fltfttfl mntte s NOItTII PLATTE, NEBRASKA, DECKMHEIM 100B. TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR. NO. 93 1908 m CHRISTMAS 1908 We offer you a few suggestions of what you will find in our stock that will make suitable presents: Hardware Carving Sets Pocket Knives Shears Safety Razors Razors Baking Dishes Flour Bins Roasters Chafing Dishes Wringers Washing Machines Aluminum Kettles Aluminum Coffee Pots Aluminum Tea Pots Coffee Percolaters Bread Boxes Shot Guns Target Rifles Revolvers Tools Silverware Berry Spoons Tea Spoons Dessert Spoons Table Spoons Knives and Forks Tomato Servers Carving Sets Stoves and Ranges Steel Ranges Rase Burners " Heating Stoves Cook Stoves Oil Stoves Gents' Furnishings Dress Gloves Lined Gloves Warm Mittens Yarn Gloves Sweaters Duck Coats Dress Shirts Neckties Fancy Socks Underwear Cloaks and Suits Ladies' Cloaks Misses' Cloaks Child's Cloaks Ladies' Suits Heatherbloom Underskirts Silk Underskirts Ladies' Skirts Silk Waists Net Waists Dry Goods Silks Dress Goods Underwear Comforts Blankets Table Linen Lunch Cloths Dresser Scarfs Napkins Linens Couch Covers Madras Curtains .. . -. --. ., Nets for Waists Lace Curtains Suit Cases Trunks Furs Neck Scarfs Fur Sets Fur Jackets Fur Collars Notions Umbrellas Ribbons Belts Bags Purses Fancy Combs Side Combs Barrettes Ruching Fancy Collars , lies Neck Girdles Veil Pins Cuff Pins Laundry Bags Cloth Brushes Hair Brushes Knit Caps Fascinators Kid Gloves Silk Gloves . Golf Gloves Kid Mittens Hosiery Infants' Hose Children's Hose , Ladies' Lisle Hose Ladies' Embroidered Hose Ladies' Lace Hose' Ladies' Wool Hose Fancy Goods Toilet Cases Shaving Sets Smokers' Sets Hankerchief Boxes Glove Boxes Necktie Boxes ? Picture Frames :j Work Boxes " Collar and CufPBoxes Manicure Sets Traveling Cases s Photo, Albums Musical Albums Post Card Albums Vases Candle Sticks Slipper Cases Brush Sets Wisp Broom Holder Toys Kidy Body Dolls Dressed Dolls Doll Buggies Rocking Horses Doll .Chairs ' Toy Dishes Teddy Bears Toy Furniture Doll House Toy Trunks Boys' Books Girls' Books Child's Books Games ..,, Mephanical Toys Iron Toys Tin Toys Drums Besides these we will be able to show you many fine and valuable articles suit able for Christmas Gifts. Wilcox D6DEF tment Store. Beginning on December 19th our store will be open until 9:30 in the evening until Christmas. ZmZM Sti5 I TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS jj mmZM Vfc -feh Mr. andMra. Keith Novillohavo been visitors in Omaha for a couple of days past. Bulk Oysters at Wilcox Dept. Store. Miss Mabel Patterson leaves tonight for Denver to spend the holiday vaca tion with her parents. Misses Alice Plumer and Carrie Roberts, of Maxwell, were visitors in town Wednesday. Engineer Rush Dean left last night for Ogden, where ho will visit his family for two or throo weeks. Gent'B card cases and purses, high class goods, at Schiller & Co. Miss Grace Grcovca, a teacher in tho Kearney normal, will visit North Platte friends during the holiday vacation. Brick Cheese at Wilcox Dept. Store. Tho Messrs. Hoffhine, who are get ting out tho city directory, have gone to Omaha to spend the holiday vacation. Sen the fino lino of Christmas china at Rincker's book store. Miss Esther Antonides, who is a stu dent in a music conservatory at Lincoln will return home this evening to spend vacation. A now llnnnf nllifutnr basrs at BDOcial prices at Dixon's this week. Also cameo hat pins and brooches. They are nuty. L. W. Walker returned Tuesday from tho oast, where he spent two weeks on business. Ho spent tho time in Chi cago, Philadelphia and Now York. Mnko vour wife a nrcsent of a Pen insular Range For sale at Wilcox Department Stoke Prof. Leonhardt left last night for his home in Sholton, where ho will re main until January first and then re turn to this city and complete his work. Those wishine their pianos tuned upon i his return will please leav.e their orders at Rincker's store. Mnn'a Mnrhn nnfl kid. flilk nild WOO lined cloves and mittens. Just the thing to got your best fellow. The Hud Clothing Dept. Always in Place. A prince can give a flower to a beg gar and a beggar can give a flower to a princo. ' They are never out of place. You can give a bouquet for n present when nothing else would do. Pass, tho florist, can supply your demands in the floral line. Install Telephone. For the convenience nnd benefit of patrons of tho company, a telephone has, through tho recommendation of T. V. Austin, been installed in tho West ern Union telegraph office. By means this phone messages of an important nature can bo phoned direct to tho one to whom it is addressed, and if so de sired, nn answer can bo phoned back, thus avoiding tho delay occasioned by delivery by messenger. Any telegram desired sent can be phoned direct to tho office. Books in which can be kept a conv of messages phoned will be dis tributed among citizens in a few days. Buys Cigar Store. Hupfer & Lowe made a Bnlo Tuesdny of their cigar and confectionery store on Front street to George and Joo Schatz and tho purchasers took poss ession tho following morning. Tho Messrs, Schatz are well known young mon and will strivo to increase tho business of the stand, which under the ownership of Hupfor & Lowo has been a popular resort for men. We have a lanre assortment of queenswaro which wo wllP dispose of at crreatlv reduced nrlcos. It will bo to your interest to come nnd select your (jnnstmas presents irom mis stock. Dome eariy. Buchanan Company. Entertains Foot Ball Squad. Tho foot ball squad of tho high school together with Supt. Tout and Principal Ringer, wcro guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Wilcox Fridny evening at a woll appointed four-courso supper at which m a ml - covers wero laiu ior seventeen, ino table decorations were the high school colors red and whito and this high color Bcheme was carried out in liberal display of carnations and candles in nroner setting. Tho place cards wero hand-painted foot ball scenes, which made a very appropriate souvenir of tho function. Several toats were nronosed and responded to, and the affair was a delightful ono from begin ning to end. For Sale. Ono New Holland Feed Grinder for power, 1 doublo sot Driving Harness. Inquire of Dickoy Bros. A Boy's Watch Free with each pair of our boy's Keeper" Shoes. Small, the Big Shoe Man. Time Mr. Westervelt in Town. E. M. Westervelt, right-of-way agent for the Burlington, spent a day or two in town this week, but his visit had no significance in relation to tho building of tho Burlington line up tho Platte valley. His mission hero was to investigate tho condition of the houses purchased by tho company and ascertain what repairs wero needed, and other business of liko nature Mr. Westervelt disclaimed any knowledge as to the intention of his company in building the Platte valley line. A Satisfactory Play. The largest audience of tho soason was nresent at Tho Keith Wednesday evening to witness tho presentation of "Tho Modern Woodman" by local talent under tho direction of W. M. Ellis, and as a homo production it proved very satisfactory to tho uttondanto. Tho play was well staged, those essaying tho parts had their lines well committed; and ono commendable feature was tho distinctness with which each rendered their linesthe voices being distinctly heard in all parts of tho houso. While tho play presents tho principles and bonofits of tho Modern Woodman fra ternal order to a marked degree, theso features are so woven Into tho plot as to divest them of an attempt to make tho play an advertisement of or for tho order. To commend those who rendered their parts well would bo to commend all, for each ono deserves credit for their work, nnd yet wo cannot but refo" per sonally to the energy displayed by Master Roy Ames, as tho newsboy. Tho success of tho play was largely duo to the ablo direction of Mr. Ellis, who is an actor of ability. Notice. Tho accounts of tho lato firm of Hupfer & Lowo arc in tho hands of Mr. Lowe for collection. Debtors will please see that their bills aro promptly paid. Gas Bonds Sold. Mr. Springer, to whom tho franchiso was given for a gas plant, writes that he has just returned from the enst where he was successful in selling bonds by which to secure funds for the erection of tho North Platte plant. Ho regrets that matters were so delayed that work could not bo commenced on the plant last fall, but in his letter gives the nssuranco that North Platte people will have an opportunity to cook their Fourth of July dinners on gas ranges. Now Belts in Christmas boxes at Wilcox Depaiitment Stoue. With Hearts Full of Love. About the jolliest bunch of men who have struck North Platte for some time broke in tho early part of tho week, and will remain until tomorrow night. They aro H. D. Neeloy, S. R. Elson, Joo Klein, J. 0. Phillippi and H. 'Fay Nceiey, and they came here with hearts full of lovo for the people of North Platte: this lovo being re flected in their efforts to do good by writing policies in the Equitable Assur ance Co. That tho people appreciate their work is evidenced by tho nmount of insurance they havo written since their coming. H. D. Neeloy is mana ger of tho Omaha office of tho Equit able Co., Mr. Phillippi was for many" years with tho traffic department of tho Missouri Pacific railroad, II. Fay Neeloy ia neon of tho illustrious II. D., while Joo Klein nnd Mr. Elson are hustlers who havo frequently visited North Platte. Christmas Hints FOR THE LADIES It is always a perplexing question with the ladies "What to buy the men for Christmas." Men like a useful article. We submit the following list, any one of which would be a very acceptable present: A SUIT OF CLOTHES AN OVERCOAT OR CRAVAT SMOKING JACKET BATH ROBE , TRAVELING SET (for collars, cuffs and handkerchiefs) TRAVELING SET (shaving outfit and brushes) COLLAR BAGS SILK MUFFLERS HANDKERCHIEFS All the Novelties SOX, SHIRTS in Neckwear, HATS, CAPS Suspenders, Etc. BOOTS and SHOES Come in and look over our display. Everything New and the Latest. SCHATZ 8 GLABAUGH, Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers. 320 Dewey Street Christmas ads in The Tribune Bring Results.