho sonnto a bill
providing for tho indeterminate sent
ence of men convlctod of nny felon
los oxcopt mnrdor nnd treason. Tho
bill provides for u prison board com
posed of an attorney and a physician
appointed by tho govornor, nnd tho
warden of tho penitentiary. Evory
man must servo the minimum sunt
onco for the ciimo for which ho was
convlctod, and thou ho may bo pa
roled by tho board, which must got
him yrouer employment.
Bill by Senator Brown to Regulate the
To prevent tho issuance of wntered
stock by public service corporations
and to provldo for tho regulation of
tho issiinnco of stock by tho railway
commission Senator Ilrown of Lan
caster has Introduced a bill In tho
senate. Tho bill provides:
"No corporation heretofore or here
after organized In this stnto for tho
purposo of opening n street, Interurbnn
or other railroad, telephono, gas or
electric lighting or power systom, or
for tho purpose of furnishing any
othor public service, shnll be permit
ted to lssuo nny stock or bonds until
such corporation shall havo submitted
to tho Btnto railway commission n
statement showing to tho satisfaction
ot such commission Hint tho same
Is to be issued for money or property
of equal value actually received by
such corporation.
"Tho state railway commission Is
hereby given full power and nuthorlty
and Is required to suporvigo nnd
regulato tho Issuance of nil stock und
bondB by corporations described in
tho net. Tho commission must also
npprovo tho snmo only whon it is
shown to tho satisfaction of the com
mission that It Is for money or prop
orty to tho value of tho amount of the
stock nnd tho bonds.
"No corporation of tho class de
scribed shall havo power to Issue any
stocks or bonds except for money or
property equal in valuo to tho amount
thereof actually recolvod. and nil
wutercd stocks or bonds or other fic
titious increase of the capital Btock or
Indebtedness 13 prohibited nnd nil
such stock or bonds, whon Issued In
violation of this act, shnll be void."
Tho bill contains nn emergency
Appropriation Bills.
The salary, appropriation bill nnd
tho npproprlntlon bill for current ex
penses of tho state and state Insti
tutions hnvo been completed nnd will
bo Introduced In tho house by Repre
sentative Clark of Richardson. The
salary bill carries'. i total of $904,180,
against a total amount npproprlatcd
two years ago of $882,400. In 1907
tho total appropriations for current
oxponses was $1,912,780, against a
total of $1,847,800.09. Tho current
oxponso bill does not contain nn np
proprlntlon for the oxponses of the
Stato Rullway commission, which
amount last year was flxed at $20,000.
This Is probably an oversight, ns n
member of tho flnnnco committee
said an amount had been agreed upon
though less than two years ago. The
reduction in tho current oxponso bill
is duo to cuts mado In tho appro
priations for stato Institutions mora
than any other items nnd tho in
creaso in tho snlary bill Is duo most
ly to lncroaso In salary of tho su
premo judges and members of tho
district court.
Sinking Fund Measure.
Sonator Ransom has Introduced n
bill for a now method of securing a
sinking fund. Tho bill provides that
tho Btato auditor shall certify to tho
county clerk of each county tho
amount of all municipal bonds of nny
clty""or village and whon tho Interest
nnd ptlnclpnl nre due. It is mado tho
duty of tho county board of equaliza
tion to levy a sumclent amount of tax
against tho taxable property of such
city or villago to moot the said bonds
nnd tho interest on them when duo.
If the county board refuses or ne
glects to do so it is mado tho duty
of tho county dork to levy tho snmo tho taxablo property.
Prohibitory Amendment.
Tompernnco forces will lntroduco
In the legislature, probably In tho
sonato, a joint resolution for an
tiinondment to tho constitution for
stnte-wldo prohibition. Tho supporters
of county option nro not satisfied
with tho progress being mndo on this
mnttor and hnvo dotormlned to put
tho more radical mensuro before tho
Stock Yards Bill.
Tho Stock Yards bill, recommend
ed for passago, fixes tho prico for
yarding, loading, unloading, feeding
and watering stock as follows: Cattlo
20 conts a head; calves, 8 cents;
horses nnd mules, 5 cents; hog,s, 0
cents, nnd sheep, 4 conts. Theso
charges aro said to bo a cut of
about 20 por cont from tho charges
now mndo by tho stock yards com
pany at South Omaha. The bill us
amended In committee of tho whole
nlso fixes a chnrso ot 35 cents above
the market of the previous day for
hay and grain. It nlso requires nn
nniiual report to bo mndo by tho
stock yards company to tho Btato
railway commission.
New Road Laws.
Tho comnilttoe of tho whole did not
object soriously to nny portion of S.
F. No. 91. Introduced by the commlt
too on highways and bridges, nn act
requiring ono-hnlf of tho cost of road
mnking to bo pnld by tho state. It
wits ordorod to third rending.
Squirrel Bill Laid Over.
Tho blennlnl controversy over
shooting quail and squirrels wns
given a whirl on tho lloor of tho
houso In committee of the whole.
Tho bill wns laid over.
The Wisconsin Plan.
Senator Donohoo nnd Representa
tive Henry of Holt county Introduced
Into both houses the Wisconsin plan
for tho control of public sorvlco cor
poratlons, furnishing gns, electricity,
hont. water, or power, for public or
private use, In cities. Tho stnto rail
way commission is vostod with jiower
to suporviso, npprniso and vnluo tho
physical proporty of tho corporations,
and those must file with the commis
sion schedules of tholr rates. Tho
sorvlco of tho corporations must bo
adequate, ami the charges reasoiyiblo.
Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit
ical and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
McCook Is taking the Initiatory
steps for a water works system.
Miss Etta llryant, of Auburn, was
allowed $117 as damages sustained by
falling on n defective walk.
Frank Irlgmlre, a farmer living'
three miles northwest of Huntley, fell
from a loud of hay nnd suffered n bad
broken arm.
Representative Taylor of Meruit,
Nob., has filed a complaint with tho
railroad commission, against the poor
facilities for caring for cattle that the
railroads havo ut that place.
Jack Smith, who was found guilty
of horso stealing at the beginning of
court In Fulls City, was sentenced
to three years lu tho penitentiary.
Tho contractors who havo the car
noglo library In Fnlrbury say tho
building will be completed by June.
The masons have the basement com
pleted. Frank McColery ot Uentrlce, against
whom his wife illed suit Tor divorce,
alimony nnd the custody of their
l-yoar-old child, has disappeared, tak-,
ing with him the child.
Tho Whalen diversion dnm In Mor
rill county, Is now completed nnd tho
fnrmers of the Platte valley can be
sure of all the water they want to use
for tho 1909 crops.
M. H. Scrogglns has sold tho seven-ty-slx
ncre fnrm between Kearney nnd
Buda for $124.50 por acre. As near
as can bo learned this is tho highest
prico paid for straight farm land In
Buffalo county.
Brnkeinnn John Eidt was a victim
of nn accident ut Oborlln, Kan., in
which he Hiistnlned a fractured skull
nnd a crushed left arm, which had
to ho nmputated. Ho was taken to the
hospltnl at McCook.
K. Tachlkann, a dapper llttlo Jap
employed ns n section hand In tho
local yards at North Platte, left for
Japan where ho will bo married, lie
will return to North Platte with his
Tho jewelry store of L. E. Aubert,
RushvUlo, wus broken Into boforo
daylight and $800 worth of watches,'
rings and Jewelry stolon. Tho thief
got In through the buck' door by saw
ing out n panel.
Tho home ot Rev. J. R. Mouer, Uea
trlco, waB entered by sneak thieves
nnd a pocketbook containing about
$5 and a gold watch stolen. Roth tho
pockotbok und wutch wcro old family
keepsakes and their loss is much de
plored by Mr. Mouer.
Charles Wanrow, a well known
young mnn of Humboldt, was placed
under arrest for assault on tho person
oi Moss C. Davis an old man. Tho only
excuse tho nssallant has to offer Is
that ho was drunk. Thnt ought to
ttbject him to n double fine.
Rev. J. J. Parker, formerly pastor o
tho Congrogationnl church ut Kcurney,
now at Genoa, has accepted a call to
again become pastor of tho Kearney
church ami will removo to that city,
being thoro to hold services tho first
Sunday in March.
Tho contract for constructing tho
municipal waterworks plant in Scott's
Bluff, for which tho town recently
voted $30,000 bonds nnd sold them ut
pur, hns been let to tho Katz-Cralg
Contracting company ot Omaha, their
bid of $2,000, being the lowost of six
bids submitted.
Blncklog has appeared among sev
eral head of cattlo near Nebraska
City and considerable alarm Is foK.
Serum Is being used and tho cattlo
aro being looked aftor by a veterinary.
Ho is confident that he will prevent
tho spread of the dlseaso and savo
most of tho stock affected.
At tho state convention of postal
clerk In Hastings resolutions wero
adopted asking tho senators and all
congressmen from Nebraska to favor
tho passago of soveral bills now pend
ing in congress for improvement of
tho conditions of postal clerks. Ono
of these bills provides for strict en
forcement of tho olght-hour law.
The appropriations commlttoo at
Wnshlngton has authorized tho ex
penditure of $00,000 on tho North
Phitto federal building during tho year
1910. Tills means thnt no work will
bo done on tho building this year, and
that at least two years will olnpso bo
foro Its completion after construction
work begins,
Chief of Police Trindle. of Kearney
was notified to wntch out for ono Joe
Kolloy who had skipped frcm North
Plntto with an nmount of nionoy which
did not bolong to him. Ho was taken
from a Union Pacific train nnd locked
up to nwnlt orders from North Plntto.
He had on his person $214.37 when
tnkon. Ho had been In partnership
with Mrs. Vovn Stovens and had been
running tho Stnr Hotel at North
Platte. On payday ho collected up tho
money from railroad mon and con
cluded to skip.
Dick Consbruck, nged 25. attempted
to commit suicide ut tho farm houso
of his hrothor, Joe Consbruck. four
miles south of Hastings, by slnshlng
his neck with a razor. Alfiiough sori
ously wounded ho will probably re
cover. The dislike against tno Greeks in
Nebraska City seems to spring up in
nil dlrectloiiB and Sheriff Fischer was
cnllod to tho eastern part of the city
to catiso some Greek to movo as
they havo been lu the habit of shoot
ing tho chickens or tho neighbors ami
doing other thlnSs or reprehensible