The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 11, 1908, Image 5

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Assures you of the very largest variety to choose from and the choice of our
stock to present your friends with.
Our Holiday Stock
Is in a large measure now on display and we invite you to call and sec the many
varied things we are showing suitable for Christmas Gifts.
Goods Selected Now we will Lay Aside Until Christmas.
Many are now selecting their gifts. We hope to have the pleasure of showing you
Graduate Dcnlisl
Office over the McDonald
State Bank.
Miss Lenoro Cummings, who has
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Doolittle at
Long Bench, Cal., will visit North
Platte friends about January 1st while
enroute to her home in Chicngo.
Our store is crowded with
Try a Change.
Why not, young man, instend of tak
ing a box of enndy every evening to
your young lady, send her a bunch of
carnations? She would appreciate the
change. Pass, the Florist, has beauties
at 80 and 'JO cents a dozen.
Christmas shoppers every day and they
are receiving the best goods for the
least money. Aro you one? Dixon, The
See The Hub's show windows. There
may bo something there you want.
The stellar theatrical attraction next
month will bo "Tho Great Divido," in
which Henry Miller appears as the
Btar. Tho piny is one which has had
a very succussful run in the east for
two seasons.
Don't overlook an Eastman kodak
when looking for Christmas gifts. They
will bo appreciated by any one to whom
thoy are given.
Rinckeu's Book Store.
W. S. Ross, who is down from Myrtle
precinct today, thinks real estate
values in Lincoln county will continue
to increase. Land in his precinct has
doubled in selling price dunng tho past
twelve or fourteen months, yet is con
sidered cheap at the oresent price.
A passenger ticketed from Portland.
Ore., to Lansing, Mich., was found
dead in his berth on train No. G at
Lexington yesterday forenoon. Tho
passenger not getting up at tho usual
houao, tho curtains were drawn apart
and ho was found to bo lifeless, death
having occurred during the night. He
was evidently a man of prominence and
a Mason of high standing.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mason left Tues
day night for n two weeks' visit with
friends at Blue Springs, Neb.
Give a Gillette Safety Razor for
Christmas. For Salo at Schiller & Co.
Agent Shuman made a salo of five
blocks in tho Trusteo's Addition Wed
nesday to Hupfer & Landgraf. The
blocks are located on Second street.
For Rent My 8 room house on west
Third street. Address Paul Goss, 3U3
No. 29th St., Lincoln, or seo J. K.
Weather forecast. Fair and warmer
tonight and Saturday. Highest temp
erature yesterday 45; one year ago 51.
Lowest temperature this morning 17;
one year ago 17.
Thoso who desire the services of
Prof. Leonhardt, tho piano tuner, who
is now in town, will please leave or
ders at Rincker's, as he does not go
from house to houso soliciting orders,
as many piano tuners do. Orders left
at Rincker'a will receive prompt atten
tion. Brandegan Kincaid & Co's Clothing
speaks for themselves. They are sty
lish, well tailored and guaranteed to
keep their shape They are sold at
reasonable prices at The Hub Clothing
For Rent.
Tho pretty 8 room Peniston ideal
rooming house, bath, lawn, shade,
close in. 200 feet deep well, purest
water. Bkatt & Goodman.
It is always a perplexing question with the ladies
"What to buy the men for Christmas." Men like a
useful article. We submit the following list, any
one of which would be a very acceptable present:
(for collars, cuffs and handkerchiefs)
(shaving- outfit and brushes)
All the Novelties SOX, SHIRTS
in Neckwear, HATS, CAPS
Suspenders, Etc. BOOTS and SHOES
Come in and look over our display.
Everything New and the Latest.
Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers.
520 Dewey Street
Blankets! Blankets?
There aro still a few of thoso durable
5A horse blankets left, which will be
sold at a sacritlcc. Come early nnd get
your pick while they Inst. E. Blankcn
burg's Harness & Hardware Storo.
Svornl shows booked at tho Keith
for this month have cancelled their en
gagements. Following "The Devil's
Auction" next Monday, the only trav
eling company to nppear this month is
"Little Jqhnny Jones" on the evening
of tho2Glh.
On December 11th, 1808, C. H.
Stamp landed in North Platte, and is
therefore a forty-year resident.
Charley says ho expects to be hero for
another forty years, through at tho
end of that time he may not be tho
manngerof an opera house.
II. Otten has sold his "home farm"
in Hinman precinct to a Pawnee coun
ty farmer who will take possession
next spring. Tho consideration for tho
1G0 acres was $12,000. Tho salo was
made by Mr. Stroup, of tho Payne In
vestment Co Mr. Otten has now dis
posed of nil his land, nnd wo under
stand ho will build a residence in North
Platte and mako this his home.
A New Directory.
The Hodhine Directory Co., which
published tho directory for 1007-8 some
fifteen months ngo, aro commencing
work on n now directory for 1900-10.
It will bo remembered that the above
firm established tho present numbering
system along with their work in com
piling tha directory last year nnd which
ennbled North Platto to obtain frco
city mail delivery.
Mr. Hofl'hinc informs us that tho
coming directory will ho much more
complete and greatly enlarged over tho
issue of last year.
Wo havo a large assortment of
queenswaro which wo will uisposo ot
at greatly reduced prices, it win no
to your interest to como and select
your (Jhnstmas presonts irom this
stock. (Jome early.
Buchanan Company.
Union Pacific Suffers Little-
A New York dispntch dated yester
day says: The general business de
pression which sot in during the fall of
1907 resulted in a reduction in the gross
revenues of the Union Pacific railroad
and its auxiliaries of only 35-lOOths of
1 per cent, nccordmg to a statement in
President E. H. Harriman's annual re!
port, which was mado public today.
From January 1 until tho closo ot the
fiscal year of Juno 30, 1908, there was
decrease of $4,J2f,ulH, hut as there
was an incrcuso ot 5.s, !)!, oo; in the
gross revenues during the first hulf of
tho yenr there was a shrinkngo in tho
year's gross revenuo of only $209,373.
All nccounts duo Tho Lerdor must
bo settled by the first of January, 1908,
if credit for tho future is desired.
Statements will bo sent to nil debtors.
Tin: Lkadku,
Julius Pizer, Prop.
Myrtle News.
The young ueople enjoyed n skating
party on the lake Friday evening.
J. II. Thompson transacted business
in North Platto Friday. Miss Maud ac
companied him home.
A literary society has been organized
at teo Magason school house, which
meets every Tuesday evening.
Will Lane made three trips to fjorth
Platto with hogs Inst week.
A. J. Nealo nnd Cllir marketed hogs
in Maxwell Tuesday.
Chas Mooro has placed a now phono
in his residence,
Hoy Boss nnd Mary Ackcrman wore
mnrried Tuesday in North Plntte.
Mrs. L. C. Mitchell has a few fino
barred rock cockerels for sale.
G. A. Russell was a North Platto
visitor Tuesday.
For Rent Six room house, 105 west
Second. Inquire at 109 W. Second.
Grcst Music Offer.
Send us the names of threo or moro
performers on tho Piano or Organ nnd
twenty-five contB in silver or postage
nnd wo will mail you postpaid our lat
est Popular Music Roll containing 20
pages full sheet music, consisting of
popular Songs, Marches and Waltzes
arranged for tho Piano or Orgnn in
cluding Rud. Knau Kit's famous "Flight,
of tho Butterflies". "March Manila"
and tho latest popular song, "The Girl
I've Seen."
PorutiAit Music Puiimsiiino Co.
Indianapolis, Ind.
Forco of Habit.
"The question of enlarging the church
conies up tonight. John, doesn't It?"
"Yes, dear, and we expect to have a
lively time. Thoy tell nio the oppose
tlon to the pastor will be strong.
AVhcre'a my overcoat? Oh, yes! And
how I want the tin horn and tho cow
bell and tlie big rattle."
"Mercy, John, what are you going to
"Do! Why. I'm going to root for tho
pnstor." Cleveland l'hiin Dealer.
An Estimate.
"Old man Tltownd must bo wortli a
billion dollars," observes tho man with
the Ingrowing mustache.
"Nonsense!" hji.vh the man with the
dejected cms. "He hasn't over a hun
dred thousand to IiIh name."
"Hut I was estimating It nt what he
would be worth If a dollar was uh big
as ho thinks It ls."-Chlcago Post.
A Human Bungalow.
Pllkson didn't Impress you favora
bly, thou?"
"No; Iic'h Just a bungalow."
"A what?"
"A bungalow. Ho liasn't any foun
datlon." Newark News.
A Frenk.
Jubb Why, Jimmy, you look as If
you'd grown four feet since I Inst saw
you. Jimmy Huh! I wlslit I had. I'd
exhibit In n dime museum as tho "hu
man quadruped" nnd got n.pllo of
money, I would.
Tho Intellect of the wlso Is llko glass;
It admits tho light of heaven nnd re
fleets It. Haro.
Cases in Federal Court-
The January term of tho federal
court will convene nt North Platto on
Jnnuary 4, with Judgo W. H. Munger
nrcsiinnir. mo criminal cnscH huc iur
trial there nre: Tho United States
acrninHt S. II. Rowers, chnnrod with
making n false pension nfildavit. The
United States against Timothy Murphy
alias 1'homnB Halev. charged with
nostoflico robbery. The United States
against Charles Hrown, charged with
nostnfilco robberv. Tho United States
aeainst Joseph Maticks. chnrged with
stealing government property. Tho
United States aguinst William II. Hcr
rick, charged with retailing liquor
without government license.
Racking your brains for a
gift for your son or husband?
Just imagine how a pair of
snug, warm, comfortable house
slippers would please him!
Just the gift for him, you say?
We have em in all colors,
shapes and styles from 65c to
$2.50. Select before the best
are gone.
C. T. Whelan left Wednesday night
for Omaha, to cotnbino business with
ploauuro for n couplo of days.
Thero arc twelve or fifteen cases on
thedocket for tho term of federnl court
which convenes in this city Jnnuary 4th.
A jury will be empaneled for tho term,
and these jurors together with tho wit
nesses and lawyers in nttendnnco will
result in n large number of visitors
being in town during tho session of
Arc Your Valuable Papers Secure?
If not, seo tho facilities for safe
keeping of deeds, insurnnco policies,
abstracts, mortgages, notes, etc., etc.,
in our new safe deposit vaults which
rent for $2.50 per year.
Uhatt & Goodman.
To nccommodnte the shipment of holi
day goods, west bound trains nro now
carrying nn oxtrn express car.
At the meeting of tho Second wnrd
hoso compnny Wednesday evening,
officers were elected as follows: Nor
man Loudon, foreman; Gcorgo Atchey,
first assistant; Georgo llng, second as
sistant; Claudo Selby, secretary and
Harrington & Tobin have
an office in the Keith Theatre.
All desiring to sell Hay and
Grain will find us there.
Room 5, Telephone 250.
To The Public.
Having purchased the Harrington & Tobin
grocery stock we are ready to sell you good
goods at lowest prices. We handle a com
plete line of Heinz goods. Also Richelieu
brand of preserves and canned goods. Will
appreciate a share of your patronage.
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital -Surplus
Stockholders' Liability
Guarantee Fund for Depositors $220,000.00
(Not considering quick assets nnd cobIi resources)
E. F. Sccbcrgcr, C. F. McGrcw, J. J. Halligan,
F. L. Mooncy, Arthur McNamara.
I Workman & Derryberry f
Furniture Hardware Buggies
Wagons Harness Windmills
Tanks Feed Grinders Stoves
Ranges Oil Heaters Lincoln Paint
Varnishes Brushes Oil Glass Putty
at The Leader.
Card of Thanks.
Wo desire to express our heartfelt
thanks to friends and neighbors and to
tho societies for the ussistanco given
during the Inst illnees nnd at tho fun
eral of our mother Mrs. Annn Kaynor.
Sinned: Mrs. Martha Jacobs, Mrs. J.
M. Knox, Mrs. C. L. Bowen, Mrs. C.
J. Bowen nnd John Rnynnr.
Kerson Oats for Sale
Genuine nnd pure Kerson seed onts
for sale. I'rico 50 cents per bushol.
Call on or nddress Harry Shnner, two
miles rant of Bigncll.
( 5000 Yards Silks H1 fancy checks and stripes, plain, in all shades, 36-inch
0j guaranteed Black Taffeta included, worth up to $1.50 per yard, at
to If you wish to buy a useful Christmas Gift for your wife, daughter, mother or swect
to heart nothing more suitable or useful can be fonntl, as they will appreciate a Waist
Sjl or Dress made from this material.
-Eight Cents per yard.
JULIUS PIZER, Proprietor.