Semi - Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. BUHSGRIPTION KATESl Ono Year, cash In advance... H. Months, cnh In advance 6i cut Entered at North PI at to. Nobraska, Postofflce as Hocond class matter. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1908. Tho coming uoaalon of tlio Nobraakn legislature will bo overwhelmingly dem ocratic. Tho 8onato will conuiat of twenty domocrnta nnd thirteen repub HcnnB nnd tho houso aeventy domocrnta and thirty ropublicnna. Thirty-two membcrfl of tho laat legislature wcro rc-elccted but thirty-soven other mem bers havo had cxpcrlenco In provloua Nobrnskn legislatures, leaving nenrly ono hnlf of tho mombors now men In tho legislative work. That justice is Bomotimcs meted out with a swiftness that ia 8tnggcring wan evidenced in Chicago Tuesday when Peter Van VHaaingon, n real estate dealor for years classed among tho first of Chicago's prosperous and rcputablo business men confessed to having ob tained through forged deeda nnd notes moro thnn $700,000, nnd n fow hours nftor his nrreat, on his urgent appeal to bo punished, wns sentenced to tho penitentiary. Tho arrest, tho Indict ment, tho confession and tho sontenco were tho work of Icbs thnn four hours, ngo by n republican legislature. Two of three mombors of the state railway commission will remain republican. And tho republican nttorney-gencrnl, upon whom devolves tho duty to coopo rnto with tho commission, hna been ro olected and ho ny be depended upon to contlnuo to give his vigorous nnd impartial ofTorts toward carrying out tho purposes of tho law. Fremont Tribune. Two New Fast Mail Trains. The Hill lines nro to make n fight for tho privilege of carrying tho govern ment mail from Chicago to tho I'uget Sound country which is now carriod by tho Uurllngton from Chicago to Omahn nnd by tho Union Pacific from Omaha west. This means that n real atrugglo will bo inaugurated for tho business, which has reached enormous proportions. The llarriman officials havo arranged for n now trnin which will mako tho run between Chicago nnd Portland In aoventy-two houra, tho snmo tlmo now made by tho Overland Limited between Chicago nnd San Frnnciaco. Tho Hill lines plan to run n now train over tho Spokane, Portland nnd Senttlo via Hillings over the Northern Pacific and over tho Rurlington through Omnhn to Chicago. Governor HUghea' cxponso bill filed In Now York shows that his campaign for gcvornor cost him but $309. C5. Chandler oxponded $7,305.27. When a man can bo elected ngainst bitter factional opposition nnd apend but $369 in tho Empires stato of tho Union it is timo for st'ato and political or ganizations genorally to get In line with n reform which will givo poor mon n chanco to run for atnto nnd federal officers. Governor Hughes ia Botting a splendid example for poli ticians nnd Btatosnncn. Choyonno Tri-buno. 18, and No. Nebraska cast tho largest voto in Its history at tho Inst election, tho totnl vote ns officially tabulated in the office of tho secretary of stato being 271,390. Tho totnl voto In 1004 was 225,788. Tho socialist voto in tho stato has fallen off: Harbaugh polled 3,0G9 votes for governor. Tho voto given Stobbins for supremo judgo was 3,200 and in 1904 Vail, tho socialist candidato for gover nor, received 6,122. Tho prohibition , .party vote also shows n loss. Tho totnl voto given Roy Teotcra wns 4.4G4. Graves received 5,158 for supromo judgo nnd Swnllow, prohibition candi date for president, received 0,338. A good many pcoplo who havo fol lowed tho enso of tho government ngainst tho Standard Oil company nt ' Chicago agroe with President Rooso volt in thinking that tho decision of tho circuit court of nppoals ngainst tho government nnd in favor of tho com pany involves a gross tnlscnrringo of 'justice. Tho gross impropriety of tho , prestdqnt's saying so is to be concoded, but of tho correctness of such an opin ion there is much roason for making no question. It is to bo hoped, thoreforo, that tho government will succeed in nn effort to havo tho wholo cnao brought for rovlow before tho United Stntoa 'supremo court. It should not bo loft whoro it Is by tho refusal of tho circuit , court of npponls to hoar tho case over . ngnln.Sprlngfield Republican. We ngreo with tho Iientrlco Exprosa when it any a: Anothor dcsirablo amend ment to tho Nobrnskn constitution would be a provision creating four yenr terms for Btnto officers. No soonor docs a stato officor becomo thoroughly acquainted with his duties nnd able to render tho beat sorvlco than ho must again enter tho political arena and run tho chnnce of being dofoated or re elected, if ho. has devoted valuable timo belonging to the stato to campaigning. If dofearcd, his experience is lost to tho public and a now mnn must bo trained in tho sorvico to becomo nn efficlont successor. In nddition, it is generally conceded that an officer is en titled to ro-olectlon if his work hns boon satisfactory. Ho cannot feel warranted in removing to Lincoln and taking up n now lino of work for ono term, There fore, altogether, a state officer's term ought to bo extondod from two to four years, a provision wisoly mndo by tho constitutions of aomo other statos. COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS November 10th. 1908. Hoard spent tho day at Brady In specting roads nnd bridges. November 17th, 1008. Bonrd met same ns yesterday, pres ent full board and county clerk. Tho following claims woro allowed: E. II. Springer, services, $55.50. S. C. Wills, services, 53.50. A, O. Kockcn, services, 40.50. Henry Roasch, road work, Dist, 9.00. I. L. Miltonborgor, sorvicos offico expenses, 1M.17. ' Mornnt Estato, damagos Road 300, disallowed for 5.00. Road No. 315 petitioned for by James Ovens and others filed Juno 18, 1908, camo up for final action by tho commissioners, tho samo is hereby re jected for reasons that it is not practi cal nnd too much damage. Road No. 315i petitioned for by C. C. Knowles, J. II, Knowlcs nnd Geo. Heater ns follows: Commencing about fivo rods east of northwest qunrtor of northonst quarter suction 4-9-31 on Bcction lino running thenco southeast down canyon nbout thirty roda around south ond of knoll in canyon, thenco in n northoasterly direction about fifty rods in ennyon to point whoro canyon Intersects Bcction lino nbout twenty rods from northenst cornor of northwest quarter of north cast quartor section 4-9-31. Tho board being of tho opinion that tho public good requires' it, and tho said Knowles nnd Heater waiving all damago on ac count of locating said road, tho petition ia thcroforo granted ns u consent mad. Tho following claims wcro allowed: Goo. Kopf, road work Dist. 31, $72.00 C. C. Wilts, road work Dist. 28.60 Robt. Anderson, road work Dist. 18.00 John Dick, road work Dist. 12.00 II. E. Anderson, road work Dist. 21, 11.00 Irn Ditto, rond work Dist. Wm. Ebright sorvicos and 134.50 Wm. Ebright services and 268.30 John Frodorlcl, rond work Dist. 49, 15.00 Adjourned until Decombcr 7, 1908. having departed for that place Monday morning. Harry Lantz of No-th Platto was visiting his father on the islnnd nnd tnklng views of Maxwell with his cam era. Chas. Trembly nnd wifo wero North Platto visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Shaner of Illin ois aro shaking hands with old timo friends in this section. Warren Warnock, of Kimball, is helping his brother Sam husk corn. Fred nnd Lcator Drako captured nn opposum tho other dny. They are try ing to make n pet of it by shutting it up under tho bed. Mrs. Duko Trembly departed for Gothenburg Wednesday morning. NIP IT IN THE BUD. First Apprnrnnce of DnndmfT n Forc- mnncr or. luture Jinitlncss. That Bucti is tno enno tins been con- clUHlvoly proven by sclentlfio reaenrch. Prof. TJnnn, tho noted European skin specialist, declares that dandruff Ia tho burrowed-up ctitlclo of tho scalp, caused by parasites destroying the vitality In tho hnlr bulb. Tho lwlr becomes lifeless, nnd, In tlmo, falls out. This can bo prevented. Nowbro'u Ilernlcldo kills this dandruff Kcrin, and restores tho hnlr to Its natural noftness nnd nbundancy. llorplcldo Is now used by thousands of people nil srttlsflcd that It Is tho most wonderful hnlr preparation on tho mar ket to-day. Sold bv leitdlnir druirjrlsts. Bend 10c In stnmps for samplo to Tho Horplcldo Co., CVtrolt, Alien. Two bIzob B0 cents nnd $1,1)0. McDbnoll & Graved. Special Agts. W. R. MALONEY, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER A full line of Caskets, Robes, etc. Calls answered promptly. Day Phono 126, Night Phono 482. DR. C. D. STANARD, DENTIST. Office G051 Dewey. Hinmnn Block. Ollice hours: 8:30 to 12:00 m. 1:30 to 5:00 p. m. PROFESSIONAL CARDS T S. TWINEM. v Homeopathic Physicinn and Surgeon. Office! McDonald Bank Building. Phono 183. A. J. Ames, M. D. Mario Ames, it. D- DOCTORS AMES & AMES. Physicians nnd Surgeons. Office: Over Stono Drug Co. Phones: Offico 273, Residence 273 GEO. B. DENT, Physicinn nnd Surgeon. Office: Over McDonald Bank. Office 130 (Resldenco 115 Phones D R. L. C. DROST. Osteopathic Physician. Rooms 7 and 8, McDonnld State Bank Building, Phono 148. Barb wire for sale at Ilershey's, corner Fitli and Locust St. Phone 15. A THANKSGIVING DRIVE in a fine now carrlngo wlllglvo you just tho right nppetlto for Turkey. Your old carriage has seen so much scrvico you must bo getting nshnmcd of it. Wo '11 supply n new ono that will at tho samo timo bo handsome, comfortablo and safe. Don't ask .the price.' You might think It too low for a good enrringo. A. M. Lock. WILCOX & HALLIGAN, Attorneys-at-Law. Offico over Schatz Clothing Store. Phono 48 rp C. PATTERSON, Attomoy-nt-Lnw, Offico: Cor. Front & Dewey Sts. LEGAL NOTlOE, Tn Nathaniel E Martin. defendant: iou arehe'reby notified that on tap u.j. lalntlff. filed ncoln county. OctoiKjr, ivw. jowl ,v v f 1.1. .will! nn In tun oisinctui 1" j.".i",vr ...i ,.i Nathaniel E. Martin, as w auict Uilp in the pla.nUff in tho Northeast 'laarter iNE Ml or Pccuon Fourteen (II). Township Mm ( North, Nicholas Scu len w owas then owner of said nYemls" wl b U wife Mary Fciillcn. mado. Mta'and delivered to Martin a mopea v "'V.-A. " .T,i euro an iiMieoieuni's i s'w.w, .v. morta"o was recorded In tho county clerk's offlce o 'Lincoln county, Nebraska. In Hook o of JIortBaKCS at Vua 1M; that said mort- irairo has lone sinco imiu. . ............ mistake or nested still remains of record and unsatisfied and casts a cloud upon tho tltlo of said promts', that said ruortgaeo became duo on tho 6th day of December. IBM. and moro than ten years iiavo V'Bp3lr. .i .... camo duo and If unpaid Is barred by tho stat utes of limitation. ,. ... Tho plaintiff Is the owner and In possession of ald premises and tho object and prayor of said petition Is to havo said rnortKaifo can celled and (lisciianjeu irum uiu it tho county cierw's omco oi uncumtuui n. Nobraska. and thatsald tltlo to said premises borjulotrd In tho plaintiff, and for such other and further tellef as canity may require. Vin urn rnimlrnrl til ntHWIT said Petition on or beforo tho 7th day of December. 1006. Dated this win c ay or wcioner. iwn. JOHN O. DEWEY. Plaintiff. o20l Ily L. E. Roach, his Attorney. Serial No. 0101. H. E. 191W. Notice for Publication. Department of tho Interior, Land OlUco at North Platte, Nob. Rnntnmlipr 21st. 1008. Nntli-n Ik Iinrnhv trlvrn that Carl W. McOroW. of North Platto. Nobraska. who on December 9th, 11KJ1, mado homestead entry No. mm. ror tlio northwest quartor oeu tlon H. Township 15 north. Raniro 2 west Sixth Principal Meridian, has filed notlco of intention to mane nnai nvo .year proui to establish claim to tho land abovo described, boforo tho ReeUtcr and Ro- cclvcr at North Platto. Nob., on tho 20th day of November, idbb. Claimant names as witnesses: r. u. rotcr son, A. Rudolph, T. J. Combs and W. A. Stearns, all of North Platto. Nebraska. o J. K. c. VAPis. uegisior. FOR SALE. Good Pure Bred Male Poland China Pigs. . . S.J. Koch, Hershcy, Neb flat s a i sn i ill ii mil II m m vv mill i ONE MILLION Smokers to be Made Happy by Using the mm Matchless Cigar Lighter IWimiATR NOTlOE TO ORKDITOItS. In tho Counts- Court of Lincoln County. No braska. In tho matter of tho estato of William II. Wolty. deceased. notlco is hcrebr Kivcn. That tno creditors of tho said deceased will roeot tho adminis trator or said estato. beforo mo. uountr Judiro of Lincoln County, Nobraska, at tbo county court room tn satd county, on tho 1st day of Decombcr, 1WW, and on the 1st day or Juno, 1D0U. at U o'clock a. m. each day, for tho purposo or presenting tneir claims lor exami nation, adjustment and allowance Six months are allowed for creditors to present tbulr claims and ono year for tho Adminis trator to Mttio said estate from tno aist nay of October 11KB. This notlco will be published in tho North Platto Trlbuno eight publica tions successively prior to tho 1st day of December, num. Witness my hand and feal ot said court this mst doy of October, A. D. iwm. 3-H 113-1 W. O. ELDicu, County Judiro. Just what it will buy. In groceries it isworth About $1.10 .at. mm LAMB'S CASH STORE, NORTH SIDE. 21, 21, 21, 33, 17.10 expenses expenses Best the world Affords "For fifteen years 1 havo watched tho working of Bucklen's Arnica Salvo; nnd It has never failed to cure any sore, boll, ulcer or barn to which it was ap plied, It has saved us many a doctor bill," says A. P. Hnrdy, of East Wil ton, Maine. 2Tc. nt Stone's drui; store. FOR HIS BIRTHDAY or to give him nny tlmo to have on hand when malo friends call, a box of fino cigars are niwnys m oruor tuways an-1 predated. If tho stump and label on tho box boar tho magic word "Forest King," there will bono question as to the plcnsuro nfforded tho smoker, for tlioro Is no better smoko extant than that obtained from tho forest king cigar. I.R SCIIMALZRIED. 1MIOIIATK NOTICES TO CKRDITOrtS In thu County Court ot Lincoln county. No' braska. In tin matter of the estate of Krcdorlck A. Landorx. docuased. Notlco In hureby k'lvcn. that tho creditors of said deceased will meet tho Administrator of said estato, beforo mu, County Judeo ot Lincoln county. NolirasKa. at the county court nHiin In nald county, on tho 1st day of December. Il08, and on tho 1st day of Juno, 1W9, at 8 o'clock p. m. each day, for tho pur- ixwo of presenting tholrclalms for examina tion, adjustment and allowance Sx mouths uro allowed for creditors to present their claims ami ono year for tho Administrator to settle said estato, from tho -1th day ot Auir: ust. MW. This notlco will bo published In tho North Platto Trlbuno. for ulirht publications successively prior to tno 1st (lay ot December, 11108. Wltnnst mr band and robI nf said rimrt. thlsaistday otOctoler. A. I). 1U08. W- O. KLDRIt, n3-S County .ludtro. Republicans are not better pleased over the result of the election than are our patrons over The Quality of our Meats Give us n trial order and let us convince you North Platte Meat Market J. L. STINGLEY, Prop. Price 50 Cts. (Special Rates to Dealers.) This lighter works in biggest wind, land or sea, needs no liquid ot any kind nor caps, it dealer cannot turnish we can. Matchless Cigar Lighter Mfg. Co., 16 John Street. New York. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of tho Interior, United States Land Ofllco. North Platto. Nobraska. Oct. 23. 1U08. A sufllclont contest affidavit havlnir lxion filed In this ofllco bv Ollvor A. Itldonour. of Wallace. Neb., contestant, airalnst homestead entry No. 21010. mado Juno lUli. 1TO0, for tho southwest quarter of section 14, township 11, rantro s;i, by Lowroy liruckmar contestco. In which It Is alleircd that said Lowroy liruckmarhasnovcrestabiished a reslJT.coor resided upon said land slnco thoCatooMd - said entry and has wholly ab- ndoneu said lanu for moro than six months last past. That ho has not Imnrovcd or cultivated said land and said land Is ontlroly without Improvements ot any kind or character. That allot satd dofects exists to this dato. Said parties aro hereby notified to nrmoar. rcsuond and offer evidence touchlns said allcuatlonatlO o'clock a. m. on Dec. 'a. lm boforo tho Itcglster and Kocolvor at the United States Land Ofllco in North l'latto, Nobraska. tho said contestant liavinc, in a proper aflldavlt, filed Oct. 23. 1908, sot forth facts which show that after duo dlllironco personal sorvlco ot this notlco can not bo mado, It Is hereby ordered and d I roc ted that such notlco bo elven by duo and proper publication, .1. o27- E. Evans. Ilctrlstor. NOTlOE OP SALE. Notlco Is horebv elven that at 1 o'clock on Saturday, tbo Bth day of December, 1SHW. at tbo east frontdoor of tho court houso In tho city of North l'latto. Nobraska, I will sell at Subllc auction to tho blithest and best bid or, tho northwest quarter of section 2il, township II), north of rango 33, west of tbo Otli I', M. In Lincoln County, Nebraska, tbo torras of said salo to bo ono bait cash and tbo balanco in three enual annual payments with lntorest from tho dato of salo at six por cont per annum upon each or tho deferred pay ments, said salo Is mado by virtue of an order of tho district court ot Lincoln county, NobrasKa. lnacaso where u Weslov T. Wil cox Is plaintiff and Jcssio Dlkeman, Almeda tj. uiuoman, unauncy K. Dlkeman, duello u Dlkeman and llonlamln A. Dlkeman. execu tor and trusteo aro defendants. hrouKht to partition tho abovo described land and said salo Is hold pursuant to satd order. Nov. s-s uuTi.Eit iiociiANAN. Itcrorco. SorlalNo. 701. II. E. 21585. NOTICE FQH PUBLICATION. Department of tbb Interior, U. S. Land Ofllco at North Platto. Nob., November 6. 11)08. Notlco Is hereby elven that John W. Child- orston. of Tryon Nb.. who on Dec. 18, 1905, mad Ilomostoad Entry No, J15H3, for west bait section 27, southeast quarter southeast quar ter section northeast quartor, north half northwest quarter, northeast quarter south east quarter section 33, township It) north. raniro 31 west, sixth principal meridian, hag filed notice ot his Intention to mako final fivo year proof, to establish claim to tho land of tho District Court at Tryon, Nebraska, on luoioa aay or uecomuor, ivua. Claimant names as wltnossps! 'William Kaho, Fred Popham, Robert Mcl'harland, viuiam ecoii, an ai rryon. iNourasna J. K. nO-tt Evans. Itcglstcr. Sheriff's Sale. Wood Turning and Furniture Repairs, Cabinet Work, Screen Frames, Saw Filing1 and Setting. All kinds of Job Work done on short notice at prices to suit. : , OOUNTV. NEUKASK A. V VI .fHPnJflH Intbomattorotthoappll- CIlOUll cation of Henry lllom. Shop North of P. O. 11 v vlrtun of an order of salo Issued from tho district court ot Lincoln County, No braska. urxin a decrco of foreclosure roiv darnd In said court wberuln Ilr.nrr Walto- math, Is plaintiff and Hannah Hansen, Peter Hansen, .loun liuitercn. l.aura uuueren ana Arthur Hulteren wcro defendants, and to mo directed, I will on tho 28th day of Nov., 1U08. at ono o'clock p. m., at tho cast front door ot tho court houso In North Platto. Lincoln County. Nobraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree. Inter est and costs, tbo following described prop erty, to-wlt: Thonorthboast quarter (nsU)of section olshteon (18), township twelve (12) raniro thirty-two tic), in Lincoln county, NO' braska. Dated North Platto, Nobraska, October 2ath, 1W. 027-D I. U. JMILTONIlKltQElt, B II ON It. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF LINCOLN 2D.1 Serial No. 0582. NOTlOE OV PUUL1CATION (lsolatod Tract). Applicable to Nobraska only (34 Stat., 12 public sale. DEPARTMENT OV THE INTKllIOlt. United States Land Olllco. North Platto. Nobraska. November i, 1008. Notlco Is hureby elven that, as dlrocted bv tbo Commissioner of tho General Land Oniro. undor provisions ot tbo act ot March ", 1907, (ai Btat-, roi), we will oiror at public sale, to tho highest bidder, at 10 O'clock a. m., on tho 23d day of December. 1904. noxt. at this olllco. tho -followlnir tracts of land, towlt: west half southeast quarter, section 17, town ship 10 north., ranifu SO, west 6th principal morldan. Any nersOn clalmlne advorsolr tho abnvn described lands aro advised to fllo their claims or objections on or beforo tho tlmo designated for sale. . . i; K' kvanb, icecistcr. n8-5 W. n. C. WOODiiimsT. Receiver. Tho ropublicnna lost only tho bond and tail of their stato ticket Govorndr Sheldon and Ruiltoad Gointniaslonor Williams. Slnco thoso two odlclnls led in proposing and onforcltii; leRislatlon for regulation of tho railroads It may well bo assumed that tho railroads aro thoroly pleased wlUi tho outcome Tho Railway Employees' association do clared specifically ngulnst Mr. Williams. Tho It signally fallod to provent his nomination at tho primaries it certainly furnished onuf votes to rvq tho demo cratld nomtneo, Mr, Gowgill, his slen der majority of 652 votos. This ns aociatlon will, thoreforo, doubtless feel that its orgn nizatlon and activity lm3 not boon in vain. Hut tho result can only 'afford personal satisfaction. It will in no wise effect tlio enforce ment of tho laws enacted two years Puckarue Island. Mrs. Oscar Johnson who has been critically ill, Is convalescing. Mr. and Mrs, It. H. Koso wore up from Gothenburg visiting tho former's parents last wook. Mrs. Whltford and Miss George, of Trenton, Nob., are visiting Mrs. Whit- ford's purontB, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rose. C. O. Hutchinson is laying tho foun dation for a now houso. , Frank Drako and wifo wero trans acting business in North Platto Satur day. Tho danco at Earl Nisoly's Saturday night was well attended and all report n lino tlmo. Llttlo Glennls Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lowis, suffered another severe attack of convulsions Monday night but by tho medical aid of Drs. Kcnnon and Twinom tho llttlo ono recovered und is improving. Mrs. Mary Strong and children aro visiting hoc sister, Mrs. E. C. Drako on tho Island this weok. Charley Johnson is progressing nicely with his now houso. W. B. Housor of Box Eldor had his foot soveroly bruised Sunday whilo rid ing ufter his colts that had strayed to C. W. Trombly's on tho Island. Miss Gladys Trombly is tho guost of Mury Rose of Gothonburg this week Don't Spend $3.50 When Fifty Cents Will do theWork. Prol, W. M. Hayot, Ais't. Secty. of Agriculture of the United Stales says about Stock Foodi "These balanced rations arc often found bv analysis to consist of the talllmis of mills, elevators and breweries, mixed with molasses and salt, to make the compound palatable to the cattle, and one of the largest Stock Food Companies is said to use fine sawdust, finely ground, to cheaply bring up the weight of his product, Instead of buying a superior and expensive balanced ration containing high fattening qualilies and acting as a tonic, he has paid a high price for a feed containing, along with ordinary grain, finely ground alfalfa hay and other common food stufTs, $5.00 to $25.00 per ton, a high percentage of refute, and non-nutritious matter, some of which may be positively dangerous to the health of his stock." , Make your own stock foods and remedies by using Skldoo Horso and Cattle Tablets for horses, cattle, sheep, swine and fowls; proper Aose in tablets. Mix in feed or salt. They contain no tawdutt, allies, chopped feed or bran. Ask for and try once Skidoo Condition Tablets or Skldoo Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera, Cathartic, Heave, Fever, Hog Cholara, Dlttcnper, Pink Hyc, Colic, White Plague l'rcvcntlc, or Ulisler Tablets, or Louse Killer, Spavlm Remedy, or Uarb Wire Liniment, nistribnltd by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO., Capital Stock $300,000.00, Watortown. S, D U. S. A. KOlt SALE HY JOHNSON'S CASH 11ACKET STORE. Get a I 2sa. I Box. u It yon aro feeling oat-of-sorts, tako an NR Tstx l;t, and you will feel better In the mornliut. They will niiko Ton feel juit rlelit. "NATURE'S REMEDY strunitheiis tho Bloiuarh. Liver, Kidneys and porlfee tho Wood, does Us work thornnchlr and pleauntly, ret It never gtlpei, weiVons or elckcns Invarlably maklnc too user feol stronger and better. Better Than Pills For Liver Ills. Take NR TU.o for Ingestion, Elek Headache, Lois of Appetite, Sallow Complexion. Mm Coaplalnt, Skin Diseases, Pimples and Kraptlons, Chills. HaUrla, biliousness, llheurna lism, Torpid Mvor or Inaettro lildnejs and all troubles arlslug Troin Uio dlgetllro oreans. One Tablet crvts REUiy. McDONELL & GRAVES, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Guardian of tho estato of Namlo lianetson and Josoph L. llansrtson. minors, to sell Ward's rnal ostatn. Un roadinir and mine Order to show causo why LI- conso should not lssuo for salo of Ward's real es tato. tho potltlon duly vorltlod of Henry Hlom, ifuanllan or tho os' tnin nf Namlu Ilanirtbon. and .Tosouh L lianetson, minors, for llcenso to sell tbo fol lowing described real estato, to-wlt: Lots 5. 7, and 8 and oast half ot southwest quarter (EH of SW4) of spctlou 31, township is, north of raniro iH wpst of tho 0th p. tn. tn Lincoln County, Nob., for tho purposo of rais ins funds for tho education and maintenance of Namlo iianstsou, minor, anu ror, tno pur poso oftl.o payment of tho -Indebtedness of said minors which Is a lion upon said real es tate and for tho purpose of preventing said estato from bolne wasted, and It appearing from said potltlon that said roal estato coir HlHta of a farm located In Lincoln county. No' braska, and that tho Income therefrom Is tnsufllr.tont to nay tho Interest upon tho mort' iratro Indebtedness upon said laud and to also supiiort and educate. said minors: It Is thoreforo ordored that tho noxtot kin of said minors and all persons Interested tn ualil rual stato anncar before mo at chain' 1mm In tho court Iiotlso In tbo city of North Platto In Lincoln County, Nobraska, on tho 7th day ot December, 11)03, at U o'clock a. m. to show cause. If any thero Iks, why llcenso ahmild not bo irranted to said Henry lllom. suardlan, to sell said roal estato for tbo pur poses alvo sot forth. . Anil It Is further ordered that a copy of this order bo personally borved upon all of tho persons Interested In said real estato at least It days boforo tho dato sot for hoarlnar and that said notlco bo sorved upon said minors, nnd also upon Anna Mario sniitn anu Jnlm A . Smith, nnxtof kin. and upon Alasnus VfintiiW. Dm twrsnnal iruardlan of said minors, and that this ordor bo published for tbreu successlvo weeks In tho North Platto Tribune, a newspaper published and printed in unM noimiv nt f.lnrnln. Nebraska. Dated at chambers In said Lincoln County, this 7th uay or novomuor, w- Judco of District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. NOTlOE OK ItEFEREE BALK. Notlcnls hereby el von that at ona o'clock l ii. n .iinninnn nn Hatnrdav. the 11th day of Doccirbor, HWfl, at tho oast front door of tho courthouso In tho city of North, Plfttto, Ne braska. 1 will sell at public auction for cash m i. iilolmui mill lumt. blildnr tlui northeast. nuartur of section 1. Ill township 9 north, ot raniro so. west of Utb p- m. tn Lincoln county. Nobraska. Hald salo Is mado by virtue of an iim .luirlct i-oiirL of Lincoln, county. K'nliMiuL-n In n ruin whhruln Mary Colin Is plaintiff ami Mary K- Htetjeman and Albert Stefc-eman aro defendant, brought to parti tion thu above described land, aud said salo Is held uursuaiit to sam ower. I, b. MnrftJ rnmnonir, irofOfcv, SIIKUIFF'S SALE. Dy virtue of an order of salo lssund frnm tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebras ka, upon a docreo of forcclosuro randnrod In said court wherein Qlrard Trust Company. trusteo, is piainlitr and John Btoockor, 1). W. saploten, Mrs. D. V. Staploton, his wifo, firs namo unknown and John Doo aro defendants, and to mo directed. I will on tim 2str. day of Nov, lWW. at 1 o'clock p.m. at the cast front door or tho court houso In Nortn Platto. Lincoln county. NVtirnuln. Kni: at nubile auction to the hhrlinst blilib.r tnr cash, to satisfy said decree, intorost and costs, the followlnedescrlbed property, to-wlt: ttoutuoasi Qunrier tat-JMj ot section Thlrty threo 83, township Nino IU1,. North of raniro Thirty-four 131, West of 0 P. M. In Lincoln County. Nebraska. Hated, at Norm l'latto. Nob., Oct. 20, 1808. I. L. MiivroNDKiinEH, 037-" Sheriff. IN THE DISTRICT COIIIIT OF THE UNITED 8TATEH. KOlt THE DISTRICT OK NERRASICA. NORTH PLATTE DIVISION. In tho matter of tho Estato 1 of Cioa U)uoiua iudon, I tradlntr under tho namo I and as tbo solo proiirlutor ot tho U. 3. Grocery Com-1 pauy, Dankrupt. J In Dankruptcy Caso No. 3 Involuntary Totitlon. ORDER KOR BALE OF PROPERTY. At North Platte. In said District, nn n,iu llth " ay ot November, beforn Walter V. Hoacland, Hefereo In Hankruptcy. This caufio came on for hoarlna; beforo the Rotorco uton tho petition and application of Kdward H. Davis, trusteo of thn hinb.,,.. herein, for an order for tho sain of the bank rupt's property heroin at public auction and upon consideration whoreof It Is ordored 1. That the trustee boII at oneo for tho best nrlco obtalnablo all .of tho imrlalmhi,. orty from tho stock of eoods belontflnir to said estate. 2. It la further ordered that dm oxpoau tor sale at public auction to the high est bidder for caah at tho bulldlnir In North Platte. Nebraska, lately occuplod by tho bankrupt heroin with Its stock of roods on Tuesday, the ""td? ot Decemlief. lW. it 2 a'cloek p. ra.. alt of Uia remalnln: aasots of said eotato ozccptliur the book accounts hn lonrioB Uiaal aertatpj aald aale to be subject to the approval ot the court a a hoarlmr to lw had before tho Retereo In said 1 ,fi. December 1st, ivoh, at 4 o'clock p. m. It Is further directed tint n ,, order bo mailed to each of tho creditors and othor parties Interested In tbo bankrupt's estato herein at least ton days prior to tho dato of said sale, and that tho trustee .adver tise said sale at ltast ton days prior to tho dato thereof and five such other notlco as 0 innv dmm advlM&bln. ' u W. V. IIOAaLAND. Rotorco In Hankruptcy.