NEBRASKA NEWS NOTES Agricultural, Social, Religious, Politi cal and Other Matters of Interest Tho general storo of M. W. Duncan at Unadllla, was robbed of nil the Jew. ciry therein, amounting to something like $200. Whllo rp-vlnt (iv?tcr In his es tnurani. u . of Plattsmouth, found a pearl forw)ilch he was of fered $14. Fire destroyed tho largo Iwo-story house of Frank Trlbn. a farmer resid ing flvo mlletf oaBt of Silver Creek. It wis caused by n defective flue. Tho McCook Commercial club hns appropriated $100 to build a pleco of experimental road, bb an object leu son, and to Btlmulato better and moro Bclentlflc road building. Tho Johnson County Hoard of Com missioners estimates the expenses bf conducting the uffalrH of the county for tho coming year to nmount to JfiO.niO. Farmers should all havo telephones. Write to us and learn how to get the best service for tho least monoy. Nebraska Telephone Company, 18th nud Douglas streets, Omaha. "Use tho Boll." Tho school of agriculture nnd domes tic science ended a most siiccssful Avcuk nt Broken Dow, between 200 nnd 300 farmer students having enrolled and taken ndvnntago of tho flno lec tures uud practical demonstrations. Qcorgo Wllllnms, a Ncbraskn con vict who broke his parole and left tho state with almost a yenr yet to servo of a five-year sentence, bus been ar rested in Minnesota. Ho will bo brought back to Nebraska. . IF. S. West of Wood River has Jlist returned from Kuropo, bringing with him twonly head of Belgian and Per chorou Btallloriu and marcs. Ho v.olil throe head of them nt Now York nnd u stallion in Chicago. Tho gasoline motor car which car ries tho passengers between St. Paul nnd Loup City over tho Union Pacific lind 'its shuro of trouble during tho cold wenthor, At times it rofimcd to go until hauled by a locoinotIve, of Chinky IE! Detection Hy George IT. Hutter and Herbert IMey Dr. Furnivall Solves a Perplexing Case by the Use of His Psychometric-Deductive Powers 1' 5;30 In tho mornlhg n laborer with two cents for lifrt breakfast milk wa-ni in his hand stopped In front of Swnrtz' provision storo and sturod blankly at tho closed door and shutters. Tho place was nlwayB open at flvo at this time of year, and ho was in a hurry. Tho stillness was broken by tho pollcemnn. Drawing his revolver ho tapped with it lightly on the glass, calling In a loud voice: "HI, there! You in there! I set you. Hold up your hands und conn on out o' that! Come out. I say!" "Woll, well, well! 'TIs poor old Swnrtz bo's hung himself!" tho no- llcenian whispered In awe. Then ho remembered that tho door of tho shop, fastened on tho outside, was secured by moans of a bar and padlock, h'hoso Inust have been put in place by some body with Swurtz. in the shop! Then who conld that somebody bo If not 1 11 n trmrflnrtit Viu II tuna nlnl, pcorgo Udon living north of Junl- , wns murder, and If murder, who nta, sustained u sovero flro lofts. A COuld tho murderor be but Flannlgun, largo $2,u00 barn, elghteon head of n,0 01lIy ))orHOIl mMiH Swurtz pos- iioraon, ouu uiihiivib vi turn, iiiuny scsslllg 11 key to tho pndlock? io v 0I nay, Harness, cic,-woro io- wm, tho flll(jh of lg ()bv)oUH B0 IHUy COIIHUIUUU. (lUOncO into bin niliwl Min nnltnmnnn Jntnos SummcrB of DoMtt has bo- hurried to (ho sloro tolonhono and Btin suit against dago county for $1G5 called up his station, notifying It that oamagos resulting irom the loss or Swnrtz was murdered, that Flannlgnn ono of his horses last spring, which u clerk, hnd dono tho deed and was stepped through a hole In n bridge, missing. sustaining injurlos which mndo it From the ovldonco not n man of tho necessary to kill It. force present ontcrtalned tho sllclitest Tho Tccumsoh School board lias doubt or how tho erlmo bud M i I.I m at fiAn ii i i 1 I ' juhi pmu on i,uyu more oi us oouuou nor who tho criminal logically must iiiuouiouiiuBH on account oi mo now uo. F nun can. hint u.fnm nlnulm. high school building. Tho building timo on Saturday nluht when, irndn was erected four years ago nt n cost being over and tho shop deserted, tho oi iu,uuu, nnu oi mis aiuonni JM.uuu ntrcot door wns closod nnd tlin ulnil. Jins already boon paid. tors nut on all but tho buck window. Tho Dodgo County poor farm is hu,i for Bomo rnnmin iinnni,.,i not only BOlf-austalnlng but last yenr, boss with IiIb powerful hands, slipped in uuuiuon io noopiug uu uvorngo ttto ropo around his neck and hoisted number of twolvo inmates, it actually him up thoro to muko it appear to bo cleared $408.08 over cost of fuel sup- n cabo of suicide, locked up and lied, nllos, snlarloB and clothing, Improve Flannlgnn was thick-witted, and it inentB, ot,c, would novor occur to him that lie had Tho Midwest Life of Lincoln has in- loft nil tho bIchh tiolnilnir in liimunir Ktirnnco in force t nmount to $1,4C2- nnd only to himself. As long nB no- 000. Its omcors nro: N. S5. Snoll, body hnd scon him do It ho would feel lirosldont; Dr. B. B. Davis, Omaha, afo; for ho wns ono of thoao peoplo vico prosldont; A. J. Sawyer, sccro- Wn0 nro continually ropontlng for tlio tary; II, 8. Freeman, treasurer; Dr. information of their audlonces that m. n. jjvercu, mouicai mrecior; u. . -what you don't seo you don't know." Kastorday, actuary, nnd J. II. Mockott. omen wn. t ,n. !.. MO Vf i fill illrnnl Intio f nil.,. Midwest Life Isbucs all the standard fnct thnt w , " ,1 bmird . g forms of insurance. Local agents Il()UB m,t , returned o hit room from tho shop nud chnnged his wanted In every town in Nebraska "Homo offlco, 1007 "O" streot, Lincoln Mebrnskn. Tho dwelling on tho Han&ou nud Oleson farm, nbout six miles north or V-Ul. I....... .1 1 .- 11... 1 with all tho contents, Tho tennant. Smlsi ?L , 1,,nnn BBnt8 triann ..ii i.i.. i i.i. louKiniT mistress said thnt on going to ... ,... " -u-iiiium )1H room t0 mU u , , Sunday r,w..... . ..v. .. ...n..lu1 .u. iiinrn .in n( ,1... n T " w 1 1 xmmmmmmwhwsimi , wtri V mMMM 1 M V , lIMlIllil I MM W&- clothes nt some timo between six o'clock on Snturday evening nnd eight on Suuday morning, was pieclsoly the oviuonco that tho police looked to And nnu' Mutt Mm liml Im.l !.,... ..i.... Tho now school bulldlnx nt Leigh, ',,nT; .r," LrT"' has been thrown open for occupancy. L3M ZTJ "k "" It conslBts of eight largo rooms bo- ,,.,,' ,'H hat :,, " " " .clilna unvnMl u..,nlln.. nu nn.l I.. .. . ,v """ '"' la.uva ou.u.ui m. ...... v.. ul,.n tt.ii, ,n npn ul mill.ll llfinlu A... I I... I....I Bleated by steam heat. Tho building m)t been soon in tho vicinity sli ce atnndB socond to nono in tho Btnto In Suturday morning, when ho loft tho iowiis tho size of Lolgh. i,0,,B0 fop i,iH ,,.,. tlllu ... Word was received in Bentrlco that formation tho nolleo. nmicimr n nru IX L. Colby, a young mnn woll known 0f his room on their own account In that city, is In Jail nt Kl Pnso, Tex., added certain othor suggostlvo Items. ciiargeu wmi rouumg a reainurnni or a badly Boiled shirt, torn up tho back iuu worm ot jowoiry nnu ciouun. as ir discarded In n hurry, was crowded His fnthor, aonorul L. W. Colby, bohlnd tho Inirenu; n rnzor, unwlped wont to IiIb nBsistnnco. after using, nnd a shavlne imner uiih woodcutters aro mnuiug propnra- uricd liulior on It, us If tlio shnvei flons for cutting a coiiBldornblo wns In such hnsto that ho could not nmount of walnut timber on tho stop to clean away the truces of IiIh Captain J. T. A. Hoover rami, Just work, woro on a little table near tho Bouth of Louisville. This timber 1b tnbo gaB Jot; a travollng bag, which tho snipped to southern llrms whero it lodging iiilstross assertod that he will bo mil do into furii.turo. For some owned, wns not to bo found; there was timo cottonwood timber lias been no linen In the bureau drawers. In cut near thoro nnd sawed into build- fact, nil tho ovldonco tended to show Ing lumbor, but this l the llrst at- that tho man hnd left suddenly for xompi imu hub ueuu uiuuo io uuuzo parts unknown, saying noth iik to unv tho walnut ror furniture making. , body of his intended absence, tnklnc Jolin P, Thaeker wiib shot und prob- with him what fow valuable onVe.tH ho al)iy ratauy wounueit uy John Ular- poHsosBed. H the razor roinalned be nco, uinronco, who is nuout hind it was because in his excitement twenty-throo years oiu, enmo into Uo had forgotten It. PlattBrnoutli and gave himself VP to tho sheriff and is now conlluod in in tlio county Jail. Tlio trouble wns -tlio outcome or an old fond. Both men rosldo about six mllca from Platts mouth, Trumps nro given lodging by Ash land authorities, but after thnt, thoy Inquiry In tho neighborhood soon brought to light n man who had seen Flnnuigan late Saturday night with a suit case and n big roll of hills stai: goring from one saloon to another on tho way down to tho south station and it proHoutly being learned that Flnunlgan had relatives In tho little uro not uioweu to ueg, nut aro country town of Fnlrvlow. whinh . marclieu or town niui toiu io nnco tor hB native place, tho. rest wns n.iv Ho was Just tho typo or man who, having committed a crime, would Im medlatoly make for tho vicinity or hi pastures moro greon. Edward Stokes, n rarmor, whoso I'CBidonco is nine inlles north or Ainu .worth, was in town with a four-horso deatn, and at G o'clock p. m, ho was itaat seen unhitching his toum to start fio-mo, At 9 Sunday morning ho was 6'ouuil in Sisson's pusturo at tho bot tain of a deop gulch, with tho wagon wl across his neck. Ills neck was oroken. Ho leaves n wife and soven phildreu. old liome, having neither sense nor goueral Infoihmtlon enough to stoor as widely away Trom that particular spot aB posslblo, ConueotloiiB wor mndq by tolophono with tho police or Falrvlew, and within two hours from that timo FlannlKan wna updorgolng cxumluntloii nt station five. Ho wns a very inusculur follow of 27 yoaia, with n fnco full of good uatilred Imbecility, It scorned evident nt onco to the examining otUcors that tho man would know no better than to commit murder, and would commit It unuor provocation, tho Inst thing to enter his thick bond being tho fact that he, with his grade of Intelligence, would not have ono chance In a thou sand of escaping tho penalty. He ast sortod his lnnocenco or tho charge, but In n half-hearted manner, us ir he was very far from realizing tho serious ness of his position, Ho tutld; "If old Swurtz Is dead, I'm sorry. I didn't do it. Ho always treated mo all right, and I wouldn't do him dirt. If 1 know who did I'd lick him good." "What did you go awuy rrom your room ror without telling nnybody of It?" "Shucks! I didn't have no time. It was most 11 Saturday night when I knowed it llrst myself. Tho boss, he snyBi'Flanny,' he says, 'how'd you like a vncatlon?' ho says. 'Everybody but you litl mo Is taking a vacation,' ho says; 'It's the fashion nowadays,' ho buvb. 'You go to-night, Flanny,' he says, 'and I'll go when you git back. You can stay a week,' ho suys, 'nnd here's two weeks' wages. That will do you,' he snyH. Then ho counted out $2(3 dollars from tho big roll ho hnd In tho safe " "So he had a big roll In tho Bare, did bo?" tho captain Interrupted. "Sure! Ho had Just put it In there $218. Ho snys: 'Flanny, this Is tho biggest day wo over had, and I'm n going.' ho says, 'to glvo you a vacation, 'because,' ho says, 'Flanny, you'ro all right, and wo can afford to bo In tho fashion,' ho says." "Well, what did you do then?" "I says If I'm going I'd go then, bo's to git tho 11:45 train ami bo homo Sunday all day. vSo he suys go ahead, and 1 goes-" ' "You wont to your room beforo taking tho train?" "For surol I had to git my glad rugs, And I sturtod to shave, but didn't. I didn't have time." "You had timo to drop into n num-, bor of places on tho way down to the station, didn't you?" Flunulgan grinned slyly. "I wouldn't If I'd shaved," ho an swered. That ended tho examination as far as it need bo given hero. Swartz was found hanged In IiIb store, to 'which only ho nnd Flannlgnn hnd u key, Swurtz' key wna in IiIb pocket, Flan nlgun's key was In his pocket, and the Btoro was locked from tho outside. Flunulgan bad run nway, and when caught hud told n cock-and-bull story of a vacation, a luxury never heard of beforo In connection with any omploye of "Fatty" Swnrtz, or ovon with Swurtz himself, who hnd boon for 13 years In that storo every day of IiIb life excopt Sundays, and all day. Tho notion that ho should suddenly propose such a thing to Flunulgan nt 11 o'clock nt night, make him a present of n week's pay nnd pack him oft nt once, was preposterous Just the kind of a foolish story that a mun of Flannl gnu's caliber would bo likely to In vent. Only one thing seemed strange to tho pollco: Whnt had Flnnuigan dono with tho $218? Tho next day utter Flannlgnn hnd been commlttod for trial without ball n Ilttlo old woman with beady block oyes, a wrlnklod, yollow skin, nhlghly nervous manner and n very shrill volco called on Dr. Furnivall, and an nouncing that she was Flnnnlgau's mother said that bor son was of courso Innocent, nnd us she hnd no monoy to pay n high-up lawyer and dotcctivo to provo It, sho had como to him as tho only thing loft for bor to do. Dr. Furnivall was glvon access to Flannlgnn's cell. Ho commuuded: "Flannlgun, carry your mind back to It o'clock Saturday night, and toll mo what happened to you then?" "Why," ho nnswored without hesi tation, "the boss was giving mo 2G plunks to go on a vacation with," "Did you lenvo tho storo then?" "I left as soon ns I put tho shuttors up to tho front windows. Tho old man said lio'd tlx tho back ono," "Wna he in tho storq when you left?" "Yes, sir." "Aloue?" "Yes, sir." 'hon you wont out at tho door whore did you go?" "To Tim Foley's placo ilrst, and thou to Randall's, and then to my rcom." "Did you talk with anybody in tboso places?" Only tho bnrkecps. Thoy was hardly anybody nround then. It was closing timo ror those shops. Thoy ain't victuallers." "Did you see anybody at your lodg ing house?" "No. Tho lights was out and I wont in qulot. Hvorybody was abed." "When you enmo out whero did you go?" "1 took u car tor tho south station." "Did you talk with anybody ou tho car?" "I can't think. I don't think so." "You don't think? 'Can't you say positively? What you had taken at Foloy's nnd Randall's hadn't begun to affect you, had It?" "Woll, I h'Isted It in quick, and. a lot of It, and my head was going some, nil right." Up to this moment Flnunlgan hnd been talking In a normal mannor. The doctor's gazo had put his faco through tho preparatory stages or change only. But now, rrom a startled, tlion earnest pnssing to a peaceful and contented expression, his oyes leaped to that ot absorbed thought, and ho contlnuod In a monotonous volco: "I think somebody wns there; somo body I didn't know very well. I think I spoko to him. But 1 don't remember ir ho said anything to mo. It was an open car, and I gnoss ho was way over on ono end or tho sent and I was on tho other." "Was ho on your right or your loft sldo?" "I don't know. Soonis to mo ho was sort or behind mo. I'm protty sure 1 didn't soo hlin. I sort or felt him, 1 guess, and I asked him" Ho hesitated, a strange, Intent, In trospcctlvo look In his blue eyes. "Asked him?" suggested Dr. Furnl vail, softly. "Asked mm whattime It- wns' Ho proceeded thus hesltntlngly groping In his mind for the clew to tho impression faintly traced there Then suddenly he went on in full con. fldonce: "No, I asked him if we had time bifore the 11:45 train to drop In somewhere for a Ilttlo taste." "What did he say 7" "He asked me whero I was going, nnd 1 told him to Falrvlew on my va cation, nnd 1 mustn't miss the train." "What did he say then 7" ' He said there was plenty of time. So we got off and walked through Arch street to Houlzer'i. but ho wouldn't go In. Ho said he'd wait out side." "But you wont In?" "Yes." "Was he, waiting when you camo out?" "No. t guess I stayed too long. I missed tho train and had to go homo on a freight." "You say you didn't know the man very well, but can't you romomber anything ubout him, any peculiarity about him?" "Woll, ho had a funny smell." "A funny smell. What wns it like?" "It was kinder sweet. Ho said he'd been entlng something for his breath. Ho gave me somo, too. Ho said I ought to havo some by me, It was so good for a whisky broath." "Havo you any of It with you?'" "Yes, In my vest pocket." The doctor searched the pocket and presently found a kernel ot a woll known proprietary article for tho breath. Ho chewed It a moment nnd then loaning toward, tho man so that the scent must strongly roach his nostrils, snld: "Do you remember that smoll?" "Sure I do." "What is. associated with It In your mind? What does it romlnd you of?" "Heulzer's hotel." "Did you over smoll it before you were in that place?" . "Why, yes; that is, what Chinky. gavo me just boforo I wont In" "Chinky? Who is Chinky?" "I dunno. He's a feller I mot somo- times. I dunno his last name." "Why Is ho called 'Chinky?' " "They say It's because when ho runs, to turn tho switch tlo- dimes and nickels chink in his pocket." Thon he must bo u conductor on tho street cars?" "Oh, yes; that's what he Is! I re member now." Dr. Furnivall returned to tho ofllco. Tho captain hud Just returned with tho Information that, nuro enough, tho key did not fit tho lock on Swartz' store. "Of course," said Dr. Furnivall. Now hunt up a man a conductor on tho streot enrs, who Is known as 'Chinky.' Ho Is your man. Bring him to mo and 1 11 prove it." But "Chinky," who wan found to bo a conductor by tho namo ot Alau Wostover, frightened so that ho could not stand on his foot when charged with tho crime, admitted his guilt at once, and' there was no necessity fot hypnotizing him. He said that Sntur day night after bin work ho bad met Flannlgun on a car. Ho told him ho was going on a vacation, that Swartz was In tho storo with u big roll, which ho was intending to take home with him, ns the safe was no good, and that ho (Flannigan) had brought away tho storo key instead of leaving It with tho boss, Us ho ought to havo done, seeing that he was to be away so long and might lose it. Fiannlgan was stupid, and "Chinky" easily got the key from his pocket, ns ho helped him from tho enr to go to Keulzor's, substituting ono of bis own in its placo. Running to tho storo ho wutehod until bo saw Svnrtz removing his butcher's frock, and while It was over his bond, on tangling Ills arms, he rushed In and choked him with a short length ot rope. Ho meant enly to render him unconscious nnd get the money, his hastily conceived plan being to throw suspicion on Flannlgun, who would seem to have run uwny after doing tho Job; and that was why ho had stolen tlio key. But whon ho saw that ho bad overdono the matter (-that Swartz wns dead tho pulley and rope dan gling down from the loft gavo him tho tdoa of complicating tho affair by making It look llko suicide. So ho hoisted tho body up and loft It hang ing, shut tho door, put up the bar, locked tho padlock nnd went homo. He bad suffered tho most horrible tor tures of mind over since; had boon on tho point or giving hlmeelf up a dozon tlmos, feeling that death would bo n relief to him, and now that ho was taken bo wns glad or It. They would put him out or all his mlgory boforo long. His only excuse ror tho crlmo was thnt ho was a cocaine llend, nnd unoori fc sb crazy nnd didn't know any bottor. . ; i .uioasad at once, went homo for his vacation, this timo with out stopping on the way; ana he never, ontercd n suloon afterward. Wostover wns electrocuted, nfter a long trial In stituted by a benevolent society in tho attonipt to prove him lnsuno. u'opyrlgln. 1M0. by W. q. Chapman ) ii'uux r.aht In Uivut Ilrltuln i