o o o ! IN THE PUBLIC EYE o a o o o I I o o a o o rrrarifyo'rrfl'gTio'fl'fl'aTiraw NEW GERMAN CoiiHtantlnoplo. Ho wan counnolor of tho om bassy and first secretary In London In 1902, While In England the count enmo especially under tho notice of Emporor William as a roanlt of his work in ameliorating; tho existing III-foollng against Germany. Ho drow up a koiIch of lucid and comprehensive (Ilspntchofl on tho Bltuntlon, After four years service In London ho was sent to Cairo. In tho Gorman diplomatic service this post Is regarded as a stopping stono toward advancement. Tho count married Miss Jonnlo Luckomoyor In 1887. Ills wlfo was born December 1.'!, 18G7, and tho couplo have two children. Tho Luckomoyor family left Now' York sovoral years ago and nettled in France, whoro tho countess' father died this year. , Count Ernst Von Ilornstorff, tho founder of tho collateral branch of tho family, also had an Atnorlcan wife. Ho was married In 1801 to Amorlka Kledesel, Baroness 7m Elsonbaeh, who was born In Now York In 1780. Count Von HoniBtorlT'H daughter, Aloxandra, Ih 20 years of ago and camo out socially lit Cairo two scaBons ago. IIIh son, Christian, 17 yoarii of ago, Is now at school. Tho now ambassador Is a man abovo middle height, of slight figure and wears a blondo mustache. Ills knowledge of English Is well-nigh perfect and ho(ls known as a successful after-dinner speaker and a witty conversationalist. HIS DEFEAT enro of by tho public. A fow years ago thero wero llvo members of tho family drawing good-sized envolopos on tho public payroll at tho samo tlmo. Two wore mombors of Indiana's congressional delegation, Chas. I)., from tho Ninth district, and bin brother Frederick, from tho Eighth, Frederick, tho younger brother, was run over by tho political Jiiggornaut four years ago, Now tho roliroment of Chnrlos loaves only two of tho brothoro still at tho plo countor. Ono Is Judge Kcncsaw Mountain Landls, tho $20,000,000 Standard Oil jurist in Chicago. Tho other Is in tho postal Borvlco In. tho Philippines and has an excollout job. Tho retiring statesman Is odlttfr of tho Delphi Journal, a weokly iiowspu por, when ho Is at home. Ho Is an orator of tho rapid-fire sort' all tho time, whether at homo or away. Ho has served six terms in tho houso. COMPROMISE CANDIDATE WINS wmg&$S. fflipfsm ,noUB voto ot tno stnt0 contrn' committee of his WMFtMrtim mmlwMm party, TwopopularmenBoughttho nomination for governor, Charles M. Swisher, secretary of state, and Arnold C. Schorr, auditor of Htato. Tho preliminary campnlgn wau hot, hitter and so closo that neither man could got an uncontested majority of tho delegates. Tho Swisher element Anally secured tho whip hand and nomlnntcd him. Tho Schorr end ot tho convention bolted, hold anothor bcssIoii and nom inated tho stato auditor. Efforts of tho national loaders to bring about a truco and Induco ono man or tho other to withdraw woro futile. Then tho national committee placed its seal on tho Swisher candidacy, declaring him tho regu lar nominee Schorr refused to withdraw, and his faction christened them selvos tho Lincoln Republicans. This factional wartaro continued for sovoral weeks before tho national party conditions becamo so uncertain that an InulBtunt domnnd for tho withdrawal of both men, camo from tho Taft forces. Swisher promptly com piled. Schorr did so reluctantly a short tlmo attorwnrd. So Glasscock, who had boon Identified with nolthor fnctlon, wns placed on tho tloket as a compromise candidate with tho consent ot both factions and ovory effort was mado to heal tho broach. That tho requisite harmony was finally secured and tho white dovo of political poaco caught and tlod Bccuroly In tho hack woodshed with a trunk strap Is attested by tho fact of Glasscock's election by a safe majority, VICTOR AFTER HOT FIGHT Bliow, since lio bogan to play tho fasclnatlua gnmo of politics yoaiB ago. In fact, if thoro wan any prospects ot a ruction around, Mr. Lllloy was looking for It. Ho would havo been tickled to death at ouo of Dounybrook'a chasto and simple social soirees, Mr. Lllloy lives nt Wutorbury, but ho was born ovor In Massachusetts. Ills political career bogan In 1901, when ho waa elected to tho stato loglBlnturv. Two yoara lator ho was promoted to congress, and served throo toruis. Hons ho mado a record which brought down on him tho labor niuithutua, hut wi re-elected. In tho gubernatorial fight ha wns opposed by Judge RobortBow clsuu, ublo'und extremely popular. )JLSJJJLSJ2JJJL$.9JIJ)JLSJJ)JIJL2JIJJIS. QJULSJJLSJJJISJL. , AMBASSADOR Count Joliann Holnrich Von Bcrnstorff Iiiih boon selected by Emperor William to succeed tho Into Baron Speck Von Stonibnrn ns nmbnssador to tho United States. Countoss Von Bernstorft Is n daughtor of Edward Luckemeyer of Now York. Count Von Ilornstorff waB llrat dlplomntlt agent and consul-general at Cairo, but wan rnlod to tho rank of minister plenipotentiary onrly In 1908. lie Ih tho fourth son of Count Albrccht Von Domntorlf, a distinguished contoinporary of Bismarck, and ho was born In 1802, whjlo bin father was Gorman niubasHador to tho court of St. James. Tho now ambassador began his diplomatic career In 1899, when ho wns mado ntlacho at A SURPRISE Charles 11. Lnndls, congressman from Indi ana, whoso defeat at tho recent election wns one of tho surprises of tho campaign, will prob ably bo taken caro of by tho Incoming national administration. Just what ho Is to get In tho way of an appointment is not announced, but It Is bolloved that ho will bo nnmod as public printer. Mr. Lnndls has been ono of tho most promi nent members of tho houso, and has made a great namo for himself. Ho ban boon known as a close friend of President Hoosovolt and has besides been actively associated with a number of Inter estlng legislative matters, Including tho cam paign against Mormonlsm. Tho Lnndls family has boon fairly woll taken William 13. Glasscock is tho Hopnbllcan governor-elect of WcBt Virginia. Ho was tho third man named us a cnudldato for tho placo within four months by tho Republicans, und ho achlovod his position at tho head of tho ticket of tho dominant party wthout tho troublo of carrying on a tiresome and oxponslvo atnto-wldo enm pnlgn. Ho wasn't oven required to wnuto nny tlmo or worry over u state convention. Thoro woro no critical delegates o bo Bntlsllo'l or ap pcaBod, and whllo Wost Virginia had n, num ber of other ambitious Republicans who had a hankorlig to bo governor for tho coming four years GlnsBcoek was nominated b.v tho unnnl- Georgo L. Lllloy, govornor-(.lr,ot of Connecti cut, Is ono Of tho OVldeUCOH of thn innmnnl nn i tho hnrmlesanoBs of n fight with organized labor. I wiioy won tbo oloctlon to tho highest position In 1ib stato, against tho blttorcBt opposition of labor nnd, Incidentally, ngalnst tho opposition of somo other olemonis of his party, tui woll. Moreover, before ho entored tho campaign for governor ho was elected to congress as a representative at inrgo from IiIb stnto, also ngalnst tho Htrong op position of tho unionists, this tlmo directed by President Gompora of tho American Federation of Labor, and other prominent labor loudurs. It begins to look au though Mr, Lllloy liked to fight. Ho hna not gono out of his way to avoid a claah with anybody, bo far as tho records OBSERVE THE ANT. Life, Work and Methods of the Won dcrful Little Creature. Tho world looks on In wonder nt such engineering feats as tho building of tho Panama canal, and tho wild talk sometimes heard of a lunnol under ,uonth tho Atlantic ocean Is laughed at by nil of us. Yot armies of ants are doing work overy dny which, for thorn, Is much more wonderful than what mnn Is doing on tho Panama canal, and cortalu kinds of ants liavo been Section of Ant City. known to dig tunnels three miles long; a work proportionately greater than Tor men to build a tunnel under tho Atlnntlc from Now York to Lon don, Not only are ants great construc tionists, but they liavo their cities and governmonts Just as inon do, and, Hko tho human races, civilized or other wise, they carry on wars. Tho most densely populated municipalities are thoso formed by millions nnd millions of ants, Tho loop district ot Chicago does not compare with tho congestion In Bomo of tholr cities, yet their po llco force has no troublo In adjusting tratllc (lltllcultleB. In somo parts ot tho world theso llttlo creaturcB seek out places In tho forests and found their cities, mado ut of dozens of hills which reach up four or flvo foot and aro from 20 to 30 feet In circum ference. On tho outside theso -hills or nnt palaces look rough and crude, but order nnd deconcy reign within. Tho hills have na many as 12 or 15 floors, connected by staircases, and horo, di vided according to their station, tho various grades of nntB live, work, die and aro burled. Every ant hill has its comotory. Tho ant municipality has in it threo grades of pcoplo; tho kings nnd qitcouB, tho aristocrats and tho work ers. Somo ot tho ants net as soldlors, some as police, others as household Borvants or as working civilians. And overy ono does his or her duty, or pays tho penalty, even tho aristocrats. If ono ot tho workers tires of his or hor task a fat ant pollccmnn, or ho may bo thin, comes along nnd off goes the head ot tho sluggard. Up at tho sin glo entrnnco Into tho nnt hill will bo found n sentry, day and night, kooplng watch lost somo sudden attack bo mado on tho citadel. When a hostile body ot ants Is Been mnrchlng In his direction tho alarm Is given nnd tho soldlors aro Immediately mobilized to go forth and glvo battlo to tho in vndcrs. Woo botldo ovon as powerful an enemy ns man If ho approach too near somo kinds of nuts. Tho door ot tho nnt hill opens Into a pnssngo about a quarter of an Inch In diameter, and this leads downward Into tho houso proper. Galleries branch oft In ovory direction, connecting with nil sorts of rooms, which vary in size, Afraid It Would Do Missed. Tommy lonmed to swim In Hucklna' covo, nn arm of tho sea. Consequent ly, whon ho wont, nt hla father's In vitation, to tho swimming pool of his fnthor's city club, says Youth's Companion, ho felt cramped somehow and afraid of gottlng In tho way, Aftor awhile tho feeling woro off. Ho bognu splashing about and doing a fow tricks that ho thought his father might not know, Suddenly his bond and shoulders emerged from tho water. "O, daddy," ho said, In nn anxloim whisper, "lvo Bwallowed some of tho wlorl Do you think they'll mind?" Eddie Wanted a aFn. Eddie, not quite threo, wanlod to nsk his mothor for a fan ono vory warm day, relates tho Dollnoator. To think of tho word "fan" wns too much for his llttlo bralu, so with his hands ho wont through tho motion ot fan ning himself, and said: "Mumsy, tin Eddlo have ono of them things to bniBh tho warm-oft with?" Some Facts About Corsets, "Thoro havo boon In tho last ion yonrs," said a doalur In women's Ilnory, more than 2,000 dlu'oront stylos of corsets in tho markot, and wo are Bttll making changes from month to month, ondoavorlng to Improve tho ahnpo of tho fomalo form. I guusa this Is no nows to tho box. A coraut costB from two dollars to throo hun dred, Uut the fomalo shapo Is nbout tho flamo. A woman wears a corsst to accentuate hor hips and hold up Lor clothes. A man wears auspeudors. J " nttrfttt $Ai according to tho purpose for which they nro built. Tho construction can bo better explained by tho Illustration, taken from tno Pathfinder, than by word pictures. Tho compartments for tho milch cows, however, mny bo a llttlo confus ing to tho uninitiated if not explained A ills have tholr aphlds, milch cows, nnd dnlrymon look after thorn very carefully. When sprlngtlmo come; tho attendants drivo tho aphlds out tc pasture on tho blades of now grass, each day taking them to a now place Tbcn nt milking tlmo tho milkmaids tnko the nnt-cowa nnd stroke them with their feet until they yield a drop of milk. There Is nlwnys n nursery full of children, us tho queens lay thousands of oggB, which nro hatched by other ants. Tho Infants and their nurses aro Interesting specimens of the rnco. When tho llttlo fellows nro about four weeks old thoy spin nround thorn solves a soft kind of blanket, In which thoy llo dormant for sovoral days, and tho nurses tnko a rest. When thoy nwnko thoy must bo helped out ot tholr blankets, given a bnth nnd pre pared for a trip outdoors. Tho young ants havo wings and tho queens lead thorn Into tho open air for n short fly. After tho flight their wings nro torn off and thoy sottlo down to becomo Industrious. WHICH IS THE RAW EGG? An Experiment That Might Have In- terested Columbus. Whllo nt tho breakfast tnblo tho oth er dny John brought In a pinto on which wero two eggs. "Tuko ono," ho Bald, "but bo careful to take tho hard- boiled ono." "Is ono raw?" asked his aunt. "Yes, sco whether you can distin guish tho cooked from tho uncooked." Tho nunt felt ono, then tho other, and shook hor head. "I'll glvo It up," sho answered. "Can you tell which Is which, John 7" "Sure I Placo a rubber band length wise nround each egg thus," said John, taking tho bands out of his pocket, "and suspend both by means of wlro hooked nt tho ends. Turn tho eggs so Picking the Hard Boiled Egg. thnt thoy will twlBt rapidly, nnd then lot thorn go." Tho nunt did so, and found thnt tho hard-boiled egg (B) turned from sldo to sldo before stopping, whllo tho raw egg (A) atopped almost immediately, John was delighted with His mint's surprised expression. "Thoro Is anothor way to toll," ho said, "and a simpler way." Ho put tho two eggs on a plnttor and spun them. Then ho laid his hand on each for an Instant to stop their movement, and tho nunt saw that tho hard-boiled egg Btopped at onco, whllo tho raw egg continued to spin af tor ho lifted his hand. "You nro a Binnrt boy, John. I liked your experiment very much," Bald tho mint, putting him on tho back, nnd John, with n Bolf-satlsflcd look, marched out ot tho room. Useful for the Farmer. A patent has been granted on a syrlnge-llko machine for Injecting poi sons nround tho roots of woods with out Injuring surrounding vegetation. A Favor Appreciated. "I havo como to Inform you," said tho young man who thought tho firm would hnvo to go out of business 11 ho wont away, "that unless my salary Is raised I shall havo to sovor my con nection with this establishment." "Thnnk you," ropllod tho gonornl mnungor. "Am I to understand, then," thq young mnn naked, "that you accedo to my domnnd?" "No. I thanked you bocnuso you had relieved mo of nn unpleasant duty, 1 always lmto to discharge a man who will bo unablo to hold a job anywhere oIbo." Chicago Record-Herald. Gave No Warning. On entering tho stablo suddenly tho bond of tho houso found tho hostler and his own young son deoply on gaged with tho broken tall of a klto. "How Is It, Williams," ho bogan, so voroly, "thnt I novor Ilnd you nt work whon I como out horo?" "I know," volunteered his son; "It's on account ot thoso rubber beela yoa'ro weailug no;-'.'' If It would Improve more mnn to nc contuato his hips ho would woar cor sets, too. Perhaps our fomalo friends would bo surprised to know how many ,mon do wear corsets." Now York Presa. Explained. A cow awallowod n :lvo-dollar gold ploco sovoral yoara ago and tho coin was recently discovered In hor stom ach aftor alio was butchored, Hor own r often wondered what mado hor milk uo rich. ' Washington Whisperings Intorostintf Bits of News Gathered at the National Capital. Yale Classmates to WASHINGTON. Tho "roufib ri ders" of tho Taft administration -will bo tho members of tho Yalo class of 1878. When Roosovolt becamo president tho soldiers of his famous regiment became tho White Houso pots. Tho Rough Rider colonel never overlooked an opportunity to show his affection for his comrades by granting them favors of great and small Im portance. Tho fondness of tho presi dent for his cowboys and quick shoot ers was so pronounced that It had a marked effect on the popular under standing of hla administration. Mr. Taft'a personal loyalty and de votion will go to nn entirely different set of men. Tho ono sot of men whom ho places abovo others In Bcntlmontnl and nffcctlonato regard Is made up of tho youngsters, now grown up, who grnduntod at Ynle In 1878. Nearly nil ot theso men nro now a llttlo over 50 years of ago, and most of them un der C5. Thoso In good lienlth nro In nctivo occupntlons, nnd n largo number havo mado their marks in various lines. They llvo in many countries of tho world and cover wide ranges of work. Classified, tho largest body Is com New Mistress Will Do THE next mistress ot tho Whlto Houso will go shopping Just as ladles of less oxalted position, In tho city stores. Tho Washington store-keop-ers aro olatcd. In tho next threo montha Washington women will order enough gowns to last two years. It la always bo In tho winter preceding tho Inauguration ot a now president. That Mra. Taft is so friendly to Washington means many thousands ot dollnrs to them. Not many years haa a prealdent been elected who practi cally considered Washington his home. In tho matter of clothes Mrs. Taft la n woman of tho plain typo. Whllo woll nnd usually handsomely gowned her clothes aro never the first thing which attracts the attention of tho strangor. Her tasto runs to tho plain cloth nnd rich silks. Sho is em phatically not tho tallor-mado silk lined woman. Hor favorlto colors for tho street aro brown and gray and for ovonlng wear pink, almost Invariably. Sho hna novor npponred In nn Im ported gown. Sho has had a number "Wash Ladies" Must Have a License LICENSED WASH WASHINGTON la now unquestion ably tho most govornod city on earth. It standa without a rival in tho matter of statutes and regula tions.' Congress enacts tho laws and i trlumvlrato of commissioners pro scribe tho rules under which people may llvo and move nnd havo a being. Each and ovory walk of life is phis '.orod with regulations. These tango all tho way from supervision of wash erwomon to tho control of corpora tions. And bo it camo to pass that tho othor day tho local health department waa besieged by washerwomen, all seoklng tho required llconso by moans of which thoy may bo enabled to sneak tho week's laundry of tho or dinary taxpayer homo without tho wholo bundlo being confiscated by a Vlgllnnt Inspector. Every "lady" who tnkes In washing, and they aro estl maetd to number more than 3,000, must obtain n permit within 30 days Tons of Campaign THE government printing otllco was an .'mportant fuctor In the recent proildentlal campaign. This Institu tion turned out for tho Republican and Democratic parties 7,418,700 copies of speocheB dollvered in -congress, sur passing all previous records by 3,000, D0O copies. Tho total weight of campaign Hpeechos printed slnco tho beginning of tho Sixtieth congress exceeds 400, 000 pounds, or ubout 14 car loads. '"to" Be Taf t's Intimates posed of teachers, and next come tho ministers. Theso are tho Rons, tho Bobs, the Jims of the next president. As boys and men they have been closest to his heart. Ho knows tholr wives and their children. No matter how busy, ho la always ready to hear about a now baby or grandchild' or nn old classmnto. With many ho keeps up n correspondence. lie may not appoint as many of them to ofllco as Rooso volt did Rough Riders, but tho White Houso doors aro sure to bo open to thorn. These nro tho men who will como nnd get their names In tho pa pers, Instead of the brlatllng, noisy Rough Rldors. A few ot tho most prominent mem bers ot 4he class are: Herbert W. IJowen, diplomatist; ho was serving as minister to Venezue la'' whllo Taft was Becretnry of wnr, and waa recalled by President Rooso. velt because of certain diplomatic In discretions. Uoforo being appointed to Venezuela ho was minister to Persia. W. H. Law, former member of tho Connecticut legislature and former as sistant tax commissioner of New York. James Briggs McEwan, Republican leader In Albany nnd for threo terms mombor of the stnto senate. Morrill Moorcs, formerly asalBtant attorney general of Indlnnn. Jnmes Protus Plgtmt, formerly n member of congress from Connecticut. Mnjlro Tnneka Tnjlrl, vlco minister of flnnnco of Japan in 1892 and en nobled In 1895 for service in the war with China. Her Own Shopping of evening gowns made of tho fascinat ing, fllmy Plillippino fabrics, which sho brought back to tho states with hor after her long rcsldonce In Manila. And yet Bho brought only whnt sho might havo actual need of In tho near fture. According to her thrifty nature, sho purchases only what sho can sco a uso for. Mra. Taft has never been wealthy. Hor money is always spent judiciously. Mrs. Taft patronizes always tho con servative establishments. Good val uo for tho money Is what sho looks for first In shopping. Sho rarely goes Into tho cheap stores, except for unlm portnnt articles, which careful women know how to buy. During hor resi dence in Washington sho has dono her purchasing mainly in tho shops along F strcot. Mra. Taft and her daughter are both cnroful buyora. In doing Christmas shopping, they rarely are guilty of pur chasing useloss trlflea. They go about montha before the holiday week, and by tho tlmo other ChrlstmaB shoppers nro beginning to think of buying, their gifts nre bought and carefully put away, carefully labeled, awaiting tho auspicious day. In this respect Mrs. Taft is much Hko Mra. Roosevelt, only that Mrs. Roosevelt does much of hor gift shopping In tho jewelry shops, whllo Mrs. Taft is more npt to look In tho dopasvnent or notion stores. or retire from business. As a conso- quonco women of nil colors and ages arc leaving their names and applica tion for tho coveted license. More than 500 have already requested per mission to continue the vocation of cleansing wearing apparel. It Is understood somo learned In spector discovered dangerous mi crobes in his starched shirt front, nnd bonce the order thnt all washerwomen must tnko out pormlts. It 1b Intend ed to cxnmlno all places where family laundorlng Is performed and see that they aro put In a perfectly sanitary condition. Otherwlfo tho business of clcnnslng them must cease. A regulation was promulgated that objcctlouablo noises must bo elim inated. Soft pedals were to bo put on the early garbago collection wa gons, and tho negro with superabun dant Joy was Instructed to cease whis tling nttor dark. All dogs must bo muzzled or hold In leash. All homeless cats aro supposedly gathered up by the pound mnstor. All newsboys must havo a llcenso, before selling papers. Every cash girl and oirtco boy under 14 years of ago must have hla or her llttlo pormit bo fore. Loltoring on tho streets Is pro hibited. Print Sent by Frank The printed sheets would completely cover 45 square acres of ground, and if eacb page could bo laid end to end a bicycle track 947 miles long could bo obtained. Tho number of words contained in this year's run of spoechos bavo been rouuhly ostlmatod at 230,000,000,000. With tho nowspaper calculation of four readers to oach copy, this would re quire tho assimilation of nearly l 000. 000.000,000 words. ' Tho printing of speeches In tho gov ernmont printing ofllco for members of the seuato and houso of roprosenta Uvea has been reduced to an oxact sclenco through years of experience The printing Ib paid for by tho mom her of congrw. drawing tho roqulsl tlon, but tho mailing Ih iimm i. U public oxpon,