The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 15, 1909, Image 1

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    State HUloHcal Bcclcty
NO. 102
Paul Gilmoro will appear at the Keith
on tho evening of February 12th In
"Tho Boys of Company B."
Frank Conroy, who recently Bold hla
farm west of town, will havo a public
salo of stock and machinery on January
County Commissioner Walter will go
to his ho me in Wallaco thin afternoon
to attend to his personal business for a
day or two.
D. E. Morrill reports tho' salo of the
former Will Broternitz tract of land
north of town. This is the third time
the place has changed ownership with
in a year.
A. E. Timmerman has sold his saloon
to a man named Dunn, of Arapahoe,
but the formal transfer will not be
made until tho end of tho municipal
year tho first Tuesday in May.
Doctors McCabo and Lucas were
j called to tho Union Pacific ice lake east
4t of town yesterday forenoon to reduce a
fracture of a leg sustained by one of
the Japs employed in tho ico harvest.
Tho barn of Miko Hayes on west
Ninth street was destroyed by fire Tues
day evening, together with considerable
hay and coal. The origin of tho fire is
Tho county commissioners havo been
devoting the greater part of their time
for several days past in making settle
ment with tho county treasurer. As
each receipt issued is checked with the
caBh book, it requires considerable time
to make the settlement.
Tho entertainment given by tho El
ma Smith company at The Keith Wed
nesday evening .was one of tho most
satisfactory of tho high school course.
The impersonations and readings of the
lady were exceptionally clevor and tho
pianist were among the b?st who havo
appeared on tho local stage.
Bundy Anderson, a young farmer and
stockman living near Pnxton, and Miss
Laurine Jorgensen, who has taught
school in this county and in Keith coun
ty, wero married by Judge Elder at his
office Tuesday afternoon. The couple
left tho same night for Denver where
they will remain several weeks and then
take a trip to Pacific coast points.
The admirers of "Gentleman Jim"
Corbett, who appears in "Facing tho
Music" at The Keith Monday evening,
can rest content that he is a first-class
comedian, and does not depend upon his
record in the fistic arena to draw the
crowds. Tho Grand Island Independent
commends Corbett as a very successful
. comedian, and says his company is a
4 most excellent one.
Sam Kohle, of Brady, was in town
yesterday making final proof on his
homestead. In submitting his proof
he stated that he had one thousand
thrifty bearing grape vines on tho
homestead. Farmers other than Mr.
Kohle have been successful in growing
grapes and there is apparently no reas
on why Lincoln county should not grow
nil tho grapeB needed for home consumption.
Must Vacate
From now until January 26th,
when. we Will begin to move.
1 ' J
Come and see. We certainly have something
you can use at the prices we will make. Many
articles for much less than cost.
John Bratt has sold to Albert Stein
hausen lot 4, block 85, city for $800.
Wanted A girl for general houso
work. Apply to Mrs. C. T. Wholan.
A deed filed yesterday convoys from
J. W. Payno to tho Lincoln Develop
ment Co. n tract of land in town 13,
rango 20, for $13,130.
Tho A. C. Lane farm north of town
which was recently sold through D, E.
Morrill to n man named Miller, of
Kearney, is now occupied by tho pur
chaser. Tho state railway commission has
given tho Union Poclfic tho right to es
tablish n through schedule for the Over
land Limited through Nebraska and two
or thrco stops previously made will be
cut out.
Officers of the local United States
land office report very lair business,
notwithstanding vacant land in tho
district is limited. Yesterday there
were three land entries at tho ofllco
and two final proofs were tkcn.
Several local real estate agents ex
pected prospective land buyers to ar
rive last week and this week, but on
account of the cold weather tho visit
ors postponed their trip. Real estate
men look for brisk business this spring.
Rev. N. P. Grose, wife and dnughter,
lato of Wolbach, spent yesterday in
town as guests of Rev. and Mrs. Sol
bert, while enrouto to Sutherland,
where Mr. Groso will assume the pas
torate of tho Luthoran church.
Wm. E. Shuman Bold lot 9 of block 3
of the Trusteo'B Addition to Mrs. Ida
Neir Brown Wednesday. Mrs. Brown
intends to build a nice two-story homo
on this lot which is just west of tho
Shuman residence. Tho contract will
be let in a few weeks.
C. M. Newton has been ordered to
vacate his n-esent store room Febru
ary 1st, and after that date ho will re
movo his stock to and occupy part of
the Sam Richards' room until April 1st
when Mr. Richards expects to vacate
and Mr. Newton will occupy all tho
Up to. yosterday morning only five
thousand tons of ice had been stored in
tho company houses. Tho harvest nt
tho lako east of town is progressing
rather slowly, and ns yet no ice has
been shipped to this point from Gothen
burg, and but a fow hundered tons
from the west.
Many rumorB regarding the building
of tho Burlington line up tho valley are
heard, but non" can bo traced to a re
liable source. Where there is so much
smoko there must bo a little firo, bo we
presume the Burlington is actually get
ting ready for the preliminary work on
the proposed line.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cunningham enter
tained a score or more of young people
Tuesday evening in favor of Miss Le
noro Cummings, tho guests being prin
cipally members of tho Indoor Picnic
Club. Cards and dancing wero tho en
tortain'ng features supplemented with
a nice lunch. The evening proved very
enjoyable. '
February 1st,
, Bushee on Important Committees.
In tho appointment of house commit
tees of the legislature, Representative
Busheo of this district fared well. Ho
was made cha'rman of the irrigatio i
committee and mombor of tho rnilron I
committee, banking committee and livo ,
stock and grazing committee. Particu
larly important are tho banking and
railroad committees.
Bill for Experimental Station-
Representative Bushee, of this (lis
trict, has introduced a bill in the legis
laturo for tho establishment of n state
experimental station nt some point
wpst of tho 102d meridian. This meri
dian is nonr the line dividing Keith and
Deuel counties. Tho introduction of
this bill in along lines suggested by ox
Governor Sheldon.
Club Elects Officers.
Tho annual meeting of the Commer
cial Club to elect directors' was held
Tuesday evening, about one-half the
membership boing present. The direc
tors elected were: J. E. Evans, Leo
Tobin, Thos. Healey, O. E. Elder, A.
B. Hoaglnnd, Dr. D. T. Quigley, Albert
Schatz, Will Woodhurst, Alex Meston,
L. W. Walker, and A. D. McDonell.
Later tho board held a meeting nnc1
elected J. E. Evans president, Dr.
Quigley vice-president, Albert Schatz
secretary nnd L. W. Walker treasurer.
"Gentleman Jim."
"Gentleman Jim" Corbett, nt one
time muster of the gloves, will appear
at The Keith next Monday evening in
that funnv comedy, "Facing the
Music." The admirers of Mr. Corbett
will be pleased to see him in legitjmate
comedy. Ho has come to bo recognized
ns a capital comedian nnd in his new
venture has a part that is particularly
suited to him. His gentlemanly and
polished benring, his ease on th stage,
coupled with a natural physical attrac
tion and gruco all combine to place him
in the front rank. The supporting com
pany is said to be of more than ordinary
merit, including Joseph Sullivan nnd
Miss Eleanor Montell.
Have to Memorize their Music
The "Roney Boys" who appear in
this city next Tuesday evening, aro not
allowed to tako their notes upon tho
stage excepting only when the music is
new. Every one of their concert selec
tions, many of them intricnte and diffi
cult, has to bo memorized. This is not
only good training for their memories,
but adds greatly to tho artistic effect
of tho boys' work. Noted educators say
it is a liberal education in music, and a
valuable object lesson- to every young
person, to hear "Roney's Boys" sing
such standard music. And it sets both
children and parents to thinking, and
suggests the vocal possibi'ities that lie
in the throats of boys everywhere.
For Sale.
Five head of thoroughbred Galloway
Bulls, from ono to two and a half years
old. Henry Doebke,
North Platte, Neb.
January Clearing Sale
At The Leader beginning Monday,
Jan. nth and closing Jan. 22d.
Twenty Per Cent Discount
On every dollar's worth of goods bought in our store. This
applies to everything except Queen Quality and Red Cross Shoes
25 Per Cent Discount on La
dies' Cloaks and Furs.
Our spring line of Laces and Embroideries, Insertings, French Ginghams,
Prints of all descriptions, Percales and Muslin Underwear are all in and a dis
count ot twenty per cent will also be given on these goods.
This discount applies for cash only. As this sale only continues for ten days
we would suggest that the buyers visit our store as early as possible.
Opens Branch House,
C. G. Shuman, general agent for the
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., of Om
aha, is in the city making arrange
ments to open a branch house of that
firm in this city. Mr. Shuman, who
looks after the business of that Arm in
the state west of Kearney, will also
mako North Platte his headquarters.
Tho branch house to be established hore
will bo normanent. and will bo dircctlv
in charge of G. H. Stamp. Tho sales
room will be in tho Keith theatre build
"Too Late, Too Late!"
You remember. I'm sure, tho storv
of the seven wise and soven foolish vir
gins who wero waiting for tho bridal
party, intending to accompany it to the
wedding least. iou remember how
tho wise virgins kei t their lamDB filled
and burning, and wore prepared when
the timo came, while tho foolish ones,
letting their lamps burn out, were met
with tho cry ''too late, too latol"
There's u somowhat similar note of
despair in life insurance. Forty-four
hundred and fifty-one persons applied
to the New loric liiie in l'jua tor over
thirteen millions of life insurance, forty-four
hundred and fifty-ono peoplo
whom, for ono reason or another, the
Company could not accept.
l huso applicants wero declined, anu
met with the metaphorical cry "too
late, too lato, yo cannot enter hero."
These 4,451 peoplo had fritted awny
their chances, wasted their many oppor
tunities, and found at last when they
did appiy for life insuranco that, alas,
thov couldn't got it.
Most peoplo think they can get life
insurance any timo thoy wan it. All
they havo to do is to ask for it. All
they havo to do is to let some ono tako
their applications. Not so. Hero wero
over four thousand bona fide applica
tions that didn't bring insuranco. Prnh-
' ably tho vast majority of these lag
gards might have oeen insured, it on v
they had applied in timo i. o before
they becamo uninsurable. But they
didn't, tnoy united along in tanctcd se
curity and with what dread result!
Don't you bo liko ono of tho foolish
virgins, drop us a card that you aro in
terested or call at our ofllco. and wo
will explain tho many good features of
tho New York Life Policies.
iTkmpms Real. Estate and Insurance
, 1 and 2 McDonald block. AGENCY.
I Don't Get A Divorce.
A western judge granted a divorce
on account of ill temper and bad breath.
Dr. King's New Life Pills would havo
prevented it. They euro Constipation,
causing bad breath and Liver Trouble
tho ill-temper, dlspol colds, banish
headaches, conquer chills. 256 at
i Stbhe's drug slbro.
Fewer Titles and More Work.
An Innnunflnn In rnllrnnrHnrr fnnfllnrr
toward the Harrlman policy of concen
tration, is announced by tho Union Pa
cific as effective at onco on tho Nebras
ka division which will do away with tho 1
titles of superintendent of terminals, ,
master mechanic, division engineer,
trainmaster, traveling engineer and as
sistant division onglnacr and make the ,
men now bearing thoso titles all assis
tant superintendents.
Tho men who will becomo assistant
superintendents of tho Nebraska divi
sions aro Thomas J. Foley, George II.
Likert, A. D. Schermerhorn, J. Wal
ter Adams. James P. Carey, Chauncov
C. Cornell, John L. Allavie and William
H. Putcamp.
XXr f Vin nntir rtlnrt tifViftli innliulno n
central ofllco for all these men, a vast
amount of red tapo will bo eliminated
and tho division omcials will bo per
mitted to spond more time on tho road
and thus como in closer touch and
friendlior relations with the traveling
and shipping public. This is one of tho
Plans 01 consolidation which the Harrl
man officials have been working out for
some timo and it will be given a thor
ough trial on tho Nebraska division of
tho Union Pacific Umnha iiec.
Park's Position May be Permanent.
Tho temporary assignment of duty ,
for W. L. Park with tho Harriman
lines, seems probable to becomo a per-,
manent thing. Mr. Park has been
working for a timo as assistant to
Julius Kruttschnitt, director of main
tenance and rlght-of way of tho Harri
man lines, it is stated that W. is,
Scott, who formerly held tho position
now occupied by Mr. Park, has been
slated for promotion to tho position of
president of tho Erie road. Should this
promotion bo made, Mr. Park would bo
retained in the position ho is temporari
ly filling, and tho change would causo a
general shifting of all the officials on
tho U. P. It is said in railroad circles
that it is more than probable thechango
will bo mado with within a fow days.
Notice of Indebtedness
of tho Union Stock Yards Co. of North
Platto, Nebraska.
At the close of business January 5,
1009, tho amount of all existing dobts
of said company was $49G.G9.
This notico is published in compliance
with section 136 on Corporations of
Compiled Statutes of tho State of Ne
braska. John Bratt, President and Manager.
E. R. Goodman, Secy, and Troas.
John Burke,
E. Bhatt,
Joiw BtiATT, Directors.
E. R. Goodman, I
PIZER, Prop.
Poultry Wanted.
Farmers who havo chickens for salo
should see us. Highest market price
paid in caBh. J. L. Stinoley,
North Platto Mcut Market.
Tho "Kantstoop"
Shoulder Brace.
Good lungs are nec
essary to ward off
colds, la grippe and
tralghten up, don't
crowd tho lungs by
stooping. Tho only
braco that braceu.
Supports the back.
Expands the chest.
Positively cures tho
round shoulder habit. For girls, wo
men, boys and men,
First door north First Nat'l Hank.
Your Home Over New Year
would bo much moro happy if you owned
it yoursolf. There is not tho slightest
reason why you shouldn't.
on such liberal tonus that any ordinary
man can purchase it. Muko a New
Year resolution to bo your own landlord
horoaftor. Then como hero and we'll
help you carry it out. You couldn't
tako a wiser step or ono thut would
pleaso your wife better. Glvo her a
homo shb can call her own and complete
hor hapsiness,
Buchanan & Patterson.