fltnto IllHrrlcal Society oWjenty-fourtii yeah. NOJtTII 1'LATTE, NEBRASKA, JANUARY 8, 1900. NO 100 MI NIN Begins tomorrow at our store. This is our yearly effort to rid ourselves of Fall and Winter stocks and prices have been cut deep and mercilessly. Every line of masculine wearables is now offered at prices that are by all odds the lowest we've ever quoted. This is not afire, smoke or water damaged stock, nor a "job lot" of clothing bought for sale purposes, but all our stock of clean, high-grade, up-to-date, elegantly tailored suits and over coats. We don't and we wont carry goods from one season to another. If you want your dollars to do double duty bring them here and invest them in a new suit, overcoat, pair of trousers, hat or cap, something in the toggery line or in clothing for the Boys or Little Fellows. Invest in anything you find in our store and you'll be inclined to think your dollars are elastic they will stretch so far. Handsome Suits 'and Overcoats for men and ytuig men, $12.50, $13.59 and $14.00 values 1.00 Made ty Dcsprcs, Locweijstem & Co. $15.00 and $16.00 Suits and Overcoats m Button Thru Overcoat Made by Dcsprcs, Locwenstcin &Co. An Endless Variety of High Class Clothes Reg ular price $18, $20, $22 and $25 $13.00 Work and Dress Gloves. Our entire stock of the famous Broth erhood Work Gloves arid Adler Dress Gloves all go at cut prices. Regular $1.35 Brotherhood Reindeer, sale price Regular $1.10 Brotherhood d J AA Horsehide, sale price J) i eUU Regular $2.50 Adler Dress Gloves, sale price Regular $2.00 Adler Dress Gloves, sale price Regular $1.75 Adler Dress Gloves, sale price Regular $1.50 Adler Dress Gloves, sale price $1.20 $2.00 $1.75 $1.50 $1.30 Shoes. Ralston Health Shoes in patent, vici, box-calf, velour and gun metal (j ) iff $4 values go at 0K4rt) Fellowcraft $3.50 shoes go (j Selz $3 values go at $2.48 Selz $2.50 values go at. ... $J()8 Selz $2 value go at J J g Selz $1.75 value go at J Underwear. Don't wait for an attack of the Grippe to force you to buy your heavier Under wear, get it now at a lower price than ever before. Regular 2.75 Staley Underwear the kind that is never cut in price sale price ... Regular 2.50 Staley Under wear sale price Regular 1.50 Staley Under wear sale price $2.35 $2.10 $1.20 Regular $1 Lambsdown cut to 39c Regular 75c and 50c Fleece lined Rare Values-Men's & Boys Hats Men's Soft Hats in black, brown, tan and pearl colors, of the celebrated Roelofs, Rival and Stetson makes. Regular $3.00 Hats Regular 1.50 Hats cutto $2.48 cut to 1.10 Regular 2.50 Hats cut to 1.98 Regular 2.00. Hats cut to 1.48 Regular 1.00 Hats cut to 85c Regular 5.00 Stet son s cut to. .?4 Regular 4.50 Stetson's cut to 3.75 CAPS Every man should have a good winter cap. A great comfort on a stormy day. Driving caas with good neck and ear pro tection. Caps for every purpose. Seo the $1.50 kind now $1.10 Soothe 1.25 kind now 90c See tho 1.00 kind now 70c fer One-Fourth Off ON Children's Clothing. 3 Here are the greatest bargains ever offered in Boys' and Children's Clothing. These suits are made from sc lected and tested materials choice weaves of wear resisting fabrics. The garments are cut with lots of style and char acter. The seams are double stitched with silk, and every weak spot re-inforced. The acknowledged highest grade Children's 'clothing in America. Buy while the range of selection is so broad. Great Sale Mens Trousers A pair of good trousers is always a desir able addition to a man's wardrobe. The patterns are choice and the cut, tailoring and hang of our Trousers is perfect. Here is your opportunity. Choice of the House 1 -fourth Off Collars Arrow Brand Linen ioc Rubber, 25c values 15c ALJU.roov All 75c and 50c ties 30c nCUVWCai All 35c and 25c ties 19c Sveaters and Sweater Coats at manufacturer's cost. Come in early and get your pick. Trunks, Suit Cases, Telescopes at Twenty-five per cent discount. Shifts All go at greatly reduced prices f.,VaJI U: 6 months' wear without repair, 2.00 and 1.50 value, 1.35 Sale Op ens Saturday, Jan. 9, at 9 a. m. Remember this is a bona fide Cash Sale and that our long established reliability stands back of every article purchased. Your money back if you want it. Get in early before the lines and sizes are broken. Weinman cDonald. Cor. 6 th and Dewey. NORTH PLATTE, NEB.