State HUlcrlcftl 6icly Jjlotth itotte TWENTY-FOURTH YEAJi. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 27, 11)08. N6. 00 NEWS OF TOWN AND COUNTY. Bob Rowland and John McMlchacl went to Grand Island Wednesday for a two weeks' stay. James Ray and Bessie Lamm were united in marriage Wednesday after noon by Judgo Elder. At the meeting of tho stato bar as sociation at Lincoln this week, W. T. Wilcox, of this city, was reolectcd a member of tho executive council, "Jerry", tho colored porter at tho Rcbhausen barber shop, accompanied by his wife, left Wednesday for Perry, Okl., where they will spend the winter. This will bo A. 0. TI. W. benefit night at the opera house picture show. Manager Miller has prepared a pro gram that will provo very satisfactory. The Lexington foot ball team was ac companied on its trip to this city yester day by a score or more of very enthu siastic rooters, a half dozen young ladies being included in tho number. Gentlemen's gifts are in abundance at our store this Benson. Don't worry over what to givo him. Come and let us suggest from our varied stock. Dixon, The Jeweler. Somo fellow poisoned another dog for W. S. Dolson Wesdesday, tho second within ten days. A favorite ennino of Division Foromnn Beery was also poisoned a couple of days ago. Yesterday was the fortieth annivers ary of the arrival of Mrs. P. J. Gilmnn in North Platte, and it is somewhat of a co-incident that she arrived on Thnnksgiving Day. Tho stato bar association recom mended ten attorneys to Governor Sheldon from which to make selections for the four supreme court judges. Among the ten is Judge Grimes of this city. Practically all the business houses wero closed yesterday and the day was generally observed as one of rest. Friends- entertained each other with turkey dinners, and a neighborly spirit was in evidence everywhere If you have a loved ono or a friend that you intend to give a nico, useful Christmas present, call at our store and examino our furniture. Workman & Derhybeuuy. Fburtecen beet growers living in the section of the country between Suther land and Brndy mado a trip to tho Grand Island sugar factory last Satur day with Ed Ewell as guide and chap erono. They wero handsomely enter tained during tho day by Mr. Ewell. Word has been received of the death at Berkeley, Calif., of Rev. J. S. Pulis, at ono time pastor of the Baptist church of this city. His death was in stantaneous, probably from heart fail ure, while sitting in a chair. Ho was soventy-fivo years old. An Omaha paper states that District Attorney Goss, of that city, i3 examin ing the titlo to tho lots recently pur chased for the federal building site in this city. It is presumed thas as soon as tho attorney passes on the title, the government will ask for bids for tho construction of the building. While hunting north of Gothenburg tho early part of tho week George Gra ham and Claudo Dolaney accidently peppered a farmer with quail shot, but fortunately the wounds wero slight, They had gono to the farmer's house and obtained permission to hunt, and in tho meantime tho farmer had gone to a hay stack near where the boys wero hunting to get hay, but was not noticed. He emerged from behind tho stack just as both boys fired at a bunch of quail and ho received several shot in tho arm and ono or two in tho face. The farmer took tho accident good na-turcdly. TRUSTEE'S AUCTION. S On Tuesday, December 1st, at 1 P. M., I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, (subject to approval by Referee), the Entire Stock of the U. S. Grocery Co., consisting of Groceries, Fixtures, Horses, Etc. The sale is ordered by the Refer ee in Bankruptcy so as to close up the estate. The stock is appraised at $3,500, and can be examined by application to the Trustee from 9 to 12 a. m. in the room south of the Postoffice. E. S. DAVIS, Trustee. Personal taxes for tho year 1908 be come delinquent next Tuesday and after that date a penalty of ten per cent in terest accrues. You can Jtheroforo savo money by paying promptly. Several additional men were added to tho shop forco this week. 'Tho number of mechanics and helpers is gradually reaching that point which tho work on hand and in sight demands. Pearl desk and nianicuro novelties aro very much in vogue this season. Wo have selected a superb lino for tho holidays. DlXON, Tho Jeweler. Somo fellow or fellows havo recently taken W. V. Hoagland's team from tho barn at night, driven them apparently for several hours, and returned them before daylight. This is a little nervy to say the least. Indications aro that a goodly number of republican precinct committeemen will attend tho republican "lovofeast" at the Odd Fellows' hall tomorrow evening, invitations to which wero issued the early part of tho week. Tho advance agent for "Tho Farm er's Daughter" spent Wednesday in town making necessary arrangements for tho presentation of that rural drama on tho ovoning of December 3d nt tho Keith. The Lincoln Journal states that Land Commissioner-elect Cowles hns offered the deputyship of that office to E. S. Davis, of this city. Whether Mr. Davis will accept the proffered position has not yet been definitely decided by that gentlemen. Tickets for tho twenty-six annual ball of Elkhorn lodge B. of L. F. & E., which will ho held New Year's eve, are in tho hands of the hustling committee, who will probably have no difficulty in disposing of several hundred, as the Firemen's Ball is one of tho popular social functions of the year. Harrington & Tobin have an office in the Keith Theatre. All desiring to sell Hay and Grain will find us there. Room 5, Telephone 250. Chas. Empkie, who had a hearing Tuesday on tho chargo of assauting Mrs. Morgan, Iho colored woman, was discharged. Tho evidence in tho case was very conflicting, and showed that tho notions of the woman toward Empkie wero about as much of an assault as was the slapping Empkie gave her. The Palaco Cafo opened with a din ner Wednesday evening that was well patronized. Orchestral music was fur nished from seven to nine o'clock. Tho cafe with its handsome furnishings pre sents a very attractive appearance. Tho Japanese proprietors aro to be commen ded for the enterprise thoy display in fitting up tho place so nicely. We handle all kinds of Milwaukco Sausages, tho best manufactured. Como and see what we have. Tramp, The Grocer. Tho third number of tho high Kchool entertainment course will bo tho Cutter-Mack company on Wednesday eve ning of next week. Mr. Cutter is u reader and Mr. Mack a cartoonist, tho two making a very pleasing combina tion. Both aro highly endorsed by church societies, individuals and the press. We will have a complete lino of up-to-date Christmas goods consisting of Skates, Sleds, Express Wagons, Car ving Sets. Chafing Dishes, Silver Knives and Forks. A full line of Rochester Silver Plated Ware and a complete line of Aluminum Ware. Wo can supply tho wants from tho least to tho full grown. Workman & Dkrryherry. Personal Mention. Jack Scyles wont to Kansas City Wednesday night. Arthur McNamara Bpent Wednesday with relatives in Omaha C. A. White, of Groon River, Wyo., is tho guest of friends in town. Fred Elliott, Jr., camo up from Om aha yesterday to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Wilcox, of Cozad, wero guests of relatives in town yes torday. Misses Laura Rhoadcs and Evelyn Freemen came homo to spend Thanks giving. Messrs. Abrahamson and Sodun spont yesterday with friends in Koarnoy. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McDonald and daughter returned yesterday morning from Omaha. Mrs. E. R. Churchill, of Grand Is land, is tho guost of hor daughter, Mrs. Tom JcfTcrs. Misses Kate and Maymo Weinberger expect to leavo tomorrow for n visit with friends in Omaha. Mrs. James Dorrnm and children are tho guest of friends in Lexington, leav ing for that place yesterday. Mrs. J. P. McGovcrn, and son Clairo of Denver, is visiting friends in town, having arrived yesterday morniug. Charley Dixon, who hnd been visiting relatives at Elkhorn, Wis., for several months, returned homo Wednesday. Miss Lcla Dunn, who is teaching school at Moorefleld, came homo to spend Thanksgiving with her mother. Miss Celia Quirk returned to Green River, Wyo., last night nftcr visiting relatives in town for several weeks. County Attorney Roach and Minor Hinman returned Wednesday from an automobile trip to Wallace and May wood. Mr. and Mrs. Ferry Buchanan nnd daughter left Wednesday morning for Aurora to visit relatives for a few days. Supt. Dclzell, of tho Lexington schools, visited friends in town yester day, having accompanied the foot ball squad. Mr. and Mrs. David Hunter, or Sutherland, leave next week for Los Angeles, where they will spend tho winter. Miss Ida Whito and Carl Danielson were united in marriago Wednesday ovoning at tho homo of tho brido in Hershoy. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Gibbs arrived from St Louis Tuesday night nnd will spend tho winter with their daughter, Mrs. W. J. Stuart. Miss Jessica Paul leaves Monday for her homo in Waupaca, Wis., after a three months' visit nt tho H. T. Pritchard residence. Wm. Turpio, who hud been looking after his real cstato interests in this section for several weeks, returned to Columbus, Ohio, Wednesday night. Misses Laura Murray, Anna Ericsson, Kato Gilman, Orilla Gilmnn and Messrs. Birge and Gillings wero guests at the Hendy ranch near Maxwell yesterday. To The Public. W. F. Green, with John LoMastors, has just completed a heating plant in my residence, nnd I find that the work manship is first-class in every pnrticu Inr and tho plant works very satisfac tory. I can cheerfully recommend Mr. Green as a workman. Sanfohd Hartman. Those indebted desiring to settle will find us at the old stand for the next 30 days. Harrington & Tobin. 9A 3 A Successful Ball. Both socially and financially, tho sovonth nnnual ball of tho local lodge of bollormakors, glvnr. nt tho opera houso Wednesday ovoning, proved n success. Over two hundred dance tickets had been sold in ndvance of tho event, and a number wero also sold nt tho box oflko during tho evening. Whilo not all tho holders of these tickets wero represented at tho ball, yet there wcr.o a sufficient number of dancers present to fill tho floor, nnd a large numbor of spoctntora wero seated in tho balcony. Preceding tho grand march Bovornl reels of moving picturoa wore dis played for the amusement of tho nt tendnnts. Dinclng began shortly nftcr nino o'clock and tho final waltz ended nt three in the morning. Tho attendants wero of tho repre sentative class of young pooplo who nttond dancos, nnd thoy nil scorned to thoroughly enjoy themselves; this being ovidunced by tho fact that tho greater numbor of them romalncd until tho end of the program. Tho ball was nicely conducted throughout, nnd the committees in chargo nro to bo congratulated upon their success. Pleased With Country. Tho party of men taken up tho North Plntto valloy Tuosday by tho Payno Investment Company, oxnrossod thorn selvos as highly plonsed with tho coun try. Thoso gcntlomon, of whom thero wore n dozen, represented Gorman farming communities of eastern Ne braska, western Iowa and northern Missouri, nnd thoir mission wns not to purchnso land but to uxamino tho con ditions nnd if found fnvorablo to recom mend tho locality to thoso who cotom plntc seeking new homes. Each of these representatives stated that thoy wore so well pleased with tho North Platto valloy that they would havo no hesitancy in recommending it to tho people they ropresonted. As a result it can be confidently oxpoctcd that a large numbor of farmers will invest and locate in tho North Plntto valloy botween this city and Bridgeport next spring.through tho efforts of tho Payno Company. Resembles Mrs. Gunness. An Ogalalla special in yestordny'fl Bee says: Sheriff Beat of this city has boon examining the record of Mrs. Jennie Minor, who charged that John Dale Smith, who is believed to bo her hus band, kiMed Volley Mann near Ognl- alia. A striking resemblance botween the woman and the published pictures of Mrfl. Bello Gunness, tho La Porto murderess, was noted. Careful inquiry that followed revealed that Mrs. Minor hns n long record with tho police of numerous cities of tho west and also the east. It is believed hero she is tho woman arrested at Buffalo, N. Y., on suspicion that she was the Indiana woman nnd was only released after a long investiga tion. Superintendent Regan of tho Buffalo police says tho woman passed under the nnmo of Mrs. Frank Geiger at tho timo of her Now York incarceration. Mrs. King Dies. Mrs. Sarah King", mother of Mrs. J. S. Morsch, whoso illness wns noted in Tuesday's Tribuno, died Wednesday, morning at seven o'clock. Death wns due to paralysis. Tho deceased, who was past seventy-two years of age, hnd mado hor homo with hor daughter for a numbor of yonrs. Sho was an oar nest christian and prior to her illness n very pleasant and companionable woman; ono who h ad many friends, Tho funornl was held from tho Metho dist church yesterdny afternoon. Women who attended the marriago of Barton Millard nnd Miss Nnthnlio Merrlam at Trinity Cathedral, Tuesday ovening compliml with tho expressed wishes of Bishop Williams of tho Epis copal church In tho matter of head wear. That is, thoy did not go bnro headed, nor wero nny shoulders ex posed. NebrnBka's alfalfa crop for 11)08 will amount to 1,840,708 tons; tho tumo hay crop will bo 2,001, 1)1)8 tons; wild hay, 4,060,407 tons; potatoes will pan out 8,531,622 bushels, according to a scries of tnbleB just completed in tho ofllco of Labor Commissioner Ryder. New Line of Business Opens. Wo huvo just secured tho agency for tho Now York Lifo Insuranco Com pany, tho old reliable in this lino. If you nro not carrying lifo insurnnco, or if you nre carrying somo and wish to increaso tho same, call and havo us ex plain tho many good forms of policies that this company issues. Tkmw.k Rkai. Estate & Insukanck Agency. f Ladies' Wino Colored 4 c Felt Slippers $I.ZD Ladles' Btnck Folt, Fur Trimmed fl cn JullcttCB $l.i3U Ladies' Black Kid Jullettcs, rtr Fur Trimmed $1.1 D Ladies' Brown and Tan Felt Jullettcs j 4 mm Fur Trimmed $1.1 D Ladies' Pink nnd Light Blue Felt Jullottos, CI IE White- Fur Trimmed. . . . $.0 Infnnts' Red, Brown nnd Green Folt Juliottcs, -t Fur Trimmed oUC Children's Red Folt Fur Trimmed Jullettcs nn Sizes C to 8 VUC Children's Red Felt Fur Trimmed Jullettcs o i An SizosSltoU $1.UU Misses' Red Felt Fur Trimmed Juliottos c i i S. Sizes 12 to 2 $1.10 SMALL, THE BIG SHOE MHN, r" 4 Tx r a... a. Myrtle News. Jeff Greeley broko tho small bono of his leg nnd was otherwiso bruised last Sunday. Mrs. D. McNicol has boon confined to her bed Bovernl daya with In grippe. Jus. Wurdrobo returned from Cliir Saturday ovening. F. R. Hogcboom put down a woll on his timber claim laBt week. Geo. Smith nnd A. E. Mooro wero In North Plntto Wedncsdny. Miss Arvllla Stearns Is working for Mrs. ChaR. Gambrel. Fred Peterson camo out from North Platto nnd spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chnrlio Phillips, of near Mullen, have boon visiting rela tives in and nround Myrtlo trio past week. C. A. Mooro, of North PI ntto, has been helping Mr. McNicol tho past week. MissGoldio Merritt had the misfor tunn to sprain hr kneo Saturday after noon so badly as to havo to call in tho doctor. Tho committees from the threo schools on tho ChrintmnB entertainment nt Banner school house metat tho post- office Snturday afternoon nnd com pleted nrrnngoments for tho program. Among tho ladies present wero Mrs. J. Thompson, Mrs. Jns. Hudson, Mrs. II. Merritt, Mrs. (Jharloy Abbott, Miss Clurk nnd Mrs. Annn Mooro. Do You Want Building & Loan Money NOW. Yes, wo can get you nil tho monov you want right awuy in tho Nebraska Central uulldingis Loan Association of Lincoln. Call and see us. Templo Real Estato & Insuranco Agency, 1 nnd 2 McDonald Block. Do Ycu Enow The comforts of a hot water bottle? Come in and let us explain their many uses. We order direct from the factory insuring you new goods and at lowest price. Two-quart Hot 7n Water Bottle Schiller & Co., Family Druggists. First door north of First Nnt'l Bank. Republicans arc not better pleased over the result of the election than are our patrons over The Quality of our Meats Givo us a trial order and let us convince you North Platte Meat Market J. L. STINGLEV, Prop. Felt Bed- room Slippers For Ladies and Children . . . OUR LINE IS NEW AND COMPLETE. ozi juewey direct, j LADIES' CLOAKS AND SUITS. The ladies of North Platto and vici nity uro fast lenrnlng that they cun bo well drcsBcd and that their clothing will havo thnt stylish look if bought from our Ready to Wear Department. They aro finding thnt this class of goods bought from ub cost no more than If bought olsowhero, whilo wo give thorn far hotter values in workmanship and stylo nnd all thoso littlo touches that ovory woman roalizcB mnko her appear bettor dressed than her neighbor. The timo to buy winter suits and cloaks is in tho full whan you can got somo bonefit from wearing thorn. Our lino 1b still complote. Wilcox Department Store Pneumonia Proof. That's just what you will be if you will wear one of our CHAMOIS VESTS. If you are inclined to take cold easily these vests are just what you need. We have them for children also. The prices are from 50c to $2.50. Stone Drug Co. Souvenir Postal Cards for Sale. YMlGHT.AnEX BETTER BREAD THAN MOTHER USED TO MAKE which is only another instnnco of what lovers of u good urtlclo really think of Armstrong's bread. Yot high sounding praise is not as convincing as a person al triaj. Wo want you to tryourbrend, eat it, Bleep on it and think on it. You will then sny that it's bettor than mother used to mnko. ENTERPRISE BAKERY, Mrs, Jonnlo Armstrong, Prop.