The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 26, 1909, Image 6

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IRA L. DARE, Publisher
WUHTfi rLiATT12,
j A Boiling Down of the More Impor
tant Events Here and Tlicrc
President Roosevelt transmitted to
rongrir,s the roport of the engineers
who Inspected tho Pnnntim cnntil.
President-elect Toft nnnounooB h6
will cnll nn extra sosalon of congress
to meet March 15.
Tho naval bill cnrrylng about $130,
000,000 passed tho sennto aftor being
considered Ihreo dayH.
Senator Hurkclt made a speech
protesting against "filibustering" la
tho matter of approprlatlonB.
Senator Hrown will try to got provi
sion In tho army 1)111, permitting tho
rdgnnl eorpB to boII tho gaB lo private
parties for ballooning.
Senator Dixon of Montana provoked
sharp criticism of naval muthods In
tho Bcnato when ho referred to mnga
Kino articles making special HtrlcturoH
upon construction at navy yardB. Ho
quoted an article as charging that ton
or twelve members of tho naval affalrfl
committee of tho senato had navy
yardB In their Htatos.
President Francis of tho Louisiana
PurchatiBo Exposition company, bo
foro tho house conimltteo on appropri
ations, urged a provision In tho huh
dry civil appropriation bill by which
tho government would relinquish Ita
clalniB to monoyB In tho treasury of
tho exposition company.
Tho Iioubo passed tho bill reducing
tho anlnry of tho secretary of stato to
$8,000 n, year. Tho bill admitting Ari
zona and Now Mexico ntr Boparato
HtatOB wna uIbo passod.
Hy a vote of 173 to 117 . tho houso
passed tho bill romovlhg tho bar to
Sonator Knox's eligibility for tho of
llco oC Becretnry of state.
Chairman Goothnls and Onneral
Counsel RogoiB, of tho iBthmlan canal
commlsBlon, and Capt. F. C. lloggH of
tho Washington onice, appeared bo
foro tho subcommittee of tho house
commlttoo on npproprlatloiiB, which Is
nronarlm: tho Bundry civil bill. Col,
GoothalB explained tho catimatoB for
approprlatlonB for 1910.
RopreBontatlvo W. I. Smith of Iowa
Introduced a bill extending tho tlmo
for tho Central Rallroi.d and Hrldgo
company for ono year to commonco
nnd three years to completo a gen
oral tralllc bridge ncrosB tho Mia
Kourl rlvor at Council Illuffa.
Tho minority of tho houso commit
too on elections mado an advanco re
port on the bill decreasing tho salary
of tho secretary of slate. It contenda
that tho meuBuro should bo referred
to tho Judiciary commlttoo.
Thomas F. WalBh. formerly of Colo
rndo, will havo charge of tho arrange
meats for tho Inaugural ball.
Judge Hlrdsall, who formerly wno
on the houso Judiciary committee, said
ho did not bollovo tho Ineligibility ot
Sonator Knox could bo cured by pass
Inir tlin Mil wlilcli Ih now iilidoi" mil
Hldorntlon. .ludgo Hlrdsall may volo
against this bill when It comes up In
the houso.
George M. Rommel, formorly of tho
Iowa Slato collogo, now with tho do
partment of agriculture, has nrrlvou
from South Amorlca having boon
thore as one of tho ten delegates, sent
by tlila government to attend tho con
gresa of scientific research at San
tlago, Chllo,
President-elect Taft made a fare
well address to his Cincinnati nolgh-
bors nt tho Chamber of Conunorce.
Horace (3. Hurl, president of the
Great Western road, Issuod ordoiB
prohibiting smoking In tho hendquar
tors building of the company.
Ofllco Kdward Lowory of Soutl
Omaha was shot and killed by a Greek
called "John,'' whom ho had arrested
A bill prohibiting forolgnors hold
ig any proporty In Cuba, has boon In
troduced In tho houso at Havana, nc
cording lo a cable dispatch.
United Slates Steel corporation an
nounced that It will mako such prices
nn will enablo It to rotalu a fair share
of tho business.
When Govornor Slubbs Hlgns tho
nntl-Ilquor' bill passed by both tho
houso anil Konato Kansas will havo a
prohibition law which la absolutely
"air tight," oven providing that phy
ulclniiB shall not proscrlbo liquor for
tho use of iiatlonts.
Tho officials of tho United States
Steel corporation and subsidiary con
ceniB noid a conference In Now
York to consider prlco cutting by tho
The sennto passed tho postolllco ap
propriation bill, carrying $232,000,000
A shnnr colllquy botwoen Senators L
Folletto and Ponroso was a foaturo
of tho debato.
R Mead Shtimway, tho Nebraska
murderer, was granted a stay of oxo
cutlon until March 5 by the supreme
court, tiio nniiouncomeut being mad
while he was preparing for the Kill
Scun'or Urown of Nebraska has in
sorted In tho Indian bill nn apprnpr a
tton for continuance of the Genoa In
uiau kciiooi a( also for two now
Tho Nebraska sonntc voted to ac
cept Carnegie' pension fund for uni
versity professor.
A (inuul Island man wins first place
for Nebraska spring whoHt at tho Na
tional Com exposition, grain Inspect
ors, laboratories nnd millers declaring
It to bo flour best ndapted for light
Tom O. Rarnuin of Cass county,
Nobr., stockman and laud ownor, was
killed Instantly In a Missouri Pacific
reck at Union.
President Roosevelt sent a special
message to congress on tho care of
dependent children.
Three hundred persons wore burned
to death in a theater nt Acapulco,
Mexico, Sunday.
,Tohn CaKouba, a laborer at tho Cud-
iliy packing plant In South Omaha,
foil Into a vat of boiling wator and
as almost cooked, alive. Ifc lived
several hours.
An unidentified man stabbed a num
ber of women In Ilerlln, and tho po
llco department havo been unablo to
secure a trace of him.
Tho bodies of fifty-two victims of
tho wrecked steamor Penguin havo
been recovered.
Van Goodoll,' who killed Kdnn Ken-
nott of Lincoln, was found guilty of
murder nt Omaha.
Real estate dealers and othors who
would invito forolgn money to Ne
braska propose to make mortgagos
exempt from taxation In fact, without
causing holders the trouble of dodging
tho atsesHor.
Secretary (Jarllold wants an addi
tional $100,000 to prosecute land and
tlmbor thlovoB.
Tho Western Haso Hall loaguo play
ing season will open April 29 nnd
close September 28.
Congressman Daniel L. D. Ornugor
f Providence, R. I., who represented
tho First district of Rhode Island dur
ing tho fifty-eighth, flfty-nlnth nnd
Ixtleth congrosses, died In Donvor of
heurt fnllure. Ho was flfty-soven
ears old.
Tho University of Missouri base
ball team has prepared a schcdulo of
olghteeu games. It will mako a ton
days' tour of Nebraska, Iowa and
KansnH late In April.
Vonozuolu has revoked tho decrco
prohibiting tho tralllc of smnll ves-
sols between Curacao and Vonozuola,
CongroBs must work ovortlmo In
order to finish by March I.
Chlolly for rest and recreation, but
Incidentally with tho purpose of exam
ining soino of tho Southern Pacific's
now lines, H. II. Hnrrlmnu left on an
extended trip to .tho south and to
riie nundry bill roportcd a few days
ago provides for continuing tho work
on a largo number of now public
buildings In Nebraska, Iowa, South
Dakota and Wyoming.
Tho soloct commlttoo appointed to
Investigate tho wood pulp and papor
situation recommended a reduction of
tho duty on print paper to $2 a ton.
Tho federal commission reports a
saving of $ri()0,000 yonrly on tho gov
ernments printing bills nnd shows
that tons of hooku aro printed and
not distributed.
In ouo day tho Bonato passod the
army and pension appropriation bills
and forty-llvo other measures.
An International conforouco for the
conservation of natural resources will
bo called by tho united States to
moot at Tho Hague lu Soptombor. In
vltntlons will bo Issuod to forty-llvo
Tho Inward and outward movement
of aliens for tho twolvo months, end
lug with November, 1008, Indicates
that the oinlgrntlon has boon greater
than immigration.
Arrangements linve been perfected
for tho great Inaugural parado ot
March I. Tho military nhow will bo
tho most Impressive since tho grand
rovlow In 180C, when tho armies of
Grant and Shormnn marched down
Pennsylvania avonuo.
VIco-Presldent and Mrs. Fairbanks
are contomplatlug taking a trip
around tho world short ly aftor tho
adjournment of congress. Thoy prob
ably will tnko a Btoamor at San Fran
clsoo, visiting Hawaii and tho Philip
nine Islands, then China and Japan
and returning via Europe.
Major Gonoral .1. Franklin Roll, who
will havo command ot tho Inaugural
parado March l, and his chlof of
staff, Prig. General .John A. Johnston,
are rounding out tho details of tho
Field agents of tho commission aro
still In California studying tho
forolgn additions to the population
Detnlled Information concerning tho
number of Japanese in this country
their occupation, and their rolatlons
to communities In which thoy live has
been collected for tho federal govern
ment during tho past year by tho Im
migration commission, cronted by
congressional resolution In 1007.
Chief Goronlmo was burled accord-
lug to the rites of tho Apache tribe,
tempored hyu Christian minister.
Congress lias mado It possible for
Knox to enter the cablnot.
Socrotary Wilson argued for h de
natured alcohol plant at Lincoln.
I'reBluont-oioei ran wan mnuo a
Mason lit sight by tho grand mastor
of Ohio.
Hllml Pasha has boon appointed
grand vizier of Turkey and has roor
ganlzed the cabluot.
Mr. llryan la said to have offended
democratic senators by an assault on
(ho Carnegie pension fund for tench-
King Alfonso him concluded IiIh visit
to the king of Portugal and roturnoil
to Madrid.
Iowa legislator! aro having a hard
time paring appropriation oallmatos
A Number of People Wounded, the
Torch Applied to Buildings, and
Much Damage Done.
Omaha. For six hours Sunday af
ternoon and evening tho Greeks, the
iVustrlnnH and the Roumanians of
South Omahu were at tho morcy of a
howling, half drunken mob, during
which time nt least twenty men and
boys were more or Iokh sorlously In
jured by beating or shooting. Prob
ably fifty buildings, mostly boarding
houses and retail business places be
longing to men of the throe nationali
ties, were gutted nnd dnmnged all of
the way from demolished window
fronts to almost complete destruction
by lire, and In which practically every
'man, woman and child of tho three
nationalities, estimated nt from l,fi00
to 1,800, Hod from tho city.
Tho desperate rioting Immediately
followed a great public mass meeting
hold early In tho afternoon, called as
a protest ngnlnst the prosonco of the
Greeks nlono, following tho murder ot
Police Ofllcer Lowory tho preceding
Friday night. Tho cnll, which wns
largely signed, also made other serious
charges ngnlnst tho Greeks, tondlng
to Incriminate them of insults and
outrages ngnlnst respectable women.
The meeting itsolf wns largely attend
ed by the hotter class of cltlzons ot
tho city, and In so far as tho acts of
I hat meeting would advise tho follow
lug criminal acts by tho mob woro not
Justified. Hut nt tho conclusion of
tho mooting sovornl hundred rowdies,
nttracted by it, began n course of riot
ing and crime, which nt tho beginning
brought forth ninny encournglng
cheors from tho supposedly better
class of citizens, who rapidly melted
away, howovor, as soon as they saw
tho dangorous proceedings Btnrted.
Soon tho dlsroputnblo olomont was
left alono to continue Its torrorlsm,
chocked only by a small police force,
until tho arrival of Shorlff Hrnlloy
with a largo force of deputies from
Oiunha. Ily that time dnrkncsB gave
cover to tho actions of tho mob, and
not until S):30 p. m. was tho situation
gotten so under control that but spo
radic, outbreaks followed.
For six hours, with revolver and
club and brickbat, with torch, with
blows and abuso did tho rulllans inarch
from placo to place, crushing In win
dows, drinking tho stolon liquors
from wrecked saloons, stealing mer
chnndlBo, assaulting thoso whom the
sought, until tho blood flowed from
cruel wounds, In ono Instance Bhoot
lug a respectablo grocoryman through
tho log, and lu another dragging a tor
ror-strlcken youth, clad only In his
underwear, from a street car, whore
he had sought refuge, nnd beating
him still more. Fifty buildings have
boon moro or loan damaged and the
proporty loss will mount Into thou
stuida. 1
Squadron Now Lying Outside Capes
Waiting to come In.
Fort Monroe, Tho returning battle
ship licet reached tho southern drill
grounds, fifty mllos off tho Virginia
capes, early Sunday and tho battle
ship Connecticut was In constant wire
loss cnmunlcatlou throughout tho af
ternoon. The fleet will roinnln on tho
drill grounds until 5 o'clock Monday
morning getting under way at that
hour In ordor lo mako the capes by
10 o'clock and begin pnBslug tho May-
flowor at tho Tall of tho Horseshoe
In Chesapeake bay ono hour later. E. Stevenson III.
Chicago, 111 Adlal 13, Stovonson,
former vlco iiresldont of the Unltod
States Is 111 at his homo lu llloonilng-
ton, III., according to reports received
hero. The activities of tho rocont
cnmpnlgn, In which ho was defeated
by his republican rival for tho govor
uorsuip, is saui to nave proved a
severe strain on his 71 years and ho
has. It 1b stated, visibly woakonod
dining tho last row weeks.
Slayer of Cashier lo Taken.
Pittsburg, Pn. William Gallaghor,
who Is alleged to bo wanted at Troup,
N. S.. for murder and bank robbery,
has boon arrested at GrcoiiHburg. Pa
Gallagher Is said to havo gone into a
bank at Truro last June, and when
questioned as to a chock for $28,000
which ho had jnobcnted, shot tho
cashier and mado oft' with the money
which had boon counted out and
placed at tho cashier's window.
Well Known Banker Dead.
New York. Henry Sellgman. lutor
national bunker, at ouo time ouo ot
tho boBt known Unanclers lu tho
United States, and u man who playod
an Important part lu finance during
tho civil wnr, dlod at Frankfort-on
tho Main, Germany.
Government Collects Fine,
San Francisco. Tho line of $2,500
Imposed upon Honry Lair by Unltod
States Circuit Judge Itndles In Chi
sago was collected lu this city by
United States Marshall Elliott.
Nephew of President Killed.
Cninbrldgo, Mass. Stewart Douglas
Robinson. 1!) yoars old, a nephew o
President Roosevelt and a sophomore
of Hnrvard collogo, foil from a six
story window of Hampton hall, a dor
mltory on 'Massachusetts avenue, and
Steps Taken for Remedying Defecta
In the Primary Law Miscellan
eous Legislative Matters.
In representative hall, which was
crowded, lobby and gallery, William
J. Hrynn addressed a Joint session of
tho houso and senate. In his address,
which lasted for one hour and forty
mlnutos, ho advocated tho passage of
tho following bills, now pending:
Appropriation for a Lincoln monu
ment. Liberal appropriation for a stato
historical -building.
A bill for tho lnltlntlvo and referen
dum. A bill for a school of citizenship at
tho university.
A bill for tho Oregon primary' plan
ot electing senators.
A bill for tho publication of cam
paign contributions beforo election.
A bill for tho physical valuation of
Tho commlttoo bill for the guaranty
of bank deposits.
Ho opposed tho bill providing thnt
tho toachors In tho state university bo
qunllfled to bocomo boneflclariob of
tho Carnegie pension fund after hav
ing taught continuously for twenty
flvo years, or for flfteon years, when
tho tencher la 65 yoars old.
Mr. Bryan advocated tho passage of
the bill limiting tho amount of monoy
n candldato for offlco mny spend in
his campaign.
Defects In Primary Law.
While both the house nnd sennto
lave taken steps to cure some of the
minor defects of tho primary election
law by tho passage of nmondmenta
covering thoso points, tho first ques
tion which hns given soiIoub trouble
wns taken up In tho houso with tho
Kuhl bill, which socks to euro the dif
ficulty of calling the plntform conven-
lon nftcr the primnry and tho selec
tion of committeemen by tho cnndl
dates. This bill, houso roll lBp, was dis-
cussod in tho house committee of tho
whole, but the questions Involved woro
considered serious enough to havo tho
bill passed over for more extended
The bill provides for calling a con
vention beforo the primaries. Tho
dolegates to this convention are to bo
selected on tho old caucus plan. At
tho samo tlmo and lu tho snmo way
precinct, county and stato committee
men are to be chosen. The state con
vention Is to draft tho platform and
decldo whether to Indorse or not In
dorse any 'proposed constitutional
amendments. It is forbidden to tako
any notion of any character with ref
erenco to candidates.
' Objection wns" raised to the method
outlined for the selection of commit
teemen. It wns urged that thoy
should bo nhoson by direct vote at
tho primaries Instead of by caucus.
It was declared that the old plan of
selecting them would havo tho tenden
cy of putting tho party machinery In
to the liandB of tho political bosses.
Constitutional Convention.
The bill calling for a submission to
tho peoplo of Nebraska of tho propo
sition of calling a constitutional con
vention wns passed by tho sennto by
a vote of 23 to 9. Tho bill provldos
that tho question of calling a conven
tion shall bo submitted to tho peoplo
In 1911. nnd that If they vote In favor
of It tho next legislature shall pro
vide for cnlllng tho convontlon to for
mulato a now constitution to supplant
the present ono, which has been in
forco for a third of a century.
Bills Postponed.
On recommendation of tho commit-
too on medical societies tho senate In
definitely postponed a bill appropriat
ing $12,000 for tho maintenance ot a
state bnetorlologlcnl Inborntory. It
also lndellnltoly postponed a bill to
admit licensed druggists of other
states to Nebraska without an exam
ination. Pure Seed Bill.
Considerable discussion was ovokod
In tho house over the pure seed bill.
This sets a standard for tho purity.
freedom from weed seeds nnd viabili
ty of ngrlteilturnl seeds. Tho ques
tion which Is tormenting a good ninny
of the mombors Is whether the bill Is
one which will bo advantageous to
the farmer or to tho seed houses.
Representative Miller, who Introduced
It, declares it will bo a boneflt to the
farmers, but there Is a considerable
opinion that ho may bo nilstnkon on
tho proposition. Sovornl smnll conn
try merchants havo written protests
against tho bill' thnt it will put thorn
out of tho seed buslnoss nnd glvo tho
big seed houses a monopoly.
Qualification of Electors.
Shoemaker of Douglas county, who
heretofore has tried to got tho loglsla
turo to submit a constitutional amond
ment on tho qualification of electors
lias nt last got a measure recommend
ed for pnssage. 111k bill provides for
n constitutional amendment that all
foreign born male residents 21 years
old may vote aftor six months lu the
state, city and ward or product, upon
taking out tholr first papers, hut that
at the end of flvo yoars thoy must bo
como full-tledgod cltlzons, or thu right
of franchise is taken away from tliopi
Committee, However, Makes
Somo Changes.
Tho Joint committee on banks
agreed td tho banking bill as pre
pared by tho subcommittee, and an
nounced that the bill would be Intro
duced In tho house Wednesday. The
measure was road section by section,
and each member of tho committee
agreed to Its provisions, after making
ono or two minor changes..
The guaranty fund was changed
from a levy equal to one-half of 1
per cent on tho average dally depos
its, to bo followed by Boml-annuat
levies of one-twentieth of 1 per cent,
to two lovlos of one-hnlf of 1 per cent,
mado July 1, 1901), and January 1,
1910, and followed by semiannual
levies' of ono-twcntloth of 1 per cent.
A further provision is to tho effect
that from July, 1909, to January, 1910,
tho guaranty fund shnll never bo less
than ono-half ot 1 por cent of the av
erngo dally deposits. If for any rea
son tho funds should bo depleted be
low this amount tho state banking
board shall make levies on tho capital
stock, which shall not be moro for the
yonr thnn 2 por cent of tho deposits.
Aftor Jnnuary, 1910, tho fund shall
novor bo less than 1 por cent of tho
average dally deposits.
Tho Immodlato payment provision
In the bill Is ns follows:
"The claims of depositors for do
posits shall have priority over all
other claims, except federal, stato,
county and municipal taxes, and sub
Joct to such taxes shall bo a first lion
on nil tho nssets of tho banking cor
poratlon from which thoy are due,
and then under receivership, Including
tho liability of stockholders, and upon
proof thereof, thoy shall bo paid im
mediately out of tho avallablo cash
In the hands of a receiver.
"If the cash in tho hnnds of tho re
ceiver, available for such purposes
bo Insufficient to pay tho claims of
depositors, tho court in which tho re
ceivership Is pending or a Judge there
of, shall determine the amount to sup
ply tho deficiency and causo tho same
to bo certified lo the state banking
board, which shnll thereupon draw
against tho depositors' guaranteo fund
In tho amount required to supply such
deficiency, and shall forthwith trans
mit tho samo to tho receiver, to bo
applied on tho said claims of the do
Tho banking board shall consist of
the governor, attorney general and
nudltor, tho govornor being given full
power to mnko all appointments,
which shull Include: Socrotary of tho
banking board, at $3,000 a year; clerk,
at $1,500 a year; unlimited number of
examiners, nt $1,800 a year; to bo paid
out of tho general fund of tho state.
Tho bill specifies that the reserve
fund shall bo 20 per cent of the depos
its, of which three-tenths shnll bo III
cash in the vnults, and In towns ox
ceedlng 25,000 population tho reserve
shall bo 25 per cent, of which three-
tenths shall bo lu cash In tho vnults.
Savings banks shall havo a reserve of
0 per cont.
A majority of iho directors of any
bank shall resldo in tho county or
counties ndjacent thereto and they
shall own one-twontlcth of tho stock
In banks of a capital of less than $50,
000 and $3,000 of tho stock In banks
of over $50,000 capital.
Tho bill carries the emergency
House Favors Capital Punishment
Tho houso wont on record as favor
ing capital punishment when tho Ra
por bill to amond tho present law so
as to provldo life imprisonment, In
stend of hanging, was defeated.
Help for Weak Districts.
Houso Rule 123, by tho conimltteo
on schools, wns recommended for
pnssago and ordered engrossed by the
house conimltteo of tho whole. This
appropriates $75,000 for tho aid of tho
weak school districts and limlta tho
nmouut which any ono district may
rocolvo to $250. As at first Intro
duced tho appropriation was $fl5,000
Constitutional Convention.
Tho senate commlttoo of tho whole
by a vote of 17 to 11 recommended for
passage Sonator King's joint rcsolu
Hon providing for tho submission to
the peoplo of tho stato of Nobraska
tho proposition ot calling a constitu
tional convention, the voto to be sub
niltted in 1911, nnd If carried tho next
legislature to provldo for tho calling
of tho convention. However, ns a
three-fifths majority Is necessary for
passing a resolution of this nature, It
is not thought that It will pass when
It comes to tho third reading.
Senator King argued that Nebraska
has had tho tmnio constitution for a
third of a century, and that tho stato
and conditions had outgrown it. Ho
said that many laws that woro up be
foro tho present session, such as tho
bill to provldo for the raising of tho
stato fund by 'taxing corporations.
woro unconstitutional under the pros
out constitution, nnd yet woro Impor
taut laws, and woro really necossary
Ho declared thnt tho governor had
enough work for three men, bolng on
so many boarda nnd holding nil sorts
of olllcos, from thnt of gamo warden to
tho head of tho stato.
Friend of Dumb Animals.
Taylor of Hitchcock has como out
as the friend of dumb minimis, nnd in
tho houso he Introduced threo or four
measures In tholr Interost. In H. R.
381 ho provides against coursing or
turning loose any dumb nnlmal for
the purpose of allowing dogs to chnse
It. 11. R. 38.5 provldos a penalty for
any person who loaves a wounded
dumb animal in a public place to die
H. R. 380 provides for the enro ot
dumb nnlmals Injurod In railroad
wrecks, and H. R. 3S7 forbids picking
fowls, whilo still nllvo.
Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit
ical and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
Cupid of into 1ms been very busy
In and about Heat rice.
William Steele of Nebraska City. 72
yoars of age, was strlckon with paral
ysls at his homo In that city nnd died
shortly nfter.
Three Norfolk men cashed bogus
chocks for Wm. Wright of Omaha.
now being hunted for bigamy. Tho
victims wcro D. Reos, $20; James
PIcrco, $20, nnd Wllllnm Horner, $10..
The "curfow ordinance" was passed'
by the city council of Soward. This)
will rcntilrn tho vnuiiEKlors under tho
ngo ot 1G to be under the patornnl roof)
in good senson nt night.
Hermnn Hcrold, ono of tho oldest
and best known cltlzons, died at his
homo In Plattsmouth ns tho result of
a treo falling upon him which ho had
Just cut down.
Somo details of tho approaching;
meeting of tho Southwestern Nebras
ka Teachers' association aro being:
given out. McCook Is tho placo of tho
meeting, which will bo held Thursday,
Friday and Saturdny. April 1, 2 and 3.
County Attorney Ramsey of Cass
county tiled a complaint ngalnst John
Clnrenco for the murder of John P.
Thackor on Jan. 15 last, near tho vil
lage of Union, In that county. The
complaint charges' Clarence with
murder In the first degree.
Fire destroyed all tho buildings on
tho west side of tho square at Garri
son, consisting of four frames and one
brick building. Tho fire started In
Will Vanderkoll's hardware store
while he was nttemptlng to light a
gasoline lamp.
At a mooting of tho board of super
visors of Fremont county a resolution
wutf adopted approving of tho bounda
ries of tho proposed now drninago dis
trict, directing the election of sovon
directors and fixing March 10 as tho
dato of their election.
Fanners in tho section of tho stat,o
about Arborvlllo havo placed high
valucrt on tholr farms, many as high
as $1(00 por acre, and all aro soiling.
Some who have sold aro Investing in
Deuol county, Nobraska, lands, while
others arc buying In Texas and North
Mrs. Edward Wohn dramatically
killed herself nt Seward. Sotting llro
to her houso in several different
places, she wont to tho garret, lighted
her own clothes and hanged horsolf to
a rafter. Tho firemen quickly put out
tho Annies, and after a search found
tho woman's partly cremated corpse.
Twenty Fremont men havo formed
a syndicato and will develop
thousand acres of land In Tovas, with
tho object of coiuvorting It Into a fruit
farm. They will send P. H. Cumings,
former manager at Fremont for tho
Nobraska Telephono compauy, to su
pervise tho development nnd Mr.
Cumings will move to Texas.
Corn sold on tho Omaha cash mar
ket Thursday for more than flvo times
tho price quoted by men who bought
It at their country elevators out over
(Nebraska fifteen years aco. this
month. Yellow corn brought 59.e
and wltlto corn as high as Glftc. This
Is not merely a quoted price, but
many car loads were sold at 595pClc.
George Hlckert, a young German
farmer residing four miles southwest
of Elmwood, received a torrlblo Injury
to Ills lect cyo thnt mny result in los
ing tho iclght of that membor. Ho was
trimming- up tho trunk of a treo ho
had Just fcfllcd. when a short limb
(low up, striking him fairly In tho oyo.
cutting tho eyeball.
Word was received In Alllanco from
tho southoast hills that Frank Elch
thaler and his 17-year-old son woro
lost and frozeai to death during tho
rocont Rovoro storm, while- on route
from AlWanco. Tho family had onlv
recently taken up land In that section
and wns not very fnmillnr with tlu
Nohrnslui will send a representative
delegation, headed by Gov. Shallon
borgor. to tho seventeenth Nntlonal
Irrigation Congress In Spokano, Aug.
a to 14, wnon govornmont officials and
oxpertB in their lines will discuss for
estry, deep watorway, reclamation of
swamp and arid land, good roads,
home building, education and other
Denjamln Marquis, who was arrest
ed In Kansan City on tho charge or
negotiating a worthless check for
$800 through tho Hank of Hoist eln.
In Adams county, was brought to Has
tings and will bo arraigned. lie says
ho Is In dobt between $12,000 and
$15,000, most of which is represented
by what ho tonus overdrafts on the
.Hank of Chnppello, In Douel county.
Monday morning John Holnnder of
Florence, a farm hand, drove Wlllard
Shipley's toani to Omahn, and neither
Bolandor nur tho team has been seen
since. Mr. Shipley Is offering a re
ward for the return of tho team, and
would not mind seolng Holandor again
for a few moments.
Chnrlos Hott of Norfolk, aged 3 bled
to death, malting four children in the
family of John Hott to die within ten
days. Throe succumbed to scnrlet fe
ver, the Inst blooding to death as a re
suit of his condition following fever
i no lour .ieau wero half the children
lu the family.
to at Incomo.
was killed,.