Stat HUtirlchl St culy Jjtorm mat TWENTY-FOURTH YEAlt. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, NOVEMHEIt 21, laott. NO. 87 NEWS OF TOWN AND COUNTY. The A. 0. U. W. hna leased the opera house picturo show for next Fri day evening. A. J. Salisbury has added n runabout automobile to his livery stnblo equip ment, having purchased the white car that had been on sale at the garage. 9-15 Bale Ties at $1.12 per bundle. Ginn & White. Major Lester Walker was taken ill in his ofHco yesterday and it was neces sary to summon a physician. Ho soon rallied, however, and is Buffering no ill efTectB today. Manager Miller, of the opera house picture show, is giving his patrons n doublo bill this week. The "Bellhops" remain for the week, and in addition a sketch team give a very good number. A lodge of the L. 0. T. M. was in stituted by Mrs. Boyor at Brady Satur day with fourteen charter members. Tho guards of the local lodge went down and assisted in the installation cere monies. Deputy Sheriff Lowell returned Sat urday night from a fruitless hunt for tho fellow who stolo tho horse from Mr. Ablo living near Maxwell. After turning tho horso loose at Lexington tho thief dropped out of sight, leaving but little clue to follow. Chafing Dishes, Leather Goods, Hair Combs, Fountain Pens, Cut Glass, Watches, Diamonds and the finest line of jewelry ever displayed in our city. Call early and get tho best selection. Dixon, Tho Jeweler. II. N. Hart has sold out his dray line, disposing of the light dray to Everett York, one of tho heavy drays to H. B. York and the other wagon to his son Harry Hart. Wo understand Mr. Hart will move to near Paxton and live on a tract of land ho recently purchased. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tanner, who went to Spokane, Wash., several weeks ago, returned to town yesterday morn ing. Mr. Tanner returns to Nebraska to accept a proposition that has been offered him sinco leaving North Platte and is a better paying position than he held in Spokane. Now York Salvage Co., is giving tho people greater bargains every day. Trinity cathedral, in Omaha, will be tho scene of a brilliant wedding this evening when Nathalie Mcrriman will become tho bride of Barton Millard. North Plntto people or at least tho older residents take interest in the wedding by reason of the 'fact that the mother of tho groom was formorly a North Platto girl Miss Jessie Barton. Miss Whittaker continues her big reduction sale on all trimmed hats. Wo notice by an Omaha paper that C. F. Scharman, along with four others has filed suit against a man named Whipple for $50,060 damages for a breach of contract. Tho suit grows out of a failure on the part of Whipple to organize a horso collar company in Canada, the management of which was to have been taken, wo understand, by Mr. Scharman. An inspector of the postoffico de partment spent Saturday in town and . made inquiries relative to another room for tho post oflicc, but found no suit able quarters. The lease on tho pres ent building expires February 1st next, and it is understood that tho Odd Fel Iowb have another tenant who is will ing to pay about one-half more for tho room than tho government is now pay ing. Unc.lo Sam is a big man, howover, and cannot bo ojected from a building liko us other fellows, and if ho con cludes to remain in the present nunr ters until the new federal building is completed, ho can't be budged, though the rent can uo eicvaieo. J& fCt On Tuesday, k Will Olill IVf kill' UIlIWOL consisting of Groceries, r i . ee in oanKrupicy o ua and can be examined by Personal Mention. W. T. Wilcox went to Omaha Sunday to attend tho meeting of tho stato bar association. Judge Grimes went to Omaha Sun day to bo present at tho annunl meet ing of tho legal fraternity of the state. L. W. Walker leaves tonight for Chi cago who he will purchase additional machinery for tho electric light plant. Mrs. Fern Vinson, of Denver, ar rived Monday to spend Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Hart left Sun day for Ft. Dodge, Iowa, where they wero called by the death of Mr. Hart's uncle. Mrs. Gill and Mrs. Aborn, mother and sister respectively of Mrs. S. R. Derrybcrry, who had been guests of the latter, returned to their homo in Callaway yesterday. Mrs. Helen White, who had been abroad for several months, arrived in New York last week, and at present is visiting relatives at North East, Penna. Sho will soon return to this city. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Patterson will go to Omaha tomorrow night to spend Thanksgiving with Misses Ruth and Edith Patterson. Mrs. Patterson will probably remain in that city for a week. Rev. Seibert went to Sutherland Sat urday and attended a farewell recep tion tendered that evoning to Rev. Powell, who soon leaves that charge. Mr. Powell was presontcd with a set of toilet articles, Rev. Seibert making the presentation speech. New Time Card. A new time card went into effect on tho Union Pacific Sunday. Tho changes mado did not materially affect tho timo of departure of tho trains. The time of departuro of trains is as follows: WESTWAUD Leaving Hour Mountain Time No. 11 Colorado Special.... 7:30 a. m. No. 9 Fast Mail 3:55 p. m. No. 1 Overland Limited.... 4:35 p. No. 7 Los Angeles Limited. 8:00 p. in. No. 15 Colorado Express... 11:45 p. m. No. 3 China and Japan Mail 12:30 a. m No. 5 Oregon Express 1:55 a. m. North Platto Local arrives 7:15 p. m. EASTWAHD Leaving Hour Central Time. No. 14 North Platte Local... 5 :30 a. m. No. G Oregon Express 8:20 a. m. No. 10 China and Jupun Mail 9:25 a. m. No. 8 Los Angeles Limited 12:40 p. m. No. 2 Overland Limited 1:35 p. m. No. 12-Chicago Special.... 10:50 p. m. No. 4 Atlantic Express.... 11:40 p. in. Republican Lovefeast. Chairman Davis, of the republican central commttec, has issued invitations to the precinct committeeman and other prominent republicans to nttend a re publican lovefeast and ratification meet ing to be held at the Odd Fellows' hall in this city next Saturday evening. Addresses will be mado by a number of leading representatives of the party and a buffet lunch will be served. Presbyterian Church. A meeting of tho congregation will bo held Wednesday 7:30 p. m. at tho church, tho object of which will be to consider tho call of a permanent pastor. The important naturo of the business demands the presenco of every momber of tho church and congregation. Tho officers request a full attendance. Notice to The Public. All parties aro worned against throw ing ashes in the street ditches. No objections to depositing them in middle of street or in alleys. W. B. Sausiiuuy, Street Commissioner. - December 1st, MIUU VT wuu.. M "J ' - w J Fixtures, Horses, Etc. I he sale i i ii. i ti - iu ciu&c uy iwc cbioic. me diah.iv to uimoi-u vi"'-' application to the Trustee from 9 to 12 a. m. in the fax E. S. DAVIS, Trustee. Dean Beccher Honored. Rev. George A. Beccher, formerly rector of tho Episcopal church of this city, now dean of tho Trinity cathedral at Omaha, has been elected n vice pres ident of the Association of Chaplains of tho American Prisons which body has just closed sessions at Richmond, Va. Mr. Beccher has been interested in the prison work in Omaha and his elec tion is an honor well deserved. Vote in Senatorial District. Tho vote received in Hie Thirtieth senatorial district by Raymond, repub lican, and Reed, democrat, was as fol lows: Counties Raymond Reed Banner 182 72 Cheyenne 937 774 Dawson 1770 1929 Deuel 532 3G7 Grant 98 95 Hooker 115 87 Keith 3G9 315 Kimball 230 110 Lincoln 1581 1377 Logan 145 151 McPherson 215 143 Perkins 255 25G Scotts Bluff 814 524 Thomas 102 123 Totals 7405 Raymond's majority 1082. G323 Tubcrculocis Campaign. A. T. Peters, of tho agricultural sta tion at Lincoln, in a letter to Tho Tri bune says: "Knowing that you aro in terested in the tubcrculocis campaign, wo wish to state that we are now in n position to test herds of cattlo freo of charge. We have been fortunate enough to secure some assistanco from the government, tho Bureau of Animal In dustry having stationed two veterinar ians with the Department of Animal Pathology to co-operate with us in this work. Therefore any dairyman or farmer wishing to have his dairy or breeding stock tested should send in his name and address to tho Department of Animal Pathology, Nebraska Agricul tural Experiment Station, Lincoln, Ne braska, and stato how many head ho wants tested." Quite a serious accident occured last Friday about eight miles north of1 Well fleet. A Mr. Miles and family wero moving from Palisade to North Platto and travoling in a covered wagon in which there was a stove nnd fire in- it, tho morning being cold. While driving along a bad piece of road the wagon up set and instantly took fire nud in a few minutes was entirely consumed. Tho little ten-year-old son of Mr. Miles was very severely burned and was brought back to town nnd nfterward taken to tho hospital at Holdrege, his father and Dr. Rudston accompanying him. Wallace Winner. TIito was a railroad mooting In Arnold last week, and as reported to us, tho five directors of the Koarnoy and Loup Valley Railroad proposed to tho people of Arnold that thoy vote bonds to tho limit, and donate $2500 cash. They represented tho company as being backed by tho Union Pacific. A committee was appointed to look In to tho matter. Wonder when n rail road meeting is duo here and how much thoy want us to give them? Gandy Pioneer. Bargains in City Property. Beautifully located eicrht room cot tage. strictly modern, shade, nnd only two blocks from postoffice, $3000. Ono ot tho finest residences on Dewey street, juBt comploto, two lots, $3,G00. Six room cottuge with corner lot, $2,800. Five room cottacro, $1,800. Good four room house with barn and two lots: suan at $1,100. The beautiful Cryderman homo on West 0th St., partly furnished. $&uuu. O. H. TlIOELECKE. Sj 5 at 1 P. M., $ - 1' "J 1 . s is ordered by the Keter ir : :,,i of t" Kfin eft J. H. Edmistcn Receives Sentence Mr. Edmistcn, who for n year past has been engaged In tho real cstato business in North Platto and hns mado this city his home, pleaded guilty in the federal court nt Omalin Saturday to a conspiracy to defraud tho government in Thomas county land deals nnd was sentenced to pay a fine of one thousand dollars and servo four mouths in tho county jnU In this city. Mr. Edmistcn, who was formerly stato oil inspector nud nt. ono timo chairman of the populist Btato central committee, was indicted by tho federal grand jury in Omaha June 4, 1900, on threo counts of perjury, subornation of perjury nnd conspiracy, and on Juno 15, 1900, of forgery in seeking to defraud the government out of use, titlo and 5 ,)ossesslnn to large tracts of land in tho orth Plntto land district. Tho case was called on trial February 24, 1907, but the defendant failed to up- penr and his bond of $5,000 wns declared forfeited. On April 3, of tho samo year, on motion of his attorneys, and on proper showing tho order of February 24. forfeiting his bond, was vacated. Tho trial was set for somo months nter, but tho defendant was unablo to appear on account of illness nnd tho case had been continued up to tho pres ent time. Mr. Edmistcn was in court with his attorneys, W. S. Snmmer, of Omaha, and E. B. Strode of Lincoln. Both at torneys mado an earnest plea for a light sentenco in view of the long pub lic scrvico of the defendant and his hitherto good charade". Upon tho request of tho attorneys for tho defendant, n stay of execution Was granted until Dec. 1, to onnblo tho defendant to arrange his affairs prior to entering upon his term of imprison ment. Tho Lincoln county jail was selected as being tho present homo of tho defendant. The plea of guilty was mado upon ono indictment for conspir- acy tho other indictments for perjury, subornntion of perjury and forgery be ing dismissed by tho United States district attorney. Sunshjne Society Notes. Nolti Platto Sunshine, Branch No. 1 met ut tho home of Mrs. James Snyder November 20th. 1908. There wero thir ty Indies present nnd tho afternoon Was spent in sewing for a family which was burned out. Thirty-threo garments, six pair of stockings and a pair of baby shoes wero given to this needy family. Miss Annio Kramp proved her sun- shinoness by donating two now uits of underwear, which wero readily nnd quickly disposed of. Tho Baptist ladies wero real Sun- shiners, making dresses and giving them to a family in need. Tho young people held a Sunshlno social at tho homo of Mrs. Perkins on Thursday evening. Refreshments were served nnd a collection, amounting to two dollars was taken, nnd turned over to the Sunshini Society. Mrs. Mnry Lowe contributed ronding matter for tho Rest Rooms and in this way scattered sunshine for others. Wo desiro to extend thnnks to Mrs. Brown for a quilt and to Mrs. Dugnn for a comfort, both of which wore giv en away, und for their cheerful willing ness to scatter BUnshino in every direc tion. Tho mito box in Mrs. Jonnio Arm - strong's restaurant collected $2 50; tho responso from the patrons of tho rest aurant was generous,' stimulated as they woro by tho representations of tho pro prietor regarding tho homo. Tho pro ceeds show what Bympathy tho pooplo have for tho blind babies. Will somo good sunshinor donato a table or stand to hold magazines for tho rest rooms, which Mr. Trump has kindly offered for Sunshine head quarters. Please telephone No.fiU. A mite box tor tho blind bnuioB has been placed in tho rest rooms. Though tho mito box scorns at llrst glnnco an insignificant thing, yet it plays an im portant role in this little drama of finance. SunBhino desires to express their thanks to tho editor of The Tribune for thu boundless courtesies extended to them through tho press, and to Tho Telegraph for its notices. Sunshino knows nothing of selfish ness, it has no joalousy of others, and it is nut a competitor. Mrs. Minio Perkins, Secretary. The Next Best Thing When You Can't Get Guaranty of Dank Deposits. Invest your money in ono of tho many good investment policies of tho New XOTK 1;1IC, Tkmi'i.k Rkai, Estate & Insuiiancb AOKNCy, AOENTS For Sale. Threo qunrtcr-sectiona of land at $7.00 per aero. 2,080 acres at $12.50 per aero. 100 acres good farm land. One-half flection good farm 'and with 100 acreB under cultivation. For further particulars call or writo to Room 2, Hinman House, North Platto. Ladies' Wino Colored ti m Felt Slippers $l,ld Ladies' Black Felt, Fur Trimmed a Cf Juliettcs ,.; 4)1. 0U Ladies' Black Kid Julicttcs, rjr Fur Trimmed. 1,1 D Ladies' Brown nnd Tan Folt Juliettcs q j jc Fur Trimmed p 1 1 0 Ladies' Pink nnd Light Bluo Felt Juliettcs, rti ic Whito Fur Trimmed.... $l.ld Infants' Red, Brown and Green Felt Juliottes, Fur Trimmed OUC Children's Red Folt Fur Trimmed Juliottes nn Sizca5to8 VUC Children's Red Felt Fur Trimmed Juliettcs &i AA Sizes 8J to 11 tl.UU Misses' Red Folt Fur Trimmed Juliettcs d 4 g Sizes 12 to 2 4 1 . 1 D SMALL, THE BIG SHOE WKN, 521. Dewey Street. For Sale. Fino Imported Perchoron nnd Shiro Stallions for snle, or to trade for other stock. All young and sura brcotWs. Address Will G. Gnlaway, McCool, Neb. Do not Miss a GOOD INVESTMENT. A CITY BLOCK FOR Within 12 blocks of Dewey Street. Would cost you $2500 for such a block twelve blocks west of Dewey street. These blocks are selling fast. Sixty block to choose from. Terms right. WM. E. SHUMAN. The comforts of a hot water bottle? Come in and let us explain their many uses. We order direct from the factory insuring you new goods and at lowest price. Two-quart Hot 7Cn Water Bottle 3U Schiller & Co., Family Druggists. First door north of First Nat'! Rank. Republicans arc not better pleased oyer the result of the election than are our patrons over The Quality of our Meats Givo us a trial order and let us convinco you North Platte Meat Market J. L. STINGLEY, Prop. $350 Do You Know Felt Bed room Slippers For Ladies and Children . . . OUR LINE IS NEW AND COMPLETE. LADIES' CLOAKS AND SUITS. Tho ladies of North Platto and vici nity aro fast learning that thoy can bo well drcBscd nnd that their clothing will havo that stylish look if bought from our Ready to Wonr Department. They aro finding that this class of goods bought from us cost no moro than if bought elsewhere, whilo wo givo them far better values in workmanship and stylo and all those llttlo touchos that every woman realizes mako her nppcar better dressed than her neighbor. Tho timo to buy winter suits nnd clonks is in the fall when you can got somo benefit from wearing them. Our lino is still comploto. Wilcox Department Store Pneumonia Proof. That's just what you will be if you will wear one of our CHAMOIS VESTS. ' If you are inclined to take cold easily these vests are just what you need. We have them for children also. The prices are from 50c to $2.50. Stone Drug Co. Souvenir Postal Cards for Sale. vNlGHT.AnC BETTER BREAD THAN MOTHER USED TO MAKE which is only another instanco of what lovers of a good article really think of Armstrong's bread. Yet high sounding praiso is not as convincing as a person al trial. Wo want you to try our bread, eat it, sleep on it nnd think on it. You will then Bay that it's better than mother used to mnko, ENTERPRISE BAKERY, Mrs, Jennie Armstrong, Prop.