Btftlc Jftorth TWENTY-FOURTH YEAJt. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, OKGKMHEll 11, l!M)U. NO 02 f Tho mnrriago of Lewis Hutchins nnil Miss Kato Hartman occurred nt tho Catholic church Tuesday morning, Rev. Carroll officiating. Wanted Janitor for Presbyterian church. Apply to Butler Buchanan. Silas R. Barton, Grand Recorder of the A. O. U. W. and Stato Auditor elect will be hero next Monday night, Dec. 14th, to visit Tate Lodgo No. 64, at their annual meeting for tho election of officers. All members are requested to bo present. Fur trimmed Felt Slippora for ladies and children. A very nico Christmas present. Small, the Big Shoe Man. Merchants say tho holiday trade is opening up in very good shape, the people showing a desire to make their purchases early. This is tho proper way. The one who leaves his or her buying to the last day selects from a depleted stock. John nnd Oliver Shaner, of Maxwell, were in town yesterday transacting business. Oliver recently moved to Illinois, and is here on business con nected with his farm. He will prob ably movo back to Nebraska in a couple of years. C. L. Ross, of Myrtle, and Miss Marie Ockermnn, of this city, wore nnited in marriage by Judge Elder Tuesday forenoon. The couple im mediately left for Myrtle, where- they will reside on a farm. Manager Stamp has had application for a number of seats from Maxwell, B'ady and Hcrshey people for the pro duction of "Tho Devil's Auction" next Monday evening. Attendants will not be disappointed in this excellent and amusing play. Chafing Dishes, Leather Goods, Hair Combs, Fountain Pens, Cut Glass, Watches, Diamonds and the finest line of jewelry ever displayed in our city. Call early and get the best selection. Dixon, Tho Jeweler. Tho vaudovillo at tho opera house picture show this week is among the nest that has appeared. The work of these people together with the excel lent pictures and fine illustrated songs lias made tho opera house an attractive ace Tor those seeking amusement. There will be tho usual chango of pro gram tonight. At tho meeting of tho board of edu cation Tuesday evening it was decided to give the schools n vacation from December 18th to January 4th. A, res olution was also passe! objecting to tho high school or any of its associa tions snaring in benefits of tho picture shows on the ground that such would detract from the evening Btudy hour. A wrestling match between Jimmie Show of Missouri nnd 0. M. Penning ton, of this city, is announced for Sat urday night at tho opera houso. A well nttended nnd very enjoyable dancing party was given at the Ma sonic hall Tuesday evening under tho management of Harvey Van Dorau. Tho big national corn show at Omaha opened Wednesday forenoon, and al ready tho success of the affair is guar anteed. North Plattn and Lincoln county will send a number of visitors to the show. We handlo nil kinds of Milwaukee Sausages, tho best manufactured. Come and see what wo have. TitAMr, Tho Grocer. Word was received Tuesday night of tho death of John Barnell at the sy lum nt Hastings, to which institution ho was taken several months ago. The remains were brought here yester day and funeral services held this af ternoon from tho Baptist church. Rev. J. F. Judkins, eolportuer with wagon No. 13, of tho American Bap tist Publication Society, stopped at the Baptist parsonago Wednesday eve ning on hiB Way to Grand Island. He was in prayer-meeting with Rev. Fn voright and had a largo part in making helpful for the twenty-two members who were present. t Tho COO Club held a particularly en joyable session Tuesday evening nt the homo of Dr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Dent. Owing to tho illness of somo members and others being out of town, only five tables were called into use. In serving Mrs. Dent was assisted by Misses Kricker, Scannoll nnd Bare. Tho next session of tho club will bo held at the Cunningham rinidonpi mi Mm nvoninir of January first. Pearl desk and manicuro novelties aro very much in vogue this season. wo have selected a superb line for tho holidays. DIXON, The Jeweler. Local officers were notified Wednes day to bo on the watch for four men who sawed their way out of the Grand Island jail Tuesday night. One of the escaped prisoners is Thomas Hnley, charged with robbing tho po3toffice at Callaway, and while confined in the jaii in this city several months ago, sawed his way out of jail but was sub sequently recaptured. A dninty Christmas package of per fume makes a pleasing Christmas gift. For'salo at Schiller & Co. Tho following officers were elected nt the last regular meeting of tho Worn nn's Relief Corps: President, Mrs. C T. Robinson; Senior Vice President, Mrs. Sylvester Friend; Junior Vice President, Mrs. S. W. Wnrnock; Chap lain, Mrs. Kato Brown; Conductor Mrs. Mary Fuller; Secretary Mrs. John N. Bonner: Treasurer, Mrs. J. A. Mc Michael. Men's tan and black Houso Slippers. Warm and comfortable. Small, tho Big Shoo Man. Attend tho Keith Theatro Wednesday night, Dec. 16th, and see tho five act comedy drama, "A Modern Woodman," given by thirty local people, directed by Walter M. Ellis, who has been suc cessfully presenting his play in various cities in Nebraska during tho past vear. You'll eniov it whether n Modern Woodman or not, and besides you want to go where the crowd goes, Holiday and decorntive boxes of sta tionery at prices to suit all purses. SCHILLEIt & Co. Quit a number of citizens nssembled nt tho Commercial Club rooms Tuesday eveningto discuss the proposed tuber culosis exhibit nnd lectures, but Mr. Cisper, who was to have been present, failed to make connections, nnd will not bo here until December 17th. Citi zens nrcsent at tho meeting were in favor of sccurinK tho exhibit, and ar rangements to that end will probably bo made when Mr. Uospor arrives. Diamonds for Christmas are a safe investment, as well as an always nc coptable gift. Wo arc offering this season somo exceptional values in fine diamonds. Let us show you wo can savo you money. UIXON, I he Jeweler, Amone tho very many clover things that have become part and parcel of tho ka eidoscopic performance of Lhns. II. Yale's "Everlasting Devil's Auc tion" nro n number of exceedingly funny and intricate trick scenes that are each year introduced in this popular show play. Air. laio siaies mat in tho nresent twentv-eichth edition there will bo no deviation to this rule, and that there will bo introduced a new and very laughable trick sceno entitled "The Magic Picture Gallery," in which "Toby" the transformed donkey, again meets his old enemy "Chars", tho sprito, resulting in the introduction of a series of now tricks, odd mechanical effects, sceno leaps, star and vampire trap workings, etc., all of which will provo moBt interesting to tho oldest or youngest theatre goen At tho Keith Thoatro noxt Monday evening. Among the items of cash which the treasury department will need the coin ing year, says a Washington dispatch, is $60,000 for tho federal building nt North Platte. Thero is some question in the minds of local residents whether this means a partial pavment of tho sum appropriated for tho North Platte building or whether It means that the original ppropriation is insufficient to construct such a bui dinir ns the ar chitect has designed. Palmer's Perfumes and Sachet Pow ders. There are none better. SciliLLEit & Co., Exclusive Agents. Evangelist Dan Shannon .cannot be gin meetings here until tho first of Jan uary. He was held a week longer nt Oregon City thnn expected. In five weeKs meetings there con verts wero reported, more than half of these being men. Up to tho timn ho left 200 had united with tho Baptist church and many had united with other churches. Shnnnon is now in Corning, Cal., and cunnot get through there until about the holiday season. Then he will come to North Platte. For Sale. Pure bred Duroc-Jersey boars. Good bono and shape. Also pure bred Barred Plymouth Rock nnd Buft Orpington Cockerels. Will take grain in trade. Call on or address Blankenburg Bros., North Platte, Neb. Railroad Notes. Will Voscipka held the number which drew the hundred dollar cut glass punch bowl and glnsses oltered at Uixon s. Conductor McCormick and Brakeman Tracy, tho survivors of tho wreck at Boric, huve been dismissed from ser vice. They were to a certain degree responsible for tho runaway train. Orders have been issued to scrnno un and load about twenty cars of sand from tho vicinity of tho ice lake. This sand will be distributed at points along tho road and used for bedding stock cars. Followins: tho charco that tho run away train which was wrecked at Bor ie some time ago was not properly in spected at Laramie, thirty men have been added to tne enr inspection nnd repair force at that placo. About ono hundred Greeks, who had been employed on construction work on the North Klvcr branch, came down Wednesday nnd remained in town until last night, when the greater number of them left for the east. Harrv Bruechmnm. a loner time resi dent of Grand Island, wns struck by train No. 6 at one of tho crossings in that city Tuesday and instantly killed. Ho had a plain view of tho incoming train, but failed to notice it. Tho State Journal savs that tho two bigrail-oad projects of the coming year in Nebraskn will bo tho building of tho Burliniiton from Nowark to Guernsey and the completion of tho north river branch through to Medicine Bow. This is n consumntion devoutly wished by the people oi XNorin t'latte. It is said that while in town Tuesday Supt. Anderson called a number of Third district trainmen into tho office nnd delivered n vory straightforward temperance lecture. Tho "Colonel" pointed out that intcmpernnce was not only immoral, but it persisted In would cost tho men their positions. Trades. Why not trade something that you havo got that you don't want, for something that you do want? I havo drug stocks, hardwaro stocks, grocory stocks livery barns, automobiles. houses nnd lots, farms, etc., located nil nvnr thn mnntrv. 1 wnnlrl tn tn got a few tracts of land to trndo for somo of these things. Call and see me. DH. D. E. Mokiull, Office over McDonald's Bunk. g PEOPLE AND EVENTS. $ ....... c.. . Mrs. Fred Richnrda left Wednesday for u visit with relatives nt Odessa. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lambert. Sr.. left Wednesday night for a visit with rel atives nt Hastings. O. H. Thooleckc will tro to Lnrnmie. Wyo., the early part of noxt week for tho purpose of closinir n real estate deal. Miss Bossio Smith returned Tuesday morning from a two months' visit with friends at Salt Lake City. Edward Walker left Wednesday night for Memphis, Tenn.. where he will combine business with pleasure for a couple of weeks. Arthur Plummer. of Denver, has been transacting business in town and adjacent points for a couple of duys, having arrived yesterday morning. Afro ITnInn Wlilfn tirtm lino Knnn ...u. i. iii.v, iv ..v .... a U i. v- i visiting in Pennsylvania since returning from her Europenn trip, will arrive homo the early part of next week. O. M. Brotemnrklo, who nrrived from Cumberland. Md., Tuesday to nssumo charcro of tho Y. M. C. A., wns accompanied by his wife nnd child. Tho tribune welcomes theso worthy people to North Platte, and trusts they will find their residence with us over plcns-unt. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. McDownll nro expected back from Denver tomorrow night, nnd u. 1 . burns, who has had charge of the local weather bureau will return to Denver. Mr. nnd Mrs. Burns during theirstav in North Plntte havo won the esteem of nil with whom they have become acquainted, and these regret their departure. The Waterworks Franchise. The ordinance granting a franchise to tho water company has passed a second reading in the city council and will come ;up for final passage at the next meeting of that body. i. ins ordinance provides for a twenty year franchise with tho option of pur chase by tho citv at tho end of each fivo years, tho valuation of tho plant in case of purchase to be determined by three appraisers. It Is also pro vided that tho water company shall lay three miles of six inch mains; part of this to bo used in replacing present two inch mains, nnd the remninder in ex tensions to outlying districts. Thirty four additional hydrants nro to bo placed, making n total of eighty-eight In return for tho nriviloirc of this Trnnchiso the ordinance provides for a eduction in hvdrantrentaland in water for domestic use. At present tho city s pnying $60 per year per hvdrant: under the new frnnchise the price will bo $40 per year per hydrant. In other words wo are now paying $;i,2iu per year lor mty-four hydrants, while under the new ordinance or Irnnchiso wo will pay $3,f20 for eighty-eight hy- irants. Tho ordinance nlso call3 for a straight reduction of fifteen per cent on water charges for domestic purposes. This is certainly n liberal raduction. and ono thnt should satisfy the people. iho ordinance also vests in the coun cil tho right to adjust, regulate or lower water rates ounnir tho lie ot the lrnn- ehise, and also reserves the right to the city to grant a franchiso to another company or to erect a municipal plant. It seems to us that tho ordinnnco is fnir, and asks about all tho conces sions necessary. 1 1 TEE CHRISTMAS SHOPPER 1 i K. C's Elect Officers. Tho local lodiro of Kniirhta of Colum bus held an election of officers Wednes- lay evening with the followine result: Grnnd Knight, Leo Tobin; Deputy Knight, Chan. Ell; Chancellor, Chns. I'nss; Warden, r. J. McUovern: Re corder F. T. Redmond: Trens.. Wm Connelly; Fin. Sec, J. J. DoRolf; ArJ vocnte, Uan McKee; Lecturer, Job, Suinn; Inner Guard, W. J. Landgraf; uter Guard, M. D. O'Keefe; Trustee, W. u. waloney. Followinir tho election a bannuet was held, the menu being Borved by Mrs. Armstroug. C. A. Weary, of Washing ton. D. C. who was oxnectod to meet with the council, w'red that ho had changed his route, but would meet with them on hia return from Denver. Pawnee Bill Joins Cody. William F. Cody. "Buffalo Bill." is a guest at the Paxton hotel. Ho arrived in Omaha from New York Tuesday morning onroute to liis homo in Cody, Wyo. He stopped oif to take in tho corn show. His sfln-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Gnrlow of North Platte, met him in Omaha. Mr. Cody has just completed an ar rangement whereby he will take in Major Gordon Lilly, as a partner in his show business next season. Mr. Lilly is known in tho show world ns "Paw nee Bill", and tho two shows will be mergod into ono. "My principal object in doinir this." said Mr. Cody, "in that I want to get somo younger blood associated with my show. I don t want the show to pass out of existenco when I do. I want to perpetuate it for tho next generation. so it may know something of what frontier life wns." Mr. Cody says his show has traveled 16,000 miles the past season und given 11)8 performances without miBsinir one. Colonel Cody will leavo Wednesday night for Cody, Wyo., where tho town have prepared a public reception for the founder of the town. During all his trips in this country nnd in foreign Innda Colonel Cody has had his heart tet on making Cody ono of the finest western towns and oventually to make it the main entrance to Yollowstono National Park. To that end he has built n fine stag lino to the park from Cody and has several splendid mountain resorts along tho route Uinnna boo. Who is looking for jjifts that give comfort, that adds attractiveness and that are not soon cast aside, is invited to visit our store. Here she or he will find those things that tend to make the home surroundings pleasant and enjoyable. This store is full of gifts that will be appreciated by the one who receives them. For instance, we have: A Magnificent Line of Leather Couches, Rocking Chairs, Chiffoneirs, Library Tables, China Closets, Sideboards and Brass Beds; hundreds of Handsome Pictures; Fine Carving Sets and other Tabic Cutlery; in fact so many substantial articles suitable for gifts that we cannot enumerate them. r? tty rji The range of prices on these articles is such as to suit the pocketbook of all. Your inspection of our stock is respectfully solicited. 4 GINN & WHITER kislmas Cloak. Suit and Fur Sale at THE LEADER. We have just received a large consignment of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloaks, jj the latest and finest that have been shown this season. We place them on sale and ly will guarantee to save you from twenty-five to fifty cents on every dollar you invest. Ej Any one wishing to buy a cloak or suit or set of furs for a Christmas gift should call gj early and get the advantage of a full stock. THE LEADER, JULIUS PIZER, Proprietor. Baptist Church. Much interest is manifest nmontr us. Ono man was baptised last week. This man nnd his wife received the hand of fellowship lust Sunday morn ing. In the evening a young lady came forward and then on Wednesday night asked for church membership. Thero may be a baptism next Sunday niirht. The morning service will bo given to tho last sermon in tho series on "Work". Tho evening meeting will be evangelistic, followed by tho young people's meeting as usual. See tho fitio line of Christmas china at Rincker'8 book Btore. Stormy Weather Coming pretty soon. The season for wet walking, wet feet, and pneumonia. That is, if you are not provided with stormy weather footwear. Be wise and secure a pair of our Water and Weather Proof Shoes Prices: $3.50, $4.50, $5.50 and $6.00. S MA. J -i L The Big Shoe Man. 521 Dewey Street, 9 Mutual Building and Loan Association j OF NORTH PLATTE, NEB. j ORGANIZED 1887. ASSETS $2S9,8S6.05 1 Office 622 Dewey Street. In ordor to supply funds for lonn applications approved nnd allowed by its board of directors, this association will issue a limited amount of its paid up stock, in nny amount from ?100.00 to $5,000.00. This pnid up stock draws dividends at tho rato of six percent per annum, payable March 1st and Sept. 1st of each year, nnd may bo withdrawn at any timo upon thirty days' notice. All of tho assets of tho association being invested in first mortgages on improved real cBtuto in tho City of North Platte and tho association being operated under tho supervision of tho State Ranking Board, thero can bo no safer investment. T. C. PATTERSON, President; SAMUEL G00ZEE, Secretary; E. S. DAVIS, Asst. Secretary. p. wmim i (?E(Z. U. S PAT. CmCEl Better Than Pills For Liver His. MATURC'8 RCMIDY li hotter than tIIU, bncattio It aeta In tho right way. It nirtiiL'tlii'tii.Uio Ktninncli, ulili JilL'Oillon, curi' Drteila, oloaritei tho Mvor and Iliiwali, curing Oonitlpatlon. Utuallf ono NR Tablet U all thut U nccoMary to correct tho nroraeo trou. !!, H turt In tha Ktomach anil icorclion throuuli the Hrer, Kldnuy and 1I11I1VIIIU l l.PUITIIIIf nun i'utlllllK I. kuu.i . rill Tabltt aro always Jutt rlulit and nolthor ilokon, urlpo nor bare any H Tuful nttor effect. OCT A (Bo DOX. &" harmful McDONELL & GRAVES, NORTH PLATTE, NEB.