The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 10, 1908, Image 8

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    Semi - Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
Ono Ver, cash In advance 11.36
Months, cash In advanco ft cts
Kntorod at North Platte, Nebraska, Pottofllce
as second class matter.
State Officers Divided.
T)o Intest state rcturnB givo the re
publicans five nnd tho democrats four
Btatc officers. Tho democrats got the
governor, Heutenant-Kovernor, nocre
fnry of stato nnd railway commissioner,
while the republicans bag the treasurer,
Btipcrintendent of schools, auditor,
nttorney general nnd commissioner of
public lands nnd buildings. Tho re
publican get but three of tho six con
grcBBmon Ilinshaw In tho Fourth,
Norris in the Fifth and Klnkald in the
Sixth. Tho plurality ' for Norris is
Plead Ignorance.
A number of voters who cast their
bnllotA ngniiiflt Sheldon for governor
nnd Williams for railway commissioner,
now claim thnt they did not know
ShnllonberRer and Cowgill wore being
boosted by tho railroads. This plea of
ignorutica deems utmost Incredulous,
fir it was known nil through tho cam
paign that tho rnilroids did not want
Sheldon or William In fact a strong
fight was mado ngalnat Williams at tho
primary election. There haB never
been nn odlccr in Nebrnska who mora
fully doserved a re-election than
Governor Sheldon, and the political
ingrntitude shown him will never be
forgotten by thousands of republicans
in N'brnBkn.
The Total Vote of County.
Iielow is published the total voto re
ceived by tho candidates in tho election
last Tuesday. Tho total vote is the
.largest ever cast in Lincoln county,
exceeding by 1,340 the voto cast In No
vember. 1907. Tho decreased voto for
Sheldon and Williams ns compared with
tho voto for Junkin, shows tho work of
tho railroad employes, thoy having op
posed tho election of Sheldon and Wil
liams and supported Shallenbergcr and
In Hall precinct ten ballots woro
thrown out which, judges say, should
havo been counted.
Tho way in which tho country pro
dncts Btood up for tho ropubllcan tick
et is to bo commended, and as the
country republicans saved the county,
wo extend congratulations to them and
commend them for their good work.
Tho voto follows.
Total voto In 1008 3247
Total voto In 1007 1007
Taft electors 1542
Bryan electors.... 1381
Debs doctors 170
Chafln electors 81
Sheldon 1470
Shallenberger 14C2
Lieut Governor
Hope-well 1527
Garrett 1302
Junkin 1551
Gatowood 1830
Treasurer ' .
. Brian ; 1575
Mnckny 1350
Barton 1025
Price 1330
Attornoy General-
Thompson 1587
Flohnrty 1334
Com. P, L. and B.
. Cowlos 1573
Easthnm 1338
Supt. of Instruction-
Bishop 1578
Abbott 1330
Railway Commissioner
Willlnms 1490
Cowgill 1431
Klnkaid 1020
Wcstovor 1297
State Senator
Raymond 1581
Reed 1877
Stato Rcprcucntatlvo
Busheo , ......1479
Buchanan 1487
County Attorney
French 1799
County Commissioner
Walters 1500
Garman 1350
For School Fund Amendment 2710
Against School Fund Amendment... 134
For Supremo Court Amendment... 2500
Agnlnat Bupremo court amendmont..237
Seven-Cent Hogs Predicted.
A Chicago dispatch says: Prediction
of 7-cent hogs is again hoard in stock
ynrds circles. Forci'astB.aro all optim
istlc as to hogs with weight nnd qunl
lty and n gcnornl opinion exists that
big hogs, with finish havo already
touched tho low spot for the season.
Armour attitude U regarded as slgnifl
cant, that houso having changed its
policy and joined in the buying of
heavy hogs. That there will be plenty
of light stutT during the early part of
the wlntor is certain and this only
means scarcity of big hogs later, whon
the market is full of thorn.
Nebraska and tie Brewers.
Lincoln Journal.
Tho brewers havo beaton Georgo
Sheldon. It matters less that an Inci
dental result of their activity carried
the stato for Bryan, for Taft has plenty
of votes without Nebraska's. But it
matters much that they havo been the
means of mctelng out punishment for
his good deeds to as brave, honest and
efficient a governor as this state can
over hopo to have.
Hero is a man who fought tho people's
battlo for freedom from corporation
domination at a time when victory was
not sure or reform popular. As it hap
pened, ho won. Then he put but his
words into deeds. Ho becamo the em
bodiment of tho "suuare deal" in Ne
braska. Ho risked and gained the
wrnth of opecial interests by defending
gonoral interests. When ho cornea up
for tho re-election which should have
given him opportunity to complete his
work those spocial intcrestr plan his
defeat. A standing army Is at hand
for that purpose. The brewers have
only to pass tho word and their saloon
keepers, each with his platoon of
followers, spring into lino. No matter
whether they fully control tho now
governor or not they have won, for by
defeating Sheldon they havo given
notice that it fs political death in Ne
braska to oppose them.
What do tho people of Nebraska
think of this? Aro they getting tired
of finding an army of brewers and
saloon hangers-on in tho wav of every
movement of whatever kind that tries
to cleanse tho politics and straighten
tho laws of tho state? If the railroads
can induce their employes to support
railroad candidates, that cannot bo
helped. We must have railroaJs. But
f tho brewers join with tho others
special interests to knife public officials
who aro true to the public, that can
bo holpcd. The brewers and their army
of liquor sollers we can do very well
without if need be.
In the light of Tuesday's results It
seems reasonably clear that the next
stop in Nebraska progress is to put out
of politics that inveterate block to all
political progress. The liquor interests
havo been warned that unless they get
out of politics they will bo put out of
business. Their answer is the defeat
of Sheldon. It is the people's next
Fatal Affray near Lexington.
A dispatch from Lexington dated
Sunday says: Last night a fatal affray
occurred about fifteen miles northeast
of this placo uta dance between Dave
Fisher and Emory Mathowa, two neigh
bors who were not on good terms with
each other. Hot words passed and Ma
thowa Btruck Fisher twice with his fist,
ono blow on tho jaw tho other over the
heart, tho lattor blow killing htm In
stantly. Mathews fled but a ehorlfTo
nosae captured him today and he was
placed under arrest. Coroner Wado
summoned a jury and inquost was1 hold,
who roturned tho verdict that deceased
camo to his death by a blow from Ma'
thew'a fist. Mathews Is now ' in
awaiting further developments,
being Sunday no charge baa not
been filed.
The Finding of Maafi'i Body.
In speaking of tho murder committed
in Keith county, particulars of which
woro published in Friday's Tribune, tho
Ogalalla Newa says: Mrs. Smith, wlfn
of the murderor, arrived this (ThurB
day) morning with a Denver Post re
porter and with Sheriff Boal and D. W
Harrington thoy started In one of Holl-
owny'a autos for Roscoe whero tho
woman says tho murder was commit
4.-.1 Iffl il .k...
icu. w nen tnoy arriveu at tho little
bcuooi nouno near uoscoo, sho re
marked that tho murdor was commit
ted at this point, near tho school houso
Sho very easily followed tho trail from
that point. Crossing tho Roscoe bridgo
to tho south sido of tho river, thonco
west to tho big draw, soma threo miles
Bouth of Ogalalla. When they arrived
there she said that was tho place and
pointed out where the body would bo
Tho removal of a few shovels full of
earth' rovealod the body, in a badly de
composed condition. The remains tal
lied with tho description given by the
womnn at Denver.
The body was brought to Ogalalla
and placed in Arrowsmith'a morgue,
where Coroner Likens hold an In'quesc
Intorrmont was made in the Ogalalla
Miss Cozotta Hall, a well known
school toacher of Lincoln county, died
at tho homo of her sister Mrs. Georgo
Snyder, near Maxwell, on Thursday
morning of last wcok. The funeral
was held Fridny afternoon, and lntr
mont took placo In tho cometory on tho
J. S. Snyder farm. Tho deceased was
twonty-sovon years of ago, and death
was due to typhoid fever. Many friends
will regret to loam of tho death of this
estimable lady.
The baskot ball team of the Brady
school recently dofeated the Gothen
burg school team by a score of fourteen
to twelve
Card ef Thanks-
Mr. and Mrs. George Snyder, of
Maxwell, koslre to thus publicly thank
tho friends and neighbors for tho kind
ness shown and assistance rendered
during the illness and at the funeral of
their Bister, tbe late CeaetU Hall.
The Same Mistake Is Made by
Many North Platte People.
It's a common error.
To plaster tho aching back.
To rub with liniments rheumatic
When tho trouble comes from tho
Doan'a Kidnoy Pills euro all kidney
And are endorsed by North Platte
Mrs. J. T. Hollonbeck. livinsr on
Dewey St., North Platte, Neb., says:
"During the past two or threo years I
have been a great sufferer from a dull.
grinding ache through tho small of my
back directly over the kidneys nnd my
limbs nched so severely the greater
part of tho time that I could hardlv
drag myself around. In tho morning I
would get up so lame that I could not
stand erect and it would bo hours bo-
foro I could walk about with anv decree
of comfort. The kidnoy secretions
were very annoyine bv their irregular
and frequent action. About a year ago
wnen i was reeling very miserable a
friend advised mo to try Doan'a Kidnoy
s. uiDa niiu a ivwuivu u inA uiy jt A
Streitz's Drue Store. In a short time
I imnroved with marked raniditv and
by the timo I had used tho contents of
a few boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills, I
was completely cured of this distressing
complaint and have since had no
return. '
For Salo by all Dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
Now York. Solo Agents for tho United
Remember tho name Doan'a and
take no other.
Young Men's Clothes
Edcrhciincr, Stein & Co.
YOU know what
team work is
in a ball game.
You learn what it
means in the cloth
ing business when
you buy one of these
made overcoats wc
are showing.
The whole force of the
great Ederhoimer-Steln or
ganization and the Ability
and atrength of thlj atore
are directed to just one end
the aim to take better
care of you young men than
you havo ever been cared
for before. That' team
work that will give you the
beat overcoat you ever wore.
Get it now.
Weingand & McDonald
Headquarters for
Stove Pipe,
Stove Boards,
Linoleum Rugs,
Elbows, Coal Hods,
Stove Polish, Etc.
Workman & Derryberry
Wood Turning and
Furniture Repairs,
Cabinet Work, Screen
Frames, Saw Filing- and
Setting. All kinds of Job
Work done on short
notice at prices to suit.
Terms Cash.
P. M. Sorenson
Shop North of P. O.
Barb wire for sale at
Hershey's, corner Fith
and Locust St. Phone 15.
What Is a
Just what it will buy.
In groceries it is worth
About $1.10
Ask your neighbor tho reason. The
answer comes, his prices nro right and
satisfaction guaranteed. Mv larco and
well assorted stock enables every buyer
10 gee wnac no wants, wow la the time
to build. Let me fiiruro vour noxt re
quirements. My estimates will bo founy
the lowest for the same superior quality
of lumber than you will get from and
ono else in tho country.
batistaction is my motto.
Delicious Bread
that confers an added charm to any
moal, is mado bv thoEnternrisoBakerv
and served at your homo every morning
ior orenKinsc. it is tamous among an
who know what is crood to eat. It has
that delightful flavor which is so sel
dom attained oVen among tho beat of
bread makers. Givo us a trial order
and you will know how good it is.
Enterprise Bakery.
Mrs. Jennie Armstrong, Prop.
My 4-X Flouris
Uncle Sam' Pride
and mino also. Why not yours? It's
the perfect flour; n scientific product
of tho most npproved milling methods.
uomcmbcr every grocer in town handles
it, nnd overy suck is guaranteed. Wear
that satisfaction smile that comes from
tho ubo of the first sack of my flour.
"Satisfaction" is my motto.
On the Watch
for tho highest quality nnd best and
most stylish harness that is mado we
alwnys aro, nnd that Is what we Recurn
for our stock. Wo have everything In
up-to-date designs in both light and
heavy horness and horse goods of all
kinds and at fair prices.
Mar Wor
0 Homeopathic Physician
and Surgeon.
Offlcei McDonald Bank Hulldinp.
Phono 183.
A. J. Ames. M. D. Marie Amos, .t. l
Physicians and Surgeons.
Office: Over Stono Drug Co.
Phones: Office 273, Residence 273
Physician and Surgeon.
Office: Over McDonald Bank.
Phonos I Office 130
f hones V RcBidonco 115
Osteopathic Physician,
Rooms 7 anH 8. McDonald
Stato Bank Building,
Phone 148.
Offico over Schntz Clothing
Store. Phono 48
Office: Cor. Front & Dewey Sts.
A full line of Caskets, Robes, etc.
Calls nnswercd promptly.
Day Phone 12C. Night Phono 482.
Office 6051 Dewey. Hinman Block.
uttice nours: b:3U to 12:00 m.
1:30 to 5:00 p. m.
Smokers to be Made Happy
by Using the
Price 50 Cts.
(Special Rates to Dealers.)
This lighter works inbiorcrest wind. land
orBea, neeas no nquia of any kind nor
caps, ii aeuier cannot furnish we can,
Matchless Cigar Lighter Mfg. Co.,
16 John Street, New Yerk.
Probate Notice to Creditor!.
In tho countv murt nf T.lnnnln nnnntv. Mn-
In tho mattor of tho cstato of Edward L.
Kaln, deceased.
Notlco la hereby given, that thn creditors
oi me saw uecoascu win meet tho administra
trix or Bala estato. rjerore me. Gnuntv.Itidirn
of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the county
court room In said county, on theldtb day of
1909, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, for tbe pur
posoot presenting tholr claims for examlnar
tlon, adjustment and allowance. Six months
are allowed for creditors to present their
claims and one year for tho administratrix
to settle said estato from the 19tb day
of October. 1908. This notlco will bo published
In tho North I'latto Tribune for four
weoks successively prior to tho 18th day
of Novombor. 1908.
nuvomucr. ivuo. ana an ma utn anv nr niav.
Witness mv hand and seal of said court this
inn uay oi uctouor. A, I), lws.
o20-4 County Judge,
Tho State of Nebraska. I
Lincoln County, fBS
In tho County Court, October 20th. 1008
In tho mattor of tho estate of Amos II
Adams, deceased.
On reading and filing tho petition of O. M.
Harden, uravlnir that tho Instrument. 11 led
on tho 20th day of October, 1908. and pur
porting to be a duly authenticated copy of
tho lan will and tcstment of the said de
ceased, may Imj proved, approved, probated,
allowed and recorded as tho last
win ana testament or the saw Amos II
Adams, deceased.
uruerea, That wovemuer win, ivua, atv
o-ciock a. m is aasignca ror bearing said
petition, whon all persons Interested In said
matter may appear at a county court to bo
li"ld In and for said county, ana show causo
why tho prayer of tho petitioner should not
bo granted. This order to be published It
consecutive, publications In tbe North I'latte
i riuuno prior to Novomnor tutu, ivots.
oiW-s W. C. Er.nEii. County Judiro,
Department of tho Interior,
United States Land Office.
North I'latto, Nebraska.
Oct. 23. 1008
A sulllclont contest aflldavlt having boon
filed In this olllco by Oliver A. Itldnnnnr. of
l' . 1 1 1 .... V..V. .nlA1,iaMi 1 . t
entry No. 21US0, mado Juno 14th, I WW. for tho
southwest quarter of section 14, township 11,
range uy uuwrny ttrucKmar contcstce.
In which it Is allcircd that said Lntrrnv
Ilruckmar has never established a rusldencoor
roildud upon said land since thedattiof his aatd
Kiitry and has wholly abandoned said land for
more man six montiis last pasu mat hu has
not Improved or cultivated said land and
said laud Is entirely without lmDi-ovcmonts
of any kind or character. That allot aald
defect exists to this date. Bald parties
off or evidence touching said allocation at 10
o'clock - a. m. on Dec. 33, txjforo tho
Keitister and Hocolver at tho united States
L.ami umco in norm natty. Nebraska.
riio saiu contestant navinir, in a proper
aflldavlt, (lied Oct. 23 1WM. set forth facts
which show that after duo dill? unco personal
service of this notlco can not bo mado. It Is
hereby ordered and directed that such notlco
uo given uy uuo ana proper publication.
oW'tt J. ft. Kvamb. Ueslster,
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy vlrttm of an order of sale Issued from
tho district court of Lincoln County. Ne
braska, upon a decree, of foreclosure ren
dered In aald court wherein Henry Walto
math, Is plaintiff and Hannah Hansen, Poter
llanon, John Uultgren, Laura Hultgren and
Arthur Ilulttm n wero defendant), and to mo
directed, I will ontho2Hthdayof Nov , 1908. at
one o'clock p. in., at the east front door of thn
court houho In North I'latto Lincoln County.
Nebraska, sell at public auction tothp highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree. Inter
est and cosik. tho following desctlUxl prop
erty, to-wltt Tho northheast quarter (nek)of
nee. Ion eighteen (IS), township twelve (12)
range thirty-two (3J), In Lincoln county. Ne
braska. Dated North Platte, Nrbraska. October
20th. 1U08.
IMI-H h L. MiLVDi.irtfK.kiJh ftAfrUTt
ovi Mhtnti v.. Martin, defendant: You
ahnraht. nntlfliwl that nn thn 16th day of
October, 1808. John O. Dowey. plaintiff, filed
his petition In tho district of Lincoln county.
Nebraska, against Nathaniel K. Martin, as
defendant, to quiet tltlo In tho plaintiff In
the Northeast quarter hi ui
Fourteen (ID. Township Nino (9) North,
lUnpo Thirty-four (JD west of tho dth Princi
pal Meridian In Lincoln county. Nebraska?
that during the month of December, 18S0. ono
Nicholas Bcullen, who was then owner of said
premises, with his wife Mary Bcullen. made,
executed and delivered to one Nathaniel E,
Martin a toortgago upon said premises to so-
curo an indebtedness or iiw.w, mat biu
mortgagovras recorded In tho county clerk's
offlco of Lincoln county. Nebraska. In Book
0 of Mortgagee at I'ago lSflj that said mort
gage has long Mnco been paid, but through
mistake or neglect still remains of record and
unsatisfied and casts a cloud upon tho tltlo
of said premises; that said mortgage becamo
duo on tho nth day of December. 1891. and
mnrn than ten vnars have elapsed slnCO It be-
camo duo and If unpaid Is barred by tho stat
utes of limitation.
Tho plaintiff Is the owner and In possession
of "aid premises and the object and prayer
of said petition Is to havo said mortgage can
celled and discharged front tho records of
tho county clerk's onico or Lincoln county.
Nebraska, and thataald tltlo to said premises
bo quieted In tho plaintiff, and for such other
and further relief as equity may require.
Ynu are renulred to answer said petition
on or before tho Ttli 'day of December, 1D06.
Dated this mth day or uctoner, iww,
JOHN O. DEWEY. Plaintiff.
oSOl Hy L. E. Itoacb, his Attorney.
Stato of Nobraska, Lincoln County, ss
In tho county court October 17tb, 1008,
In tho matterof tho estate of Albert Ilrown.
On reading and tiling ttia petition or Ida
Kclr HroiTti, praying that the administra
tion of said estate may bo granted to hor as
Ordered. That November 0th. 1908. at 9
o'clock a. m.. Is assigned for bearing said
petition, when an persons lntorcsicu in saiu
matter may apnoar at a county court to bo
held In and for said county, and show cause
why tho prayer of petitioner should not be
granted. This notlco to bo published for six
succcsslvo publications In thn North I'latto
Tribune prior to November utn.
W. U. H1.1IKK,
o20-3 County Judge.
Serial No. (HOI. U. E. 19190.
Notioe for Publication.
Department of the Interior,
Land Ofllce at North I'latto. Nob.
September 21st. 1008.
Notlco Is hereby given that Carl W. McOrow,
of North I'latte. Nobraska. who on December
9th, 1901, mado homestead entry No. 19190.
ror tho northwest quarter vai, sec
tion 8, Township 15 north, Rango 29 west
Sixth Principal Meridian, has Died notlco of
Intention to mako anal flvo year proof
to establish claim to tho land above
described, before tho Register and Re
ceiver at North Platte, Nob., on the 20th
day of November, 1008.
uiaimant names as witnesses: l c. retcr-
son. A. Rudolph, T. J. Combs and W. A,
Stearns, all of North Platte. Nebraska,
rca-B J. K. EVANS, Register.
In the Conntv Court nf Lincoln Cnnntv. Nn-
In tho matter of tho estato of William II.
Welty. decuasod.
Notice Is hereby given. That tho creditors
of tbo said deceased will meet tho adminis
trator of said estato, bo foro me. County
Judge of Lincoln County. Nebraska, at tho
county court room In satd county, on tbo 1st
day of December. 1908, and on the 1st day of
Juno. 1009, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, for thn
purpose of presenting their claims for exami
nation, adjustment ana allowance, rux
months are allowed for creditors tn nresnnt
their claims and ono year for tbo Adminis
trator to settle said estate, from tbo 31st day
of October 1908. This notlco will be publish!
in tho North I'latto Tribune eight publica
tions successively prior to tho 1st day of
December, 1908.
Witness my hand and foal of said court this
31st day of October, A. D. 1908.
n3-8 w. C. Elder, County Judge.
Notlco is horeby given that at 1 o'clock on
Saturday, the fitb day of December. 1908, at
the east front door of tho court house In the
city of North Platte, Nebraska, I will soil at
Subllc auction to tho highest and best bid
er, tho northwest quarter of section 26,
township IS, north of range 83, westof tbo Bth
P. M. fn Lincoln County. Nebraska, tho
terms of said sale to bo ono half cash and the
balanco In three equal annual payments with
Interest from tbe date of sale at bIx percent
per annum upon each of tbe deferred pay
ments. Bald salo is made by virtue of an
order of tho district court of Lincoln county,
Nobraska, lnacaso wherein Wesley T. Wil
cox is plaintiff and Jessie Dlkcman, Almcda
E. Dlkcman, Ohauncy E. Dlkoman. Luclle L.
Dlkeman and Honjamln A. Dlkeman, execu
tor and trustee aro defendants, brought to
partition the above described land and said
sale Is held pursuant to said order.
Nov, 3-5 BrrrMtn Buchanan, Roforco.
Serial No. 761. II. E. 21585,,
Department of tho Intorlor.
U. 8. Land Office at North Platto, Neb.,
November 6, 1908.
Notice Is hereby glvon that John W. Chlld
erston, of Tryon Nob., who on Doc. 18, 1905,
mado Homestead Entry No. 21585, for west half
section 27, southeast quarter southeast quar
ter section 2a northeast quarter, north half
northwest quarter, northeast quarter south
east quarter section 33, township 18 north,
range 81 west, sixth principal meridian, has
filed notlco of his Intention to mako final five
year proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before L. C. Reneau, Clork
of the District Court at Tryon, Nebraska, on
tho23d day of December. 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses: William
itl?' I,ed..I0flhtnl5 Robert McPharland.
William Scott, all at Tryon, Nobrasko.
nfl'8 J. E. Evans. Register.
Porlal No. 0382.
. (Isolated Tractn
Applicable to Nebraska only (34 Stat., 11),1
Public Salo.
. United States Land OfUco.
North Platte. Nobraska. November t, 1008.
Notice Is hereby given that, as directed by
the Commissioner of thoQonoral Land Office,
under provlston3 of tho act of March 2, 1907.
(31 Stat . 1224). wo will offer at public sale, to
tho highest bidder, at 10 o'clock a. m., on
the 23d day of December. 1908. next, at this
office, the following tracts of land, towlf.
West half southeast quarter, section 17. town
ship 10 north., range 30, west 6th principal
Any person claiming adversely tho above
described lands are advised to fllo tholr
claims or objections on or before tho timo
designated for salo.
. , E' Evans, Register,
nfl-fl W. n. O. WootmonsT. Receiver.
By virtue of -an order of salo issued from
the district court ofjLlncoln county. Nebras
ka, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In
said court whoroln Qlrard Trust Company,
trustee. Is plaintiff and John Stoccker, D W,
Stapleten, Mrs. I). W. 8tapleton. his wlfo.
tlrst namo unknown and John Doo aro
defendants, and to me directed. I will on the
28th day of Nov. 1B08. at 1 o'clock p.m.
at the east front door of the court houso In
North Platte. Lincoln county. Nebraska, sell
at nubile auction to the highest bidder for
..'.JV?!11? "ilu "J,15". Interest and
costs.the followfngdescrlbed property, to-wlt:'f,Vauirtr. lBJi HI of section Thirty
three (83), township N no 191,. North of range
TWrty-four 1311. WestoJ 8 P M.ln LlncSfn
County. Nebraska.
Dated at North Platte. Neb., Oct,f. 1908.
o37'5 Shorlff.
In the County Court of Lincoln county. No
braska. In the matter of the estate of Frederick
A Landers, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given, that tho creditors of
said deceased will meet tho Administrator
of said estate, before me. County Judge of
Lincoln county. Nebraska, at the county
December. 1908, and on tho 1st day of June.
190U. at 2 o'clock p. m. each day. for the puS
pose of presenting thelrclalms for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance Six months
are allowed for creditors to present the r
cU tns and ono year for the Administrator to
0"lBlu r1.4'0' '.rora tii 4th day of Auic
N&ih im.SL'W11 . Published In tie
North I'latte Tribune, for eight publications
successively prior to tiio 1st day of December,
,iY"..n?''? my hand and seal of said court,
this Jlsl day of October, A. I). 1908.
nlHi Oounty Judgo.