The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 12, 1909, Image 1

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    Historical EccWy
t 'ing
p Mr. Merchant.
Ono 10-ft all plato glass show caso
aridVtable, new 1907, cost $130.00; $50.00
if sold at once.
' DlXOM. Tho Jftwelor.
Contest at Opera House.
'"Atttho opera house' tomorrow evening
there will be a one-mile skating race
between McKibben of Lexington and
BerUBoyer of this city, and later in tho
evening thore will be a wrestling match
bewecn Pennington and Dubois.
Gets $3,600.
Ida Noir Brown,
whoaued tho Union Pacific for $5,000
damages for the death of her husband,
Albert Brown, who died from scalds
received frorp tho overturning of a
ateanrahovel at the ico lake east of
townjwas settled in Omaha this week
ilWit&e' company confessing judgment
?tb,Bum of thirty-six hundred dol
Schtol Bonds Carry.
iThe.proposition to vote $40,000 for
tkepnrpoo of erecting two now school
bailjjngB, which was submitted to the
voters Tuesday, carried by a big per
centage majority but the vote was ex
tremely light. In the First ward the
vote was twenty for and four against;
irjjtke Second ward sixty-seven for and
jvjwpagainBt, and in tho Third ward fifty-eight
for and one against. It was
'lkejlighteat vote ever polled in the city
''onfany bond proposition or election,
.less than one-sixth of the voters cast
ing their ballots.
Traffic Conditions Improved.
(The statement of tho state railway
commission for tho twenty-four hours
period ending February. 3d shows an
improvement of traffic ovor the same
date last year. There was an increase
in the number of cars loaded and ready
for shipment, an increase in the num
ber ordered for loading, and a decrease
in the number of empty earn on hand.
ftTho number of cars loaded exceeded by
i700 the number one year ago. and the
number ordered for loading was 663
greater. That certainly -looks like a
good showing.
Forger Located.
Frank A. Moloney, who in May, 1908,
forged a check on R. H. Fowles for $15
and made his get-away, has been lo
cated at Grassmere, N. H., where he is
serving six months time for obtaining
goods under false pretenses. After
leaving this country and reaching Now
Hampshire he attempted to pass a
check of $237 to which ho had forged
Mr. Fowlos' signature, but was not
successful. An effort will bo made to
have tho governor of Now Hampshire
pardon Maloney, and if he does so, ho
will at once be placed under arrqat on
tho charge of the Fowles' forgery, and
Deputy Sheriff Lowell will go after him.
Park Completes Special Work.
W. L. Park, general superintendent
of the Union Pacific, returned to
Omaha Tuesday, having completed tho
special service for the Harriman lines
to which he was assignod. Chas. Ware,
who has been general superintendent,
has again taken up his position as su
perintendent of the Nebraska division,
and tho other officers who were moved
up a notch temporarily, will become as
sistant general superintendents in con
formity with tho now plan adopted of
making these men all assistant superin
tendents. This plan has beep in opera
tion on the Union Pacific; for a cnuplo of
weeks, and the officers say it has not
been given a thorough enough trial to
toll how it is going to work out.
Best Only
For those who desire their
Clothing Made-to-Measure we
now have open for your in
spection one of the finest lines
of Samples ever brought to
AH the Latest Fabrics
and Patterns in all the
latest Colors and Shades.
Order now and get your
Suit for Easter.
Schafz & Clabaugh. A
520 Dewey Street.
Find for Company.
The jury in the Scolt damago caso
rendered a verdict in favor of tho Un
ion Pacific company. This is a caso
brought by tho administrator of tho es
tate of Daniel Scott to recover $25,000
damages for the death of Scott while
employed in the coal chutes at this ter
minal. In tho opinion of tho jury, the
railroad was not responsible for Scott's
Indoor Picnic.
Platto Valley Lodge No. 32 A. F. &
A. M. will celebrato their second an
niversary of tho dedication of thoir new
hall on Washington's birthday, Feb
ruary 22d, by giving a grand i"door pic
nic in their hall . A good timo is assured
to ovcry one who attends. All Masons
and their families, whethor members of
tho Platte Valley lodge or not, are cor
dially invited and urged to bo present,
nd have a good time and help make
tho celebration a success. There will
be a musical programme beginning at
:30 p. m. , after which refreshments
will bo served. F. L. Mooney, Master.
Mrs. Paul Gilmore's Divorce.
Tho wife of Paul Gilmore, who ap
pears at The Keith tonight in "The
Boys of Company B," has been grant
ed a divorce from her husband on the
grounds of desertion, tho decree having
been received at Aberdeen, S. D., last
Thursday. The case is somewhat out
of the ordinary, tho divorce having
been sought in order that she might in
herit a fortune of $250,000, tho provis
ion of the legacy being that sho was to
be unmarried at the time of the inhere
nce. Once tho fortune is hers, there
is nothing in the provisions to prevent
her from again marrying and it is prob
able that in due time she and Paul Gil
more will be reunited.
Mutual Building & Loan Association.
This association performs all the
functions of a savings bank. Saving
accounts can be opened at any time and
monthly deposits made in amounts from
one dollar up to twenty-five dollars.
These accounts will cam double the in
terest that any savings bank will pay,
and the.inveatment'isTOUch.aafer.. This
result is duo to the fact that all of the
earnings of the association, less actual
expenses, is returned to its stock
holders. And all of its depositors are
stockholders and participate in its earn
ings to the extent of their deposits.
For further information consult tho
T. C. Patterson, President.
E. S. Davis, Assistant Sec'y.
Baptist Roll Call.
Wednesday night tho First Baptist
church of this city held its annual roll
ball and' business meeting. Soventy
Dno members answered in person, which
'with, cloven friends, made eighty-two
persons in the meeting. Tho reports of
all the departments were interesting
and encouraging as they all showed
marked advancement over any preced
ingyear. Tho treasurer's report showed
over $1200 passing through tho treas
urer's hands aside from nearly $500
actual money paid out during tho re
cent special meetings. At the begin
ning of the year there were but sixty
six resident members. This was di
minished during the year by twonty-
four persons removing from the city.
Fifty-two persons havo bean received,
however, making a present resident
membership of ninety-four, and this
ropresents actual members in good and
regular standing, active in the church.
Then there is also quite a non-resident
list. Eight names were dropped from
tho list, so that tho list as it now
stands represents persons who are in
some vital and personal way connected
with tho church life.
Officers were elected as follows: Trus
tees for two years, E. W. Mann and
Robt. Owens; clerk, Miss Jcnnlo Lin-
coin; organist, Mrs. Scott Leon,
chorister, Mrs. Favoright; Supt. Sunday-school,
J. L. Loudon; Ass't Supt.
Wm. Hounshell; Supt. of Junior Union,
Mrs. fieon, The meeting closed with
the pleasing duty of recoption of mem
bers. Two young men were recoived
for buptism, and one lady of maturo
years and ripe experience was received
into fu)l membership.
We will pay $25.00 reward for infor
mation leading to arrest and conviction
of tho party who stole 100 fence posts j
from our land southeast of town.
Henry Waltemath,
W. E. Shuman, Atty. for Trustee.
The services will be held at tho Bap
tist church according to regular sche
dule. Tho evening service will be
evangelistic, continuing tho revival.
Three or four young men will be im
mersed at the close.
Drink Mogul CofT6e.
Attorney Muldoon transacted busi
ness in Ogalalla yesterday.
Dr. Mario Ames loft Wdnosday night
on a business and social visit in Lincoln.
Pan with n ton of
W. W. BtRGE.
Anton Martcnscn loft Wednesday
night for Spokano, Wash., whero ho
expects to locate.
Geo. T. Fiold left at noon yesterday
on a business trip to Chicago, expecting
to be absent a week or ten days.
Use Rexall Cherry Juice Cough
Syrup. McDonell & Graves.
August Larson and family, who havo
been living south of Brady, left Wed
nesday for Turlock, Cal. , whero thoy
will locate.
Mrs. J. M. Mooney and daughter
have returned from Grand Island whero
they were called by the illness of Miss
May Mooney.
Miss Shirley Gasteller, who had been
tho guest of Miss Margaret Ware at
the Pawneo ranch for several weeks,
left today for her home in Blair.
Mogul Coffee is tho best. Ask your
James Sykos, Henry Smith and Clar-
enco Ogier, of Wallace precinct, ac
companied by their families, left the
early part of tho week for Idaho Falls,
A. Baker, chief of tho field depart
ment of the general land department of
the United States, spent yesterday in
town. Part of Mr. Baker's duty is to
look up fraudulent land entries.
For Rent 8 room house three blocks
west of Dewey street. Seo F. H.
Thompson, 509 South Ash street.
A broken belt at the electric light
plant Tuesday night again resulted in
darkness in tho city. On this account
the Cromwell entertainment was post
poned Until Wednesday evening.
"Jack" Ballard, formerly of this
city, but of lato living on a rnch near
Somerset, was taken to Omaha last
week to submit to an operation, the
nature of which was not learned.
Just received an elegant lino of fancy
and plain spring of 1909 styles of Rib
bons at Tho Leader.
Shipments from ico aro still being re
ceived from Laramie, and it is ex
pected to havo tho houses filled in a fow
more days. Tho second crop from the
lake east of town is also being cut.
Fresh Oysters at tho Wilcox Depart
ment Store.
People living a few mils north of
Wellfleot have lost a number of pigs
lately, and ono farmer who stood guard
over his pen found the thief to bo a
largo gray wolf. Tho farmer poured a
load of shot into his wolfship but it
didn't feaze him.
The newest Dress Trimmings, All
Overs and Tuck Mullo will bo found n't
The Leader.
Engineer Austin had an accident at
Optic, a sidetrack near Gibbon. Mon
day night when tho loft side rod of the
engine broke while the train was run
ning at full speed. The brokon rod
struck and knocked off Ihu ulr pump
which set the breaks and tho train soon
came to a standstill. The broken pump
resulted in filling the cab with steam,
and for a few seconds matters looked
serious for Austin and his fireman.
A Royal Slavo" has been boforo
the theatre-going public for a number
of years and has been seen in almost
every state of tho Union. It is ono of
those plays, which, liko old wino, be
comes better with ago. Lavishly
mounted, gorgeously costumed, with a
superb cast, the production which
comes to Tho Keith Feb. 16th is with
out an equal.
Book and Music
Store ....
Agent for
and Records
I No uso
, where for
to send to Chicago or else
machines or 'records, as vr
will dupllcato any
1 tho United States.
prices obtained in
(Jarl TciiK, of ban Utcgo, Jal., a1
nephow of John Ottonstein, has boon
tho guest of tho lattor for a fow days
whilo enroute to Quincy, 111.
Tho district court jury was discharged
yesterday morning, all tho jury cases
ready for trial having been heard.
There nro a number of equity cases to
be heard.
C. L. Vornon has sold to W. R. Ver
non lot 3, block 7, for $2,000 and other
considerations. Mr. Vernon will Boon
move to noar Julcsburg, whoro ho will
livo on a farm.
A. Decker, special correspondent of
the Omaha Bee, has been in town for a
day or two securing material for a
write-up of North Platte and Lincoln
county, which will appear in tho Sun
day Ben n tho near future.
The condition of Mrs. Whelan is re
ported to be somewhat improvod Binco
going to Denver. Sho is under the
care of tho same physician who attend
ed W. H. Whltnoy at the timo ho was
in such a precarious condition.
Miss Villa Whittakor went to Omaha
Wednesday night to enter a wholesale
millinery house for tho purpose of ac
quainting herself with the styles to be
in vogue the coming season. Sho was
accompanied by Miss Albina Hahler.
Cards havo been recoived in town
announcing tho coming nuptials of Miss
Anna Robhauson and Lawrence Leo
Wenert, which will occur at St. Bona
venture'B church at Columbus Thurs
day, February 18th, at eight o'clock in
tho morning.
Tho remains of Harry S. White, n
former mayor, banker and influential
citizen, were disinterred yostorday and
taken to Elburn. III., by Piatt A. White,
where they will bo ro-intorred along
side of relatives. This is an action that
was decided upon at tho timo of Mr.
White's death.
Every dwelling on our rentr.l list Is
rented and wo havo demand for more.
List your rental property with us and
secure tennnts at once.
Buchanan & Patterson.
M. C. Harrington t of Denver, has
been spending several days with North
Platto f rionds while onroute homo from
Omaha. Mr. Harrington has been s"o
closely confined to his office for Boveral
years that he is suffering inoro or less
physically, and his physician haB or
dered him to take. recreative rest, henco
bia visit in town.
House for ront, fivo blocks east of
Dewey St. Inquire of M. A. Poalo,
S03 east Second, Corner of Pino.
Fivo thousand spangles on ono gown
make a sight soldom seen yet that is
the number on ono of tho gowns which
Miss Wnrron wears !in tho beautifnl
romantic production of "A Royal
Slavo," which comes to tho Keith
Tuesday, February lGth. Tho play
treats with a day when magnificence
was visiable on every hand and of a
people who denied their women folks
nothing. Passionate, emotional to an
extreme, high-tempered, tho Castilians
of Mexico lived picturesquo as well ob
woro picturesquo clothes.
8G-inch wide Quaderico Pecales, with
or without borders, French ginghams,
fancy, plain and nurse patterns, aro
now shown at Tho Leader.
The first suit in tho United StateB
court, under tho provisions of tho six
teen hour law, that prevents railroad
telegraphers from working moro than
sixteen hours without a rest, has been
begun in tho federal court at Chicago
vs. the Santa Fe road. Seven viola
tions are charged, and if found guilty
the road may be fined a total of $3,500.
Tho case, which was brought by Dis
trict Attorney Sims, for tho safety of
tho public, will bo watched with great
interest by all ruilroud telegraphers in
tho country.
Use Rexall Cheary Juice Cough
Syrup. McDonell & Graves.
Senator Banning's bill for the inspec
tion of cream at shipping stations aims
in tho right direction, Tho output of
tho Nebraska creameries now brings
good many millions of dollurs into the
state, and it is important that the
cream be handled in a way to make a
uniformly high grade product. Tho
cost of tho inspection will of course fall
ultimately upon tho business us a whole
but thoro is reason to beliovo that a
wise and economical inspection will in
crease tho voluo of tho butter ship
ments of tho stato moro that enough to
make good the oxpenso. Tho bill will
of courso bo watched to see that no
provisions uro inserted unnecessarily
limiting tho freedom of shippers in
seeking a market. Ail of tho recent
legislation and rato decisions have
tended toward free trade in cream, and
it will not do to block that wholesome
tendency. Lincoln Journul.
Rhode Island Reds.
MAcey, Notvm Platte.
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital - $100,000.00
Surplus Fund - - - 20,000.00
Stockholders' Liability - 100,000.00
Guarantee Fund for Depositors $220,000.00
(Not considering quick assets and cash resources)
E. F. Secberger, C. F. McGrcw, J. J. Halligan,
F. L. Mooney, Arthur McNatnara.
tm dv jrz bvjii wmjrz mjtm
80 &2
For Sale
Two Angus Bulls, ono 2-year old,
nuro bred but not registered; ono 4-year
old, eligiblo to registry. Prico $76.00
each. ..
Experimental Substation,
W. P. Snyder, SuptTT-
No Wflfl.
at North Platto, In tliu Stato of Nobraska. at
tno close or business, ioiruary 0. ivuv.
r.oans and discount!)... t5OI.7Q7.40
Overdrafts, socurod and
unsecured &O.00
U. H. bonds to secure , M
circulation w.uw.w
O. 8. Ixmds to socuro
U. 8. doposlts 50.000.00
Premiums on II. 8. bonds .bfW.oo
lionas, securities, etc...
Hanking house, furnl- ..
turn and Uxturos 22. 300.00
Otlior roal estato owned 1,1)50.00
Duo from national banks ..
(not reserve agents), 2.-J3.80
Duo from stato and pri
vate banks and bank
ers, trust companies,
and savlnirs banks... 1,572.72
Duo from approvod ro
sorvo acunts 117,704.03
Checks and other cash
Items iv"
Notes of othor national
banks W15.00
Fractional paporcurron-
ev. nickels and cents.. 280.30
Lawful Monoy Kosorvo
lti Hank, viz; ...
gpocio ino
MUrai-tunuor notes a,io.uu
Redemption runu witu -
U. 8. treasurer is per
cent of circulation).... 2.500.00
Capital stock paid in,,.
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, loss
expenses and taxes
National bank notes
Duo to stato and private
banks and bankers....
Individual doioslls sub
ject to chock
Domand certificates of
Time cortlllcates otdo
poslt ,
Certlllod checks
Cashier's checks out
standing ., '
United Slates deposits-
Total $0I5,012.3
Stato of Nebraska, County or Mncoin ss.
I. V. I.. Mimmiu. Rauhlnr of tho ahovo
named bank, do solemnly swear that tho alovo
statement is true to tno itest or my Know
lodge and belief.
W. L. Moonky. Cashier
SulMcrlbed and sworn to boforo mt) this llth
uay or rouruary iw. . . .. T. Wirxjox, Notary Public,
Correct Attest:
K. K.SrV.iiKiidHit. I Tii...
Tho "Kantstoop'
Shoulder Brace.
Good lungs uro ncc
es3ary to wnrd oil
colds, la grippo and
Straighton up, don't
crowd tno lunga Dy
stooping. Tho only
nraco una uraces
Supports tho back
Exnands the chest
Positively cures tho
round shoulder habit. For girls, wo
men, boys and men,
First door north First Hat'l Bank
wm jm- wjr. owy ix wmwz vmz ff
Wo will presont you abso
lutely frco with your next or
dor for ono ton of coal ono of
thoso So E-Z Dust Pans.
Something entirely now. No
moro backachos. Let us havo
your order now, as our supply
of Dust Pans is limited. Wo
handle tho best coal mined,
CHAS. A. STAMP, Manacor
Tu&X" February "IB
Walter Hubbell as Aguila,
Supported by a Strong Cast. .
Tho most powerful and gorgoouV scenic
production over in tno city.
OFr1 The Groat Volcano.
MM. Tho Palaco of tho King,
WJUaj Floating Island by Moonlight.
And tho most elaborate, awe-inspiring
Ever presented upon thoamerican stage
First nnd Only Appearanco
in this City of tho Original
Prices 50 and 75 Cents.
Have You Had
Spring Fever
If you havo apeop at our shelves loaded
with Chinawaro, Tinware, Hardware,
Hosiery, JNccicwoar and articles of
Fominfno Wearing apparel is a sure cure.
We Have Prices to Fit All Purses.
Wo also carry n line of Men's Susnon-
ders that nppeul to tho oyo as well us
tno pocKct uook.
Wo carry a lino of Notions at reason-
ablo prices tells it in a nut shell.
Packages amounting to $1.00 or moro,
The Bee Hive Store,
507 Dewey Street.
Paul Gilmore, with
1 with his fine sol
dierly bearing, is
particularly woll
fitted for his part
in his now military
play, "Tho BoyB
of Company B."
Mr.Gilmoro makes
Tony Allen a per
sonago worth remembering. Ho is
booked for the Koith this Friday