i 4 Gossip of Vhut Is Golnfi On ut the National Capital. Federal Sleuths Kept on the Jump a 1 (PflOKSS V TlTASHIfWVTON. That branch of the " public service which Its detract ors called "tho government Bpy sys tem," or "tho Ulack Cabinet." has been brought Into conspicuous promlnonco by tho tiff between congress and tho president, growing out of tho criticism in the president's mcssngo of tho no tion of congress in circumscribing tho activities uf tho secret servico. Tho sytrtom of government es pionage over tho prlvato citizen hns grown in an unprecedented mnnner under the administration of President Kooscvolt. Whether It conduces to tho general public welfaro Is a matter for publicists to discuss, but as to tho .'act that tho secret servico has reached greater extensions than over before thero can bo no doubt. This extension has been brought about by tho executive branch of tho government, and its justification, In largo degree, is that a law has ho valuo unions It Is enforced, and tho only way to enforce It is to look after violations. Time to Call a Halt on the Practice TI112 origin of tho paragraph In tho laBt sundry civil bill, restricting tho activities of tho secret service, which provoked tho hot denunciation of tho president, is decidedly interest ing. While a subcommittee wns fra ming tho sundry civil bill it wns brought to tho attention of tho mem bers that n eecrot servico man had boon assigned to keep watch over tho conduct of a certain naval officer. Tho application fer tho detail was made to the navy department by tho wife or tho officer, who was not entirely satis fied au to the faithfulness of hor spouse. Tho ofDccr was not even on duty at tho lime, but was away on leave of absence. It occurred to members of the ap propriations committee that this was t ho limit of governmental ospibnago and that tho time had conio to call a halt. President Roosevelt, of course, had a secret servico sleuth detailed for such n purposo and when tho sub committee wrote nnd inserted n pro Gridiron Club Gives Annual Dinner TUB annual fall dinner of tho Grid iron club, held tho other night, was made noteworthy by tho presence of a distinguished company of guests. An extended program devoted entirely to fun-making, mado the night ono long to be remcmbored by the organization. Tho company wns ono only possible lo bring together at tho capital of tho nation. The president, vice-president, president-elect, vice-president-elect, presidential possibilities of the future, senators and representatives almost without number, an -English lord, dip lomats of Hits and other countries, newspaper men whose names are known far nnd wide, captains of finance anil Industry, and men of af fairs generally were seated about the gridiron-shaped table. Coming so soon Shameful Treatment of Uncle Ike ft fr- ' UNCLE 1KB STEPHENSON, cham pion buttonhole story teller of tho senate, hns certainly been treated shamefully since he eamo down hero last winter to take Mr. Bpooner'B placo as ono of Wisconsin's legislators. Ho has tho distinction of being tho oldest man in the senate nnd at the samo time of being one of tho wealthiest, and ho is used to having his own way. He had no sooner got hero last De cember thnn he discovered he had been assigned a roinmltteo room over In tho Mnltby building, on H street northwest. TIiIb was too fnr from base to suit Undo Ike, so he mndo a good sized kick, and finally got hlmsolf as signed to a room on tho senate ter iaoe, away down In the ground. Out n great surprise wob In store for Undo Ike when he returned this De cember; He had no room at all His 9 WssMmtoia Originally tho secret servico or tno United States hud two functiono and iwo oniy. inoso were mo uuiucuun of counterfeiters and tho hunting down of Illicit distillers. A good many years ago, however, long before Mr. Roosevelt entered public llfo, ono of tho presidents detailed secret serv ico men to servo at tho White- House. Thero was not tho slightest authority In law for Bitch a procedure, but con gress had a good deal of considera tion for tho executive nnd this vio lation of law wont on year nfter year. Finally congress, seeing that tho prac tice had becoino permanent nnd not wishing to engage in a dispute with tho cxocutlvo branch, conferred the le gal authority necessary to enable presidents to mnko such a detail, Gradually tho presidents enlnrged tho practice of dotalllng secret serv ico men and sent them hither nnd yondor on nil Borts of errands. Thon other administration officers cabinet chiefs nnd even bureau heads with out tho remotest authority in law, called upon tho secret service brnnch for agents to send out on confiden tial missions. Chlof Wllklo of the secret service was up a tree, figura tively speaking. Ho did not have men enough to go around. Congress nllowcd him a blankot appropriation, but It wns not largo enough to hire all of tho detectives domnnded. vision limiting the functions of tho secret service, it wnB not striking nt tho president, but nt a custom. At least that Is tho solemn nssortion of all tho members who had anything to do with it. Representative Walter L. Smith of Iown, drafted tho provision nnd it was put in with tho approval of Chairman Tuwnoy nnd all tho mem bers of the appropriations committee Gradually congress Itself has en larged tho inspection, or espionage, system of tho government, but for tho moBt part, it has dono so under ex ecutlvo pressure. Naturally, tho fact that the congressmen helped to cre ate so many "spies" would bo expect ed to stop tholr criticism, but It Is fashionable now to blame a good many things on tho president. The army of governmont detectives numbers all told about fi.OOO. Nearly all of theso men aro engaged In traveling nbout the country and mingling with tho 80,000,000 people outsido of Washing ton. Tho list lncludos socrot servico men, postofllco Inspectors, special agents df tho land servico, pure food inspectors, meat Inspectors and oth ers. Tho talk that In somo lnstancos secret servico ngonta have been used to work up damaging Information about congressmen who aro objection nblo to tho administration seems to bo without the slightest foundation. after tho recent national campaign, tho dinner presented an oxcoptlonnl op portunity for tho morry-mnkers. Ono of the funniest skits was a roll call after tho rocont national political battle. Tho mournful tap of a drum was heard In tho anteroom and there enmo mnrchlng in a tattered and dilap idated troop. Tlie uniforms showed tho members had boon on the firing line. Tho president of tho club an nounced In solemn volco that tho slaughter had boon torriflc. Tho memlieiB of tho troop answered to tho roll call. Sorgt. Jim Wat son was reported ns "killed while rldlns to tho front on tho water wu'-'on." Prlvato Charllo Landis "fell at Watson's side," Prlvato Charles G. Dawes "passed In his checks," and Private Frank Lowdon was "shot in the pocket." Corporal Norman E. Mack was reported as "burying tho dead," Corporal William J. Hryan was "among tho missing," Corporal Loob was "In tho hands of his friends," Pri vate Taft was reported present nnd Color Sergl. Hitchcock was announced ns "here, with tho colors." otlico furniture- wns nil standing out In tho corridor. This wns too much. Off he went to seo nbout It. What lie found out was that there had to bo a placo to put a now powor plant, nnd his room wns the only ono available. Whero was ho to go now? Oh, ho'd havo to go over In tho houso office building until tho senate olllco build ing was finished. So now. Undo Iko, who has moro money thnn ho knows how to spend und who could buy himself a thousand commlttco rooms, is located away over In tho extreme southeastern corner of tho house olllco building Anacostla they call It In tho house and It lookB as If ho will havo to stay Uiero for a few months anyhow. As a consequence, ho is nn exceed ingly sad-looking senator theso days. It is said that somo ono heard him re mark the othor dny that ho would put up a temporary office building of his own on tho capltol grounds If he could get tho permission. Vain hope. Two othor senators havo been sent over to tho houso olllco building with Uncle Iko. They aro Cummins of Iown nnd Du Pont of Delaware But tnat doesn't console him any. nevermore ANEW GiGE MODEL 'PlIE Easter bonnet Is n bngatello In comparison with tho headgear fashion 1 evolves for winter time. No ulry arrangement of straw and flowers nt this Benson ekes out tho prlco charged for tho milliner's Ingenuity; but sub stantial velvets, furs and costly ostrich feathers Bum up a total that makes oven tho milliner's skill but an Item. This year, for tho poor husband's fur thor undoing, havo been ndded gorgeous gold and silver blooms thnt cost a pretty penny, a pcrlshnble rose cloth of gold often outdistancing a durnblo 03trlch Up In price. Such a craze Is thero for theso as tho makers can turn them out, tho shops cannot supply tho demand. Fresh relays arc eked out to pacify tho clamoring of storo buyers, and everywhere one, meets tho baflllng Information: "Wo nro Just out of gold roses, madam," or. "Wo aro expecting moro sllvor roses to-morrow morning." Flower hat trimmings always make their nppcaranco at tho very height of cold weather, just as wings seem to suit Dame Fashion's fancy in tho last sultry days of August. The very contrast of tho biting wintry winds with tho frngllo blossoms, however, seems to lend spico to tho choice of fiowors for midwinter wear. In fact, tho frost scorns to have nn amazing effect on thoso winter flowers, for they grow to mammoth proportions, boiiio of tho hugo chiffon roses measuring not nn men less man a root across. Tho illustration buows tho latest dressy Gago model, Just nowo popular. VOGUE IN SEASON'S COATS. Are Slightly Narrower Than Those of Last Winter. Tho coat Is slightly navrowcr than those of Inst winter across tho shoul ders at back. The fronts aro doublo- breasted, fastened with hugo buttons of brilliants set in a composition Hko platinum. Tho rovers, which are qulto broad, nro mndo of old blue satin, thnt very good looking tono that comes In so many fabrics. Theso aro slightly em broidered with u heavy silver thread forming bees. Tho long sleoveB aro without fullness, each fastened tightly at wrist with a button of brilliants, and finished with a frill of old lace. Tho blouse that risen abovo this hlgh-walsted Bklrt Is built of gray flint tulle In tho coarso round mesh thnt Is fashionable. It Is draped over thin sllvor gauze, and shows a round gulmpo nnd stock of Mechlin Inco. Its slooves aro long and tight, mado of tulle wrapped around the arm. Here and thero ar o embroidered hII vcr bands, nnd thero Is ono largo o: whore tho bodlco tucks under tho skirt of center front. LATEST IN COLLARS. Tho now Paris "Hull Dog" collar, showing tho bow to bo worn nt tho hack or tho side. Quickly Adjusted Shields. v A girl who has theories on tho ovlls of pinned shlolds will not uso tho tiny safety ones sold for that purpose. She compromises by not sewing In hor shields after each washing, but hooks them in. A small, non-rustnble hook Is sowed on tho corners of each shield, and an eyo to correspond on tho proper place on tho armholo. Tho preliminary sowing takes only a few minutes, and is much castor than fastening a slilold wtth needle aad thread each Umo .lt in changed. huge gold and silver roses thnt, fast REVIVAL OF GOLD SLIPPERS. Fascinating Footgear Just Now mcnsely Popular. Im In with all tho othor brilliant fas cinating footgear tho gold slipper Is revived, mis Is mndo of gold satin cloth of gold, but especially of gilt. This Is tho nnmo that It has alwnvs gono by and thero aro bottles of tho liquid sold to touch up tho slipper wuuuuvur it nccoincs faded. According to tho now fnshion it Is not uocossary to wear stocklngB to maicn inoso suppers. Instead, they match tho costumo. Theso cold slln- pors do not look well with anything except a black gown, n white- ono. nnd thoso in pastel shades With ail of thorn tho stockings nro of tho nnmo color as the skirts. As bronze slippers aro back In fash Ion, tho old-fashioned bronze liquid Is sold lo keep thorn in luster. Theso nro vory pretty and they nro worn with stockings to mntch. One should bo careful that theso stocking fin ?nnili for when they aro of another shado of brown they aro qulto ugly. Shops now nave a genuine bronzo silk stocking which inoy soil for tho slipper. Makes Fine Sofa Pillows. If ono has an old-fashioned coorlot In rich bluo and white, such ns our grandmothers iiBod on tholr beds, thov enn bo mado over into charming silk sola pillows. Whllo fow women would bo willing to cut up a good spread for this pur pose, It Is u hnppy solution for tho coverlot thut Is worn In places. Not only do they make attrnctlvo pillow slips, but If they aro mado to tumuli uii uiujr i-Hii do launocrcu re peatedly and will wear for years. Thero nro now to bo found many cheap modern spreads In linltntlon of tho old-tlmo quilts. Theso ono need havo no hesitation about cnttlng Into all sized pillows. The Pony Skin Coat. It looks as though tho pony cont of last winter would bo In first stylo this year. It Is In black and brown, cut long, with 11 walBtcoat of gaudy Eatln or left quite plain and mannish. Tho short ones will not bo In llrst stylo, but they will bo worn by those who put a good deal of money In them last year. Tho now ones nro cut on straight nnd rathor narrow lines, with small slooves und gauntlet cuffs. Tho re vera nro of satin or skin and the largo buttons uro of ornamental motuL EVENLY MATCHED. woro you when" his n7Baultccurred? I Witness Just across tho street, your honor. Magistrate Then why didn't you go to tho plaintiff's nsslstanco when you saw him attacked? Witness Fnlx, I wasn't Bitro then that ho wouldn't bo the defendant, your honor. His Abtent-Mlndcd View. They were engaged In purchasing shoes for tho children. Tho husband was a formor teacher, but tho wife waB a very intelligent nnd practical person, relates tho Chicago News. "For school purposes I don't want nnd dull kids for they roughen up so easily," said the wlfo to tho sales woman, adding: "What do you think of It, dear?" "Well," ho said absent-mindedly. "1 havo known a good many dull kids nt school, hut I novor regarded thorn as tiny rougher than other children." Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, m mercury lll Mirny iieniroy tno sense or fmrii nnd eomnlctely ilrrnnco the whole ytem when entering It through tho imieou Fiirlaees. Hurh oniric ihouM never bo ined except on prescrip tions from reputable pliyslclnn, M the iiiimnsn nicy nlll 1 I ten told tn the koixI oil run iKwsluly de rive from them, llnll'n Catarrh Cure, manufactured hy K. J. Cheney ft tv.. Toledo, a., eontnlint no mrr rury. nnd It taken Internally, nellnir directly upon th IiUnhI timl inueniii Mirfuct ol the ivslem. In tiuylnis llnll'n Catarrh Cure he nuro you ret the genuine, il 11 innen inierniuiy nnu miuie in juiruu. Ohio, hy V. J. Cheney A Co. Trrtlmonliila tree. bold nv DriieaiMt. rriee. tm. per liottic. Take. Haifa family l'llli lor rorullpallon. Reflected Glory. "Sny, whnt do you think!" cried Do Ripper. "Glvo us tho answer," said young Tan Dippy. "I'vo JiiBt found out," cried Doltlp- per, "thnt I wenr tho Bamo sized snoo ns tho chap who kicked out a victory for Harvard, don't you know!" With n smooth iron nnd Defiance Starch, you can launder yom Bhlrt waist just ns well nt homo as tho Btcnm lauiulry enn; It will havo tho proper stiffness and finish, thero will bo less wear and tenr of tho goods, and It will bo n positive plensuro to uso a Starch that docs not stick to tho Iron. Disillusion. Llttlo Johnnlo had just learned tho heartbreaking fact that thero wasn't a "really" Santn Claus, and ho felt that tho world had collnpscd about his onrs "I d-don't bcllovo n-nothln nt all," no sobbed. "I d d don't bu bellovo thcro's nny Oeorgo Washington neith er!" "Marriage Service" Defined. A Hoston cynic of tho fomnlo por suasion defines tho "ninrrlaso service" ns "waiting on ono's lord and master In tho capnclty of cook, laundress, Beamstrcua and mald of-all-work." ONLY OIST. "IIHOMO Thnt Ih I.AXATIVH llttOMO Ol tho Kl(rrititnri of U. W. tiltOVli, OUINIMC" .itflNlNI?. Look fol 11. l)M-d tha World incir'to euro a Cold In Ono Day. Vte. It is better to begin late doing our duty than novor. ipionvslus. Lewis' SinRlo Hinder Cigur hns a rich l.iBto. Your dealer or lsim' Factory, 1'coria, 111. lie isn't much of a bnkcr who eats all tho bread ho kneads. Urn) AIWmi'h I'oot-Knno Curei tired, nehlnv.kweullnicfnet. 'M, Trial package trio. A. ti. Uliukled, lxi Hoy, N. V. A singer doesn't weigh his words on tho musical scalo. 8 Lef Eq with your next order of groceries nnd I will guarantee 1 I H T il K ck headache Positively cured by these Little I'llls. They ntso rrliern TYlr troanfl-om I) -.pf pslti, In direction nnd Too Hearty nntrtift. A perfect rem edy for DI.-J.lnenH, Nnu Hen, DrowHlncm, II ail Tnttc In the Mouth, fcont nt Tonciio. l'nln In tho fUU, TUllPl!) TJVKU. The v rcmiluto tho UowcIr. 1'urelv Venetnbln. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Similo Signature- REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Western Canada MORE BIG CROPS IN 1908 Another 60,000 set tlers from tho United States. New dis tricts opened far set tlement. 320 ucica 160 free homestead nnd 160 at $3.00 per acre. "A vnt rich country nnd a contented proft peroui people." Rrir.tit frcni fonttfontfrnf f AWfi-i Kililor, xi'Ai'it visit ti II tsttri Cinjihi. in Aiifuit, jpoS, uti xn wtfii alien. Many have pnld the entire cost of their fnrtns and had n balance of ftoin $10.00 to $20.00 per ncre ns n result of one crop. Spring wheat, winter wheat, puts, bntley, flnx nnd pens nrc the principal-crops, while the wild grnnscs bring to perfection tho bc3t cattle that bnvc ever fieen Gold on the Chicago market. Splcpdld cllmnte, schools and churches in nil localities. Knllwuys touch most of the settled districts, nnd prices for produce are always good. Lands mny also be pur chased from railway nnd land companies. For pnniphletA, mnpi nnd tnibrmntlon re Ctif dine low railway rnles, npply .to Superin tendent of Iminlitrntlon, Ottawa, Cnnndn,ar the nulhorUed Canadian overunient Acenti W. V. BENNETT 801 NewtorV Llle Dulldlot. 'Omihi, Nehrnl. GROOMING COUNTS Put It cannot mnko o Fnlr Skin or a Glossy Coat. A onion with good complexions connot bo homely. Crcnma, lotions, washes nnd powders ennuot mti'.o a fair skin. I.viry liorscnmu ki)owo that tho satin cout qf his thoroughbred octpoa from tho nnin' ,l'a all-right" condition. Let tho horsu got "off his food" and his coat turns dull. Gur- rylnrf, "brushing nnd rubbing will gh'O him a clean coat, but cannot produco tho coveted smoothness ond gloai of tho homo's skin, wbjqu is lita cont ploxjon. Tho ladles will Boo (ho point. Lane's Family Is tho host preparation f of Indies who desiro a fcntlo lnxnllvo modlcfun thnt will glvo tho body purfect clpnnllns3 internally and tho wliolosoracness thnt produces such oklns ns painters lovo to copy. At druggists', 2."o. 1)11. McINTOHII culubmtcd NATURAL UTERINE SUPPORTER KlreRltunmdlatn relief. Hold UT all kurcli nl Initrn 11 cut Oc.ilorHiiiHl leiidlnKdriimtlMoln Unltod HiMm & tlunuitii. ('Mining fi iirien llxl none an duplication, 'l'llli IIABTIMIS & .M'lNTUrJllM'rnUH CO.. Ui'J Wnlniil SU, I'hllmlnlphlii, J'iv., iiiamiriietiimrii of tniB" nnd xiln nuikem of tho tfonurnu utumpM "MCINTOSH" Hunpurte- V B linilllfl nmnufftftorr of T.obea, TANN NG I nlllVlllU compimy, ho.Onulu.tiU Tup limrket . n jr.ee. ,u.d -J Qg fUTS 0EFIAHCE STARCH :nV..wK W. N. U., OMAHA, NO.1, 100.J A flnvoriin; Hint li titeit tha tamo as fern Ah or VBtilll.i. lty dUtalvlun utumil.ilf d nt'.ir In wa ter und nddini; Mopluine, n (Ioc1oiih syrup lj mnde nnd n f yiup better than in'npht. Mnpjelns Is snld tiy lirnciTi, Send ao nthnm for ampl and rcclpo booh. Crescent Mlg. Co.. Seattle ! ICARJEKS , MlVER Jus s' CARTER'S aSlTTlE TlVER HI Send You a Package ol thnt you will be belter satisfied with it than with any starch you have ever used. I claim that it has no superior for hot or cold starching, and lit Will IPIot Stick to the Bron No cheap premiums tiro given with DISKIANCB STAKOH, but you out ONK-'rrtntD moiib von Yuim moni:y than of my other brand. DRFIANCE STAItOcosti 10a for a 10-oz. puckttgo, and I will refund your in 61117 " sticks to tho run. Truly yourg, UoNHnTJonw, Tlietiroctfymia V."' A.iijn 8BpsggB B Will HOT STICK TD THE IRON TARCH