The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 29, 1909, Image 6

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rIRA L. DARE, Publisher
A Boiling Down of the More Impor
tant Events Here and There
Fobrunry 12, next, was tbo dny de
cided to bo a Hpoclitl legal holiday
and n survey nnd plans for a hlghwny
rrom Washington to Gettysburg,, to
bo known as "Tho Lincoln Way," as a
memorial to Abrnbam Lincoln, was
provided for by a Joint resolution
passed by tho nonnto, after an ex
tended dobate. Tbo resolution did
not not commit congrcna to tbo con
struction of tbo blghway when sur
veyed. Thirteen new United Statcti son
atom have been elected and sovon
toon ro-olected. Tho dcndlock In Illi
nois continues Flvo ballotH bavo
boon taken nnd Speaker Sburtleff
nnd Frank O. Lowdor nro looming up
n possibilities,
Senator Gnmblo lias Kccurod a
favorable roport from tbo commit
tco on public lands of tho sounto on
tho Lo Dean land district bill. It
was reported without nmondmcnt
nnd provides for tbo location of land
ofllco at Lo Beau.
Senator Brown of Nebraska bns
accopted an Invitation to address tbo
tariff commission convention at In
dlannpolls, Fobruury 10.
A statehood bill grunting tho torrl.
torlcs of Arizona and Now Moxlco
soparato statohood lias boon Intro
duced In tbo house.
Tho scnato voted to pluco tho
salary of tbo prosldont at $100,000
per year.
Tho houso passed tbo punslon bill,
which carries $1GO,8G9,000 and abol
ishes all ponslon ngonclos but one,
An lncreaso of nearly $10,000,000 la
naked for in tho cstjinates of tho war
department for tho' fortifications ap
propriation. Of this amount $3,000,-
000 is wanted for fortifications In tho
Philippine Islands, and tho estimates
for armnmont of fortifications is In
Z srensod fr6m $2,000,000 last year to
4ovor $4,000,000 this yoar.
J Nebraska Monntors holp out con-
RrcBHinon, and ns a result of Joint In-
bors, Qonoa, Nob., 1b llkoly to retain
It Indian Bcbool. Gregory, S. D., got
n land office.
Secretary Garfield In a loltor to
Bonato nnd houso, said thnt public
lands to tho valuo of $110,000,000 had
been fraudulently acquired by corpor
nitons and Individuals within tho Inst
two years,
Bitter Invoctlvo ngaiiiBt Prosldont
Hoosovelt by Wlllott of Now York
was stoppo by n vote of tho houso of
Tho Bonato voted to increase tbo
salary of tho spoak5r to $15,000 a
Hearing on tho Burkott bill to pro
hlblt tho uso of tolograpb lines In In
torstnto gnmbllng will bo bad boforo
tho sonato Jmltc!nry committoo this
wcok. Tho sonalor expects to get tho
bill through.
No cbango In tbo form of govern
mont of tbo Isthmian cnnal 7.0 no Is
to bo recommended to congress at
ths session by tho houso committoo
on Intcrstnto nnd forolgu coiumorco.
Congrossnian Pollord has rocolvod
cndorsomontH for bis forestry bill
from tho omcors of tho American
forestry association and other or
ganlzntlons aiming to promote forest
preservation and restoration. Tbo bill
was introduced lust Hesalon,
A landslide following a sovoro earth
thock In tbo region south of Totuan
ban wlncd out Bovornl vllagCB. .
Ronresoutatlvo Hitchcock mado a
(lght which resulted In amendment of
tho naval appropriation bill by tho in
jortion of nn itom appropriating $250,
D00 to enlarge tbo government pow
4er factory at Indian Head.
Attorney Gonoral Bonaporto do
c II nod to honor a pollto punnnoiiB to
umonr boforo a houso committoo.
Governor Doncon of Illinois, Issued
& reaulsltlon on tho governor of No
braslta for tho return to Canton, 111.,
it James Blako, who Is now an In
mato of tbo Nebraska atnto ponltontl
iry nt Lincoln nnd whoso torm will
xnlro on Fobrunry 21).
Tho doath list In tbo Chicago crib
flro Is now Blxty-Bix and fonrs nro en
tortnlned It may bo 100 .
Representative Pollard of Nobraska
believes tlioro Is no clmnco to cnango
tho rulos of tho bouBo this bcsbIoii.
Prof. Abbott Lnwronco Lowoll bus
boon eonllrmcd as president or Har
vard unlvorslty.
Tho widow of Roar Admiral Joseph
0. GoKhlan of Manila bay famo will
aavo to neck employment unless tbo
fovornmont grants Jior an udoq'unto
ponslon, Is tho Information that linn
1. . M. I.. .1,... ...t.U
oeon urougui out m cuuuuvhuh wmi
tho bill granting Mrs. Cojblan a pirn
Bton of $100 a mouth.
James J, 11111, who has returned
from a tour of tho northwest, Bays
tho commercial situation looks
President Gllmoro of tho Model LI
cunso leaguo in session at Louiavlllo,
declares tbo people want reformed
saloon and' no prohibition.
General O. O. Howard, treasurer of
the Lincoln Centennial Memorial uni
versity, endowment fund, announces
that goncroiiB stibserJptlonB are bolng
Governor Olllott of California In a
formal statement nayn thorn will bo
nntl-Jnpnneno legislation this yoar.
Insurance of "John Doe" subjioona
In Html invest Igiitlou reveals fact that
United Stilton' government Is plnlntlff
In proceedings against Now York
Charles F. Sonrle of Council Bluffs,
n brother of former Auditor Senile of
Nebraska, committed Aiiloldo by tak
ing carbolic acid. No apparent rea
son for ins act.
A ronferenco of Piesldpni-oloct Tnft
nnd ,!. C. Shaffer of Chicago disclosed
tho fact that secretary of tbo treas
ury bus not been selected.
All bodlcH taken from rnllroiul
wreck at Datsoro, Colo., havo been
Idontlilcd. Twelve of- thorn nro from
An nttnek Is made on Governor
Sheldon of Nobraska for . having
used up tho funds for the blennlum
before itu close, loavlng tbo Incoming
Governor Sballonborgor of Nebrns'
ka proclaims tho adoption of tho
Judicial amondmont and nnmcs Sullb
van, Holcomb, Root nnd Fnwcett as
Biipromo pudges.
Union labor leaders assert that 100
factories, employing 15,000 men, nro
tied up by tho strike of tho halters.
Governor Haskoll of Oklnhomn,
caused tbo arrest of an agent of W.
H. Hearst nnd Holzod ovidonco col
lected to uso In tho 1 1 tio I suit filed
by tho governor.
Tho houso committoo on foroltn
affairs wants Information on expendi
tures rrom Assistant Sncrotnry On
con. Recolpts of ti.o forest aorvlco
amount amount to nonrly hnlf tho
Bum oxiiondod fov- ndmlnlstrntlon nnd
Judge Tnft In nn address to tho ne
gro Young Mou'h Christina nasttiln-
lion of Augusta dlscussod tho Chris
tian uplift nnd tho era of rollglous
tolerance that has dovclopcd In recent
Pollcomou and onicers from four
cities nttendod tho funeral of Patrol
man Lafayette Smith of Omaha, shot
by an outlaw In tho porfornmnco ol
his duty.
Ashlnnd, Neb., solves tho tramp
problem by escorting them out ol
town 'and refusing to furnish grub.
Ullhu Root wns nomlnnted for Bonn-
tor nt a Now York republican caucus.
Many deaths havo marked tho emi
gration of Richardson (Nob.) county
pcoplo who emigrated to Canada. It
1b u great country for ponumonla bar
Date for filing on Rosobud lauds
lniH boon postponed to April 1 for low
numbers and Soptombcr 8, for all
abovo 4,000.
Tho president conferred with Cull
foruln congressmen rogardlng null
Jnpnnoso loglnlntlon. Ho snyB the
matter Is thu most Important public
quosUon now ponding.
The labor lenders Boulencod for
contempt of court say tboy will not
nsk for clomeucy, nn a pnrdon would
make It necessary to light tho case
over again from tho beginning.
Tho compulsory retirement of modi
cal officers of tho rank of major In
tho army Is provided for by a bill
passed by tho senate. Such officers,
when found deficient upon oxninlna
tlon for promotion for cauh'es not
originating In tbo Bovvlco, nro to bo
rctlrod without Increased rank, ac
cording to tho tonus of tho bill.
1 110 mwn delegation in congroas
forwardedo to William H. Trift at An
gusta n strong nnd sweeping ondorso
mont of Secretary Jamen Wilson nnd
uskud that bo bo continued at tho
head of tho Department of Arlcul
Tho sonnto ndopted Ropresonlatlvo
Dawson's resolution uutborlzlng tbo
postmnster gonoral to design and Is
auo a speclnl postngo stamp In con
nootlon with tbo 100th nnnlvorsary of
tho birth of Abraham Lincoln.
Tho pumldont will nominate John
C. O'Lnugbllu of this city, now hoc
rotnry of tho Toklo Uxpoaltlon com
mission an a prominent uowspnpor
nnd magazine wrltor, to bo iisslstnnt
uocrotnry of state.
President Roopovolt In 0110 day mudo
a trip nluety-olgbt mllou on horsobncl
to demonstrate that physical testa pro
scribed for army olllcorn nro not un
Senator Burkott'a bill to allow tbo
Fremont, Ulkliorn nnd Missouri valloy
railroad pornilBalon to change Its
courao was rofusod.
Senator Frnxlor of Tonnosaoo said
that tho nogrooH In tho Brownsvlllo
affair did not ' dosorvo rolnatnto-
A carload of sovonty-llvo bablos
was distributed In New Orlonns, coin
lug from tbo Now York Foundling nd
Orphan asylum.
Tho twenty-sixth victim of tho Rio
Graudo railroad collision Is dond,
Sonntor Bacon deelares 1b favor of n
bill providing for right of sonnto to do-
mnnd pnperu of any dopurtmont.
President Roosevelt wants to pre
vent tho California loglolatnro pass
lug an adverse JnpauoHH bill.
Hicnmonit couniy, uoorgiu, pro
amnion I'roBiuuui-oioct mrt ns ono
of Its cltlioiiB bocaurio he was living
tboro when bo was formally olocted
Herbert Krb has boon clouted presi
dent of tho Wisconsin Central rail
(loorgo 10. Olmmburlaln (dqni) baa
boon cnoBen unuou ciaiob Honntur
from Oregon.
Judge ,Andor8on is to prosldo at tlio
retrial of the standard oil cuso,
Rescued PaB3ennera Safely Trans
ferred Twice During a Heavy
Fog at Sea.,
Now York The palatial stenmshlp
Ropublle of tho Wlilto Star Wno,
which wob In collbilon wllb tho Italian
liner Florida early Satuidny morning
off Nantucket, Mass., went down at
8:30 o'clock Sunday. No ono wn
lost. Its pnsscngcrs, taken off many
hours before, are on tho steamship
Bnlllc, which wus off Sandy Hook at
a Into hour, making for thin port.
Tho Republic was In tow of tho
revenue cutter GrcBham and tho dere
lict doBtroyor Seneca, proceeding to
Now York, when It Bank. On bonrd
was Captain Scnlby with a volunteer
detail cf Its crow. It had boon towed
but a Bhort distance when It bogan
to Bottlo rupldly. Seeing no hope of
niivlng tho ship, Captain Soalby gavo
the order to abandon ship nnd the
crow wob taken off by tbo Groshnm,
which enst loose from tho crippled
llnor nnd stood by until it sank.
rho Grcflhntn and tho Soncca then
bended for tho Massachusetts ooasi
and will lnnd Captain Senlby nnd his
crow at Gny Head, Mass., or Newport,
R. I. As to tho exact point of land
ing, wireless ndvlces differ.
Tho point where tho Republic wont
down Is described In brlof wireless
mosBagos rccolved hero Saturday
night as off No Man's Island, a small
Islnnd south of Mnrthn's VInoynrd
'.sland, off tbo Massachusetts coast.
Tho Italian liner Florida, which
crnBhed Into tbo Republic In tho dense
fog off Nnnlncket, Miibb., onrly Sat
urday morning nnd gave It Its death
blow, Is Blowly steaming toward New
York, cenvoyed by tho American
llnor New York-. Its pnBsongors arc
elso on the Baltic, having been trans
ferred along with thoso of tho Re
public. The Baltic, which was cnlled
by wireless telegraph to the aid of tho
Republic yesterday nnd traiiBferred
from tho Florida, not) only that
steamer'if 900 and more passengers,
but tho I I 2 passengers nnd part of the
crow of tho Ropubllc, was noarlng
Now York Into Sunday nlghU It was
In wtlroless communication with tho
Flro Islnnd station at 11 o'clock to
night, but did not dofluo Its position,
Tho weather was thick and It could
not bo sighted from tho obsorvntlon
station on Fire Island.
This, In brief was the situation Sun
day night In tho stirring story of (ho
s.oa, following the llrst wireless flash
on tbo collision of tbo two big ships.
For thlrty-Blx hours tbo BiispeiiBo of
tbo public was unnllayed, for almost
every hour since tho llrst llnsh of tho
mishap enmo from tbo Republic's
wireless operator, has brought con
Meting reports from many polnto
nil giving a different phnHo to tho
shifting beetles nnd tond'ng to confuse
tbo situation.
Wreckage a Serious Mehace to Ship
ping In Harbor.
Washington Governor Mngoon of
tho provisional government of Cuba,
In IiIb annual roport to tho secretary
of war biilngs to his attention tbo
wreck of tbo United Stntes bnttlCBhlp
Malno In Havana harbor nnd rocom-
monda thnt the government tako Im
mediate stops to acconipllBh Its re
moval without furthor delay.
Harrlman Dill Turned Down.
WnshliiiMon Thnt President Rooso-
volt's recommendation for an appro
priation to reimburse 13, II. Hnnimnu
for the oxpendlturo of about $2,000,
000 by the Southern Pacific railway
company to control the overflow of
tho Colorado rlvor Into tho Snlton
sink a low yoars ago will bo disre
garded by congross now appears
probable. Hearings on this recoiu-
niondatlon have boon conducted by a
subcommittee of tho sennto commit
too on clnlma composod of Scnntoro
Koan, Smoot nnd .Martin.
Huts for Meeslna Refugees.
Mosalna. Tho work of cleaning np
tho ruins of Mcsslnn and feeding nnd
housing tho rofugoeu Is now thorough
ly Bystomntlzod nnd good progress la
bolng mado.
Four Killed In Snowsllde.
Durango. Colo. A disastrous biiow-
alldo occurred lit tho Uninp Bird mine
near Ourny. Four mon wero awopt
from tho camp and killed, together
with twonty horses and sixteen mules.
Forty-Seven Hearsca In Line.
Ulilcngo. I'orty-sovon benrsos, os-
coiled by 200 policemen, forming ono.
funornl procosulcn, on Saturday con
voyed to tholr graves tho unldontlllod
bodies of the mon who woro k'llod In
tho burning of tho crib In tho lake
Inat Wednesday.
Mensuro, It Is Predicted, Will Pass in
the Utah Legislature,
Salt Lake City Prohibition that
Bbull bo stuto-wldo and absolute 1s
tho Intent of u bill Introduced In thu
luwor branch of Utnh'ii legislative as
sembly. Tho mensuro la drastic In
tho extreme-. Under Ub provisions tho
manufacture, ftilo or free dispensing
of intoxicants Is prohibited. Sup-
portora of tho prohibition bill nssort
thai two-thirds of tho members uro
UludEcd lu its favor.
How Mr. Taylor cf York Would Fix
Mortgages In Nebraska Miscel
laneous Legislative Matters.
This measure, Introduced by Ollis
of Valley, who Is chairman of tho
committee cn railroads In tho senate,
embraces the host features of tbo Wis
consin and other laws, nnd Is con
sidered to comply with the demands
made by tbo democratic platform
and Is endorsed by prdmlncnt men
who hnvo tho vory best Interests of
the Btato In this matter In mind and
purpose. Tho bill provides that in
employing professional and expert as
sistance In making tho physical valu
ation of public service corporations,
tho governor's npproval must bo ob
tained, thus placing a check on tho
number and kind of holp that may bo
used by tho railway commission un
der whoso supervision the valuation
In made. Whon a physical valuation
is made, a tlmo not less than thirty
days nor moro than sixty days from
tho date of notice, when any corpora
tion by Its representatives may ap
pear and eIvo reasons for lowering
or raising, or In any way modifying
tbo valuation of such property: and,
If tho commission deems tho evrdonco
rufflclent, It may modify its own
In tho sonnto attention was called
to tho houso resolution asking for tho
appolntmonl of a conforonco commlU
tee on tho bill for tbo physical valun
tion of railroads nnd other public ser
vice corporations and saying that It
bad been sent to tbo desk. Tho sec
rotary then read the rosolutlon pre
sentcd by Sonator Ollis of Valloy,
who, in mnklng the motion for the np
polntmcnt of tho committee, snld tboro
might bo Borne quostton ns to whether
tho constitution provided for tho com
mltteo, but ho believed It warranted
nnd might bo a means of economy of
tlmo and money and ho moved Us
adoption. After somo- discussion tho
rcBolutlon carried and tho committee
cn railways, of which bo Is chairman,
was appointed as tbo conforonco com
Taxation of Mortgages.
This Is a mensuro introduced by
Mr. Taylor of York. It wus recom
mended to tbo judlclnry committee,
all or It bud boon discussed In tho
committoo of tho whole, tho author
consenting to a further Investigation
of It by tho committee.
Wilson of Polk county led the fight
ngnlnst tbo bill, bua'ng his- objections
to it on bin experience In California
for four years as it banker. Call
fornix bus 3iicb a law. Mr. Wilson In
hlfited that where tho mortgages wero
taxed, lnvnrlnbly tho rato of interest
on loans was fixed sullllelently b'gh
to cover what tbo bolder of tbo mort-
gngo would have to pay. No benoflt
tbereforo nccrued to tho porson who
owned tho onulty In the real estate
In nrgulug for bis bill Mr. Taylor
gave Illustrations of what occurs- un
der tho present revenuo law. A per
son bait $2,000 previous to tbo visit of
tbo assessor and another party
owuod a $10,000 farm. Tho day tho
asEoasor in duo the man with the
$2,000 pays that amount on tho fnrni
nnd gives the owner a mortgage for
$18,000. Tho man then pays taxes on
tho $2,000 ho has- received and tho
SS.000 not ho received from the
ownor of the farm, while thh man who
bought the farm pnys taxes on thnt
nt a valnat'on of $10,000. Ho Insisted
this Is double taxation. Mr. Taylor
assured tbo houso that his bill was
a copy of tho California law, which,
ho said, bad been held constitutional
Ho wont furthor and Faid Govornor
Sheldon had looked into tho matter
carofnlly and his lnvest'gntlonB woro
to tho effect that Massachusetts and
other Btntes had practlcnlly tbo samo
law and tho preposition had proven
omlnontly aatlsfactory.
Mutt Not Coerce Employes.
Coercion and Intimidating by em
ployers of labor will bo thing of tho
piib't in Nebraska olectlous -f a bill
by Bowman of Nuckolls, Introduced In
tho houso Is paused by tho legislature,
Tho bill Is Bhort and to tbo point. It
forbids any employer, under pnln of a
$100 lino cr;i forty day Jail sentence
using any matins to Inlluenco tbo no
tion of his employe cither by threat
onlog dismissal or promising to closo
down tho business, ttnrly ac Ion on
tbo bill Is anticipated.
Wants an Appropriation.
Tbo state board of nsrlculturo de
cided to tik the legislature tor a
specific appropriation of $150,000 fcr
tho stnto fair, of which $120,000 Is for
a now stock judging pavll'on nnd ?25,-
000 lor n section of n new concreto
and stool grandstand In contomplu
Railroads Committee Meets.
Tho railroads committoo of thu
bonne considered two measures that
had been referred to It for consldera
I'on and reported that boui bo mdell-
nltoly postponod. These bills wero ono
by Kvans of Hamilton, which required
rullroadB to nccopt thu wolghta ot
tibtppors when tboy hnvo no railroad
scales nt tbo point of shipment, nnd
furthor making thorn nbBolutely llablo
for any Bhrlnkngo ohowu. Tho other
Is HadaoU's bill to compol nil rail
roads whero two or moro run through
tho samo city to maintain depots,
Senator Tannsr Has a Bill for the
Sonator Tanner Introduced a bill
looking to tho ultimate erection of a
new state house, to cost when It is
completed anywhere from $3,000,000
to $4,000,000, one tLftt will stand up
alongside any state capltol In tno
country when It Is completed. His
bill does not contemplato that all this
will bo dono at onco, but provides
almply for the occasion ns a starter
of a single wing. Tho appropriation
of this is placed at $75,000. Sonator
Bartos on tho other hnnd offered a
resolution asking for tho appointment
of a committee to investigate tho
feasibility or relocating the capltol at
Kearney. Ho proposes Bartos, Buck,
Ransom, Myers, Raymond and Boa-
Inson nB members of tho committee.
Tho bill recites tho fact that tho cen
ter of population of tho state Is mov
ing westward, and points out Kearney
nB tho most central point.
New Judges Appointed.
Governor Shallenbergor appointed
tho following supremo Judges: John
J. Sullivan of Omaha, lato of Colum
bus, nnd Josso L. Root of Plattsmouth,
for tbtco-ycar terms, and Jncob Faw
cott of Omaha and llas A. Holcomb
of Broken Bow, for tho ono-yoar
These appointments wero made im
mediately after tho governor Issued
his proclamation declaring tho con
stitutional amendments voted on at
tho last election adopted In accord
ance with tho canvass mado by tho
state legislating In Joint session. This
cnnvnss wnB mado upon a printed ab
stract of tho vote and certified by tho
secretary of state as bolng "practical
ly" a copy of tho original abstracts on
file In bis office.
To Cure Treating.
Groves of Lancaster takes a rl3or-
oub view of tho treating habit. Tboro
Is a law now prohibiting tho treating
of persona in snloohs, but it is not
enforced. Graves would make pro
vision to ensuro tho enforcement of
tho law. In part, the bill Is fashioned
after tho Kenans law. It makes tbo
person who gives tho treat liable as
well as tho saloonkeeper, and It per
mits tho nttornoy who, pushes tho pro
secution of tho trcatcr to secure $15
from tbo man prosecuted to pay him
for his trobule. Under the Grovos
bill, If tl woro proven thnt a saloon
keeper permitted trcntlng In bis
place, the licensing board is compell
ed to call a meeting and revoke tho
license. The bill was so drastic In
Its provisions that some of tbo mem
bers who nro looking out for the In
terests of the brewers snt up and
took noto of tho Introduction.
Leglclative Notes.
Wilson of Polk had adopted a mo
tion to havo printed 1,000 copies or
his banking bill.
The binder twlno factory bill mado
Its ' appearance with Byglnnd or
Boono ub sponsor. This bill appropri
ates $50,000 to establish a binding
twlno factory at tho state penlten-
tlury nnd $150,000 to mnlntnln It.
'Neoraska needs a now capltol
building thnt shall cost ovontually be
tween $;i,000,000 and $4,000,000," said
Senntor Tnnnor In discussing the bill
ho Introduced. "Iowa has a good
building nnd there is no reason why
Nebraska should not havo a capltol
in keeping with her resources."
Want Emergency Fund.
Brown of LancaBtor, put in a bill
providing an emergency appropria
Hon for tho homo of tho friendless at
Lincoln. Ho asked that $4,500 bo ap
proprlated to run tho Institution un
til April I la reached and tho next
blcnnlum's appropriation Is made.
Regulation of the Stock Farms.
Senator King of Polk county Is
drafting a bill which will regulato tho
stock yardB of South Omaha. Tho bill
will provide for a regulation of
charges to bo made, amend the tlmo
for tbo dollyory of tbo cars and pro
vldo forvjtho charges ot foed stuff.
Appropriation Bills.
Tho houso on tho 18th unanimously
passed two appropriation bills. One
of theao appropriates $80,000 to pay
tho members and employes of the
legislature nnd tho other appropriates
$20,000 for indlcdcntal expenses
the session.
County Assessors.
Senator Ollls is in favor of abol
ishing tho ofllco of county assessor in
all counties with a population under-
20.000. Ho would also chanse tho
salaries of thoso ofTiclnls so that in
counties with a population of 20,000
to 110,000 ho may rocolvo $700, in
counties of 30,000 to 50,000 not "moio
thnn $800, in counties of 50,000 to
100,000 not moro than $1,800, nnd In
(ountles ol 100,000 or more not to ex
cecd $2,400. Ono of tho probloma to
bo figured out Is bow tho law, if
passed will got rid of tho county as
sessor elected in 1907 for four-yoar
Woman Suffrage.
Women's Biiffrago will bo ono of tho
Important mnttors of legislation to bo
considered by tho present legislature.
At Hi request of tho Women's clubs
of tho state, Sonator Mlllor of Lnn
castor Introduced a constitutional
amondmont providing for equal suf
frage. Tho sonato gallory was packad
with auffragettes to hoar the lntroduc
tlon of tho bill. Tho desk o.' Senator
Randall, who Introduced on equal suf
frage bill, to apply to mbnlclpnlltlcs,
was smothered In flowers and io
caqio In for much attcutlon.
Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit
ical and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
Grand Island poBtofflco receipts for
11)08 show a substantial Increase over
tho previous year.
Judson Brown, a dent mute of Tc
cumsch, wns run down and seriously
Injured by a Burlington train ono
nillo from tho c'.ty.
If you nro In need of old lino life
Insurance, or wish nn agency to write
llfo Insurance, correspond with The
Mldwost Llfo of L'ncoln.
Governor Shallenbergor has accepted
tho Invitation of tho senior class ta
deliver the commencement nddrcss
at the Normal In Peru, Juno 2.
The city council of Falrbury has do-,
elded to purchase a comblnnUon
chemical fire engine nnd hoso wagon
as n preliminary step towards organ
izing a paid flro department.
Farmers should all havo telophonos.
Write to us and learn how to get tho
best Borvlco for tho loast money.
Nebrnskn Tclcphono Company, 18th
and Douglns streets, Omaha. "Uso
tho Boll."
Crawford la anxious to secure tho
next encampment of tho National
guard of tho Btato and n committoo
of Its citizens cnlled upon Govornor
Shnllenbergcr to extend the Invita
tion of tho eclty.
Dr. Wells of West Point announces
that lie will accept tho appointment
of assistant physlclnn at the Korlolk
Insano hospital. He was appointed
by Shnllonborger nnd wanted tho bu
pcrlntendency of the Institution.
Tho citizens of Cnmbridgo bold an.
enthusiastic meeting to effect Immedl-i
ato arrangements In support of n bill
pending in tho legislature, providing
for nn npproprlntlon of $75,000 for a
Btato agricultural school . at Cam
One ot tho biggest land deals mndo
In Gago county for somo tlmo was
closed, when C. H. Calkins of Hph.
tlco sold hlB 48,0-acrcs form northwest
of Fllloy to Henry Kello of Logan
township for $40,800.
A meeting of tho resident members
wns held in Fnirbury and an organiza
tion formed which is known ns tbo
Fairbury Knights Templar associa
tion. R. D. Russell was named as
Tho juiry in tho cof , of Honry ,
Brown, accused of robbing the bnnk
nt Do Weese, Clay county, brought
in a verdict of guilty. Hall and Brown
wero caught in St. Joseph, Mo., they
demanded Boparato trials nnd Hall
was tried first and found guilty.
When Frank Johnson started out to
burglarizo tho town of Clnrks bis
plans for securing his booty and
making his escape wero poorly laid,
for within three or four hours bo was
hi tho Merrick county joi: and tho
loot ho secured was locker. Jn Sheriff
ller'8 strong box. Johnson Knowl
edges bin transgression.
The Farmers' bank of Hndar, a vll-'
lago In Pierce county, flvo miles north
of Norfolk, was robbed or $1,039 In
cnab. The robbers dug a bolo
through a two-foot vault well with
pick-axes, dynnmltod tho raro at both
ends, got $1,9(15, dropped $10 on their
way out and escnped without creat
ing tho slightest disturbance In tho
According to his system or compu
tation tho food commissioner or Ne
braska finds thnt tho people of Ne
braska pay $54,000 n year for water
which they buy at oyster prices, tho
samo, which ho declares to bo an
adulteration and liable tor prosecu
tion. Ho has s-ent out a stutenisnt to
oyster dealers In the state, giving
his objections to tho water euro for
oyBtcra and forbidding llwm 10 con
tinue this "cunning trickery."
A Valentino dlBpntch Bays: Leo
Phillips of Rosebud, S. I)., was round-
In a snow drift frozen to death. Ho
started from Crookston Wodnesdnv
with a load of coal -end feed. His
horses showed up nt Rosebud, with
cnecit reins up. a searching party
started out at onco. and found hln
wagon broken down and tho supposi
tion is tnnt ho started to lend his
team to Rosobud and was lost.
At a recent mooting of tho stnto
bonrd of agriculture In Lincoln,
Socrotnry W. R. Mollor submitted n
long roport dealing with everything
of Intoreat to the bonrd, rocolving tho
progress mado In agriculture in tho
stnto, agricultural education, progress
or tho beard in Its work, nnd show
ing receipts and oxpondlturos from
wnrrantn drawn by tbo Bocrotary. T'io
totnl receipts were $81,01 G.77; oxpond
oturcB, $1G,500.78. Tho roport of tho
bonrd of mnnngors showed that there
had been nvalbiblo last year a surplus
of $20,000 for construction purposes.
To this was added $3,000 from tho re
sources of tho society. Buildings un
dor way woro comploted In tlmo for
tho use of tho fair.
Howard Archer, tho 4-year-obl son
or Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Archer, rormor
Beatrice. roaldonts was killed at Kan
sas City by falling from the sovcn'iii
floor of tho Lorraine buiiaing, Mr.
Archor served In tho Philippines with
tho First Nobraska.
Wesloy Travis, a theatrical man
from Chicago, has just organized a lo
cal company of art'sts at Tckaninh.
and gono on tbo road a musical
comedy called "Tho Poor Mr. Rich."
Ho prompted a homo talont play re
cently given in th-it place and found
what ho considered e,ood material for
a company.