The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 12, 1909, Image 8

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    ; W-ll. T L
m m u r-
w iiiiii w n & ij uamu
L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
finnRaniPTioN rate'
oar, casnin auvance
...V . r. . . ..
I11.I1H. I'.ZLHH 111 KU VIUCU . ...... him W uvo
as second class matter.
How Harriman Rule.
Now York Post, Feb. G.
! i.i t it r t.-i ir
to the directorate of tho Luke
it . .... 4. 1
. i -!
imr iiuinLriii itiii in lihi uiiwri liiul
sometimes bo acquired, oftan indi-
llw l.v fhn TMirplman nf ft rnmnnr-
1 . If t I t. f . I. IT !
owns no Lake Shore or Michigan
1 I 1 f. 4 1. .
mi Hnnr'H. mil. in liiu Hummer ui
tho Union Pnciflc purchnscd $14,-
uv iiuw lurn ui'iibiui, xuuk wiin
81 per cent of tho totnl outstand-
eiocx oi me company, out it is uiu
i t I! t il XT
13 OL. DIllkTIU UU1UIIIL'. 11I1U L11U 11UT
Central controls absolutely the
r l i il ! i . I
M vMlfiril MIIII inil 1V1 ILZIULf U.II LiL' lLinii
. 1 f t ll 1
was snown in mo inmo pumiBiieu
l t. 1L..1. Tt t
hh nniiimun iiini. witk. liiiil. iiiirri-
is now n power in nearly one-third
1. .. f a t
ii n ni ii i mi wiiv mi iih iri rii i.nn
v m a
Li V All I IUIIU V7 L. bllU UlJUII k.VV i II
on infMiirlorl In thnr. nr. Iinwnunr.
f.i a f n
euner nnrnmnn or ino union ru
own 61 nor cont of tho Htock. For
mnln ihn TTntnn Pnnlfli ntuntt 1ou
Paul, huh nnlv thin won If fhn Fit.
. ii t i
-plans lor establishing nn cxprcsn
. t. .ll .1. tf .ti 1
nniii'ii iti i 1 1 ill i. 1 1 i wilii i.iii ii niLcii
1 I A
t AYnrnnN nmnanr arifi ntrroiin in
f I . 1 . t . A
Wells-Fargo company. As chair-
irfrnr Hnrrimnn rilnfntnn fhi nnU
T f trt . . ttef rri fr Til
nion rucinc owns zu.oauu 111-
t a. i j i. rnt-i. i I., an
IN I .HllirU Hlfll'K I II II I. IH IIIIIV . I
cent ot tna totn block ouiatanuinir.
a . rt I f
vunnninnR. Liin i innniR Linnirn ik
9 v I 1 f
nnmt t r kamaiia i a r i m ri n m inn
annnl Inviiaftnnnt In firtnffrlii Hon.
wvaa iiiivuviiiviiv -. wai
1. Thnn inn thn TTn(nn Pnnlflf hp'
ji i I Una thnn llf tu.Ann nnM Anr ftt
rt - i .. a i .1
now Dan reuro. ios AnsoioB anu
ii. t --- i.i i ii.. i. r 4
Southern Pacific territory. Bofore
now rond wus completed the mnn-
4i rs . ll . 4
trflfnn. Thn ITnlnn PnIfln. nwnn nnlv
per cent of Atchison stock, but that
A ... SV1 t 1 4 I .
III1I1I. W H H HIKII rillllll.IllllL. Ill IIIHIII1I la
. 1 4 t. i. 4 I. A 4.
rv nrrn n irrnnmnnr nnnunan t nn ii !
1 I 1.1. O .1 , t A I.. -
lHfin hiiii rMin ri iini. iiiiM iiiri'itin
t a v I
Thus Harritnan'fl powor in tho rail-
1 . 4 . t l 4 4.1. -
nion racu.cs ownorsrup oi less tnan
limn ir. wnu run i n nn I'nnnin'P
It t .4 .. I ....ll.ll
Southern Pnciflc that olotod Pruol-
..4. TT I B 4. .. Tt..r... r til. A.
.. r.i .1 i i...-....u!- iL.
u iiruaiutiucv mm uuuiriiiuimniiJ ui uif
M 1. 4 . il il n 41.
Jiril 111 I 1 I 11 L.I II 111 1.1 III I1I1I1LIIIII II i u
. . Mil- - ..-..A. il. tt .
of $2.50 on account of error in assess
ment in ward No. 3, North Platto.
Z. A. Uusscl is hereby appointed
road overseer in District No. 40 and
bond approved.
Adjourned until tomorrow.
February 10, 1909.
Board met pursuant to adjournment,
present Commissioners Kocken and
Springer and county clerk.
Bids for county grading opened and
tabulated. Two bids received, one by
M. F. Waldo and one by Allen Tift,
and contract awarded to Tift.
Waldo'n bid: Grading 1J cents per
cubic yard, hauling dirt 3G cents per
cubic vnrd one milo or moro than half
mile, hauling dirt ono half mile or less
30 conts per cubic yard, blading old
roads per mile $12.00.
Tift's bid: Grading 4 cents per cubic
yard, hauling dirt ono milo or more
than ono-hulf mile 20 cent per cubic
yards, hauling dirt one-half milo or less
30 cents nor cubic yard, blading old
roads $7.00 per mile.
' Claim of E. II. Evans, nttorney in
Ilnzolton case, allowed for $35.00.
Josoph Wilson, sorvicea as janitor,
Mrs. E.nma Pulver, caro of poor,
A. G. Dalley, road work DIst 36 $3.00
E. S. Rose, rond work DIst 14 3.00.
D. E. McDonald, road work Dist. 11,
Tho county attorney is instructed to
propare contract for county grading.
Adjourned until tomorrow.
Farmers' Institute at Somerset.
A farmers' institute will be held at
Somcrsot February 20th. Tho program
will be as follows:
11:00 tt. m. "Poultry on tho Farm,"
Prof. E. W. Hunt, Syracuao, Nob.
1:30 p. m. "Pork Production," Prof.
E. W. Hunt.
2:30 p.m. "Tho Draft Horse for
tho Farm und Market," B. F. Kings
Icy, Hastings, Neb.
7:30 p. rn. "Tho Light JInrncss Horsn
and his Use," Mr. Kingsloy.
8:30 p. m. "Economy In tho Curo of
Farm Animals," Prof Hunt.
The following premiums aro offered
on exhibits'of livo stock and farm pro
duco: Best colt under 3 yearB old, any kind.
$2; 2nd best $1.
Best trio of chickens, ono year old
or under, any lirced, $1; 2nd best 50c.
Men and Women Vnnnimoua About It,
Many women weep and wall and rofuat
4o bo comfortod because their onco mag
nificent treason havo become thin anJ
faded. Many men Incllno to profanity
becauso tho files blto through tho thin
thatch on their cranlums. It will be good
news to tho mtscrablo of both sexes, to
learn that Newbro's Herplcldo has been
placed upon tho market. This Is tho now
scalp gormlcldo and antlsoptlc that acts
by destroying tho germ or mtcrobo that
Is tho underlying cauao of all hair de
struction. Herplcldo in a now propara.
tlon, mado aftor a now formula on an
entirely now principle Anyone who has
tried It will testify as to Its worth. Try
It yourself and bo convinced. Sold by
leading druggists. Bond 10c. In stamp!
for samplo to Tho Herplcldo Co., De
troit. Mich.
Two sizes CO conts and $1.00.
McDonoll & Graves, Special Agents.
when you aro in search of any descrip
tion of roal estate. If you wish to have
a house or a farm you will find our lists
,includo about everything worth looking
tl. Homeopathic Physician
and Surgeon.
Office McDonald Bnnk HuiMinjr.
Phono 183.
A. J. Ames. M. D. Mario Amos, .1. 1)
Physicians and Surgeons.
Office: Over Stone Drug Co.
Phones: Office 273. Rcsidonce 273
Physicinn and Surgeon.
Office: Over McDonald Bunk.
nv,0 I Office 130
Phonc8 Residence 115
Osteopathic Physician,
Rooms 7 and 8, McDonnld
State Bnnk Building,
Phone 148.
Attorney s- n t-Law.
Office over Schatz Clothing
Store. Phonc 48
Ofllco: Cor. Front & Dewey StB.
Mary Itoonoy and tho unknown heirs of Kato
M.nnlntT .liif.nflclt.1 f
Will take notice that on tho 25th day of
.Tnnuarr. 1WJ, Thomas O. Patterson. Kotta
T.iMna.nia Mnrr T.AmrilMiiLfli. nn ltiHfttin Her
eon, by Krancls L.. Tobln, her nest friend,
Michael C. Harrington, Mary M, Harrington,
Clarunco Harrington, Paul Harrington,
.innim Hnrrlnston. Minerva Harrington,
Frances Harrington, John Harrington, John
1 1 ritil l.nmnlMitrli. Cntlinrlnn Hcrrod and
Henry Waltcmath. plaintiffs herein, filed
lluilr rmtltlnn in tlm district court of Lincoln
rnntitr. Nn.iri.Nka. against said defendants.
tho object and prayer of which aro to aulot
tho tltlo to Lots 0 and 7, In Hlock 1U3, In tho
original plat of tho city of North Platte. Lin
coln county, Nebraska. In tho plaintiffs hero
in, in tlio following manner: in .Micnaei u
HorlalNo.0755. ... II. B. linW.
Notice for Publication.
Department of tbo Intorlor,
U. S. Land OUlco at orth PJatgeb.
Notice Is horobrglyon that Kr l!00:
of North Platte. Nobraska. wh. on August
i2tb. lKfl, mado homestead entry No muo,
for oast half southwest ! ,a,!frl" n,d ft.lne
and 7, Section ft. Township U. north, ango
w west Sixth Principal UoMltn, has filed
notlco of Intention, to make final 0o fo
proof to establish claim U) t ho land a bore
described, before tho "cflst" nd. A?d
colrcr at North Platto, Nob., on tho zara
day of February. lWii.
AeT..!EvanleirEd Wilson, all
otjNorth Platte. bj-EVANS, Register.
Harrington & Tobin,
Wholesale Hay
and Grain. . . .
Parties desiring- to settle their
you will certainly save lime, ana proo- nri,niinl. mn'v ,i0 Qn uv rnl;nfr
ably money, by consulting us as to your accounts may GO SO Dy calling
requirements. Our experience and at our office. Room Si Keith
Knowieugo oi vuiuub anouiu curmmiy Thmrr lmilflinrr
be of servico to vou bb they havo proved 1 ll-a" - uuiiuiu.
to bo to many others.
Buchanan & Patterson, x. F. WATTS,
Real Estate and Insurance.
Best ton oars whito corn, $1: 2nd
best 50 cents.
BoBt ten ears yellow corn, $1; 2nd
best 50 conts.
Best ton earn calico corn, $1; 2nd
best 50 conts.
, Best ten enra of corn, any color or
kind, $1.
Bost loaf of whito bread, any mako
of flour, $1; 2nd best 75 cents; 3rd best
50 cents.
Bost corn bread 75c; 2nd best 50 cents.
Bnskot dinner nr. noon
sorvod freo. Evorybody invited.
M. F. Buckley, Pres.
R. E. GiEsnBHciKii, Soc'y.
II. R. REESE, Prop.
LadloB' and Gents' Clothos Cleaned with
French Dry Cloanor.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Goods called
for and delivered. Over Mrs. Huff
man's Millinery Storo.
Phono 450.
Mv services nro worth all they cost.
If you go to a chenp man you will
probably fail to sell or bo compelled
to sell at a 8ncnlice. lnc only rea'
son nnv auctioneer 1b chean is be
coubo hia services arc not worth
much. For terms and dates write
or wire nt my expense, Phono E5o4.
Merchant Tailor,
Invites vour insncction of his ffnt
line of snmples of goods for Spring and
Summer Suits, Ovorcoats and Trou
Bora, which will be mado to order in a
,r.L .-n..- most un-to-dato and satisfactory mnn
now guuuu ., a.t r. rini....,i.-
The C. F. Iddings Co.
llnrrlnirlnn and Man M. Harrlnuton a strip
40 feet wide, running north and south on tho
wcstsldoofsalu ix)t u. except a tract in tno
northwest corner thorcof. so feet oast and
west and a root norm anu souiu; in uonry
Waltcmath a tract In tho northwout corner of
said Lot 0, 80 foot oast and west and 22 feet
north arid sou. n : in .Mary l.ampiaugn, a tract
20 feet In width, running north and south,
through salu l-Oto, Doing taken from tno west
sluo of a tract zo leotin wiatn
and south alonir
Mary Lamnlaui.1
mary m. Harrington,
(Mnrnnco Harrlnston
James Harrington, Minerva Harrington,
Francos Harrinston anu .lonn narrincrton. a
tract sit feet wldo extending north and south
along tho cast sldo of said Lot 0; in John
Harold Lamniugh. iMicnaoi u Harrington
Mary M. Harrington and Cathcrlno Horrod,
a tract twenty-two reot wiuo. running north
and south, being tho west ono-thlrd of said
Lot 7; In Thomas C. I'attorson a tract twenty-two
feet wide, runnlnir north and south
on tho oast sldo of said lot7 and being tho
cast ono-tlilnl of said Lot 7, and in Kotta l.o-
Masteis, a tract twonty-two feet in width,
running north anu south through salu Lot 7,
being tho center ono-thlrd of said Lot 7.
And that thusaid doronuants Mary itoonoy
and tho unknown heirs of Kato Mannlnir. do-
1'eased, Ik) adjudged and decreed to havo no
right, tltlo or Interest In or to said promtsos.
and that tho defendants bo forovor enjoined
from assorting or claiming any such right,
tmo or interest in saiu premises, tho plain
tiffs herein claiming tltlo to said promises by
a deed from James McMannus, otherwise
Manning, and by mosno conveyances to tho
plaintiffs herein: and by possession of said
premises for moro than thirty years last past
by said plaintiffs and their grantors-
That? on January SHh, 1B09. tho district
court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, mado an
order directing that notlco of theso proceed
ings bo served on tho unknown heirs of Kato
Manning, uorcnaants, uy publication:
You aro required to mako answer to said
petition on or lmforo tho Hth day of March.lDOU.
Dated thls'Ath day of January. WW.
Thomas O, l'attcrson, Kotta LoMasturs. Mary
Lotnnlauuh. an lnsano person, by Francis
L. Tobln, her next friend. Michael O Har
rington, Mary M. Harrington. Olarenco
iiarrinirton. raul narr nston. .lamer Har
rington, Minerva Harrington, Frances Har
rington. John Harrington, John Harold
i.amplugn, (Jatherino lierrou, and Henry
Waltomath. I'lalnMffH.
By Wilcox Ic Halllgati. Their Attornoya.
Tho unknown heirs ot Frank M. Wlloy. de
ceased, defendants:
will ta o notlco that on tho luth day or
January. 1IXW. M. Keith Novlllc. ulalntlff
herein, filed his potltlon In tho district court
of Lincoln county, Nobraska, against said
defendants, tho object and prayer of which
arn toriulet malntlff's tltlo to tho south hair
of tho northeast quarter and lots 1 and 2, ot
section 4, In township 13 north, ot ran go 20
west or tho sixth r. m. in Lincoln county,
Nebraska: and toenJoln tho unknown heirs
of Frank M Wiley, deceased, and all persons
claiming by or through thorn, from irnklng
any claim to said Dremises ad verso to t ho
plaintiff and his grantors. And plaintiff
alleges that no and his uovisor havo neon in
tho open, notorious, adverso and exclusive
possession of said real cstato undor a claim ot
riant and Daying mo taxes assessed acainst
Raid land each year slnco the 1st of March,
iwv; and tor gonnrai cauitamo roller.
That on January ith. 1009. tlin district court
of Lincoln county, Nobraska, mado an order
directing that notlco of these proceedings bo
served upon tho unknown holrx of Frank M.
Wiley, doronuants. by publication
You aro rcuuircd to answer said petition
on orboforo tho Bth day of March, 1900.
Dated January SHh. loou.
M. Kkith NKTIM.K, Plaintiff,
liy Wilcox fi Halllgan, His Attorneys.
Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln Couaty. a.s.
In tho county uourt. ....
In tlm mntlnr of tho LsttttO Or
Qclse, decoascd. ... . j
To tho creditors, heirs, legatees and others
Intorostcd In tho cstato of I- red Oclsp.
Tako notice, that John Oelso has
n ..i i. .... ......... rt.i. m rtinnrt. nr MIS uO-
lngs as administrator of said estate, i ind It is
proceeding Is ordorcd given in tho North
Platto Tribune, a scml-weoklynowspaper, ror
six lucccsslvo publications prior to janunrj
Witness my hand and tho seal of the cou
ty court at North Platto this Mh day cf
January, A I). 1W0. ,, .
jy5-3 W. O. ELDER. County Jadga
In the matter of tho application of Anna
Altenburn. Ouardlan of tho cstato of Carl K.
Altenbern. IlcnJamtn E. Altcnbern. Elslo L.
Altenbern and David W. Altenbern. minors,
for license to sell real estate. ...
Order to show cause why said real estata
should not bo sold. . .
To Anna Altonborn, porsonal guardian and
next ot kin to said minors, and all persons
Interested In said estatoi ....
It annoarlng to this court trora tho duly
verified potltlon, on the ifith day of Decem
ber. 1008, presented and filed by Anna Alten
hem. guardian of tho estates of Carl E. A.1
tentorn. Honjamln E. Altcnbern, Elsie L. Al
tonborn aud David W. Altenbern. minors,
praying to soil tho following described real
estate, sltuato In Lincoln County, Nebraska,
to-wlt: Allot tho southwest quarter of sec
tion 31, In township 13. north ot range S3,
west ot tho 0th P. M. for tho purpose of tha
education and maintenance ot said minors,
that It Is to tho best Interests of said minors
and necessary that said real eitate bo sold.
It Is horobylordored that the next of kin of
said wards and all perrons Interested In aald
estate, appear boforo this court on Saturday,
tho 13th day of February. lOOit. at 0 o'clock
A. M. at tho court houso In tbo city of North
Platto. Lincoln County, Nebraska, then and
thoro to show cause If any there bo, why II
censo should not bo granted said Anna Al
tenbern, guardian to sell said described real
cstato, for tho purposes abovo set forth-
And It is further ordorcd that a copy of
this order bo served personally upon said
Anna Altonborn, porsonal guardian and next
ot kin to said minors at least 14 days prior to
said dato sot for hearing, and that a copy
horeof bo published at least onco a week, for
threo snccesslvo weoks, In tho North Plattn
Scml-Wookly Tribune, a newspaper printed
and published in said Lincoln County.
Dated at Chambers In said Lincoln County,
Nobraska, this 4th day ot January. 1 Wil
li. M. QIIIMES. District Judge.
Sorlal NO. 01148. II. E. 23527.
Department ot tho Interior.
U. 8. Land Offlco at North Platte. Nob.
January 4. WW
Notlco Is horoby given that Leonard W.
Hoist of Maxwell, Nob., who on Oct. 29. 1907,
mado Homestead Entry No. 23527, for Lot onv
section 4, township 12 north. rango 'M west,
sixth principal meridian, has filed notlco of
ln.nn.1nn .n nnt.n IIh.I I Iammii ft b . Inn .
to establish claim to tho laud abovo described
iHsforo Itegtstor and Bccolvor at North Platto,
Nobraska. on tho 4th day of March 1000.
Claimant names as witnesses; Frod Brooks,
.lonn u. ltowianu, anu ima smith or max
well, Nobraska. and Elmer Daggett, of North
Platte, Nobraska.
J8-o J. K. Evans. Keglstor.
J. P. Kelly, first and real name un
known, will tako notice, that on tho
21at day of JJecombor, 1908, P. H.
Rock Springs Lump and Nut four Lincoln County. Neb?aska. TssSed
an order of attachment for tho sum of
Probate Notice.
of Thomas
Death of Mrs. Riclly.
rVfta On timet twi iMctll i flliwl nr lwit
. . r ... t I i y.... .
.unit un in uiiv amiiiiii. i'cjii. nn in. ii
'nlnnlr n m nffnt nnlt n fftiu finite
Innua Rlii wna Intfl fn fnnf In fdn tft
-ii.... i. uaH,j riv....i . i.'i.
r n
Cathcrino Conroy was born in county
. t i - i. i ? 4. i inui
. ! I. ... i. a il t. 1
. . . i ii. I . b in in. .
t . i a tt Tint n 1 1 l. rk.t. . it
unn liirn IMA' 'i hnu tnnrfit rniiH iwnnii
. a II .... 1 All 4 ISM1
f a . a . .r . i
mnn ir ruin ri iirn 1 1 in nnuiirii
XMoo,, wncro nor nusoanu aiou in Aiiircn
1888. She came to Lincoln county in
ill. NMrmir in:iii wiuirii mill iihii hiiii'ii
I i 1
Mrs. Riclly wns tho mother of four
children threo of whom survivo hor,
William P. Riolly, of Douglas, Nob.,
Mrs. W. D. Buchtol of Brady mid Mau
rice Riclly of Mnxwoll.
Mrs. Rielly was a member of the
Catholic church und lived a very con
sistent christian Hfo, nnd exerclsod a
groat deal of charity in tho wolfnro
of others. Sho was greatly boloved by
nil who know her and evncclullv bv tho
children of hor neighborhood,. Tho com
munity loses ono of Its oldest and most
reBpectod cltizons by tho death of this
i ludy.
Mrs. Riolly's childron wore all ut her
bedsido at tho time tho spirit wont
Tho relatives and friends havo tho
sympathy of all who know them.
Head of Aberdeen-Angus
at Public Sale.
On Wodnosday, Fob. 24, I will soli
100 heud nt my farm, 14 inllos north nnd
1 milo oast of Gothenburg, Nab. Herd
headed by Horoof Bractido (No. 70555)
About half uro puro bred, balance high
grades. Now is a good time to start a
herd of good cattle.
D. M. SIGLER, Etna, Nob.
i r
Puckarue Island.
Mra. Willis McGulrp vUltcd In North
Platto Inst wcok.
Mr. nnd Mrs, Rowley Roso nnd Miss
Vora of Gothenburg woro visiting
friendu und relatives in this vicinity
lust wook and attended tho dance at
Miixvvcll, Feb. 5th.
August Larson transacted businosB
when they moved inH?1othntburK,nt Saturday.
Miss Olive Deckor and brothor John
ar keeping houso for Win. Slimier on
the south side.
Hurry Lanti of North Platto wob
Visiting on the island this week und
taking vIowh with his camorn.
Frank Ross' childron nro victims of
thu measlofl ut preuont.
Thoro will bo n danco at Iko Smith's
Saturday night. A good timo ia ex
pected. Evorybody invitod.
Tho pnrty ut J. D. Drako's Saturday
night wnB well attended and everybody
had a good timo.
Harry Poll 1h doing tho plastering on
Charley Johnson's new house.
Ed Bockus hits moved on his brothor
Frnnlc'o place, whero ho will farm this
Behind a Good Team '
should bo hitched a good carriage
You want ono so roliublo that you can
givo nil your attention to tho horses,
without a Binglo worry nbout the vehicle
you sit in. Our carriages are just that
kind, If you buy ono, and your horses
nro as good as tho carriage, you'll cor
tainly lmve n dandy turnout,
A. M. Lock.
Fobruary 0, 1909.
Board met pursuant to adjournment,
present Commissioners Kocken nnd
Springer und county clerk,
Ray C. Langford, county treasurer:
you sre hereby authorized to refund to
a afl . i m st
ii. a. wiuon ine sum or on ac
count of double assessment in Whittlur Mogul ColTeo is a 85 cent quality for
fcminet and to M, F. HoBler tho putnl25 centa per; pound, Ask your Grocor.
Tho aocond performance of tho Crom
well ontertulnment, huld Wednesday
evening, was lurgely attended, aevorat
hundred persona being present. This
production was ovon bettor than tho
first night, and every part nnd scene
pttsBcd without a rufllo. Judge Houg
land, ns Cromwell, was particularly
strong nnd others in tho cto well cur
ried out their parts. Enjoyublo features
wua tho solo by Miss Henderson and u
quartette by Miss Irma Clinton, Miss
Henderson, II . N. Hurt aud E, C.
Ringer. Tho Lutheran church received
a not revenue of $100 from the entertainment.
Department ot tho Interior,
i United States Land Olllco.
North Platte. Nebraska. .
Kohy. 4. iWKl;
A sulllcloiit contest atlldavlt having lieen
filed In this olllco hi" Charles T. Dreach. con.
testaut, against homestead entry No. 13176
mado Juno 10. 1907, for twH of section 17,
township O.raugo 32, by Oeorgo W. Craig cpn
te.stee, 111 which It Is alleged that said Oeorgo
W, uraig has never iwiauusnea ins resiu
on Haul 1 ii lid i that ho lifts never cultivate or
Improved any portion o' tho same, and that
helms wholly air ihIoium! nnul taiiu for moro
than six mouths and ono day last past; that
nld absence from laud was not duo to his
employment In thu army, navy or marluu
corps if tho United Htates, Bald parties
am hiirohv notified to mine nr. resound anil
otrer ovldenco touching said alleguttouatlO
o'clock a. m. on April 6. 1VM.I boforo tho
Hcglster and Receiver at thu United States
I. nnd Ollloii In North I'latte. Nnhraskn.
Tho said contestant having. In a proper
afildavlt, filed Foby 4. lVHXi. koI forth facts '
which show that after duo diligence poinual
servico ot this notice can not bo made, it Is
hereby ordered and directed that such notlco
bo given by ii uo aim proper piuuioiuion,
Maitland Lump and Nut
Hanna Lump and Nut
Colorado Lump and Nut
Pennsylvania Hard Coal
(in Stovo and Nut Sizo)
Blacksmithing Coal
We carry the lamest assort-!
ment of high grade coal in the
city, lry us with your next
Call Phone 7. We have it.
The C. F. Iddings Co.
A full lino of Caskets, Robes, etc.
Culls answered promptly.
Dny Phono 12G, Night Phono 482.
City Cleaning
and Dye Works
W. O. BRIDGES, Proprietor
All classes of cleaning, dyeing nnd
pressing. All cleaning dono by tho
Fronch dry iirocess. A specialty made
of nil classes of ladies' enrm mts. Give
mo a trial and I will guarantee satis
faction. Goods called for and delivered.
WorkB. Ottenstein building Sixth street
opposite blks lodging house.
Phono 532.
$30.00 in nn action pending boforo him,
wherein Uinn a. Whito a copartnership
is plaintiff and J. P. Kelly, first and
real namo.unknown, is defendant; that
tho property of tho defendant consist
ing of a brass horn mado by Carlin and
Lennox, Indianapolis. Indiana, has been
attached under said order. Said cause
was continued to tho 17th day of Feb
ruary, 1909, at 10 o'clock a. m.
UINN 6 WHITE, l'lalntllt'8.
North Platto, Neb., Feby. 2, 1909.
Tho Board of County Commissioners
makes tho following estimate of ex
penses for Lincoln County, Nebraska,
for tho year 1909.
General fund $37,000
Road fund 25,000
Bridgo fund 15,000
Soldiers,' Relief fund 500
Eureka Bridge bond $2,000.
Eureka Bridgo interest $720.
Bostwick bridgo bonds and interest,
Hershey bridgo bonds nnd interest,
South Sido Irrigation District bonds
nnd interest, $1000.00
North Plntte bridgo bonds nnd in
terest, 1,210.00
Road Dist No 1 $1000 00
Rond Dist No 8...-. 100 00
Road Dist No 10 100 00
Rood Dist No 1G 150 00
Road Dist No 20 100 00
Rond Dist No 21 50 00
Road Dist No 22 100 00
Rond Dist No 27 150 00
Road Dist No 28 50 00
Road Dist No 30 50 00
, In tho matter ot tho
J. Ltndonmuth. decoasod
In tho county court of Lincoln county, No
braska, February 1st 1009,
Notlco Is hereby given, that tho creditors
of tho said deceased will meet tho administra
tor of said cstato, boforo tho County Judgo
of Lincoln county. Nebraska, at tho county
court room In said county, on tho27th day ot
Fobruory, 1900, and on tho 27th day of August,
1000, oto o'clock a. m. each day, for tho pur
posoof presenting their claims for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months
aro allowed for creditors to present tholr
claims and ono year for tho administrator
to bcttlo said cstato from tho 30th day
of December, 1008. This notlco to bo published
ror oight euccessivo publications In tho
North Platto Tribune, prior to said 27th
day of Fobruary. 1009
, , W. O. KLDEIl.
fl-8 County Judgo.
Tho State of Nobraska, l
Lincoln County. bs
In tho County Court.
In tho matter of tho cstato of Susan C.
Uarsbflold, deceased. To tho creditors,
helm, legatees and other;. Interested In tho
cstato ot Susan O. Harshllold.
Tako notice, that Leonard Laubnor has
filed In tho county court a report of his
doings as executor ot said cstato and It Is
ordorcd that tho samo stand for hearing tho
0th day of February, A. 1). 1C09, boforo tho
court at tho hour ot 0 o'clock a. m.. at which
timo any person Interested may appear and
except to and contest tho samo. And notlco
of this proceeding Is ordorcd glvon In tho
North Platto Tribune for bIx successive pub
lications prior to Fobruary Bth, 1009.
Witness my hand and the seal of tho county
court at North Platto this 11th day of Jan
uary A. D. 1000.
i 12-a W O. Ei.df.1i, County Judgo.
In tho matter ot the application of Emma
Pulver, guardian of tho cstato of Lillian II.
Woyburn. an Incompetent, for leavo to sell
real estate.
Ordor to show causo why license should not
Issue to Ouardlan tor saloof roal cstato.
On reading and filing tho potltlon, duly
verified, of Emma Pulver, guardian of tho
esiaiu oi i.iiuui. ii. ueyourn, an incom
petent, for Hconso to sell tho following roal
estate to-wit! Northwest nuartor of section
21. Township 14. Hango 10, for tho purpose of
paying certain dobts of tho said Lillian II.
Woyburn, and tho cost of hor support and
maintenance, and to Invest tho romatnder In
Interest bearing securities, and It appearing
from said petition that said real estato con
sists ot I0O acres of land In Keith County, No
braska, from which no Income or revenue- has
been derived for moro than soven years:
It Is therefore ordered, that thonoxtof kin
ot said Incompetent and all persons Intorostcd
in saiu estate appear neioro mo at chambers
Evans, lteglster.
Notice to Overseer of Highways.
xou nro nereoy no tilted that you
must not perform any work, or cause
furthor expenses in your respective
rond districts unless you hnvo such
money in your road district fund. In
such enso cash will bo paid to tho over
seer. All monoy from this date, in your
I rond district fund, must be expended
under tho supervision of the rond ovor-
show causo. If any thoro bo. why llcenso
should not 1)0 granted to said Emma Pulver,
Kiiuriinui. iu sou sum real cstato tor tho pur
poses above sot forth.
It Is further ordrrcd that a copy of this
order shall bo published for threo successive
weoKs in mo norm i-iaita
bunu, a newspaper Trl-
clrculatlng In thu said
In tho County Oourt ot Lincoln county. No
lirnskn. February 0th. 1000.
"ttVt0 01 11,0 usUt0 of VkA (3ul!iUv seer and paid to tho person working on Lincoln County, Nebraskn, for tho year Coughiin.deceused
iitH.oaHoti. . . . ... ..... .. ... ... . f . . loon. On readlm; aud fl
- " V
Rond Dist No 35 50 00 tho court Iiohho In the city of North Platto.
Dnnrl nin. Mn nr. Kft nn Lincoln. NobrasUa. on tho 20th day of Feb-
KOnd DISC JNO. .10 Ml UU ...... UWJ attwo o'clock In tlm xinmnm,
t 1 nii xt tn rn nn .
Road Dist No 41 50 00
Rond Dist No 4G 50 00
Rond Dist No 47 100 00
Road Dist No 50 50 00
Road Dist No 51 100 00
Road Dist No 54 50 00
Road Dist No 57 50 00
Road Dist No 58 150 00
Stato of Nobraska, Lincoln County,
I, F. R. Elliott, County Clerk of Lin
coln County, Nobraska, do hereby cor-
tify that tho abovo and foregoing is n
true und correct estimute of expenses
made by the County Commissioners or
County of Lincoln and Stato or Nebraska aud
published at North Platto In said county.
Dated at chambers In said Lincoln county
this 10th day ot January. 10. Hi M. Gimmes.
Judge of tho District Court ot Lincoln
County. Nob.
Notlco Is hereby given, that tho creditors of
said deceased will meet thu Administrator
of said eslato, before the, County Judgu of
Lincoln county. Nobraska. at tho county
court room In said county, on tho hth day ot
March. 1000, ami on tlioMh day of September,
low, at 0 o'clock a m. each day, for tho pur
pose ot presenting tholrclalms for examina
tion, adjustment aud allowance. Six months
aro allowed for creditors to present their
claims and one year for the Administrator to
settle said estato, from tho Hth day of Sep
touitwr, I0OH. This notlco will bo published In
tho North Platto Trlbuuo. for eight publica
tions successively prior to tho Vth day ot
March, looo.
W-p; County Judgo.
tho road in cash, by tho overseer. Ov
erseer taking receipt theroffr.
Overseer must pay all petsora work- j
ing on tho road aftor Fob. 15,09 in cash, j
All clulms held by individuals for '
work ulrendy dono must bo ( led in tho
county clerk's olllco boforo Fob. 15th, ;
Dutod North Plntte, Neb., Jan. 29,
, A. O. Kocken, E. II. Sprh gor, 0. H,
Walter, couhty commissioners.
F. R. Elliott, County Clork.
One Hundred Dollars Reward.
Tho ubovc reward will bo paid for
tho arrest and conviction of tno party
or parties who havo been breaking into
tho school houses in District No. 5 and
destroying property,
i V. H. Simants,
Louib Machy.
honm Purdy,
The Stale of Nebraska. I
Lincoln County, fM
In tho County Court. January 10th. 1009.
in nio matter or mo estato or Daniel
On roadlm? and fillmr tlm rmtltlnn nt Mn.,.
uougnn praying that the instrument, filed
on tho lth day of January, 1900, and par
porting to bo a duly authenticated copy of
tho last will and tostamont of tho said de
ceased, may bo proved, approved, probated,
allowed and recorded as tho last will and
tostamont of tho said Daniel Coughlln. de
ceased, Ordorcd. That February 10th, 1009, at 9
o'clock a. m., Is anslgnod for hearing said
potltlon. when all persons interested in said
matter may appear at a county court to be
held In and for said county, and how canto
why tho prayer of tho petitioner should no
be granted. Thli nrJt- mi nnhii.r, .V.
ibtiBn, Oountr Judge,