The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 11, 1908, Image 8

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    Semi - Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare. Editor and Publisher.
(Jno Year, cash In advance H.2S
Months, cash in advanco cl
Entered at North 1'latto. Nobraska, I'ostofllCB
kb second class matter.
All will ngreo with Mr. Hnrrimnn
when ho says that idlo money makes
idle men. When capital is out nt work
tho mills nnd factories nro busy, nil
classes of improvements aro being mndo
and there is n demand for labor; but
when money is dopositcd in banks on
time certificates or buried in tho too of
n stocking, a surplusngoof labor invari
ably follows.
Patrick Grady tho sum of $2.00 per
sonal tax for 1908 paid under protest
for reason of error in assessor in
Hinman precinct.
Tho following claims wero allowed:
K. T. Tramp, mdsc, 3G.00
Sundry persons, general election cx
nenHfifl. B70.70
W. C. Elder, services as county judgo
J. M. Wilson, salary and expenses
G. Ii. Hue, account of W. Carsen
Sundry persons, primary election
Kav C. Lnngford, county treasurer,
vou aro hereby authorized to correct
tax list of Western Union Telctrranh
Co. for tax of year 1908 on nccount of
error in assessment.
Adjourned until tomorrow.
Barb wire for sale at
Ilershey's, corner Fith
and Locust St. Phone 15.
OIIA8. A. STAMP. Manager
"SSL. December 14
- O J
Tub year now drawing to a closo has
proven one of tho most prosperous
North Platto haB ever known. In build
ing operations it equals last year,
in fact surpasses 1907 in tho
number of residences erected. Tho
now year promises evon hotter things,
and there is no causa for pcoplo to
change their opinion as to North Platte
being ono of tho bent towns in tho west.
For Rent.
Fivo room house, modern in every
rcsncct. bath, electric liirhts. etc. Only
fivo blocks from tho business part of
the city. Located in the south part of
town. Sco us at once, for tho nmount
that this pluco can bo ranted for will
insure its rent by tho first applicant.
Tomplo Heal Estato & Insurance
Agency, uooms 1 nnu z mcuonniu
Chas. H. Yale Company
The Everlasting
Wii I'erfoctlr I'nltl "When lie Slnrted
to Vac Newbro'a Herplclde
Frederick Manuel!, Maryland block,
Butte, Montana, bought a bottle of Now
bro's Herplclde. April 6, '09, and began to
use it for cntiro baldness. Tho hair fol
licles In Ms scalp woro not dead and in
20 days ho had hair nil over his head.
On July 2 ho writes, "and today my hair
la oa thick nnd luxuriant as any ono
could wish." Nowbro's Hcrplcldo works
on an old principle and with a. new d:s-
rnvnrv ilcntrov Ihn CftU'O and YOU T0-
mnvfl tho effect. Hcrplcldo destroy tho
cerm that causes dandruff, falling hair.
nml Hnnllv baldness, so that with tho
rniun enno tho effect cannot ri'mnln.
Stops fnlllnc hair at onco and a new
Krowth starts. Sold by londlnr
druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for nampio
to Tho Hcrplcldo Co.. Detroit. Mien.
Tun alrnn no print nml 11.00.
MeDnncll & Uravcs. spe-10' Atrnnts.
What Is a
ar fort
Homeopathic I'hysiciun
nnu burgeon.
Office: McDonald Bank Building.
Phono 183.
Just what it will buy.
In groceries it is worth
About $1.10
A. J. Ames, M. 1). Mario Ames. it. D-
Physicians nnd Surgeons.
Office: Over Stone Drug Co.
Phones: Office 273, Residence 273
GEO. 13. DENT,
Physician nnd Surgeon.
Office: Over McDonald Bank.
Oflice 130
(Residence 115
Do You Know
TUB Cnrtor postal savings bank bill
is scheduled to come up in tho United
States Serrnto early next week.
Congressmen, it is said, aro receiving
many letters urging them to defeat tho
bill. Thcso requests, undoubtedly, come
from bank officers, nnd not from tho
"plain people", for tho latter ro in
favor of the measure, yet do not tako
as much interest in tho matter as the
Mutt Show Tickets.
It is announced from Union Pacific
hedaquarters at Ornuha thnt on and
nftor December 10 all passengers on
thnt railroad will be required to show
tickets before boarding n train. Tho
rulo was adopted on tho Burlington,
Rock Island and Missouri Pacific some
tlmo ago, but whether strictly enforced
docs not appear.
The comforts of a hot water
bottler Come in and let us
explain their many uses. We
order direct from the factory
insurincr vou new coods and
at lowest price.
Two-quart Hot HC0
Reauzino that W. J. Bryan's in
fluence will be potent with tho next
Nebraska legislature, says tho Lincoln
News, lenders of tho fight for county
option nro preparing to forca tho issuo
in such u way that lie will bo compelled
to tako slues upon it. I no declaration
is made in nn emphatic mnnnor, says
the News, that he must show his hand
or his future political ambitions,
whether for tho senate or in Homo other
direction, will bo opposed by tho organ
ized temperance forces in Nebraska.
A committee of educators, comprising
the presidents and chancellors of uni
versities, colleges nnd neademics of
tho state, will bo chosen to pay him n
visit and ask his support for a county
option bill. Tho scnato is said to be
practically a tie and both sides claim
the house. In ttiis situation it is
practically up to Mr. Bryan to enst tho
deciding voto.
December 7th, 1908.
Board of county commissioners mot
Cursuant to adjournment, present full
oard nnd county clerk.
R. C. Lnngford, county treasurer:
You nro hereby authorized to refund to
M. Kuhns tho sum of $29,00 paid under
protet for reason of assessors' error in
value of merchandise.
Claim of John Rylander, road work,
allowed on DJst. No. 18 for $27.00.
Fred Ginnpp, road work, nllowod on
Dist. 1G Tor $7.50.
W. T. Elliott, bridiro work. $218.00.
J. R. Rltnor, building fnscincs, al
lowed on gonernl fund for $1CG.C0.
Ed Gilmnn, work on fnBcinoB, $52.50.
J. R. Ritner, bridge work, allowed
on bridge fund for G3.95.
Rny C. Lnngford, county trcnBurcr:
You nro hereby authorized to refund to
N. Walker tho mim of 43.50 poraonal
tax for 1908 pnid under protest for
reason of error in tax list.
To Maurice D. Shirley: It in reported
that you hnvo destroyed by plowing tho
corner of road No. 281 in tho southwest
quarter of section 20, town 9, rango 30,
und hnvo plowed nearly all of said rond,
and all of road No. 22 on unst lino of
Bnid quarter Boction; nnd ns tho county
Burvoyor wi'l bo in your neighborhood
for Borne timo, and it is dcsirablo yiat
you hava tho corners reestablished at
your oxpenflo, you win navo to ccuso
plowing up any of tho road In tho fu
ture, as on complaint you will hnvo to
be prosecuted according to law.
Road districts No. 20 nnd No. 28 nro
hereby changed to correspond with the
precinct lino botween Roscdalo and
Blrdwood precincts.
ClalmB woro allowed hb followa:
Sundry persons monsuring grades, on
road No. '13, allowed on Dist. No. 1G for
Sundry persona measuring rrrndes. al
lowed on Dist. No. 32 for 19.50.
Sundry persons Biirvoying road No.
310 nllowod on Dist. No. 20 for 41.25.
Sundry poraonB survey of road No.
308 allowed on Dist. No. 1 for 28.00.
Sundry persons measuring grade on
road No. 300, allowed on Dist. 1 for
Sundry porsons measuring grade on
road 1G2 allowed on Dist. 27 for 10.50.
P. G. Meyer, recording field notes,
Sundry persons Burvoy of ronds No.
315 nnd No. 172, nllowod on Dist. 23
for 37.25.
M. P. Wnldo, grading, nllowod on tho
aovoral districts for 1.037.5G.
Adjourned until tomorrow.
December 8, 1908.
Board met pursuant to adjournment,
prosont Kockon nnd Springer, Commis
Bioner Wills nnd county clerk being nt
Hastings nttonding county commis
Blonora' mooting,
Tho following claims wero allowed;
A. P. Kelly, printing, 1G8 GO.
Sophia Anderson, caro of Emma An
dorson for four muntlis 108.00
I. L. Miltonbergor, snlary for Octo
ber nnd November 100 00
I. L. Miltonbergor, board of prison
era July to October 175.00
1. L. Miltonbergor, mileage In stnto
enflos 231.20
O'Rourku & KrntzoiiHtoin, iiuIhu 19.27
Murphy & Johnson, lumber, 198.22
Rex Gilmnn, teams nnd carriages,
Dr. Geo. B. Dent, county physician,
A. Holzmnrk, mdso for poor, 80.00
C. A. Lowell, deputy sheriff forthreo
months, 17G.0O
C. A. Lowell, investigating John
Woillnrd, 8.00
J. D. W. Lincoln, digging graves 9.00
Georgo G. McKay, mdso, 42.50
McDonald & Wiifngand. mdso, 44.05
Schatz fi Clubnugh, mdso, 3.00
Leo Tobiu, mdso, 35.40
Wilcox Dopt store, indao, 48.70
Ray O. Lnngford. county 'trcuHurori
you nro hereby nuthorlzcd to rof und to
Puckcrue Island.
Prank Lcdgorwood, of tho island, lost
one of his host work horses last week;
also Sam Warnock of tho south sido
lost his bny singlo driver last Sunday
from a causa unknown.
Mrs. Minnio Mnrcum, of Gable, Wyo.,
1b visiting her brother Iko Smith nnd
other relatives this month.
Mrs. Mnggio Kylo, of Farnnm, who
took critically ill at tho homo of her
uncle, Duko Tremblys, last Thursday is
improving. Her mother arrived Satur
day to tako chargo of her till sho can
bo removed homo.
Duko Trembly was transacting busi
ness in North Platto Monduy and Tues
day. Tho dance nt John Rohren's Friday
night was well nttcnuetl.
Whllo driving homo from North
Plntto luBt Friday evening Lawrence
Wilson drove up on n bank causing his
buggy to tip over.
Sam Warnock nnd Will Shnnor woro
North Plntto callors tho first of the
I. C. Smith 'a now houso is nenring
Mrs. Bertha Livingston nnd Miss
Olive Decker woro tho guests of Mrs.
Frank Drake Friday night and atten
ded tho danca at Rohrcn's.
Elmer Chnso camo nenr losing ono of
IiIh work horses last Monday by break
ing througe tho ico and miring down in
tho mud nnd water in the Box Elder
slough which runs through John Roh
rcn's pasture.
Extraordinary Spectacle
Superior Scenic Investiture
4 Baby African Elephants
in Native Jungle Dance
Large Company:
Extravagantly Costumed Schiller & Co.,
Grand Transformation Scene
"Best Ever"
Every Feature New this Year
Water Bottle
Family Druggists.
door north of First Nat'l Bank.
We have some very choice
Poland China and Duroc Jen-
scy uoars oi serviceaoie age.
I m mimed by the Kidgway
Also 13. P. Rock Cockerels
and Muscovey Drakes almost
as lame as creese and from
prize winning strains.
Lexington, Neb.
Osteopathic Physician,
Rooms 7 nnd 8, McDonnld
Stato Bank Building,
Phono 148.
over Schatz
Phono 48
rp C.
Office: Cor. Front & Dewey Sts.
Seats on Sale at Clinton's
A number of new specialities uniquo
nnd attractive, hnvo been Bocurod uy
Chas. II. Ynlo for tho 28th edition of
his "Evorlnsting Devil's Auction" Co.
A Europonn sensation never before
seen in this country will bo ono of tho
many features or interest. Patrons
may cngorly nwait tho annual oblation
which comos to tho Keith next Monday
At the Experimental Sub-Station.
Sotno choico Duroc-JerBcy Boars nt
$15 each.
Twenty-fivo head of ycnrling atoorB
nnu lienors; nearly all or these nro
Abordeon-AngUB grades.
Bromo grass seed of tho crop of 1908
at 10 cents per pound.
Khurson oata for seed nt GO conts per
There is no moro winter wheat for
Bale. W. P., Supt.
5 and 10 Acre Tracts
$100 Per Acre.
Adjoins City Limits. Ten
blocks southeast of Court
House. Roy B. Tabor,
By Wm. E. Shuman,
His Attorney.
for nny information you mny rcquiro re
garding real estate. If you desire to
buy, sell, exchange or rent our advice
will bo of vnluo to you.
nro constantly changing. We make it
a point to keep in touch with nil such
changes, and this being so puts us in a
position where wc can help our friends
decidedly. Drop In nnd hnvo a talk.
Right now wo have some very desir
able vncant lots in tho west end nnd
several modern priced dwellings close
in thnt are bargains.
Buchanan & Patterson.
Public Sale.
D. B. Carlisle will offer at public sale
at tho former John Bnggott farm
three miles west of tho state xpori
mental station, on December 17tn six
teen bend of horses and mules, thirteen
head of cattle, a lot of farm implements,
household furniture, COO bushels of
corn, 1900 catnlpa tree's and other ar
ticles too numerous to mention. Terms
all sums under $5 cash, nil over that
nmount one years timo on approved
security, ten per cent interest.
To tho persons who have made applica
tion lor county bounty on coyotes.
As the state legislature convenes soon
und it bus the power to appropriate
money for tho payment of stato bounty
on coyotes etc.,
Your uttention is called to this mat
ter that you may file claim with tho
Secretary of state for bounty it you
Wish tO UO SO. 1' . K. CiLLIOTT,
County Clerk.
Wood Turning and
Eyes tested. Glasses fitted.
All calls answered promptly
day or night.
Furniture Repairs, funeral directorandembalmer
Cabinet Work, Screen
Frames, Saw Filing and
Setting-. All kinds of Job
Work done on short
notice at prices to suit.
Terms Cash.
P. M. Sorenson.
Shop North of P. O.
are not better
the result of
pleased over
the election
Taken up on my premises situated
on the north enst nunrter of section
townshin 15. north of rantrc 30. Llncol
countv. Nebraska, tho following de
scribed nnimal to wit: Ono light red
bull about 18 months old, .weight nbout
500 pounds, no brand visible, bald cs
tray was taKcn up about tno miuuio oi
June, 1908. MAURICE BitEEN.
Estray Notice.
Taken up, seven calves, two heifers
nnd fivo steers, fivo nnd ono-hnlf miles
enst of Hershey, ten and ono auartcr
miles west of North Platte. Parties
owning same can hnvo them by prov
ing proporty, paying cost or notice nnd
tlieir keeping. uallas wills.
than are our patrons over
a The Quality of our Meats
Give ua a trial order and let us
convince you
North Platte Meat Market
you want to know thnt your monoy
Isn't wasted. We glvo n written guar
antee to ovory purchaser. There is no
enjoyment thnt can equal n rido In ono
of our matchless carriages. Wo can
supply you with any Btyle, nil built with
thnt caroful attention which in con
struction nnd finish add so much to
personal comfort.
A. M. Lock.
Mv services aro worth all thevcost.
If you go to n cheap man you will
probnbly fail to sell or bo compelled
to sell nt n sacrifice. Tho only rea
Bon nny auctioneer is cheap Is be
cause his services aro not worth
much. For terms and dates write
or wire nt my expense. Phono E501
Tho ladies of North Platto and vici
nity nro fnst learning that they can bo
well dressed and that their clothing
will hnvo thnt stylish look if bought
from our Ready to Wear Department.
They nro finding thnt thisclasa of goods
bought from us cost no moro than if
bought elsewhere, whllo wc give them
far better values in workmanship nnd
stylo and all thosa little touches that
every woman realizes mako her appear
better dressed than her neighbor.
Tho time to buy winter suits nnd
cloaks is in the fall when you can get
some benofit from wearing them. Our
lino is still complete.
Wilcox Department Store
Smokers to be Made Happy
by Using the
Price 50 Cts.
(Special Rates to Dealers.)
Tliis lighter works in biggest wind, land
or sea, needs no liquid of any kind nor
caps. If denier cannot furnish wo can.
Matchless Cigar Lighter Mfg. Co.,
16 John Street, New York.
A Christmas Drive
that will bo thoroughly enjoyable to
tho man who likes speed, or to thoso
who like stylo and elegance, will bo
that in which your horses nro clothed
in a now liarnesB from our magnificent
ntock of up-to-dato, well mndo harness.
For nn Xmns gift to tho driver of good
horses thoro is nothing more acceptable
than u harness from
In Mio district court of Lincoln County, No
hrasku. In llitt matter of tlui application of Henry
Worn, uuardlau of Namlo llaugtsou anil Jo
seph L- llauutson. minors, for loavo to hull
Notion In lioroby irlvtm. tlniUmnmant to an
onlirof thu llunorahlo II. M. Urltm. .IihIko
or tho District Court of Lincoln County. No- ttinilii mi Ihn 7tll (Ioa of IlnClltlllHir.
HKVS, fur unit) of ronl ohtatn hurotnafU'r ili'K
crlUd, thurti will bo sold at imhllc vcniluo to
llio liltrmoil tmuior rorcasu ai tno nasi mui
iloor of tho court houso In tho city of North
1'latto. in Hald county on tho llth loy of .Ian-
mrr. IIXIU. nt Mm Iwuir of olio o'clock II. 111..
contral tlmo. tho following ilcscrllHHl real os-
Inloi I .Ota ft. 7 unci H mill tho oast half of tho
vimlliwi'st ininrtnrlKU of SWUI of MVtloil HI.
in townshin 13. north. ratiifo SS west of tho
sixth nrlnciiial murhltnn. In Lincoln County.
Hulil alo will remain oim'h ono hour.
Datoil this 7lli day of December. U'H.
UuardUn of the ostnto of Nando UniUtRon
ami Joseph L, llanetsou, minors.
when thoy want to treat ench other to
cigars will find none fiuor than thoso wo
mako. Our fivo centers are as good as
tho ten centers of many other makes,
while our ton centers nre at the head
end of nil cignra. And bosides when
you smoko North Platto made cignrs
you oro patronizing homo Industries nnd
assisting to build up n greater North
Notice to Bidders.
Senled bids will bo received at tho
office of tho county clerk of Lincoln
County, Nebrnaku, on or before De
cember 31, 1908. for records, blanks
nnd supplies estimated as follows:
Class a books.
4-8 qr. plain records.
1-8 qr. printed page records.
1-tax list 1-8 nr.. 1-G nr.. 1-4 or. nnd
1-3 nr.
All records to bo mndo of tho best
linen ledger pnpor, patent backs, full
bound, extra ends, hands and fronts.
0,000 tax receipts in duplicate or
G.000 tax receipts in triplicate.
1 dozen chattlo files of 200 each.
41 nssessor'a books, ledger paper,
cloth bound per book,
0,000 assessor's schedules (linen
Poll books for 41 precincts (genernl
Poll hooka for 41 precincts (primary
Clnss H.
Whole sheet blanks per 100.
Half sheet blanks por 100.
Qunrter sheet blanks per 100.
Class C.
Sanford'a, Carter'B, or Stafford
writing fluid per quart.
Spencerian, Glucinum or Tnlln pen
per gross.
Vanadium or Falcon pens per gross.
Perfection pencils or equnl, rubber
tips, per gross.
All of said supplies to bo first class
and to bo furnished us requested by
the county officers. Successful bidder
to furnish bond to bo approved by the
county board. Each bidder to hnvo
printed on tho envelope, "Bids for
The commissioners of Bnid county re
servo the right to reject nny or nil
Dated North Platte, Neb., December
8, 1908.
F. E, Elliott, County Clerk.
A full lino of Caskets, Robes, etc.
Calls answered promptly.
Day Phono 120, Night Phono 482.
Office 505J Dewey. Hinman Block.
uuico Hours: to ijj:uo m.
1:30 to 5:00 p. m.
SorlalNo. 781. II. K. 2IS83.
Department of tho Interior,
U. 8. Land OUIco ai North 1'latto. Nob.,
November 6, 1WW.
Notlco Is hereby Klvon that John W. Child
erston, of Tryon Nob., who on Doc. 18, 11)03,
made Homestead Entry No. 21543, for west half
section 27, .southeast quarter southeast quar
ter section zh. northeast quarter, norm natr
northwest quarter, northeast quarter south
oast quarter section X. township 18 north,
raneo 31 west, slxtn principal meridian, has
11 led notlco of his Intention to mako final live
year proof, to establish claim to thu land
abovo described, boforo L. O. Itcneaii. Cleric
of tho District Court at Tryon, Nebraska, on .
tho:3d day or December, im, v
Claimant names as witnesses: William
Kaho, Fred I'opliain. Kobcrt Mel'harland,
William Scott, all at Tryon, iNeurasKa.
nll-O J. K. Evans. Kcglstor.
Perlal No. 0.182.
(Isolated Tract).
Applicable to Nobraskaonly (34 Stat., H2l).l
United States Land Olllco,
North 1'latto. Nebraska. November 4, 1908.
Notlco Is hereby triven that, as directed or
tho Commissioner of thu Oonoral Laud Olllco,
under provisions of tho net of March 1W,
(31 Stat , 12M). wo will otror at public salo, to
tho highest bidder, at 1U O'clock a. m., on
tnoiau day or December, wos. noxt. at tins
olllco. tho following tracts of land, towlt:
W est half southeast quarter, section 17. town
ship 10 north., ranee so. west Hh principal
Any oerson clalmlnir adversnlr tho abovo
described lands aro advlsod to lllo their
claims or objections on or boforo tho timo
designated for sale.
.1. K- Evans, Keglstcr,
nO-G W. II. O. Woodiiuiist. Receiver.
Notlco Is hereby ulven that at ono o'clock
In tho afternoon on Saturday, tho l-th day of
Decetrbor, 11KW, at tho east front door of tho
courthouse In the city of North 1'latto, Ne
braska. 1 will sell at public auction for cash
to thu highest and best bidder tho northens',
quarter of section 4, In township 9 north, of
rango so west or uth p. m. In Lincoln county,
Nebraska. Hald salo Is made by vlrtuo of an
order of tho district court of Lincoln, county,
Nebraska, In a caso wherein Mary Colin Is
plaintiff and Mary R. Stegeman and Albert
SteKeraan aro defendants, brought to parti
tion tho abovo described land, and said salo Is
held pursuant to said order.
i. l. niir.TOMiKiiOKH, Hoferco.
Probate Notice to Creditors,
In tho county court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska. In tho matter of tho estato of Patrick
Gushing, deceased.
Notlco Is hereby given, that tho creditors
of the said deceased will meet tho executor
of said estato, before mo, County Judgo
of Lincoln county, Nubraska. at tho county
court room In safd county, on tho26th day of
December, 1W8, and on thoMth day of Juno, j
WW. atl) o'clock a- in. each day. for tho pur
ikso of presenting their claims for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months
aro allowed for creditors to present their
claims and ono year for tho executor
to settle said estate from tho Uth day
of July. 1WH. This notice will bo publlshod
In tho North 1'latto Tribune for eight suc
cessive publications prjor to tho 2tltl day
Witness mv hand and seal of said court this
27th day of November, A. I). UKW.
dl-8 County Judgo.
In tho district court of Lincoln County,
Nebraska. Kramus II. Plekott and Carolina
lloyl, defendants, will toko notlco that upon
tho2Mh day of November. 1D08. tho plalntlll
Eugeno W IMckott tiled his petition In tho
district courtof Lincoln County, Nebraska
the object of which Is to have a partition of
lots 1,'Jnnd 3 In block 23 of tho town of Max
well, Lincoln county. Nebraska, that In caso
equitable partition of said real estatu cannot
Im had that tho same liosold and tho pro
ceeds thereof divided U'tween said plaintiff
and tho defendants sham and share alike,
one-third to each.
Vou nnd each of you aro required to answer
said petition on or lieforu .Monday, the llth
day of January, lltw.
i. . .. .,, .. . KwnKNB W. I'lCKKTT.
ui-i iij mi!ri niuiuoon, ins Attorney.
Notlco Is hereby given that ntono o'clock
on Saturday, tho id day of January, ltiosi, at
thol.nst front door of tho court house In tho
city (if North 1'latto. Neb., 1 will sell at public,
auction to the highest and ticst bidder thu
south hnlf(nii) and thu northwest quarter of
section thlrty-ilvoliUi.) township thlru on (13.)
north, rango thirty-one (31.) west of iho Dili
p. m. In Lincoln County.Nehraska.
Termi, of said salo aro to Iki ono-thlnl
cash, balance one-hn'f In ono year and
one-half In two years from date of salo ,
with ntorest at six por cent per annum. J
hald salo Is made by vlrtuo of anorderof
tho District court of Lincoln county, Nub.,
entered on the 3Sth day of Novemlxir. UKH.
In a case wherein Elbert C. (loarhart Is
plalutltT and Jennlo A Karles. Arthur L,
( oar hart, John ll.riearhart and Watson S.
(learhart aro defendants, brought to partition
no amivo iiescruieq innu and said salo Is
hold pursuant to said order.
LEStnn W.n.KEn, IlofCr60,