v TWENTY-FIFTH YEAIl. NOIITII PLATTE, NEBRASKA, FEBRUARY 1G, 15)09. NO. 7 j TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS Tho county commissioners have nd journcd until March 1st. Dick Baker returned yostorday morn iug from a business trip to Omaha. MIbs Mnymo Lannin was tho guest of friends in Gothenburg Sunnay. For Sale Sharplcss No. 2 Cream Separator. Inquire of J. H. Cunning ham. The Indian Card Club will be enter tained tomorrow afternoon by Mrs. J. A. Jones. At tke close of tha Sunday evening serriae at tho Baptist church two young men wcro baptised. Miss Marie Aboe, stenographer with Bratt & Goodman, has returned from a visit with relatives in Kansas. FREE A Dust Pan . with a ton of coal. W. W. BmGE. A number of young ludins and gen tlemen will have a privutu sknting party at the rink tomorrow evening. A meeting of the Presbyterian con gregation is called for Friday evening (tho 19th) at the churcli for action to wards securing a pastor. Tile Session. T)nnnAltlnw niiHiitiina nf f ll O T)fnoVtV terinn church next Sabbath morning and evening conducted by Rev. Irwin, of Wood River. For Rent My house on East Fifth street. AH modern conveniences and good outbuildings. Julius Pizek. Fred C. Dolson,. enrouto to Sacra mento with motor car No. 23, stopped over in this terminal last night and visited his parents. This motor car is ono of the latest and best built at the Omaha shops. The Ralo of additional lots in the Trustoo's Addition is evidence that the First ward will experience moro or less of a building boom this year. This ward has been a little behind the other wards for a year or two in tho number of residences erected, but it promises to mako a good showing during 1909. Ask your Grocer for Mogul Coffee, packed only in one and two pound cans. Yesterday morning tho temperature dropped to fifteen below zero, which was tha lowest reached this winter. A good many householders awoke in tho morning to find their water pipes frozen, and its a good-natured man who can thaw them out without indul ging in language moro emphatic than elegant. Last Friday Hershey becamo an in corporated village with a live and en terprising board of trustees, and tho town will now bo on the map in red letters. Surrounded by a fertilo farm ing section that is peopled by energet ic and prosperous farmers, tho village is destined to expand And reach a prom inent place in commercial activity. For Sale. Belgian stallion, 21 months old, 1400 pounds; blocky order. Pronounced 'A Wonder". Must be seen to bo ap preciated. Inquiro of or address W. T. Miller, Walnut Farm, Hershey, Neb. Misses Fern Stamp and Graco Moon ey visited with friends in Maxwell Sat urday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Day, of Palisade, Colo., aro visiting Mrs. Day's parentfc, Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Fraser. Mogul Coifee in tho morning makes you feel good all day. A mild blizzard visited this section Saturday night, two or thrco inches of snow-falling during tho storm. Tom Horan, former ball player and shop employe, who has of late been in Omaha, is visiting friends in town. Tho cold weather has resulted in be lated trains from tho east for several days past, tho delays ranging from two to five hours. A spocial meeting of tho Order of Eastern Star will be held next Saturday evening at which initiatory servicea will be conducted. See our spring display of genuine Alligator Hand Bags; direct from Florida. Dixon, The Jeweler. Miss Lucinda Pulso has arrived in town and taken charge of tho cloak ant) alteration department at the Wilcox Department Store. District court will convene in Keith county March 1st, and at that session tho man and woman charged with tho murdor of Volly Mann will bo tried. Manager Stamp has secured "Shore Acres" for tho evening of February 24th. The company presenting this well known play is said to bo a strong ono. "A Royal Slavo" will bo tho attrac tion at the Keith theatro this evening. Tho scene of tho play is laid in Moxico and tho situations are said to bo very exciting. George Schatz has enlarged his cigar storo by taking out a rear partition, thus making moro room for customers who devote moro or less time to read ing and playing solo. Larger Oranges for tho same money at tho Wilcox Department Store. Tho engine pulling .No. 10 Sunday morning broko a loft siderod near Pnx ton und demolished the air pump. This is tho second accident of that kind oc curing to a North Platto engineer within n week. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Chautauqua association Saturday evening aricles of incorporation were adopted and signed and an adjournment taken until tomorrow evening when officers will bo elected. Use Rexall Cherry Juice Cough Syrup. McDonell & Graves. Tho funeral of tho late Mrs. Nixon was held from tho Catholic church yes terday morning. This aged lady had been a resident of tho city for about twenty-three years, and in point of years was ono of our oldest citizens. District court is still in session and will continue to grind along this week and next. Judge Grimes will go to tho west part of tho district next week, and Judge Westover will bo horo to preside on tho bench. Tho docket is being well cleared of cases. Miss May Walker will entertain tho Indoor Picnic Club this evening. Julius Pizer will leavo in a fow days for Chicago and Now York to purchaso late novelties for Tho Leader. Low Farrington was called oast Sat urday morning by a message informing him of tho death of a relative Tho COO Club will bo entertained this evening by Mrs. A. F. Streitz and Mrs. W. H. McDonald at the home of the former. Rev. S. J. Medlin, formor Methodist pastor of this city, assisted by his wife, has been holding a successful revival at Gandy for a week or two past. In tho skating raco at tho rink Sat urday evening Boyer won from Mc Kibben, tho Lexington man, hands down, in fact tho Lexington man was outclassed. Drink Mogul Coffee. John Gillings, clerk at tho local land office, will bo transferred to Chcyenno und receive an increase of $25 per month. Ho will leave as soon as n successor is assigned to tho local office. In tho wrestling match ut tho opera house Saturday evening Pennington took two straight falls out of Dubois, socuring tho first fall in about fifteen minutes and the Becond in two or thrco minutes. Few attractions that come to North Platto equal "Tho Boys of Company B" and with Paul Gilmoro at tho head of u splendid company, the audience it The Keith Friday evening was exceptionally well pleased. For Ront 8 room house three blocks west of De.wey street. Seo F. H. Thompson, 609 South Ash street. Tho Bridge Clnb was entertained Saturday afternoon, by Mrs, T. C. Patterson, tho session having been adjourned from tho proceeding Tues day. Mrs. Sceberger and Mrs. Schipfor wore guests. Mr. and Mrs. Bert NapersCeck enter tained tho N. F. club Friday evening, the prizes being won by Mrs. H. A. Lawhead and Al. Brown. At this meet ing Mrs. Naporsteck waB elected presi dent and Mrs. Clouse vice-nrbsident of the club. During Lent this club will abandon card playing and hold a Ken sington Friday afternoons. Mutual Building & Loan Association. This association performs all tho functions of a savings bank. Saving accounts can be opened at any timo and monthly deposits made in amounts from ono dollar up to twenty-five dollars. These accounts will earn double tho in terest that any savings bank will pay, and the investment is much safer. This result is duo to the fact that all of the earnings of the association, less actual expenses, is returned to its stock holders. And all of its depositors are stockholders and participate in its earn ings to the extent of their deposits. For further information consult the undersigned. T. C. Patterson, President. E. S. Davis, Assistant Sec'y. Everott Fink loft Sunday for a vi3it with relatives nt Enid, Ok. Bert Boyer went to Sidnoy Sunday, where ho will accept n position as cook in tho Zelbort Restaurant. Miss Lou Shuman, of Lexington, is tho guest of hor brother W. E. Shuman and will remain a week or two. S. C. Eklund, of Hershov, ono of tho directors of the Paxton & Hershey ir rigation company, transacted buslncou in town Saturday. Clark Hart, of Alton, III., nrrived in town Saturday to accept a position in the Wildox Storo. Mr. Hart Is u nephew of Rev. Favoright. Miss Irene Richard and Harvey Van Dornn started for Maxwell in an nuto Saturday, but whon reaching Bigncll tho muchino broko down and they so cured a rig in which to mako tho re mainder of tho trip. In its account of the Lincoln anniver sary meeting Tho Tribune neglected to mention tho presentation of a flag by tho G. A. R. and W. R. C. to tho Bchool band. This feature occurred at the afternoon session. Tho members of the bund aro highly pleased with "old glory." Use Rexall Cherry Juice Cough Syrup. McDonell & Graves. Fire Friday evening destroyed tho barn on tho former Dr. McCabe prem ises on Second and Locust streets, to gether with four head of horses, two of which belonged to Mr. Crawford, tho Gandy mail carier, nnd two to tho Tryon mail carrier. The fire, origin of which is unknown, had gained consider able headway before discovered. . Lust Saturday n warrant was issued for tho arrest of Henry Kosbau for feloniously taking and carrying away a cako of soap from tho toilet room in the court house. As tho soap was valued at but ten cents, tho issuanco of tho warrant would seem liko a joko, wcro it not that Custodian Wilson has had so much soap taken lately that he is de termined to put a stop to the practice, hence the warrant ngainst Kosbau. On complaint of Timothy Rafforty a warrant was issued Saturday against Clarencu Crnwloy, Burt Crawloy, Fred Ralston, Abncr Butler and Otis Mc Mullen, charging thnm with breaking into a chicken houso and stealing thirty-three chickens of tho valuo of ten dollars, tho poultrv being tho property of Lucinda Rafforty. The particn charged with the theft aro residents of Medicine precinct. LaBt Friday Guy Pitt, M. C. Cowce, Carl Luntz, Claudo Dolanoy, Will Rod den, John Rodden and A. P. Kelly woro arrested in a room in tho Otten stein block on Sixth street by Marshal Friend on the charge of gambling. Tho marshal was accompanied by Mrs. Joseph McNeal and Mayor McCabe, tho latter having located tho party and was instrumental in having tho arrests mado. The men were arraigned before Police Judgo Bakor Saturday morning and a continuance taken until March 15th. Let A Master Metropolitan Tailor Make Your Spring Suit or Overcoat We have just received from The Royal Tailors of Chicago and New York the swellest selections of beautiful Spring patterns you have ever feasted your eyes upon a full half a thousand of weaves and colorings representing the greatest cloth looms in the world. You could walk up Fifth avenue, New York and visit every tailor shop on the road, but you wouldn't find a better collection of hand some fabrics than these. For they are the pick of the woolen world, selected by lynx eyed buyers, from all the hand somest cloth designs to be worn this season. It will pay you well to come in and look at these cloth samples even if you decide not to get a suit right away; it will tell you more about the styles and colorings that swagger dressers will wear this season than you could learn in any other way. And don't forget the vital point about Royal Tailoring itself. The 500 cloth samples you see, represent the one line of samples that stand for ALL PURE WOOL All Pure Wool and nothing else. We will pay a dol lar a thread for any cotton you will find in a Royal Spring and and Summer '09 fabric. And we dare any tailor in this town to make an offer like that. It Holds It's Shape WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE, Dealers in ROYAL ALL PURE WOOL TAILORING. 1 It Keeps It's Style THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital ... Surplus Fund Stockholders' Liability $100,000.00 20,000.00 100,000.00 Guarantee Fund for Depositors $220,000.00 (Not considering quick assets and cash resources) DIRECTORS! E. F. Sceberger, C. F. McGrew, J. J. Halligan, F. L. Mooney, Arthur McNamara. THE SO E-Z DUST. PAN FREE 1 1) OLO WAY ffi NEW WAV Wo will present you abso lutely froo with your next or der for ono ton of coal ono of thoso So E-Z Dust Pans. Something cntiroly now. No moro backaches. Let us havo your order now, as our supply of Dust Fans is limited. Wo handio tho best coal mined. W. W. BIRGE. John Boyorlo, who sinco February 1st, has been buying corn and for Harring ton & Tobin, is mooting with excellent success nnd through his efforts North Platto is bec6ming a groator market for these products. Last week a num bor of cars woro shipped out. Fresh Oysters at tho Wilcox Depart ment Store. With tho exception of tho caso brought by John McConnoll, all tho damago cases brought by peoplo of tho south part of tho county against tho Burlington railroad havo been Bottled out of court. Thoso woro suits brought to recover losses sustained by tho farm ers through prairie fires sot out by tho Burlington engines. Now that tho Third ward is to havo n modorn school building and to make it complete sowerago connection will be necessary, tho citizens of that wnrd are now taking tho preliminary steps toward creating sewer districts. This is a move in tho right direction, as it in-1 sures moro perfect sanitary conditions in town. Tho Third wnrd peoplo aro paying a sower tax, nnd thoy might as woll take advantage of tho benefits to bo derived from tha system. Wo havo cash customers for aovoral dwellings ranging in price from $1500 to $ZbUU. isy listing audi properties with us you will Bccuro speedy sales. iJUCIlANAN & 1'ATTERSON. Miss Both Cunningham, who has had charge of tho primary grndes in our villago school for tho past thrco years, resigned last week and Sunday wont to North Platte to tnko up her now dutios as an instructor in tho city schools. During her stay in Brady Miss Cunning- lurn has impressed all with hor un usual ability as n teacher and na an ac complished young lady, and sho leaves a host of friends who though rcgroting hor doparturo, rejoice with hor in re ceiving a well earned promotion. Tho board secured tho services of Miss Kate Schopp ns substituto nnd thus the school will go pleasantly on. Miss Schopp taught this department so sue ccasfully for threo terms that tho board aro to bo congratulated upon 'securing her. Brndy Vindicator. NIGHTS OF UNREST. No Sleep, No Rest, No Peace for the Sufferer from Kidney Troubles. No peace for tho kldnoy sufferer Pain nnd diatrosa from morn 'to night, Get up with n lnmo back, Twinges of buckacho bother you ull day. Dull aching breaks your rest at night, Urinary disorders add to your misery. Get ut tho cause cure tho kidneys. Doan's Kidnoy Pills will work tho euro. Thoy'ro for tho kidneys only Havo mado gront cures in North Platto. August Ackorman, North Platto, Nobr., says: "For nt least four or five years I suffered from catches and dull, hoavy pains through tho small of my back, directly above my kidnoys. I could not rest woll nnd tossed about from ono position to another until morning came. Tho kidnovs woro also disordered, tho secretions being far too froquont in passage and forcing mo to got up several times during tho night. 1 was subject to headaches and dizzy spells and about n year ago was in a terribly nervous and run down condi tion. Whon I heard Doan's Kidnov Pills so hichly rocommonded. I nrocured a box nt A. F. Streitz'a drug storo and I noticed on improvement after tha first fow doses. Thus oncourntred. I con tinued using tho romedv and I was re stored to good health." Forsnlo by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. Now York. solo agents for tho United StatcB. Komembor tho name Doan's and take no othor. mm n Scone from "A Royol Slavo," which will be presented nt Thu Keith this evening. Behind a Good Team should bo hitched a good carriage. Ofou want one so reliublo that you can give nil your attontion to tho horses, without a single worry about tho vehicle you Bit in. Our carriages are just that kind. If you buy ono, and your horses aro as good as tho carriago, you'll cer tainly havo a dandy turnout, A. M. Lock. W. R. MALONEY, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER A full lino of Caskets, Robes, etc. Calls answered promptly, . Day Phono 120, Night Phono 482.