FOR THE OFEICE MAN. If your work is cIoho and confining your oyes nro bound to suffer probably they havo already caused you Bomo worry bettor call In and havo them examined today. Tho relief that a pair of woll fitted glasses will give you and tho pre vention of further declino In the strength of your eyes aro two largo Items that should not bo overlooked. Let ub fit you If necessary with tho proper lenses tho cost is reason able. CLINTON, Jeweler and Opitican. DRS. BROCK & CROOK, j DENTISTS. g Over First National, l'hono H8 jj Tho Catholic Indies will "bo excused, if they promiso to never do it again. Seo tho latest creation in sheath gowns at the opera houso next Tuesday evening. Dr. D. E. Morroll will movo his ofllco tho early nurt of noxt week to rooms over tho Fink harness store. Drink Mogul Coffee Leo Tobln loaves Monday on a busi ncss trip to Donver and other Colorado points, and will bo absent during the week. J. II. Stafford, general storekeeper of tho Union Pacific, camo up Wcdnes day on business. Ho roturncd to Omaha tho an mo evening on No. 12, T. P, Watts & Spn, of tho Sunset ranch two mllos west of town, will havo a public salo of registered Shorthorn bulls, cows and calves on February 21th, Seo advertisement appearing oloowhora in these columns. Our spring lino of Amorican Beauty Corsets is in and wo ask your inspec Hon. Tho Lcador. W. A. Cauffmnn, representing tho Florida Fruit Lands Co., is in town and will open an ofllco if ho can secure u ropm. This is tho company that colon ized lands in tho San Luis valloy in Col ortido, and n largo tract in Oregon. Use Rexall Cherry Juice Cough Syrup. - McDoncll & Graves Harry Dixon has disposed of tho present shelving and cascB in his store to u Gothenburg party and is having tho room put in shupo for tho rucoption of the now furnlshlngB which arrived a fow days ago. FREE A Dust Part with u ton of coal. W. W. Biucjk. Tho Catholic ladles served nn excel lent chicken supper in tho Huhlor store room Wednesday evening and worn accorded a largo patronage from fivo to seven thirty o'clock. OvorDOO pooplo wero Bervcd, and tho ladios netted tho tmm of $130. Thin waB one of tho most Hiiccessful uuppers ovor given In the city. Wo havo cash customors for novoral dwellings ranging in prlco from $1500 to $3500. By listing such propurtlee with us you will sccuro specuy enios. Buchanan & Pattekbon. A tolegram received yesterday nn nounccd the death at Middlefleld, Ohio, on Wednesduy night of Mrs, W. T, Bowen, who for a number of year redded in Plant precinct. Mrs. Geo. E. ProsHfcr and Charley Bowen, daughter and son respectively of the deceased, left for Mtddloftold last night to attend the funeral. Death was due to pneumonia. Double Standard Polled Heroford Bull nalo, Fob. 20th, 1009, at SomorBot, Neb. At Lincoln Wednesday tho lowor houso of tho legislature recommended the Bygland binding twino factory bill for paHSUgo, turning down Kuhl's nio Hon liiUutlnltoiy to.pmpone iho 'meas ure by u vote of 61 to !KJ. This vote is taken to indlcato that tho bill will pass tho house. Tho mensuro 'providos for tho appropriation of $50,000 for ma chinery and $150,000 for an operating fund which will bo replenished by tho incomo from tho operation of tho plant. As tho plan was presented ubout 100 men aro to bo employed. Come and seo tho Polled Hereford Bulls at Somerset Farmera' Instituto, Feb. 20th, 4 Washington Once Gave Up to threo doctors; whs kopt in bod for five weeks. Blood poison from a spid er's bito caused large, deep sores to cover his log. Tho doctora failed, then "Bucklen's Arnica Salvo completely cured mo,' writes John Washington, Uosquovllle, Tex. For cczoma, boils, burns and piles it's supremo. 25 cents at Stono's drug store. Seo our spring display of genuine Alligator Hand Bags; direct from Florida. Dixon, Tho Jeweler. Hnrshey Welch went to Koystono Wednesday to finish laying out a town site at that station, which is on tho North River branch. The Countess Inez, who appears in "A Royal Slave" at tho opera houso noxt Tuesday evening, will appear in six different gowns, each of which is said to bo magnificent. Tho latest novelties in Spring SkirtB nre on sale at Tho Leader. Tho Lincoln county teachers' associ ation will moot at tho high school audi torium Saturday, February 20th. Co. Supt. Ebright hopes to seo all tho city and county teachers present. On account of tho stormy weather, tho salo advertised by I. Til-man. who lives on the W. L. Park farm, laBt Tuesday was poorly attended and tho sle was postponed until Feb. 18th. Use Rexall Cherry Juice Cough Syrup. McDoncll & Graves. The Christian aid society will givo a ten cent social at tho Unitarian hall on the evening of February Cth. The pub lic is invited; como and enjoy tho ovo- ning. C. L. Beauchamp, who has boon Hv ing on tho Bangdton farm fivo miles southwest of Maxwell, will havo a sale of his personal property on February 25th, and will leave for Turlock, Cal. Double Standard Polled Heroford Bull sale at Somersot, Neb., at noon hour of Farmers' InstitUto on Feb. 20th. A bronzed plaster statuo of Paul Gll- moro as "Tony Allen" in "Tho Boys of Company B," has been on exhibition in one of tho atoro rooms of tho theatre block, and haa attracted considerable attention. Bettor quality for the samo money is tho motto in the gentlemen's furnishing department at tho Wilcox Department Store. Mrs, Goo, A. Austin wns hostess at a kensington yesterday aftornoon given in favor of Mrs. Schipfor, who is a guest at tho Seeberger homo. About thirty ladies wero present and a de lightful afternoon resulted, at tho close of which refreshments woro served. FREE A Dust Pan with a ton of coal. W. W. BlUGE. Evorywhoro Paul Gilmoro has ap peared this soason ho has received tho same acclaim, due, no doubt, to his splendid part itvhis splendid play, but chiefly to his own splendid personality. Mr. Gilmoro is announced to appoar ut tho Keith this Friday evening. For Salo SharpleBa No, 2 Cream Separator. Inqulro of J. II. Cunningham. Tho Sidnoy water plant, which was designed by englncor Horshoy Wolch of this city, and under whom tho plant wus constructed, has boen turned over to thn city by tho contractor. Tho gravity nrossuro is flfty-fivo pounds, which can bo increased to 100 pounds when tho flro prcssuro Is applied. Mogul CofTco in tho morning makes you fcql good ull day. Mrs. G. T. A. Nixon, mother of Mrs. P. H. McEvoy, is in a critical condition and will probably not rocovor. Her daughtera Mrs. Colby, of Trinidad, Cub, and Mrs. Canrito, of Vancouver, Wash., and son W. S. Clark, nt Fort Robinson aro hero with their aged mother. The now pattorns of Lacou and Em broideries aro shown ut Tho Louder. L P. Jopson, tho Horshoy moat marked man, ipont yesterday in town while onrouto homo from Lincoln, where ho disposod of proporty ho owned in that section. Ho bought an automo bile, and mndo tho trip as far as Grand Isluud, but pn account of bud roads was compelled to abandon it attbnt placo. The stockholders and others inter ested in tho North Flatto Chautauqua will meet in tho Commercial Club rooms Saturday evening, Feb. 13th, for tho purpose of organizing. Every person who has signed for ono or moro sharos of stock is entitled to representation and all such should bo on hand to help get tho association started. Wilson Tout, Temporary Chairman, For Rent My houso on East Fifth street. All modern conveniences and good outbuildings. Julius PiZEit. Ask your Grocer for Mogul Coffee, packed only in one and two pound cans, Tho bill providing for sovon o'clock cloning of saloons 1ms been killed by tho Nebraska lawmakers, who evident ly boliovo that u man should havo tho right to hang around u saloon until mid night guzzlo liquor and spend tho money which, in many cases at least, is needed to provide tho necessities for tho wifo and children. Tho Trlbuno man has always favored an early closing of sa loons; not as early us sovon o'clock, but not lator than ten. A vory largo part of tho deviltry brought ubout by whis key occurs ufter ten o'clock; and be sides, if tho habitues wero forced to leave at that hour they would get homo to their families at a decent hour. John Westlund Disappears. John Westlund, a farmer living three miles south of Brady, disappeared from home February 1st and sinco then no traco of him has been obtained. On that day ho went to Gothenburg and camo to this city on tho local passenger 'rain, and then dropped out of Bight, Membors of tho family wero in town f his week and invoked tho aid of tho ofllcers in atttmpting to locate him. His family consists of a wifo and six ".hildren. Westlund is described as a man of fifty-five or Bixty years, wolght about 180, blue eyce, talks with Swedish accent, and when laBt seen had on light "olorcd hat, black overcoat, dark under coat and groy trousers, A llbornl re ward is offered for information of his whereabouts. Flowers for Valentine Day. Nothing makes a moro acceptable valentine than nico flowers. Pass, tho florist, has an unusually fine assortment of carnations; also roses. Place your orders as early as possible and this insures nice atock and prompt delivery. Union Pacific Earnings. Tho Union Pacific has mado another remarkable record by earning 11.3 per cent on its common stock during the first bIx months of tho present fiscal year. Tho flguro applies only to tho Union Pacific propor and the income of that system and does not tako into consideration any of the equities which tho Union Pacific has in tho undivided earnings of tho allied lines. It docs not Bhow that the Union Pacific will nccossarily earn twlco that amount for the year but tho fact remains that the earnings are running far ahead of last year. Tho income of tho second half of the year does not usually run as high as tho first half. Tho figures of net earnings also indlcato a decrease of operating expenses rather than an increase in gross earnings. Sutherland News. l'rom ttio Free Lanco. Winter wheat is said to bo in excel lent condition nnd proprietors of fields aro wishing they had a larger acreage. An industrious weasel invaded Peter Muir'r hencoop, ono night recontly, nnd enjoyed itself to tho extent of kill ing 20 valuable chickens. Davo White informs us that ho Is completing shipments of corn from Paxton which will total about 20 car- oads. Corn Is selling for ab( ut 48c. John Combs, who carries mail be tween Sutherland and Lena,, a distance of nearly sixty miles, certainly sampled tho weather tho first of tho vqek. Ho mado tho regular runs Monday and ruosday. No's Lofdahl, ono of tho hustling farmerB of the north valloy, contem plates something new in irrigation facilities for this section, His idea is to provide ono or moro good wolls on bis almost level farmland nnd use a gasoline engine to pump water. His plan is feasible; and as thj expense would bo small, it appears that numer ous small tracts of ground could be made moro profitablo by this method. left this week for Revolts at Cold Steel. 'Your only hopo," said threo doctora to Mrs. M. E. Fisher, Dotrolt, Mich., suffering from sovoro rectal troublo, "lies, in an operation, then I used Dr, King's New Life Pills" she writes, 'till wholly cured." Thoy proyont ap pendicitis, euro constipation, headache. 25c. at Stono's drug Btore. Will Bridges California, Drink Mogul CofTco Mrs. A. B. Ilongland and Mrs. Geo. B. Dent will bo hostesses at an evening function noxt Thursday. Paul Gilmoro in "Tho Boys of Com pany B" will bo tho bill at tho Keith this evening. Gilmoro is an artist on the stage and is cortain to ploaso his audience. Attond McConncll's Registered Hero ford Bull Salo at Somersot, Nob., Feb. 20th. Phil Deats, who recontly roturned from Colorado, will in tho near future form a partnership wlthL. R. Duko, and tho firm will do a general line of painting and papor hanging. . R. V. Cox has taken possession of tho cleaning and dyo shop on Sixth street lately conducted by W. O. Bridges. He will placo a competent man in charge of tho shop. Mrs, J. W. Boyer, of this city, is in Kearney preparing for initiation into tho Ladies of tho Maccabees n large class of candidates. Mrs, Boyer is a state deputy of that order. If troubled in any way with your oyes do not hositato to call on Dro. Bowlby & Pcrrigo, Optical Specialists of Oma ha, who will visit North Platte again Feb. 15th, ono day only. They come I noro reguiony, and tneir prices aro modorate. 1009 Ladies' Muslin Undorwcar is now on display at Tho Louder. A Washington dispatch dated Feb ruary 10th says: Tho houso committee on public lands today reported favor ably tho bill which Judge Kinknld has been urging to ameliorate conditions to homesteaders who havo taken 640 acres under tho homestead act as amended' by tho Kinkaid act, He wantod the per ucro improvomont requirement re duced from $1.26 to 40 cents and this fcaturo tho commlttco accepts. But it has cut out tho permission of commu tation of payments. Judgo Kinkaid was not bo insistent on tho lattor pro vision, thoro being some uncertainty among tho people of his district wheth er it waB entirely desirable. Tho Hat nnd the Title. There, Is nn amusing English defini tion of "geutloman." It Is "a man who wears a slllc hat and If be 1ms no other tltlo Insists upon having 'Esq.' added to bis name when letters aro addressed to him." Tho west end Londoner of Boclnl pretensions accepts this dcllnlttou in practice. Summer and winter, In ruin or shlno, ho wears a high sill: hat In tho Htrcots of Loudon and carries It Into tho drawing room when he pays an afternoon call. It Is only when he takes a train for tho provinces or for the continent that he ventures to uso more comfortable headgear. Ho also expects to havo the distinction of "es quire" when a letter Is addressed to htm and Is highly offended If lie 'finds on tho envelope1 the prolix "Mr." As a mutter of fact; the number of Eng lish goutlomeu who aro legally en titled to the mediaeval honor of "es quire" Is insignificant. It Is a self as sumed tltlo which signifies uothlng that Is substantial In runic or privilege, In common use In London "esquire" simply menus Unit the person bo ad dressed does uot choose to bo associ ated with tradesmon and ordinary working pooplo und that ho Is n "gen tleman" who luvnrlubly weara a Bilk hat STATE NEWS. Ex-Senator E. D. Gould, of Kearney, jold the Gould & Baker ranch in Nanco county tho other day for $70,000. Tho placo comprised 1,280 acres of land. Tho county commissioners of Otoo countv expect to put in a rumbor of permanent cement bridges and culverts during tho coming season. 1 hey have wearied of tho poor quality of wooden and iron bridges that havo boon fur nished them in tho past and aro going to make a change. Mrs. Mary C. Stoddard, a Fremont woman, was a llower girl at the recep tion tendered Abraham Lincoln when ho made his speech at Galesburg, 111., during a presidential campaign. Mrs. Stoddard, who was then allttlo tot, sat on tho speaker's platform with several other little girls. She wos within eight or ten feet of Lincoln when ho spoke Reports from Lincoln aro that the bill regulating tho length of f-eieht trains will pass the house. Tho bill has been so amended, however, as to make it unsatisfactory to railroad employes Tho limit of a train has been increased from fifty to sixty-fivo cam, and the Bection relating to the number of men in a crew has been stricken out. .43 viz to ii) it to to to to to to to to to Hi to to it it it it it it it it it PUBLIC SALE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23d, Commencing at one o'clock in the afternoon m At Buchanan & Patterson Ranch to (On Sec. 29, Town 13, Range 29) to to to to to to m m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 8 Head of Work Horses, Mares broke to work, Span of Mules broke to work, Single Mule, two-year-old Colts, Milk Cows, Yearling Cattle, 6o Stock Hogs, 4 Sets of Double Work Harness, 2 Sets of Double Driving Harness, 4 Farm Wagons, Spring Wagon, new, Top Buggy, Deering Binder, new and complete, i Riding Lister, i Riding Disc, new, i Harrow, 1 Single-Row Drill, 2 Breaking Plows, 1 Stirring Plow, 2 Cultivators, 1 New Midland Stacker, 2 Mowers, 2 Dane Hay Sweeps, Two-horse Hay Rake, 2 Road Scrapers, i Saddle, Several hundred bushels each of Corn, Oats and Speltz, and numerous other articles. TERMS OF SALE Nine months time with per cent interest with approved security. Two cent off for cash. Free lunch will be served at twelve o'clock. ten per to to to to to tZSZT Buchanan & Patterson Chns. E. Benson, of tho firm Benson & Moyor of Omaha, died in tho Union Pacific depot in Kearney Wednesday morning from heart trouble. Ho had jUBt roturned from n trip up tho Calla way branch attending to business for tho company nnd went from his hotel to tho depot at 2 o'clock to catch train for Omaha. At Keith Theatre Tonight JULESMURRY PRESENTS PAUL ILM0RE IN XMl The Secret of Long Life. A French scientist has discovered one secret of long life. His mothod denls with tho blood. But long aro millions of Americans had proved Ehctric Bit ters prolongs life and makes it worth living. It purifies, enriches and vital izcb tno uioou, rebuilds wanted nervo cells, imparts life and tono to tho en tiro system. It'B a godsend, to weak, sick and dcbiliatcd people. "Kidney troublo had blighted my life for months," writes VV. M. Sherman, of Cushing, Mo., but cured mo entirely." Stono's drug stor. THE BOYS OF COMPANY Original NewYork production A comedy of New York National Guard life, bv Rida Johnson Young, and as pre sented at Lyceum lheatre, New York City, entire season. Full of youth, life and vigor; a college military play. mail, ui i Electric nil tors Only 60 cents at 1'rices I. 50, SI.OO, 75c, 50c PUBLIC SI Poultry Wanted. Farmers who have chickens for sale should see us. Highest market price paid in cash. J. L. Stinqlky, North Platte Meat Market. For a Good Enjoyable Smoke V we know of no cigar that is superior to tho Forest King at tho price, we Be lieve you will agree with us if you givo tho Forest King a trial. Lots of other men have. Of courso wo do not claim there aro no better cigars than the Forest King. But you'll havo to pay a whole lot more for them. Thoro is no cigar liko tho Forest King to be had at tho price and we know it, J. F. SCHMALZR1ED. OF We Want a Reliable Woman to act ns our ngent in evety locality where we have none, and we will give her the exclusive gh s for her territory. It costs you nothing to stirt ns our agent, for we furnish you samples and a neat case for them, without any charge. Write us to-day for further details, amount of commission, etc. Be the first to write from your town. Tb W. H.Wilcox Co., 1 Mtflttl Ae.,Ki batw, N.Y. Stock and Machinery. Tho undersigned will offer at public salo at his residenco six miles west of North Platto and ono mllo north of Birdwood station on DR. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS. IHrtttloni ulth ttth Till la JU Llf.t. English, German, Spanish, Portuguet 0 and French, Thursday, February 18 beginning at 10 o'clock, a. m., the fol lowing property; Three head of horses, Ono yearling colt, Nine milk cows, Twonty-fivo hogs. Machinery John Deero potato dig ger, McCormick mower, McCormlck binder, Rattlesnake cultivator, corn sled, two-row Emerson corn cultivator, John Deero walkintr plow, two corn No. Von rrice ! cultivators, five shovel garden cul 1, Perrri, conRcstlom, Inflammations 23 ' tivator, two small garden plows, hand niirmi, nurra nmT,or nonn , . . ivnirnn nnH twn fen,. u-i ....., " ru, ,, ,,. iauio, uuci rack, ono set work harness, set of light harness, 800 bushels of corn, twelvo bushels millot seed, some hay and cobs and numorous other urticlcs. Freo lunch nt noon. TEKMS-Sums of $10 or under cush; over that Bum eight months' timo on approved security with eight per cent intorest, fivo per cent discount for cosh. I. TILLMAN. T. F. WATTS, Autionecr. V. C. PATTEnsoN, Clerk. X. Colic, Crying and Wulcrtulne at IiifauU.SS 4, Dlarrlum, of Children and Adu'ts U, O, nv'rntery. Grlnlui;, Illllous Cillo 23 7. Cousin, Colds, DroncbltU 25 8, Tuolliache, Faccaclio, Nouralgli..,, 35 0. Headache, Blclclleadaclio, Vertigo 25 10, Uyiiieiisla, Indication, Weak 8 oinach 35 13, Croup, lioareo Cough, Laryntclt's 2a 14, Halt lllicum, Erujttou, Krytlpclas 25 15, UlitMiiuiitUm, or Ilhoumatlo Talus ,'J5 10. I'cver and A tun, Malaria .23 17. riles. DlludorlllccdlnK.nxterntl, Internal, 23 I H. Ophthalmia, Weak or Inflamed tyct 5 lit, Calnrrh. IuUncnsa,CoUtln Heal 25 21), Whoonlnu Couch. Bpaamodlo Cough 'J 3 21. Athinn,Opprcuod,I)irUcuU Ilreuhlng 'J 3 27. Hltliioy Dlteaao. drovel, Calcu 1 25 v8, IVrrvous DoMllty, Vital Weak-tes 1,00 J9. Knre Mouth, l'over8orcor Can cr 23 . 0. Urinary liicoulliirnce, Wettln :lle4..,,...25 4, Sore Throat, CJutmy and Dlj.lit! eria J3 !i. Chrrulo Congestions, Ileadachw 25 Grippe, Hay Fever and Suminci' Colds, ..25 A small bottle ot rioamnt l'elleti fits the rest x tU Bold by drugyUta, or svut ou r icelpt otyrlco. Medical Pooic sent five, . . OTHPIII1EW IIOVF.aiieDiqiN.S CO., CGMJM .ma-, unl Johnatreetif.NSTT YtifBu W. W. COVELL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, KolthTheairo Ilulldlnc Itenldonce l'hono IftS Rooms T and 8 Onico Phono tea Driving a Home to Water is one thing, but making him drink is another. Anyone can buy a harness, that's easy but buying superior hand made, up-to-dato and stylish harness-, that will look woll, wear well and feol well on your animal is another thing. When you want reliable harness mado from the best oak tanned leather in stylish and handsome harness come to A. F. FINK. 1 mm Iff YOU OUGHT TO KNOW the excellence of tho meals that are cooked at Armstrong if you haven't already regaled yourself with some of tho delicious dishes that nro served here. If you haven't partaken of them, there is a treat awaiting you that you will want to repeat often. A fTnf at.Arm8ronK'B iB an experience that will make you cry liko Oliver I wist for more. ENTERPRISE BAKERY, - Mm.. Jorjnle. Armstrong, Prop.