The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 19, 1909, Image 6

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Information and Gossip IMcItctl Up Hero
and Thcro in Washington.
Military Pomp to Attend Inauguration
ABIIINOTON. William Hownnl
T.'ft la to linvo greater military
pomp mid clrcu Hint mi co iittoiulltiK hm
Inauguration than had Theodore Roobo
volt Tho governor of ovory state In tho
union 1i:ih hoon aked hy tho innug
urnl commlttoo to Bond a brlgado of
troopn to lake part In tho Rroat pro
cession up tho nvcnuo, and It 1b Inti
mated that what Washington wantn
In tho way of atnto troops 1h quality
rathnr than quantity. Crack organ
izations only need npply.
An ontlniHluBtlo inomhor of tho In
augural promotion body snya that
Ihoro will ho present In Waalu
Ington on March 4 next, 10,000 moro
rogular troopa thnn npponrod whon
Mr. Roosevelt rodo to tho capltol four
yonrs ago. Ho insists that Wash
ington will ho a grout camp of regu
lars and guardamon In tho early
Sherldnn'B mnrchlnp hosts In tno
spring of 18G5.
Tho United Stntos troops aro to be
gin tho homeward Hailing from Cuba
Hoon. Tho Koldlors will return reg
iment by regiment,' and ,l ,s ,)0,
lloved that sovoral of tho orgnnlzu
t.lona will roach this country so closo
to tho time ot the Inaugural common
Ins thnt thoy probably may be ordered
to the capital.
Homo of tho plcturosqucnos3 of tho
Roosovolt Inaugural will bo missing.
It Ik undorstood that thcro will ho no
rough rldeni presont. Four years ngo
thoy not Only added much to tho
pnrndo as u parado, hut they added a
great deal of Joy to tho Inhabitants.
Some or them wero now. to tho ways
of tho capital city civilization and
broko tho convontlonalltloB In a whole
hearted nnd perfectly InoITonslvo way.
Tho "Flying Ninth," tho black troop
ers of Col. Guy Henry's old command,
tho mon who followed him on
tho trail of tho Sioux and rockod
nothing of hard riding, Bomi-Btnrva-tlon
nnd wounds and death, aro not
to lend color nnd tholr perHonally
propor prldo to tho pageant. Thoro
will bo gallant cavalry roglmontu
prosont, howovor, roglmontB that havo
fought In Culm, In tho Philippine!) nnd
D)(Ddl Hdlea:
Dtouc (or Girl
11 to 10 Years.
j ItJv aolh Jachct i
Plan Inaugurated Years Before Judge
Llndsey of Denver Was Named
for Bench Also Father of
Probation System.
Hprlng, n greater camp than It hna
boon Blnco tho rcsldoiita entertained on tho vontorn plains.
Who Is Father of the American Navy?
to tholr respective) merlta In tho com
petition for tho honor of being tho
"father of tho navy."
Come time ago It was proposed to
place these Htnluea fnco to face on a
single hUh, hut that was opposed hy
tho ndhorentH of tho heroes, Many
Bites havo been suggested, but up to
tho present time there has bcon no
action looking to a Battlement of tho
quest lofi, Tho Btntuo of John l'nul
Jones la now under wny and a compo.
tltlon will noon bo ontorod upon to de
cide who will bo tho favored sculptor
for tho making of tho statuo of Harry.
Work Ib now In progress for a stat
uo of Gen. Grant to bo orectod west
ot tho capltol grounds, but tills will
not bo completed beforo two years.
Next spring iitatuou of John With-
orapoon, n signer of tho declaration of
ludopondoncc, nnd of Longfollow, tho
poot, will bo presonted to tho govern
ment by momorlal associations, and
they will ho oroctcd In this city.
Olhor ntatuos which hnvo boon pro
vided for by congress nnd will bo
oroctud horo In tho near futuro aro
thooo of Von Steubon, Puluakl and
THE location In this city of ntntuea
of John Paul JoncB and Commo
dore John Harry, both horalded us the
"fathbr ot tho American navy" by their
rospoctlvo admirers, will prove a dif
ficult taflH for tho special commission
chargod with that duty, Tlilu commit)
(don coubIbIh of tho uqcrotary of wnr,
tho secretary ot tho navy and tho
chalrmon ot tho nennto and house com
mittees on tho library.
For each iilatuo congress appropri
ated $50,000, but no action has been
tnkon to dccldo tho controverted ques
tion rotating to tho navy'u pedigree.
It Is for Ihls reason that tho Iucntlon
of tho cftlglou Is regarded as impor
tant, an the prominence given each of
tho heroes in tho question of location
Is oxpected to glvo some Indication nu
Ulouso for Girl from 11 to 1C Years. Cream wlncoy la employed for this
blouse: two tucks nro mado from shoulder to bust each side: tho trlmm'ng
conslats of hands of embroidered galloon, round collar, down center front,
round nrmholes nnd Blcovo; tho tight under-Bleovea aro buttoned nearly to tno
Materials required: Two and a half yards 30 Inches wldo, two and three-
quarter yards trimming.
A Slmnlo Ulouso. A firm kind of washing Bilk Is admirable for a uiouso
such as this; two Inch-wide tucks are mndo from shoulder to bust, and about
six Bmull onoa between: tho box-plait down center Is covered with laco or
ombroldory, n hand of tho snmo being taken down outsido of Bloovo. Tho deep
cuffs are of finely tucked Bilk.
MnterlalH required: Four yards 22 Inches wldo, ono nnd one-half yards
Cloth Jacket. Hero Is a practical, easily mado Jacket, In Amazon clotn,
to match tho itkirt. It Ib fitted by n seam taken over tho shoulder from edge
of hasqito, back nnd front. Tho trout slightly wrnpB over below bust, and is
fnntened by Invlsiblo nooks nnd eyes, and ornamented with buttons and corn
loops. Embroidered galloon outlines tho nock. Felt hat trimmed with a
buckle nnd quills.
Materials required for Jacket: Two and a half yarda -10 Inches wide, ono
yard galloon, three buttons, four yurds silk.
Russet-Drown Velveteen and Fine
Face Cloth.
Hero Is a very clogant combination
of russet-brown volvoteon nnd fiuo fnco
cloth. Tho plain trained skirt Is of
velveteen, so nro tho tight-fitting un-
Stories of Taffc's Secretary of State
. via urwr-irr c
KNOX, rJntcd for secretary of
state, Ib 'one of tho moat delightful
mon Hoclnlly to ho round anywhere.
OoU, automohlllug and driving are his
outdoor recreations,' ntlllarda and
rending furnish Indoor umusement.
When Mr. Knox camo to Wanning
on nu attorney general ills reputation
an a corporation lawyer ciuibou it to
)o nHBtimod that ho was ono of tho
gruff, brusquo kind, Instead of a
grumpy curmudgeon, ho wnu rovoulod.
Oh n polite, dapper little man who of
fered his callers lino cigara nnd startt
ed conversation ns if ho Intended tell
ing bin Inmost thoughts and furnish
ing diagrams ot all he contemplated
doing nnd how ho would do each
"Of course," ho said, when tho con
vocation got around to the point
whoro real Interesting thlnga wore
coming out, "I nm talking to you gen
Uomou personally, not In your Jour
nalistic capacity,"
Tho standard Washington story
.about Knox concerns tho pair of road
Btorn -ho brought hero uftor ho bo-
camo attornoy gonoral. Mrs. Itooso
volt wan lnvltod to rldo behind thorn
nnd nn Mr. Knox wna driving away
from tho White Hauao tho group of
newspaper men fall to upocttlatlng ns
to why ono of thorn had not had his
wltu nbout him enough to ask tho
nnmon of tho horson. Ono of tho party
said tlloir names woro Highball and
LSlphon. A Borloii3 mlndod ohup thcro-
uj.on wroto n ntory about It and uent
It to his paper. When- It uppenrod
Knox wnn very angry nnd tho upshot
ot It wna n retraction by. the- nowu-
Anothur atory that nngored Knox
wnu to tho offoct thnt ho had told tho
into Senator Hoar that of courao ho
had quit tho employ of tho Carnoglo
Steel Company beforo accepting Presi
dent McKlnley'n offor ot tho attorney
(jonoralshlp. I Io regarded It us an Insult
to McKlnlay to Imply that ho would
appoint a man who would coiuldor It
necoanary to glvo imurance that ho
had obaorvod the ethics of tho profoa-
Senator Knox bought hla magnifi
cent homo In Washington from Mrs.
G. V. Chlldn. It la ono of tho flneat
hoiiBBH In Wushlngton and Ib well
nduptod for rocolvlng tho diplomatic
corpa on Now Yonr'a day, according
to diatom.
Mrs. Knox. In coiiBidorcd ono of tho
moat chnrmlng womon in oluclnl llfo.
Her entortulnmonta nro among tho
most elaborate In Washington.
Especially for Bedrooms That Have a
Chilly Aspect.
For lnsldo curtains heavy linen,
cither natural linen color, in white or
colors, la very populnr. They nro se
lected, of cour8e, In accordance with
tho flttinga of tho room nnd nro
trimmed elthor with applique of linen
In contrasting colors, with braid or
embroidery In heavy linen thread.
Chintz hnnglngs nro also very popular
nnd chintz and crotonno arc now
shown in a moro remarkable variety
of colors nnd designs than over be
foro. Thoro Is quite u fnd at tho mo
ment for tho bluo and whlto or tho
red nnd white chintz hangings for uso,
of course, in rooms suitably decorated.
Tho' wall of a room, for instance, may
bo In palo gray or white and gray
when bluo and white or red and white
chintz will bo used for hangings and
upholstery. Theso chintzes nro not
qulto bo striking ns they Bound, tho
red chintz, in fact, being quite mild in
effect. Tho color is a light and rather
dull rod and tho patterns show a great
deal of whlto. For Bomo bedrooms,
such, for instance, ns havo a rather
chilly aspect, those chintzes are ad
mirable. Thoy seem moro sultnblo for
men's rooms than tho flowered chint
zes in pink nnd green, lavender and
yellow which aro so charming.
Portland, Mo. Years before -Judgo
Ben U. Llndsey of Donver, who hna
won a world-wide reputation for hla
establishment of a Juvenile court, was
elevated to tho bench, and beforo Wil
liam Joff Pollard, Judgo of the Second
district police court of St. Louis, be
came luiown becauso of his system of
administering pledges to men brought
before him for Intoxication, Portland
had a Judgo who usod both Bystoms
successfully. Judgo George F. Gould
fathered tho plan, now In opcrntlon In
Portland, which has been followed
many years, of giving the "klda a
Ho was appointed ns Judge of tho
municipal court when ho was but 25
yeara old by Gov. Hoblc, and ho was
not so far removed from play days
that ho didn't know Just what it
meant to bo a boy. IIo had hardly
assumed his Judicial duties beforo ho
began to shock the matter-of-fact po
lice officials by his treatment of Ju
venile cases. Judgo Gould never would
glvo a boy brought Into his court a
"record" If ho could avoid doing so,
nnd he was often nccused of leaning
too far on tho side of mercy.
Tho first case brought to his notice
as Judgo was that of boys accused ot
playing bnll In tho streets nnd break
ing windows. Tho city marshal
wanted to hnvo tho culprits punished
according to tho law.
"Ilonry, I nm nfrnld you have for
gotten how It feels to be a boy," said
tho Judgo to tho police official. "Urlng
thoso boys, not into tho court room,
3j ' '
h zr li
The following formula is a novor
failing remedy for colds:
Ono ounco of Corapounu ayruV ul
Sarsaparllla, ono ounco 'ions com
pound and one-hnir pint, oi bu
whiskey, mix and Bhako thoroughly
each time and use In doses of a table
spoonful ovory four hours.
This If followed up will euro an
ncuto cold in 24 hours. The Ingre
dients can bo gotten at any drugstore.
i if
I r-
"Don't be alarmed, MIsb Hash, this
mlcroacopo Ib merely to enable mo to
see what I'm eating!"
laundry work at home would b
much more satisfactory if tho right
Starch were used. In order to got tho
desired stiffness, it is usually nocee
sary to uso so much starch tnat the
boauty and flnenesB of tho fabric Ib
hidden bohlnd a pnsto ot varying
thickness, which not only destroys the
appearance, but nlso affects tho wear
ing qunlity of tho goods. This troi
ble can bo entiroly overcome by using
Doflanco Starch, as it can bo applied
much moro thinly because of Its great
er strength than other makes.
The Disturbing Telephone.
"The telephone has destroyed all tho
privacy of society," said tho society
girl. "It breaks in on everything.
Nothing is sacred to it. You may bo
saying your prayers. Tho telephone.
Or In tho midst of your bath. Tho tele
phone. Or doing up your back hair,
or, worst of all, a delightful man may
bo making love to you, when k-llng.
k-llng, k-ling! Tho to'.ophono breaks
off tho thread of his theme and ho
falls to rosumo It."
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
or locn! applications, m they ennnot resell th ill
Msed portion ot tlio car, Tlicre U only- one -ny to
euro denlmud. ana that la by conatltutlonal remedies.
Ueatnu Li caust'it by nil Inflamed condition ot tho
mucous llnlns ot the l.a-itachlan Tube. When tills
tuba ti Inflamed you havo a rumbling sound or Im
perfect hearing, and when It U entirely cloned. Deaf
ness U tho result, and unless the Inflammation can be
takea out and thU tube restored to Its iiormal condi
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever: nlns cnacn
out of ten arc caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing
but an Inflamed '.oiultthn of tho mucous surfaces.
Wo will glvo Ono Hundred Dollars for any case of
Dcatnctt (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Kend for circulars, free.
..J. CULNUV & CO.. Toledo. O.
BoU by IV iiTglita. Tie.
Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation.
His Idea.
Mrs. Crlmsonbeak I see for use
on rural delivery routes a letter box
has an electric attachment which
gives tho alarm In the house some dls
tanco away when mall matter haa
beon deposited wlthlu by the carrier.
Mr. Crlmsonbeak Seems to me it
would be moro vnluable if it only gave
an alarm when a bill was deposited in
tho box.
Next Social Secretary of White House
cleric in tho signal olllco of the
war dopartmont, will bo tho noxt bo
, clnl socrotary of tho Whlto Houbo, und
i Miss iBabollo Hagner, who now die-
taton tho social llsta of tho president's
wlfo, will atop from that coveted po
idtlon back Into tho ranltB or govorn
mont clerks by oxocutlyo ordor, and
"will bo given a minor position.
Mrs Rolyen Is prominently Identified
with tho social aut In Washington,
though In u Boml-ofllclal uonso. Ulto
has galnod a certain amount ot dls
i ilnctlou through her ability na abridge
player, and has titught many promi
nent Bocioty women ot Uileclty llio
Ono of her prominent pupils won
Mra. .lolin U. McLonn, nnd It is undor-
Btood that Mrs. McLonn wob Instru
mental In obtaining for Mra. Rolvea
tho position at the Whlto Houao for
which a hundred social. BccrotnrloB In
wnHiiingion navo yearned. Mrs. Rol
yen wna appointed to tho wnr donnrt-
mont from Connecticut on July 0, 1907.
Bho lit a woman of culture and hna
a wldo acquaintance among tho social
colony, not only In Washington, but
in Now York and Nownort. She Is tho
widow ot Albert Uolyea, formerly a
chief of u division In tho trcaaury de
partment, who committed Biilcldo sov
oral ycurti ago.
Novor beforo In tho nnclnl hlnlnrv
had tho position of social Bccrotnry at
the Whlto Houao bcon oo Importunt.
Tho privileges of tho olllco lncreasod
and tho only ono which hnn not boon
accorded Miss Hagner up to date, for
tho reasoa that It haa beon against
all Boclal and olllcial preccdont, la thnt
of nBBlstlng Mrs. Hooaovolt In tho bluo
Tpom In rocolvlng her guests on for
mal occasions.
dor-alcoves. Tho ovorsklrt and plna-
foro bodlco of tho cloth aro trimmed
with it Greek key pattern, worked with
gold and brown narrow braid: volvot-
sovorod buttons form a further trimming.
Tho yoko la of pleco lnco.
Hat In velvet of tho color flt tho
aklrt, lined with soft, pink Bittln, fid
trimmed with a rosotto of satin and a
long brown feather,
Matorlals requlrod: For tho drees.
nlno yards volvoteon, four yarda
aloth 48 Inchoa wldo, aovornl dozen
yardB of nnrrow braid, tlireo dozen
buttotiB, ono-halC yard pioco laco.
Frills op Muffs,
A protty fashion Ib that ot adding a
frill of soft tmtln or closoly plallod
chiffon to tho lowor edge of fur
Hrown Ib used with nil brown furs,
nlock with bluck and whlto with such
furB na ermlno und whlto fox.
When furs aro Bcnnt thla nddltio:: Ib
a decided Improvement.
Tho lmmcuao round muffa thnt aro
forclim tholr way to tho foro havo tho
coBloat-looklng nrrangomont of quilled
and primly looped ribbon at tho onda
whero tho hands nro recoiveu.
The Pierrot Ruff.
A Pierrot .ruff, but having a huge
bow at tho aldo In which llttlo Pierrot
would not hnvo known himself, is ono
of tho pretty llttlo gifts to pass from
friend to friend. Chooso marquisette,
crisp chiffon, net or point d'eaprlt In
ono of tho cntawba or wistaria shades.
RuffB of thoao exclualvo colors may bo
found In somo of tho shops, or tho
materials may bo bought and carefully
doubled nnd quilled Into shape. Tho
very full quillings nro then fastened
on to n aoft fold of silk of tho snmo
Bhado, measured to fit tho neck. The
bow of antln ribbon Is, again, tho Iden
tical color, and bo sure tho match Is
Whllo It la very lovely to Bay "tie
on with a big soft bow," It la far
wlBOr to caution tho glvor to havo tho
bow tied permanently, and to faBton
Pierrot's ruff with a hook and eye.
High Boots of Tan,
Ab tho winter wenther . odvancos
thoro Ib wider popularity for tho
amart tan boot thnt laces or buttons
nix and eight luchos nbovo the
Tho oxtrn hoavy solos aro not used
ns much a thoy wpro for city Btreets.
Thoy uro kept for county roads. Tho
fashionable shoe haa o solo of or
dinary .thleknesB, is woll urchod,. has
a slightly rounded too, and a high,
straight Spanish heel.
Plans for Bedrooms.
Instead of a doublo bed tako two
slnglo betlBtcads, romovo tho upper
pnrt of tho foothonrd, put tho two
ends togethor In ono corner of tho
room, mako a bed on each. Then you
hnvo the center and tho sides of tho
room for other things.
It la also nlco for a largor room that
la to bo occupied by two Individuals
or elderly people, for they can euch
havo tholr own bod nnd enn often
wnlt on and bo compuny for each oth
er many times when otherwise thoy
would havo to bo nlono.
Apd it is a good way to fix tho
llttlo glrl'a or boy'a room, ao that
whon thoy havo chums como to boo
them and atny ovor night thoy will
hnvo a nice Bparo bed for them In
tholr own room.
Rosebud Hatpins.
Tho IntcBt novelty In hatpins la tho
natural rosebud or half-grown flowor
which, by some wondorful process, Is
transformed In nil Its perfect boauty
of form and color Into an Imperishable
substance. Nestling lit thu fur or
foliage of a smurt hat, thoy add tho
nov.est tr'ich of elogauce.
but Into my ofllce, to talk If. ovej
with mo."
They trooped In, a frightened com
pany, and faced tho man who becamo
known In Portland from thnt day
out as "tho judgo who gives tho kids
a chance."' Judgo Gould listened to
tholr Bides of tho case with patleuco
and sympathy. Tho boys had no other
placo to play. To throw a basebalj
in the streets didn't neem to them n
grent crime. Judgo Gould huvlng cau
tioned them nn to their future con
duct and wen tholr regard and re
spect, Rent thoin awny without mak
ing any threatB or imposing any punishment.
That wna the beginning of tho sys
tem In Portland, which has helped
mMiy a boy to do the right thing nnd
has mado many good cltizons of thoso
who under n different Bystem might
have become crlmlnalB. Fow boys
over Bat in tho prisoners' dock whllo
Judgo Gould was on tho bench, nnd ho
stayed for 12 yeara and retired at his
own request. ,
Judgo Linsoy hns won an interna
tional roputatlon by his treatment of
Just such cases, but tho pollco court
Judges of Portlund from tho time of
Judgo Gould to tho present day havo
handled cnse3 In that way.
In tho cnBO of Intoxicated mon, scores
of whom found their way into this
court day after day In splto of tho
laws prohibiting the salo of Intoxicat
ing liquor In Portland, Judge Gould es
tablished a probation system, To-day
tho Bystem he Inaugurated Ib recog
nized by tho law of tho state and a
probation ofllcer takes In hand all such
cases and deals with them as ho thinks
best. Judgo Gould was tits own proba
tion ofllcor. Ho exacted a pledge from
every man who ho thought might
try to live up to it. Often ho knew,
nnd ho did not hesitate to say bo to
tho ion themsolveB, that It was only
ono chance out of a thousand that thoy
would llvo up to their pledge for moro
than a fow days.
By giving Buch offenders a chnnco
ho claimed that ho aided them In over
coming tholr nppotlto for liquor, nnd
as their will power IncreaBed Judge
Gould found that their appearance be
foro him camo to bo loss frequent, and
In many cases ceaaed altogether.
Judgo Pollard of St. Imls, who bognn
a similar Bystom, was Invited to Eng
land to explain it to parliament, nnd It
was largoly duo to his offorta thut tho
syatem wob recognized by tho English
law, In Portland Judgo Gould estab
lished hla card plodgo system yeara
ago, aud. co-operatod w'th tho famlllea
of tho men, with their clergymen and
frlvJiGi In aiding them to reform.
Hon. Etnil Kin.HR, Vicnnn, Aus., one of
the world's Ki-oatcut horsemen, bus written
to tho manufacturer: "Sl'OIlN'S DIS
TEMPER COMPOUND has become thu
utaudard remedy for distempers and throat
diseases in the best ptahlca of Europe.
This medicine relieves Horses of great Buf
I'crint! nnd wives much money for the own
er," fiOc und SI n bottle. All druggists.
Sl'OHN MEDICAL CO., Goshen, lud.
Sure Slan.
Mrs. Murphy Arrah! 'Tls Saterdah
night an' th' facth'ry Is closln' down
an' Timmy don't know whothor he'll
git his pay or not.
Mrs. Flaherty Here he comes homo
Mrs. Murphy Wlrral Thin he ain't
been paid.
IrriDOrtnnt to IVlothnrn.
Examlno carefully every bottlo of
CASTOR1A a safo and sure romedy for
Infants and children, and seo that It
nonrg tho
Signature ol(jUJZ7r2Zr,
In Uso For Over HO Years.
Tho Kind You Havo Always Dought.
Knlcker Whom does tho baby re-
Rocker It's yell takes after Its fa-
ther's college.
Garfield Ten. llio Herb Lnvntivn nnma.
nbly stimulates the liver, corrects constipa
tion uuu veneve a cioggeu system. Write for
wmples. Garfield Ten Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Many n mnn thinks ho Is charl
table bocauso ho gives advice.
the slunaturo nf K. W. inuiv
orer to euro a Cold In One Day.
NINB. Uk for
w-d tho World
Clonnlng upsets a house almost as
badly as It does a watch.
Lewis' Single Hinder straight Co cigar.
Made of extra , quality tolmcco. Your
dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111.
Tho secret of success la a secret
womon novor toll.