8YN0PSIS. "Vnnlshlnfr Fleots," n. ntory of "what tnlKht Imvp hnpitoiird." npcns In TVnirti Inpton with the united Htatrannil Jnpnn on tho vnrKO of war, Uuy Ullllcr, seo rctnry of the Ilrltlsli onibnssy. nntl Miss Normn Roberto, chief nltlo of Inventor Roberts, nro Introduced an lovers. Tho povenunent in much criticised because, of ItH laclc of preparation for Btrlfc. CHAPTER I Continued. "Listen," ho commanded, again leaning toward her. "Thero Is some thing which makes mo think you lovo me. I shall ask nothing moro of your father, or of your plans, becauso I want to mako you seo tho position." Ho frowned at tho waiter, who came toward them and then retreated. "Norm," ho went on, "thero is to ho war. Your country Is unprcparedi It will bo overrun by nn enemy thnt is ruthless nnd that will como to con quer. Tho end may not bo defeat; but as certain as death this country will wrltho nnd suffer beforo It can regain tho ground It will loso In tho outset. Can't you seo that? Can't you understand what It will bo for you and your father hero under such conditions? Don't you know that for your very snfoty you must lcavo? As my wlfo, or oven my betrothed, I can mako tho way so much cnslor for you! Give .mo tho right, dear, glvo mo tho right!" "It Is Impossible," she replied, turn lng toward him again; and ho looked hurt. "It Is tho very danger of war that makes It so. You don't know- how much I yl8h I could say yes to you; but It's Impossible. I must bo with my father. I owo It to him. Ho can't go away, nor can I lcavo him. So until tho way Is clear wo can be frlonds only, nnd no moro." Ho sat stunned for n moment, vain- ly striving to understand a clrcum stnnco or combination of conditions which could have dictated such an answer. Then tho thought came that perhaps tho girl beforo him was ma king a sacrifice to somo awful men ace, nnd It could bo only ono thing tho threatened Insanity of her fnthor. But what had tho war to do with that? Perhaps sho would novor bo moro to him If her fnthor wont Insane, becnuso then sho would say no becauso of her very lovo for him, and tho fear for pos terity. Their happiness, then, was to depend upon tho condition of an old man's mind. "Norm," ho asked, softly, "Is it in sanity?" Sho turned toward him In amaze ment, not fathoming his lino of reason ing. "I can tell you nothing more." She spoko ns ono under stress and suppression. "You must ask nothing moro. You must tako my lovo on faith or not at all until you know it is tlmo for you to tell me again that I nm necessary to you." Ho felt that It was a crisis with thorn, nnd slowly thought of what ho might say to brenk away this barrier or induce her to remove tho embargo. They sat looking Into tho distance; but beforo ho could formnlnto nn ar gument tho sound of a. horse's hoofs mndly clattering over tho pavements caught their attention. It camo near er and nearer, nnd then past them on the street below a man In soldier's un iform flashed by. They looked at each other wonderlngly, half starting to tholr feet, and ns they looked a sudden pandemonium broko forth. From nn nlloyway nearby burst an army of newsboys, tho streets sudden ly becamo alive with pedestrians belched forth from cafes and hotels, and abovo all other sounds camo tho cries of "Extry! Extry! War broken out! War! War! War!" Sho turned away from him as If In thoso cries were nn irrovocnblo sen tence of misery, parted tho vinos and stood- silently looking out into tho night; and ho know without seeing that In her eyes woro tears. CHAPTER II. The Sword of the Samurai. Tho nation wus In a turmoil. Throughout tho night and tho follow ing day tho newspapers of tho country sent forth n moro or less trustworthy recountal of tho opening of hostili ties. It had been known for weeks that tho transports of Japan guarded by hor entlro navy had assembled off Nagasaki. It had oven been roportcd thnt they had sailed away for southern waters; but this had met with later denial. Tho blow had fallen as swiftly ns would that of a rattlesnnko which for weeks had been colled nnd sinu ously moving Its head In preparation for nttack. Strangely enough the first reports of war camo from foreign sources; but they were undoubtedly olllclal, having been imparted by Japan to hor ally, Great Britain. Tho bulletins issued by tho London papers boro tho un doubted ring of seml-olllclal uttor nnces. That of tho Dally Mall, cabled in full to tho American press, read: "Japan, reluctantly abandoning hopo of neaco by ordinary methods, has been driven to tho oxtromo recourse and has officially declared war against tho United States of America." Within half an hour after tho Is suance of this bulletin a second an nouncement wns made, which took no cognizance of the fact that tho official $y ROY NORTON declaration must have boon preceded by dcclslvo action: "Tho Japancso war offlco has been advised that on tho 27th Instant nt noon tho Phlllpplno islands wcro com pelled to surrender to tho Japanese fleet, which nppenred off Manila. Not only did tho city Itself capitulate, but possession of tho entire islands hns been given over. Tho Jnpanoso gov ernment announces with duo modesty that It hns gained n comploto nnd un qualified victory without tho loss of a man. "Later. It Is announced by tho Japancso govornment that tho pnrolo of all ofllcors and men of tho United Stntcs army In tho Philippines has been nccoptcd, nnd tho men of tho vnnqulshed nrmy havo boon nllowcd to sail for San Francisco on board foreign ships, which woro lying In tho harbor nt tho tlmo of surrender." From ovory quarter of tho land camo Insistent demands for olllclal nows from tho govornment, coupled with ro quests for detailed accounts of tho de feat. Tho administration roplicd with tho brief statement that no verified report of tho nctlon In tho Philippines could bo given out nt that time. It did stato, however, that tho official declaration of war had been duly re- The Ambassador ceived, that tho Japanese nmbassador had been withdrawn, tho legation closed nnd thnt tho officials would leave Now York for tholr own country that evening, sailing by way of Liver pool. Public clamor gavo way to popular Indlgnntlon. Tho country was allamo with war spirit. Guardsmen gath ered in tholr nrmorles, awaiting of ficial bulletins and tho expected call to arms; and yot no orders camo. Tho governors of sovoral states telo graphed to tho war department for advlco; but their only satisfaction wns In tho following messngo sent broad cast by tho secretary of stato: "T.ho government, recognizing tho patriotism nnd readiness of tho Na tlonnl Guard of tho United States, does not nt this Immediate moment deslro Its services. It is woll to bear In mind, however, that n sudden call may bo Issued at a later data aud to bo proparcd for omorgonclos. It wishes to announce further that In Its judgment thero will bo no necessity for fighting on land, and that tho situ ation Is completely under control. So far there havo been no casualties re ported from tho Philippines." Whatever may havo been tho stnto of tho public mind beforo tho issuance of this declaration, tho country now gasped with nmazemcnt. Somo of tho moro violent nnd outspoken Journals demanded of tho men at Washington a statement of wliat thoy purposed to do in this emergency, and tho most radical intimated in no uncertain torms that incompetent administra tions wcro subject to Impeachment. But to nil of this outburst tho govern ment officials most directly interested presented only tho same calm, placid nnd Indifferent front. There wns noth ing to ho detected in tholr demeanor to Indicate that any action whatever had been taken. Tho various members of tho diplo matic corps, oven to tho hlghost of tho foreign ambassadors, gathered no now information. Thoy woro Invariably told, first, thnt tho United States know thero had been n declaration of war; second, thnt tho United Stntca knew thnt tho Philippines had been Burrendored; third, thnt no orders hnd been Issued up to thnt hour for tho sailing of any fleet, but that it was ox pected orders would bo given beforo tho day was over. Tho men of tho foreign representation ono and nil folt n gcntlo rebuff tantamount to bolng told thnt tho United Stntcs wns at tending strictly to its own business nnd desired neither to bo advised nor to bo compelled to rinswor questions, Nono folt this moro keenly than tho members of tho British legation, nnd Guy Hllller In particular. His meet ing of tho night beforo with Miss Roberts hnd not terminated satlsfat torlly, but hnd como to nn nbrupt closo when ho bado her good night nt tho door of her homo, nnd with all his questions unanswered. Slnco thnt moment thero hnd been llttlo tlmo for him either to brood ovor tho situation or to conjecturo ovor her strango nt- titudc. Throughout tho enrly morning ho hurried this wny nnd thnt, receiving visitors nnd nnswerlng requests for in formation from Great Britain. Ills superior, heated nnd oxnsporntotl, broko In upon him almost ns, ho was starting to cnll up Miss Roberts' rosl donco. "Guy," tho nmbassador said, "wo aro In a country of lunatics. There Is somothlng In this government's nttl tudo thnt Is Inexplicable. It can't bo that thoy aro nil cowards, and yot I havo somothlng to show you." Tho nmbassador drow a hamlkor chief from his sleovo and wiped tho porsplratlon from his forehead, after which ho reached a largo pudgy finger Rose from His Seat. over to tho secretary's desk, pressing thero on a pearl-topped electric button. "Walters," ho said to tho usher who camo Into tho room in nnswer to tho summons, "neither Mr. Hllllor nor myself Is hero, nnd wo won't bo back for an hour; thnt is what you aro to say without exception." Then ns the attendant bowed himself out ho beck oned tho secretary to follow him Into tho seclusion of his prlvnto ofllco. Hllllor, no began, throwing a pnpor on tho desk boforo tho secro' tnry, who had seated himself on tho opposlto sldo, "rend that." Tno secretary saw uororo mm a coilo telegram nontly Interpreted bo tweon tho lines. It wns evidently nn ofilclal ordor addressed to a lleet com mandor at Callao, Peru. "What do you mako of that," ho asked In n tone of groat disgust, and then, as Hllllor started to question him, put up his hand for sllonco. "No, it doesn't mattor whoro I got it, or how I had It decoded; it is genulno, all right." Tho secretary stared at him with n look of blank interrogation on his face, whllo tho ambassndor roso from tho scat Into which ho hnd thrown himself only a moment beforo, leaned over his desk, rostln'-; himself on tho knuckles of his clci. hed hnnds, aud said: "That Is on ordor from tho secretary of tho navy posltlvol: commanding all tho vossols owned by tho United States In Pnclflc wh-tb to roturn without dolay to HMtlmoro. It's n slinmo, Hint's what 1' Is! Tho othor nntlona of tho world i hould Intervene nnd provont this country from com mitting suicide. Conditions aro so ox traordlnnry that I don't daro Intrust nnyono hut yon to mako a report of (ho situation, and you havo got to do that In person." Ho walked up nnd down tho room excitedly for a few moments, frooly expressing his porploxlty over tho turn of events, nnd ended by abruptly ringing for n tlmetnblo nnd n sailing llBt, which ho consulted boforo again addressing hiniBPlt to his secretary. "Get out of hero ns quickly as you can!" ho ordered. "Go to your rooms, throw what stuff you need Into n bag, nnd tnko tho first train you can got for Now York! 1 shall moot you nt tho station hero and glvo you such re ports of conditions as I can wrlto In tho meantime When you get to Now York, go as quickly as you can to tho Cunnrd dock, from which tho Lucnnla is duo to Ball oarly In tho morning. I shall hold her up until you arrive. De liver my lottcrs In porson to tho for eign sccrotnry's ofllco In London, nnd nnswor such questions as you can re garding this remarkablo situation nnd this Incomprehensible government. Thoso mnttorB nro too Important to ndmlt of delay and ordlnnry official ro ports. Go quickly!" ho concluded, al most shoving Hllller through tho door. "I'll nttend to everything hero. Don't let thero bo any delay on your part!" Tho secretary hurried away to make preparations for his doparturo, leaving tho perturbed nmbassador to preparo his reports. Ho called a cab and drove to his npartmcnt, Intent on first telephoning to Miss Roberts. His man met him nt tho door nnd handed him a letter addressed In n familiar hand, which ho hastily toro open and rend as ho stood In tho open doorwny: "Dear Guy: 1 have boon cnllcd away very suddonly, nnd am going to my father. Ho needs mo now more than over. I ennnot niter nnythlng which I told you lust night, nor enn I ndd nnythlng, snvo to any thnt somo- time, somehow, God willing, wo shall be together ngnln, under clrcum otnnces whoro 1 can toll you nil the truth. It will do no good to wrlto to tho old address; for I shall not bo thero. Thero will bo no mentis of our communicating, I fenr, for nn in definite time, it Is always within tho realms of possibility, when wnr is on n land, that friends may novor moot ngnln. If such should bo our enso, I pray that you will remember this ovon up to tho last I loved you. Good-by. NORMA." Stunned by this uncxpoctod missive, he hurried to tho telephone, nnd in n fever of hnsto nnd nnxlety cnllcd up her home, only to bo told thnt sho had departed In tho enrllor hours of tho morning nfter receiving a messago presumably from hor father. Ha could lenrn nothing furthor of hor. Ho was stopped as If by nn Insurmount- nblo wall. IIo cursed tho fato which separated them nnd tho ordor which sent him nwny without giving tlmo to sea her, nnd ivJiost In opon rebellion thought for n moment of refusing to net ns king's courier, resolving rnthor to resign from his position nnd nbnn don his post; but ho wns hound by tho training of years nnd tho demnnds of duty, nnd nt the lust moment bonrdod tho train which wns to tako him from the country nnd tho woman ho loved. And ovon ns ho went tho object of his sollcltudo wns speeding nwny into tho south on a speclnl train. Tho train consisted of only two Pullmnns nnd a dining cnr. Boforo It In Its southern flight tho wny seemed nlwnys opon, nnd hour nftor hour it rushed onward, drawn by tho most powerful locomotives thnt could bo oh tnlncd. Norma was tho only womnn passenger aboard; all tho others woro grim-faced, sun-tnnned mon of tho sen, who hnd been summoned to Wash ington from vnrioun navy ynrds and ships within tho month. Of nil on board sho was tho only civilian, nnd yot tho ono whom tho government Boomed most unxlous to transport Tho ofllcors thonisolvcs gathered Into llttlo groups, discussing tno war which had oponcd so nbruptly, nnd speculating ns to why in such nn 1m portnnt crisis thoy hnd beon ordered from their posts of duty to report for further ndvlccs nnd senled Instruc tions at so .unimportant nnd lsolatod u seaport ns tho Hinnll ono on tho const of Florida to which thoy wero heading. Another singular fcaturo of this Journey wns thnt nil nbonrd, from tho distinguished admiral to tho junior lieutenant commnnder, wore, by or der, In tho plainest of civilian dress Thnt It had been tho Intention of tho wnr dopnrtmont to mnlntnln their Identity secret was proved by tho com ments of n railway official who stood near ono of tho coaches whllo waiting for a change of locomotives. "You understand, don't you," ho snld to n man apparently n train dis patcher, stnndlng besldo him, "thnt this train has tho right of way over ovorythlng? Sidetrack tho flyer If necessary to get this through. There can't bo nnythlng In front of hor, and tho only limit to hor tlmo Is tho speed of tho ongtno that pulls her. I under stand It's n party of secret servlcfl pcoplo tho government Is sending to Cuba, That's all I know about it, and It's in lino with everything olso you naturally can expect from such a lot of insana men hh they soem to havo In Washington." Thoy whirled away from tho sta tion, looking nt ench other blankly, nnd wondering what tho putcomo of all this mystery could bo. Every action so far was without precodont. Thero wns a disposition on tho part of Homo of them to bemoan tho fato' which had detached them from their ships at a time when the country was to be defended nnd glory won; but this was hrnuuht to a sudden end by grim old "Fighting Bob" Kevins, the ndmlral, who reprimanded them for daring to criticise their superiors or their orders. (TO HE CONTINUED.) Tho drat Looks woro bound by At talus, king of I'ergainus. In 108 U, O, POSER. Mrs. Whim- You needn't say woman hns no tucchnnicnl genius. 1 can do nnythlng on onrth with only n hair pin. Mr. Whim Woll, sharpen this lead pencil with It. An Experienced Walker. Chnmplon Hnyes of Mnrnthon fame, praised at n dinner In Now York n wnlkor. "Ho Is n wnlkor?" Bomeono sntd. "Yes," said Mr. Hayes, "and tho noxt race ho enters, mnrk mo, ho will win." "Why, I didn't know ho had had nny oxporlcnco ns n walker," Bald tho other In a puztled voice. Mr. Hayes laughed. "No experience an u wnlkor, oh?" snld he. "And tho fellow's owned nn $S0 Dccond-hnnd motor car for tho laBt two yenrsl" $100 Rcwnrd, $100. Tha rcnilfrt ct ltd miht III lie plriMfHl to Intra Unit Vro h nt Imu.1 one (lrrndcd (llm-n-0 Unit afh'ticc tin brrn utile to rurc In nil ltd !(. nmt that U Uslarrti. Hall's Catarrh (nrr i tlin only oitlye rum now Known to tho molicnl fraternity. Oiturrli bring n ronatttutlonM illwK. require n rvnitltu tlonal treatment. Haifa Catarrh euro la tiikrn In ternally, net Inn utreclly upon tho liUxxl nnd mucoua aurtaees ol the ytem, thereby destroying tho foundation of thn illvnuo. ami nlvln tho indent strength by bulMIng up tho constitution nml naatst ln nature In doing Ita work. 'I ho proprietor have ro mueh faith In Ita curative pocra that they oner one liumtrril iiniiam lor nny raw mat u lans iu cure. Heml for Hut of teatlmnnlala Aiiiireoa r. J. riu.M.v co., toimo. u. Hold bv nil Dnitgtits. Jf Tnko llnll'i family Tills tor constipation. She Spoke Too Quick. Mr, Crlnnionhenk I boo by this pa per that women nro barred from tho iBlnnd of Ferdinand do Norouhn, be longing to Brazil. Mrs. CrlniBonbenk That's llko tho selfish mon! Don't wnnt tho women to hnvo nny privileges! "I forgot to say, donr, thnt tho Island Is only used for convicts!" Starch, llko everything olso, Ib be ing constantly Improved, tho patent Starches put on tho market 25 years ngo nro very different and Inferior to those of tho present day. In tho lnt- ost dlscovory Defiance Starch all In jurious chemicals nro omitted, whllo tho ndditlnn of another Ingredient, in vented by UB, gives to tho Stnrch n strength and nmoothnoss novor np proachad by other brands. There nro nenrly 88,000,000 sheep in Australia and Now Zealand, 19,000, 000 cattlo and 1,871.000 horses. Lewi' .Single Binder tho famous RtrniKlit Co ciuiir, nlwiiyn best quality. Your denier or Lewis' Fnotory, Peoria, 111, Good hnrvests mnko mon prodigal, but bad ones provident. W. Pcnn. IMM'.S CltllKI) IN TO 14 DAYS. l'AZO OINTMKNT l mnirnntoed tn euro nny earn nt ItehliiK, IlllnO, llli-rdlnK r l'ruirudlnu riles In 0 to U i!iiy or monuy refunded. WX Glvo somo .people their pick nnd they'll pick Haws ovory time. Mm. Wliialmr'N Hoothlnsf Hyrun. Vor children tenthliiri, aoftt-ns tho Hums, rmliiccn In flaiuuiatlon, allays ltu, cures wind cullu. ScalKittlo. Sometimes a womnn is known by tho compnuy sho avoids. It ru run Whllo You AVulk Allen aFmit-Iln mi foreornnntid liunliiiis, hot, mcntj valluiiH m-.liliiu (tot. Ittunll llruuulsts. Tho proportion of loft-handod pooplo Is ono in six. rfaiMBCmJM''mJatUtlllMN ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AYetJciable Preparation for As simitnting llieFooilnwincgul.v ling Hie Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digcslion,Chccrful ncssand Re si .Con la ins neither Opium.Morpliinc nor Mineral Not Nabc otic h'ttipt cfOMDrSANUElmtfSR Pumpkin Sftt Mix Sinn h'mhtlUS.tls JiiitSnJ flppemiiU -lifnrimaUSfdn Htrm Jitd Ctarjttd Suyy Itintrfnttn 'titer Ancrfeclilcmcclv forConsllwi lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, WoriTis.Convulsions.Fevcrish ncss and Loss of Sleep. FocSimilc Signature of The Ckntaur Company, NEW YORK. Guurmitecd under tho FoodnnJ, Exact Copy of Wrapper. A M.rsyY CARTER'S T fl Hil H PILLS. l i t i 3SK CASTORIA ft? !!!i'ini'i!t"ii!;i '"""iTTnmnMti'iT'imiiHmmHiinii MAPLEIHE SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by thoso Llttlo Pills. They nUo rcllT8 Dis tress from DvM'fpnla.In itlfri-atlnti nml Too Hearty lCntlwr. A perfect rem edy lor rl22htcft, Nau ncn, I)rowlnrsa, Had Tuntc In the Month, Coat ed Tou::iic, Fnln ill thai aiao, riMiru liver. They rcnuluto Ibo llowcls. Turcly Vegetable. SMALL r ILL. SMALL DOSE. SHALL PRICE, Genuine Must Dear FnO'Simllo Glgnaturo REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. 45 to 50 Bu. of Wheat Per Aero have Leen grown on form landi In WESTERN CANADA Much lest would lx satisfactory, lhe cial avcrace i mots twenty bushels. "AllnretotiJ In their prnlntn of the Brent crcr rmU thnt won dcrhilcounUv" r- frMl from CCtrtsronJtnct fljkltoriAl hJltotUt AssoclJtion cfAufust, IfOS. It ii now poiiihle to secure a liomriloil of 160 acreilrea and another tCOactri al $3.00 per acre. Hundreds have paid tlie coil ol llieir larmt (if purchaiexl) and then had a balance ol (torn $10.00 to $ 1 2.00 per acre (torn one crop. Wlicat, bailey, oali.ilit !Lflft well. Mixed (aiming ii a prat iucccm and J.iifyinij it highly profitable. Excel lent climate, iptenind school nnd churches, tail ways bring moil evety diilricl within easy teach of market. Railway and land companies hava lands lor sale at low prices and on easy terms. "Lnat Uet Wt"rmphleta nnd map tent free, l'or these nnd Informntlcn aa to how to aecure lowest raltwny rates, nrply to Superintendent of Inunlirrntion, Ottawa, Canada, or the authorised Canndiaq Govern ment Auentt VT. V. BENNETT, CO! New York tits Dullllnf, Omaha, Nrlrastt, Sideaclie, and a Worn-oii.1 Fcclhifl May all come from Conslipalion. I Lane's Family MedicMe (called also Lnnc's Ten) is a herb Tonic-Lnxntivc niul J will cure constipation nnd the . 1 . ... i f ! L 1UB mm come irum u. It' is a great blood medicine nnd one of the best for all stomach, kidney and bowel complaints. All dniRRists, 25 and 50.cts. fftiYOU ARE WANTED? FRAILWAr MAIL CLERK, t'otU! Ckrfa, FifOAftMiihrf lyvwrHtr, He. Oaty inKmtUJQolilucriiMt Rtquirtrf SpWmM Omar k tunny. rwfif m I'MitsM, Pig Iy Purine UMrMtiMWf L MAlMouttO0vL lJiiniatiO(tfc liiUhrwrwaiMrt Nlow aL rMiuen Art iMCUrtd rtii c Oyt niiK iun y roois, iqwj Air., mm mcwu lavi. GALIFOIINIA IHIUOATKD tANDB.foron.s. dull, l(ll, nJ f.Mliir IDtoSOui llrt. M w.ul.d. r.ul Itoultr, tn I'losBl.. io weliN CUV.. W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 51, 1908. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TM(osp)TunooMrNr. Niwvoanorrr. A Flavoring;. It makes a syrup better than Maple. SOLD BY GROCERS. CARTERS WlTTlE TlVER piuq. 2 BMfri aWtin Bears the 9 Signature For