The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 26, 1909, Image 5

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They should have frequent attention, as the prongs
are likely to wear away and there is danger of
losing a valuable stone.
e Do Our Own
Carry in stock a fine line of Diamond Mountings
for ladies' and gentlemen's wear.
Leave your Diamond with us for re-mounting and
repair and you can have them the same day. No
danger of their being lost in transit.
U. P. Watch Inspector.
Graduate Dentist.
Office over tho McDonald
Stato Bunk.
See that now line of railroad over
alls at Wilcox Department storo.
Loren Sturges, rural mail carrier,
left last night on a business mission to
The D. of H. will hold a social Tues
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Rosa Frazier.
Drink Mogul Coffee.
Henry Sudman will open a general
merchandise store at Stirben, a station
on the north river branch northeast of
For Rent 8-room house three blocks
from Dewey street. Phone 38G or call
at 307 So. Ash.
Saml. Porter, of Hastings, special
examiner of pensions, has been in town
for a few days on business connected
with his position.
Dan-Barber, who plead guilty to sell
ing liquor and was fined $100 and costs,
made payment yesterday through his
attorney Albort Muldoon.
Mrs. Shaffer, who has resided in
Plant precinct for several years, died
Tuesday night. She leaves a husband
and a large family of children.
Estrayed A Great Dane pup about
two months old, weight about 20
oounds, dirty white in color with bluish
Hpecks. Return to W. H. Turpio and
receive reward.
All regular services will bo held in
the Christian church next Lord's day.
Bible school 10 a. m. Preaching both
morning and evening. L. C. Swnn,
Miss Erma Dye returned Wednesday
from her visit in Kansas, stopping en
route in Kansas City for a couple of
weeks to get tho proper millinery idcus
for the. coming season.
Twenty per cent discount on Men's
and Boy's High Top Shoes. Small, the
Big Shoeman.
Accompanied by her husband and a
trained nurse, Mrs. C. T. Whelan was
brought down from Denver last night.
Mrs. Whelan received but little, if any,
benefit during her stay in that city.
Tho officers of the Chautauqua asso
ciation held a protracted meeting last
evening with the representative of u
lecture bureau, and arrangements were
made for the initial season of the asso
Harry S. Daniels, business manager
for Florence Roberts, spent Wednes
day in town making arrangements for
the appearance of hat distinguished
actress in this city on the evening of
Murch 5th.
Use Rexall Cherry Juice Cough
Syrup. McDonell & Graves.
While in the east part of the stute
J. B. McDonald will visit Lincoln,
nhake hands with the democratic gov
urnor and inquire of tho democratic
legislators why they are not moro fully
carrying out tho platform pledges made
last fall.
Wanted Farm to rent. AddresB O.
D. Bunting, North Platte, Neb.
The wisdom of adding a billiard and a
pool table to tho amusement equipment
at the Y. M. C. A. rooms has been de
monstrated. Although tho price
charged for using tho tables 13 but half
that of other billiard halls in town, tho
revenue from tho tables run from three
to five dollars per day. This revenue
materially assists in meeting the oper
ating expenses of the rooms.
For Sale.
Belgian stallion, 21 months old,
M00 pounds; blocky order. Pronounced
"A Wonder". Must bo scon to be ap
preciated. Inquire of or address W. T.
Miller, Walnut Farm, Hershey, Neb.
Need Re-Setting?
Diamond Setting,
Prescription Druggists
First Poor North of
First National Hank
Jnlius Pizer returned yesterday
morning from n business trip to Omaha.
Mogul Coffee in tho morning makes
you feel good all day.
Contractor McMichael began work
tho latter part of last week on the four
houses he will build for Thos. Simants
in tho south part of town, but tho
storm caused a stoppage of labor.
These four houses will have an average
cost of $1,25.) each.
Your furniture needs varnishing and
repairing before bouse cleaning, bee
P. M. Sorenson, shop 107 E. 5th St.
Secretary Tout, of the Chautauqua
association, has begun the work of
securing attractions for the association.
It is a little lute to begin this work,
but by working through lecture
bureaus it is believed a fine list of at
tractions can bo secured.
For Sale Rosidonce Property. Nine
room house, good lawn, sidewalks,
fences, good barn and other out build
ings. All now. bplentliu Home. In
quire of L. C. Swan or call at 7:20 W.
2nd St.
Drink Mogul Coffee.
Tho art exhibit will bo held in the
h'gh school auditorium this Friday
evening and all day Saturday and Sat
urday evening. Tho pictures are sent
hero without cost to us other than ex
press charges and wo are to get the
benefit of seeing them and when they arc
gone we will have a few of the best
loft with us as our property. We
charge everybody ten cents and the
proceeds go toward buying pictures for
tho schools.
Use Rexall Cherry Juice Cough
Syrup. McDonell & Graves
Tho last number of tho lecture courEe
comes next Monday evening, March
1st. The Hruby Bros. Quintette and
Miss Canfield are again touring the
country and by making arrangements
six months before tho date of their np
pearanco we are enabled to have them
hero at this time. Five brothers with
exceptional music ability and a broad
oxperienco give a program of solos,
ducts, trios, and all possible combina
tions of cornet, clarionet, violin, fluto,
saxaphone, cello and other instru
ments. Charles is only fourteen years
old but is a master of four instruments.
Ho is a litllo short of a prodigy as a
clarionet player and almost as good
with the cornet.
Commends the Play.
Florence Roberts nnd what the
critics seem to agree is a company of
really remarkable calibre, will appear at
tho Keith theatre Friday ovening Mch.
5, in her latest success, "Tho House
of Bondage" by Seymour Obermer. In
this play, Miss Roberts is seen in a
character that is said to fit particularly
well tho great emotional talent of
which she is possessed. Tho Milwaukee
Sentinel says of tho play: "Tho play
compels instant interest through the
dramatic strength of its central theme,
a variation of tho familiar trinity idea
new to the stage, and which places the
life of tho unbeloved husband voluntas
ily in tho hands of the surgeon who
loves tho wifo and is loved by her. It
embraces dramatic situations of such
original concept and treatment that it
gives promise of unusual success. Tho
company is an excellent ono and tho
play handsomely staged. Miss Roberts
plays tho wifo with charm and grace.
It is an admirable niece of acting, the
more bo because Miss Roberts has so
many resources upon which the part
makes no demands. Tho support is
highly ndequato."
For Rent 23 acres three miles west
of town, irrigated land, good houe nnd
barn. Inquire of W V. Iloagland.
M. J. Franklin, of Colorado Springs, ha just paid a Visit to
Dade County Declares the Irrigated Lands
of the West are Outclassed.
"An observant and highly successful
friend and associate recently stated to
mo that not many years would pass be
fore tho Everglades section of Florida
would have a larger population than all
other sections of the state combined, and
that tho wealth brought to tho stato
from tho cultivation of sugar cane,
garden vegetables and agricultural pro
ducts would bo of a character most
fabulous. I found these declarations of
my usually practical friend, who
has invested an immense sum in the
Everglades, decidedly hard to believe,
and came down to make a few inves
tigations for myBolf. As a result, I am
an even more radical enthusiast than
my friend, if such a thing bo possible."
Tho above statement was mado to a
Metropolis reporter by P. J. Franklin,
of Colorado Springs, Colo., who re
turned yesterday from a rip to the
Everglades with Harvio Duval, of the
Florida Everglades Land Company, and
who left last night for tho west, by
way of Tallahassee, says tho Jackson
ville Metropolis.
Mr. Franklin's statement is of pecu
liar interest on account of his wide ex
perience 'n irrigation and sugar beet
production in tho western States, which
are now reaping millions annually from
their efforts.
Predicts Land Boom.
"During my business career," con
tinued Mr. Franklin. "I have pre
dicted three of tho greatest land booms
in the history of tho United States.
I predict that tho next movement will
be toward the Everglades, in which
thousands of peoplo will wiUiin a few
years bo making fortunes from tho in
comparably fertile soil of tho vast
tract of territory. Tho success of this
drainage proposition and I do not
think there is any doubt on earth but
what success in tho greatest degree will
be achioved stamps Napoleon B.
Broward, in my mind, as ono of tho
grentest living Americans. Compared
with his task in causing tho state to
drain tho vast area of territory, the
work of tho United States in digging
the Panama cannl is small, and tho
revenue to bo derived from tilling the
soil will be infinitely greater than will
ever como from the whole country of
Panama, tho canal included. TIiofo
statements may sound overdrawn, but
time will prove their truthfulness. The
people of Florida do not realize what
they have in the Everglades no one
but a thoroughly experienced man who
visits the section can know and it is
strange to me that any individual or
corporation has had tho nerve to fight
Monthly Sunshine Report.
Tho president of Sunshino Branch
No. 1, sends greetings to all Sunshinors
far and near, and now I want to tell
just a little of what wo have been doing
and how happy and encouraged wo are.
Tho Sunshino society meets at tho
home of ono of tho members. About
two hours aro spent in work. A short
business meeting is held and light re
freshments are served by our hostess.
Thus we spend a verv delightful after
noon as far as ourselves arc concerned,
and hope that our work may bring
some ray of Sunshino to some one else
who is not so fortunate as wo aro.
Sunshine received n very nico long
cape from Mrs. Klein, mother of our
president, and in giving it she said,
"I would like it to be of somo uso to
some ono." Wo found a place for it
Attontion is called to all Sunshinors
regarding tho annual convention to be
held in New York City in May.
Mrs. Brownell and Mrs. Ross remem
bered Sunshine with litoraturo, and
Mrs. Frank Brctzcr nnd Mrs. George
Wilson sent in their Hliare in spreading
good cheer.
Don't forget the mite box for blind
babies placed in Mrs. Jennie Arm
strong's restaurant by Sunshino Bocioty.
The Sunshino branch No. 1 has devel
oped into "good cheer" work that is
permanent. Tho members have a Sun
shino exchange, whero clothing and all
kinds of articles aro taken and passed
on to those in need.
Tho readers will recognizo in Mrs.
Gus Hamcr ono of fhe best friends of
Sunshine, for it was through her that
the society received a most substantial
contribution a short time ago. Wc hope
tho new year will bo ono of joy and
happiness to her.
Mrs. May Ileyso'H carriage was out
all afternoon and with the holp of Mrs
Welbum nnd tho secretary, an unlim
ited numbeV of families wero supplied
with a generous donation of groceries,
vegetables, fruit, clothing and flowers
for tho sick. We have clothed whole
families from tho fathor and mother to
tho littlo stranger who can only smile
his thanks for tho nice warm garments
that havo como to him.
Just now our clothes iireBs is about
empty. Yet wc aro receiving daily
calls for warm clothing from familioi
who aro feeling tho stross 6f hard
tho drainago work under any circum
stances. The people who have opposed
it have undoubtedly been mislead in n
most woeful and disgraceful manner.
Instead of being fooled, tho peoplo
should bo made to know tho value of
tho Everglades and that of tho drainago
work that is now being done.
Comparison of Lands.
"I hnvo been engaged in irrigation
work in the west for a long time, and
am a boomer for everything that in
Wotorn" continued Mr. Franklin, "but
I am forced to state that no section of
tho west contains land that can compare
in any wny with that which I found in
tho Everglades. This land is undoubt
edly the richest in tho world. In tho
west ono docs well to attend to ten
acres of irrigated land, in tho Evor
glades, however, two and n half acres
would bring any family a livelihood. In
the production of sugar cano alone, mil
lions nnd millions will bo made annual
ly, tho advantages of producing sugar
I chiiu uuKiir ovcrueui HUgur ueing g re lie,
: and nny combine in tho world could be
broken by tho output of the great sec
lion. It is a cause for wonder to mo
that the business men of Florida,
haven't taken as much of this land as
possible, instead of allowing wo men
of tho West to come in nnd begin the
work of promotion, Why, instead of
opposing the drainago proposition tho
peoplo of my section would band them
selves together and throw tho water
out of Lake Okecchobeo with water
buckets. I am enthusiastic on the sub
ject of the Everglades, not nicely be
cause I am financially interested, but
because I believo the drainage and cul
tivation of the vi st territory will event
ually prove tho greatest proposition of
the kind of tho century.
Character of Promoters.
"The men of tho West, who have
purchased nearly 1,000,000 acrcH of Ever
glades land, making possible the con
tinuance of drainage work," concluded
Mr. Franklin, "are men who aro not
accustomid to anything but big under
takings nnd men who do not know what
failure means. They wero for years
successful in mining, following which
they took up tho question of irrigation
and beet culture, and today, beet sugar
manufacturing brings millions annually
to Colorado and other Btates. Thous
ands of dollars will bo expended in ad
vertising tho Everglades, and tho rush
toward that favored spot will begin
much earlier than the averago Flori
dian anticipates."
W. A. CauHman, who has an office
in tho Odd Fellows' building in North
Platte is state agent for these lands. I
will pay you to call and sec him.
times. We wish every housekeeper in
our town would see if there isn't some
thing in the homo which can just as
well bo passed on while it is yet good.
Phono to our President 53, or tho secre
tary 550. and we will mako a note of it
nnd call for same. All communications
for this department should bo addressed
to Mrs. Minnie Perkins, Secretary.
Baptist Church.
In spite of the bad condition for
walking thirty-seven people enmo to
the mid-week service again this week.
On next Sunday the regular schedule
of services will bo held; biblo school at
10, preaching at 11 o'clock', Junior
meeting G:30 and preaching again nt
7:30. Tho night meeting will be
evangelistic, continuing tho revival.
Probably tho ordinance of baptism will
follow this service. Everybody is wel
come, but all cannot bo accommodated.
We only turn peoplo away after tho
seating capacity is taxed.
is an ordinary
price to pay for
We sell you for $i.oois NOT
The cloth in these shirts is as
good as you are paying $1.25
to $1.50 for. Made in coat
style, full bodies and perfect
fitting neck bands. This is
The Best Shirt for $1
that is made in America. See
display in our window.
Department Store.
Cane Granulated Sugar
18 pounds $1.00
Tulip Patent Flour per sack $1.35
Gothenburg Patent Flour per suck 1.35
Gothenburg O. K. Flour per sack. 1.30
3-lb pa'i Swift's Silver Loaf lard. . .-10
G-lb pail Swift's Silver Leaf lard.. .05
5-ln pail Swift'B Premium lard 70
Perrlo Viatfs Mnplo Syrup pergnl. 1.25
Corn Syrup 10-lb pail 40
Lewis Lye per box 08
Diamond C Soap, 8 bars 25
Pearl White Soap, 7 bars 25
Gold Dust, 41b pkg 22
Paddle Bluing 10c size 07
Paddle Bluing 5c sizo 04
Kingston's Silver Gloss -Starch
per pkg 08
Kingsfords Corn Starch par pkg.. .08
Best Gloss Starch por pkg 05
Best Corn Starch per pkg 05
Sapolio per pkg 9c, 3 for 25
Ammonia per bottle 09
Seeded Raisins 12-oz pkg 08
Currnnts 12-oz pkg 10
Bulk Raisins, large, per lb OS
Cocoanut, the best, J-lb pkg .15
Cox'b Gelatlno 13c, 2 pkgs .25
Knox Golatino 13c, 2 pkgs 25
Royal Baking Powder 1-lbcan 45
Dr. Prico'fl Baking Powder 1-lb can .45
10-oz can K. C. Baking Powder 08
Cash counts. Buying groceries or any other kind of
goods on time costs you greater interest than any bank in the
country would charge you. Then it saves that dispute about
your account. If you don't believe it give it a trial.
Wilcox Department Store.
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital -Surplus
Stockholders' Liability
Guarantee Fund for
(Not considering quick
E. F. Secbcrgcr, C. F. McGrcw, J. J. Hallignn,
F. L. Mooney, Arthur McNamara.
$25 is Offered to the Lady
Who suggests an appropriate name for a perfume
now being demonstrated in our store
We want one of our friends to win the money.
McDonell & Graves.
Coraer Drug Store.
"W. W.
$j N SO E-Z
jfi Jmw pan
15-oz can K. C. Baking Powdar 13
25-oz K. C. Baking Powder .20
5-lb can K C Baking Powder 80
Pumpkin, per doz $1.10, per can.. .10
Hominy, per doz $1.10, per can... .10
Kraut, per doz $1.10, por can 10
Sliced peaches (in heavy syrup)
por can 20
Standard Corn,pr case 1.60 per can .08
Standard Tomatoes, per ease 2.25,
per can 10
Soaked Peas, per case 1.40,pcr can .06
Fresh Peas, per doz 1.10, per can.. .10
Covo Oystcra largo can, 8 oz 15
Covo Oysters small can, 4 oz 08
Sugar Cured Bacon, per lb 15
Salt, best grade, por 100 lb 75
Soda Crackers wooden boxes
per pound 0G
Oyster crackers wooden boxes
per pound 00
Full Cream Chceso per lb 20
Shredded Wheat Biscuits, 13e por
pkg, 2 for 25
Grapo Nuts, por pkg 13e, 2 for ... .25
Mothors' Oats, largo size, par pkg .25
Duko'a Mixture tobacco 16-oz pkg .35
Horso Shoo Tobacco por pound 45
Yankeo Girl Tobacco 18 oz plug.. .35
Kerosene oil per gallon 15
Depositors $220,000.00
assots and cash resources)
the Ladies.
Wo will present you abso
lutely free with your next or
dor for ono ton of coal ono of
those So E-Z Dust PanB.
Something entirely now. No
moro backaches. Let ub havo
your order now, as our supply
of Dust Pans is limited. Wo
handlo tho best coal mined.