The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 05, 1909, Image 6

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IRA L. DARE, Publisher
A Boiling Down of the More Impor
tant Events Here and There
Senator Durkctt'a bill appropriating
$15,000 for tho purpose of additional
ground for tho poatofllco at Beatrice
panscd the Bcnato and probably will
bo attached to tho aundry civil bill
when that bill reaohus tho Bpnalo.
Representative Kennedy introduced
n bill appropriating $100,000 for tho
erection of a poatoHlco building at
Fort MadlHon, la.
Senator Aldrlch Introduced a bill
jirovldlng for court of Inquiry to paw
upon application of dlBchnrgcd nogn
toldlora for enlistment.
The house of representatives
adopted tho report? of a Hpcclal com
mltteo favoring tho expunging of
Wlllott'fl speech attaclclng President
Tho committee on public InndH of
llio Bonntc reported favorably tho fol
lowing nomlnatlonH: Edwin O. Colo
man, receiver; Cyrus C. Carpenter,
Toglnter, United States land office,
Lomnion, S. I).; John L. Lockhnrt,
rojlster, United States land ""Ice,
Plorro, S. D., John E. Adams, re
colvor, United StatoH land offlce, Ab
erdeen, S. D.
Representative Kinknld Introduced
a bill providing that n certain portion
of tho Nebraska nutlonnl forcat re
norvo originally dCBlgnated nu North
J'latto national forest bo made nub
jeet to an act ontltlod "an act to pro
vide for entry of agricultural land
within forest reserves."
Tho Bcnato commlttoo on Judiciary
haa found that tho Bcnato has no right
to cf.ll upon Prosldont Rooaovolt for
Information ho secured from tho Hteol
Tho Roaucr oil portrait of tho late
Senator William II. Allison of Iowa
will bo purchased for $1,500 by tho
penato In accordanco with tho terms
of a rosolut'on Introduced by Sena
tor Teller and adopted unanimously.
Senator Cummins of lown delivered
Ills multlen Bpoech In opposition to
tho postal savings bank bill in tho
form in which It had been reported
to Ui6 senate by tho committee on
poMtofllcoa and post roads.
Tho house insurgents who are ad
vocating ehangoH In tho present vuIob
of tho Iioubo mot rocenily to consider
varloiiH amondmontn. No dcnnlto de
cision wbb reached.
, Tho poBtal savlngB ban;; and tho
omniima claiinu bill wero boforo tho
nenato Monday for' dlscuHslon and
umondmcnt, but no substantial pro
lircBa waB mado on -cither moasuro.
In tho agricultural department ap
propriation hill, roported to tho Iioubo
thoro is an lncrenso of $1,208,820 over
llio amount glvon tho department for
itn work during tho present yenr, at
(though tho amount troportod, $12,-
80,820 IB lcua by SUaO.OUU than was
expected by tho secretary of ugricui
Congress is likely to refer tho Hai
rlman claim for oxponsoa in Btopplng
tho break In tho Colorado river to
tho court of claims,
There will bo froe woods for the
fnrmorB of Nebraska and elsewhere)
noxt flpring. tho commiuco on
culture decided to vote an npproprla'
tlon or $200,000 for froo seed dlslrlbu
tlon by conxrcBsmon.
A npccial BOBslon of congross may
bo called Avithnut npocino purpose, bh
many thlngu of Importanco must bo
Senator Durkott has takon up tho
matter of making Omaha a delivery
point for medical and veterinary Blip
plica for tho army.
Southern Spain was shaken up by
nu earthquake Bhook and tho city of
Barcelona is roportod overwhelmed
by a tldnl wave.
Troublo between tho president and
vlco president of Cuba over political
appointments may lend to resignation
of latter ofllc'nl.
Antbony Howard, a car cloanor of
Council Muffs. In., was frozen to
death during tho lato atorm.
Tho Dulgarlcn government Bout a
noto to tho powers complaining of tin
uncompromising nttltudo of Turkoy
Now York ImportorB nrc preparing
a protest against tho attitude of the
people of California toward tno Jap
Loan ngontn have discovered It will
not be safe to loan on Tripp and ore
gory county InndH until nvo years
from date of entry.
Flro In retail d'strlct of St. Paul
Minn., dostroyod bIx buildings, cans
In loes of 1000.000.
Tho Amorlcnn Live Stock assocUv
tlon missed ft resolution asking for
Jaw prohibiting an ndvanco In freight
niton until commiSBlon hub uau op
nortunlty to approve thorn.
Burlington officials tcstincd at Chi
cago in tho Missouri river rate honr-
ing that payment of rebates was com
mon ui) to a few years ngo,
Russia makes nnothcr partition of
Poland b)' dotachlng two provinces
und making them u part of Russia
The appropriation bill for tho post
office department carries with It an
nmotit aggregating $234,000,000.
Citizens of Now OrloanB arc plan
ning to give Prcsldent-olect Taft an
allocator Btcak dlnnor.
Tho United Mine Workers' conven
tion passed scries of resolutions cdn
domnlng decision of Judge Wright In
Gompors contempt case.
Edwin Hnwlcy and associates have
purchased control of tho Chesapeake
& Ohio railroad.
A now action In the Pannma llbol
caso may bo started in tho Now
York ntato courts.
The captain of tho Florida puts tho
blamo for the collision on tho Repub
lic. Tho Interstate Commerce commie
Ion has1 ruled that rates on cream
from points aB far as Colorado to
Chicago are too high and ordered a
Lincoln, Neb., mlnlsterH hnvc agreed
on a bill which will bavo their sup
port to bring about county option.
Grand Jury investigating town lot
frauds at MtiBkogeo rotiirncd throo
bills after holding a brief session.
The conspiracy 1b Bald to bo more
oxtonnlvo than was at first Btispoctcd.
Weighty probloniB confront Mr.
Knox when lie becomes secretary of
Judgo T. C .Mungcr, of Nebraska,
ruloB stato law unconstitutional
prohibiting appeal to federal courts
from orders of tho state railway com
mission. Prosldcut RooBcvolt has submitted
plaiiB for reorganization of tho navy
Tho Now England fishers dlsputo is
ii fair way of settlement.
Old ngo pensions In Ireland nrc
paid In postofllco saloons and pen-
Blonont nro told tho proper way Is to
atronlzo tho bar.
Two thousand people wero at a
country church near Axtoll, Neb., to
attend tho funoral of tho Olsons,
killed In the Colorado wreck.
A bill Is to be Introduced In tho
Now York legislature to compol In
struction In boxing J tho public
California racing mon nro of tho
opinion that tho anti-pool selling bill
will pass and sound tho knell of rac
ing In that Htato, '
A drastic prohibitory bill was In
troduced In tho Utnh legislature and
it in oxpected to pass.
Tho Gonon, Neb., Indlnn school will
bo rotalncd.
Tho steamship Republic nnd the
Florida woro In collision and tho
formor Bank. No llvos woro lost.
Minister LoomlB, In an Interview
on tho Jnpaucso question, gives that
country credit for good faith In Rh
effort to stop emigration to tho
United StatCB.
Lincoln's natlvo county in Ken
tucky has voted for prohibition.
Senator IJurkett lins accepted nu In
vitation of tho Atlantic Cltv Hoard ot
Trade to Bponk boforo that body at a
banquet on Februnry 20.
Oaklelgh Thorno nnd Oeorgo W,
PerklnH 'testified boforo tho senate
committee on Judiciary on its inquiry
Into tho absorption of Tonnessco Conl
and Iron company by tho Unltod
States Hteol corporation.
Tho Nebraska delegation and their
wives woro ontortnlned at dinner by
Senator Durkott. All woro present
except Congressman Hitchcock,
Senator Drown deslreH tho sonata to
tako his bill to prevent Injunction of
collection of Btnto taxeB by foderol
courts from tho commlttoo on Judici
ary and consider tho name directly.
President Roosovelt bollovea tho
organization of tho navy department
s not nu to bring tho best results nnd
ho has appointed a commltteo whoso
announced duty will bo to .consider
"certain needs of tho navy."
Pleading for tho establishment of
a children's bureau In ono of tho de
partments of tho fodornl govornmont
at Washington, promoters of tho wel
fare of children, who have been In
conforenco hero, boro down on con
gross. Tho military Order of tho Loyal
Legion of Nobrnska, through Its offl-
corfl, W. J. Droatch, Horaco Ludlng.
ton nnd F. D, Lnwronco, havo sent a
potltlon to Sonntor Brown calling
upon congress to place officers on
voluntoor relief list.
Prosldont Snmuol Compers, Vice
President John Mitchell and Secre
tary Frank Morrison, of tho Ameri
can Federation ot Labor, recently
adjudged In enntompt of court and
sontonced to Imprisonment In tho
District of Columbia Jail, woro or
doroil by JubUcq Wright of tho district
supremo court to ony tho costs In
curred In tho procoodlngB which re
sulted tn the BonteucQ for coutompt.
ThoHo aggregate about $1,500. '
Dy a vote ot 0 to 8 tho houso com
mltteo on ngrlcnlturo agreed to roport
favorably tho WcokB bill providing
for n commission for tho establish
ment of a White mountain and Bouth
orn Appalachian forost rcsorve.
Judge J. J. Sullivan took the oath
of ofllco at Omaha nnd accoptcd op
polntmcut ns Justice of supremo court
of Nebraska from Governor Shnllon
horjor, ProBldont Gomez was Inaugurated
at Havana and Provisional Governor
Magoon und sailed at once for
Nebraska state senate employes will
be paid only for tho. (lino thoy actu
ally havo been omploycd.
13. H. Hnrrlmnn wna elected a di
rector of tho Now York Central mil
road. Emperor William was tho horo of
special exorcises on tho occasion of
tho fiftieth annlveraury ot his birth.
Presldont-cloct Tnft and pnrty sail
ed from Ghavleuton fur Panama and
vero tjlven an ovnt'on aa thoy
The Problem of Reornanlzatlon Al
ready Causes Anxiety Among
Washington. W'th the convonlng
of n now congress scarcoly more than
n month distant, tho selection of tho
stnndlng committees of tho next
Iioubo nnd particularly tho award of
chairmanship, has become tho sub
ject of keen speculation and n Bourcex
of Homo nnxloty.
Tho understanding among members
generally la that tho rule of tho seni
ority will be followed In Bcleotlng
chairmen, but there may bo some ox
coptlons. In cases In which tho chair
men nro re-elected, It Is expectod thul
thoy wll! bo retained In tholr prcacnt
places with tho posslblo exception of
Mr. Fowlor of Now Jorsoy, chairman
of tho commltteo on banking and cui-
rency. Thoro nre, howovor, some Im
portant committees whoso chairmen
will not bo members of tho noxt
house, nnd tho selection of their aur
ccssqrH Is causing no little specula.
Among these committooB nro those
on tho Judiciary, whoro Mr. Jenkins
of Wisconsin is chairman; Interstate
and foreign commerce, Colonel Hep
burn, Iowa, us chairman; rivers nnd
harbors, Senator-elect Durtou, chair
man, and poatofllccs nnd pout ronds,
(Mr. Overstroet of Indiana, chairman.
Theso aro four of tho most Important
committees ot tho houso nnd the
chairmanship of ench Is highly prized.
The name of Rc.urcsentntlvo Do
Alava S, Aloxander of Duffnlo, N. Y ,
Is strongly mentioned In connection
with two of theso committees H-
will bo tho ranking mombor of the
commltteo on rlvorB nnd harbors at
tor Chalrmnn Durtou of Ohio takes
his Beat In tho sonato. With tho re
nowed agitation In tho mlddlo west
for wntorwnys Improvement there has
sprung up n keen doBlro to keop th
chairmanship of tho rivers nnd har
bors commltteo In that territory. For
thlK reason Mr. Alexander's appoint
ment aa chairman does not nppeal to
tho westorn representation.
Tho interstate ami foreign com
morco nnd portoffico nnd post roads
committees nro being putrcd.
Unlesa Colonol Hepburn of Iowa
doslrcB to contest for his cent In the
house, and tho chairmanship of the
commltteo on Intcrstatca and foreign
commerce Is lott vacant on that ac
count, thoro will bo a big problem to
bo aolved In that committee. Tho
ranking mombor below Mr. Hopburh
Is Jndios Shormnn, vlco president
elect. Next comoa Messrs Wnnger
of PonnBylvnnln and Mann of Illinois.
The suggestion haa been mndo that
Mr. Wangor bo nppolnted chalrmnn
of tho postollico and poatronds com
mltteo to Bucceed Chalrmnn Over
street of Indiana, retired.
Terminal Fight la Ended.
St. Joseph, Mo. After pre-ventlng
tho Missouri Pnclflc railroad from
gaining ucccsb to Its terminals, upon
which $1,000,000 had been Bpent. for a
poriod of two years, tho Burlington
Iiub entered Into, an ngroomcnt by
which tho formor road will cro38 tho
Burlington tracks, tho only wny of
reaching tho terminals and freight
house. Tho Missouri Pacific will
build n Hue from hero to Atchison and
construct n doublo track road In con
Junction with tho Rock Island. It
will erect a now passengor station
Great Britain Needs Meat.
London Tho commltteo of tho gov.
eilnment which wnB appointed last
summer to Inquire Into tho alleged
Amorlcnn control ot tho British meat
supply has concluded Kb Investigation
and, according to tho Dally Mall, will
roi)ort agaliiBt Interference with
Amorlcnn Imports, for tho Blmplo rea
sou that Great Drltnlu needs tho
American supply,
Frozen to In Blizzard.
Mnrahnllt'own, la. While on his
wny homo from Odobolt, Joseph .In-
cobsen, a woll known farmer living
southonst of town, wnB caught lit tho
blizzard and was frozen to death.
Root at Hot Springs.
Hot Springs, Ark. Sonator-elect
Ellhu Root arrived at Hot Springs to
got away from tho strenuous llfo nnd
glvo a sprained knoo a ehnnco to
mend. Ho will remain three weeks.
Garfield not In the Cabinet.
Washington Tho dotlnlto ntato
ment enn be mado that James R. Gar
field, seerotnry of tho Interior, will
not be a member of tho cabinet of tho
next administration,
Money for Signal Corps.
Wnshlngton By voting nn appro
priation of $75,000 tho house of rop
resontntlvos on Saturday mado liberal
provisions for further experiments by
the army of balloons and airships for
use In warfare. Tho subject gave rise
to a spirited debate, which continued
most of tho session. Tho opponontB
or tho proposition trlod to defeat it by
raising nil sorts of parliamentary
points, but tho chair overruled theso
and paved tho way for Incorporating
the provisions In (ho army appropria
tion bill,
Oregon Senatorial Primary DIM Parsed
Measure for the Protection
of Game Birds.
The houso stamped lta approval
upon furtheranco of dry farming ex
periments for snnd hill farmers when
It Indorsed tn commltteo of tho whole
two hills for tho establishment of ex
periment stations in tho Boml-arld re
gions of tho west nnd northwcBt.
The limitations upon tho location of
those Btatlona require thnt they bo
tocnted somewhere In Kimball, Scotts
Dutle, Slpux, Sheridan, Cherry, Koya
Butte, Soulx, Shorldnn, Cherry, Keya
Pnha, Drown or Rock counties,
Brbwn of Kcyo. Paha plondcd, In
asking for tho establishment of one
of tho stations, that It has taken tho
dwellers In tho sand hills twonty-flvo
years to find out whnt thoy can grow
In those regions.
Tho bills carry appropriations each
of $15,000. Representative Clark, lu
urging their passage, declared thnt ho
believes tho state could not spend
money to better advantago than In
testing tho resources of the Bpnrsely
populated, semi-arid portions of the
There la u tendency on the part of
a good many of the membors to con
sider that the establishment of ex
periment Btatlona will answer tho pur
pose of a western agricultural college.
Mr. Kelley denies this, however. He
says a college Is a collego and an ex
periment Btatlon Is an experiment
tlon, and this legislature will leave
ono platform unfulfilled If It doea not
provldo for a school almllar to the
Lincoln school somewhere In
Float Representative from Cacs and
Otoe Counties.
Long Hours for Saloono.
Nebraska's saloons will not be
closed all over tho Btnto from 7 p. m
to tho same hour In tho morning, (ho
nennto commlttoo on judiciary roport
Ing to postpone indonnitely tho bill
offered by Kins of Polk to this effect
Insurance Bill Ic Killed.
H. R. No. 15, by Gates of Sarpy,
was put to rout by tho houso In the
commltteo of tho whole. The bill
provides thnt farm mutunl Insurance
companies had tho right to Iiumre
dotached residence property and llm
lied tho liability of tho mombora to
ono and ft half times tho board rate
and thnt losses could bo prorated. Tho
bill was Indefinitely postponed.
As to "Dope Flend3."
Senator Henry of Colfnx does not
believe the Btnto should havo to take
caro of dipsomaniacs nnd "dopo
flondB." Ho Introduced a bill repeal
lug all acts that had to do with tho
examination of Buch porsunHjmd pro
vimng lor inoir enre.
Want New State School.
Tho Nobrnska association for the
protection of tho blind ban drawn a
bill for the eroctlou of n now stato
Institution, a manual training cclioal
for tho blind. Tho school Is to bo lo
catcd by tho stato offlcoiB, and build
lngs are to be erected at a cost of
Placed on General File.
Tho houso commlttoo on railroads
placed on tho general flic tho Evanu
bill to compol rullroails to furnish
scftloB for weighing grain, without
rocommondatlon, and doforred action
on tho Sink bill limiting tho number
of cars In a froljht train to nrty.
For District Clerks.
A bill In which district clorkB of
the ntnto are Interested wna Intro
duced Into tho sonnto by Senator Ran
Bom. It provides that orders of tho
courtB will be filed without charge
nnd flxotj specific charges for entering
nil other papora. The dorks havo had
n difficult time In collecting tho inonoy
on jutigmontB nnd other ordors by th
court, nnd In many. casern theso hnv
novcr boon tiled. Tho now list ralsos
tho procea of filing other documents
so that tho olmrgo will not havo to be
inncio ror tne order
on the Subject Come Before
Both Houeeo.
Bills have been Introduced In both
houses to amend or repeat the pri
mary law. The mensuro for amend
ment is by Mr. Kuhl In tho senate. It
Is in keeping with suggestions made
during the enmpaign by adherents of
both parlies.- Mr. Scheele, in tno
ihouso has a bill to do uwny with the
primary law altogether. Ills' measure
carrlo3 with it no suggestion to take
tho placo of tho pnmary law, passed
by tho thirtieth session of the legis
lature. It prosumcB a return to tho old
convention system. Senator Hatfield
of Antolopo Introduced a Blmllar bill
Many democrats will voto to repeal.
Many republicans wnnt to seo It re
pealed, but may not stand nro when
tho measure comeB up In the house.
Acti on on tho Scheele bill Is not likely
to bo entfrely along party lines.
"I will vote for tho bill," Baf.d a
prominent democrat. "The prlmnry
law has not been a success In our
neck of tho woods. If It could bo so
nmended thnt It would only apply to
ltles of 10,000 population or over, It
would, bo all right. But In the country
t Is a failure. The people did not get
out to tho primarios. Tho entire cost
of a campaign Is more than tho ad
vantages of the measure will war-
ant. Ono member Is considering the
Introduction of n. bill taxing every
oter who does not appear at the
polls on primary day or on general
oloctlon day.
Kuhl's amondmcnt to the law pro
Ides that the stato convention shall
be held tho last Tuesday of July In
Order thnt It may frame n platform
before the candidates nio applications
for office. In addition to this' he
vould have tho committees, county,
congressional, Judicial and state, se
lected according to a plan arranged
by tho state committee of oacn party.
These mothers need not bo similar
ench party. The state convention
shall select tho state committee, and
shall issue a platform. It shall not en
dorse any candidates for any office.
Tho delegates to the Ktnte convention
shall bo selected by tho county com
mittee, but shall not be one from
nch county, hut shall be apportioned
bj the state committee according to
the vote cast for presidential elector
at tho last presidential election.
Railroad Physical Valuation.
Tho subcommittee of the Joint com
mittee on railroads, which has been
considering physical valuation of rail-
cad and public sorvlco corporation
roporty, has agreod to recommend
the bill of Senator Ollls as tholr Idea
of the nieasuro to be Introduced. It
Value cf all real estate, value of all
grading, value of all bridges, build
ings, wntcr stations nnd other struc
tures used by tho road, all track ma
terial, toola, signals, etc. all tele
graph' und tolephono material owned
by the company, all Btorea nnd sup
plies on hand, valuo of all rolling
ttock which In tho case of an inter
state road shall bo the proportion
Justly chargeable to the part of the
road lvlnc in tho state : vnluo of
s-hopa nnd machinery, nnd nil other
nrtlcles nnd thlnga belonging to and
necessarily a part of tho road.
Tho commission must find the total
value of each railroad, tho number of
intlos of roan and ,tno nvorago vamu
per mllo of track. Tho basis to be
iised in nrrlvln; at such valuo Bhal
be nvorngo market valuo of cost of
labor r.nd material.
Tho values spoken of shall bo tho
amount of money found necessary to
rebuild tho road comploto as It now
stands, allowing for n reasonablp
loncth of time for assembling the
niatcr!nl nnd doing tho work neces
eary for bringing Into oxlatonco Buch
rnllrond. The proper reductions shall
be made for the wear and shrinkage
In vnluo on account of ago and wear
of material.
Full power 1b given tho commission
to call for reports from nil tho cor
porations affected and to dovlso
schedules which tho companies must
answer under oath.
Tho work must bo concluded in tho
year 1910 and when a valuation of a
company 1h determined tho opportun
ity for ft hearing must bo granted
Bank Guaranty Law.
Democratic losders conferred with
Mr. Drvan and Governor Shallen
berxor and agreod upon tho principal
provisions of tho bank guaranty law
thnt is to bo passed by tno icgisin
turo. Thoro were present Senator
Volim and Representative Graf, chair.
mon of tho Konnto and houso banking
eommlttoer. and sovernl loading mem
bora of both houses. Tho bill which
Mr. Drynn wishes passed will uo a
compulsory act and for lmmedlato
payment evon as distinguished from
Senator Volpp's thirty-day payment
provtsiou, it having boon impressed
on tho membors that this is neces
sary, and Mr. Bryan desires 1osbo3
shall be made good tho moment tho
I nnk cannot bo checked tip. Tho bill
must alno havo a tax equal to 1 per
maximum lovy in any ono year must
not exceed 2 per cent of tho deposits
I.. '
ill t,'im:i
Gcrnlnheement Law.
Nottloton of Clay has introduced
a bill to wlpo out thii attachment, law
narsed by tho last session of tho legis
laturo. Ho would havo sixty days
wages of tho head of a family oxempt
from garnishment, nttfinmont or oxo-
cutlon. provided that such heau or
family 1b not about to leave tho stato
with (lnhts unpaid. Tho Inst legislature
nmenaou mo mw so i
cent is exempt from attachment. Un-
der the provisions of tho law or 1907
much work for Justice courts has
nrlsen (proiigu attachment on wages,
Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit
ical and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
Tho Midwest Life of Lincoln sells
llfo Insurance to prudent, thrifty and
sensible men and women. Wrlto for
nn agency.
Norfolk has entered tho raco for
the new state normnl school.
A new Catholic chlurch Is to be built
nt Crab Orchard.
In n debating contest between At
kinson nnd O'Neill tho former won.
Four now rooms havo been fitted
up In Fait bury to accommodate In
creased school attendance.
Petitions have been freely Blgncd
in Grand iBland for paving tho
streets. ,
A "Made in Lincoln" exposition
will bo hold , in tho Cnpltal city in
Legislators visited Beatrlco to look
over tho conditions ot tho fceblo
minded Institute
Hastings Bchool facilities aro Inade
quate an steps will bo taken to pro
vide more room.
An effort will bo made to land tho
annual encampment of tho Nobraskn
G. A. R. In Falrbury for 1910.
Tho Odd Fellows of Chappell arei
putting up n BUbstautlal building with
hall abovo and stores below.
Farmers should all havo telephones.
Write to us nnd learn how to get tho
best service for tho least money.
Nebraska Tolephono Company, 18th
and Douglas streets, Omaha. "Uaei
tho Boll."
Miss Bennle Talbott. of Omaha, 22;
years old, ended her life with a pis
tol a few days ago. She had been dis
appointed In a love affair.
A Merrick County legislator blow
out the gns In Lincoln lodging houso
and would havo been asphyxiated had
the discovery not been made.
While two soldiers at Ft. Robinson
woro engaged In a friendly Bcufflo,
when by Bomo means ono of them
was fatally shot.
The Furnas County Tenchers' asso
ciation meeting wbb the largest ever
held, 121 teachers being In attend
ance. During cold weather Ice havestlng;
was vigorously prosecuted, though In,
few Instances was a full crop se
William Carr & Sons of Tecumseh.
have been nwarded tho contract for
about $5,000 worth o? grading on the-
tracks of the Otoe county speed as
sociation at Nebraska City.
The committee appointed to sollct
subscriptions to tho stock of tho pro
posed canning factory at West Point
have completed their canvass with
very satisfactory results.
Robbers entorred the Swnrtz &
Fgclston general store in Alma and
made a gateway with several ovor
coats and suits, leaving clothing
scattered about tho store.
Sheriff McCleory haa offered a per
sonal reward of $50 each for the ar
rest of John Knffer and Charles An
dorson, who broke out of the Adams
county Jail two weeks ago.
E. F. Marshall had about sixty-five
cottonwood trees on his farm west
of Plattsmouth, and had thorn cut
down and sawed Into lumber. Thoy
woro largo trc!s and mado 38,009 feet.
Fifty Hungarian partridges were
received at Valentino nn dare kept In
M. V. Nicholson's yard until warm
weather when they will bo turned
loo3o along tho banks of the Mlnnc
chaduza to propagate.
Tho Grain-Alfalfa milling company
has been incorporated, at NebraBka
City, with a capital stock of $200,000.
The Incorporators aro H. H. HankB,
Walter McNamara, Gilbert Hanks,
John Johnson and L. F. Jackson.
Tho Sutton Electric Light and Pow.
or Co. hns been purchased and en
larged by tho Jacob Sack Lumber Co.,
besides being reorganized and Incor
porated. The capital stock Is $25,000.
It Is housed In a now building.
The CnsB County Commissioners
aro making a trip over tho roads and
examining the bridges In tho westorn
and central portion of the county to
ascertain the nmounc of work neces
sary to bo dono this spring.
rmlng the last year tho building
improvements In Alma amounted to
$05,000. Eloven residences wero built,
a fine Catholic church, ono content
block office building nnd Implomont
warehouse and a largo coment auto
gam go.
At David City Jano White was
bound over to tho district court to
answer to tho chargo of manslaugh
ter. Miss Whlto had been arrested
on tho charge of infanticide for drop
ping a baby from a Burlington pass
enger train on the morning of Decem
ber 22, 1908.
Bert Taylor, the Mlnden murderer,
b now In tho penitentiary at Lin
coln for Bnfo hoping until his trial.
At Grand IBland tho other day
Fred P. Wulgrow ended his troubles
and thirst for drink by addlne a
two-ounco vial of carbolic acid to a
glnss of beer that ho drank. He was
a doad !n an hour,
crazy wild man found living in,
nn old deserted claim shack, livlnir
entirely upon united potatoes, is the
latest deep mystery for Valentine
The man was discovered by Frank
Bowman, foreman of Metz hrnth
j ranch about six miles north of Cod.