THE SEMI-WEEKLY IRIBUHE IRA L. BARE, Publisher TERMS $1.25 IN ADVANCH NORTH PLATTE. NEMiASKA - Living Up to Youth, "How do you keep so ynutlifiil?" somebody, snyB a London correspond- ent, recently naked King Udwnrd VII. Thereupon his mnjesty In alleged to lmvo replied: "Tlio Bccrot Is, to sur round yoursolf with a younger gonorn- tlon thnn your own, nnd to llvo up to It." Tho Btory may not lie authentic; for royalty, oven when genial and pop. tilar, does not portnlt Itself to bo cate chized in any such tnctlcsn, free-and- easy fashion. Hut tho king might havo mado tho reply truthfully; and It Is a truo saying, whether ho said It or not. Two Americans' of 60 odd, friends In earlier years, met after long separa tion, nnd one, who was nn old man nnd admitted It, said, almost fretfully, to tho othor, "Why nro you so young?" Tho other, who had been for half his life tho head of n public school, looked toward tho splendid building that shel tered a thousand boys and girls. "With that grout wavo of youthfulness beat ing up ngaltiRt me all the tlnio, how can I grow old?" ho nnswerod. Tho schoolmaster would havo been war ranted In lining tho words nttrlbtitod to tho king. Encompassed by youth, nnd glad to bo so, ho "lived up to It." That would mean, pcrhapB, Hays tho Youth's Companion, that ho clung to bin early enthusiasms, Including many which aging men might term -Illusions; thnt, while ho thought und spoko sincerely, ho kept n generous belief In others; thnt ho refused to brood ovor tho pnst, mado much of tho present, nnd looked always hopefully toward tho future For living up to youth menus cherish ing its spirit; nnd upon tho spirit of youth Tlmo hesitates to lny n wither ing hand, Not a Meddlesome Commission. Tho first hcnrlng of tho Commission on Country Life, hold nt Collcgo Park, Md., served to dispel somo erroneous notions ns to tho purposes of that body. Prof. L. H. Ilalley In an address explained that tho commission has no Idea of "investigating" tho fnrmor. Tho design Is not to go about inquir ing officiously and offensively Into mat ters which nro renlly of a privates nn turo, but to got nt facts which enn bo useful nnd valuable to all concerned. For somo reason, sayH tho Troy (N. Y.) Times, thoro havo boeri nttompts to create tlio belief that tho commis sion Is likely to bo meddlesomo and unduly, prying, Nothing coilld bo far ther from tho Intention, nnd n stnto- ment uy way of oxplnnntlon from ft man of Prof, lJulIoy'u chnrnctor nnd standing is qulto Bitfllclcnt to not mat ters right. Prof. Dnlloy Is ono of tho most successful tcacherH of practical farming In tho country, nnd those ns- soclntcd ylth him on tho commission nro workers nlong tho samo lino. Tho result of tho commission's efforts enn not fall to bo highly valuablo to agri culturists. Lately an educational expert otlftma tlzod American women tho lazlost In tho world, nnd as bringing up their children In tho tamo path of slothful nvoldanco of nil troublo nnd effort. Now n western mnn, spenklng nt a mooting of n patriotic socloty, declares that, tho women of tho day lmvo do tcrlorated, nnd that few would follow their husbands into privation nnd dan ger, ns did tho wives of tho pioneers of Amorlcnn history. It 1b ensy to mnko theso wholoBiilc, suporllclal chnrges nnd tho onso, apparently, is muKing ii u rasuion, but the men malt' Ing thorn would find It hard to prove them. Tho women of tho nation, as a wholo, nro ns womanly and as wholo somo na they ovor were. If tho con trnry woro tho enso, this country would not to-dny bo occupying Its proud po sltlon among the- nations of tho world, for every nation Is what Ub women mnko it. It In tlmo to call u halt on these reckloss seokera. for rellof, re gardless of truth. Ono of tho teachcrB In tho Vovny schools tho othor dny asked her cIiibh the origin of tho word Btnteroom, as applied to borthu on Btenmbonts. Not mo In the class could answer tho quostlon, nnd wo doubt if there nro mnny pcoplo who could. Tho word, snys Vovny (Ind.) llovelllo, originated with tho nowspnporo many years ago. At thnt tlmo n mngnlllcent stonmor was built nnd 35 Bleeping rooniB woio mado nlongsldo tho cnbln. At thnt tlmo thoro wero 35 stntes In tho union, nnd a room wnB namod for each stato. Later tho stato of Toxas was addod to tho union, nnd tho sleeping npurtmontfl set nsldo for tho olllcors of tho bout was dubbed "Texas." ino ungusn Bunragettcs nro now about to organize n cavulry troop among themselves, bolng tlrod of wnlklnir nnd believing thnt when mounted thoy will havo nn ndvnntngo ovor tlio pollco In their suffrage par ades, Jf thoy don't watch out parlia ment and tho cabinet will bo captured bodily by theso nggrosslvo ladies yet. A Parisian metallurgical onglneer claims to havo porfected n procoBB of welding copper to stool wire so us to make a non-corrosive coating. Soft Ivory satin Is used for tho first skirt, set In Hinall tucks nt the back, and up front Is trimmed with gold em broidered galloon; tho galloon Is also carried across the front for about 20 Inches, then ends under tho deep cross-fold that Is continued nil round. Tho bodice is cut with kimono slcoves gauged on the top of arm; the squaro neck Is outlined with tho galloon, so nro the slcoves nnd tho hands Into which tho puffed slcoves nro gathered. Tho folds of gold tlssuo which finish tho top skirt nro drawn through n gold buckle MntcrlnlH required: Seven ynrdB Oi ynrd gold Hsbuo 18 Inches wldo. Tho Hocond Is In pale muuvo Bilk. tion, tho bodice Is trimmed with Insertion, and has n tucker of net drawn up with baby ribbon. A brendth of silk Is edged with ball fringe, and draped una inns in song sasu onus neninu. Materials required: Fourteen ynrdB 20 Inches wide, :i yards fringe. DO YOU FEAR GROWING OLD7 Remain Lovable and Keop tho Mind Alert to tho Times. Tho futuro Is not half bo creepy to tho girl "standing with unwilling foot whoro tho brook nnd river meet," nB it Is to thnt samo girl when sho renchos "tho between ago" und finds ago stnrlng her In the fnco. Evory woman hates to grow old, and tho moro vital has been her life, tho moro filled with Joy and popularity, tho greater that hatred. t Is not pleasant to plcturo oneself friendless, lonely and not wanted around; to feol one's hair and eyes nnd teeth got the worso for wear, and know that howovor tight your grip, youth refuses to bo hold. An old woman who Is lovnblo never yet lacked lovo; tho troublo Is that bo many of ub forget to keep lovnblo. Wo grow sour, or discontented or captious und then blame our lack of frlonds on our years. Tho woman who neod not fear grow ing old Is tho woman who kcopB alive to tho times, whoso mind Is alert to tho best In tho world to day rather than raking over tho past; who docs not worry, thoreforo does not "fuss," whoso aim la a young heart and In ncniovtug it iorgoiB to fret . ovor wrinkles nnd bodily ngc. In this Illustration Is Btiown tho new and fnshlonablo nrrnngemont of tho hair. It is slightly pnrted In tho front and drawn Boftly to tho back, whoro thoro Is a looso psycho knot formed of puffs and around which Is fastened a band of volvot or satin ribbon. What It Means to Be Smart. DresB is the keynoto of tho situation at country house parties. A smart woman is expected to make as many alterations ns a ipilck-chango artist at a music hall. 8ho wants tallor-mado gowns, shooting and motoring suits, smart frocks for luncheons, dainty dresses for tea and Bplendld costumes for dinner; nnd no gown, whether day or evening, must mnko a second ap pearance, Tho Tattler. Domestic Crepe Blouse. Since tho popularity of white cotton crepe for everyday blouses a domuntle cotton crepo for 15 cents a yard has been brought out. It Is not nearly as good style as tho Jnpnneso article, but, ar (ho other Is oxpoiiBlvc, this Borves ns a good substitute it wusheB well nnd enn be trimmed with a llttlo cot ton loco. MODISH COIFFURE. costume shown. It has nn empire nt sldo of front. satin 4!! Inches wldo. C yards gnlloon. Tho skirt Is trimmed with laco Inser nlnon of a darker shade of mnuvo round tho top of tho hlgh-walsted skirt, Bilk. 0 ynrds Insertion. 3 vards nlnon HARD PILLOWS ON DIVAN. Should Be Arranged So as to Support the Softer Ones. . uvcry ono does not know thnt n wldo dlvnn Is mndo moro comfortnblo by having nt Its back two huge, hard pillows that will support tho softer ones. It Is usual to honp up n grcnt variety or theso oxtrn BOft ones on a large divan so that anyone sitting or reclin ing mny arrango them nccordlng to one's comfort. 'I hose nro necdod, It Is truo, but1 thoy also need n support. Tho wall Is usually too far back from tho front edgo of tho divan to Bcrvo. Tho twe largo plllowB mado of tho material which covcrH tho dlvnn nro not only comfortnblo, but artistic. Thoy may bo stuffed with oxcolslot into course muslin or ticking, then covered with tho chosen fabric. Thoy look bettor with a heavy cord around tho edging. If Uio end of tho dlvnn is ngnlnst tho wnll ih well as Its side, n third pillow mny bo added to glvo nn nddod frame work to tho llttlo pillows. This Is, npt an oxpenslvo trick, but if a housowlfo over tries it she will never let the divan go without this n t of Its equipment. -Jray and Pink Veils, Even on Inclement dnys tho girl of to-day wants to look her best. Sho does not wear nny old hat and frock for fear of rain, but sho dresses her self from head to foot In a costumo built for tho wonthor. It Ib now hor custom to savo hor good and oxpenslvo llsh net veils for dry weathor, bo on wot dnyB bIio wears a closo fuco veil of deep roso pink chiffon nnd over this n thin voil of gray towing silk, Theso aro snugly pinned over hor hnt, covering tho trimming, nnd nontly tuckod Into plnco nt tho nnpo of tho neck and at tho top. Hint for Washing Hair. To avoid tangling tho hair when washing It, first soparuto It Into two parts by running tho comb from tho forehead straight down tho hack of tho head. Then divide each of theso parts Into two and mnko four Btnall braids Instead of ono largo ono. Whon tho washing Is dono, If each braid Is taken out and comhod by Itself thore will bo fow, If any, tnuglos. This Is nn especially good Idea In washing n child's hair. Baby Carriage Robe. 'inofio umo annus nro mndo llko pillow cov-78, with a (lap at tho top uini ovurmia uio nont and closes with a Hinall button. Tho linn is scnllopod, embroidered nnd nlso llnlshed with a monogram. The othor portion Is loft quite piain, or n simulated hem Is ouiuneti whii a wnito iirlur stitch. noing maiio in this sliapo It can con- vonienuy no used nt times to hold small articles of lnfnnt clothing. Princess Business Gown, Tho Binartost or broadcloth princess gowns aro belug ahown for bimlnoss wear. Thoy nro mado perfoctly plain, buttoned all tho way down tho front und havo long buttoned slcoves. Washington Interesting Bits of News Gathered at the National Capital. Amazing Increase in ASH1NGTON, It was generally known that divorces In tho United Stntes wore getting moro numerous each year, but nobody was prepared for the surprising statement mado In n census bureau report thnt ono marriage out of evory twelvo In tho country terminates In divorce. Yet such Is the case, as shown by the buronu's figures. Tho stntlstlcs nro tho result of caro- ful gathering of llgures In every stnto in tho union, tho period covered being from 1887 to 100C. Tho last sot of nntlonal statistics on mnrrlago and dlvorco covered the period from 1C7 to 18SC. Tho present-sot of stntlstlcs, taken In conjunction with tho former ono, thoroforc, glvcB n view of tho mnrrlago nnd divorce question for tho past 40 yenrs. The total number of marrlnges re corded for tho 20-year noriod from 1887 to 190G was 12,832,044. Tho totnl number of divorces for tho period wns 945.G25. For tho period of tho first lnvcstlgn tlon of the Biibject, from 18G7 to 188C, tho total number of divorces was 328, 710. At the beginning of tho 40-year period covered by both Investigations thoro were In this country 10,000 dl vorces nnnually; at the end of tho period thoro were 00,000 nnnually. Tho dlvorco rato per 100,000 popula tlon incronscd from 29 in 1897 to 82 In 1905. Tho rato per 100,000 married Ethel Roosevelt Mourns Loss of Lemon HE strenuous llfo Is not for Lemon, a sin all bull pup, whoso habitat, until recently, wns tho White House. Lemon noticed n door njnr tho other morning whllo ronmlng tho White House, looking for excitement, and has not returned. Though his namo might not lndlcnto It, Lemon is n puppy of class and casto. Hut for all that ho's a dog and tho sight of his vagabond brothers romping In tho streets, dodging auto mobiles and snapping at horses' heels disgusted tho Lemon with being tho first dog In tho Innd and ho bent It. Lomon Is tho property of Miss Ethel Hoosovclt, debutante elect, who report ed hor loss to tho police, lnstanter n Naval Officers Experts in Diplomacy 3 WHEN It comes to diplomatic maneuvering to accomplish tholr designs tho olllcors of tho navy can glvo pointers to tho Russians and tho Japanese. As an Instanco tho caso of tho hospital ship Relief may be cited. it will bo romonibored that hiBt win ter President Roosevelt mado an or der that tho Rollet should bo com manded by a medical olllccr. The men at tho navy department wero amazed that a doctor should bo given com mand of a vossol, but thoro waB no appeal from Mr. Roosovelt's order. Tho Rellof was dotnllod to accompany tho lleot on Its trip around tho world. Lettors from men who nro with tho lleot hnvo boon received here tolling of tho sad oxperloncos of tho hospital ship and hor commander. In describe Ing theso oxporlonccs ono writer prof- tend his lottor as follows: "Tho Ho- liof Is the most unpopular institution In tho navy. Thoro la no oxcoptton. Tho Rollef bus everything olso beaten Weather Kiosk to AN Intorestlng experiment Is nbout to bo conducted In Washington. If It moots with success It will bo ox tended to other cities. In tho coureo of a fow days thoro will bo oponed at ono of tho busiest points on Pennsyl vania avonuo a weather kiosk Blmllnr to those now In use In Berlin and other places in Germany. Tlio object of tho agricultural departmont In bringing nbout this Innovation Is to supply motoorologlcnl Information In popular form. Behind tho curtained windows of the kiosk will bo copies of Whisperings Divorce Is Shown population was 81 In 180 and 200 In 1890. "This comparison," says tho bulletin, "indicates that dlvorco Is at present two nnd one-linlf times ns common, compared with married population, as It was 40 years ago." Tho Dakotas, which havo n national reputation ns dlvorco states, prove, on nnalysls of tho tnbles, to be nowhere, cither In totnl number of divorces grnntcd or number of divorces per , 100,000 of population, ns against other i stntes. In discussing the relation of divorce to population, tho bulletin snys: "An increase of 30 per cent. In population between tho years 1870 to 1880 was accompanied by nn IncrcnBO of 79 per cent, In tho number of divorces grnnted In tho next decade, 1880 to 1S90, tho population Increasod 25 per cent, and divorces 70 per cent., and In tho fol lowing decade, 1890 to 1900, on in croasc of 21 per cent. In population wns nccompnnlcd by nn Increase of CC por cent. In the1 number of divorces. In tho six years from 1900 to 1900, population, as estimated, increased 10.5 per cent, nnd divorces 29.3 per cent. "It thus appears that at tho end of tho 40-year period divorces wero in creasing about three times as fast as population, whllo In the first deendo (1870 to 1880) they Increased only about two nnd two-thirds ns fnat. "Divorce rates appear to bo much higher In tho United Stntes than In nny of tho foreign countries for which statistics relating to this subject have been obtnined." Two-thirds of tho totnl number of divorces granted In the 20-yenr poriod covored by this Investigation wero granted to tho wife. Children were re ported In 39.8 per cent, of tho total number of dlvorco cases. gcnernl lookout order was sent to evory district In tho precinct, und by nightfall thoro was not a dog on tho BtreotB of Washington. In tho collec tion hold for identification was every species of canlno from n mangy mastiff to a llen-bltten flee, but none answered to tho namo of Lemon. Various motives, If a dog mny havo n motive, may be assigned to Lemon's abrupt depnrturo from tho Roosevelt household. Ho might have had a vision of n small bull pup swinging to tho port sldo of a linn In the wilds of Africa, nnd his master's volco shout lng "sic 'cm Lemon." Agnln, ho might havo dreaded tho tlmo when ho would reach tho propor ago to bo harnessed to ono of Muster Archie's carts, or bo matched In a main with tho household cat, or wear an empty can attached to his tall. However, Lemon's motlvo for running away Is purely speculative, for It Is not given In tho police report, nnd his mistress "can nttrlbulo no causo for i tho rash act." Tho story Is that tho Relief has been burdened with woo ever sinco tho crulso begnn, und that evory officer of tho navy, except tho doctors, Is tickled to death that this Is so. Tho lino officers who didn't npprovo having a doctor as their commander have . found many ways, tho story goes, of making llfo miserable to the men In charge- of tho hospital ship. Of course ' tho suggestion of a servico conspiracy j to I Ills end would bo resented nnd I could not bo proven, but thero Is a sub io s a Intimation that something , very llko n cabal hnn been formed with the purposo of proving how much ' a doctor doesn't know about running I n ship. I Wherever (ho fleet has been tho Ro lief has usually limped along behind tho procession. Sho hns hnd troublo getting supplies, getting coal, getting consideration of nil kinds. It always Just happened this way and nobody In particular was to blame. It is . hinted that when tho Hoot returns sug gestions will bo mude In many quar ters that the crulso has demonstrated that nobody Is competent to manage n war vessel who Is not nn nccredlted j olllccr oi mo nnvy. in oilier worus, that tho oxperlcirc of tho Relief, with n medical officer In command, has boon n hopeless failure. Be Placed on Street tho dally weather charts, forecasts is sued by tho weather bureau, maxi mum thormometer nnd theronograph for recording temperature and rale gaugo. Thoro will bo no barometer for It Is tho wish of the department that only meteorological facts In their Blinplost form shall bo shown. Officials of tho weather bureau bo Uevo there will bo great public Inter est In tholr new scheme. If their hopes aro realized similar kiosks will bo erected In about 15 cities In the course of tho next five or six months. Among other things expected of these kiosks Is that they will ruin the reputations held by many cities of tho United States, especially Washington, for excesslvo summer heat, many rec ords of this kind having been estab lished by Inaccurate thermometers be ing hung outstdo Btorc3 nnd other buildings not conducive to correct reading. TO CURE A COUGH Or Break a Cold In 24 Hours Mix two ounces of Glycerine and a half ounco of Virgin Oil of Pino com pound puro with n half pint of Strnlghv Whisky. Shako well nnd take a tea spoonful every four hours. Tho genulno Virgin Oil of Pino com pound puro Is prepa'red only by Tho Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, nnd is put up only In hnlf-ounco vials, each vial securely sealed In n round wooden caso to insure Its freshness and purity. CONSTITUTIONAL OBJECTION. Mrs. Thrifty Well, If you're thirsty I'll glvrf you a glass of water to drink. Weary Willy I daro not touch water, mum. I'vo got an iron consti tution and it might rust It. Why Joyner Left Home. "Aro you ready to recolvo the obli gations?" asked the most upright su premo hocus-pocus of the Order of Hoot Owls. "I am," said tho candldato, llrmly. "Then tako a sip of this prussic acid, place your right hand in this pot of boiling lend, rest your loft hand upon this revolving buzz-saw, closq your eyes and repeat after mo " Early next morning shreds of Joy ner's clothing woro found upon tho bushes and trees all nlong the road to PottBvllle, 30 miles distant, and at Scrabbletown, G9 miles away, ho was reported still headed west. Judge. Tho Juryman who toward the end of n very long trlnl wished to know what tho terms "plaintiff" anil "de fendant" signified Is not alone In his Ignorance. A writer In tho Philadel phia Press tells of a mnn whose coat hnd been stolen. He hnd charged a suspicious-looking Individual with tho theft. ' "You sny this man stole your coat?" said tho magistrate. "Do I understand that you prefer charges against hi in?" "Well, no, your honor," repllod tho plaintiff. "I prefer the coat, If It's all tho samo to you." Youtli's Compan ion. A Natural Cause. "I think," said tho smnrt child, re flectively, "that Hungary must bo tho most human-like of all tho nations." "Why so, my child?" asked tho fond papa. "Because," the smart child answered, "it Is governed by Its Diet." ONLY ONK "IIHOMO QU IN INK" Thnt is LAXAT1VK IIUOMU OUININH. fm tho Munaturn of K. W. tlHUVI:. UmhI tlio World over to Cure n Cold In Ono Day. 'He, He who thinks only of himself hasn't any too much to think about. Lewis' Single Binder straight "e. Many RinokcrH prefer, them to 10c ci,-'M. Your dealer or Luwis' Factory, Pcci .i, 111. Women nro nlmost men nro foolish. ns r. 3iird as ffW. T. Tnt,irtnt mntru ..! ..If. meirt iw,uu mm thi.oo moes than any other manufacturer In tho world, be cause lliey hold their shape, nt better, and wear longer than any other make. ?"M M PflCM, for Every Mmfc of tht iimllr, Utn, Boyt, Women, Mlttei a Children W.l.D!u lt.00 mi 18.04 out S4n RtMt tiut U uill.J M ut ptIm. W. L. Doulu 11.60 ul t:.00 iboN Hi the bwl U UorSrl" T-'l'nko f)n Auhatliuie. w. 1 LouilM name Bml price it tumped on bottom. Soil ettrrwhrrr. ehsee jiuill from factory ta anr W. U DOUOUS. 15? Spirt St., Brtxltoi. Mete. 9 Stop Counliinff! NotlJos Lftili down the health eo quScUyand rxnillrely tit peiulut cough. II you hv a coeeh ova It tttentloo now. You can relieve It quickly with PISO'S CURE. Ftmouj lot Kali a century tt tho rdi.lle remedy foe coujSi, ccil. nouKCeM, Lionchitu, tuhcat end kindred tilmente. Fine for children. At all dragglttt', 25 cte. 1 jKTW'I Hi