The Greatest Holiday Store in the City Shows the Largest and Best Selection of Practical Gifts for Christmas This is a modern, up-to-date Christmas display in an up-to-date store. The new things to give for Christmas are all shown here. They are spread attractively be fore you to make selections easy. ' If you arc looking for the best your Christmas money will buy, you should trade at this store. Your Christmas money will buy better gifts, buy more gifts and last longer than any place else. Come to our store, do your Christmas buying at your leisure, when store is not crowded. No. 511 DEWEY STREET CLINTON Jeweler and Optician TELEPHONE 33ft Make your selections now and have them laid aside. Spend a few moments in our store when down town. Society Notes. Mrs. J. J. Halligan la entertaining the bridgewhist club this afternoon. The Indoor Picnic club will meet at the homo of Mi9s Nell Hnrtman Tues day evening. Mr, and Mrs. M. II. Douglas will en tertain n party of friends at cards at their home this evening. Tho D. of II. social club will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank Martin, in the Third ward, next Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Thomas Hcaly assisted by Mrs. Chas. Whelan, Mrs. Jas. Hart and Mrs. Geo. B. Dent pleasantly enter tained tho Indian Card Club at the home of the former Wednesday. Tho fork was won by Mrs. E. F. Seebergcr and the consolation awarded to Mrs. Dent. Mro. W. M. Cunningham wns tho rcccpicnt of a pleasant surprise last evening where tho members of tho Indoor Picnic Club invaded her homo without previous warning. Tho oven ing was spent in playing various games, charades being tho particular amusing feature. At the close a delicious lunch was served in the usual picnic style. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vernon entertained a dozen or more friends at high five last evening and a very delightful time resulted. Among the guests was Claude Delaney, who is not much of a card player and his poor success in times past -has mado him tho butt of consider able ridicule. Learning that George Austin always won when he carried a a rabbit's foot in his vest pocket, Mr. Delaney secured one, but unfortunately it proved a hoodoo instead of a mascot. It now transpires that Dolaney's foot was from tho right front leg of tho animal instead of tho left hind leg, and that also tho rabbit had been Killed on tho open prairie during the day instead of in a Graveyard at midnight. A Statement After many trials and great labor tho boys' band has finally conquered and wo arc a fixture. No town in tho stato can boast of a boys' school band except North Platte. Wo have our own band room, meet regular and it costs the band at least $15 per month to meet our rent, fuel and lights. Tho band needs new music and wo aro in hopes that we can raise money to supply tho same. I know not how citizens and j parents may feel, but I am proud of tho boys' band and should the citizens feel the samo let them purchase tickets and attend the opera houso show, this, Friday, evening. Dr. Miller has ,kindly given the band this benefit. Any boys wishing to join the band can do so, as we aro anxious to increase the number. Any contributions gladly received. E. A. Garlisch. For Rent. Five room house, modern in every respect, bath, electric lights, etc. Only five blocks from the business part of the city. Located in tho south part of town. See us at onco, for tho amount that this place can bo rented for will insuro its rent by tho first applicant. Templo Real Estate & Insurance Agency. Rooms 1 and 2 McDonald Building. For Rent. Tho nice Peniston house on corner of Locust & West 4th. Eight rooms, range, bath, 200 foot well of purest water. $30.00 per month. Also other houses. Bratt & Goodman. 5 and 10 Acre Tracts at $100 Per Acre. Adjoins City Limits. Ten blocks southeast of Court House. Roy B. Tabor, Trustee. By Wm. E. Shuman, His Attorney. Don't overlook nn Eastman kodak when looking for Christmas gifts. They will bo appreciated by any ono to whom tnoy aro given. The Ungrateful Cuckoo. To hear tho cuckoo's cheery note you might tlilnlc bo had the clearest con sclcnco In tho world. IIo can uavo nel tber memory nor moral senso or ho would not carry it off so gayly. Wo say nothing of the "rnptores," who arc a race apart, but the most dlsrcputablo of birds, as n rule, aro guilty of noth lng worso tliau peccadillos. Tho Jack daw will Steal for tho mero fun of tho thing, for ho cnu make no posslblo uso of plato or Jewelry, and sometimes un dcr temptation may make a snatch ut a pheasant chick. Sparrows aro, of course, notorious thlovcs, but they rank no higher In crime than the sneaking pickpockets. But tho cuckoo, so to speak, Is n murderer from his cradle, IIo violates tho sanctity of a hospitable hearth. Ills first victims aro his own foster brothors, and beforo ho tries his wings on the first flight ho Is Imbrued In fraternal blood, llko any Amurath or Bazajet. Loudon Saturday Itcview. j DR. BROCK, DENTlSVr, jj 5' n.. m..i. M-4i...i r? !. V. UICI I II3L I1UIIIIIIUI UUIIft. V Fhona 148 Contractor Huntington is finishing up tho work on tho John Frnzl or housos in tho cast part of town, and will soon turn thorn ovor to tho ownor. Ed Ewoll, of tho Grand Island sugar factory, who was in town yostorday, Bays that tho final shipment of Lincoln county boots will bo mado noxt week. Elsowhoro will bo found tho state ments of tho First Nutlonnl Bank of this city and tho Bank of Lincoln Coun ty at Horshoy. Tho statements show up woll for tho rospoctlvo institutions. Tho tolophona company reports a not increaso of fourtoen phonos last month and four additions so for this month, Each phono addod Incroasos ; tho, valuo of tho service to tho , subscriber, aa moro porBons can bo rouchod., For Rent Uouso nt 509 West Second street. Fivo rooms. $10,00 por month. Inqutro of Fred Wondoborn, C02 Wost 9th street. "Throe Yoard In Arkansas" will b6 tho bill ut ThoKoith tomorrow evening. It comes rccommondod ns n strong plav, full of heart interest, with enough comedy intorwovon to ndd spico, Tho play, as tho namo indicates, duals with life and scenes in Arkansas. Yosterday as Deputy ShorifC Lowoll of North Platto, was passing through with ii man for tho penitentiary, it wus discovered that tho follow had an ounco bottloof nitro glycorino on his person. The officers wore particularly carofuu to uoo that It was not used. Grnndls land Independent. Having rocolvcd our third car of fur niture sinco putting in tho lino,' wo aro now ublo to Buit tho most critical oyo Wo havo all ntylos of tho different lines of furniture, and will bo pleased to havo you givo us a call. Yours for tho furnituro buslnoss, Workman & Duuhyiikury, Tho Sidnoy Telegraph states that "tho increuso of tho voto in this, tho :50th senatorial district sinco 1906, was GIG 1." Tho total voto in tho district at tho last election was 127128. IiiHtcad of ono senator this district should havo at least three, This representative din trlct cast 90-19 votes and should havo four or five representatives instead of one, but so long as tho oast end of tho state coutrols airaira tho wost end will heyer get what it is entitled to. Ogal- alia News. Tho county commissioners will moot next Monday and will probably remain in BosBion sovoral days. Judge ' James Nevillo, of Omaha, visitod with his nophow, M. K. Novillo, a couplo of days this week. For Salo Colory, fresh and crisp, also some onions. Inquire at 913 West' 3rd strcot. Arthur McNamara and E, F. Soo borgor will apond Sunday in Grand Is land as tho guests of Ed Ewoll, Dr. D. T. Qulgloy loft this morning for Tryon, whoro ho will perform an oporatlon for goltor upon a lady resi dent of that section. Soo the fino lino of Christmas china at Rinckur'H book storo. Tho second numbor of "Tho Round Up," tho high school monthly, will bo issued noxt wook. Tho numbor will consist of eight pages and n cover, and will bo chuck full of interesting reading portalning to tho school. 9-15 Balo Tics at $1,121 por bundlo. Ginn & White. By tho resignation of Judgo Sullivan, Govornor Sheldon has an opportunity to rectify his former mistake of not De lecting a candidato from Wostorn Ne braska, and thuB recognizo a section that is dosorvlng of moro than it has over received. Help tho "boys' band by attending tho show at tho opera houso tonight. Tho Knights of Columbus will hold an election of officers on Wednesday ovening of noxt week. flio vaudeville stunt at tho opera houso tonight, is a good musical aot that all will onjoy. For tho benofit of tho boys' band. Don t overlook our lino of decorated china when looking for Christmas gifts iNouiing manes a liner or moro appre ciative present. Tho W. R. C. will meet with Mrs Evans on Third strcot Wednesday aftoruoon, Decombor 9th. Evorybody invited, Mrs. James Woro camo up from tho Puwneo ranch lust ovening to attend tho bridgo club mooting ut tho Halli gan rcidenco this afternoon. G. W. McDownll, who was trans ferred to tho weathor bureau at Den vor sovoral months ago, will roturn to tho local ofllco Decombor 13th. Tho W. R. C. will moot tomorrow afternoon at throo o'clock In tho Odd Fellows hall. All rnombors nro urged to bo prosent, as thoro will bo an oloction of officers. Poarl desk and mnnicuro novelties nro very much In voguo this soasou Wo havo solccted a suporb lino for tho holidays. DIXON, Tho Jewelor. E. von Foroll, who had been holding a sorios of evangelistic services at the Christian church, left for tho cast this morning. Considerable interost was manifested in tho mcotlngs and much good rosultod. While In Omaha a short time ago, D, C. Congdon purchased a fivo passenger touring car and ho expects its arrival from tho factory in a fow days. Tho car 1b a Cadillac of tho 1909 model, Mr. Congdon selecting that mako after ex amining many othor, kinds. For Building & Loan money, seo Templo Real Estato and Insurance Agency. Just Exactly Right. it you uon t nonodv will. It is your business to keen out of nil tho troublo you can and you can and will keep out or liver ana bowel troublo if you take Dr. King's New Lifo Pills. They keep billiousness, malaria und jaundice out of your Bystom. 25c, at Stone's drug storo. REPORT OF THE CONDITION Bank of Lincoln County, of Ilerslieju Nob.. Charter No. 763, (lncor poraiciu in uio state ot jMcuranica. at we close ot business November in, 1WW. ItESOUKCES. Loans and discounts estuils 4a Overdrafts secured and un secured Sm 25 Manlclng house, furniture anil llxtures 1,600 00 Current expenses and taxes pam 7&3 iu Duo from nat'l stato and orlvato banks and bankers 811.0M 01 Cash 1,087 31 Total cash on hand. Total . LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In aurnuis iunu.... Undivided prollts. 13,010 25 150.243 7: Individual deposits subject to check $35,012 67 Demand certlllcatca ot de posit 10 00 Time certificates of deposit. 8.1C0 40 Cashier's checks outstand ing t b $10,000 00 1,100 00 1,140 60 43,094 00 Total WM 71 State or Nebraska, county of Lincoln, bs: I. J. W. Abbott, cashier of the abov named bank, do hereby swear that tho auovc statement is a correct ana truo copy ot the report made to the State Hanking uoani. j, w. auuult uasuicr. Attest: 8. .Tr KOCir. ItllrprtnrB O. Wickstiiom. """ctors. Subscribed, and sworn to .beforo mo this 3d dav ol Decombor. loos. - AuNoi.0 I'MIekleii, Notary Public No am. KEI'OKT OP THE CONDITION OK THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, nt North Platto, In tho Stato of Nebraska, at tliueiosooi business, Hovomoer . jww. ltKSOUltOEH: Loans and discounts. $,43 Overdrafts, secured and ...,. unsecured U. S. bonds to socuro circulation 50.000.00 U. 8- bonds to socuro . U. S. deposits du.uuu.oo Premiums on U.S. bonds 1,800.00 ltonds. securities, etc... 60,074.11 UankliKT honsu, furni ture and llxtures 22.300.00 Other real estato owned 1,050.00 Duo from national banks (not rescrvo acents)... ju.sw.tu Duo from stato banks and bankers 318:20 Duo from approved ro- sorvuaucnts 103.072.84 Checks and othor cash Items S.J2 Notes of other national i banks 215.00 Fractional paporcurron- cy, ulckels and cents.. 337.07 Lawful Monoy Itcsurvo In Hank, viz; Spcclo $11,012.05 Lettal-tondor notes id.uso.W Kedomptlon fund with U. H. treasurer (5 per cent ot circulation)....- 2,500.00 ..$033,372.00 $100,000.00 20.000.00 3,603.72 60,000.00 lfi.099.02 271.092.07 13,088.80 100,109.78 418.53 . 50,000.00 Total 6333,372.00 Stato Of Nebraska, County of Lincoln ss. I, F. L. Mooney, Cashier ot tho aboro named bank, do solemnly swear that tmrabovo statement Is truo to tho best of my kno w ledgo and belief, V, L. Mooney, Oashlor. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 3d day ot December, 1WW. IS. It. Goodman, Notary Public. Correct Attest: Autiiuu MONamaiu, I K. F.SKEiiEitnint. Directors. John J. Halligan. 1 Total L1A1ULITIES. Capital stock paid In.. Surplus fund Undivided prollts, less expenses and taxes paid National bank notes outstanding Duo to stato banks and bankets Individual deposits sub ject to chock Demand certificates of duposlt Tlmo cortlOcatos of de posit Cashier's checks out standing United States deposits.. A disgruntled customer is something that never happens here not just because our goods are backed with the "money back" guarantee but because he or she never has cause to put in effect that guarantee. i nai s wnat s building our shoe trade up so. Distinctive style, durability and absolute comfort a few virtues of our goods. GRAHAM & CO. OO YEARS' Ir EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DCSIQNS Copyrights Ac. Anronn Bonding n iketch and doicrlntlrm may nnlcklr mcoruin our otmlm froo wliother an iiiTvmum i I'ruunuiT luiiomitnin, i.'omimiiiirn. i)iietttciirp)iiuileiitll. IIMIUUOQK on Patents lilt froo. OMoftt ftfffilirv Mr Hf.iirhtf lutlnttt.. l'fttetiti lakou tErmiuh Jimm A Co. recolro Jfi tt Iivilir, WUUUUb VUATKU, lu IUU cietttific Hmerican. . A liRiidnomolr llluMrntM weektr. Trett fir. riilnllou nt any vrlentltla journal, Ternn, 1 a I M' 'i .' r rooiith, U tfyld by all tumtiloalorm MUNN&Ca8'". New York ffbS3Sb3&1r'ljr?T T- -hii titfriK .ftTPt-L Range in the thanksgiving guest alike. A woman's pleasure in using this perfect range,, quite equals her pride in serving the family and guests with the delicious food it prepares. Why not make this a Genuine Thanksgiving in your home? What ever your cooking arrangements may be, you can improve them-r-and you ought to do it. It's not as though it were an extravagance to buy t the "best range possible" as a matter of fact you can't afford to use anything else! The Monarch actually does its work with so little fuel that it soon Pays Back Its Cost in Real Money. The things that the Man With a Monarch Range in His Kitchen Hast" be Thankful for. Some Features of the Monarch Range that makes the Woman Who Uses One Truly Thankful. It Pleases His Wife Thoroughly. A woman who uaos n Monarch Rango is moro than merely satisfied. She is pleased enthusiastic about it. Sho appreciates that sho has n range far superior in ovory respect to tho so-called "Steel Ranges" that her friends aro using. It Cooks His Meals Promptly and Perfectly. "tho oven wouldn't usually blamed on No unexpected delay becauso heat." No spoiled meals that nro tho cook when tho range is really nt fault. Uses so Little Fuel It Pays for Itself. Hero's tho important thing. This makes tho Monarch tho range for poor and rich nliko. It saves its own cost in a short timo and continues to savo, year after year. It's an investment that yiolds big returns regularly, long after the principal has been paid back. Thi Pnliahprl Ton. Novor requires any stove blackening yet is always in perfect condition clean and shiny. Wellsville Steel Body. Always rotains its snlendid finish without tho uso of ' stovo blacking or paint. Most lasting material known for rango bodies. The Duplex Draft. A devico found on the Monarch alono which does away with Biftlng ashes and keeps the oven uniformly heated. An Air-Tight Oven. With potent non-wurping bottom. Seams can novor open up to admit drafts, ashes and dust as in a so-called "Steel Rango." Assures Perfect baking which can bo dono only in nn nir-tight oven. Lower Warming Closet. A convenient Btorago compartment underneath tho oven. With tho door open it heats the kitchen like a baso burner and can't interfere nt nil with tho bakim oven. ' SOL D BY JOS. HERSHEY, LOCUST AND FIFTH STS. PHONE 15