The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 25, 1908, Image 3

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Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit
ical and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
Schuyler Is taking stops for the for
mation of a Young Men's Christian
Peter Jnnsen, living near Janscn,
has Just Hold a section of lnnd near
his ranch for $G4,000 or $100 per acre.
The Emplro Hide company's olllco
In Grand Island was robbed, thloves
getting the magnificent Hum of seven
Burglars of lato have been unusually
busy nt Holdrogo. A numbor of
places havo boon entered, but at nono
of them wore tho robbers very suc
cessful. Farmers should all havo telephones.
Write to us and learn how to get tho
best service fjr tho least money. Ne
braska Telophono Company, 18th nnd
Douglas streets, Omaha. "Use tho
Tho South Omaha Stock Yards as
sociation haB fclccted tho following
officers: R. J. Dunham, president;
John D. Crelghton, vlco president; J.
0 Sharp, secretary and treasurer; E.
Buckingham, general manager.
Work of remodeling tho postofflco at
McCook has begun. Tho recent Install
ing of city carrlors has vaca'ed a largo
number of boxes, and theso havo been
tnken out, and delivery windows for
each carrier placed in their stead.
Georgo Frank of Grand Island, a
lad of about 22 years of ago, was ac
cidentally shot In tho ankle, tho dis
charge of tho pumpgun so shattering
tho bono that amputation was neces
sary between tho ankle and knee.
Tho Odd Fellows of Cambrldgo aro
making preparations to dedicate their
new $14,000 brick templo. Tho build
ing Is nearly completed nnd will bo
ono of tho finest lodgo homes In tho
The Nebraska Improved Live Stock
Breeders' association will moot on
Thursday, January 21, In tho stock
Judging pavllllon nt tho university
farm. President, Hon. Georgo Caup
lnnd, Elgin, Neb.; secretary, Dr. A. T.
Peters, Lincoln, Neb.
Miss Nolllo Mny Schlce, a former
Icachor In tho Lincoln schools, now
critic teacher at tho state normal nt
Peru, has roturnod from England nnd
Germany, where she went In Septem
ber under the auspices of tho National
Civic Federation on a tour of Inspec
tion of schools. They do not comparo
very favorably with Amerlcnn schools
In her estimation.
Tho winter mooting of tho Nebraska
Territorial Pioneers' association will
occur January 12 and 13 In connec
tion wl tho annual meeting of tho
Nebraska tSato Historical society In
Lincoln. The usunl pleasures of as
soclatlng with follow pioneers will ko
lncrensod at this meeting by oxamln
Ing together early day rollcs a3scm
bled especially for the occasion.
Secretary of State Junkln has re
ceived a copy of a proposed bill to
irnarantv bank deposits, which has
been drawn by Senator Fred H. Quln
cy of aSUnn, Kan., and which will
be Introduced In tho coming session
of tho Knnsas legislature. It provides
for a fund of $1,000,000 to bo raised
from assessments against banks that
deslro to participate In tho fund.
A former Central City boy has the
honor of winning ono of tho four
prlzos awarded by Miss Helen Gould
to men of tho United States who
should memorise D00 verses from ccr-
tnln specified portions of tho Bible
Tho fortuno winner Is C. E. Huff, son
of Wnlter Huff of Central City, and
now connected with a college nt To
poka, Kas., as professor of penman
Living for thrco months with a
broken neck, J. S. Dycho, tho Clarke
citizen who was Injured last Septem
her by falling from a haystack, llnally
miccumbcr to his Injury. Mr. Dycho
was working on n haystack when ho
was struck by tho fork of tho stacker
nnd knocked off. alighting on his head
His nock was broken nnd his splnnl
column Injured. Sinco that tlmo ho
was a helpless Invalid and was par
tlallv paralyzed, and grow gradually
weaker until tho end came.
H. C. .lorden, superintendent of tho
United StateB Indian wnrohouso at
Omaha, visited tho Nellgh mills for
tho purposo of Inspecting upwnrds of
1(10.000 pounds of cornmeai, wuicn
goes to every Indlnn ngency nnd
srhool In tho United States, and
makes 285 shipments. Mr. Jordan
Htntod it wns tho finest meal ho ovor
Inspected, showing that tho quality of
tho corn crop of Antelopo county this
year Is unsurpassed. Tho Inspector
for tho war department win in u
horo to pass upon 150,000 pounds of
flour for dlfforont army posts.
A largo deal In Merrick county lnnd
wns consummated laBt week, when
the 320 acres owned by tho heirs of
tho lato A. Scuddor In Mead township
wns sold to C. Larscn of Racine, Wl3
tho land bringing $12,800 or $10 per
Wllllnm Kolley, tho man arrested a
fow days ago charged with stealing
a mall pouch from a Union Paclllc
mall car near Grand Island last Oc
tober, was released from custody at
Doatrlco by United Stntes Commission
or Cobbey, .tho government llndlng
that It had not sufficient evidence o
warrant prosecution.
By HowArdEnrightSext6nJr1wingsBy
HEN Father Tlmo has erased
"190S" and substituted "190D"
upon his year ledger, then It
1b up to the Christian world
to nlso turn over n now lent
In Its life-ledger and start
something, now, oven though
it bi nothing more modern
than to promlso to attend church
Dcspito tho fact that fcow Year's
cvo conies with tho sanio regularity
that marks most people's birthdays,
icsldents of big cities find It an occa
sion for ns much hilarity as Is ex
hibited election night.
In New York, for Instance, tho
yelling thousands parado Broadway, carrying "tick
lors," tin horns nnd scores of nolso-maklng devices.
Broudwny on New Year's ovo Is Jammed and tho
only way disinterested citizens may llnd their way
peacefully to their homes Is by scnniporlng In tho
wnko of street cars ns the conveyances open a path
through the mobs.
Broadway Is Invariably made tho scono of Now
eve hilarity. Gothnm would ns soon think
visiting Coney Islnnd In tho winter ns celobratlng
birth of tho new twelvemonth nnywhoro else.
In Chicago, Stnto street between Van Buren nnd
Randolph Is tho scene of Joyousness upon this oc
casion.- "Ticklers," horns, etc., prevail thoro also.
on Broadway nutomoblles clatter up nnd down
street, tin cans trnlllng from the license number
and bcntlng a merry tattoo on tho pavement.
Tho east sldo of Chicago's State street, which Is
sunny sldo nt noon hour Is also tho maelstrom
excitement Now Year's. Those with peaceablo In
clinations will always bo found on tho west side
on such occasions with faces pointed cast.
New York nnnunlly goes crazy over Now cars
and It has a light, for nono work tho aext day.
it New York's nnd Chicago's big clubs and res-
ants, tho coming of a new year moans tho big
rush of tho season. Before noon, tho tiny be
fore tho advent of tho holiday, thoro Is not an unre
served tnblo to bo found at tho clubs, hotels and
eating houses. Tho aristocratic restaurants and
millionaires' clubs nro tho mecca for tho 20-ceut
appetite nnd tho ton-dollar purso, whllo the chop
Biiey houses, whore "two bits buys a square meal,
aro tho gathering pluces for the ten-dollar appetite
the 20-coiu purse.
Ench class plays at tho Now cnrs games In
own way.
However, they have in common tho habit of
standing up on their chairs and discordantly
attempting to ralso tho roof when whistles of
tho factories and power houses toot tho fact
that tho old year is in tho death throes. That,
of course, takes placo at midnight. From that
tlmo until ono n. m. tho pandemonium Is worso
than tho characterization which Gen. Sherman
gave war.
After tho hour following midnight, however,
things begin to simmer down, tho wlso ones
go homo, visitors with tho words "ncvor ngntn"
on their Hps spurt for their hotels, nnd thoso
who nro more hilarious than they would bo
had they anticipated earlier In tho evening,
aro the only ones to continue tho celebration.
In ratio to tho degreo of hilarity is gnuged
tho length of tlmo which tho "owls" celebrate.
About four a. m the superintendent of po
llco 'phones his outlying police stations tho
melancholy tidings: "Gather 'em In," ami mo
round-up by pntrolmen commences with tho
result that pollco court Judges llnd dozens of
"plnln drunks" on the mental docket Jan
uary 2.
Not remembering tho clrcumstnnces of tho
New Year's ovo celebration, tho average citizen
In that predicament Just pleads guilty to dis
orderly conduct, complacently hears tho jus
tlco pronounce "ten and costs" to tho clerk
and wearily wends his way homeward, a wiper
and a sadder man, whoso head beats llko a
But New Year's ovo was not always thus.
That Is the twentieth century Btylo, In tho
old days generations ago It was an occasion
for worahlp, tho family Bible- being brought
out and sacred passages rdnd, while tho inoro
worldly of tho family who had stiff-armed vir
tue In u mild fashion, turned over a new loaf,
and kept It turned.
14 Klfirf
III Wtk Hfc ... 1 llL .44!
i mm
Long, long ugo, Now Year's was not January
1, and authorities aro still uncertain as to
whether the present century Is correct In Its
Prior to 1752, In most legal and olllclal mat
ters nnd In private records, tho yoar com
menced on Mnrch 25. At this tlmo nn act or
parliament was passed which "directed that tho
legnl year, which then commenced In somo
parts of tho country In March and In othetii In
Jnnunry, should universally bo doomed to bo
gin on the llrst day of January."
But It Is not New Year everywhere nt once.
In fact, wo shall see presently tbnt somo un
fortunate Individuals never got nny Now Ycnr
at all. As tho clocks nt Greenwich strlko tho
llrst note of 12 at noon on December 31 tho
NOw Year Is born at tho opposite sldo of tho
earth that Is at nil tho places on longltudo
180 east. But no ono greets this first appear
nnco unless It bo tho sallorB of some solitary
ship and tho FIJI Islnnders, for, besides tho
grouptho only land which tho magic Imaginary
lino bisects Is tho Inhospitable far east of
Siberia, whoso Inhabitants keep tho Julian
cnlendar. and, therefore, hold tholr New Year
celebrations 12 days later.
An hour nnd ton minutes after tho day has
darwed In Now Zealand, tho Island continent
of Austrnlla welcomes It. The samo romnrk as
to tho celebrations, of course, applies horo
nlso. But a dlfforont order of things obtnlns
In Japan, where tho Gregorian calendar wn
adopted In 1872. The Flowory Kingdom gets
Its New Year at tho snnio tlmo ub Australia.
H Is said that with tho change In tho calendar
some of tho plcturosqunness vanished from tho
Japanoso celobratlons, but even yot thoy are
quaint and Intorostlns. At tho close of tho
yaar, all buildings ure elaborately decorated
- Wry Mrcxr-Kl I I
with evergreens nnd rlco straw. Great
branches of living plno and fenthcry bam
boo, planted In Inrgo vnBOs flllod with earth,
nro placed on each sldo of tho doorways;
garlunds of rlco straw ndorncd with fir
branches nnd tnssols of gross nro hung
tho wnlls undor tho projecting roofs, to
prevent ovll spirits from pns3lng under nnd
entering tho houso, and scarlet lobsters,
seaweeds, forns, rlco cakes and mnndnrln
oranges, ench hn'vlng an auspicious meaning
for tho Now Year, aro fustened about tho
door posts and lintels, in addition to these
each doorway has Its crossed lings a red
sun on a whlto ground In honor of tho em
peror. For Interior decoration tho famous
dwarf trees so skillfully produced by Japan
ese florists by allowing them n minimum of
water, light and soil nro In gront demand,
tho favorites being tho dwarf poach with
its doublo pink blossoms and tho much
prized plum.
Tho JnpaneBo hnvo compollcd tholr Ko
rean neighbors to adopt tho samo calendar,
and here, as In all tho yellow kingdoms, tho
New Year Is held to bo a very solemn fostl
val. During (he Inst threo dnys of tho year
all work ceases except tho necessary prep
arations for tho coming holiday. Absentees
return to -their homes, tho courts close, no
urrestB are mndo, and prisoners with slight
orfciiBes are allowed to go free for a time.
On Now Year's ovo all doors nro closed to
keep out Angwangl, a sort of ovll-mlnded
Korean Santa Clans who mnkes the roundrt.
As Greenwich tlmo travels westward, tWi
next people to obsorvo our Now Year's day aro
tho European settlors In tho Mnluy peninsula
and further India. Ruther loss than two hours
after tho happy day has begun at Perth, In
West Austrnlla, tho European population of
Calcutta slgnallzo Its arrival. Just 02 minutes
moro and It has renched Bombay, Two hours
later tho non-RuBslans of Moscow ure ex
changing congratulations, and hull' an hour
afterwards their brethren at St. Petersburg are
following tholr oxuniplo. Another four minutes,
and the New Year Is greeted In tho Eutojican
quarter at Constantinople, and ovory succeed'
lug minute brings under Its swny moro nnd
more thoso nations who acknowledge it.
Thoro aro Buvoral curious things to relate
about tho lino whoro this day, und all other
days, begin and end. In n few hours a Bhlp
going east would cross It, nnd mill right out
of tho early morning of Jnnunry 2 Into tho mid
night of December 31. and thus greet tho New
Year n second time. By sailing in the contrary
dlicctlou slio could avoid ineoUug the Now
Year at nil,